Coronavirus disruptions are far reaching


As readers are well aware, the coronavirus has severely affected our day-to-day lives, including the outdoor sportsmen, hikers, and other nature lovers. Cancellations began coming in from all over and I will try to relay as many of them as I can. Let’s start with information received from Marion E. Larson, Chief, Information & Education, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
“Due to the State of Emergency declaration by the Governor, MassWildlife is following guidance provided to state agencies to help reduce the spread of a disease that has serious health implications to many people. At this time (3/17/2020), MassWildlife offices and hatcheries are closed to the public until further notice. MassWildlife has also canceled workshops, clinics, courses, and events through April 15 including Hunter Education courses, Learn to Hunt Turkey Seminars, and the Becoming an Outdoorswoman Turkey Hunt Programs.

All Youth Turkey Hunt Seminars have been cancelled. This means that the only youths who may hunt on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day of April 25, 2020 are those past participants who have completed a Youth Turkey Hunt seminar and Basic Hunter Education. While we know this is disappointing news for young hunters and their mentors, they can still hunt together during the regular spring turkey season.

MassWildlife has been notifying participants and volunteers in all of these programs by email, phone, and letters. Cancelations are also noted on program calendars. Despite this, today we learned that some people taking the Cheshire hunter education course didn’t receive the cancellation emails. We’re working to resolve those email glitches and truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Trout Stocking: MassWildlife’s primary concern is for the health and safety of our staff. That being said, designated Emergency Personnel continue to operate our hatcheries. As circumstances allow, trout stocking will continue.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage people to get outside and connect with the natural world during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Studies have shown that being outdoors provides important benefits to our health and well-being. Visit a neighborhood park, a wildlife management area or state park or forest with your binoculars, fishing rod and fishing license, or backpack. Practice healthy “social distancing”, keep your pets leashed, and wave to others you might see along the way.

Since this whole situation is still very fluid, please visit for updated information on events or to purchase a license. Be well!”

Just about all of the local sportsmen’s clubs have been affected in one way or another. Many clubs have had to postpone its Easter ham shoots, game dinners, gun and archery leagues, LTC classes, etc., until further notice.

The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club planned on holding a Venison/Italian Buffet next Saturday to benefit its Land Development, but due to the coronavirus threat, it had to be postponed to a later date. I hope to include information on that dinner if/when it is rescheduled in a future column.
(Incidentally, in last week’s column, I erroneously listed Fran Tromblay as the PSC’s current president. I was wrong, the current president is Stanley Bushey. My apologies.)
The Berkshire Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and the Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s 6th Annual Youth Sportsmen’s Gala which was scheduled for April 4 has been postponed. At this time, it is uncertain when it will be rescheduled due to CDC and state restrictions and the availability of the Country Club of Pittsfield. Since we should be following social distancing guidelines of staying at least 6 feet away from one another, they have cancelled their weekly Gala Committee meetings until further notice.
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association Board of Directors has decided to cancel all youth teams, programs, leagues, turkey shoots, orientations, trainings, and other scheduled events until at least March 27. The Board will reconvene on March 25 at its regular meeting to reassess the situation. All ranges are closed until at least March 27. The Berkshire County Pistol League Shoot-Off has been cancelled.
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has announced that all events and leagues are cancelled and will not resume until further notice. That includes the Spring Ham Shoots, the April LTC- UTAH Class, and all Archery and Gun Leagues. Some ranges such as the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club GEAA Rifle Range is open. The archery, rifle and pistol ranges will remain open for individual members to use. Anyone using the club should help others by cleaning any surfaces they encounter. Supplies will be made readily available. It has not been determined whether or not the Cub Scout Summer Camp is still on.
The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club has postponed its Archery Scholarship Fundraiser Shoot and breakfast. Also, its youth Archery Fun Shoot has been postponed. All archery and shooting leagues are suspended until after April 1. Individual use of the ranges will still be allowed. Its annual Game Dinner has been moved to October. As of now, the next firearm license course will be on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 PM.
The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club has cancelled its Ham Shoots.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club has postponed its Ham Shoots that would have started today. Its Youth Archery class is also postponed until further notice.
Pete’s Gun Shop in Adams, which was to have its FID Classes at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club on April 4 has cancelled it and will be moving all those who are signed up to its May 17 class. They will be contacting all of those who are signed up.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was scheduled for Saturday, April 25 has been cancelled. Also, all BCLS meetings will be cancelled until it can meet after this virus is over. If there is a need to go over things the delegates can use phone, text or email. It is hoped that the League can hold the Conte Dinner at a later date this year.
The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council Banquet which was scheduled for April 11 in Sutton, MA has been postponed. No future date has been set.

The MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced the temporary closure of the following facilities in our area: Mount Greylock State Reservation Visitor Center, in Lanesboro, the Savoy Mountain State Forest Campground in Florida, the Western Gateway Heritage State Park Visitor Center in North Adams, and the Beartown State Forest Campground in Monterey. The closures will last through April 1 at which time DCR will reassess circumstances. Additionally, during the temporary closure all associated events at these locations are cancelled.

Importantly, all state parks and comfort stations across the Commonwealth remain open and available for the public to utilize. DCR reminds residents and visitors to avoid gathering in large groups, maintain social distancing, and practice healthy personal hygiene to stop the spread of the virus.

The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has cancelled all events through March 31. It may extend these cancellations as necessary; updates to future events can be found at or on Facebook. Most of its staff will be working from home during this time; email is the best way to reach them.
The Council encourages us to take care of our minds and bodies. Spending time in the natural world can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Its trails are always free and open to the public for this reason. It hopes we can find time to get outside, take deep breaths and feel rejuvenated and to please maintain a healthy distance from anyone else we encounter on the trail.
To find details about their trails and more visit: check out the BNRC Berkshire Trails app.
MassAudubon announced that its buildings have been temporarily shut down but its 38,000 acres of protected land is there for you to explore. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be no bathrooms available. For safety reasons, please don’t allow children to play in the Nature Play Areas.
Local waters stocked recently

In spite of all of the MassWildlife cancellations, the Western District staff was able to stock some of our local waters with rainbow trout. The following are waters stocked as of last Thursday: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough; Farmington River in Otis, Sheffield and Tolland; Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, Richmond Pond, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield, and Savoy, Littleville Lake in Huntington, Laurel Lake and Pontoosuc Lake..

Coronavirus disruptions are far reaching


As readers are well aware, the coronavirus has severely affected our day-to-day lives, including the outdoor sportsmen, hikers, and other nature lovers. Cancellations began coming in from all over and I will try to relay as many of them as I can. Let’s start with information received from Marion E. Larson, Chief, Information & Education, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
“Due to the State of Emergency declaration by the Governor, MassWildlife is following guidance provided to state agencies to help reduce the spread of a disease that has serious health implications to many people. At this time (3/17/2020), MassWildlife offices and hatcheries are closed to the public until further notice. MassWildlife has also canceled workshops, clinics, courses, and events through April 15 including Hunter Education courses, Learn to Hunt Turkey Seminars, and the Becoming an Outdoorswoman Turkey Hunt Programs.

All Youth Turkey Hunt Seminars have been cancelled. This means that the only youths who may hunt on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day of April 25, 2020 are those past participants who have completed a Youth Turkey Hunt seminar and Basic Hunter Education. While we know this is disappointing news for young hunters and their mentors, they can still hunt together during the regular spring turkey season.

MassWildlife has been notifying participants and volunteers in all of these programs by email, phone, and letters. Cancelations are also noted on program calendars. Despite this, today we learned that some people taking the Cheshire hunter education course didn’t receive the cancellation emails. We’re working to resolve those email glitches and truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Trout Stocking: MassWildlife’s primary concern is for the health and safety of our staff. That being said, designated Emergency Personnel continue to operate our hatcheries. As circumstances allow, trout stocking will continue.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage people to get outside and connect with the natural world during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Studies have shown that being outdoors provides important benefits to our health and well-being. Visit a neighborhood park, a wildlife management area or state park or forest with your binoculars, fishing rod and fishing license, or backpack. Practice healthy “social distancing”, keep your pets leashed, and wave to others you might see along the way.

Since this whole situation is still very fluid, please visit for updated information on events or to purchase a license. Be well!”

Just about all of the local sportsmen’s clubs have been affected in one way or another. Many clubs have had to postpone its Easter ham shoots, game dinners, gun and archery leagues, LTC classes, etc., until further notice.

The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club planned on holding a Venison/Italian Buffet next Saturday to benefit its Land Development, but due to the coronavirus threat, it had to be postponed to a later date. I hope to include information on that dinner if/when it is rescheduled in a future column.
(Incidentally, in last week’s column, I erroneously listed Fran Tromblay as the PSC’s current president. I was wrong, the current president is Stanley Bushey. My apologies.)
The Berkshire Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and the Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s 6th Annual Youth Sportsmen’s Gala which was scheduled for April 4 has been postponed. At this time, it is uncertain when it will be rescheduled due to CDC and state restrictions and the availability of the Country Club of Pittsfield. Since we should be following social distancing guidelines of staying at least 6 feet away from one another, they have cancelled their weekly Gala Committee meetings until further notice.
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association Board of Directors has decided to cancel all youth teams, programs, leagues, turkey shoots, orientations, trainings, and other scheduled events until at least March 27. The Board will reconvene on March 25 at its regular meeting to reassess the situation. All ranges are closed until at least March 27. The Berkshire County Pistol League Shoot-Off has been cancelled.
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has announced that all events and leagues are cancelled and will not resume until further notice. That includes the Spring Ham Shoots, the April LTC- UTAH Class, and all Archery and Gun Leagues. Some ranges such as the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club GEAA Rifle Range is open. The archery, rifle and pistol ranges will remain open for individual members to use. Anyone using the club should help others by cleaning any surfaces they encounter. Supplies will be made readily available. It has not been determined whether or not the Cub Scout Summer Camp is still on.
The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club has postponed its Archery Scholarship Fundraiser Shoot and breakfast. Also, its youth Archery Fun Shoot has been postponed. All archery and shooting leagues are suspended until after April 1. Individual use of the ranges will still be allowed. Its annual Game Dinner has been moved to October. As of now, the next firearm license course will be on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 PM.
The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club has cancelled its Ham Shoots.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club has postponed its Ham Shoots that would have started today. Its Youth Archery class is also postponed until further notice.
Pete’s Gun Shop in Adams, which was to have its FID Classes at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club on April 4 has cancelled it and will be moving all those who are signed up to its May 17 class. They will be contacting all of those who are signed up.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was scheduled for Saturday, April 25 has been cancelled. Also, all BCLS meetings will be cancelled until it can meet after this virus is over. If there is a need to go over things the delegates can use phone, text or email. It is hoped that the League can hold the Conte Dinner at a later date this year.
The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council Banquet which was scheduled for April 11 in Sutton, MA has been postponed. No future date has been set.

The MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced the temporary closure of the following facilities in our area: Mount Greylock State Reservation Visitor Center, in Lanesboro, the Savoy Mountain State Forest Campground in Florida, the Western Gateway Heritage State Park Visitor Center in North Adams, and the Beartown State Forest Campground in Monterey. The closures will last through April 1 at which time DCR will reassess circumstances. Additionally, during the temporary closure all associated events at these locations are cancelled.

Importantly, all state parks and comfort stations across the Commonwealth remain open and available for the public to utilize. DCR reminds residents and visitors to avoid gathering in large groups, maintain social distancing, and practice healthy personal hygiene to stop the spread of the virus.

The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has cancelled all events through March 31. It may extend these cancellations as necessary; updates to future events can be found at or on Facebook. Most of its staff will be working from home during this time; email is the best way to reach them.
The Council encourages us to take care of our minds and bodies. Spending time in the natural world can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Its trails are always free and open to the public for this reason. It hopes we can find time to get outside, take deep breaths and feel rejuvenated and to please maintain a healthy distance from anyone else we encounter on the trail.
To find details about their trails and more visit: check out the BNRC Berkshire Trails app.
MassAudubon announced that its buildings have been temporarily shut down but its 38,000 acres of protected land is there for you to explore. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be no bathrooms available. For safety reasons, please don’t allow children to play in the Nature Play Areas.
Local waters stocked recently

In spite of all of the MassWildlife cancellations, the Western District staff was able to stock some of our local waters with rainbow trout. The following are waters stocked as of last Thursday: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough; Farmington River in Otis, Sheffield and Tolland; Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, Richmond Pond, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield, and Savoy, Littleville Lake in Huntington, Laurel Lake and Pontoosuc Lake..


Coronavirus disruptions are far reaching


As readers are well aware, the coronavirus has severely affected our day-to-day lives, including the outdoor sportsmen, hikers, and other nature lovers. Cancellations began coming in from all over and I will try to relay as many of them as I can. Let’s start with information received from Marion E. Larson, Chief, Information & Education, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
“Due to the State of Emergency declaration by the Governor, MassWildlife is following guidance provided to state agencies to help reduce the spread of a disease that has serious health implications to many people. At this time (3/17/2020), MassWildlife offices and hatcheries are closed to the public until further notice. MassWildlife has also canceled workshops, clinics, courses, and events through April 15 including Hunter Education courses, Learn to Hunt Turkey Seminars, and the Becoming an Outdoorswoman Turkey Hunt Programs.

All Youth Turkey Hunt Seminars have been cancelled. This means that the only youths who may hunt on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day of April 25, 2020 are those past participants who have completed a Youth Turkey Hunt seminar and Basic Hunter Education. While we know this is disappointing news for young hunters and their mentors, they can still hunt together during the regular spring turkey season.

MassWildlife has been notifying participants and volunteers in all of these programs by email, phone, and letters. Cancelations are also noted on program calendars. Despite this, today we learned that some people taking the Cheshire hunter education course didn’t receive the cancellation emails. We’re working to resolve those email glitches and truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Trout Stocking: MassWildlife’s primary concern is for the health and safety of our staff. That being said, designated Emergency Personnel continue to operate our hatcheries. As circumstances allow, trout stocking will continue.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage people to get outside and connect with the natural world during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Studies have shown that being outdoors provides important benefits to our health and well-being. Visit a neighborhood park, a wildlife management area or state park or forest with your binoculars, fishing rod and fishing license, or backpack. Practice healthy “social distancing”, keep your pets leashed, and wave to others you might see along the way.

Since this whole situation is still very fluid, please visit for updated information on events or to purchase a license. Be well!”

Just about all of the local sportsmen’s clubs have been affected in one way or another. Many clubs have had to postpone its Easter ham shoots, game dinners, gun and archery leagues, LTC classes, etc., until further notice.

The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club planned on holding a Venison/Italian Buffet next Saturday to benefit its Land Development, but due to the coronavirus threat, it had to be postponed to a later date. I hope to include information on that dinner if/when it is rescheduled in a future column.
(Incidentally, in last week’s column, I erroneously listed Fran Tromblay as the PSC’s current president. I was wrong, the current president is Stanley Bushey. My apologies.)
The Berkshire Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and the Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s 6th Annual Youth Sportsmen’s Gala which was scheduled for April 4 has been postponed. At this time, it is uncertain when it will be rescheduled due to CDC and state restrictions and the availability of the Country Club of Pittsfield. Since we should be following social distancing guidelines of staying at least 6 feet away from one another, they have cancelled their weekly Gala Committee meetings until further notice.
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association Board of Directors has decided to cancel all youth teams, programs, leagues, turkey shoots, orientations, trainings, and other scheduled events until at least March 27. The Board will reconvene on March 25 at its regular meeting to reassess the situation. All ranges are closed until at least March 27. The Berkshire County Pistol League Shoot-Off has been cancelled.
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has announced that all events and leagues are cancelled and will not resume until further notice. That includes the Spring Ham Shoots, the April LTC- UTAH Class, and all Archery and Gun Leagues. Some ranges such as the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club GEAA Rifle Range is open. The archery, rifle and pistol ranges will remain open for individual members to use. Anyone using the club should help others by cleaning any surfaces they encounter. Supplies will be made readily available. It has not been determined whether or not the Cub Scout Summer Camp is still on.
The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club has postponed its Archery Scholarship Fundraiser Shoot and breakfast. Also, its youth Archery Fun Shoot has been postponed. All archery and shooting leagues are suspended until after April 1. Individual use of the ranges will still be allowed. Its annual Game Dinner has been moved to October. As of now, the next firearm license course will be on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 PM.
The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club has cancelled its Ham Shoots.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club has postponed its Ham Shoots that would have started today. Its Youth Archery class is also postponed until further notice.
Pete’s Gun Shop in Adams, which was to have its FID Classes at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club on April 4 has cancelled it and will be moving all those who are signed up to its May 17 class. They will be contacting all of those who are signed up.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was scheduled for Saturday, April 25 has been cancelled. Also, all BCLS meetings will be cancelled until it can meet after this virus is over. If there is a need to go over things the delegates can use phone, text or email. It is hoped that the League can hold the Conte Dinner at a later date this year.
The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council Banquet which was scheduled for April 11 in Sutton, MA has been postponed. No future date has been set.

The MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced the temporary closure of the following facilities in our area: Mount Greylock State Reservation Visitor Center, in Lanesboro, the Savoy Mountain State Forest Campground in Florida, the Western Gateway Heritage State Park Visitor Center in North Adams, and the Beartown State Forest Campground in Monterey. The closures will last through April 1 at which time DCR will reassess circumstances. Additionally, during the temporary closure all associated events at these locations are cancelled.

Importantly, all state parks and comfort stations across the Commonwealth remain open and available for the public to utilize. DCR reminds residents and visitors to avoid gathering in large groups, maintain social distancing, and practice healthy personal hygiene to stop the spread of the virus.

The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has cancelled all events through March 31. It may extend these cancellations as necessary; updates to future events can be found at or on Facebook. Most of its staff will be working from home during this time; email is the best way to reach them.
The Council encourages us to take care of our minds and bodies. Spending time in the natural world can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Its trails are always free and open to the public for this reason. It hopes we can find time to get outside, take deep breaths and feel rejuvenated and to please maintain a healthy distance from anyone else we encounter on the trail.
To find details about their trails and more visit: check out the BNRC Berkshire Trails app.
MassAudubon announced that its buildings have been temporarily shut down but its 38,000 acres of protected land is there for you to explore. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be no bathrooms available. For safety reasons, please don’t allow children to play in the Nature Play Areas.
Local waters stocked recently

In spite of all of the MassWildlife cancellations, the Western District staff was able to stock some of our local waters with rainbow trout. The following are waters stocked as of last Thursday: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough; Farmington River in Otis, Sheffield and Tolland; Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, Richmond Pond, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield, and Savoy, Littleville Lake in Huntington, Laurel Lake and Pontoosuc Lake..


Half a million trout being stocked this spring


MassWildLife reports that approximately 500,000 brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout will be stocked this spring from its five hatcheries located in Sandwich, Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague. The Western District, which should receive about 20% of them, is scheduled to begin stocking anytime now and should continue stocking to around Memorial Day. 

2020 spring trout stocking stats:
• • Most of the trout will be over 12 inches
• • More than 45% of the trout will be over 14 inches
• • More than 48,000 brook trout will be over 12 inches
• • More than 48,000 brown trout will be over 12 inches
• • More than 200,000 rainbow trout will be over 14 inches
• • More than 600 brown trout and 500 brook trout will be over 18 inches
• • 1,000 brook trout will be over 15 inches
• • More than 2,500 tiger trout will be over 14 inches

Wondering which waters are stocked near you? Click onto When ponds and streams are stocked, MassWildlife will mark its map with a black pushpin. Locations marked with a red diamond represent spots that will be stocked at some point this spring. Also, anglers can get daily stocking updates at, or by contacting local district offices for the latest stocking information. I hope to list the weekly stockings in this column, too.

Life Jackets
We may have an early spring this year and the lakes will soon be clear of ice which means that anglers and kayakers will be out soon. Just a reminder, in Massachusetts, life jackets must be worn by canoeists and kayakers from September 15 through May 15. Youth under 12 years old, personal watercraft users, waterskiers and stand-up paddleboard users must wear them all the time.

One would be wise to abide by this regulation and avoid being cited by the Environmental Police. As noted below, they are busy enough as it is.

Boat Safety Course1506974599te Boating Law Administrators.
Boat Massachusetts is a recognized safety course that meets the National Boating Education Standards and is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA). Its standards are intended to prescribe the minimum body of knowledge necessary to effect safe, legal, and enjoyable boating. The course runs 10-12 hours in length and the normal format is 5 to 6 two-hour classes, though this may vary. All classes are free of charge. Classes are for adults and youth 12 years of age and older. Family participation is encouraged and has proven to be very rewarding.

All graduates in the 12 through 15-year old age group will be issued a safety certificate allowing them to operate a motorboat without adult supervision, as required by state law. The same is true for 16 and 17-year old youth who wish to operate a personal watercraft
Now should be a good time to take a boat safety course. The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club had one scheduled for mid-March, but it has been cancelled by the Commonwealth due to the coronavirus state of emergency.
Click onto to find out when the courses will be resumed.

Boat ID decals
The Office of Fishing and Boating Access is encouraging canoe, kayak, and rowboat owners to obtain vessel ID decals. These self-adhesive decals are to be placed on the inside of a vessel which when filled out by the owner will allow for ease of identification of lost or errand paddle craft.
These decals are available from the Environmental Police Boating Safety Bureau. You can reach the Environmental Police Boating Safety Bureau by calling 508 564-4961 or by emailing

2020 Youth Turkey Hunt

If you have youths who wants to learn how to turkey hunt and participate in the Youth Turkey Hunting Day (April 25, 2020), you should get them enrolled in the Massachusetts Youth Turkey Hunt Program soon. New participants need to register and must complete the Youth Turkey seminar. As of last Wednesday, Lee Sportsmen’s Association, 565 Fairview St, Lee, MA is the only Berkshire participating club in the mandatory youth hunt seminar. It will be held on April 11 from 9 am to 2 pm. Be sure to check the MassWildlife web site periodically to see if any other local clubs will participate.
The program is designed to provide hunters aged 12–17 with an opportunity to:
• Participate in a field workshop that provides specialized training in turkey hunting and safety, including firearms instruction and practice.
• Hunt wild turkey under the supervision and guidance of a safe, experienced, adult hunter serving as a mentor on the special day set aside just for young adults.

Returning participants ages 12–14 must add a Youth Turkey Permit to their customer profile in MassFishHunt. Returning participants ages 15–17 must add the Youth Turkey Authorization 15–17 to their permit.

New for 2020 – Youth Day Hunting Hours begin ½ hour before sunrise and end at 5:00 PM.
Environmental Police were kept busy in 2019

Thanks to Fish & Wildlife Board Member Stephen Sears, who was able to get and share a copy of the 2019 EPA Statewide Call Report. It allows us to get a glimpse of what occupies our EPO’s. Space doesn’t allow listing all of the incident categories so I’ll mention a few of the more interesting ones: Animal nuisance calls -306 bear, 229 coyote and 303 deer; Freshwater Fishing Inspections – 1,233 with 241 violations, Hunter inspections – 961 with 382 violations, Hunter Harassments – 45, Hunting Accidents – 15, Deer Road Kills – 208, ATV Complaints – 935, ATV Accidents – 73, ATV Violations – 391, Non-powered Boat Accidents – 30, Motorboat Accidents – 110, Snowmobile Accidents – 11, Personal Water Craft (PWC) Accidents 16, PWC violations 210, Pheasant Hunter Inspections 199 with 16 violations.

In 2019, some 82 officers were able to handle 14,190 calls. Let’s keep that in mind when they are not able to respond to our calls as quickly as we wish.

New Outdoor Sporting Store
Travis Delratez of Lanesboro and Jammie Sears of Pittsfield are partners in a new outdoor sporting goods store in Cheshire, MA. Named Cheshire Sporting Goods, it is located at 50 Church Street in a building owned by the Reynolds family.
As you drive down Church Street, you can’t miss the place because in the two large display windows are mounted animals. The left window has a shoulder mount of an elk and a couple of turkeys and the right window has a full bear mount. With the overhead lighting, they are something to see.
Boy, does the inside of the store have atmosphere. The shop has old wooden floor boards and the walls and cabinets are adorned with various mounted game: deer, elk, bear, mountain ram, wild boar, wild turkey, coyote, king salmon, bass and probably more critters. It surely will become a place where sports folks congregate. The only thing missing is a pot belly stove. (There was one there in days gone by).
The hours of the store are 4:00 to 9:00 pm on week-days (closed on Mondays) and 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Travis’s wife Bonnie will help out in the store as will Mike Schnopp from Clarksburg. He was doing some work on a compound bow when I was there.
The partners decided to open the store because they believed that there was a need for such a store, what with Dick’s discontinuing the sale of certain guns. They plan to sell hunting and fishing equipment, including compound bows, crossbows, primitive firearms, and their accessories, fishing equipment, clothes and fishing licenses. They hope to become a deer checking station. When I was there, they were awaiting their Federal Firearms sale permit. Eventually, they plan to sell ice fishing equipment, too.
They had a soft opening on Saturday, March 7 and reportedly had a lot of traffic. I suspect one can get expert hunting and fishing advice there as Travis shot or caught most of the mounts. He is a former president of the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club (PSC), and what he doesn’t know, his father-in-law, Fran Tremblay, current president of the PSC, probably does.
Please note:
Berkshire County League of Sportsmen President and Basic Youth Hunting Education Instructor Wayne McLain reports that due to the coronavirus state of emergency in Massachusetts, the Commonwealth has canceled all hunter education classes until April 20. Other courses may be cancelled later.

Albert Adams catches a big trout

Frequently this column includes pictures of young kids holding large fish that they caught. There will probably be some more in next week’s column, too, what with the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen Youth Outreach Fishing Derby and the Bateman Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby both of which took place yesterday. Who can resist seeing them with their big smiles. But you know, adults sometimes catch big fish, too.
Albert Adams of Pittsfield landed a beautiful brown trout out of Onota Lake on May 16. It weighed 7 lbs 8 oz on the DFW certified scales. It measured 26 inches and had a girth of 15 ½ inches.
Albert was alone trolling a silver and blue Thomas Buoyant spoon from his boat in about 10 feet of water. The weather was magnificent. When the fish hit his lure, he knew it was a big fish and for a while thought it might be a smallmouth bass or a northern pike. It was when he brought the fish to the boat that he saw that it was a big brown trout. It was at that time that the fish realized what was going on and the battle really began. Albert fought it for a long time and thankfully his equipment held up and he was able to net it. The trout swallowed the lure deep and could not be expected to survive so he kept it.
He weighed it at the Onota Boat Livery, but their scales were not certified. Because the fish might be a State gold pin winner, they suggested that he weigh it at the DFW Headquarters in Dalton. It turned out that the brown trout is the second largest one caught in the state this year so Albert will have to settle for a bronze pin. He was told that the fish was stocked from the Palmer Hatchery.
Albert is having the fish mounted by Greg Gillette’s Taxidermy in Lanesborough.
Trout Stockings
There was only one river scheduled with trout last week. It was the Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida. The rest of the trout stockings were scheduled to take place in the following ponds and lakes: Lake Buel, Laurel Lake, Littleville Reservoir, Onota Lake, Otis Reservoir, Pontoosuc Lake and Windsor Pond.

According to Deb Lipa, Clerk from the DFW Western District Office, the official spring trout stocking season is over. On behalf of all of the local anglers, we thank Deb for providing the up-to-date stocking information for this column. I’m sure It resulted in extra work on her part. And thanks to Leanda Fontaine Gagnon for getting those beautiful trout into our waters. There were a lot of positive comments from anglers as to the size and condition of them.

Well done Mass DFW!

Anglers learn to fly fish through OLLI course

Eight enthusiastic anglers tried out their newly acquired fly fishing skills at the Wild Acres Pond in Pittsfield on May 21.

Marc Hoechstetter teaching Roxanne how to fly cast

They included: Roxanne Suprina, Ed Neumuth, Gail Tardif Frazier, Colleen Budness, Dan Burkhard, Joe Horton, Paul Gniadek and Kevin Boisjolie. They were part of the 14 men and women who had taken a 6 -week course entitled Introduction to Fly Fishing. It was taught by Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited board members through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College (OLLI).
Teachers included Taconic TU President Henry Sweren and Board Members William Travis, John Burns, Fran Marzotto, Marc Hoechstetter and Richard ‘Dick’ Bordeau., some of the best flyfishers in the Berkshires.
The course included a video about the joys of fly-fishing. Other segments included an introduction to the gear and equipment, macro-invertebrates, fly casting, knots, fly selection, an overview of watersheds, the various fish species that inhabit them and two segments of fly fishing on water. The flies were tied by the instructors, LL Bean donated 3 rods, reels and lines and Orvis donated a rod, leaders and tippets.
It was a sunny but very windy day there at Wild Acres Pond that day. I expected to see line tangled around people’s heads and torsos, including mine. But to the contrary, the pond is somewhat sheltered from the wind and the anglers did surprisingly well in controlling their fly lines. They all appeared to be having a grand time. One angler told me that he had just retired and was interested in trying fly fishing and meeting other fly fishermen. Another person had fly fished in the past and discontinued it but was planning on taking it up again. A few anglers had never tried it before.
I didn’t see any fish caught but not due to lack of the student efforts or trainer skills. The fish just appeared to be sulking on the bottom of the pond. Perhaps they didn’t feel like eating during that wind. Oh well, the new fly fishers had another fly fishing trip scheduled on a river in a week or so. Maybe that is when they’ll get a little respect from those finicky fish.
Perhaps Gayle Tardif Frazier summed up the sentiments of the students best, “my thanks and gratitude for all of the patience, kindness and humor you have all shared to make this class an enjoyable experience! I look forward to seeing folks out fishing!”
There are new Striped Bass regulations
Lots of folks from the Berkshires travel east to Cape Cod annually to fish for stripers. It is a very popular sport, even for us landlubbers. Please be advised that the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has recently implemented two new striped bass conservation regulations aimed at reducing release mortality
Effective immediately, it is unlawful for any fisherman to gaff or attempt to gaff striped bass measuring less than 28 inches total length, and for a commercial fisherman fishing on an open commercial striped bass fishing day to gaff striped bass measuring less than 34 inches total length.
The prohibition on gaffing undersized striped bass (as opposed to all striped bass) takes into consideration safety concerns associated with expediently removing large striped bass from the water.
Effective next year (2020), recreational anglers not fishing aboard for-hire vessels will be required to use inline circle hooks when fishing for striped bass with whole or cut natural baits. This will include fishing with whole or cut natural baits while in possession of striped bass as well.
This circle hook mandate will not apply to natural baits attached to an artificial lure to be trolled, jigged, or casted and retrieved (e.g., tube and worm). Nor will the mandate apply to any natural bait affixed to a treble hook and fished using the snag and drop technique.
A hook is considered to be an in-line circle hook only if it is manufactured so the barb of the hook is in-line with the shank and bend of the hook and is turned perpendicularly back to the shank to form a circular or oval shape (see image).
In-line circle hooks are proven to substantially reduce striped bass release mortality compared to other hooks (e.g., j-hooks or offset circle hooks) by being far more likely to hook the fish in the lip or the mouth and not the gut or the gills. The circle hook mandate is targeted at private recreational anglers because this segment of the fishery is primarily hook-and-release and accounts for the vast majority of recreational striped bass catch in Massachusetts.
Why the change? Well, the most recent striped bass stock assessment found the species was being overfished. In addition, it demonstrated that release mortality from the recreational fishery is the single largest source of fishing mortality (48%). Accordingly, these actions have been taken to reduce release mortality in our fisheries. It is expected that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will also take action this year to implement coastwide conservation measures for 2020 aimed at reducing overall fishing mortality.
For more information regarding the management of striped bass in Massachusetts, visit the website ( or call DMF at 617-626-1520.

Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having its next free children’s fishing derby on Saturday, June 8, from 9:00 to 10:30 am at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Robert Durand named to Fish and Wildlife Board

Governor Charlie Baker has named Robert A. Durand, president of Durand & Anastas Environmental Strategies, an environmental consulting and lobbying firm, to the Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito conducted the swearing-in ceremony for the five-year term last Wednesday at the State House. Chairman of Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Smitty Pignatelli was one of about 10 Reps and Senators who attended the swearing in. Smitty said some nice words and reminded everyone of how close Bob was to the late George (Gige) Darey.
“I am so pleased and honored to receive this nomination to the board, which has been a part of my life in one way or another for most of my life,” Durand said. “I’m thankful to Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito for their confidence in me to carry out this vital mission to protect many critical aspects of our natural world, and with it, our quality of life in Massachusetts.”

As one of the seven-member board, Durand will represent the Northeast Region, Middlesex and Essex counties, and replaces Fred Winthrop, who resigned from the board last fall. The board has various duties, including writing and overseeing all hunting and fishing regulations, Natural Resources and Endangered Species Act regulations, and is the appointing authority for the director of MassWildlife.
I would bet that most Massachusetts outdoor sportsmen and conservationists are extremely happy with the Governor’s choice to appoint Durand. Why? Read on.
Durand has been an avid outdoorsman and conservationist his entire life, and in 2011 was recognized as such by the Board when it awarded him the Francis W. Sargent Conservation Award. Prior to forming Durand & Anastas Environmental Strategies, he served four terms as state representative for Berlin and Marlborough, where he lives. He followed that with four terms as a state senator for the Middlesex and Worcester District, during which he chaired the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee, and four years as Secretary of Environmental Affairs, under former governors the late Paul Cellucci and Jane Swift.
During his career as a public servant, Durand forged new bonds between the outdoor and sporting communities and environmentalists, bringing these advocates together to support initiatives that strengthened both. As a legislator, he wrote the Rivers Protection Act and the Community Preservation Act. As Secretary, he protected 150,000 acres of open space, including major bioreserves open to hunting and fishing, helped usher in the nation’s first state regulations on coal burning power plant emissions and oversaw a vigorous campaign to reduce mercury emissions that bioaccumulate in wildlife and people. He also created Biodiversity Days, an annual event that saw tens of thousands of school children from more than 500 schools fan out across the state to learn about and catalogue plant and animal species, and championed environmental justice and environmental education
Bob has served as the President of the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation and served on the Board of Trustees for both The Nature Conservancy/Massachusetts Chapter and the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.
He has received many wildlife and conservation related awards from various organizations, including Mahar Fish ‘N Game Club, Massachusetts Bowhunters Association, Essex and Middlesex County Leagues of Sportsmen, Massachusetts Wildlife Federation, Environmental League of Massachusetts, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, Massachusetts Audubon Society, Gun Owner’s Action League and the Nature Conservancy.
Durand is no stranger to the Berkshires. For many years he has come out here to hunt. Ron Smith taught him how to turkey hunt back in the day and Bob frequently hunted turkeys with Gige. He also hunted woodcock, grouse and whitetail with Phil Hiser, Gige and Ginny Akabani and did some carp fishing and trout fishing on the Housatonic with Jay Baver.
Trout stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:

Rivers and brooks: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Westfield River (East Branch) in Cummington and Chesterfield, Westfield River (Mainstem) in Huntington and Russell, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, and Windsor Brook in Hinsdale.

Lakes and Ponds: Greenwater Pond in Becket, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Garfield Lake in Monterey, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Onota Lake and Richmond Pond.

Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Spring Fishing Derby

Seventy anglers entered the SSC Spring Fishing Derby last Sunday, which ran from dawn until 3:00 pm at Stockbridge Bowl. For a change, it was rain free with the temperatures near 80 degrees. The results are as follows:


Largest Trout: Lee Soules, of Lenox, caught a trout that was 16 1/2” long and weighed 2-lbs, 2 oz.

Largest Bass: George Hess Jr. of Washington MA caught a 19 1/2” Bass that weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz.

Largest Pickerel: Travis Santolin of Lee caught a 23” Pickerel that weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz.

Largest Bullhead: James Trumps of South Lee caught a 12 1/2” Bullhead that weighed 1-lb 1 oz.

Age 12 and under Winners:

Largest Bass: Mason Chamberlain (age 6) of Lee caught a 12” Bass which weighed 13oz

Largest Trout: Trentonn Santolin (age 5) of Lee caught a 16 1/2” trout that weighed 2 lbs., 2 oz

Interestingly, for the first time ever they had a tie for the largest trout.

Annual Harry A Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby

The 27th annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby will take place next Saturday at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The fishing derby is open to the public and its purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute for Children. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman, a former member of Central Berkshire Bowman and I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

Fifteen trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winners of the fishing derby, eight trophies for the Children, four trophies for Adults and three trophies that can be won by adults or children. There is even a special category for those fishing with a bow and arrow. All fish must be weighed in by 12:00 noon and must be caught at Onota Lake from a boat or the shore. Don’t be late! The scales will be removed immediately after 12:00 noon.

Fishing tackle is given with the trophy prizes with two prizes for heaviest trout. A sportsman award will be given out to a child which includes a tackle box with over $100 of tackle. The entrance fee is $10 for adults and $5 for Children 14 years and younger. The fee includes food and beverages. All children receive a free gift and a children 5-14 years old will have a chance at winning a mountain bike.

Food tickets will be given for hamburgers, hot dogs and sausages. No alcohol is served at this event. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods, and Onota Boat Livery. Everyone needs to register before fish can be weighed in. Individuals must be wearing wrist bands provided at the registration desk in order to receive food and to weigh in the fish.

Remembering Thomas King

Thomas Michael King passed away on May 16 at the age of 72. He had been a director of the Berkshire Beagle Club, a longtime member of the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, the Adams Outdoor for Youth and the Night Stalkers Bass Club He was the Beagle Club’s delegate to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) and was the 2009 recipient of its Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award. He was also a volunteer for the Mass Anglers Education Program.

He was an avid volunteer for the annual turkey shoots, work bees, pheasant and rabbit stocking programs, annual youth fishing events and game dinners. He was always performing Beagle Club tasks such as repairing fences, trimming brush and building boxes. Tom was an avid, ethical sportsman whose goal was always to promote youth interest in hunting and fishing sports. He will be missed.

Memorial Day Weekend

Here’s hoping you have an enjoyable holiday weekend. Whether you are spending it with your friends and loved ones barbecuing burgers and dogs, watching a downtown parade, decorating graves or spending it in solitude fishing a remote trout stream, you might want to take a moment to remember and thank those who gave so much to protect our democracy and ensure our freedoms.

It was a bittersweet youth turkey hunting day

The day started out on a dismal note. Early in the morning, the hunters had to contend with a steady rain downpour. After a couple of hours, the rain stopped and then a cold wind came up. That was followed around noon by a snow storm and snow squalls. Little did we know that things would even get worse that day.
I was at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club hoping to get some pictures and hunting stories from the excited mentored youths. I was glad that I wasn’t out hunting in that miserable weather. Around 11:30 am, the mentors and youth hunters started arriving at the Club to enjoy a delicious casserole lunch prepared by Peter Delgrande. In spite of the bad weather, all of the hunters and mentors had seen, heard, shot at or killed turkeys. The first team in was Jardin Buffoni, hunting with mentor Jay Raifstranger who shot a tom weighing 20.24 lbs. Mark Buffoni, who was mentored by Bob Spence saw 5 turkeys but couldn’t bag any. No problem, for Mark already got one in neighboring NY. Matthew Fletcher hunting with Lori Fletcher saw toms and hens but didn’t shoot any. Bailey Gilmore, hunting with David Gilmore shot at one and saw others. Curt Wilson III, who was hunting with Mike Buffoni and John Mange saw some but couldn’t get one. Elaina Donsbough hunting with her dad Lee Donsbough got one (pictured).

Around 12:30, the food was out and we were waiting for the last stragglers to come in from the hunt. Noticeably not present was Chris Puntin and his mentored youth. It was getting late, people had to go to games and what not, so Mike Buffoni told us not to wait for the others but to eat.
During the meal, we started to get reports of an accident somewhere. I remember thinking as I was driving home, I hope the accident wasn’t a serious one. I didn’t know if it was an auto accident or an accidental shooting. It wasn’t until later that evening that we learned that an apparent accidental shooting occurred and that Chris Puntin passed away.
His wake was held at Bencivenga & Dagnoli Funeral Home on Thursday afternoon, and how sad it was. This scribe has personally never seen such a large wake. The line went out the door down to the rear of the long parking lot and back up on the other side. It was that long when I got there and when I left 3 hours later, it was still that long. Although the wake started at 4:00 pm, people stood for 3 – 3 ½ hours outside in the cloudy, misty but moderate weather well into darkness, with nary a complaint from anyone. Funeral home officials estimated the crowd to be between 1,500 and 1,600 and it ended at approximately 9:45 pm. I can only imagine the crowd that went to the funeral mass at Sacred Heart the following morning.
This should be of no surprise as Chris was well liked and respected as is his family. The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) sent a beautiful spray of flowers, interspersed with turkey feathers. Other sprays had similar feathers and also deer antlers.
MassWildlife also was saddened by the tragedy and extended its heartfelt sympathies to families and friends. To quote words from Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Supervisor, “Chris was well known to us. He was very active with the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), a Paraplegic Deer Hunt volunteer for MassWildlife, and a good friend to the Agency and the District.”

Chris was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was the local chairman of the NWTF and served on the NWTF State Board. For many years he was a mentor for the youth turkey hunts and was a key organizer at the NWTF fund raisers. He helped in trout stockings and was a member of the Snow Seekers (tending snow mobile trails on October Mountain). He helped on the “Buddy Walks” by driving the tractor for its hayrides in Dalton (The Buddy Walk® was established in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Society to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness) and he volunteered as its “grill person”.
Words are hard to come by at times like this. I offer this meek consolation, that even though he was taken from us far too soon, he died doing what he truly loved right up to his last moment, that being getting the youth exposed to the outdoors and all it has to offer. I’m sure I speak for many local and Massachusetts sportsmen and women by offering up our sincerest condolences to his parents Willian and Mary Ellen, his son Nick, his life partner Carla Halley, other family members and friends. He will truly be missed.
Other than the information already provided, local harvest figures for the youth turkey hunt this year were hard to come by. No report was received from north county or from the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.
Travis Delratez (former president of the Pittsfield Sportsman Club) reported that his nephew Tristan Parsons shot a nice Tom on Saturday during the Youth Hunt. He said that it weighed 20+ lbs., had an 8 1/2-inch beard and 1-inch spurs. Tristan also shot another “long beard” the previous week in the NY Youth Hunt. Tristan has now bagged 5 long beards to date. He took another one in VT a couple of years ago. He has also shot two deer in his hunting career so far. Pretty good, ey? But get this, Tristan is only 13 years old!
According to Marion Larson, Chief, Information & Education, MA DFW, some 44 harvested birds were reported online and there was at least one taken to a check station on Monday. This is only the preliminary number of birds harvested as they need to get further information from check stations on birds checked in on Monday the 29th. Final figures will be available at a later date.
Larson reported that statewide 70 new Youth Turkey Hunt participants completed the Youth Turkey Seminar and Hunter Education this year and 247 youths obtained permits for the youth turkey hunt day. (She doesn’t know how many actually hunted.) Just over 1,000 youths in total have participated in the Youth Turkey Hunt program since its inception in 2009.
Trout Stockings
The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week. Rivers and brooks: Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chester, Huntington and Middlefield; Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Hubbard River in Granville, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Kinderhook Creek in Hancock, Dry Brook in Adams and Cheshire, Green River (north) in Williamstown, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Pelham Brook in Charlemont and Rowe, Dunbar Brook in Monroe and South Brook in Cheshire.
Lakes and Ponds: Windsor Pond in Windsor, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Berry Pond in Hancock, Pelham Lake in Rowe, North Pond in Florida, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington and Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale.
Fishing Derbies

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is having its Spring Fishing Derby at the Stockbridge Bowl boat ramp next Sunday, May 19, from dawn until 3:00pm. Prizes of $100 will go the heaviest trout, pickerel, bass and bullhead. There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under. Hot breakfast and lunch will be available. Pre-registration fee is $10 and post registration is $15. Tickets are available at the Minkler Insurance Agency, 31 Main Street, Stockbridge, (W)413-644-3590, (H)413-298-4630 or from any club member.

DER Releases New Dam Removal Video
The Department of Environmental Restorations (MA DER) is excited to present Dam Removal in Pittsfield: Different Reasons, One Goal, a five-minute video about the upcoming removal of the Tel-Electric Dam on the West Branch of the Housatonic River. The video features City staff, the dam owners, and local partners. Together they make the case that the dam removal will restore river health, improve public safety, and build community resilience in Pittsfield.
This film is part of a multi-year endeavor, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Science Media Collaborative. The project has culminated in a six-part film series entitled River Run – A Story of Dam Removal in Massachusetts. The films highlight the efforts by many of DER’s partners to advance river restoration projects across the Commonwealth. Be on the lookout for the additional five films that will be released later in 2019.

Conte banquet honors four

There was a nice crowd at the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club last Saturday night to honor the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) 2018 award winners. Past President, Mark Jester, did his usual yeoman’s job as emcee. As readers may recall from my column of March 31, 2019, four people were selected to receive the awards: Virginia Dubois, Jason Sniezek, Jane Winn and Lou Robesch. There were write-ups of each person’s achievements in that article.

The banquet was also dedicated in honor of George “Gige” Darey who passed away in December, 2018. There was a moment of silence for Gige before the festivities began.

MA Fish & Game Commissioner Ron Amidon gave a short talk about the statewide trout stocking program and the great shape the fish are in this year. He mentioned proposed legislation of interest to the outdoor sportsmen, particularly the “archery setback” change. This change would allow DFW to manage wildlife in places where it hasn’t been able to do so up to now. Excessive deer density is not a problem here in the Berkshires but from Rte. 495 east there is a lot of wildlife out there and (DFW) is having a difficult time managing it because of the existing setbacks. If they are able to change the setbacks to 250 feet in many of the eastern communities it will help control the deer herd as well as open up huntable land.

Virginia Dubois of Lee received the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award for support, dedication and preservation of the outdoor shooting sports, hunting and fishing. She thanked the BCLS, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association officers, Board of Directors, all of the coaches and the Gala Fundraising committee. ”I couldn’t do what I enjoy doing so much without all of your help and support. I truly get back much more than I give when I see the friendships that I have made and see the smiles on the children’s faces at the wonderful programs that we are so grateful to be able to offer at the LSA.

Jason Sniezek of Adams received the Outstanding Achievement Award for his efforts to introduce the youth of Berkshire County to the vast wonders of the outdoors. He thanked the BCLS, CR&G and particularly Mark Jester and Karen Kruszyna who were instrumental in introducing the National Archery in the School (NAIS)program to Hoosac Valley. He said that this program is a very rewarding class to teach and the students embraced it and enjoyed getting out into the woods. Discussing some of the highlights of the class was a very rewarding class for him and he hopes he can continue that in the future and make it better.

Jane Winn of Pittsfield received the Lifetime Achievement Award. (The award was not just for Jane but also for her hubby Bruce, for BEAT and its team of volunteers). It was awarded for the years of work preserving open space, majestic ridge lines and vulnerable wetlands and streams within Berkshire County. Jane, in her acceptance speech, said that “this award means so much to me. BEAT’s mission is protecting the environment for wildlife and I think a lot of the times environmental groups don’t really understand your (outdoor sportsmen’s) depth of support of wildlife and the part that you all do”.

Incidentally, much of Jane’s staff that evening was at the other end of the state accepting an environmental action award. If I may interject, this shows the importance of BEAT and the wonderful work it does…………to be receiving awards from environmentalists in the eastern and from sportsmen in the western part of the state on the same evening. That really says something about the importance of the work they are doing.

Louis Robesch of Pittsfield received the Sportsman of the Year Award for his lifelong dedication and leadership to the sportsmen and the youth of Massachusetts. In introducing Lou Robesch, Mark Jester commented thatLou has been a hunter education instructor for 45 years teaching in Pittsfield and other locations. In accepting the award, Lou thanked “all of the Berkshire County sportsmen for presenting me this award. I really appreciate it very much and accept it with the most gratitude”.

Trout stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week. Rivers and Brooks: Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, South River and Swift River in Ashfield, Potash Brook in Russell and Blandford, Westfield River (East Branch) in Savoy, Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; Westfield River (Middle Branch) in Cummington, Worthington, Middlefield and Huntington, Westfield River (Mainstem) in Huntington, Montgomery and Russel; Swift River in Cummington and Goshen, Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, Stones Brook in Goshen, Windsor Brook in Hinsdale, Hop Brook in Lee and Tyringham, Goose Pond Brook in Lee; Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Trout Brook in Peru, Buck and Clam Rivers in Sandisfield, Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge, Windsor Brook in Windsor and Trout Brook in Worthington. Lakes: Pontoosuc, Greenwater Pond, Laurel Lake, York Lake and Norwich Pond in Huntington.
Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having a free children’s fishing derby next Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 to 10:30 am at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Wild Acres Fishing Derby

The free Wild Acres Fishing Derby for children ages 14 and under will take place on Saturday, May 11 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bait will be provided, and a limited amount of fishing poles will be available for use on a first come, first serve basis to those who do not own one.

Trophies will be awarded at 12:00 pm to those who catch the largest fish (length & weight).

The event will be hosted by the City of Pittsfield Parks and Recreation Commission with volunteer support provided by the Onota Fishing Club which will assist with dressing fish, providing fishing tips and techniques, baiting, etc. Anyone from the community who needs accommodations for handicapped vehicle access is asked to contact (413) 822-2193.

Art of Concealed Carry
On Thursday, May 9 from 5:00 to 9:30pm, the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a Gun Owner’s Action League (GOAL) training entitled the Art of Conceal Carry. Conducted in the Main Clubhouse upstairs, it costs $90, and you must be a GOAL member to attend. To become a GOAL member or renew your membership, click onto

The Art of Concealed Carry is a 4-hour concealed handgun seminar designed for individuals who are currently carrying a concealed firearm or those who are considering firearms for self-defense. Please contact Shawn Sullivan at with any questions or for more information.

Coyote Listening Session

In response to concerns about coyote hunting contests, MassWildlife is holding a Listening Session on May 9 at the Mohawk Regional High School, 26 Ashfield Road in Shelburne Falls from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The session is designed to share information about coyote management and coyote hunting regulations, and to hear input and concerns from the public.
The Listening Session is an important part of the process that MassWildlife employs when reviewing policy and regulations. As a first step in this review, MassWildlife professional staff will examine the best available science, consult with other outside professionals, solicit input from stakeholders, and if warranted, prepare recommendations for the Fisheries & Wildlife Board to consider.
This is the second in a series of Listening Sessions to be held in the state. The first session was held in early April in Barnstable. These sessions provide more opportunities for the public to share input with MassWildlife staff and the Fisheries and Wildlife Board.
Anyone unable to attend a Listening Session can provide feedback and comments by emailing or sending written correspondence to: MassWildlife, Attn: Coyote Feedback, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.
Life Jackets
Just a reminder. In Massachusetts, life jackets must be worn by canoeists and kayakers from September 15 through May 15. Youth under 12 years old, personal watercraft users, waterskiers and stand-up paddleboard users must wear them all the time.
Accidental Shooting Death
As you may be aware, there was an accidental shooting death during the Youth Turkey Hunting Day. I hope to have more information/comments on this unfortunate accident in next week’s column.

Spring turkey hunting season opens tomorrow

The season opens tomorrow and runs through May 25. Hunting hours begin ½ hour before sunrise and end at noon. Hunters can harvest up to 2 bearded birds in the spring (1 per day).
MassWildlife predicts this spring turkey season will be a productive one for hunters across Massachusetts. In 2017, there was a record high spring harvest, and 2018 was the third highest spring turkey harvest ever. These continued high harvest years indicate a strong, resilient turkey population across all Wildlife Management Zones.
Spring and summer brood productivity can locally influence turkey populations, but overall brood success has been strong over the last several years. Winter severity may sometimes reduce turkey populations in northern climates, but habitat conditions are very good across the state and help buffer the effects of winter.
But don’t let the high abundance of turkeys fool you, says MassWildlife, it’s still very important to scout pre-season. Turkey hunting is very popular in the spring, especially during the first week of season, so scouting will help you identify multiple areas where hunting may be productive.
As always, remember to be respectful when hunting on private and public lands, watch out for ticks and be careful.
Rainbow trout liberated
The skies were leaden colored and there was a chilly wind which whipped across the lake into our faces, at the Stockbridge Bowl boat ramp on Thursday, April 18. But that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the 50 or so people who were gathered there to witness or take part in the great trout liberation. Little tykes along with their siblings, parents and grandparents helped the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) release about 800 rainbow trout (which had a total estimated weight of approximately 1,000 lbs).
Everyone was focused on getting those trout into the lake. They were beauties, averaging around 14 inches with brilliant reddish pink bands along their sides
Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine trucked the fish in from the McLaughlin Hatchery in Belchertown, MA. Prior to releasing the fish, she gave a little talk about the DFW and the various functions it provides. She talked about the 5 state hatcheries, the number of fish that are stocked statewide (500,000) and in our area (100,000), how long the stocking will take place this spring and other tidbits of interesting information. The overall reason for the event was to get kids, their parents and the general public aware of MassWildlife and its activities.
Leanda and her boss, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden then netted some fish from the truck fish holding tank, put them into buckets and had the kids rush them to the water’s edge and toss them into the lake. Some of those kids weren’t much taller than the buckets but there were plenty of adults to help them. When everyone got tired of racing to the water’s edge with the buckets of fish, Leanda and Andrew flushed the remaining hundreds of fish directly from the truck to the water.
I am happy to announce that there were no casualties, all the fish survived the ordeal and no buckets were accidentally tossed into the lake with the fish in them. I’m not sure who had the most fun, the adults or the kids.
Warning to the parents/grandparents: Many of these kids are old enough to remember where those fish were stocked and you can safely bet that they will be looking to you to bring them back to catch some of them. Perhaps you may want to catch a few yourself.
Look at that cute girl in the photo. The look of joy and excitement in her face tells it all. Don’t you just love seeing happy kids enjoying the outdoors. Who knows, maybe she was so inspired that someday she will become an aquatic biologist.
Trout stockings
The following local water bodies were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week.
Rivers and Brooks: Bronson Brook in Worthington, Depot Brook in Washington, Factory Brook in Middlefield, Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Little River in Worthington and Huntington, Mill Brook in Plainfield, Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, West Branch Brook in Chesterfield and Worthington, Westfield Brook in Windsor and Cummington, Westfield River (East Branch) in Cummington and Chesterfield, Williams River in West Stockbridge and Great Barrington and Yokum Brook in Becket.
Lakes and Ponds: Big Pond in Otis, Lake Buel, Lake Garfield, Goose Pond, Greenwater Pond and Otis Reservoir.
Firearms Safety Course
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club will be hosting a scheduled live fire NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified Firearms Safety Course next Sunday, May 5. This is to qualify MA residents and non-residents alike for the MA License-To- Carry or FID Card. It will be a hands-on live firing, one day course. A full lunch and a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop will be provided.
The cost is $100 which covers all ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, an NRA Firearms Safety textbook and the food. The class starts at 9:00 am and lasts until about 4:30 pm. Interested parties are asked to pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. This live fire course fills up very quickly and you should call or stop in early to pre-register. They also ask you to be there by 8:45 am to sign in.
New Land Protected

MassWildlife recently acquired 13 acres in the town of Worthington on Sam Hill Road. This small but strategic acquisition provides greatly improved access to the part of the Fox Den Wildlife Management Area which is in Worthington. Beware, Sam Hill Road is an unpaved dead-end road which can get very muddy at times.

Map, Compass & Survival Course

On Saturday, May 11, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, MassWildlife will be conducting a Map, Compass, & Survival course at the DCR/Mass Park’s Visitor Center, 740 South Street, Pittsfield. This course is not recommended for students less than 12 years of age. To enroll call (508) 389-7830 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00pm.
Let’s not take this anymore!
What’s going on with those aggressive wild animals lately? Not too long ago, a young girl from Norwell was chased into her house by a coyote. It bit her arm and ran off with one of her shoes. Then there was the bear incident in Hinsdale a couple of weeks ago where a family’s small horse was killed. Now comes news of gangs of wild turkeys becoming aggressive, intimidating and pecking people near Boston.
Lock em up! That’s what I say. Build a wall! They’re thugs, bad actors! They’re intimidating us. Let them know that they are not welcomed in our neighborhoods. Round them up and drop them off in a sanctuary town, like Ripton!
Or we could take a more sensible approach by taking down those bird feeders to help keep the bears and turkeys away. We could put our garbage pails near the curbside in the morning instead of the night before. We could cover windows and shiny objects to keep turkeys from responding aggressively to shiny objects and their own reflections while they’re trying to assert dominance within their flock.
Pardon the levity this morning, but I think you get the point.

Mass Sportsmen’s Council names Robert McCarthy its Sportsman of the Year

When Bob McCarthy walked into the American Legion Post in Sutton, MA last Saturday evening, he was looking forward to a tasty meal, winning a few raffle items and honoring a deserving recipient or two at the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council’s (MSC)Annual Awards Banquet.
The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) which is a member of the MSC, had purchased a table at the event and four of us were to be seated at it (Bob, and Dan Lawson of Williamstown, Steve Grimaldi of Adams, and me). Bob was pleasantly surprised when his daughter and son-in-law Talitha McCarthy-Johnson and Kyle Johnson of Hancock, showed up and joined us at the table.
The MSC is celebrating its 90th anniversary of serving sportsmen by preserving wildlife habitat and our outdoor sporting heritage, and we were there to help them celebrate it.
Never heard of the MSC? Well it is the umbrella organization for outdoor sportsmen and women across the state. Many individual sportsmen join local sportsmen’s clubs; many of those clubs belong to a county league of sportsmen; many of the county leagues belong to the MSC. So, if you are a Lenox Sportsmen’s Club member, for example, your interests are being lobbied for on Beacon Hill by the MSC.
Getting back to the banquet, it wasn’t until everyone was seated at their tables that the announcement was made that Bob McCarthy, of Williamstown, was named the Sportsman of the Year.
He was nominated by the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club (EMSC) as well as the BCLS.
Here are some of the words that EMSC/BCLS President Wayne McLain wrote about Bob when he nominated him: “(Bob) is the BCLS’s delegate to the MSC. He exemplifies what a person of true character is. A caring family man, sportsman, conservationist, and environmentalist, Bob was a founding member of the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club (in Williamstown).

One of his most impressive accomplishments was when, as a young man in his twenties, along with his friend Bob Kaufman, he became a founding member of the Hoosic River Basin Citizen’s Protective Association. We can all thank the efforts of this association for stopping and then beginning the clean-up of the pollution in the Hoosic River.

Through this association, Bob worked to help push through legislation to establish the Fish Kill Response Team. This team investigates the causes of fish kills that occur in our waterways to then help prevent them. All of you fisherman out there owe your ability to enjoy your sport to this team’s hard work.

Bob has been a member of the BCLS for many years. He was selected for the League’s Sportsman of the Year Award in 1987. If a team leader or mentor for any issue is needed, Bob McCarthy is the man to count on. Even now, in his seventies, he is still a leader among us (Currently serving as the BCLS Vice President). (He continues to) push hard to get State Government to approve the Crossbow Bill to allow everyone to have the right to use a crossbow for hunting.”
A plaque was presented by Mike Moss, MSC President Emeritus and John Kellstrand, MSC President to Bob which read: “Given with recognition of his many years of service to the sportsmen of Berkshire County and his leadership on issues affecting sportsmen throughout the Commonwealth of MA.” A State Senate Resolution was also presented to Bob by State Senator Anne Gobi. Congratulations to Bob McCarthy, a most deserving recipient.
Other award recipients that evening: The R L Gribbons Award went to Peter Bernard of Swansea. (He is the MSC Secretary and Bristol County League of Sportsmen President); the Hall of Fame Award went to Kenneth Brown and Frank Leonardo both of the MA Bowhunters Association; and the Special Recognition Award went to John “Jack” Sheppard , who is retiring as Director of Fishing & Boating Access after 46 years.
The Secretary of energy & Environmental Affairs Matt Beaton gave a few words for the gathering. Also, Ross Kessler, Public Access Coordinator, spoke in length about access to salt water fishing and how the money that is raised through the salt water fishing permit system is used.
Bowhunter Education Courses
On Sunday, May 5, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm a Bowhunting Education Course will be conducted at the Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket. This course was developed by the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) and National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF). It is designed for novice and experienced hunters and topics include the selection of equipment, bowhunting safety, and bowhunting laws. To enroll in this course call (508) 389-7830, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Students under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or guardian to attend this type of course. A parent or guardian should be present at the start of the student’s class to complete the student’s registration form or the student can bring a signed permission form with them to the start of their course.

Bowhunter education is not required in Massachusetts and a Bowhunter Education Certificate does not qualify you to purchase a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license. The certificate is accepted in other jurisdictions (i.e. other states such as CT, NH, NY, ME, RI, etc.) that do require archery hunters to show proof of having completed bowhunter education. All courses are free of charge and open to the public.
Trout stocking
The following local water bodies were scheduled to be stocked last week: Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Cold River in Charlemont and Florida, Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Green River (North) in New Ashford and Williamstown, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Hoosic River (North) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Hoosic River (South) in Cheshire and Adams, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River (Southwest) in Pittsfield, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg and North Adams, Littleville Reservoir in Huntington, Town Brook in Lanesborough, Westfield River (East) in Cummington, Chesterfield and Huntington, Onota Lake and Stockbridge Bowl.
Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp
The Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp (MJCC) teaches campers a variety of outdoor skills, including: fishing, hunting, shooting sports, boating and camping. (Campers become certified in Hunter Education and Small Boat Safety.)
The camp also aims to educate campers about conservation of natural resources and responsible use of the environment. Natural resource professionals from state agencies provide hands-on experiences and demonstrations and lead discussions on wildlife, fisheries, and forest management. In the evening, campers participate in demonstrations of outdoor recreation topics.
Boys and girls aged 13 to 17 years old who enjoy outdoor activities and want to learn more about the environment are eligible to attend. Enthusiastic outdoorsmen and women today will become tomorrow’s leaders in safeguarding our outdoor heritage.
The Lee, Lenox, Pittsfield and Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Clubs as well as the BCLS reserve slots for campers and sponsor interested teens by paying their full camp tuition. MJCC also offers scholarships. All that is needed are kids to fill those slots. I believe the clubs still have some openings. If one club has already filled its slots, it checks with the others to see if they have any openings. Often prospective campers only need write a letter that explains why they want to attend camp and what they want to learn.
The camp is located at the Horace Moses Scout Reservation, 310 Birch Hill Avenue, Russell, MA. The dates are August 4 through 16. The tuition, which is $950 for the full two weeks, covers lodging expenses, food, and activities. Camp sponsorships are available for prospective campers.
Learn more about the program on the MJCC website, or call 508-450-5120. The website should answer just about all of the questions that parents may have. If interested, contact one of the above sportsmen’s organizations.
Donations to the MJCC are always gratefully accepted. Donations are fully tax deductible as it is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation under the IRS code 501(c)3. Donations, which will be acknowledged by mail may be sent to MSJCC, PO Box 306, Northborough MA 01532. If you would like to contribute supplies or equipment, please email (