It was a bittersweet youth turkey hunting day

The day started out on a dismal note. Early in the morning, the hunters had to contend with a steady rain downpour. After a couple of hours, the rain stopped and then a cold wind came up. That was followed around noon by a snow storm and snow squalls. Little did we know that things would even get worse that day.
I was at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club hoping to get some pictures and hunting stories from the excited mentored youths. I was glad that I wasn’t out hunting in that miserable weather. Around 11:30 am, the mentors and youth hunters started arriving at the Club to enjoy a delicious casserole lunch prepared by Peter Delgrande. In spite of the bad weather, all of the hunters and mentors had seen, heard, shot at or killed turkeys. The first team in was Jardin Buffoni, hunting with mentor Jay Raifstranger who shot a tom weighing 20.24 lbs. Mark Buffoni, who was mentored by Bob Spence saw 5 turkeys but couldn’t bag any. No problem, for Mark already got one in neighboring NY. Matthew Fletcher hunting with Lori Fletcher saw toms and hens but didn’t shoot any. Bailey Gilmore, hunting with David Gilmore shot at one and saw others. Curt Wilson III, who was hunting with Mike Buffoni and John Mange saw some but couldn’t get one. Elaina Donsbough hunting with her dad Lee Donsbough got one (pictured).

Around 12:30, the food was out and we were waiting for the last stragglers to come in from the hunt. Noticeably not present was Chris Puntin and his mentored youth. It was getting late, people had to go to games and what not, so Mike Buffoni told us not to wait for the others but to eat.
During the meal, we started to get reports of an accident somewhere. I remember thinking as I was driving home, I hope the accident wasn’t a serious one. I didn’t know if it was an auto accident or an accidental shooting. It wasn’t until later that evening that we learned that an apparent accidental shooting occurred and that Chris Puntin passed away.
His wake was held at Bencivenga & Dagnoli Funeral Home on Thursday afternoon, and how sad it was. This scribe has personally never seen such a large wake. The line went out the door down to the rear of the long parking lot and back up on the other side. It was that long when I got there and when I left 3 hours later, it was still that long. Although the wake started at 4:00 pm, people stood for 3 – 3 ½ hours outside in the cloudy, misty but moderate weather well into darkness, with nary a complaint from anyone. Funeral home officials estimated the crowd to be between 1,500 and 1,600 and it ended at approximately 9:45 pm. I can only imagine the crowd that went to the funeral mass at Sacred Heart the following morning.
This should be of no surprise as Chris was well liked and respected as is his family. The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) sent a beautiful spray of flowers, interspersed with turkey feathers. Other sprays had similar feathers and also deer antlers.
MassWildlife also was saddened by the tragedy and extended its heartfelt sympathies to families and friends. To quote words from Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Supervisor, “Chris was well known to us. He was very active with the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), a Paraplegic Deer Hunt volunteer for MassWildlife, and a good friend to the Agency and the District.”

Chris was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was the local chairman of the NWTF and served on the NWTF State Board. For many years he was a mentor for the youth turkey hunts and was a key organizer at the NWTF fund raisers. He helped in trout stockings and was a member of the Snow Seekers (tending snow mobile trails on October Mountain). He helped on the “Buddy Walks” by driving the tractor for its hayrides in Dalton (The Buddy Walk® was established in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Society to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness) and he volunteered as its “grill person”.
Words are hard to come by at times like this. I offer this meek consolation, that even though he was taken from us far too soon, he died doing what he truly loved right up to his last moment, that being getting the youth exposed to the outdoors and all it has to offer. I’m sure I speak for many local and Massachusetts sportsmen and women by offering up our sincerest condolences to his parents Willian and Mary Ellen, his son Nick, his life partner Carla Halley, other family members and friends. He will truly be missed.
Other than the information already provided, local harvest figures for the youth turkey hunt this year were hard to come by. No report was received from north county or from the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.
Travis Delratez (former president of the Pittsfield Sportsman Club) reported that his nephew Tristan Parsons shot a nice Tom on Saturday during the Youth Hunt. He said that it weighed 20+ lbs., had an 8 1/2-inch beard and 1-inch spurs. Tristan also shot another “long beard” the previous week in the NY Youth Hunt. Tristan has now bagged 5 long beards to date. He took another one in VT a couple of years ago. He has also shot two deer in his hunting career so far. Pretty good, ey? But get this, Tristan is only 13 years old!
According to Marion Larson, Chief, Information & Education, MA DFW, some 44 harvested birds were reported online and there was at least one taken to a check station on Monday. This is only the preliminary number of birds harvested as they need to get further information from check stations on birds checked in on Monday the 29th. Final figures will be available at a later date.
Larson reported that statewide 70 new Youth Turkey Hunt participants completed the Youth Turkey Seminar and Hunter Education this year and 247 youths obtained permits for the youth turkey hunt day. (She doesn’t know how many actually hunted.) Just over 1,000 youths in total have participated in the Youth Turkey Hunt program since its inception in 2009.
Trout Stockings
The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week. Rivers and brooks: Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chester, Huntington and Middlefield; Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Hubbard River in Granville, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Kinderhook Creek in Hancock, Dry Brook in Adams and Cheshire, Green River (north) in Williamstown, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Pelham Brook in Charlemont and Rowe, Dunbar Brook in Monroe and South Brook in Cheshire.
Lakes and Ponds: Windsor Pond in Windsor, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Berry Pond in Hancock, Pelham Lake in Rowe, North Pond in Florida, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington and Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale.
Fishing Derbies

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is having its Spring Fishing Derby at the Stockbridge Bowl boat ramp next Sunday, May 19, from dawn until 3:00pm. Prizes of $100 will go the heaviest trout, pickerel, bass and bullhead. There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under. Hot breakfast and lunch will be available. Pre-registration fee is $10 and post registration is $15. Tickets are available at the Minkler Insurance Agency, 31 Main Street, Stockbridge, (W)413-644-3590, (H)413-298-4630 or from any club member.

DER Releases New Dam Removal Video
The Department of Environmental Restorations (MA DER) is excited to present Dam Removal in Pittsfield: Different Reasons, One Goal, a five-minute video about the upcoming removal of the Tel-Electric Dam on the West Branch of the Housatonic River. The video features City staff, the dam owners, and local partners. Together they make the case that the dam removal will restore river health, improve public safety, and build community resilience in Pittsfield.
This film is part of a multi-year endeavor, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Science Media Collaborative. The project has culminated in a six-part film series entitled River Run – A Story of Dam Removal in Massachusetts. The films highlight the efforts by many of DER’s partners to advance river restoration projects across the Commonwealth. Be on the lookout for the additional five films that will be released later in 2019.

Conte banquet honors four

There was a nice crowd at the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club last Saturday night to honor the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) 2018 award winners. Past President, Mark Jester, did his usual yeoman’s job as emcee. As readers may recall from my column of March 31, 2019, four people were selected to receive the awards: Virginia Dubois, Jason Sniezek, Jane Winn and Lou Robesch. There were write-ups of each person’s achievements in that article.

The banquet was also dedicated in honor of George “Gige” Darey who passed away in December, 2018. There was a moment of silence for Gige before the festivities began.

MA Fish & Game Commissioner Ron Amidon gave a short talk about the statewide trout stocking program and the great shape the fish are in this year. He mentioned proposed legislation of interest to the outdoor sportsmen, particularly the “archery setback” change. This change would allow DFW to manage wildlife in places where it hasn’t been able to do so up to now. Excessive deer density is not a problem here in the Berkshires but from Rte. 495 east there is a lot of wildlife out there and (DFW) is having a difficult time managing it because of the existing setbacks. If they are able to change the setbacks to 250 feet in many of the eastern communities it will help control the deer herd as well as open up huntable land.

Virginia Dubois of Lee received the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award for support, dedication and preservation of the outdoor shooting sports, hunting and fishing. She thanked the BCLS, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association officers, Board of Directors, all of the coaches and the Gala Fundraising committee. ”I couldn’t do what I enjoy doing so much without all of your help and support. I truly get back much more than I give when I see the friendships that I have made and see the smiles on the children’s faces at the wonderful programs that we are so grateful to be able to offer at the LSA.

Jason Sniezek of Adams received the Outstanding Achievement Award for his efforts to introduce the youth of Berkshire County to the vast wonders of the outdoors. He thanked the BCLS, CR&G and particularly Mark Jester and Karen Kruszyna who were instrumental in introducing the National Archery in the School (NAIS)program to Hoosac Valley. He said that this program is a very rewarding class to teach and the students embraced it and enjoyed getting out into the woods. Discussing some of the highlights of the class was a very rewarding class for him and he hopes he can continue that in the future and make it better.

Jane Winn of Pittsfield received the Lifetime Achievement Award. (The award was not just for Jane but also for her hubby Bruce, for BEAT and its team of volunteers). It was awarded for the years of work preserving open space, majestic ridge lines and vulnerable wetlands and streams within Berkshire County. Jane, in her acceptance speech, said that “this award means so much to me. BEAT’s mission is protecting the environment for wildlife and I think a lot of the times environmental groups don’t really understand your (outdoor sportsmen’s) depth of support of wildlife and the part that you all do”.

Incidentally, much of Jane’s staff that evening was at the other end of the state accepting an environmental action award. If I may interject, this shows the importance of BEAT and the wonderful work it does…………to be receiving awards from environmentalists in the eastern and from sportsmen in the western part of the state on the same evening. That really says something about the importance of the work they are doing.

Louis Robesch of Pittsfield received the Sportsman of the Year Award for his lifelong dedication and leadership to the sportsmen and the youth of Massachusetts. In introducing Lou Robesch, Mark Jester commented thatLou has been a hunter education instructor for 45 years teaching in Pittsfield and other locations. In accepting the award, Lou thanked “all of the Berkshire County sportsmen for presenting me this award. I really appreciate it very much and accept it with the most gratitude”.

Trout stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week. Rivers and Brooks: Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, South River and Swift River in Ashfield, Potash Brook in Russell and Blandford, Westfield River (East Branch) in Savoy, Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; Westfield River (Middle Branch) in Cummington, Worthington, Middlefield and Huntington, Westfield River (Mainstem) in Huntington, Montgomery and Russel; Swift River in Cummington and Goshen, Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, Stones Brook in Goshen, Windsor Brook in Hinsdale, Hop Brook in Lee and Tyringham, Goose Pond Brook in Lee; Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Trout Brook in Peru, Buck and Clam Rivers in Sandisfield, Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge, Windsor Brook in Windsor and Trout Brook in Worthington. Lakes: Pontoosuc, Greenwater Pond, Laurel Lake, York Lake and Norwich Pond in Huntington.
Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having a free children’s fishing derby next Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 to 10:30 am at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Wild Acres Fishing Derby

The free Wild Acres Fishing Derby for children ages 14 and under will take place on Saturday, May 11 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bait will be provided, and a limited amount of fishing poles will be available for use on a first come, first serve basis to those who do not own one.

Trophies will be awarded at 12:00 pm to those who catch the largest fish (length & weight).

The event will be hosted by the City of Pittsfield Parks and Recreation Commission with volunteer support provided by the Onota Fishing Club which will assist with dressing fish, providing fishing tips and techniques, baiting, etc. Anyone from the community who needs accommodations for handicapped vehicle access is asked to contact (413) 822-2193.

Art of Concealed Carry
On Thursday, May 9 from 5:00 to 9:30pm, the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a Gun Owner’s Action League (GOAL) training entitled the Art of Conceal Carry. Conducted in the Main Clubhouse upstairs, it costs $90, and you must be a GOAL member to attend. To become a GOAL member or renew your membership, click onto

The Art of Concealed Carry is a 4-hour concealed handgun seminar designed for individuals who are currently carrying a concealed firearm or those who are considering firearms for self-defense. Please contact Shawn Sullivan at with any questions or for more information.

Coyote Listening Session

In response to concerns about coyote hunting contests, MassWildlife is holding a Listening Session on May 9 at the Mohawk Regional High School, 26 Ashfield Road in Shelburne Falls from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The session is designed to share information about coyote management and coyote hunting regulations, and to hear input and concerns from the public.
The Listening Session is an important part of the process that MassWildlife employs when reviewing policy and regulations. As a first step in this review, MassWildlife professional staff will examine the best available science, consult with other outside professionals, solicit input from stakeholders, and if warranted, prepare recommendations for the Fisheries & Wildlife Board to consider.
This is the second in a series of Listening Sessions to be held in the state. The first session was held in early April in Barnstable. These sessions provide more opportunities for the public to share input with MassWildlife staff and the Fisheries and Wildlife Board.
Anyone unable to attend a Listening Session can provide feedback and comments by emailing or sending written correspondence to: MassWildlife, Attn: Coyote Feedback, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.
Life Jackets
Just a reminder. In Massachusetts, life jackets must be worn by canoeists and kayakers from September 15 through May 15. Youth under 12 years old, personal watercraft users, waterskiers and stand-up paddleboard users must wear them all the time.
Accidental Shooting Death
As you may be aware, there was an accidental shooting death during the Youth Turkey Hunting Day. I hope to have more information/comments on this unfortunate accident in next week’s column.

Spring turkey hunting season opens tomorrow

The season opens tomorrow and runs through May 25. Hunting hours begin ½ hour before sunrise and end at noon. Hunters can harvest up to 2 bearded birds in the spring (1 per day).
MassWildlife predicts this spring turkey season will be a productive one for hunters across Massachusetts. In 2017, there was a record high spring harvest, and 2018 was the third highest spring turkey harvest ever. These continued high harvest years indicate a strong, resilient turkey population across all Wildlife Management Zones.
Spring and summer brood productivity can locally influence turkey populations, but overall brood success has been strong over the last several years. Winter severity may sometimes reduce turkey populations in northern climates, but habitat conditions are very good across the state and help buffer the effects of winter.
But don’t let the high abundance of turkeys fool you, says MassWildlife, it’s still very important to scout pre-season. Turkey hunting is very popular in the spring, especially during the first week of season, so scouting will help you identify multiple areas where hunting may be productive.
As always, remember to be respectful when hunting on private and public lands, watch out for ticks and be careful.
Rainbow trout liberated
The skies were leaden colored and there was a chilly wind which whipped across the lake into our faces, at the Stockbridge Bowl boat ramp on Thursday, April 18. But that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the 50 or so people who were gathered there to witness or take part in the great trout liberation. Little tykes along with their siblings, parents and grandparents helped the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) release about 800 rainbow trout (which had a total estimated weight of approximately 1,000 lbs).
Everyone was focused on getting those trout into the lake. They were beauties, averaging around 14 inches with brilliant reddish pink bands along their sides
Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine trucked the fish in from the McLaughlin Hatchery in Belchertown, MA. Prior to releasing the fish, she gave a little talk about the DFW and the various functions it provides. She talked about the 5 state hatcheries, the number of fish that are stocked statewide (500,000) and in our area (100,000), how long the stocking will take place this spring and other tidbits of interesting information. The overall reason for the event was to get kids, their parents and the general public aware of MassWildlife and its activities.
Leanda and her boss, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden then netted some fish from the truck fish holding tank, put them into buckets and had the kids rush them to the water’s edge and toss them into the lake. Some of those kids weren’t much taller than the buckets but there were plenty of adults to help them. When everyone got tired of racing to the water’s edge with the buckets of fish, Leanda and Andrew flushed the remaining hundreds of fish directly from the truck to the water.
I am happy to announce that there were no casualties, all the fish survived the ordeal and no buckets were accidentally tossed into the lake with the fish in them. I’m not sure who had the most fun, the adults or the kids.
Warning to the parents/grandparents: Many of these kids are old enough to remember where those fish were stocked and you can safely bet that they will be looking to you to bring them back to catch some of them. Perhaps you may want to catch a few yourself.
Look at that cute girl in the photo. The look of joy and excitement in her face tells it all. Don’t you just love seeing happy kids enjoying the outdoors. Who knows, maybe she was so inspired that someday she will become an aquatic biologist.
Trout stockings
The following local water bodies were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week.
Rivers and Brooks: Bronson Brook in Worthington, Depot Brook in Washington, Factory Brook in Middlefield, Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Little River in Worthington and Huntington, Mill Brook in Plainfield, Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, West Branch Brook in Chesterfield and Worthington, Westfield Brook in Windsor and Cummington, Westfield River (East Branch) in Cummington and Chesterfield, Williams River in West Stockbridge and Great Barrington and Yokum Brook in Becket.
Lakes and Ponds: Big Pond in Otis, Lake Buel, Lake Garfield, Goose Pond, Greenwater Pond and Otis Reservoir.
Firearms Safety Course
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club will be hosting a scheduled live fire NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified Firearms Safety Course next Sunday, May 5. This is to qualify MA residents and non-residents alike for the MA License-To- Carry or FID Card. It will be a hands-on live firing, one day course. A full lunch and a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop will be provided.
The cost is $100 which covers all ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, an NRA Firearms Safety textbook and the food. The class starts at 9:00 am and lasts until about 4:30 pm. Interested parties are asked to pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. This live fire course fills up very quickly and you should call or stop in early to pre-register. They also ask you to be there by 8:45 am to sign in.
New Land Protected

MassWildlife recently acquired 13 acres in the town of Worthington on Sam Hill Road. This small but strategic acquisition provides greatly improved access to the part of the Fox Den Wildlife Management Area which is in Worthington. Beware, Sam Hill Road is an unpaved dead-end road which can get very muddy at times.

Map, Compass & Survival Course

On Saturday, May 11, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, MassWildlife will be conducting a Map, Compass, & Survival course at the DCR/Mass Park’s Visitor Center, 740 South Street, Pittsfield. This course is not recommended for students less than 12 years of age. To enroll call (508) 389-7830 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00pm.
Let’s not take this anymore!
What’s going on with those aggressive wild animals lately? Not too long ago, a young girl from Norwell was chased into her house by a coyote. It bit her arm and ran off with one of her shoes. Then there was the bear incident in Hinsdale a couple of weeks ago where a family’s small horse was killed. Now comes news of gangs of wild turkeys becoming aggressive, intimidating and pecking people near Boston.
Lock em up! That’s what I say. Build a wall! They’re thugs, bad actors! They’re intimidating us. Let them know that they are not welcomed in our neighborhoods. Round them up and drop them off in a sanctuary town, like Ripton!
Or we could take a more sensible approach by taking down those bird feeders to help keep the bears and turkeys away. We could put our garbage pails near the curbside in the morning instead of the night before. We could cover windows and shiny objects to keep turkeys from responding aggressively to shiny objects and their own reflections while they’re trying to assert dominance within their flock.
Pardon the levity this morning, but I think you get the point.

Mass Sportsmen’s Council names Robert McCarthy its Sportsman of the Year

When Bob McCarthy walked into the American Legion Post in Sutton, MA last Saturday evening, he was looking forward to a tasty meal, winning a few raffle items and honoring a deserving recipient or two at the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council’s (MSC)Annual Awards Banquet.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) which is a member of the MSC, had purchased a table at the event and four of us were to be seated at it (Bob, and Dan Lawson of Williamstown, Steve Grimaldi of Adams, and me). Bob was pleasantly surprised when his daughter and son-in-law Talitha McCarthy-Johnson and Kyle Johnson of Hancock, showed up and joined us at the table.
The MSC is celebrating its 90th anniversary of serving sportsmen by preserving wildlife habitat and our outdoor sporting heritage, and we were there to help them celebrate it.
Never heard of the MSC? Well it is the umbrella organization for outdoor sportsmen and women across the state. Many individual sportsmen join local sportsmen’s clubs; many of those clubs belong to a county league of sportsmen; many of the county leagues belong to the MSC. So, if you are a Lenox Sportsmen’s Club member, for example, your interests are being lobbied for on Beacon Hill by the MSC.
Getting back to the banquet, it wasn’t until everyone was seated at their tables that the announcement was made that Bob McCarthy, of Williamstown, was named the Sportsman of the Year.
He was nominated by the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club (EMSC) as well as the BCLS.
Here are some of the words that EMSC/BCLS President Wayne McLain wrote about Bob when he nominated him: “(Bob) is the BCLS’s delegate to the MSC. He exemplifies what a person of true character is. A caring family man, sportsman, conservationist, and environmentalist, Bob was a founding member of the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club (in Williamstown).

One of his most impressive accomplishments was when, as a young man in his twenties, along with his friend Bob Kaufman, he became a founding member of the Hoosic River Basin Citizen’s Protective Association. We can all thank the efforts of this association for stopping and then beginning the clean-up of the pollution in the Hoosic River.

Through this association, Bob worked to help push through legislation to establish the Fish Kill Response Team. This team investigates the causes of fish kills that occur in our waterways to then help prevent them. All of you fisherman out there owe your ability to enjoy your sport to this team’s hard work.

Bob has been a member of the BCLS for many years. He was selected for the League’s Sportsman of the Year Award in 1987. If a team leader or mentor for any issue is needed, Bob McCarthy is the man to count on. Even now, in his seventies, he is still a leader among us (Currently serving as the BCLS Vice President). (He continues to) push hard to get State Government to approve the Crossbow Bill to allow everyone to have the right to use a crossbow for hunting.”
A plaque was presented by Mike Moss, MSC President Emeritus and John Kellstrand, MSC President to Bob which read: “Given with recognition of his many years of service to the sportsmen of Berkshire County and his leadership on issues affecting sportsmen throughout the Commonwealth of MA.” A State Senate Resolution was also presented to Bob by State Senator Anne Gobi. Congratulations to Bob McCarthy, a most deserving recipient.
Other award recipients that evening: The R L Gribbons Award went to Peter Bernard of Swansea. (He is the MSC Secretary and Bristol County League of Sportsmen President); the Hall of Fame Award went to Kenneth Brown and Frank Leonardo both of the MA Bowhunters Association; and the Special Recognition Award went to John “Jack” Sheppard , who is retiring as Director of Fishing & Boating Access after 46 years.
The Secretary of energy & Environmental Affairs Matt Beaton gave a few words for the gathering. Also, Ross Kessler, Public Access Coordinator, spoke in length about access to salt water fishing and how the money that is raised through the salt water fishing permit system is used.
Bowhunter Education Courses
On Sunday, May 5, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm a Bowhunting Education Course will be conducted at the Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket. This course was developed by the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) and National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF). It is designed for novice and experienced hunters and topics include the selection of equipment, bowhunting safety, and bowhunting laws. To enroll in this course call (508) 389-7830, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Students under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or guardian to attend this type of course. A parent or guardian should be present at the start of the student’s class to complete the student’s registration form or the student can bring a signed permission form with them to the start of their course.

Bowhunter education is not required in Massachusetts and a Bowhunter Education Certificate does not qualify you to purchase a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license. The certificate is accepted in other jurisdictions (i.e. other states such as CT, NH, NY, ME, RI, etc.) that do require archery hunters to show proof of having completed bowhunter education. All courses are free of charge and open to the public.
Trout stocking
The following local water bodies were scheduled to be stocked last week: Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Cold River in Charlemont and Florida, Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Green River (North) in New Ashford and Williamstown, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Hoosic River (North) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Hoosic River (South) in Cheshire and Adams, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River (Southwest) in Pittsfield, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg and North Adams, Littleville Reservoir in Huntington, Town Brook in Lanesborough, Westfield River (East) in Cummington, Chesterfield and Huntington, Onota Lake and Stockbridge Bowl.
Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp
The Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp (MJCC) teaches campers a variety of outdoor skills, including: fishing, hunting, shooting sports, boating and camping. (Campers become certified in Hunter Education and Small Boat Safety.)
The camp also aims to educate campers about conservation of natural resources and responsible use of the environment. Natural resource professionals from state agencies provide hands-on experiences and demonstrations and lead discussions on wildlife, fisheries, and forest management. In the evening, campers participate in demonstrations of outdoor recreation topics.
Boys and girls aged 13 to 17 years old who enjoy outdoor activities and want to learn more about the environment are eligible to attend. Enthusiastic outdoorsmen and women today will become tomorrow’s leaders in safeguarding our outdoor heritage.
The Lee, Lenox, Pittsfield and Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Clubs as well as the BCLS reserve slots for campers and sponsor interested teens by paying their full camp tuition. MJCC also offers scholarships. All that is needed are kids to fill those slots. I believe the clubs still have some openings. If one club has already filled its slots, it checks with the others to see if they have any openings. Often prospective campers only need write a letter that explains why they want to attend camp and what they want to learn.
The camp is located at the Horace Moses Scout Reservation, 310 Birch Hill Avenue, Russell, MA. The dates are August 4 through 16. The tuition, which is $950 for the full two weeks, covers lodging expenses, food, and activities. Camp sponsorships are available for prospective campers.
Learn more about the program on the MJCC website, or call 508-450-5120. The website should answer just about all of the questions that parents may have. If interested, contact one of the above sportsmen’s organizations.
Donations to the MJCC are always gratefully accepted. Donations are fully tax deductible as it is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation under the IRS code 501(c)3. Donations, which will be acknowledged by mail may be sent to MSJCC, PO Box 306, Northborough MA 01532. If you would like to contribute supplies or equipment, please email (

Dennis Regan is retiring as HVA Berkshire Manager

Dennis Regan took the job in 1999 because he had a strong interest in the management of water resources and loved to kayak. That was 20 years ago and he didn’t think he would be here that long. Now, he is glad he did, for he worked with some great people and was involved with some wonderful projects.
One of those wonderful projects was the Stream Team project, where HVA goes to various communities to get people involved in protecting the river. After some training volunteers then go to specific sections of the river and document what they see…. the good, bad and ugly. With the information obtained, they meet and report on what they saw and make recommendations on what they would like to see happen. “That’s the challenge”, said Regan, “getting all of that information and compiling it down with specific concrete recommendations”.
“People get excited about the environment when they know more about it,” he said, “In providing people an opportunity to know more about the Housatonic River, they get actively involved in it”. They begin by collecting data on river conditions and use, that may not be known about, and hopefully, doing something with it. He said that volunteers have been collecting data continually for 20 years and have followed up on a lot of recommendations.
Originally, five stream teams compiled a list of existing conditions, on the river. Ten years after these original assessments they went back and reassessed those sections with other stream teams and different people. The findings were then compared with what was recommended 10 years prior to see what had happened. They were very happy to see that most of their recommendations were followed up by them or other organizations. Even the State and EPA used some of that information. Data collection is still ongoing and now the stream teams are assessing the tributaries.
“When the stream team reports of the health and use of the rivers were given to the communities, they generated local interest, more people wanted to know more about the river” said Regan.
He feels that the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972 was the beginning of restoring our rivers. A main focus was getting the communities to realize that the Housatonic River was an asset and that we should be able to utilize the river to stimulate local economics, community development and recreation. HVA feels that the best way to get people to care and get involved in protecting the river is to get them on or near it. This way they can see for themselves that it is not a negative thing and they don’t have to fear it.
“Many people knew that there was a Housatonic River out there somewhere” said Regan, “but they didn’t quite know where it was and whether or not they could go paddling on it. And if they wished to go paddling on it, where do they put in or take out. People didn’t know anything about the river”.
HVA saw that as a great opportunity for them to fill that niche. They updated a paddle guide and created new access spots. They were fortunate with the Natural Resources Damage (NRD) Trustees. Through a grant with them, they were able to get four new river access points in Pittsfield, Lenox, Lee and Sheffield. Since then two more were added in Stockbridge at the Glendale Dam, and a floating dock was installed in Stockbridge. They are presently developing 3 new sites on Division St in Great Barrington, on the Westside Riverway Park project in Pittsfield, and on Maple Avenue in Sheffield.
Dennis is quite proud of the Churchill Brook Culvert Replacement Project in Pittsfield where they utilized another NRD grant and, working with the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT), replaced an ineffective culvert on Churchill Road with a much improved one which allows fish to travel upstream to spawn.
He feels that perhaps one of his proudest projects was the creation of the Old Mill Trail where volunteers and a professional trail crew developed a mile and a half trail along the East Branch connecting Hinsdale and Dalton. “It was one of our biggest projects and we are very happy to see that it is well used. It took 10 years, involving the towns, state, volunteers and Peter Jensen’s trail crew”, he said.
Dennis remembers that when he first got here, he usually didn’t see anybody on the river. People had left it alone. “Because of that,” he said, “when you paddled the river, you felt that you were in upstate Maine, NH or VT. It was fairly isolated”. People were missing an opportunity then, but now it is different. It’s good to see so many fishermen, boaters, kayakers, ice fishermen and others are enjoying the river. Now there are even fishing and paddling guides.
He feels that people are much more knowledgeable about the river now than before. There seems to be much more respect for the river and there are many efforts to protect the river now and not to do anything to harm it. If paddlers see blowdown, yes, they take some stuff out but not everything. They clear the middle of the river to allow passage, but leave the sides alone. They know that fish require such structure
Dennis also feels that he was very lucky to be involved in two source-to-sound paddle trips on the Housatonic River. These trips put in at the Hinsdale Flats in Washington’s Mud Pond and 10 days later take out at Long Island Sound with salt water, salt air and sea gulls. On this trip you see the river gradually change from the start by pushing your kayak or canoe through bramble. The vegetation and the land use changes, and all of a sudden you are in a wide river with eagles and the smell of salt in the air and you are paddling in waves ending in Long Island Sound.
Dennis was the recipient of the 2014 Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s “Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award”. In addition to the above mentioned accomplishments, he was also acknowledged for his involvement in the FERC re-licensing of the Glendale Dam, the RIFLS Program dealing with observed and/or measured flow alterations in streams, for working with the grade schools focusing on biodiversity, both chemical and biological, water quality monitoring, mapping, storm drain awareness and understanding the PCB situation and cleanup.
He led macro-invertebrate studies on streams throughout the entire watershed, bank stabilization programs (planting native trees and shrubbery), dam removals, canoe rides, river clean-ups, oversight of ACEC’s, and was an active member of the CCC (Citizen’s Coordinating Council) dealing with the PCB clean up on the river.
Dennis plans to retire on April 30. His parting advice? You need to take some time to go out and attach yourselves to the river somehow. Either to paddle, walk along or sit by the river, relax and let yourselves subconsciously focus and you will see life everywhere in/on the river. “Go on the river”, he says, “and you will become a naturalist if you stay long enough. Appreciate the river!”
There is retirement party scheduled for him on Thursday, April 25. Contact Alison Dixon at the HVA office( for more information.
Spring Trout Stockings
The following was the anticipated stocking list for the week of April 8 through April 12. As always, the schedule was subject to change due to weather, river conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
Rivers: Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Deerfield River in Florida, Buckland and Charlemont, Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Westfield River (Mainstem) in Huntington, Russell, Westfield and Montgomery; Westfield River (Middle Branch) in Worthington, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington. Lakes and Ponds: Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Littleville Reservoir in Chester, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Mansfield Lake in Great Barrington, Littleville Reservoir and Norwich Pond in Huntington and Windsor Pond in Windsor.
Venison/Italian Buffet dinner
The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club will be having a Venison/Italian Buffet dinner on Saturday, April 20 at the American Legion Post 155 in Dalton. This dinner will benefit its Land Development efforts. Cocktails at 5:00 pm and Dinner at 6:00 pm. There will be a black powder gun raffle, 50/50 and kid’s raffle. Donation is $20 and children under 12 free. To reserve tickets, call Ed B. at (413)443-9371 or Stan B. at (413)841-8345.

School is out, help stock trout!
This Thursday, the public is invited to help MassWildlife stock trout during school vacation week. This is a chance to meet MassWildlife fisheries staff, view trout up close, and learn about places to fish near you. Meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp off Route 183 in Stockbridge. Bring some kids along.

Spring trout stocking has begun in Western District

Since Thursday, March 28, DFW Western District personnel have been stocking trout into our local waters. Approximately 100,000 trout are expected to be stocked here this spring. Waters stocked to date are: Deerfield River in Florida, Charlemont and Buckland; West Branch of the Farmington River in Sandisfield, Tolland and Otis; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, East Branch of Westfield River in Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; West Branch of the Westfield River in Becket, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington; Richmond Pond, Stockbridge Bowl, Lake Buel, Laurel Lake and Onota Lake.
All of the trout stocked were nice sized rainbows.
The pictures of the old man and kid? Well, that is my late Uncle Albert “Bert” Cummings from Glendale, MA. He was occasionally a model for Norman Rockwell and what you see is a copy of the photograph that Mr. Rockwell worked off of and the final drawing. The youngster is Keith Loveless. The picture was commissioned by the State of Maine and appeared on the cover of the Spring 1962 Maine Fish & Wildlife Magazine. Mr. Rockwell was rather talented, wouldn’t you say?
I thought this was an appropriate time to include it in the column, to coincide with the beginning of the spring fishing season.
Today is Acid Rain Collection Sunday
If you know Marc Hoechstetter of West Cummington, Lauren Gaherty of Pittsfield, Richard Green of Monterey, Cindy Delpapa of Becket or Andy Kawczak, you might want to thank them for volunteering to get out of bed early this morning and trudging to designated water bodies to collect water samples. One volunteer has to hike nearly a mile uphill to collect a sample out of a reservoir. The samples are then consolidated and transported to laboratories at Westfield State College or the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission for analysis for ph, alkalinity, major cations, anions and stable isotopes.
Similar collections and analyses are conducted by volunteers across the Commonwealth on the same day. It is part of the Acid Rain Monitoring (ARM) Program that was originally established by Dr. Paul Godfrey from UMASS 36 years ago. Since that time, dedicated volunteers have been gladly dipping their bottles into the frigid waters doing their part to help in this program.
Their work has not gone unnoticed for in in 2013 (30th anniversary of the ARM project) they all received formal Citations from Governor Deval Patrick, “In appreciation of their commitment to ecosystems of the Commonwealth.”
Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having a free children’s fishing derby next Saturday, April 13 from 9 to 10:30 am at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. These fishing derbies will run once a month through September of this year.
Help our endangered critters
If you haven’t filed your State income taxes yet, there is still time to help support the recovery and protection of rare species and their habitats by contributing on Line 33A for Endangered Wildlife Conservation on the MA state income tax form. All funds go to MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.
Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp Contest
Congratulations to Tiffany Xiao, a student of the Apple-Leaf Studio in Boxborough, who won Best of Show in the 2019 Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) Contest. Her acrylic painting of a Barrow’s Goldeneye pair was selected from 232 entries. Xiao’s award-winning work will move on to the National JDS Contest to be held in Laurel, MD. Good luck, Tiffany!
Students from kindergarten through 12th grade from across the Commonwealth submitted original works of art depicting waterfowl in appropriate wetland habitat, demonstrating both artistic talent and a knowledge of the value of wetlands for wildlife. In March, MassWildlife hosted an awards ceremony for the top 100 winning artists at Field Headquarters. A combination of the top 100 artworks will be exhibited throughout Massachusetts in the coming year.
The Massachusetts JDS Program is sponsored by MassWildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with support from Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council. You can support the JDS Program and wetland conservation by purchasing Junior Duck Stamps featuring national winners from previous years. A limited number of Junior Duck Stamps is available for purchase at MassWildlife’s Westborough Office (cash or check only) or buy online at
Words of Wisdom
On Saturday evening, March 23, I had the distinct pleasure of being awarded the Worcester County League of Sportsmen’s Clubs “Words of Wisdom Award” at its Annual Appreciation Banquet at the Wachusett Country Club in West Boylston, MA. That award is presented to a person who is using the media to inform and educate about the contributions made by sportsmen and sportswomen and their clubs.
I was blown away by this honor. I knew that this column had a decent number of readers here in the Berkshires, but was unaware that so many sportsmen in Central MA knew of, much less read it. I thank the WCLS for considering me for this award. It means an awful lot to me and I shall never forget that evening.
It was also really cool that MA Fish & Game Commissioner Ron Amidon presented the plaque to me. You may recall that he was one of our group of eight flyfishermen who traveled up to Labrador in September of 2016 to fish the Minipi River system for large brook trout. (That was before he became a VIP!) To make that evening even more memorable, several of the flyfishermen who made that Labrador trip (and their spouses) were also there that evening. Seated at our table were Mike and Clair Shepard of Dalton, Mike and Diane Miller of Athol. Carl Racie from of Athol, who had fished with us in Quebec, was also there with Joan Starrett.
I also received citations from the State Senate and the House of Representatives.
Additional recipients that evening who you may recognize were Wayne MacCallum, who was named the WCLS Sportsman of the Year Award. He is the former Director of the MA DFW who served in that capacity for over 25 years. Another recipient was former DFW Youth Turkey Hunt Coordinator Astrid Huseby who recently was promoted to DFW Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) Coordinator. She received the Youth Mentor Award. Other award recipients were State Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr. who received the Legislator of the Year Award for his vigorous work on Beacon Hill supporting sportsmen’s causes. Will Rogers a central Massachusetts farmer received the Farmer of the Year Award. He was acknowledged for opening his farmland to hunters and fishermen. Rosemary Charon who has devoted countless hours to the WCLS, was inducted into its Hall of Fame.
I was also surprised to see how popular the outdoors sports are there. The WCLS represents over 25,000 sportsmen and women from over 50 clubs in Worcester County. According to Commissioner Amidon, that evening’s event drew approximately 275 people, a half dozen State Representatives, three State Senators, Lieutenant Governor Polito, EOEEA Secretary Matthew Beaton and many other dignitaries.
So, to the Central Massachusetts sportsmen/women and conservation minded readers who I previously did not know read this column, THANK YOU! And thanks for the wonderful work you are doing to conserve our environment and introduce our youth to it.
Incidentally, outdoor sports columnist Mark Blazis of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette wrote an excellent article covering that event in the Outdoors section of the March 26, 2019 issue entitled “State’s best sportsmen, women and outdoors advocates duly recognized”.
More Thanks
Last month marked my 15th year of writing the Berkshire Woods and Waters column and I also want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU, the local readers and contributors who have provided oodles of information and photographs for this column over the years. THANK YOU to the Berkshire Eagle for providing space for the column and to the sports editors who have cleaned up my messes and made me look good over the years. I also THANK my “in house” editor, (my wife Jan) who checks my copy before submitting and who has pretty much kept me out of trouble over the years.
It’s been my great pleasure to share our Sunday mornings together.

2018 Berkshire County League of Sportsmen Award winners are announced

At a recent meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) four area outdoor sportspeople/conservationists were selected to receive awards. They are as follows:
Louis Robesch, of Pittsfield, will receive the Sportsman of the Year Award. He has been a Hunter Education Instructor for 45 years. He taught many young students at both Pittsfield High School and Taconic High School. He is credited for educating many family generations to be responsible hunters and fishermen with his knowledge and guidance. He is a member of the Lee Sportsmen’s Association and the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club.
Incidentally, while serving as a private in the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, Delta Co 3rd Herd for 4 years, he received a Purple Heart while serving in Vietnam.
Jason Sniezek, of Adams, will receive the Outstanding Achievement Award. He is a physical education teacher at Hoosac Valley High School in Cheshire, who was instrumental in working with the BCLS and other organizations to bring the National Archery In Schools Program to Hoosac Valley.
This past fall “Jay” launched an inaugural program crafted as a “Hunter Safety Course”. Using pieces from the Mass Hunter Education Program, the NASP standards, and life/practical experience, he took a small group of students with only one active hunter, on an adventure to learn new skills. They learned to put up a tree stand, animal tracking (with fake blood), archery and outdoor survival which included building lean-tos with materials they found around them, fire building and celebrating it all with a hot dog roast on their fire!
The confidence building and skills learned will last this group for a lifetime. This program was featured as a Berkshire Eagle Classroom of the Week. Jason is hopeful that Hoosac Valley will continue this program with the possibility of expanding it to include hiking and camping as well.
Incidentally, he is the long-time coach of the Hoosac Valley golf team and was instrumental in bringing that team to the Western Mass Division II title last fall, and was recently recognized as Coach of the Year by the Berkshire Eagle.
Virginia DuBois, of Lee, will receive the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award. She has been a Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) member for many years and has become a huge asset of the club. Besides being a Board member and Membership Chairman, she finds time to help with many youth programs including the SCTP Buckshots clay team, youth archery, youth fishing derbies, ice fishing derbies and turkey shoots. She is co-chair of the LSA and DU Youth Fund Raising Gala and the Steak & Lobster dinner. The LSA sends two youths every year to the Mass Junior Conservation Camp and Virginia is part making that happen.
Jane Winn of Pittsfield will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award
Long an environmental advocate and mobilizer of community interest and involvement in wetlands permitting deliberations and open space preservation in the Berkshires, Jane Winn is fierce in her determination and seldom willing to take “no” for a final answer. She has demonstrated many times that perseverance is a powerful advocacy skill. Her interest in protecting wildlife and the health of natural systems led to the creation of the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT).
The Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners (MACC) said of her, “With the creation, fundraising, nurturing and day-to-day management of BEAT and the weekly e-publication of The BEAT News, Jane has become a leading spokesperson on environmental issues. Her courage, dedication, and boundless energy have already produced stunning successes – and are creating a broad constituency of knowledgeable, caring activists and stewards to carry the work forward.”

Jane has either led or was involved in numerous culvert projects, stream teams and river clean-ups. A few years back she played a pivotal role in stopping a train near Morewood Lake which certainly would have derailed due to a railbed washout.

Last year, in cooperation with the Housatonic Valley Association, BEAT was involved in a culvert replacement project on Hancock Road in Pittsfield. Swapping out old and inadequate cement pipes allowed brook trout to migrate on Churchill Brook, which feeds into Onota Lake. The roughly $400,000 cost of the project was paid for by a Natural Resources Damages Fund related to the GE clean-up.

BEAT has organized forums and workshops on certifying vernal pools, has trained more than 350 volunteers in various projects from wildlife habitat assessment to river clean ups to road/stream wildlife crossings, and serves on the organizing committee for the Northeast Wildlife Trackers Conference, as well as organizing many other smaller walks, talks, and information sessions

BEAT is a member of the Citizens Coordinating Council, advocating for higher standards for cleaning up GE’s contamination of the Housatonic River.

BEAT monitors, watchdogs, informs, surveys, tracks, educates, trains, organizes and advocates.
BEAT has a free weekly newsletter, a website (with a great tutorial on the Wetlands Protection Act among other resources) and hosts Pittsfield Green Drinks, a monthly gathering of environmentally-minded individuals.

When a new fracked gas pipeline was proposed for the area, BEAT started holding meetings and giving presentations. In a small town of Cummington (pop. 3000), they filled a church. The crowd immediately began organizing.
BEAT began videotaping the Pittsfield Conservation Commission hearings which are now broadcast by Pittsfield Community Television. BEAT also videotapes for broadcast the Berkshire Metropolitan Planning Organization meetings, and many other meetings about environmental activities. These meetings are broadcast on local community access television.

Beat has also worked hand in hand with the BCLS on projects and initiatives supported by both organizations both locally and Nationally, such as the ACEC designation of October Mountain, the Clean Air Act, The Mercury Rule as well as others. She has received numerous awards and certificates of appreciation from various environmental organizations. Space does not allow me to list them all which have been attributable to Jane, her husband Bruce and BEAT. (I hope to list more of them when I report on the upcoming Conte Memorial Awards Banquet.)

The above awards will be presented at the BCLS Silvio O. Conte Memorial Awards Dinner at the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club on Saturday evening April 27. This year the event will also be in honor of the late George “Gige” Darey.
Please note that the social hour and dinner times have changed. The social hour now begins at 4:30 with dinner at 6:00 PM. Tickets which cost $30 can be obtained from any BCLS delegate.
Incidentally, at the last elections, the following individuals were elected officers of the BCLS: President – Wayne McLain of North Adams, VP – Robert McCarthy of Williamstown, Treasurer – Dan Kruszyna of Cheshire and the Secretary is me.
Ice fishing season is about over

Time to call it quits for ice fishing this year. For some, including Dylan and Camden Blake of Lenox, it was a very good year. Fishing with their father James, grandpa Peter and friend Les on a small lake in West Stockbridge earlier this month, they caught the pictured pickerel, some bass and perch. According to Peter, it was a day with” a great blue sky, little wind and willing fish to be caught and released”.

5th Annual Ducks Unlimited and Lee Sportsmen’s Club Association’s Gala
The Gala will take place on Saturday, April 6 at the Pittsfield Country Club, 39 South Street, Pittsfield, from 4:00 to 10:00 pm. It is billed as an evening of fantastic food, great raffle prizes, silent and live auctions…all to support the youth sportsmen of the Berkshires and Ducks Unlimited’s mission of wetlands conservation.
They will be auctioning off hunting trips locally and around the world, trips to wine country, Belize, Costa Rica, St. Thomas, Cabo, Pebble Beach Golf excursions and more.
Tickets can be bought by calling Virginia DuBois @ 413-446-5404.

Freshwater Fishing Gold Pin winners are announced

Each year, MassWildlife recognizes anglers who catch exceptional freshwater fish in waters open to the public. If you submit the largest or longest fish in an eligible species category, you will get a gold pin and a plaque, and you’ll also be honored in a MassWildlife awards event.
Log onto to see all of the 2018 winners in the Adult Catch & Keep, Youth Catch & Keep and Catch & Release categories. You will notice that there were 4 gold pins awarded to local anglers or fish caught out of local waters.

In an upcoming ceremony to be held at the MassWildlife Field Headquarters in Westborough, MA, the lucky anglers will receive gold pins and plaques commemorating their great feats.

Winners/waters from our area were as follows:

Adult catch & keep category:
Brown Trout, 9 lbs10 oz caught out of Onota Lake by Kevin Janis of Pittsfield; Carp, 30 lbs 1 oz, caught out of the Housatonic River in Lenox. Northern Pike, 19 lbs6 oz caught out of Onota Lake by Bryan Kopola of Windsor. (You may remember that Kevin Janis caught last year’s gold pin Northern Pike out of Cheshire Reservoir).

Catch & release gold pin winners
Northern Pike, 42 inches, caught out of Onota Lake by Joshua Blood of Agawam,

2018 Angler of the Year award winners

The Catch & Keep Angler of the Year Award is given to the person who weighs in the largest number of species that meet the minimum weight requirements for the previous calendar year. The award promotes awareness of the Commonwealth’s underutilized fish species and recognizes an angler’s ability to catch a wide variety of trophy species.

The Catch & Release Angler of the Year Award is awarded to the person who submits the largest number of species that meet the minimum length requirements for the previous calendar year.

This year the winners were:

Adult Catch & Keep Category: Todd Matera of Palmer, MA with 11 species. Matera received State pins for the following fish: brown trout, carp, channel catfish, crappie, landlocked salmon, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, sunfish, white catfish, white perch and yellow perch. Todd was also the Angler of the year in 2005.

Youth Catch & Keep Category: (There was a tie) Jason Bunar of Kingston, MA with 21 species. He received State pins for the following fish: bowfin, brook trout, brown trout, bullhead, carp, chain pickerel, channel catfish, crappie, lake trout, landlocked salmon, largemouth bass, northern pike, rainbow trout, shad, smallmouth bass, sunfish, tiger trout, walleye, white catfish, white perch and yellow perch. Jason was also Angler of the year in 2016 and 2017.

Andrew Langley, Peabody, MA, also with 21 species. He received State pins for the following fish species: bowfin, brook trout, brown trout, bullhead, carp, chain pickerel, channel catfish, crappie, lake trout, landlocked salmon, largemouth bass, northern pike, rainbow trout, shad, smallmouth bass, sunfish, tiger trout, walleye, white catfish, white perch and yellow perch.

Catch & Release Angler Category: Michael Nee of Northborough, MA with 25 species.
Michael received state pins for the following species of fish: bowfin, brook trout, brown trout, bullhead, carp, chain pickerel, channel catfish, crappie, lake trout, landlocked salmon, largemouth bass, northern pike, rainbow trout, shad, smallmouth bass, sunfish, tiger trout, walleye, white catfish, white perch and yellow perch. Michael was also Angler of the year in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

New State record fish caught in 2018 were as follows in the Catch & Release Category:

Bowfin – 30 inches caught out of the Connecticut River in Springfield by Kevin Lavimodiere of North Attleboro.
Bullhead – 20.75 inches caught out of Baldpate Pond in Boxford, by Roger Aziz, Jr. of Methuen. Landlocked Salmon – 27.25 inches caught out of Quabbin Reservoir by Gary Morin of Hardwick.
Largemouth Bass – 25 inches caught out of White Pond in Concord by Tracy Como-Bowe of Concord.
Largemouth Bass – 25 inches caught out of Great Herring Pond in Plymouth by Dylan Towne of Wareham.
Walleye – 29.50 inches caught out of the Connecticut River in Turners Falls by Jason Wingrove of Greenfield.
Walleye – 29.50 inches caught out of the Connecticut River in Holyoke by Michael Taylor of South Hadley.
White Perch – 18 inches caught out of Wachusett Reservoir by Prince Dukuly of West Boylston.

There were no state record fish caught in the Adult or Youth Catch and Keep categories. Probably the reason for so many state records in the Catch and Release category is that this category is still relatively new, having started in 2015 and the records will frequently change for a while.

Coyote attack
A couple of weeks ago a 16- year old Norwell, MA teenager, Anna Hollander, was bitten by what was believed to be a coyote, according to Marion Larson, a spokeswoman for MassWildlife. They are fairly confident that this was most likely a rabid coyote based upon the description of its behavior.
The girl was sitting in her driveway when the animal came up to her and bit her on the arm. “She didn’t see it coming,” said her mother Tara, “It snarled at her and then snarled as it was biting her.
She said her daughter swung her arm, trying to break free from the grip of the animal’s jaws, and then sprinted into the house. Anna ran so fast that one of her shoes came off. The coyote chased her as she ran but stopped when she reached the stairs. Once she was safely inside, she called 911.
The coyote switched its attention to the shoe, grabbed it, shook it violently and ran off with it across the street, and disappeared into the woods. Police searched the area but they were unable to locate the animal. But they did find Anna’s shoe, which was about 10 feet into the woods.
“It has not been seen or heard from since that day,” said Larson, “If it was rabid, it may be dead as the disease kills animals within a few days. We are still reviewing and following up with local officials to determine if there have been reports of unusual acting coyotes.”
The girl was left with several puncture wounds on her arm and had to undergo a series of rabies shots, but she’s expected to make a full recovery.
Coyote attacks on humans are rare. Counting last week’s attack, there have been 12 documented cases of coyote attacks on humans in Massachusetts in the last 21 years, with the first documented attack being in 1998. According to MassWildlife, in most of those cases, the coyotes tested positive for rabies or were suspected to be rabid. Some of the incidents involved coyotes that had become overly accustomed to people, Larson said.
MassWildlife requests people to report any unusual animal behavior to local authorities.
To make your property less attractive to coyotes, MassWildlife officials recommend feeding your pets indoors. Make sure your garbage is secured in tough plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, and keep it indoors whenever possible. Clear away any fruit that falls from trees in your yard, and if you have bird feeders, clean up any birdseed that spills onto the ground. If you see coyotes around your yard regularly, you should probably remove the bird feeders.
Larson said it’s also important to keep coyote attacks in perspective. “You’re far more likely to get bitten by a dog than a coyote. A local Animal Control Officer probably gets more than 12 calls about dog bites in one year in one town.”
Parts of the above information came from Emily Sweeney’s March 7 article in the Boston Globe entitled, “Norwell mom describes coyote attack on her daughter”.
Coyote Contest

Some 29 coyotes were entered into Dave’s Sporting Goods Coyote Contest this year, and the winner was Carl Dolle of Clarksburg. He bagged the most with a total of 15. Joe Trybus, of Lanesborough came in second with a count of 13. The largest coyote, weighing 42 lbs was taken by Glen Curtis. Congratulations to all.


Statewide deer harvest in 2018 set a record


According to figures provided by MassWildlife, the preliminary statewide deer harvest for 2018 was 14,513 – a new record high. That compares with the 2017 total of 13,220. The 2018 preliminary harvest figures by season are as follows:
• Youth Deer Hunt Day (Sept. 29): 138
• Paraplegic Deer Hunt (Nov. 1–3): 3
• Archery Season (Zones 1-9: Oct. 15–Nov. 24 and Zones 10-14: Oct 1-Nov. 24): 5,190
• Shotgun Season (Nov. 26–Dec. 8): 6,495
• Primitive Firearms Season (Dec. 10–Dec. 31): 2,687
Zone Adult Male Button Buck Female Total
1 304 14 85 403
2 438 6 97 541
3 462 28 180 670
4N 456 16 154 626
4S 299 11 68 378
5 487 31 186 704
6 111 2 34 147
7 410 46 248 704
8 595 40 250 885
9 786 115 557 1,458
10 1,220 238 1,193 2,651
11 1,773 299 1,292 3,364
12 181 17 101 299
13 354 120 426 900
14 297 123 363 783
Statewide 8,173 1,106 5,234 14,513

MassWildlife believes that deer density and hunter effort tend to be the most important factors influencing harvest from year to year. However, there were two important changes for the 2018 season that may have led to the record harvest. One factor was the opening of over 7,500 acres of Wachusett Reservoir Public Land resulting in a Zone 9 harvest increase from last year by about 300 deer. The other factor was the two-week extension to the archery season in Zones 10-14. That resulted in an increase of over 700 deer being taken during that period.
According to my unofficial figures, the deer harvest has been on an increase over the last several years as evidenced by the following figures which were provided yearly by MassWildlife. Total statewide harvest beginning in 2014 and ending with 2018 were as follows:11,165, 10,142, 12,233, 13,255 and this year’s 14,513. In our Western District WMZ 1 through WMZ 4, the figures were: 1,737, 1,887, 2,197, 2,318 and this year’s 2,618.
MassWildlife noted that while total harvest by zone can be informative, it doesn’t provide the complete picture. Thus, it is important to assess harvest data and monitor trends by Wildlife Management Zones. Total harvest is influenced by deer density and the number of antlerless deer permits that they allocate in each zone, as well as annual changes in hunter effort, harvest-rates, success-rates, weather, etc.
MassWildlife Deer Project Leader David P. Stainbrook will spend the next few months thoroughly analyzing the deer harvest and biological data as well as assessing deer population trends in each zone. The results and recommendations for the 2019 season will take place at the annual deer management review, (usually at the June Fish &Wildlife Board Meeting). A complete harvest summary will be posted on the MassWildlife website shortly after the annual deer review.
Turkey Regulation proposed changes
In my November 18, 2018 column, “MassWildlife proposes new turkey-hunting regulations”, I listed the proposed new regulations and the reasons for the changes which were presented to the F & W Board in November. Here is a condensed recap of the proposed changes.
• Increase the annual limit to three birds (2 bearded turkeys in the spring and 1 of either sex in the fall).
• Increase the daily bag limit to two per day during the spring season
• Expand the fall season (ARCHERY ONLY) to coincide with the archery deer season.
• Allow Youth Turkey permits issued to youth aged 12–14 for use in the fall turkey hunting seasons.

MassWildlife staff will be hosting two informational meetings in February to provide the public with an opportunity to give feedback. Turkey Biologist Dave Scarpitti will make a short presentation on the turkey hunting review and regulation proposals, followed by a Q&A session for the public to give feedback. The meeting dates are: Thursday, February 7 at 6 pm at MassWildlife Field Headquarters (1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581), and Wednesday, February 13 at 6:30 pm at the Palmer Public Library (1455 N. Main Street, Palmer, MA 01069).

If bad weather requires rescheduling or cancellation, they will post a notification.
Anyone unable to attend the informational meetings may comment on the changes by mail to: Turkey Season Feedback, MassWildlife Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581. Public feedback will be considered by MassWildlife staff and provided to the Fisheries and Wildlife Board. Please note that if changes are endorsed by the Board, a formal public hearing and public comment period will be scheduled and publicized.
Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program

The MA Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game, is seeking proposals from Massachusetts municipalities interested in replacing an undersized, perched, and/or degraded culvert located in an area of high ecological value. Total funding available in FY20 is anticipated to be $750,000. Additional funding from other sources may be available and further details, including eligible towns and projects, will be included when the Request for Response (RFR) is issued on February 20, 2019. The purpose of this funding is to encourage municipalities to replace culverts with better designed crossings that meet improved structural and environmental design standards and climate resiliency criteria.

Only projects that intend to meet the goals of the Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards will be considered for funding. Incorporating these Standards into culvert design will improve river function and access for fish and wildlife, and will reduce hazards to public safety, such as flooding, culvert failure, and road washout. Massachusetts municipalities are eligible to apply for funding to support advancement of one culvert replacement project toward completion. Interested communities should view the full announcement, including eligibility and evaluation criteria, at

The PRE-Request For Responses (RFR) period, January 23, 2019 to February 20, 2019, provides a preview of the RFR that DER will issue February 20, 2019. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Carrie Banks to discuss possible projects during this period. The RFR will be released at 3:00 PM on February 20, 2019. The application deadline is 5:00 PM, March 20, 2019.

Applicants are encouraged to attend a Grant Briefing to learn more about this funding opportunity. During Grant Briefings, DER Staff will explain the Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program, answer questions, and be available to meet one-on-one with municipalities to discuss proposed projects. A local Grant Briefing information is scheduled on February 4 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM at the Adams Town Hall, 8 Park Street, Adams. Attendees should RSVP to or 413-579-3015 in case of inclement weather and the briefings either need to be canceled or postponed. Check the Division of Ecological Restoration’s website ( for the most up-to-date information regarding grant briefings.

Bunny Hunt Results
Some 20 hunters signed up for the Berkshire Beagle Club bunny hunt and game dinner which was held on Saturday, January 26. Four cottontail rabbits were checked in and the largest one weighed 2.89 lbs. It was bagged by David Morris, of Lee, in front of Tom King’s (of Cheshire) dog Bomber. Only one snowshoe hare was checked in and it weighed 3.46 lbs. It was bagged by Pat McGrath of Dalton who shot it in front of Tony Cornwell’s (of Peru) dog Izzy.
A delectable meal of venison chili, bear chili, venison spaghetti, venison meat loaf and bear stew was prepared by members Dick Kalisz and Ted Billis. There was also a great raffle.
Upcoming Derbies

The 33rd Annual Jimmy Fund Ice Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, February 10 at the Frank Controy Pavilion on Onota Lake from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Admission is: Adults – $15, Kids – $5. Tickets are available at Onota Boat Livery (413)443-1366, Maces Marine (313)447-7512 or on the day of the derby at the Pavilion. There will be three divisions of trophies and prizes and plenty of good food. For more information, contact Leo Kruczkowski (413)822-2745 or Chico Gelinas (413)282-9486.
The Ashfield Rod & Gun Club’s Annual Youth Ice Fishing Derby will take place on Saturday, February 9 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Prizes will be awarded for all legally caught fish checked in at the The Ashfield Lake House. After the derby, a spaghetti dinner will be held at Sanderson Academy. There will be a $5 charge for adults, free for kids. Following the dinner, there will be a presentation given by Tom Ricardi on birds of prey. For additional derby information, contact Joe Miraglia at (413) 628-4400.

Rescued attempt for deer has sad ending


On Thursday morning, January 17, The Western District Office of MassWildlife was called upon to rescue a 180-190 lbs buck that was stuck on the ice on Pontoosuc Lake. According to DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden, the deer was splayed out on the ice, couldn’t get any grip and appeared to be injured. Although there was a lot of blood and the animal’s tail was missing, the DFW staff was hopeful that after assessing its injuries, perhaps they could treat and release it back into the wild.

They had to tranquilize it in order to free it from the ice. DFW Wildlife Biologist Nate Buckhout slowly and cautiously approached the deer with a tranquilizer gun. He tried not to startle the deer and keep it as stress-free as possible to avoid it from trying to get up and hurting itself more. The deer was alert and tried to get up but the ice was too slick

“Nate took a good shot getting the immobilizer into the deer. The drugs worked pretty quickly and all went pretty well,” Madden said. The buck was loaded onto a sled and dragged off by MassWildlife personnel to be assessed. At that time, it wasn’t known whether the deer would survive the wounds and traumatic event.

Thank goodness the ice was solid and they could get to the deer because, if not, they would have had to work with the fire departments on water rescue which can be risky.

After assessing the deer, MassWildlife personnel discovered more serious injuries and determined that they were far too serious for the deer to recover. Unfortunately, they had to euthanize it.

Madden felt that perhaps the deer was chased onto the ice by coyotes, fell down and couldn’t get up due to its being so slippery. On that day the ice was hard with no snow on which to grip.

Although it was not a happy ending, give credit to MassWildlife and all involved for their valiant efforts to try to save that deer.

Want to learn how to ice fish? Attend a Family Ice Fishing Festival
MassWildlife advises us to not let winter keep us indoors. Ice fishing provides anglers with the unique opportunity to fish on a lake or pond without a boat during the cold winter months. If you’re looking to learn how to ice fish, join MassWildlife’s Angler Education Program at an upcoming event this winter.
Two Family Ice Fishing Festivals are scheduled for the Western District this year. Both are free and open to the public with no pre-registration required.
February 2 in Pittsfield – A learn to ice fish event at Pontoosuc Lake (81 Narragansett Avenue) from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Park on the street around the park and walk onto the lake from there.)
February 9 in Chesterfield – A learn to ice fish event at Scout Pond – Tolgy Wood (the old Chesterfield Scout Reservation at Sugar Hill Road in Chesterfield) from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Bring your ice fishing equipment, or borrow theirs; equipment and bait will be available on a first come, first served basis. These events are in cooperation with the Western Massachusetts Boy Scout Council. For more information contact Jim Lagacy at or (508) 389-6309. PLEASE NOTE: Less than 6″ of safe ice, rain, or heavy snow will cancel the events.
Basic Hunter Education courses being offered
By state law, if you are 18 years of age or older and you want to purchase your first-ever hunting license, you must complete a Basic Hunter Education course. Hunters 12 to 17 years of age must adhere to the regulations which are specific to their age. While minors are not mandated to complete a Basic Hunter Education, it is a prerequisite for certain youth programs and it allows minors 15 to 17 years of age to hunt without direct supervision.
In a Basic Hunter Education course, students receive instruction in the safe handling and storage of hunting arms and ammunition, hunting laws and ethics, care and handling of game, and wildlife conservation. Courses are typically 15 hours in length and are offered in different formats to meet the public’s needs. Students under the age of 18 will need a parent or legal guardian’s permission to attend this course. All courses are free of charge and open to the public.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club will be conducting a 6 session Hunter Education Course at its clubhouse on 310 Curran Road, Cheshire. The sessions will run from 6:00 to 9:00pm on February 18, 22, 2 and March 1, 4 and 8.
A similar 6 session course will be held at the Pittsfield High School, 300 East Street, Pittsfield. The sessions will also run from 6:00 to 9:00pm on March 5, 7, 12, 14, 19 and 21.
If these courses are not convenient for you, Basic Hunting Instructor Wayne McLain plans to teach a course at the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club in Williamstown sometime in April, but the dates have not been firmed up yet. As soon as the dates have been established, I’ll pass them on in this column.
To enroll in either course, call (508) 389-7830. Don’t wait! These courses fill up rapidly.
It may be more convenient for you to take the Basic Hunter Education course in another state. A government-issued Basic Hunter Education certificate from any U.S. State, Mexico, or Canada is accepted to meet the prerequisites for purchasing a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license. Many states near Massachusetts allow non-residents to attend their hunter education course offerings.
If you are using your certificate to becoming eligible for your first-ever hunting license and apply for a firearms license please be aware that your local police department will not accept an out-of-state certificate.
For more information, click onto

On the Water TV show features Berkshire Waters

Rick O’Neill, of Pittsfield, was fortunate enough last May to get together with Chris Megan, Publisher of On the Water magazine/television show, and Dave Hadden of Old Town Kayaks to film a couple of days of smallmouth and trout fishing in the Southern Berkshires.

According to Rick, they had 2 tremendous days of fishing and filming that included drone and underwater footage. They caught tons of smallmouth bass ranging from 1 ½ lbs to 6 lbs on a pond in Great Barrington. Sorry, you will have to watch the program to see exactly where they caught them.

The show will be airing on Sunday, February 10 at 10:00 am on Channel 26 NBC Boston. While Rick hasn’t seen the final footage, he knows for a fact that they also took lots of film of local attractions and will be trying to promote all that we have to offer here in the Berkshires.