About Gene

Gene was born and raised in Lenox, MA. He grew up on a small family farm where he developed his love for the critters that also lived on that land. At an early age he fished for the wild speckled brookies that were in the brook that crossed his land. After a 4 year stint in the USAF and graduated from college, he returned home to Lenox. Although a banker by trade, he was an avid sportsman and loved hunting and fishing. Among his many accomplishments were: President of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU), Chairman of the MA/RI Council of TU, received the Stream Champion Award from TU National, received various awards from the Housatonic Valley Assoc., Secretary of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen. He was the recipient of the 1990 Berkshire County Sportsman of the Year Award, After retiring from his banking career, he began writing a weekly outdoor sports column for the Berkshire Eagle in 2004 and continues to do so to this day. Since becoming an outdoor sports columnist, Gene picked up three more awards: The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen John Zuber Award, the Massachusetts Sportsmen's Council R L Gribbons Award, and the Worcester County League of Sportsmen's "Words of Wisdom" Award.

Steve Sears elected as Acting Chairman of the MA Fish & Wildlife Board

At the last Fish &Wildlife Board meeting which was held on Monday, July 18, Board member Stephen Sears of Dalton was elected the new Acting Chairman.  He replaced Joseph Larson who served as Chairman since 2017, when he replaced the late legendary George “Gige” Darey of Lenox upon his retirement.

Sears, who replaced Gige as the Western District representative, was first appointed to the Board by Governor Baker in 2017.

His selection as Acting Chairman comes as a delightful surprise to area outdoor sportsmen and conservationists.  Ironically, the day Sears was elected, the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) sent a letter to Governor Baker requesting that he be reappointed to the F&W Board.

“There are many reasons for our request”, the letter stated, “We believe he has done a very good job in his first 5 years on the Board representing his western Massachusetts constituents and those across the state.  Fellow members on the Board, the Department of Fish & Game and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife appear to respect his opinions and have appointed him to serve on several very important subcommittees of the Board”.

“He is knowledgeable in the field of conservation and proper management of our natural resources. He enjoys the outdoors not only as a hunter and fisherman, but also as a hiker, bird watcher, nature photographer, mountain biker, skier, and more.   His lifelong love of all aspects of the outdoors comes through very clearly and he is a staunch supporter of many conservation measures.  And because of that, his opinions are respected.”

“He is approachable. Environmentalists, outdoor sportsmen, farmers and others are comfortable approaching him expressing their concerns.  They know he will take time to evaluate them and, if reasonable, will act upon them. During the recent covid pandemic, the general public was able to sit in on the F&W Board meetings via Zoom and they had a chance to see Steve follow-up on their requests. He then follows up with the people.”

“He communicates with his constituents.   Steve attends the BCLS monthly meetings and informs the delegates of recent activities of the Board, Department of Fish & Game and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.  He keeps us in the loop with their activities.”

“His leadership and/or affiliation with such organizations as the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation, Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area, Local Committees such as Notchview Reservation, The Trustees of Reservation makes him a very important member of the Fish & Wildlife Board.


Robert (Bob) Durand was selected as Acting Vice Chairman of the Board.  He replaced Michael Roche who has served many years as the Board’s Vice Chair.


No stranger to the Berkshires, Durand has been an avid outdoorsman and conservationist his entire life, and in 2011 was recognized as such by the Board when it awarded him the Francis W. Sargent Conservation Award. Prior to forming Durand & Anastas Environmental Strategies, he served four terms as State Representative for Berlin and Marlborough, where he lives. He followed that with four terms as a state senator for the Middlesex and Worcester District, during which he chaired the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee, and four years as Secretary of Environmental Affairs, under former governors the late Paul Cellucci and Jane Swift.

During his career as a public servant, Durand forged new bonds between the outdoor and sporting communities and environmentalists, bringing these advocates together to support initiatives that strengthened both.


As a legislator, he wrote the Rivers Protection Act and the Community Preservation Act. As Secretary, he protected 150,000 acres of open space, including major bioreserves open to hunting and fishing, helped usher in the nation’s first state regulations on coal burning power plant emissions and oversaw a vigorous campaign to reduce mercury emissions that bioaccumulate in wildlife and people. He also created Biodiversity Days, an annual event that saw tens of thousands of school children from more than 500 schools, fan out across the state to learn about and catalogue plant and animal species, and championed environmental justice and environmental education

Bob has served as the President of the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation and served on the Board of Trustees for both The Nature Conservancy/Massachusetts Chapter and the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.


Earnest Foster, from Scituate, MA was elected Acting Secretary of the Board.  He replaced Bonnie Booth who served on the Board for 13 years.  Foster is heavily involved with outdoor sports and conservation organizations serving on the Board of the Plymouth County League of Sportsmen, a Level one Instructor for National Sporting Clays, Membership Secretary for the Scituate Rod and Gun Club,  President of the Ruffed Grouse Society Boston/South Shore Chapter, Past President of the Minot’s Ledge Chapter of Ducks Unlimited, member of The American Chestnut Foundation, Trout Unlimited, Old Colony Sportsmen Club and volunteer for various land trusts.

I’m sure you noted that the three individuals were elected as acting officers.   Once all the newly appointed Board members settle in, it is expected that a vote will be taken in November or December to formerly elect them as officers.

New State Record Smallmouth Bass caught in NY

A new state record fish has been established in New York State. On June 15, Thomas Russell Jr. of Albion reeled in an 8 lb. 6 oz. smallmouth bass from Cayuga Lake (Seneca County) while fishing in a Finger Lakes Open Bass Tournament. The smallmouth was caught on a drop shot rig using a soft plastic minnow. After being weighed on a certified scale and getting witness verification, the record-breaking fish was safely released.

Thomas Russell, Jr.

In case you are wondering, the Massachusetts state record for a smallie is 8 lb. 2 oz. and 22 inches long cought out of Wachusett Reservoir by Barbara Sasen in 1991.

The world record smallmouth bass came out of Dale Hollow Lake, a reservoir that straddles the border between Kentucky and Tennessee back in 1955.  It weighed 11 lb. 15 oz. and was caught by David Hayes.

Amazon Smile

The Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s (LSA) Board has recently announced that it is registered on Amazon Smile.  Never heard of it?  Me neither.

According to its news release, if you already buy items from Amazon, you can now use the AmazonSmile website (smile.amazon.com) and have a donation sent from Amazon to the LSA.  This donation doesn’t cost you, the buyer, anything.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Club every time you shop, at no cost to you.  When you shop AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to LSA.

For information and set up procedures go to: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-2691563, and then the next time you want to make a purchase from Amazon go to: https://smile.amazon.com/ to do your purchasing.   “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages.

Fishing the Collection

The American Flyfishing Museum in Manchester, VT has a new film series entitled Fishing the Collection.


In this new film series, they’re taking vintage rods from their collection and putting them in the hands of modern anglers. As they travel to various locations, bamboo rods of yesteryear are put to the test in both salt and fresh water, and anglers share their take on what it’s like to fish with classic equipment. You might find the results visually captivating and educational, allowing the observer to reflect on how far we’ve come in the development of equipment while also honoring the beauty and style of the past. Featured in this episode is a 1973 Orvis Battenkill, 8′, 8wt, 2-piece rod. Click onto https://www.amff.org/fishing-the-collection to see the film.

They plan to release Episode 2 and 3 in the coming weeks.

Readers may recall previous articles in this column where fishing buddy Paul Knauth of Hinsdale and I always took along a vintage bamboo fly rod when we fished the fabled Ausable River near Lake Placid, NY.  Its true, one does get the sense of beauty and style of these rods and think about the anglers who once fished with them in bygone days.

Good news for Red Brook’s “salter” population


You probably never heard of Red Brook.  Well, it’s a small spring fed, 4.5-mile brook that serves as the boundary between Plymouth and Wareham in southeastern Massachusetts.  It empties into Buttermilk Bay near the Cape Cod Canal. Its claim to fame is that it is among just a few streams south of Maine to hold a viable population of so-called “salters.”   (brook trout that move back and forth between fresh and saltwater).

A little history:  Having been lured to Red Brook by its sea-run brook trout fishery, Theodore Lyman III began buying land along its banks in 1870. His first purchase was a small house, salt marsh and shoreline on Buttermilk Bay.  Over the years, adjacent pieces of property were acquired and the total amount of land became substantial and difficult for the family to properly manage.

The Lyman family eventually deeded over their Red Brook property to the MA Council of Trout Unlimited, with the understanding that TU would restore the brook’s sea-run brook trout fishery. At the time, there were approximately 5,000 members in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with a dozen or so chapters.  They are volunteers dedicated to the enhancement and preservation of cold waters and their fisheries, not to acquire land. Now it was tasked with the responsibility of preserving some 650 acres through which the stream flows. It was a daunting task trying to raise funds in order to manage it.

In 2001 TU National signed an agreement with The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR) and the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) that created the 638-acre Red Brook Reserve. The 210-acre Lyman Reserve, owned by the TTOR, is jointly managed by the three parties. The 428-acre Red Brook Wildlife Management Unit section of the reserve was expanded in 2009 to protect the entire stream by the purchase of 245 acres at its headwaters.

Between 2006 and 2009, four dams were removed from Red Brook in the Lyman Reserve by the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, TU and TTOR, along with extensive habitat restoration. TU and its partners have invested millions of dollars and tens of thousands of hours to help protect those salter brook trout and because of that Red Brook’s brook trout population is healthy once again. Herring, eels and brook trout now swim an unobstructed Red Brook for the first time in 150 years. A restoration of Red Brook in cranberry bogs at the headwaters began.

All that effort was put at risk recently by a proposed change to zoning on a large parcel in the stream’s headwaters, which then allowed only single-family homes on lots of three acres. The change was to create a “hospitality, recreation and entertainment” overlay district on 756 acres of pine barren land. If approved, it could have led to development of hotels, multi-family homes and possibly even a horse track and casino.


The proposal elicited fierce opposition from TU members and supporters, among many others.

A town vote was scheduled for April 10, 2022 in Wareham and as the vote approached, volunteers from TU chapters and the MA Council rapidly initiated a campaign to advocate for the defeat of the proposal. Donors helped raise over $15,000, which helped with advertising to urge citizens of the town to vote against the proposal.  (Our local Taconic Chapter of TU kicked in $500).

Jeff Yates, TU National’s Director of Volunteer Operations did a terrific job of designing placards and yard signs and creating catchy slogans, such as, “Save the Salters!”

Other organizations opposed to the proposed zoning change included the Wareham Land Trust, the Southeastern Massachusetts Pine Barrens Alliance, the Buzzards Bay Coalition, TTOR, the Community Land and Water Coalition, the Sea Run Brook Trout CoalitionWildlands Trust and the Northeast Wilderness Trust. The Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe has also opposed the measure.

“Big box developments such as the one proposed in the headwaters are as common as bird poop on a summer windshield,” TU President and CEO Chris Wood wrote in a column prior to the vote. “The people of Wareham can send a powerful message to communities across New England by voting ‘no’ on April 10 and demonstrating that we are not a desperate nation willing to fill in every open space with concrete, glass and metal.”

And that’s what the voters did with an overwhelming “no” vote.  “The rout was welcome to all who so quickly mobilized to ensure the protection of one of Massachusetts’ natural treasures and will, we can hope, show the power of a community coming together to fight for something it loves”, wrote the Wareham Week newspaper.

Because of its efforts, Peter Shilling, former Massachusetts Council Chairman and current delegate nominated it as the Council of the Year as a part of TU’s Annual Awards, and it was selected.

“Congratulations” wrote Beverly Smith, VP for Volunteer Operations. “The work you all have put in has shown clear results in the rivers and communities you support. The opening of Peter’s nomination says it all:

“Successful organizations like the Massachusetts Council have a fabric, a tapestry woven and held together over time by the relationships of people bound by common beliefs and goals. The quality of those connections, what people pass along person to person over time, is what leads to success in accomplishing significant goals, conservation or otherwise. The nomination of this award for the Massachusetts Council comes out of its work last year saving Red Brook, a fully restored sea run brook trout stream, from devastating development in its headwaters. But the story really is longer, broader and deeper than just one year’s actions, however significant.”

“We can’t say it better than that” wrote Smith.

The Massachusetts Councill will be honored in front of TU volunteer peers from across the nation at TU’s Annual Award celebration on Friday, July 22 in Portland, Maine. Most likely current MA Council President Henry Sweren, from Lanesborough, will be there to accept the award on behalf of the Council.

“It’ll be a real treat to honor and celebrate you!” wrote Smith. “On behalf of all of us at TU, a big thank you and congratulations!”

I should mention that although the Massachusetts Council and its statewide chapters steadfastly supported the Red Brook project over the past 30 years, the brunt of the workload (manual labor, fundraising, etc.) was carried out by members of the Cape Cod and Southeast Chapters of TU with serious funding by the Greater Boston Chapter.  There have been many wonderful volunteers fighting to preserve that little brook over those years, especially Cape Cod TU member and Council delegate Warren Winders.  He deserves an extra pat on the back for his unwavering and steadfast efforts.

But wait, there’s more.  Don’t be surprised if the Massachusetts Council, and particularly the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of TU, receive another award in the future for work they are doing on the Deerfield River.  DRWTU members Kevin Parsons, Chris Jackson and others are receiving national attention for their brown trout studies and their efforts in working with various state and federal agencies and Brookfield Power Co. in trying to level off the year-round water flows which to date have been so harmful to the reproduction of the wild brown trout population.

The current FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) license allows for minimum flows of 125 cfs (cubic feet per second) year-round. For the new license, DRWTU, MA DEP and MA DFW have been pushing to increase the minimum flow to 225 cfs from November to April to protect wild brown trout redds and eggs from being de-watered and exposed to the air, killing them off.

Two past brown trout spawning studies showed that nearly 40 percent of identified trout redds were de-watered at flows of 125 cfs. Further studies showed that at 225 cfs, the redds, flowing water would cover the eggs and keep them protected.  Parsons and Jackson have been doggedly pursuing this goal for many years and there may be a breakthrough this year.

Incidentally, Trout Unlimited has approximately 300,000 members nationwide with about 390 chapters.  The chapter in the Berkshires is the Taconic Chapter.  Most states have a TU Council with delegates from all chapters.

On a personal note, I have been a card-carrying member of the Taconic Chapter for nearly 40 years now and as I wrote in last week’s column, “Stuff like this (above) is what makes me proud to be a member of such great organizations”.

Duck hunters donate research tool

The following is a news release from MassWildlife:

“On June 22, state officials accepted a special piece of waterfowl research equipment donated by the Massachusetts Chapter of Ducks Unlimited (DU) and Western Mass. Duck Hunters (WMDH). A tub net launcher is a tool used by trained wildlife biologists in the field to capture waterfowl like mallards and black ducks for banding.

“We are extremely grateful for our ongoing partnership with Ducks Unlimited and Western Mass. Duck Hunters,” said Mark S. Tisa, MassWildlife Director. “This equipment donation will make a huge difference in our capacity to band and study ducks, and will be put to use by our biologists right away this summer.”

In the field, biologists bait a small area with corn, wait for the birds to congregate, then use the tub launcher to discharge a net that is capable of capturing many ducks at once. Biologists place a leg band on each bird with a unique ID code and record data like sex, location, and species before releasing them. This information is critical to the conservation and management of waterfowl, as biologists gather data on the movements and survival of these birds across the Atlantic flyway.

“I want to thank the hunters who put in the time and energy to fundraise and provide a piece of equipment the state was in desperate need of,” said Ron Amidon, Department of Fish and Game Commissioner. “Your generous donation will directly support conservation work right here in Massachusetts.”

Securing this piece of research equipment was not an easy task, as tub net launchers are hard to find and must be custom built. Dedicated volunteers from DU and WMDH organized all the fundraising to purchase the equipment and found a company willing to build the custom tool.

“It took many months but I am very proud of our dedicated members who really stepped up to help fund this research,” said John Dow, State Chair for the Massachusetts Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. “We are always looking for opportunities to partner and support local conservation projects.”

“Part of our club’s purpose is to understand waterfowl populations, maintain critical habitat, and advance wildlife education,” said Ed Snyder, longtime member of Western Mass. Duck Hunters. “Our volunteers have been supporting conservation efforts like this for years, such as the installation and maintenance of nesting boxes for wood ducks.”

Hunters play a critical role in funding and supporting wildlife conservation. For example, Ducks Unlimited has been a key partner to MassWildlife in many recent conservation projects, including the restoration of wetland habitat at Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area in Hanson and the improvement of public access sites at Three Mile Pond Wildlife Management Area in Sheffield. All hunters contribute to the funding of wildlife management, as proceeds from hunting licenses, permits, and stamps, as well as a portion of federal excise taxes on hunting equipment, is given to state fish and wildlife agencies for conservation”.


Stuff like this makes me proud to be a member of such outdoor organizations.

North Adams’ Hoosic River: past, present, and future


Judy Grinnell, the founder of the Hoosic River Revival (HRR), and Cary Kandel, an HRR board member and clerk of the board, will speak at the July Pittsfield Green Drinks event on Tuesday, July 19, at 6:00 PM on Zoom. Judy and Cary will dive into the history of the Hoosic River, a 76-mile-long tributary of the Hudson River that partially runs through the northern Berkshires. They’ll talk about the many facets of Hoosic River Valley history, the great things it’s brought to this area for centuries, and the challenges.

As part of the discussion, Grinnell and Kandel will take a brief ‘look back’ at our Hoosic River Valley history from its Mohican, Colonial, Industrial, and fledgling Tech days. They will also address the River’s blessings, challenges, and the solution to those challenges: a three-sided concrete sluice. With current information about river restoration and relevant conceptual plans, they will share the current status of the local, state, and federal government’s roles in the development of a healthy, accessible, flood-controlled downtown river in North Adams.


Judy Grinnell is a former French teacher, Williams College conferences director, and Storey Publishing sales manager. She has also led and participated in many Berkshire County organizations, such as the League of Women Voters, the Mt. Greylock School Committee, and the Northern Berkshire United Way Board of Directors. Since 2008, she has been advocating for a modernization of the aging, unattractive, flood-controlled section of the Hoosic River in North Adams.

Cary Kandel is an avid outdoorswoman, bird watcher, and health care practitioner. She has a strong interest in the relationship between the health and resilience of a community and its surrounding natural environment. Now working as a physical therapist at the Berkshire Medical Center, she has a keen interest in creating engaging activities that will inspire others to support the restoration of the River.


Pittsfield Green Drinks is an informal gathering on the third Tuesday of the month. These nights are free and open to everyone with any environmental interest. The drinks aren’t green but the conversations are.


***Due to COVID-19, these events are virtual until further notice.

This event will take place on Zoom. Registration is required to join. You can register at: https://tinyurl.com/July2022-Green-Drinks

Pittsfield Green Drinks is sponsored by the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT). For more information (and photos) regarding Pittsfield Green Drinks, contact Chelsey Simmons, chelsey@thebeatnews.org,  (413) 464-9402.

Pistol License Course

The Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) will be sponsoring a Massachusetts Pistol License Course on Saturday, July 23.  This course qualifies participants to apply for a Massachusetts FID or LTC, plus pistol licenses in other states.  This comprehensive one-day course includes information for federal and state firearm laws, operation and safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals, care and cleaning, concealed carry methods, a live fire session on the LSA Indoor Pistol Range, and much more.

Course fee is $160 due in cash on the day of the course. State license application fees and processing are not included. Participants will receive a course certificate, application forms, other resources, supporting documents and new Walker’s earmuffs and safety glasses that are theirs to keep.  Club membership applications will be available at the course.

To register, visit www.NRApistolinstructor.com and use the Contact form; provide your full name including middle initial, date of birth, course date, course selection (Massachusetts Pistol License Course (LTC-020) at Lee Sportsmen’s Association with date), address, telephone, and email contact information.  Payment is due in cash at the course.

Check-in starts at 8:30am, and the course will run from 9am until approximately 1:30pm.

For more information contact Robert McDermott at (413) 232-7700 or email robmcdermott@verizon.net.

West Branch Housatonic River Cleanup

On Saturday, July 23, from 9 AM – 1 PM, volunteers are invited to help clean up the West Branch of the Housatonic River.


Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the years, Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) have collected a startling array of debris. Since beginning annual cleanups, their efforts have made a noticeable difference, with the piles of trash getting smaller.

Meet at Wahconah Park, 105 Wahconah Street, Pittsfield.  Cleanup teams will disperse to nearby locations, gathering miscellaneous trash from the river banks and bottom. Canoes will be used to transport the trash. Old clothes, a hat, sunscreen, old sneakers or waterproof boots/waders, a full water bottle, and sunglasses are recommended.


West Branch river cleanups are organized by BEAT and HVA and co-sponsored by Blue Q, the City of Pittsfield, and American Rivers. The cleanup will be canceled in the event of pouring rain or thunder.


For more information or to register to volunteer, contact BEAT at team@thebeatnews.org or call (413)464-9402.


Berkshire Natural Fish Hatchery Youth Fishing Derby

The Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in conjunction with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will be sponsoring a free fishing derby today at the lower pond of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for children 13 and under.  They must be accompanied by an adult.   My apologies for this late notice.

Carp Palooza Derby was a great success


Carp Palooza is a carp fishing derby that ran on Pontoosuc Lake from 3:00 pm on June 25 until midnight, June 26. Two person teams vied for money and trophies.  Some of the trophy titles were:  Best Combined Weight, Largest Mirror Carp and the Dink Master Award for the smallest carp caught.   Derby rules state that all fish must be weighed and released alive

According to Carp Palooza organizer Joshua Christman, it was a great event with 39 teams participating.  Some of them traveled 3 hours to participate even though it was very hot.   Special thanks go to Steve Bateman for helping to promote the event.

Christman said that it was non-stop fish weighing from his boat. He gave a huge thank you to his friend Brandon Murray of Pittsfield who also weighed fish from his boat. “Without his help it would not have been possible to keep up”’ said Christman

First place was won by Dan Conant and Mark Dimond with a two Carp weight of 30.6 lbs.  Payout for first place was $750.  Second place was won by the team of Austin Harvender and Dylan Ladoucer with a two Carp weight of 30.00 Lbs.  They went home with $400. Third place was won by Jay Pesci and Scott Rozzay Dickey, and they went home with $200.

The Lunker Pool payout was $350, and was also won by the first- place team Dan Conant and Mark Dimond.  They ended up with $1,100.00 in prizes.

The largest Mirror Carp award went to Robert Houghtlin and Payton Quinn. They won two $25 Dicks Sporting Good’s gift cards and two Carp nets.  Even the smallest Carp won a prize.  Rebecca Parlato won the Dink Award with a 6 lbs carp.  She won a unique trophy and a $25 gift card to Dicks Sporting Goods.

There was another winner – The Jimmy Fund.  Some $740 was raised for it and the funds were given to Steve Bateman to remit.  Those funds, when added to the funds raised in the Harry Bateman Fishing Derby totaled over $10,740!  Thanks to the anglers who participated, to Joshua who organized the event and to all the helpers, contributors and sponsors.

Sponsors of the Carp Palooza Derby are as follows:  Private Donations from Christopher Parlato, Becki Grimsley and Ron Mazzeo Jr, Haddad’s (Pittsfield), Wal-Mart (Pittsfield/North Adams), RSI Signs (Pittsfield), Dick’s Sporting Goods (Pittsfield), Undisputed Belt.com, Wristband bros.com, VulgrCo.com and Sticker company.

Josh Christman did a yeoman’s job in putting this derby together.  Incidentally, if his name sounds familiar, he has won numerous MA Freshwater Fishing Awards.  He was named MA Adult Catch and Keep Angler of the Year in 2016, 2020 and 2021.

Joshua is also owner of Christman Charters.

Antlerless Deer Permit applications due by July 16

If you want to hunt antlerless deer this fall, you need an antlerless deer permit, sometimes called a doe permit. If you apply for a permit by the July 16 deadline, you then must check back after August 1 to find out if you have been awarded the ability to purchase the permit.

Hunters can apply online using MassFishHunt on a computer or smartphone. You need a valid hunting or sporting license to apply for an antlerless deer permit. There is no fee to apply; a $5 fee is charged only if you are awarded a permit during the instant award period.

The instant award period begins August 1 at 8:00 a.m. and ends on December 31. Your odds of being awarded a permit are the same regardless of when you check your permit status. You can check the status of your permit through MassFishHunt.

Because this is a new system, I recommend that you not wait until the last minute to apply.  You never know if you will encounter a glitch of some kind.

River Flowers

Author Robert (Bob) Romano has come out with a new book entitled River Flowers.

He is author of at least 6 prior books, most of which I have reviewed in this column, simply because I like his writing.  Most of his books feature stories about fictional people and the entire book follows what happens to them.   They are always based in Western Maine commonly known as the Rangely area.

River Flowers is different in the sense that there are 22 individual short, unrelated stores.  But they are all in a way linked together because of where the stories take place, – the Rangely area of Maine.

Romano did not divert from a talent which I really like.  Although they are fictional stories with fictional characters, the surrounding scenery of which he writes is far from fictional.  When he wrote about the dark forests, the trillium and trout lilies along the pathways, smelling the balsam and spruce and observing the tea -colored streams you know he’s been there, done that.  (Actually, Bob should know what he is writing about for he and his family has owned a seasonal cottage there for 40 years).

So, how do you know?  If you have ever visited and fished that area you have smelled the aroma of those woods and walked the damp pine needled forest floor, yourself.  Not every author can capture and convey those surroundings, but Bob does it perfectly.

Most of his chapters keep you wondering where he is going with the story up until the last page, sometimes the last paragraph.

This book is not for the living room end/coffee table, but rather for your night stand.  The chapters are just long enough to get through and then drop off to sleep.   No, I assure you the book is not so boring that you fall to sleep before finishing a chapter.  But when you nod off after reading a chapter, it almost feels like you are bringing the balsa, spruce and the sound of the flowing rivers into your dreams.

Another thing which strikes me about this book is that even though all ages of readers should enjoy it, it is especially appealing to older (or shall we say experienced) anglers.  Not sure if intended, but he writes about things that older anglers, those who have been around a while and are inching toward the riverbend, can relate.  In one story, I loved how an angler was thrashing through a dense forest trying to get away from the angling crowds heading toward the sound of a bubbling stream somewhere downhill, hopefully containing wild brook trout.  I’m not sure if our younger anglers do that anymore.

But I think the younger generation of anglers will also enjoy this book.  It is a great example of how the old anglers used to fish and how the old- time outdoor writers used to write.

One thing which puzzled me about the book was is its name –River Flowers.  What’s with that?  It wasn’t until nearly the end of the book that he reveals what it is all about.  Pretty slick.  Clue – it has something to do with Henry David Thoreau.

Having read all of Romano’s books, I find this one his best. I’ve already started reading it again.

It is a soft-cover 217- page book containing 22 stories with artwork by his daughter Emily Rose Romano. It is published by West River Media and costs $25.

Pick one up for grandpa, he’ll enjoy it.

Happy 4th

Here’s hoping that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July.  As you undoubtedly know, our country has gone through a tough couple of years, with Covid, an insurrection, mass shootings, ridiculous gas and grocery prices and more.

No, we are not a perfect nation, at least not for everyone, but let’s work on that.

Speaking for myself, there is no other place on earth where I would rather live.  How about you?

Operation Dry Water will be taking place over the July 4th holiday

Operation Dry Water will be taking place over the July 4th holiday


At the last Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s meeting, Lt. Tara Carlow, of the Massachusetts Environmental Police reported that local officers will be closely monitoring our lakes and ponds over the July 4th weekend for boaters operating under the influence.

In fact, law enforcement officers across the country will be on heightened alert for those in violation of boating under the influence laws as part of the annual Operation Dry Water (ODW) weekend, July 2 – 4.   ODW is a year-round boating-under-the-influence awareness and enforcement campaign focused on reducing the number of alcohol and drug-related incidents and fatalities. The U.S. Coast Guard, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies, recreational boating safety advocates and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) are gearing up to spread awareness and prevent tragedies related to boating under the influence (BUI).

Alcohol use continues to be the leading contributing factor in recreational boating fatalities. Since the commencement of the ODW campaign in 2009, law enforcement officers across the nation have removed over 4,700 impaired operators from our nation’s waterways, preventing dangerous and potentially catastrophic consequences. Law enforcement agencies from every U.S. state and territory are expected to participate in the ODW campaign, focusing their efforts on detecting impaired boaters and educating the public about the dangers of BUI. In 2020, 620 agencies from every state and territory took part in the ODW weekend.

“Our mission is to ensure that everyone on the water has a safe and enjoyable experience,” says Tim Dunleavy, NASBLA Chair. “This means that all operators and passengers should choose to boat sober all season long. Boating under the influence is a 100% preventable crime. ODW, participating law enforcement agencies and our boating safety partners encourage boaters to stay safe by staying sober while boating.”

Not only is alcohol use dangerous for operators, but also presents hazards to passengers as well. Intoxication can cause slips, falls over board and other dangerous incidents. Where cause of death was known, nearly 80% of fatal boating incident victims drowned.  Passengers under the influence are at-risk of serious injury and death, whether the boat operator is sober or impaired, and whether the boat is underway or not.

For more information about Operation Dry Water visit http://www.operationdrywater.org.

Incidentally, a local radio station interviewed Lt. Carlow last year and discussed such matters as ATV’s regulations, jet ski regulations, boating safety, what is allowed on boat ramps, no swimming in boat ramp areas, operating under the influence in boats and kayaks and the effects on their automobile drivers’ licenses. She also discussed bear complaints, leaving fawns alone and deer ticks.

The interview will be re-aired on WTBR 89.7 FM and PCTV on July 8th.   Check your radio station listings for you won’t want to miss it.   There is also a link to last year’s radio show at:



I listened to it, and am confident that you will enjoy and learn a lot from it.


Another link that explains the National initiative for Operation Dry Water is as follows:


https://www.nasbla.org/operationdrywater/home  https://episodes.castos.com/5e471e591dc128-48970570/OnPatrolPodcast061121.mp3


Dead birds are being found throughout the state’s coastlines, Avian Flu suspected

“Over the past week, Massachusetts has seen a substantial uptick in reports of dead and dying seabirds, including eiders, cormorants, and gulls,” said MassWildlife State Ornithologist Andrew Vitz. “We are asking for the public’s help in reporting observations of sick shorebirds along the coastline. Prompt reporting will expedite testing and diagnosis in cooperation with our state and federal partners who have been monitoring HPAI for several years”.

MassWildlife, MA Department of Public Health and the MA Department of Agricultural Resources are advising the public to refrain from touching or removing birds from coastal areas that appear sick, injured or deceased. Impacted birds include seagulls, ducks, terns and cormorants. If anyone finds a wild sick, injured or dying seabird, they’re asked to file a report at mass.gov/reportbirds. For other species of wild birds, like songbirds, only report 5 or more birds at one location. If one finds a sick domestic bird, contact MDAR’s Division of Animal Health at 617-626-1795.


Both wild and domesticated birds can become infected with avian flu. While raptors, waterfowl and other aquatic birds and scavengers are most at risk for infection, any bird species is considered susceptible. Although birds may show no symptoms of infection, they also may die suddenly. Other symptoms include decreased energy, appetite and egg production, soft-shelled or misshapen eggs, swelling of the head, comb, eyelids, wattles and hocks, nasal discharge, diarrhea and an uncoordinated gait.”

“Avian Influenza rarely infects humans,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Catherine Brown. “Although the risk is low, direct contact with infected birds or heavily contaminated environments can sometimes spread the disease to people. The public is urged not to handle or feed any birds suspected of being infected”.

Around 10,000 salmon stocked in the Quabbin Reservoir

Recently the MA Department of Fish and Game announced that thousands of landlocked salmon were stocked in the Quabbin Reservoir last month. The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, (MassWildlife), restocked the reservoir with its annual allotment of 10,000 landlocked salmon raised at their Roger Reed Fish Hatchery in Palmer. The fish were stocked throughout the reservoir on May 24 and 25.

The Roger Reed Hatchery in Palmer is the only fish hatchery in the state that raises salmon. The other four raise trout, officials said.

The eggs originally come from Maine and are raised for 1.5 years, reaching eight to ten inches before being released into the reservoir.  Once when they reach 15 inches, or about three years from now, can they be legally caught.

Land-locked salmon, which do not normally swim to the ocean, have been put into the Quabbin Reservoir for over 40 years.

According to MassWildlife, the Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs are the only two water bodies that have land-locked salmon.  A primary reason is that there are smelt populations in them, which I suspect the salmon consider a delicacy.

Results of recent Hoosic River clean-up

According to John Burns, President of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited, volunteers did “pretty well” on the Hoosic River clean-up recently in spite of the fact that the predicted number of volunteers didn’t show up.  They cleaned from the Alcombright Ball Fields at New Street, North Adams, down to the bridge at Protection Avenue, about a quarter mile.

The Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooRWA) and the Hoosic River Revival (HRR) joined forces for this project.

Can you believe the amount of junk collected out of the river in that one quarter mile stretch?  How can people treat our beautiful rivers this way?

So, what’s the DFW Western District folks up to these days. 

Well, they have been pretty busy answering bear complaints.  Some people still persist in putting out their bird feeders which predictably results in visitations by the bears.  There are some people who are outright feeding them. One wonders if they are aware that at least one Berkshire County town has an ordinance against willfully feeding bears and another town is seriously considering doing the same.  (We are not talking bird feeders here, but actually feeding them.)  One wonders if they are aware that feeding a bear could actually result in an unhappy ending for that bear.

To quote MassWildlife, “Bears that are frequently fed may completely lose their fear of people. (They) may break into sheds, garages, cages, and homes in search of food. If a bear behaves in a way that is a threat to public safety, it may be euthanized.”  “Many wild animals are attracted to bird feeders including wild turkeys and coyotes. Since bird feeders attract small mammals like squirrels, they can also attract animals like fishers and bobcats who prey upon the smaller animals”.

Last year, a neighbor of ours who has several bluebird houses lost all of their newly hatched bluebirds to the bears.

Please, don’t intentionally or indirectly feed the bears.

The staff of the DFW Western District is also busy:

  • Banding eaglets (baby eagles). So far this year they have banded five of them.
  • They will also be doing some goose banding this summer.
  • They will be mowing the fields located in their Wildlife Management Areas. The mowing runs from June to October.

What do you do if you find a fawn?


MassWildlife says, leave it alone. The animal may be motionless and seem vulnerable, but this is the normal behavior. Even if you see a fawn alone for several days, leave it alone. The mother is probably feeding or bedded nearby. Does visit their fawns to nurse very infrequently, a behavior that helps fawns avoid detection by predators. It is not uncommon for fawns to be left alone for 6-8 hours at a time. Young fawns are usually quite safe when left alone because their color pattern and lack of scent help them to remain undetected.

A couple of years ago, I wrote about a doe that gave birth on an island in Lake Ashmere, probably to get away from people and predators.  While fishing one early morning, the doe swam past me and went up on the island.  A few minutes later, there they were mother and a tiny happy fawn splashing along its shoreline.

If you have taken a fawn into your care, you should immediately return it to where you found it, or to safer cover nearby (within 200 yards). Then, quickly leave the area to ensure the fawn doesn’t follow you and so the mother feels safe enough to return. The mother will soon return to nurse the fawn, even after it has been handled by humans. Don’t try and feed fawns as they have sensitive stomachs.

If a fawn is visibly injured, call MassWildlife at 508-389-6300. Fawns cannot be cared for by wildlife rehabilitators.

e facts from MassWildlife

  • A fawn that is still and unresponsive. Fawns view humans as predators and will drop their head and freeze to avoid detection.
  • A fawn that is crying. Fawns can bleat (vocalize) in a way that sounds like crying if they are disturbed or are trying to locate their mother.
  • A fawn that is in your yard. Fawns are commonly found bedded in brushy areas with vegetative cover or even in some grassy areas – even in suburban areas close to homes or near roadways. Their mother felt this was a safe place for the fawn. On occasion, a fawn that has been disturbed may wander into a dangerous area or an area where the mother may not feel comfortable going (e.g., onto a road, near people, into a garage, etc.). Only if a fawn is in real danger should you interfere by moving the fawn to nearby forested or shrubby area where there is thick cover. Then leave quickly, so the fawn does not follow, and don’t linger. The mother will not come if you are nearby.
  • A fawn alone for long periods of time. Young fawns remain bedded, alone for most of the day and night. The mother will return several times to nurse briefly. She will not approach if people are nearby.
  • A fawn that looks skinny and weak. All fawns appear skinny, but it’s not an indication that they are abandoned or starving. If disturbed, they may also look like they are weak or having trouble walking. Never feed a fawn; their stomachs are sensitive and the food or milk you give them can be very harmful.

These are all normal things for fawns, and while they may be alarming, you do more harm than good attempting to care for a fawn.

At the June meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, MEP Lt. Tara Carlow commented on this subject.  To date, the MEP took only one fawn to a rehabber and that was because the fawn’s mother was dead and the fawn would not leave her.  She noted that in the entire state, there is only one fawn rehabber.

Habitat management grant application opens mid-July

Private and municipal landowners of conserved lands can apply for grant funding to support active habitat management projects that benefit wildlife and enhance outdoor recreation opportunities. MassWildlife’s Habitat Management Grant Program (MHMGP) provides financial assistance for projects that:

  1. improve habitat for game species
  2. manage for State Wildlife Action Plan species, with an emphasis on State Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern species, and
  3. enhance habitat in ecological communities disproportionally susceptible to climate change.

Although MassWildlife and other conservation organizations have made unprecedented investments in land acquisition in Massachusetts, acquisition alone is not enough to guarantee the persistence of biological diversity. Investment in habitat restoration and management is urgently needed on public and private lands across the state. To address this need, MassWildlife and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs have substantially increased their investment in habitat management on state wildlife lands and are committed to working with partners to promote these efforts on conserved lands across the state. Over the past 7 years, the MHMGP has awarded over $2.4M in funding to 35 different organizations and individuals for 92 habitat improvement projects.

MassWildlife is offering technical assistance to landowners who want to apply to the MHMGP from now until July 15. If you are interested in speaking to a MassWildlife Habitat Biologist about habitat management on your property or your eligibility for the MHMGP, contact James Burnham, Program Coordinator.

If your project site is within priority habitat, a pre-review of the project is highly encouraged. Email Emily Holt, Senior Endangered Species Review Biologist with a site map and description of the project to begin the pre-review process.  Requests for pre-reviews should be made at least 3 weeks before the MHMGP application deadline.

Grant applications will be accepted starting July 15, 2022 and are due by August 31, 2022. Technical assistance on potential grant application projects needs to be completed by the opening of the application period. Visit the MHMGP webpage at any time to learn more about the application process and to see examples of funded projects. For general questions about the grant program, contact James Burnham, Program Coordinator.

Report wild turkey sightings

MassWildlife encourages all wildlife enthusiasts to contribute to our state’s annual Wild Turkey Brood Survey.

Record and report observations of hens (female turkeys), poults (newly-hatched turkeys), jakes (juvenile males) and toms (adult males). Be especially careful when counting broods, because small poults can be tough to see in tall grass or brush.

Every year from June 1 to August 31, your wild turkey reports help state biologists determine productivity, compare long-term reproductive success, and estimate fall harvest potential. Reports come from all regions of the state, from our most rural communities to our most densely-populated areas. Citizen support for the brood survey is a cost-effective way to gather valuable data. It’s also an additional fun way for people to connect with nature. Please note that turkey nesting success can vary annually in response to weather conditions, predation and predator populations, and habitat characteristics.

The easiest method for reporting your wild turkey observations is online. If you prefer to report on paper, you can download and print a Turkey Brood Survey form, complete it over the summer, and mail it to, MassWildlife Field Headquarters, Attn: Brood Survey,1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Another nice field trial held at the Berkshire Beagle Club


According to Berkshire Beagle Club (BBC) Board Member, Jeffrey St John and Club Secretary Pat Barry, they had a good turnout at its Derby Trial last Saturday.  A Derby Trial is for dogs 6 months old, up to the day they turn 2 years old.  The club ran the trial by AKC SPO (Small Pack Option) rules.   There were 25 entries which far exceeded their expectations. The beagles were classified as either 13-inch or 15-inch males and females combined.

The winner of the 13-inch class was Butlers Bilbo owned by BBC member Kate Butler of East Chatham, NY.  The winner of the 15-inch class was OT’s Finnegan Fluffy Cakes owned by Emmelia Elizabeth May and handled by Scott Harrington, both of Cambridge, NY.  BBC President Al Costa’s dog, Timberswamp Miss Lulu, took the Next Best Qualifier (NBQ) honors in the 15-inch class.


According to St John, Club members Sal Dabbraceio, Filipe Ribeiro and John Morris put on a delicious feast, with rabbit, pork and turkey in various entrees along with potato salad and beverage.

Darn!  I was unable to attend the trials.  I especially wanted to try Filipe’s rabbit meal of which I heard many positive comments.

This year’s Bateman Jimmy Fund fishing derby was the greatest

Josh Curtin with his son Dominic holding the winning basLast Saturday (June 5, 2022) was a great day to be at the Onota Lake Frank Controy Pavilion. That’s where the Jimmy Fund Derby took place. According to organizer, Steve Bateman, it was the largest Jimmy Fund Derby that they have ever put on.

Here, let Steve tell you about it:

“The derby was a huge success with over 355 people in attendance, 300 of them registered fisherman. Over 60 fishing poles were given out to children and some adults not including the trophy prizes. 30 of the fishing poles were given out in the memory of Danny Pero.

We had many new children who had never fished before, with some tickets being purchased by Tony Jackson’s Westside Legends group members giving several children and a parent the opportunity to fish this event. Brian, John and Chuck from the Western Mass Crippled Old Busted Bikers Group spent time teaching many new young anglers how to fish (which) was a great experience for all.

The highlight of the day was the winner of a special door prize for adults ages 15 and 16 years old. Since these young adults missed out in the children’s category 2020 and 2021, which were cancelled due to the Covid pandemic, we wanted to do something special over the top. We gave out a Pelican fishing kayak, oar, life vest and tackle bag. This was provided by our good friend Joshua Christman of Christman Charters. Josh also puts on Carp Palooza event which is highly endorsed by the Harry Bateman Fishing Derby Committee and which will be held on June 25 at Pontoosuc Lake.  It’s a great time.   This prize was given in the memory of Betty Jean Bateman, Harry Bateman’s wife and Co- Chair of the Harry Bateman Fishing Derby Committee. Betty passed away in July of 2021. RJ Albano was the winner. The smile on his face said it all.

Amazing trophies by Jones Trophies were donated by Steve Ray of Berkshire Real Estate Associates.

There was plenty of food provided by Craig Benoit of the Hot Dog Ranch, Sysco Co., Integrity Distributors, Market 32 and Freihofer Bakery. Beverages were provided by Gildo’s Autobody and Don Davis Heating and Cooling.

Hundreds of dollars in raffle prizes were given out. Funds for all of the amazing prizes are donated by friends of the Committee. Our goal is always 200 attendants and to raise $5000 for the Jimmy fund. (This year) we had over 300 people and raised over $10,000 – a record.

Sorry, no group pictures were taken due to Covid.”

The derby event winners were:
































Space doesn’t allow me to get into all of the fantastic raffled items, but I will say this; at least 6 beautiful bikes were raffled out by age category.


As Steve pointed out, a great event like this doesn’t just happen.  He had a lot of helpers and supporters, not the least being his wife Sheri.


No, I didn’t win any of the raffle prizes, but I went home a much richer man having been there to experience this event.


Lee Sportsmen’s Association Higher Education Scholarship awarded to Brianna Kelly

The Lee Sportsmen’s Association Board of Directors and LSA Youth Programs congratulate Lee High School class of 2022 graduate and LSA Member Brianna Kelly, who was awarded the LSA Higher Education Scholarship at the Membership Meeting on June 1st.  This is a one-time award in the amount of $500 to youth who have been members of LSA for at least two years and have participated in LSA Youth Programs activities for at least one season, such as youth teams (LSA Buckshots Jr. Shotgun, High Caliber Jr. Pistol, Air2Spare Jr. Air Pistol, or Archery) or youth hunts.  It is offered to graduating high school senior students who have been accepted into some type of higher education institution, such as a four-year college, two-year college, trade school, technical school, or prep school.  The available dollar amount and number of scholarships awarded is determined annually by the amount of funds available in the LSA Youth Programs account.

Brianna will be attending the University of New Hampshire in the fall to study Wildlife Biology and Conservation, a passion she discovered during her time spent and experiences at the Club.  Brianna has been an active member of the Fish, Game, and Pheasants Committee alongside her parents, Mike and Beth, helping raise, care for, and stock the pheasants and fish at LSA.  She has also participated in numerous fishing derbies, youth pheasant and turkey hunts with LSA, and hopes to continue helping out in this area as an adult volunteer stating, “For me, these youth hunts helped me grow as a person and sportswoman,” and she would like to share these experiences with others.  However, it was her time spent at the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp last summer as an LSA campership recipient that helped solidify her future path.  “I will never regret going (to MJCC), because I was able to finally figure out what I wanted to do with my life.  I learned so much and gained so much experience and knowledge,” she describes.  We wish Brianna much success in all her future endeavors and congratulations to the Class of 2022.

Public Hearing for proposed hunting regulation changes

A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 3 p.m. at the MassWildlife Field Headquarters (1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough) on proposed regulatory amendments to 321 CMR 3.00 Hunting; specifically, regulations relating to pheasant, quail, and small game hunting.

The proposed regulations would:

  • Create a late pheasant and quail season so hunters can pursue any previously stocked unharvested birds through December 31.
  • Expand hunting hours on stocked WMAs. Hunting hours would remain sunrise to sunset while hunting pheasant, but would be expanded for other species. For example, archery deer hunters could now hunt from a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset on WMAs stocked with pheasant.
  • Standardize hunting hours for pheasant and quail to sunrise to sunset statewide.
  • Remove WMA hunting implement restrictions and standardize implements (shotgun and archery) for pheasant and quail. For example, bear and coyote hunters would now be permitted to use any legal hunting implement, including rifles, on WMAs stocked with pheasants. Hunters would now only be able to use shotgun and archery equipment while hunting for pheasants statewide.
  • Simplify and expand the hare, cottontail, and gray squirrel seasons. Hare, cottontail, and gray squirrel hunting seasons would be extended through the end of February in a single statewide season for each species.
  • Remove the black-tailed jackrabbit season. MassWildlife staff believes the species is extirpated.

The full hearing notice, including the text of the proposed regulations, is available on MassWildlife’s Public Hearings page. Written comments will be accepted until July 6, 2022 at 5 p.m. To submit written comments, please email susan.sacco@mass.gov to the attention of the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, or mail comments to Chairman, Fisheries and Wildlife Board, c/o Director of MassWildlife, Mass. Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Big fish caught on little fishing pole


Last week, 13-year old Logan Middlebrook of Pittsfield had a fishing day that he and others probably will never forget.  Accompanied by his dad, Bill Middlebrook, he was fishing on Pontoosuc Lake with Smelly Jelly, (a commercial stink bait).  He was fishing for bullhead with the hopes of catching one large enough to be awarded a bonze pin from MassWildlife.  All of a sudden, he hooked into a really big fish – a carp.

According to Bill, when Logan hooked the fish, it immediately raced for deep waters making a prolonged “zzzz” sound from the reel and it didn’t stop until it reached the end of his line which fortunately was well attached to the reel.  It almost pulled the rod out of Logan’s hands.

Some 15 or so people were present there watching the event.  One guy shouted “You are out of line!”, while another told Bill that “He ain’t never going to get that fish in, that’s a big fish!” It swam almost out to the island near Narraganset Avenue.

Get this, Logan was using a kid’s fishing outfit with a 4-foot telescope rod and a push button reel (Probably a Zebco reel).   Earlier, Bill offered to buy him a real “big boy” fishing pole, but Logan refused, preferring to fish with this cheap little rod.  He felt that little rod brought him good luck.

It took 28 minutes with no reel drag and no extra line to get the fish somewhat back near the shore and once he got it there, he had to walk across 2 house lots, a couple of bridges and over people’s docks fighting the fish all the way.   Although he got it close to shore, it was a distance from where he hooked it. He reeled more, fought it more, and wound up at another property.  And then it fought some more.

At one point Logan had to stop because his hand was cramped up.  “It won’t work, won’t even move”, he said.  Nevertheless, he refused to let anyone touch the rod.   According to Bill, every person there said that with no drag and no line, it was crazy that he got it to come back from half way out in the middle of the lake.  Bill said everyone was “breathtaken”.  “Look at his pole”, one observer commented, “its bent completely in half.  How is the pole holding together?  I don’t know how he’s doing it”.

Meanwhile, some guys were saying that, just because he got it back to shore, that doesn’t mean he is going to land it.  “It can snap that line at any time”, they said.  But Logan “just kept wearing it out and wearing it out”.  One person told Bill that one needs strong one-piece poles, 10 to 12 feet long, with 15 to 20-pound test line to catch these things.  Another observer stated that he has snapped $80 – $100 poles trying to land a 10 or 12- pound carp.  How can a little kid’s telescopic fishing pole that’s only 3 ½ feet long hold up?

The battle continued onto another guy’s yard whom they didn’t even know.  When that guy saw the battle and Bill with a net waiting to net it for Logan, he said, “That’s a trout net.  Here I’ll give you mine, I got an ocean net”.  And when this fish finally came in, Bill said, “Holy Mackerel.”  He couldn’t believe the size of it.  It appeared to be as big as Logan.

The following day, they brought it over to the Onota Boat Livery for certified weigh-in. It weighed in at 13.3 lbs. and was over 30 inches long. The day before, Bill’s scale  weighed it as being 15 lbs, but due to evaporation, it lost at least a pound overnight, which is not uncommon. Onota Boat Livery Co-owner Caryn Wendling (along with her husband Rick) said that no adults have weighed in any carp like that this year.

While at the Boat Livery, they checked the MassWildlife Freshwater Angling Awards page.  In the Youth Catch & Keep category, any carp caught over 10 lbs. will result in a bronze pin being awarded.  Incidentally, so far this year no carp that size has been reported statewide.  If no one gets a larger one by year-end, Logan will receive a gold pin and a trophy.

Logan just started fishing last fall and he enjoyed it.  Earlier this spring at Laurel Lake he caught a 3 lbs. rainbow trout and that really got him hooked.  This came as a pleasant surprise to Bill because he used to like to fish in his younger years but hasn’t fished in the last 30 or so years.  Now that Logan has latched onto the sport, it gives them something to do together.  Bill now has a fishing partner and they go out a couple of times a week. “Now, I get to do something that I used to enjoy again.” said Bill.

Within a week after catching that large carp, Logan caught a 5 lbs., bronze pin shad from the Connecticut River in Holyoke and 1 ½ lbs. bronze pin rock bass from Onota Lake.  He wants to catch as many fish as he can in each category and get a pin for each one.  He has a bucket hat now and he is going to put all his pins on it.

One other tidbit of information as relayed to me by Bill.  Logan’s mother (Ashleigh) got him a shirt that says “Here fishy, fishy, fishy”. When she gave it to him, he said he wasn’t going to wear it.  (After all, he is 13 now).  Ashleigh told him to just wear it, he needed to wear a tee shirt.  Logan relented and wore it on the day he caught the big carp.    Now, he won’t wear any other shirt fishing, and he considers it his lucky shirt.

I wonder if he will let Ashleigh wash that shirt, lest she might wash the good luck out of it.  Be careful treading there, mom.

Berkshire Natural Fish Hatchery Youth Fishing Derby

The Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in conjunction with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will be sponsoring a free fishing derby on June 11 at the lower pond of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for children 13 and under.  They must be accompanied by an adult.

Mill Street Riverway pedestrian walkway plan review

James McGrath, Park, Open Space, and Natural Resource Program Manager, City of Pittsfield has the following message for us:

“While the world was hunkering down during a global pandemic in the spring of 2020, the City of Pittsfield was knee deep in the complex project to remove the Mill Street dam.   Despite all of the challenges that working in an active river (and COVID) posed, the dam was successfully removed – along with over 8,000 tons of contaminated sediments – and the river banks were restored.

Fast forward two plus years, and we’re still focused on that site.  Though, this time around we’re planning for something a bit less tricky and a lot more user-friendly:  a walkway along the restored river system.

Working with engineers and landscape architects from SLR and the MA Div. of Ecological Restoration, the City has been working to develop design concepts for a new stretch of pedestrian walkway along this stretch of the West Branch of the Housatonic River.  The idea behind the walkway is to afford visitors an opportunity to experience the river in a new way while learning about the dam removal and how this river contributed to the growth and development of Pittsfield.

We welcome you to join our webinar next Tuesday evening, June 7 at 7:00 pm to learn about the project!  Register in advance for this webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_biIk5-RmRcCfGrNwim-RMw

Hoosic River Clean-up

Next Saturday, June 11 from 9:00 am to noon, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited, the Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooRWA) and the Hoosic River Revival (HRR) are joining forces to conduct a Hoosic River clean-up.  Volunteers will meet at the Alcombright Ball Fields.

The clean-up will take place from the ball fields to Protection Avenue.  Bags, gloves and tools will be on hand, but if you can bring your own, it’s always helpful.  And, oh yes, bring your waders.

Sign-up not required.

Its fishing derby time


The annual Stockbridge Bowl Fishing Derby yesterday took place last Saturday.  According to coordinator Tim Minkler, it was rain free and nice and warm (85 to 90 degrees). There was a total of 73 participants including 17 youths.  The results are as follows:

Results:  $100 winners:

Largest Trout:  Lukas Trumps of Lee, Weight: 1 lb, 9 oz / 16.5”  long

Largest Bass:  Adam Henderson, Westfield, Weight:  4 lbs even / 20” long

Largest Pickerel:  Tynia Harrington, Lee, Weight: 3 lbs, 9oz / 25” long

Largest Bullhead:  Seth Slemp, Lee, Weight: 1 lb, 8 oz / 13.5” long


Age 12 and under Winners:

Largest Trout:  Sandie Prew, 6 years old, Lee,  Weight:  1 lb, 7 oz, 16” long

Largest Bass:  Trentonn Santotin, 6 years old, Lee, Weight:  1 lb, 1 oz, 12” long

Largest Pickerel:  Connor Casey, Housatonic, 11 years old, Weight: 1 lb, 15 oz., 21”

Largest Bullhead:  Mya Methe, Washington, 8 years old, Weight:  11.3 oz, 11” long.


The Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby also had a great turnout


Last Saturday the Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby took place.  And, for a change, the weather was great with some 90 youths registered.  This was the 8th year that the City of Pittsfield Conservation Commission and Lyon Aviation sponsored the event. 


Representing the City of Pittsfield were Becky Manship, Recreation and Special Events Coordinator and Rob Van Der Kar, Pittsfield Conservation Agent. Assisting the anglers were Onota Fishing Club President Fred Ostrander and his team of OFC volunteers. Dave’s Sporting Goods Store and Onota Boat Livery provided the worms and some equipment, Lyon Aviation donated funds for the event and The Berkshire National Fish Hatchery provided the brook trout.   Al Lussier, co-owner with his wife Tracey of Ozzies Steak and Eggs Restaurant in Hinsdale, catered the event out of their food van.

Even though some 300 Brook trout were stocked into the pond, they were hard to catch, in fact, only 1 of them was caught.  Four -year-old Johanna Sheran caught a respectable 11”, .5 lb brookie.  Fortunately, bass, yellow perch and bull head filled the gap.  Of the 25 fish caught, 17 of them were bass.  During slow periods, some kids entertained themselves catching bullfrogs


The youngest angler who took home a trophy was 2-year-old Carina Roy who also caught a respectable fish, a 11 ¼ ‘.6 lb yellow perch.


Our hats are off to Lyon Aviation, the City of Pittsfield, the Onota Fishing Club and everyone involved for providing the kids with such a wonderful day.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this year due to testing positive for Covid and being quarantined.  I missed seeing the excitement and the sheer glee on the faces of the youngsters as they were catching their fish.  Many thanks go to Joshua Christman for taking photos and providing information as did Dan Miraglia.  Also, a huge thank you goes to Becky Manship for her hard work in providing me the names of all the derby winners and other pertinent information.

Annual Harry A Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby coming up

 The 30th Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby, will take place next Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield, from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In my opinion, this fishing derby is perhaps the most important and largest of our local derbies.  Open to the public, its purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowman & I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

15 trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winners of the fishing derby – 8 trophies for children, 4 trophies for adults and 3 trophies that can be won by adults or children. There is even a special category for those fishing with a bow & arrow. All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 p.m. and can be caught at Onota Lake from a boat or the shore.  Don’t be late as the scales will be removed immediately after 12:00pm.

The fee is $10 for adults, $5 for children 14 years old and younger. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods, & Onota Boat Livery. Everyone needs to register at the Frank Controy Pavilion before all fish can be weighed in.  You must be wearing your wrist band provided at the registration desk in order to receive food and to weigh in your fish.

Even if you can’t make the derby, donations to the cause will be graciously accepted.

Trout stocking


The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week, subject to change: Deerfield River in Buckland, Florida and Charlemont; East Branch of the Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield and Huntington; Housatonic River (C/R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Goose Pond, Laurel Lake, Lake Buel, Otis Reservoir, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl and Windsor Pond.

The DFW Western District spring stocking is now complete.

Once again, a hearty thank you goes out to Western District Clerk Deb Lipa who took on the added workload of providing the stocking information to us this spring.  If you happen to visit the District Office in Dalton, you might want to thank her personally.

As previously mentioned, it is free fishing weekend next weekend with no freshwater license needed.  You have a whole week to clear your calendar and take the family fishing.

Congratulations to BEAT

Berkshire Environmental Action Team Executive Director Jane Winn recently announced that BEAT was awarded $200,000 from the Cultural Facilities Fund of the Massachusetts Cultural Council to renovate their new Environmental Leadership & Education Center.  Also, they will be restoring the riverbank by removing invasive species and replanting with native, wildlife-supporting plants. Funding from the Cultural Facilities Fund will allow them to make renovations to their building, which among other things includes a balcony to observe wildlife and the river.

Next Sunday, on Sunday, June 5, they are doing a river cleanup by canoe with the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA). They’ll meet at Decker Boat Ramp in Lenox at 1:00 PM and paddle down the river collecting trash caught behind trees and other natural areas. They will end around 4:00 PM.

If you’re interested in joining and can bring your own boat or kayak, register with Noah at noah@thebeatnews.org.


Help monitor for bacteria in the Housatonic Watershed

HVA could use some help collecting water samples in the Housatonic watershed once every two weeks, mid-June through mid-September from about 8:00 to 9:00 am.

If interested, the HVA will be holding two training sessions for volunteers to learn how to do the monitoring.  The monitoring sites will primarily be in Monterey, Egremont, Alford and Dalton.

For more information, email Shannon at spoulin.hva@gmail.com or call 413-298-7024 (be sure to leave a message).

Memorial Day Weekend


It’s that time again when we honor those who have fought, suffered and/or and died in defense of our nation.  I repeat my hope of last year, that as a nation we can set aside our differences and come together this weekend to remember them and their sacrifices.  They deserve nothing less.

Also, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the health care workers who risked so much to see that as many people as possible received proper medical attention during the Covid pandemic.  While they did not risk life and limb in armed combat, they sure experienced horrific stress.  I suspect that many currently are experiencing PTSD.

Lastly, let’s not forget the one million plus US residents who succumbed to the deadly disease.  Our thoughts and prayers are with their surviving family members.

Questions/comments:  Berkwoodsandwaters@roadrunner.com.   Phone: (413) 637-1818




Specialty license plate provides new funding to restore trout streams


The leaping brook trout license plate has been available to motorists since 1998, and has provided funding for grassroots conservation efforts through the Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET) for many years. Thanks to a new agreement, the plate now also provides funding for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) to target high-priority restoration efforts in trout streams.

Eastern brook trout, the only type of wild trout native to Massachusetts, are listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan and require cold, clean water to thrive. Brook trout are an important recreational resource for anglers, and their presence is considered an indicator of high-quality coldwater habitat. Unfortunately, wild trout in Massachusetts are at risk from warming water temperatures, changes in stream flow, and disruptive human activities on the landscape, like dams and culverts that block their movements.

“The conservation projects funded through the brook trout license plate will complement and advance MassWildlife’s existing efforts to manage and restore coldwater habitats in Massachusetts,” said Todd Richards, MassWildlife’s Assistant Director of Fisheries. “As climate change and habitat degradation increasingly threaten habitats for wild trout and other coldwater species, it’s more important than ever to bring together partners to conserve these resources.”

Half of the proceeds will go directly to MassWildlife for the conservation and management of coldwater fishery resources, while the remaining funds are distributed through a grants program to other conservation partners that are engaged in management activities that benefit brook trout and their habitats. Funds will be directed to high-priority projects, like those developed to restore habitats and improve fish passage, improve knowledge of coldwater fisheries ecology, and address emerging issues such as climate change.

“The Massachusetts Environmental Trust is pleased to continue and refine its partnership with the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife on the Brook Trout license plate,” said R.J. Lyman, Chair of the Massachusetts Environmental Trust. “The Trust has always focused its funding on public and non-profit initiatives to protect threatened species and critical habitats, in marine, estuarine, and fresh water resource areas. More plates mean more protection!”

The plate is available through the Registry of Motor Vehicles to all motorists who are registering a vehicle in the Commonwealth. For motorists who already have a vehicle registered and want this plate, they can visit Mass.gov/myRMV to order one. Like all specialty plates, the cost to the motorist is $40 every two years, in addition to the cost of a standard passenger plate every two years. MET also offers other specialty environmental plates including the striped bass plate, the right whale plate, and the Blackstone Valley plate.

Trout Stockings


The following waters were stocked with trout the week of May 9- 13:  Trout Brook in Worthington and Peru, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, Windsor Brook in Windsor and Hinsdale, Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Clam and Buck Rivers in Sandisfield, Town Brook in Lanesborough, Hoosic River in Cheshire and Adams, Yokun Brook in Lenox, West Brook in in Lee and Great Barrington, Sackett Brook in Dalton and Pittsfield, Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge, Greenwater Brook, Goose Pond Brook and Beartown Brook in Lee; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Little River in Worthington and Huntington, Westfield River in Huntington, Littleville Lake in Huntington and Chester, Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Windsor Pond in Windsor and Onota Lake in Pittsfield


Waters scheduled to be stocked during the week of May 16 – 20:  Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, West Branch of the  Westfield River in Becket, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington; East Branch of the Westfield River in Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield, North Branch of the Hoosic River in Clarksburg and North Adams, Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Cold River in Florida and Charlemont, East Branch of the Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Southwest Branch of the Housatonic River in Pittsfield, Green River (North) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Goose Pond in Lee and Tyringham, Laurel Lake, Otis Reservoir and Richmond Pond.


Good showing at the Beagle Club Field Trials


On April 23 and 24 the Berkshire Beagle Club held an American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned field trial on its land in Richmond, MA.  Contestants from PA, NY, MA, VT, NH, CT and RI participated in the two-day event. According to Club Secretary Patrick Barry, it was one of their biggest field trials.  They had 43 entries on Saturday and 75 entries on Sunday, for a total of 118 hounds

Ralph Harington


Males ran on Saturday and females on Sunday.  Classes were further identified as 13-inch and 15-inch beagles. Awards were given for first through fourth places as well as NBQ (next best qualifier).


Ralph Harrington of Cambridge, New York, who is a Berkshire Beagle Club member, took home a blue ribbon.  Or, I should say his 13-inch 2 ½ year old male named Ralph’s Copper City Eaton Stew (pictured) did. Quite an accomplishment when you consider the stiff competition that was there that day.  According to Ralph, his handsome beagle has also placed in other field trials recently.


Pictured with Ralph and to his left is Scott Bisbee and Bob Kane, Jr.to his right.  Both are field trial judges


Ralph also commented that it was a nice event with good food and good judges.


He’s at it again

Joshua Christman of Pittsfield, who has been named Massachusetts Angler of the Year (Adult Catch and Keep Category) in 2016, 2020 and 2021 by MassWildlife and a frequent multi-gold pin awardee is off to another good start this year.  Check out the huge rainbow trout which he caught recently out of Berkshire County waters.  It measured 24 inches long and weighed 4 lbs.

Josh Christman with large rainbow trout

It looks bigger, ey?

Dept of Fish & Game/ Army Corps of Engineers Agreement

Last month, at the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet, which was held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, Ron Amidon, Commissioner of MA Department of Fish & Game Department (DFG), was called upon to say a few words.  He didn’t plan on speaking, but I think you would be interested in what he did say in his short speech.

About 4 years ago DFG started negotiations with the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE).  DFG owns land that abuts the ACOE in a lot of locations, but one of the locations that has the most land (8,000 acres) is called Birch Hill Dam of Central MA that ACOE owns.  The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) have a lot of abutting land.  If one puts those 3 landowners together, there’s almost 14,000 acres of open, conserved land.

Most people agree that the DFW and DCR are doing a good job of managing their lands but the ACOE will be the first to admit that they do not. They acknowledge that land management is not what they do, but rather flood protection.  According to Amidon, the ACOE in effect asked the DFE to manage their lands. After 2 ½ years of negotiations, an agreement was signed.  DFW will get to manage the ACOE land and, they get to keep the money for up to 5 years as long as they put that money back into the management of those lands.  That includes prescribed burns, invasive species control and improvement of the roads.

Amidon believes that is the first license agreement with the ACOE in the entire northeast and perhaps in the country in terms of pilot programs.  So, all of the other areas where they (DFG/DCR) own land that abuts land owned by the ACOE, such as the Knightsville Dam area are being looked into with the hopes of coming to similar management agreements.

Amidon discussed other interesting projects which we hope to get into in future columns.