Specialty license plate provides new funding to restore trout streams


The leaping brook trout license plate has been available to motorists since 1998, and has provided funding for grassroots conservation efforts through the Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET) for many years. Thanks to a new agreement, the plate now also provides funding for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) to target high-priority restoration efforts in trout streams.

Eastern brook trout, the only type of wild trout native to Massachusetts, are listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan and require cold, clean water to thrive. Brook trout are an important recreational resource for anglers, and their presence is considered an indicator of high-quality coldwater habitat. Unfortunately, wild trout in Massachusetts are at risk from warming water temperatures, changes in stream flow, and disruptive human activities on the landscape, like dams and culverts that block their movements.

“The conservation projects funded through the brook trout license plate will complement and advance MassWildlife’s existing efforts to manage and restore coldwater habitats in Massachusetts,” said Todd Richards, MassWildlife’s Assistant Director of Fisheries. “As climate change and habitat degradation increasingly threaten habitats for wild trout and other coldwater species, it’s more important than ever to bring together partners to conserve these resources.”

Half of the proceeds will go directly to MassWildlife for the conservation and management of coldwater fishery resources, while the remaining funds are distributed through a grants program to other conservation partners that are engaged in management activities that benefit brook trout and their habitats. Funds will be directed to high-priority projects, like those developed to restore habitats and improve fish passage, improve knowledge of coldwater fisheries ecology, and address emerging issues such as climate change.

“The Massachusetts Environmental Trust is pleased to continue and refine its partnership with the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife on the Brook Trout license plate,” said R.J. Lyman, Chair of the Massachusetts Environmental Trust. “The Trust has always focused its funding on public and non-profit initiatives to protect threatened species and critical habitats, in marine, estuarine, and fresh water resource areas. More plates mean more protection!”

The plate is available through the Registry of Motor Vehicles to all motorists who are registering a vehicle in the Commonwealth. For motorists who already have a vehicle registered and want this plate, they can visit Mass.gov/myRMV to order one. Like all specialty plates, the cost to the motorist is $40 every two years, in addition to the cost of a standard passenger plate every two years. MET also offers other specialty environmental plates including the striped bass plate, the right whale plate, and the Blackstone Valley plate.

Trout Stockings


The following waters were stocked with trout the week of May 9- 13:  Trout Brook in Worthington and Peru, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, Windsor Brook in Windsor and Hinsdale, Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Clam and Buck Rivers in Sandisfield, Town Brook in Lanesborough, Hoosic River in Cheshire and Adams, Yokun Brook in Lenox, West Brook in in Lee and Great Barrington, Sackett Brook in Dalton and Pittsfield, Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge, Greenwater Brook, Goose Pond Brook and Beartown Brook in Lee; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Little River in Worthington and Huntington, Westfield River in Huntington, Littleville Lake in Huntington and Chester, Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Windsor Pond in Windsor and Onota Lake in Pittsfield


Waters scheduled to be stocked during the week of May 16 – 20:  Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, West Branch of the  Westfield River in Becket, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington; East Branch of the Westfield River in Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield, North Branch of the Hoosic River in Clarksburg and North Adams, Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Cold River in Florida and Charlemont, East Branch of the Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Southwest Branch of the Housatonic River in Pittsfield, Green River (North) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Goose Pond in Lee and Tyringham, Laurel Lake, Otis Reservoir and Richmond Pond.


Good showing at the Beagle Club Field Trials


On April 23 and 24 the Berkshire Beagle Club held an American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned field trial on its land in Richmond, MA.  Contestants from PA, NY, MA, VT, NH, CT and RI participated in the two-day event. According to Club Secretary Patrick Barry, it was one of their biggest field trials.  They had 43 entries on Saturday and 75 entries on Sunday, for a total of 118 hounds

Ralph Harington


Males ran on Saturday and females on Sunday.  Classes were further identified as 13-inch and 15-inch beagles. Awards were given for first through fourth places as well as NBQ (next best qualifier).


Ralph Harrington of Cambridge, New York, who is a Berkshire Beagle Club member, took home a blue ribbon.  Or, I should say his 13-inch 2 ½ year old male named Ralph’s Copper City Eaton Stew (pictured) did. Quite an accomplishment when you consider the stiff competition that was there that day.  According to Ralph, his handsome beagle has also placed in other field trials recently.


Pictured with Ralph and to his left is Scott Bisbee and Bob Kane, Jr.to his right.  Both are field trial judges


Ralph also commented that it was a nice event with good food and good judges.


He’s at it again

Joshua Christman of Pittsfield, who has been named Massachusetts Angler of the Year (Adult Catch and Keep Category) in 2016, 2020 and 2021 by MassWildlife and a frequent multi-gold pin awardee is off to another good start this year.  Check out the huge rainbow trout which he caught recently out of Berkshire County waters.  It measured 24 inches long and weighed 4 lbs.

Josh Christman with large rainbow trout

It looks bigger, ey?

Dept of Fish & Game/ Army Corps of Engineers Agreement

Last month, at the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet, which was held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, Ron Amidon, Commissioner of MA Department of Fish & Game Department (DFG), was called upon to say a few words.  He didn’t plan on speaking, but I think you would be interested in what he did say in his short speech.

About 4 years ago DFG started negotiations with the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE).  DFG owns land that abuts the ACOE in a lot of locations, but one of the locations that has the most land (8,000 acres) is called Birch Hill Dam of Central MA that ACOE owns.  The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) have a lot of abutting land.  If one puts those 3 landowners together, there’s almost 14,000 acres of open, conserved land.

Most people agree that the DFW and DCR are doing a good job of managing their lands but the ACOE will be the first to admit that they do not. They acknowledge that land management is not what they do, but rather flood protection.  According to Amidon, the ACOE in effect asked the DFE to manage their lands. After 2 ½ years of negotiations, an agreement was signed.  DFW will get to manage the ACOE land and, they get to keep the money for up to 5 years as long as they put that money back into the management of those lands.  That includes prescribed burns, invasive species control and improvement of the roads.

Amidon believes that is the first license agreement with the ACOE in the entire northeast and perhaps in the country in terms of pilot programs.  So, all of the other areas where they (DFG/DCR) own land that abuts land owned by the ACOE, such as the Knightsville Dam area are being looked into with the hopes of coming to similar management agreements.

Amidon discussed other interesting projects which we hope to get into in future columns.

Richmond Pond book is a gem

In a joint project, the Richmond Pond Association and the Richmond Historical Commission produced a book entitled, The Gem of Richmond:  A History of Richmond Pond. The editor was Ken Kelly, of Lenox and Richmond, the attractive cover was designed by Valeri Reynolds and Jennifer Coughlin.  Many writers contributed to the book and it was published by Troy Book Makers. Although the 160-page book is soft cover, it and the ensuing pages are top quality, glossy paper, capable of being passed on from generation to generation.

There is something in this book for everyone, especially if you are a local history buff. It covers the period from the Holocene Glacial Retreat, some 12,000 years ago to present day. Richmond Pond (formerly called South Pond) began as a 98-acre glacial pond, scraped from the limestone and marble bedrock by advancing glaciers thousands of years ago. At the time, it was about 30 feet deep near the center. Over the years, a dam was built, breached, raised and rebuilt a couple of times arriving at the point where it is today, encompassing 218 acres and over 50 feet deep. Some 120 acres of what was prime farmland now comprises part of the lake floor.

It is believed that the first inhabitants in the area were Paleo-Indians, and later the Mohicans. According to the book, by the late 1700’s, the pond would have been in mesotrophic condition (medium amounts of nutrients present). As the nutrients, temperature change and oxygen levels all worked in balance, the pond became a great habitat for fish and wildlife. In the 1700’s the settlers arrived and built the first dam for industry use, and the process of eutrophication (increasing plant growth) began.

The book covers everything that happened after that – the farming and later selling of surrounding farmland, the building of nearby railroad tracks on the western side of the pond, the conversion of various sections of land into camps, residence areas, beaches and a boat ramp, and the people who were directly involved along the way.

Chapter Three of the book deals with the fish and wildlife. In the mid to late 1860’s large catches of pickerel took place, and “most of the fish were of good size.” Around that time, non-native black bass (largemouths) and white bass (white perch?) were stocked. With the 50+ feet depth of the lake and its cold water in some areas, rainbow, brown and brook trout were stocked and they seem to thrive there. Now, there are 10 species of freshwater fish found in that pond, most of which were at one time or another legally stocked.

But not all. In 1979 a 20 lbs. 42.5 inch northern pike was caught out of it by Lois Kelly (Ken’s mom). According to Ken, it was probably the result of “sleuth private stockings” or “bait bucket introductions.”  The book illustrates a couple of pictures of other successful anglers.

It makes reference to The History of the County of Berkshire, Massachusetts published in 1829, which included a listing of animals, fish, birds, reptiles and plants that existed near Richmond Pond in those days. With the exception of the wolf, lynx and mountain lion all are still there. Wild turkey had disappeared by then, but as you know the State has reintroduced them and they currently are thriving. The book lists an impressive array of migrating waterfowl that visit the pond annually.

There are chapters entitled “Old Times” and “Early Settlers.” They mention, in quite detail, the early inhabitants, (Mohicans) and how they were displaced by European colonization and what they in turn did with the land. One chapter addressed the expansions of the pond over the years, another the effects of the railroads.

The chapter covering ice harvesting is quite interesting. Gray haired folks like myself well remember the blocks of ice delivered by the ice man who put them into our “ice boxes”. That was before the Frigidaire came onto the scene. There are pictures of people hand sawing ice blocks, of ice chutes used for loading the blocks onto the nearby railroad and of ice houses, one being the Shaker Village Ice House.

Some eight summer camps existed on that lake at different times, starting in the 1890’s and the book covers each one.  Ah!  The memories of local teenage boys fishing and swimming the lake back then, always trying to scheme a plan to penetrate the perimeter of the girls’ camps.

The book covers the various community associations that currently exist there as well as some of its notable business neighbors.

There is so much more I could mention about the book but I don’t want to give away all of the secrets contained in it. Suffice it to say that it is a good read and I highly recommend it.  Ken, and his team did a great job.

I understand that the book is in its 3rd printing already. It can be purchased at Bartlett’s, Balderdash Cellars, Shaker Mill Books, Hancock Shaker Village and The Bookstore in Lenox.

At $20, it’s a steal.

Spring Fishing Derby

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is sponsoring a spring fishing derby on Sunday, May 22 at the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp.  It will run from dawn until 3:00 pm.  Cash prizes of $100 will be awarded to the lucky anglers who catch the heaviest trout or salmon, pickerel, bass and bullhead.  There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under.  The pre-registration fee is $10.00 and post-registration is $15.00.

Tickets are available at:  Minkler Insurance Agency at 31 Main Street, Stockbridge or (w) 413-644-3590, (h) 413-298-4630 or contact any club member.  Official rules may be picked up at the boat ramp.

Trout Stocking

I was away last week and was not able to obtain a listing of local waters stocked before I left.  To find out the most recent waters stocked, click onto: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/trout-stocking-report.

Endangered Species Day coming up

Join MassWildlife on May 20 to recognize the 432 plants and animals that are considered rare in Massachusetts. These rare species play an important role in keeping the Commonwealth’s natural communities thriving. MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP) focuses on conserving rare species and their habitats throughout Massachusetts.

On Endangered Species Day and every day of the year, you can make a difference in rare species conservation.  Here’s how:

  • Report rare speciesHelp MassWildlife monitor rare plants and animals by telling them when you see the species. If you have information on the location of a rare species or a vernal pool and would like to help NHESP keep its database current, submit your observations through the Heritage Hub.
  • Donate to support rare speciesYou can make a big impact by donating directly to NHESP. You might consider making a donation of $4.32 on May 20 to honor the 432 animals and plants on the MA Endangered Species Act List. All money donated goes towards conserving the rare animals and plants that call Massachusetts home. Your donation goes toward equipment and services needed to give these species a fighting chance.

Massachusetts Pistol License Course

On Sunday, May 22, from 8:30am until 1:30pm the Lee Sportsmen’s Association will be sponsoring a Massachusetts Pistol License Course which qualifies participants to apply for a Massachusetts FID or LTC, plus pistol licenses in Connecticut, Florida, etc.  This comprehensive one-day course includes information for federal and state firearm laws, operation and safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals, care and cleaning, concealed carry methods, a live fire session on the LSA Indoor Pistol Range, and much more.

Course fee is $160 due in cash on the day of the course. State license application fees and processing are not included. Participants will receive a course certificate, application forms, other resources and supporting documents.  Participants will also receive new Walker’s earmuffs and safety glasses that are theirs to keep.  Club membership applications will be available at the course.

To register, visit www.NRApistolinstructor.com and use the Contact form; providing your full name including middle initial, date of birth, course date, course selection, address, telephone, and email contact information.  For questions or concerns, and if you require assistance to register for a course, contact Robert McDermott at (413) 232-7700 or email robmcdermott@verizon.net.

MassWildlife’s Information and Education Chief, Marion Larson retired


After over 38 years of state service, Marion E. Larson retired in early March from her position as Chief of MassWildlife’s Information and Education (I&E) Section. Marion joined MassWildlife in 1991, after she had served the Commonwealth for seven years as an Environmental Police Officer.

She began her MassWildlife career in I&E as a Wildlife Education Specialist, coordinating Project WILD, a national program that provides ecology and conservation teaching resources and training to K-12 teachers and serving on the Massachusetts Envirothon steering committee, in addition to providing trainings, coordinating public displays and events, and performing many other related duties. In later years, Marion was the Outreach Coordinator, fielding emails and phone calls from the public; providing content for the agency’s website; organizing meetings, programs, and events; developing the agency’s newsletter,  and handling press inquiries in coordination with the Department of Fish and Game and the Secretariat of Energy and the Environment.

Marion was promoted to her ultimate position of Chief of I&E in 2012. During her tenure, she served on the board of directors of the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp, on the Massachusetts Envirothon Council, as part of the Massachusetts State Commission for Conservation of Soil, Water, and Related Resources’ grant review team, and on the Northeast Information & Education Association. While she was Chief, the agency developed and implemented its highly successful social-media outreach and marketing strategy; focused its efforts on hunter and angler recruitment, retention, and reactivation; opened its new LEED Platinum certified Field Headquarters in Westborough; and proudly celebrated its 150th anniversary with a gala, full-day open house at the Field Headquarters.

Marion Larson provided by MassWildlife

The hallmarks of Marion’s successful career are the lasting connections she made across agencies and organizations statewide and the seemingly effortless, down-to-earth rapport she always maintained with members of the press and the public alike. Her general wildlife and conservation knowledge and ability to convey it simply are matched only by her curiosity and enthusiasm for the subjects. Marion’s lifelong passion for education was the catalyst for much of her work. As she noted in her farewell email to her MassWildlife colleagues, “whether it was in law enforcement, working with educators and volunteers, outreach to different audiences, media relations, publications, [or] other communications efforts, the common thread was education.”

Marion received a Commonwealth of Massachusetts Citation for Outstanding Performance in 2000 and was recently honored with two new prestigious awards, the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award from Worcester County League of Sportsmen’s Clubs and the Lillian Gribbons Award, given by the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council.

I first met Marion in the early 1990’s when she assisted the then information chief Ellie Horwitz in the MassWildlife’s Becoming an Outdoorswoman (BOW) program.  No, I didn’t try to become an outdoorswoman, but my wife Jan did. I taught fly-tying classes for them.


I can’t begin to tell you how helpful she was in providing information for this column over the years.  Nearly every month or so I communicated with her to get clarification of something or perhaps to obtain contact information of someone about whom I was writing. She was always very helpful.

“I have enjoyed meeting and working with various folks from the Berkshire outdoor and environmental community over the years, especially George Darey.  A teacher in so many ways, I appreciated his experience and advice.” she said. “There are some terrific people and organizations that are doing great work, partnering with one another on good projects. (By) working together on common goals, reaching out to new and different audiences, much more can be accomplished.”

On behalf of the local sportsmen and women, we offer a hearty thanks for her service and wish her a long and happy retirement.

Will Marion just fade away into the sunset?  I doubt that for she continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the New England Outdoor Writer’s Association, along with her old friend Ellie Horwitz.

Trout Stockings

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked last week:  Dry Brook in Cheshire and Adams, Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, Deerfield River in Buckland, Florida and Charlemont; South Brook in Cheshire, Westfield River (Middle Branch) in Worthington, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington;  Westfield River (East Branch) in Savoy, Cummington and Chesterfield; Housatonic River (East Branch) in Dalton, Housatonic River (SW Branch) in Pittsfield, Kinderhook Creek in Hancock, Williams River in West Stockbridge and Great Barrington, Greenwater Pond in Becket, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, North Pond in Florida, Berry Pond in Hancock, Garfield Lake in Monterey and Windsor Lake in North Adams.

Trout stocking with kids

Last month, on Earth Day, hundreds of youngsters helped DFW personnel stock close to 800 rainbow trout into Onota Lake.  And they didn’t charge a penny for their services. They certainly kept District Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon busy for a while netting them out of the DFW truck mounted aerated fish tank and placing them gently into the pails.

Let ’em fly son. Picture provided by Gene Chague

Each year, the MA DFW invites the public to help them stock trout during school vacation week.  What a wonderful way for the kids to meet MassWildlife fisheries staff, view the trout up close, and learn about places to fish near them.

I always get a kick out of seeing the expressions on the faces of these youngsters (and their parents) when they first see a real live trout flopping around in their 5-gallon pails while running to the lake side to quickly release them. Some of these kids are not much bigger than the pails that they are carrying. With District Manager Andrew Madden urging them on at the shoreline, they gave hearty heave hos, and launched the trout out of the pails and watched them sail through the air before plopping harmless into the water.  Every kid got a chance to liberate some of the trout with a parent running closely by them snapping pictures.  I am pleased to report that there were no fish casualties and all of them quickly swam into deeper waters.

Berkshire Natural Fish Hatchery Youth Fishing Derby

The Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in conjunction with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will be sponsoring a free fishing derby on May 14 at the lower pond of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for children 13 and under.  They must be accompanied by an adult.

License to carry course


Pete’s Gun Shop in Adams is holding an NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified LTC Safety Course. The course consists of classroom instruction followed by live firing.  This will be a two evening all inclusive, live fire class on Tuesday and Wednesday May 17 and 18 at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club. The classroom portion will be on the 17th at 5:30 pm and the shooting portion will be on the 18th at 5:30 pm.


This is to qualify residents and non-residents for the MA License to Carry or FID Card.  Participants will receive a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop in appreciation for taking the course. The cost of $100 covers use of the range, firearms, ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, and the NRA Basic Pistol Safety Textbook. Individuals can pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. A non- refundable deposit is required to reserve your seat at the time of registration. No credit cards are accepted.


This live fire course fills up very quickly so call or stop in early to pre-register.


Puppy Day at the Beagle Club

Own a young beagle under 1 ½ years old?  You might want to consider bringing it over to the Berkshire Beagle Club on Sleepy Hollow Road in Richmond next Saturday morning, May 14, to see if it has any interest in bunnies.  The Club is having a beagle “puppy day” where from 8:00 am to noon the general public is invited to bring their dog over.   The cost is $10.  The property is entirely fenced in so it can’t get lost or hit on a road.   People will be there to give advice on how to train your puppy.  It’s a good time to meet members and learn about the club should you be interested in someday joining.  For more information, contact Chris Wilser at (845)489-6554 or Jeff St John at (413) 441-0744.

Conte banquet honors five

Over 160 people attended the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club last Saturday night to honor the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) 2019 award winners.  Past BCLS President, Mark Jester, did his usual yeoman’s job as emcee.


As listed in my column of January 12, 2020, five people were selected to receive awards.  Then came covid and there was no Conte Banquet in that year nor in 2021.  After it was decided to finally hold the Conte Banquet this year, I reminded everyone by listing the 5 recipients and their accomplishments in the column of February 26.


Before the awards ceremony, MA Fish & Game Commissioner Ron Amidon gave a very interesting talk which space does not allow me to relate at this time.  I will circle back to that talk in a future column.


The late Chris Puntin, formerly of Pittsfield, received the Sportsman of the Year Award posthumouslyUnfortunately, Chris lost his life in a hunting accident in 2020 while helping out at the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.  He was the local chairman of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and served on the Massachusetts State Board.   For many years he was a mentor for the youth turkey hunts and was a key organizer at the NWTF fund raisers.

In honoring Puntin, Joe Judd, Massachusetts Chapter NWTF Board Member and Sports Columnist for the Greenfield Recorder, made it abundantly clear that not only the local sportsmen suffered a great loss with Joe’s passing, but the State as well.  “We (the Board) knew early on that Chris was special and we saw it from the very beginning” he said, “He loved young people and lit up just watching a youth learning to use a turkey call for the first time.  He had the skill to help them in a way that what they learned from him they would retain, and if they didn’t, Chris would give more.  We knew that he was the guy that was going to lead us in that area in the future.  We are very proud to have known him and worked with him and we are all happy to be here tonight to thank him”.

The plaque was accepted by Chris’s son Nick.







Meredyth Babcock of Becket received the Outstanding Achievement Award.  Meredyth is the Volunteer and Projects Coordinator for the Wild and Scenic (W/S) Westfield River Committee.  As Coordinator, she partners with communities, municipal officials, conservation organizations and Federal and State agencies to manage the Westfield River and maintain the health of the entire watershed for nearby and downstream communities.

She is also helping out with the Highlands Foot Passage and is slowly working toward improving the East Branch Trail.


The Becket-Washington School did 5 years of a Stream Explorer Program where for 6 weeks Meredyth came after school and basically walked the river, called the “Walking the River Roads.”  They also did “Teen River Clean” where the W&S Committee hired teenagers to go to areas where they had seen garbage and they cleaned it up.  The Committee didn’t pay them but rather granted scholarships for helping out.

Stephanie Dupont of Pittsfield received the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award – Since joining the Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) in 2015, Stephanie and her husband Eric have made sure that their children have been pre-eminent members of the Air2Spare Jr. Air Pistol Team as well as the youth shotgun and archery programs.  She made sure that they also participated in the LSA’s fishing derbies, clean-up days, fund raisers and hunts.  Stephanie has become a vital part of the day-to-day operations of the club as a Board Member, member of the Fundraising Committee, a member of the Youth Programs Committee and grant writer.   She is Assistant Coach of the High Caliber 22 Bullseye Pistol Team, started the Summers Ladies Night Fun Shoot Program, and wrote a bi-weekly column for the Berkshire Record.

Donald E. Girard of Adams received the Lifetime Achievement AwardDon, who has been a scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop #38 in Adams, has been instrumental in leading the youth in appreciation and preservation of our environment. With the involvement of several assistant leaders Don saw the advancement of over 75 youths to Eagle Scout.  The troop planted numerous trees on Pfizer property and Florida Mountain property to enhance and preserve the forest, and planted Christmas trees as a sustainable fund-raising project for the Troop.  They also cleared and maintained many hiking trails including land abutting Windsor Lake in North Adams and Camp Holy Cross in Goshen.  Don taught gun safety and marksmanship at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club and at summer camps at Goshen and also helped out in the Cub Scout fishing derbies.

Gregg Armstrong, of North Adams, received the John Zuber Award.  Gregg has been a member of the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club (EMSC) for over 50 years and an avid sportsman for over 60 years.  He is part of the EMSC youth mentoring program and has been a Mass Hunter Education Instructor for over 30 years. For over 25 years as a member of the EMSC he was instrumental in helping them put on the first youth pheasant hunt in MA.   He was a Boy Scout leader, an avid diver and a Navy vet.






Trout stocking

The following waters, which were subject to change, were scheduled to be stocked last week:  Green River (South) Alford and Egremont, Upper Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, South River in Ashfield, Swift River in Ashfield, Cummington and Goshen; West Branch of the Westfield River in Becket, Middlefield, Chester and Huntington; Deerfield River in Florida, Buckland and Charlemont; Yokum Brook in Becket, Chickley River in Hawley and Charlemont, Pelham Brook in Charlemont, West Branch Brook in Worthington and Chesterfield, Mill Brook in Cummington and Plainfield, Westfield Brook in Windsor and Cummington, Stones Brook in Goshen, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Factory Brook in Middlefield, Dunbar Brook in Monroe, Depot Brook in Washington, Bronson Brook in Worthington, Greenwater Pond in Becket, North Pond in Florida, Garfield Lake in Monterey, York Lake in New Marlborough, Otis Reservoir in Otis and Tolland, Big Pond in Otis and Pelham Lake in Rowe.

Initial Swift River study complete

The Swift River, located about 30 minutes from Springfield and 45 minutes from Worcester, is one of the most unique and popular trout fishing destinations in Massachusetts. Many anglers fish these cold, clear waters year-round thanks to the constant outflow from Quabbin Reservoir. The Swift tailwater is home to many wild brook trout which can grow to trophy size. In addition, anglers target stocked rainbow trout and stocked brown trout, which can sometimes reach massive size as holdovers from previous stocking seasons. For all its popularity, the dynamics of this exceptional fishery have not been well studied or understood. But that’s changing. After several years of observation, monitoring, and preliminary investigation, MassWildlife fisheries biologists have completed the first phase of research to learn about this unique stretch of river.

Based on feedback from anglers, the abundance of stocked trout in the river was not always meeting expectations relative to the quantity of trout being stocked there. In March 2021, MassWildlife launched a “mark-recapture” study to track the survival and movement of stocked trout over time. They were marked with small elastomer marks (tiny permanent hardened dye, similar to a tattoo) near their eye, with a color that corresponded to the month of their stocking. Adipose fins were clipped on fish stocked above Route 9; fins were left intact on trout stocked downstream. Each stocking group was surveyed with electrofishing gear one week, one month, and three months after stocking. The number and location of each marked fish was recorded.

The study was completed early this year and the results and future plans will be discussed by DFW Aquatic Biologists Brian Keleher and Adam Kautza at the May 5 meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association at 565 Fairview St, Lee.  Starting at 7:00 pm, this discussion should be of special interest to local anglers.  The public is invited to sit in on the presentation and to meet our Berkshire County League delegates, our District Fish &Game Board member Stephen Sears, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and of course our guest speakers.

MassWildlife winter bear studies yield interesting results


MassWildlife Black Bear and Furbearer Biologist Dave Wattles informs us that every winter, MassWildlife biologists visit the dens of female black bears (sows), that have been previously fitted with radio tracking collars. Sows may be in their dens alone, with newborn cubs, or with yearling cubs born the previous winter. Biologists assess the condition of the bears, count the newborn cubs, and confirm the survival of the yearlings. These valuable data on survival and reproduction help biologists model whether black bear populations are growing, declining, or remaining stable.

Winter dens can be a hollow tree or log, rock crevice, or a ground nest under fallen trees or brush. Once they locate a den, biologists immobilize the sow and gather information such as body condition, weight, and sex of cubs. They also evaluate collars for proper fit and function and replace them when needed. This past winter, biologists visited 27 dens. Discoveries included one sow with no cubs, four two-year-old females wearing yearling collars, 10 females with yearlings, and 11 females with newborn cubs. Sows ranged in age from two to 16 years old.

Black bear cubs are born small, blind, and helpless. To give the mother a chance to bond with her cubs and for the cubs to grow, MassWildlife waits until the end of February before visiting dens of sows with newborns. The eleven females averaged 2.54 cubs, with one sow having 4 cubs.

photo provided by MassWildlife

Biologists are finding that the female bears they study in more suburban areas are very large, with weights averaging more than 250 pounds, compared to bears in more rural, forested areas averaging closer to 150 pounds.  A second big takeaway from this winter’s research was how close to people bears will den. They had bear dens 10 yards off the back parking lot of a fire department, under a building on piling foundations, on the edge of a backyard, and in the middle of a construction yard. These bears had plenty of options to den in more remote locations but chose not to, indicating bears are finding supplemental food sources in suburban areas, such as unsecured garbage, bird feeders, and open compost. Biologists warn that human food sources are harmful to bears’ natural diets and put communities at added risk of unwanted conflicts.

Wild duck populations are declining

In a recent NY Dept of Environmental Conservation (DEC) newsletter entitled, Banding Together to Explain Declines in Eastern Mallards, it states that over the past 20 years, mallard populations in New York and the Northeast United States have declined significantly, leading to reduced bag limits starting in 2018. To understand what factors may be contributing to the decline, DEC, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Ducks Unlimited, SUNY Brockport, and the University of Saskatchewan partnered with 22 state, federal, and non-governmental organizations to start one of the largest telemetry projects ever conducted in North America. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a participant.

Over the next 4 years, states and provinces in the Atlantic Flyway will be putting out over 1,100 GPS transmitters on female mallards to learn more about habitat use and migration timing and how these factors affect breeding success and survival. In the first year, DEC and partners deployed over 300 transmitters. Each transmitter can send tens of thousands of locations for two or three years. This project will give biologists and researchers a glimpse of what drives mallard populations and will help better inform mallard management in the Atlantic Flyway for years to come.

You can follow along by visiting the project website ( ATLANTIC FLYWAY WATERFOWL TRACKING STUDIES – Home (weebly.com)). It includes an interactive map that is updated periodically so you can follow these birds through migration in near real-time.

Mallards are commonly found in wetlands and urban ponds in the Atlantic Flyway in the northeast US, but there has been a puzzling population level decline of 1% annually since 1998. In contrast, in Eastern Canada mallard populations are stable. Determining the drivers behind these different trajectories is the impetus for this project.

Some 273 mallards were already banded and deployed with 6 of them from Massachusetts.

Black ducks experienced a population decline of 50% in the 1950s -1980s and never recovered. Researchers still haven’t determined the mechanism behind the lack of recovery. Some 150 black ducks

photo provided by NY DEC

were already banded and deployed of which 8 of them were from Massachusetts.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza detected in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources has confirmed that HPAI has been detected in wild birds in multiple locations in Massachusetts and appears to be prevalent in at least some species of the wild bird population.  (Please note, I am not implying that HPAI is causing the decrease in numbers of the ducks noted above).

According to the MDAR, this means all domestic poultry in Massachusetts may be at risk of exposure to the virus, which can be fatal for birds like chickens and turkeys.

Avian flu, also known as bird flu, is a common influenza strain that can spread from birds to humans through saliva, naval secretion and feces. The avian flu is not common among humans, but is very contagious among birds.

Earlier this month, the owners of Pumpkin Wall Farm in Derry, New Hampshire, said about 80 of their birds were euthanized by state workers after five turkeys at the animal sanctuary suddenly died of the avian flu. Wild ducks carrying the virus landed in their pond and infected the flock, which meant the rest of the farm’s chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys then had to be put down.

The MDAR said waterbirds including shorebirds and waterfowl, especially dabbling ducks like Mallards, are most likely to carry the HPAI virus.

People who own chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl, and game birds like pheasants, are advised to keep waterbirds away from their domestic birds.  Owners of domestic birds are also advised to ensure that good biosecurity is being used to protect the animals, as owners and visitors may accidentally expose their birds to HPAI through contaminated shoes, clothing or equipment.

The MDAR said sick or dead domestic birds — chickens, turkeys, gamebirds, domestic ducks, etc. — should be reported to the department’s Division of Animal Health at 617-626-1795 or through an online reporting form that can be obtained at www.mass.gov/forms/poultry-disease-reporting-forms.  Sick or dead wild birds should also be reported to the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) by calling 508-389-6300 or by emailing Mass.Wildlife@mass.gov.

Public hearing coming up on Migratory Game Bird Hunting Season

The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 10:00 am, regarding the 2022-2023 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons via a Zoom video webinar with the Hearing Officer, MassWildlife staff, and Board members.  The public is invited to join via computer or phone line. Instructions for how to join are listed on the MassWildlife web site.

The proposed regulatory amendments are posted on that web site so that interested persons can review them and provide written comments prior to the hearing and oral comments during the public-comment portion of the virtual hearing. The F&W Board must vote to approve the 2022-2023 migratory bird seasons at the close of the hearing. Therefore, there will be no written comment period after this public hearing.

Trout stocking

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked last week.  The schedule was subject to change: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont, and Florida; the Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Hoosic River in Cheshire and Adams, Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Housatonic River (C&R) in Stockbridge and Lee, Greenwater Pond in Becket, Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, Laurel Lake, Goose Pond, Lake Garfield in Monterey, Big Pond in Otis, Windsor Lake in North Adams and Onota Lake.

Hunter Safety Courses

I have been receiving calls inquiring when the next hunter safety course will be held in the Berkshires.  None are listed at this time on the MassWildlife web site.   The closest class that I could find that wasn’t already filled was at the Worthington Rod & Gun Club, 458 Dingle Road (Rte. 112) in Worthington.  It is a 4-day course – April 18, 19, 21 and 22 from 5:30 to 9:00 pm each night.  To enroll, call (508)389-7820 and press 0 for an attendant.

Trout stocking scheduled to begin soon  

MassWildLife reports that approximately 500,000 brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout will be stocked this spring from its five hatcheries located in Sandwich, Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague. The Western District, should receive about 20% of them.  Stocking in the southeastern waters will begin any day now with other regions of the state following soon after as weather conditions allow. The stockings should run to around Memorial Day.

picture provided by MassWildlife


2022 spring trout stocking stats:

  • Most of the trout will be over 12 inches
  • More than 160,000 rainbow trout will be over 14 inches
  • More than 50,000 brook trout will be over 12 inches, including 550 brookies that will be over 18+ inches or retired brood fish
  • More than 52,000 brown trout will be over 12 inches, including nearly 1,000 of them measuring 18+ inches and retired brood fish
  • More than 3,000 tiger trout will be over 14 inches


Bobcat and coyote hunting ended last week


Well, the various small and big game hunting seasons are over – at least until April 23 when the Wild Turkey Youth Hunt kicks off the new season.

Some interesting facts about coyotes were recently noted in an article by the NY Department of Conservation (DEC) entitled You Make My Heart Howl!  Here are some excerpts with minor alterations which would make the recommendations applicable to Massachusetts:

Picture taken and provided by Mark Thorne

It is currently breeding season for area coyotes.   Did you know that coyotes are monogamous and form long-term pair bonds? Research shows coyotes are remarkably faithful to their mates, typically remaining together until the death of one of the pair.

During this time of the year, coyotes are especially active as they mate and begin to set up dens for pups that will arrive in the spring. They also tend to be more territorial, which can lead to more conflicts with people and petsFollowing simple steps like those listed below can help humans and coyotes coexist peacefully:

  • Do not feed coyotes.
  • Do not leave food outside. Pet food, bird seed, compost, and garbage attract coyotes and other wildlife and increase risks to people and pets.
  • Do not allow coyotes to approach people or pets. If you see a coyote, be aggressive in your behavior: stand tall and hold your arms up or out to look as large as possible. If a coyote lingers for too long, make loud noises, wave your arms, and throw sticks and stones.
  • Teach children to appreciate coyotes from a distance.
  • Do not allow pets to run free. Small dogs and cats are especially vulnerable.
  • Fence yards to deter coyotes.
  • Remove brush and tall grass from around homes to reduce protective cover for coyotes.

Remember, seeing a coyote occasionally throughout the year is not a cause for concern. However, if a coyote is exhibiting bold behavior and has little or no fear of people, contact your district office of MassWildlife.  In emergency situation, contact the local police department.

New regulations proposed that Berkshire Waterfowlers will like

In the March meeting of the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, Michael Huguenin, DFW Assistant Director of Wildlife made several proposals regarding waterfowl hunting. One proposal which will be of special interest to local goose hunters is that the regular goose hunting season in the Berkshires would be extended.  If approved, it would provide a late season for regular goose hunting.  It would open on December 15 and run until February 15, with a five-bird bag limit similar to the seasons that the Central and Coastal Districts currently enjoy.

Currently in the Berkshire District, the regular goose hunting season opens on October 10 and runs until November 14.  That’s because we have a 30-day goose hunting season with a two-bird bag limit whereas the rest of Massachusetts has a 60-day season.  The reason is because some of the goose migration flyway out of Labrador and Newfoundland goes through our area and not further east.  After years of analysis, it is felt that the migration is usually pretty much ended by December 15 so there would be little or no effect on it.  The proposal does not violate any Federal restrictions or regulations.

The late season hunt should reduce the number of geese that stay year-round, thus reducing some of their negative impacts.

There were also other recommendations dealing with the sea duck regulations which don’t affect too many Berkshire waterfowlers.

The Board voted to bring the proposals to a public meeting at a time TBA.

Outdoor sportsmen saddened by the loss of Leo M. Daly

Leo M. Daly of Pittsfield, MA passed away on February 29 at the age of 92.

He joined the MA DFW in 1956 where he served in its Central District for 12 years.  While working there he built and ran its district laboratory.

In 1968, he transferred to the Western District (WD) Headquarters as Fisheries Manager where he remained until 1998.  He spent a total of 42 years with the DFW.  During his time with the WD, he held the titles of Aquatic Biologist, Fisheries Manager, and interim District Manager. In the 30 years spent in the WD, he stocked over 1.5 million trout in Western Massachusetts waters.  He was involved in a variety of Catch and Release Programs for the State.

He was also in charge of the Northern Berkshire Paraplegic Deer Hunt for 22 years.  He received awards such as Outstanding Dedication, Service Protection and Managing the Commonwealth’s Fisheries and Wildlife Resources.  He was the recipient of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s 1997 Lifetime Achievement Award.  In his award application, the following was written about him, “Leo has committed his life to a pursuit that has benefitted generations of Berkshire County fishermen.”

Turkey/Ham Shoots have started

The spring turkey shoots have already begun at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.  They started on March 6 and will continue on the following Sundays leading up to Easter.  Prizes include: NY Strip steaks, turkeys, pork loins, and spiral hams.  Cost: $3/shot-meat, $3/shot-money shoot.  Contact John Polastri at (413) 822-8278 with any questions.

Starting Sunday March 20 at 1:00 PM, the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be also offering 22LR shoots and pie shoots.  Bring your Shotguns for 12-16-20 & 410 gauges go home with an Easter Ham.    Shells provided.  Its kitchen will be open for burgers, hotdogs and “maybe a few surprises”.  For more information contact Lorenzo Marangoni: 413-822-7412.

Ham shoots have also started at the Cheshire Sportsmen’s Club, also on Sundays running up to Easter. March 27, April 3, April 10 – Starting each Sunday at 1 p.m. $3/per shot.  Bring your Shotguns for 12-16-20 & 410 gauges, shells provided.

For those readers who don’t already know, no, they don’t shoot turkeys or pigs.  They compete at shooting at targets and the winners are rewarded with a frozen turkey, ham, etc.  Don’t laugh, people have asked me about this over the years.

Gun Safety Course


Pete’s Gun Shop is holding a one-day LIVE FIRE NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified LTC Safety Course. The course consists of classroom instruction followed by live firing.  This will be a one day all inclusive, live fire class on Sunday, March 20 at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club at 9:00 AM.  This is to qualify MA residents and non-residents alike for the MA License To Carry or FID Card.


Interested parties should pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. This live fire course fills up very quickly so don’t dilly-dally.  A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your seat at the time of registration. They do accept credit cards in person or by phone.


This is a live fire class where they spend time at the range and you get to shoot. You will also get a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop in appreciation for taking the course. The cost is $100 and covers use of the range firearms, ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, and the NRA Safety Textbook.


Several important announcements issued from MassWildlife

Well, I’m back home in the Berkshires after a wonderful fly-fishing trip to the Yellowstone National Park (YNP) in Montana/Wyoming and in Idaho.  That was followed by a delightful vacation at YNP with my wife Jan.  I’ll write about those trips eventually, but while I was away several news releases were issued by MassWildlife which were of some significance:


Fall trout stocking


MassWildlife will stock over 65,000 trout statewide this fall.   Here’s the breakdown:  Nearly 28,000 rainbow trout will be 14+ inches long, over 33,000 rainbow trout will be 12+ inches and about 4,000 brown trout will be 9+ inches long.  The Western District will probably receive about 20% of them.  MassWildlife feels that these fish, coupled with the 500,000 stocked this past spring, should provide some great fall fishing.

The tentative start date is the last week in September. Many local fly fishers wonder if they will stock the East Branch of the Westfield River this fall.  Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Supervisor noted that fall stocking in the Westfield River is determined by water volume in most years. Water levels look good at this point so stocking is likely unless weather patterns change dramatically. So, we should have good fly-fishing conditions in that river as well as the Deerfield River.

Anglers can get daily stocking updates from the MassWildlife web site.

New pheasant regulations proposed

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife will hold a public hearing on September 28 at 9:30 am about quail and pheasant hunting regulation changes. The public hearing will be held via a Zoom webinar, and will occur after the Fisheries and Wildlife Board’s monthly meeting.

The proposed regulations include the establishment of a permit for hunting quail and pheasants, elimination of the seasonal bag limit on these birds, removal of the roosters-only restrictions, and the elimination of the hunter registration process for pheasant hunting at Martin Burns Wildlife Management Area in Newbury, MA. Madden noted that the regulatory proposal only establishes the permit. The prices for all licenses and permits are established through a different process (the one we just went through with the license increases). In the case of the pheasant/quail permit it will cost $4.00 in 2022, $8.00 in 2023, $12.00 in 2024, $16.00 in 2025, and $20.00 in 2026.


The meeting can be accessed through the DFW website (https://www.mass.gov/service-details/fisheries-and-wildlife-board-public-hearings-on-proposed-regulatory-amendments). Due to filing requirements, the Fisheries and Wildlife Board must vote on the proposed amendments at the closing of the hearing. In turn, there will be no comment period after the hearing. To send in comments before the hearing, email the Assistant to the Director, Susan Sacco, at susan.sacco@mass.gov or by writing to 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits

According to MassWildlife there are surplus antlerless deer permits available for sale in the eastern part of our state.  For example, in Zone 9 there are 1,410 surplus permits, in Zone 10 there are 9,092, in Zone 11 there are 7,770, in Zone 13 some 2,526 are available and in Zone 14 there are 2,619.  So, if you weren’t awarded a permit in one of our local zones, you might want to think about hunting there. In addition to putting some delicious venison on your table, you would be helping to get that deer population out there lowered to desired population levels.  The sale of surplus antlerless deer permits by Wildlife Management Zone will be staggered over the following days in September:   Zone 11: Tuesday, September 28 at 9 a.m.,   Zone 10: Wednesday, September 29 at 9 a.m. and Zones 9, 13, and 14: Thursday, September 30 at 9 a.m.  Surplus permits are $5 each and are first come, first served until sold out. You may purchase one Zone 11, one Zone 10, and one Zone 9 permit per day; up to four permits per day may be purchased for Zones 13 and 14.


Surplus permits may be purchased online using MassFishHunt or in person at authorized license vendor locations. To purchase a surplus antlerless deer permit online, Log into MassFishHunt  with your last name and date of birth and then follow the instructions.

Thanks to Massachusetts firefighters

A hearty thank-you and congratulations to the crew of 20 Massachusetts firefighters who assisted with wildfires in the Northern Rockies region.  They are now safely back home.

The group, headed west on August 14 and returned to the Hopkinton State Forest Headquarters on September 4 after being on the ground for two weeks in western Montana and northern Idaho (about the time my fishing buddies and I were out there.) The Massachusetts crew was made up of 14 Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) firefighters, three Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (DFW) firefighters and three municipal firefighters.

The firefighters, who were part of a “Type 2 initial attack hand crew,” engaged in direct fire suppression by working on the perimeter of three large uncontained fires. The team coordinated with heavy equipment and helicopter bucket drops to contain the flames and protect structures.

Jim Montgomery, Commissioner of the Massachusetts DCR, was in Hopkinton to greet the firefighters and thank them for their efforts.

According to the Associated Press, U.S. wildfires have scorched nearly 7,900 square miles (20,460 square kilometers) this year in forests, chaparral and grasslands ravaged by drought. The vast majority are on public lands in the West that also serve as popular spots for summer activities such as camping, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, rafting and biking.

An Onota Carp that had a discerning palate

Recently, I received an email from Mrs. Alexandra Barone.  She and her husband Anthony Barone are new to the Berkshires and here is what she wrote:

“My husband, to our surprise, caught an 8lb Common Carp last Sunday at around 4:30 pm.  We thought we would take time after work, starting our new ministry “Rejoice ( a children’s center serving severe mentally and physically challenged, adolescent children)  in Dalton, MA, (to) breathe and absorb the beauty and silence. We have been vacationing here in the Berkshires for some time, and the hectic lifestyle we were experiencing in the past, had to come to an end, as we aren’t getting any younger, lol…

We like to fish, but had no plans of fishing.  It was just a spur of the moment…grab towels, a blanket and of course a fishing pole.  We had no bait; although, I had cooked barbecue ribs on the grill the night before, and that just so happened to be our bait.  So, I suppose Carp enjoy pork, as funny as it seems.

The fish put up such a fierce fight, that my husband said, “I think that I caught the alligator of Onota Lake!”

Fish to us are such a beautiful species, but we love to enjoy its meat and Omega 3s. Being it’s our first big catch of any kind of fish, it had a delicious flavor… a Christmas dinner favorite, dating back to the Medieval times, and enjoyed in the European regions.

My husband learned for the first time how to fillet, (and) as I enjoy cooking, I learned how to prepare this special Common Carp. (It) was “divine tasting,” no fishy flavor, though I prepared it by soaking the fillets in salt water overnight.

What a spectacular catch, Anthony Barone, my Darling.  It was not only relaxing but also an extraordinary and exciting day, we had together at Onota Lake”!

Now isn’t that a sweet story?

Thank you for sharing that story with us Alexandra.  You couldn’t have picked a better place to relax than on the shores of one of the Berkshire’s most beautiful lakes.

Alexandra is right in noting that Carp is a major dish in European countries.  My grand-parents, when they came over here from France, loved to dine on carp, but for some reason, that fish meal never became popular with people here in the US.  They don’t know what they’re missing.


New proposal for MassWildlife funding appears to be more acceptable


As most outdoor sportsmen and women are aware, MassWildlife is proposing changes to hunting, freshwater fishing, and trapping license fees. The existing fee schedule has been in effect for the last 25 years and it is no secret that fees must increase or the MassWildlife will go broke in a few years. A little over a week ago, MassWildlife released a new license fee proposal, which incorporates public input on the original February proposal. In the new proposal, most license fee increases will be phased in over five years, and the proposed increases for hunting permits and stamps are lower than originally proposed.


The current proposal incorporates public feedback gathered through six information sessions held in February and March, as well as phone calls, emails, letters, and a webform. Although many folks expressed an understanding of the need to raise fees, there was a strong desire to see the proposed increases for license fees phased in over time, and to lower the proposed increases for the costs of hunting permits and stamps. In response, MassWildlife and the Department of Fish and Game worked with the Baker-Polito Administration to revise the original fee proposal.

Recognizing that all Massachusetts residents benefit from MassWildlife’s work to conserve wildlife, protect open space, and preserve clean water and air, the Baker-Polito Administration will work to diversify MassWildlife’s funding and reduce the burden on the fee-paying sporting community. This change will make it possible to maintain MassWildlife’s programming and services with lower fees than originally proposed.

Public hearings will be held on June 22, 23, and 24 on Zoom to provide the public an opportunity to comment on the new proposed changes.  Stakeholders can provide public comment by speaking at one of the hearings or providing written comment through July 8 using a convenient feedback form available on the MassWildlife web site or by mail to: MassWildlife Re: License Fee, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Phasing in the license fee increases over a 5-year period certainly makes the change more palatable than the original proposal.  You may recall that the original proposal for the permits and stamps were to jump immediately from $5.00 to $20.00.  With this new proposal, the fee increase would only be $10.00, at least for the next 5 years.   Instead of an immediate drastic $20.00 pheasant permit fee, it would start at $4.00 in 2022 and would gradually increase to $20 in year 2026.

The Massachusetts Conservation Alliance, a group comprised of the various county leagues of sportsmen and other sportsmen’s clubs from across the state really did a yeoman’s job in unifying 100,000 or so sports folks to put pressure on MassWildlife to come up with a more realistic schedule of fee increases.  Co-chaired by Joe Alfonso and Paul Johnson, they actually came up with their own recommended fee schedule which MassWildlife seriously considered before making its final recommendations.  (Outdoor sportswriter David Willette of North Adams has an excellent article about the MCA in the June, 2021 issue of the Northwoods Sporting Journal.)  Massachusetts outdoorsmen and women will be hearing more about the MCA in the future as more and more clubs and leagues join it’s ranks in order to have a little more political clout on Beacon Hill.

It is especially gratifying to hear that the Baker-Polito Administration will work to diversify funding in some way.  Hopefully, they can do something about funding the free licenses for 70+ older folks.  Sen. Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), co-chair of the Massachusetts Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and past chair of the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, has filed a bill in the 192nd session of the General Court aimed at addressing lost revenue that the state is failing to reimburse to MassWildlife.  An Act to Reimburse the Inland Fisheries and Game Fund (SD. 1453) would target the more than $1 million per year the agency forfeits each year by providing free hunting and fishing licenses to residents aged over 70 that is not currently being reimbursed by the state.  You may want to call your local legislators and ask them to support this legislation.

Trout Stockings


Last week, subject to last minute change, the following local waters were scheduled to be stocked by Massachusetts DFW: Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Westfield River-East (C&R) in Chesterfield, North Pond in Florida, Laurel Lake in Lee and Lenox, Richmond Pond in Richmond, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Goose Pond in Lee and Tyringham, Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough and Pittsfield, Stockbridge Bowl in Stockbridge, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Lake Buel in Monterey and Otis Reservoir in Otis and Tolland.


Deb Lipa, MassWildlife Western District Clerk, said that she believes they finished the stocking trips last week, but couldn’t verify that.  She suggested that anglers keep checking the stocking report online to see if there are any further deliveries next week.

Deb does a lot of extra work for us to ensure that this column has the latest stocking reports.  Many, many thanks Deb!


Don’t forget, next weekend is free fishing weekend in MA, so round up the family, get out there and catch a few of these trout.


Leigh Perkins remembered


Leigh H. Perkins, who transformed Orvis from a niche fishing tackle business into a global sporting emporium and lifestyle brand, selling everything from graphite fly rods and Gore-Tex rainwear to linen dresses and engraved drinking glasses, died May 7 at his home in Monticello, Fla. He was 93.  He bought Orvis in 1965 for $400,000, taking over a company that C.F. Orvis had founded in Manchester, VT in 1856.  By the time Leigh retired as President and CEO in 1992, Orvis had grown from 20 employees to more than 700, and from annual sales of $500,000 to more than $90 million. The company currently operates more than 80 retail stores in the United States and Britain, with sales driven by online shopping and catalogues that Leigh sent to millions of homes each year.  After his retirement, his son Leigh H. “Perk” Perkins Jr. became CEO, with his younger son David helping run the company.  Now, his grandson Simon Perkins leads the company.


Leigh Sr. started a fly-fishing school and a wing-shooting program. The classes were among the first of their kind in the United States, offering formal training in activities that were often considered upper crust.


He was also one of the first executives to start dedicating corporate earnings to conservation, donating 5 percent of pretax profits to conservation organizations beginning in the 1980s.  He wanted to protect these places to be able to connect and share with others, but he also saw it as good business — investing in the landscape and the habitat.


An online tribute published on the company’s website said Perkins was a lifelong outdoorsman who hunted or fished more than 250 days a year into his 90s, and who had a reverence for nature and conservation.


He certainly left a wonderful legacy.


The above information was gleaned from Leigh’s obituary written by Brian Gallagher, Senior Staff Editor at The New York Times.



In last week’s column, I erroneously listed the name of an angler whose picture was shown holding a 10 lb. brown trout.  I listed him as being Mark Lucier when, in fact, his name is Mark Markham. My apologies!  This is especially embarrassing to me as Mark is a close personal friend with whom I have deer hunted and/or ice fished for several years.  He is a superb deer hunter and many times our ice fishing group has enjoyed his grilled venison meals while out on the ice.

Memorial Day

It’s that time again when we honor those who have fought, suffered and/or and died in defense of our country.  Let’s hope that as a nation we can set aside our differences and come together this weekend to remember them and their sacrifices.  They deserve nothing less.

Trout study launched on the Swift River

The Swift River is one of the most unique and popular trout fishing destinations in Massachusetts. In addition to the wild brook trout found in the Swift, MassWildlife also stocks rainbow and brown trout from its McLaughlin Hatchery. Many anglers travel for miles to fish the cold, clear waters of the Swift in the hopes of landing a big trout. But what exactly happens to the hatchery trout once they are released into the river? This spring, MassWildlife launched a study to get a better understanding of the survival and movement of stocked trout from month to month and from year to year.

The Swift is bounded by the Quabbin Reservoir’s Winsor Dam to the north and by the Bondsville Dam about 5 ½ miles downstream. So, while some fish enter the reach from Quabbin or from the adjacent McLaughlin Hatchery and some escape over the Bondsville Dam, the study area is a mostly closed system. This means that biologists can estimate population size and learn about fish survival by conducting a series of mark-recapture surveys. MassWildlife biologists will mark every fish stocked into the Swift and then periodically sample the stream and record information on the fish they catch. This type of survey allows biologists to estimate fish populations throughout the year in an area where it is impractical or impossible to count each individual fish.

The fish will be marked in two ways. Biologists will use Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE)—a dye injected just below the skin—to tag trout and indicate the month in which they were stocked. For 2021, all VIE tags will be placed just behind the left eye and different colors will indicate the month the fish was stocked. Additionally, the adipose fins of fish stocked upstream of Route 9 will be clipped; fish stocked elsewhere will not be clipped. The adipose fin is a small fatty fin on the dorsal surface (back) of the fish. MassWildlife staff will use electrofishing equipment to sample the river about once a month for most of the year. This method briefly stuns fish so they can be easily netted, inspected, and then quickly released. By looking at the combination of markings, biologists can learn when and where a trout was stocked in the river compared to when and where it was re-captured.

Anglers will also be able to use the marking to learn about the fish they catch. A website has been launched with details about this ongoing project. Anglers and interested individuals can visit mass.gov/swift-trout to get a list of VIE tag and fin clip combinations that shows release dates and release location. A schedule of electrofishing sampling dates will also be available on the website.

In time, study results will also be posted to mass.gov/swift-trout. Results from this study will provide valuable details about the short- and long-term survival of stocked brown and rainbow trout.

Trout stocking


Last week, subject to last minute change, the following local waters were scheduled to be stocked by Massachusetts DFW:  South River in Ashfield, Swift River in Ashfield, Goshen and Cummington, Stones Brook in Goshen, Hoosic River (North Branch) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Green River (North) in Williamstown and New Ashfield, Mill Brook in Cummington and Plainfield, Westfield Brook in Windsor and Cummington, Housatonic River (Southwest Branch) in Pittsfield, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Laurel Lake, Lake Buel, Lake Garfield, Otis Reservoir, Onota Lake, Richmond Pond and Stockbridge Bowl.


Heritage Hub

MassWildlife recently launched a new online portal called “Heritage Hub” which allows users to report observations of animals and plants, natural communities, and vernal pools. The system can be used to report any species and they are especially interested in reports of animals and plants listed under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. The Heritage Hub is replacing the Vernal Pool & Rare Species Reporting System (VPRS) and makes electronic reporting easier than ever. MassWildlife is grateful for the many citizen scientists, consultants, and researchers who have contributed 21,537 observations to VPRS over the years and they are looking forward to the launch of the new platform. Visit mass.gov/heritagehub to learn more and register for an account.

The Heritage Hub is a more user-friendly application, improving the functionality from VPRS and offering several new features, including: Updated plant, animal, and vernal pool observation reporting; a natural community form; enhanced user interface via a new mobile-responsive platform; streamlined account creation, electronic signature capture, and many other features.  Reports made through Heritage Hub help MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program protect rare animals and plants across Massachusetts. The Heritage Hub was built in collaboration with the Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs IT Department.

Drivers:  Watch out for turtles

The following is a message from MassWildlife:  From mid-May to early July, thousands of turtles throughout Massachusetts travel to new areas to find food and nest. You may find turtles on roadways, in your backyard, or other unexpected locations as they move across the landscape to find resources they need to survive. Turtles have a keen sense of direction and may be on their way to wetlands or open, upland sites such as lawns, gravel pits, or roadsides for nesting. If you find a turtle, do not move it far away.

“Adult turtles can live past 80 years. Young turtles and eggs, on the other hand, have a variety of predators and a low chance of reaching adulthood,” says Dr. Mike Jones, MassWildlife State Herpetologist. “This is why it’s especially important to protect older adult turtles from cars, especially during this time of year when turtles are crossing roads more frequently.” Losing any adult turtles, particularly adult females, is a serious problem that can lead to the eventual local extinction of a population.

Be safe. Do not risk getting hurt or causing harm to others by unsafely pulling off the road or trying to dodge traffic. If the opportunity to safely move a turtle from the road occurs, move it in the direction it was heading and off the edge of the road. The turtle is trying to get to habitats and resources it needs and knows. Do not take turtles home or move them to a “better” location; turtles should not be moved more than 100 yards from where they are found.  Most turtles should be grasped gently along the shell edge near the mid-point of the body. However, snapping turtles are fast and have very powerful jaws that can inflict a bad bite. A snapping turtle can reach your hands if you lift it by the sides of its shell. If you must move a snapping turtle, use a broom to coax it into a plastic tub or box. Never lift a snapping turtle only by the tail; this can injure its spine.

Slow down. Watch for turtles on roadways bordered by wetlands on both sides. These areas are commonly used as crossing points. Also, remember areas where you’ve seen turtles crossing in the past. Turtles are animals of repetition and chances are, more turtles will likely cross there or somewhere close by.

Report them to MassWildlife. Information that you provide on the Linking Landscapes online portal helps MassWildlife and MassDOT prioritize transportation projects to help turtles and other wildlife safely cross roads and keep drivers safe. Just as importantly, contact your town Conservation Commission and local conservation partners to evaluate resources within your town to help turtles. Signage, barrier fencing, or seasonal speed bumps help reduce roadkill.

Massachusetts is home to ten native species of terrestrial and aquatic turtles. Six of the ten species are protected under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. Learn more in MassWildlife’s Guide to Turtles of Massachusetts.

Fishing Derby

The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is scheduled to have a youth fishing derby next Saturday, May 8 from 9:00 to 10:30 am at its Lower Pond at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, Hartsville, MA.  Children aged 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult.   These fishing derbies will run once a month through September.  Following State guidelines, masks are required as is 6 feet social distancing.

Coronavirus disruptions are far reaching


As readers are well aware, the coronavirus has severely affected our day-to-day lives, including the outdoor sportsmen, hikers, and other nature lovers. Cancellations began coming in from all over and I will try to relay as many of them as I can. Let’s start with information received from Marion E. Larson, Chief, Information & Education, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
“Due to the State of Emergency declaration by the Governor, MassWildlife is following guidance provided to state agencies to help reduce the spread of a disease that has serious health implications to many people. At this time (3/17/2020), MassWildlife offices and hatcheries are closed to the public until further notice. MassWildlife has also canceled workshops, clinics, courses, and events through April 15 including Hunter Education courses, Learn to Hunt Turkey Seminars, and the Becoming an Outdoorswoman Turkey Hunt Programs.

All Youth Turkey Hunt Seminars have been cancelled. This means that the only youths who may hunt on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day of April 25, 2020 are those past participants who have completed a Youth Turkey Hunt seminar and Basic Hunter Education. While we know this is disappointing news for young hunters and their mentors, they can still hunt together during the regular spring turkey season.

MassWildlife has been notifying participants and volunteers in all of these programs by email, phone, and letters. Cancelations are also noted on program calendars. Despite this, today we learned that some people taking the Cheshire hunter education course didn’t receive the cancellation emails. We’re working to resolve those email glitches and truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Trout Stocking: MassWildlife’s primary concern is for the health and safety of our staff. That being said, designated Emergency Personnel continue to operate our hatcheries. As circumstances allow, trout stocking will continue.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage people to get outside and connect with the natural world during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Studies have shown that being outdoors provides important benefits to our health and well-being. Visit a neighborhood park, a wildlife management area or state park or forest with your binoculars, fishing rod and fishing license, or backpack. Practice healthy “social distancing”, keep your pets leashed, and wave to others you might see along the way.

Since this whole situation is still very fluid, please visit Mass.gov/MassWildlife for updated information on events or to purchase a license. Be well!”

Just about all of the local sportsmen’s clubs have been affected in one way or another. Many clubs have had to postpone its Easter ham shoots, game dinners, gun and archery leagues, LTC classes, etc., until further notice.

The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club planned on holding a Venison/Italian Buffet next Saturday to benefit its Land Development, but due to the coronavirus threat, it had to be postponed to a later date. I hope to include information on that dinner if/when it is rescheduled in a future column.
(Incidentally, in last week’s column, I erroneously listed Fran Tromblay as the PSC’s current president. I was wrong, the current president is Stanley Bushey. My apologies.)
The Berkshire Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and the Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s 6th Annual Youth Sportsmen’s Gala which was scheduled for April 4 has been postponed. At this time, it is uncertain when it will be rescheduled due to CDC and state restrictions and the availability of the Country Club of Pittsfield. Since we should be following social distancing guidelines of staying at least 6 feet away from one another, they have cancelled their weekly Gala Committee meetings until further notice.
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association Board of Directors has decided to cancel all youth teams, programs, leagues, turkey shoots, orientations, trainings, and other scheduled events until at least March 27. The Board will reconvene on March 25 at its regular meeting to reassess the situation. All ranges are closed until at least March 27. The Berkshire County Pistol League Shoot-Off has been cancelled.
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has announced that all events and leagues are cancelled and will not resume until further notice. That includes the Spring Ham Shoots, the April LTC- UTAH Class, and all Archery and Gun Leagues. Some ranges such as the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club GEAA Rifle Range is open. The archery, rifle and pistol ranges will remain open for individual members to use. Anyone using the club should help others by cleaning any surfaces they encounter. Supplies will be made readily available. It has not been determined whether or not the Cub Scout Summer Camp is still on.
The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club has postponed its Archery Scholarship Fundraiser Shoot and breakfast. Also, its youth Archery Fun Shoot has been postponed. All archery and shooting leagues are suspended until after April 1. Individual use of the ranges will still be allowed. Its annual Game Dinner has been moved to October. As of now, the next firearm license course will be on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 PM.
The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club has cancelled its Ham Shoots.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club has postponed its Ham Shoots that would have started today. Its Youth Archery class is also postponed until further notice.
Pete’s Gun Shop in Adams, which was to have its FID Classes at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club on April 4 has cancelled it and will be moving all those who are signed up to its May 17 class. They will be contacting all of those who are signed up.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was scheduled for Saturday, April 25 has been cancelled. Also, all BCLS meetings will be cancelled until it can meet after this virus is over. If there is a need to go over things the delegates can use phone, text or email. It is hoped that the League can hold the Conte Dinner at a later date this year.
The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council Banquet which was scheduled for April 11 in Sutton, MA has been postponed. No future date has been set.

The MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced the temporary closure of the following facilities in our area: Mount Greylock State Reservation Visitor Center, in Lanesboro, the Savoy Mountain State Forest Campground in Florida, the Western Gateway Heritage State Park Visitor Center in North Adams, and the Beartown State Forest Campground in Monterey. The closures will last through April 1 at which time DCR will reassess circumstances. Additionally, during the temporary closure all associated events at these locations are cancelled.

Importantly, all state parks and comfort stations across the Commonwealth remain open and available for the public to utilize. DCR reminds residents and visitors to avoid gathering in large groups, maintain social distancing, and practice healthy personal hygiene to stop the spread of the virus.

The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has cancelled all events through March 31. It may extend these cancellations as necessary; updates to future events can be found at bnrc.org/upcoming-hikes or on Facebook. Most of its staff will be working from home during this time; email is the best way to reach them.
The Council encourages us to take care of our minds and bodies. Spending time in the natural world can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Its trails are always free and open to the public for this reason. It hopes we can find time to get outside, take deep breaths and feel rejuvenated and to please maintain a healthy distance from anyone else we encounter on the trail.
To find details about their trails and more visit: bnrc.org/trails-and-maps/top-berkshire-trails/or check out the BNRC Berkshire Trails app.
MassAudubon announced that its buildings have been temporarily shut down but its 38,000 acres of protected land is there for you to explore. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be no bathrooms available. For safety reasons, please don’t allow children to play in the Nature Play Areas.
Local waters stocked recently

In spite of all of the MassWildlife cancellations, the Western District staff was able to stock some of our local waters with rainbow trout. The following are waters stocked as of last Thursday: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough; Farmington River in Otis, Sheffield and Tolland; Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, Richmond Pond, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield, and Savoy, Littleville Lake in Huntington, Laurel Lake and Pontoosuc Lake..