Nice day spent on the banks of the Hoosic River


On Saturday, August 17, Riverfest took place at the Spruces Park along the Hoosic river in Williamstown.  It was an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the Hoosic River watershed.

Various organizations were represented there.  We had a chance to meet Audrey Werner, Hoffmann Bird Club Communications Officer, and club member Katharine Weinke.  They provided information on the Club’s exciting event summary for 2024-2025.   Sighted on their Guided Bird Walk along the river, were the following: osprey carrying a fish, cormorant, mourning dove, American robin, eastern bluebirds, American goldfinch, chipping sparrow, song sparrow, tufted titmouse, black capped chickadee, white breasted nuthatch, flickers and a phoebe.

Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited representatives were there.  TU Board member Marc Hoechstetter taught fly casting while Dr Charles Wohl taught fly tying.  Board member Rosanne Mistretta and Betsy Clark conducted the Kid-friendly Macroinvertebrate Workshop.  In the river they found Mayfly larvae, Crayfish, Stonefly Larvae, several types of Caddisfly larvae, Water Penny beetles, Midge larvae and Damselfly larvae.

Representatives of The Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooRWA) were there.  It is their citizens’ group that looks after the river.  It is dedicated to the restoration, conservation and enjoyment of the Hoosic River and its watershed, through education, research and advocacy.  It envisions a watershed that is ecologically sound and adds to the quality of life of its residents.  Board members explained the water quality monitoring work in which they are involved.

Judy Grinnell and representatives of the Hoosic River Revival (HRR) were there.  HRR is a volunteer organization dedicated to transforming the aging Hoosic River flood chutes using leading-edge engineering and naturalization measures to reduce flood risk and enhance climate resilience. It envisions an attractive, accessible, healthy, flood-controlled river, which will enhance downtown North Adams and the quality of life for all residents, businesses, and visitors. HRR will accomplish this through advocacy, education, and action in partnership with the City and other stakeholders.

Arriana Collins from HooRWA led the Wild Edibles walk.

A MCLA student and HooRWA intern showed how the water quality testing is performed

There was a River-Inspired Group Sing-Along with Singer/Songwriter Deborah Burns. According to TU President Justin Adkins, there were roughly 20 people singing their hearts out in celebration to the river.

All in all, it was a very pleasant day.

Zebra Mussels found in Onota Lake

In case you missed the article in the Berkshire Eagle on Monday, August 19 entitled “Zebra mussels found in Onota Lake” here is the following:  “The Department of Conservation and Recreation spotted the invasive freshwater mollusks during one of its routine checks of the lake for invasive species, according to a press release issued by Catherine Van-Bramer, the city’s administrative services director.  “This detection only impacts boating operations at the lake and has no impact to other recreational uses of the lake.” according to the release.


“In an effort to stop the spread of zebra mussels to other bodies of water, boaters are asked to inspect their boats, trailers and other recreational equipment. They should also decontaminate all parts of their boat, paddles, and other equipment that have been in contact with water. When doing so, they should not allow wash water to flow in any water body or storm sewer.”


Surely in the upcoming days, more information will be provided about what part of the lake they were located, the probable causes of their spread, various methods to control or eliminate their spread, possibly a boat cleaning station, etc.


Incidentally, water outflow from Onota Lake begins the western branch of the Housatonic River in Pittsfield.  I guess one can expect to see Zebra Mussels show up in Woods Pond in Lenox any time now, if not already.


 Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits for sale in September

By now Massachusetts deer hunters should know if they were selected to receive an antlerless deer permit (ADP), also known as a doe permit.  If not, they can simply click onto the MassFishHunt web page to find out.  If selected, Massachusetts residents must pay a $10.00 fee (non-resident pay $20.00) to purchase the permit.

It’s a lottery system, and not every hunter who wanted one in the wildlife management zone of their choice got one.  The difference between allocation and demand determines the odds of winning an ADP. The exceptions are those who applied for permits in Zones 10, 11, 13, and 14 where everyone who applied got one.  There are too many deer in those zones and MassWildlife is trying to reduce the herd to desirable numbers where there is sufficient food and habitat to sustain them.

There still is a chance to get a permit.  Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits (ADP) will go on sale in late September.

On September 24 at 9:00 a.m. surplus ADPs in zones 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 go on sale. Zone 9 are first-come, first-served and limited to 1 permit per day.  Zones 10, 11, 13, and 14 have no daily or season purchase limit and are available for purchase throughout the entire 2024 season.

On Wednesday, September 25 at 9:00 a.m. surplus ADPs in zones 3, 7, 8, and 12 go on sale. Zones 3, 7, 8, and 12 are first-come, first-served and limited to 1 permit per zone per day.
The following is a list of surplus ADP’s by Zones:  Zone 3 – 567, Zone 7 – 1,331, Zone 8 – 547, Zone 9 – 4,503, and Zone 12 – 446.  There are unlimited surpluses for Zones 10, 11, 13 and 14.

Reimbursement for free licenses

By State mandatory, resident sporting licenses (age 70 and older) and resident and non-resident sporting license for paraplegics are free.  The cost of this freebie is about $1 million which the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife must bear annually.  They recently received some good news.  The Budget Conference Committee included language to reimburse its Inland Fisheries and Game Fund this year, and the Governor retained it when she signed the budget into law. This marks the fourth year they have been successful in getting this language included. They hope to make the statutory fix so they do not need to do this each budget cycle.


Stepping down


I will be stepping down from writing this column at the end of this year.    Simply put, I am not as sharp as I used to be and am slowing down.  Because of that, much more time is required to research, compose, and proofread the proposed articles.  It is also getting to be more difficult attending meetings where useful information is gathered for this column.


I’m amazed how President Joe Biden, who is 12 days younger than me, can lead the free world, while I have problems meeting the weekly deadlines for this column.  It is what it is.


For some time, I have been planning on stepping down and brought this subject up with Berkshire Eagle Executive Editor Kevin Moran last summer.  I originally thought about retiring after my 1,000th column, but here I am writing this 1,071st column.  Then I planned on retiring on my 80th birthday which was in November 2022, but I’m still here. Then I set the drop-dead retirement date on my 20th anniversary of writing this column. That was last February.  Its time for me to stop procrastinating.


In another meeting with Kevin this summer, he suggested that I mention retiring around this time.  In that way, it would give the folks at the Eagle time to seek out another columnist and thus avoid a gap.  That made sense.  Older readers may recall, when my predecessor Ted Giddings retired at the end of 2003, there wasn’t a replacement until February 2004.  It was an excruciating time for us who had become accustomed to reading Ted’s weekly column with our Sunday morning cup of coffee.  That cup of coffee just didn’t taste as good without reading the words of that magnificent scribbler.  Little did I know at the time that his replacement would be me.


Kevin’s suggestion appealed to me in another way, too.  It implied that there would continue to be a Berkshire Eagle outdoor sports column in the future.


Hopefully, the Eagle is successful in finding someone to continue writing about our beautiful woods and waters.





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