Stocking trout on Earth Day


On Friday, April 21, Earth Day, MassWildlife conducted a trout stocking event at Onota Lake in Pittsfield.  Usually, the stocking dates and times are kept secret so as to avoid “stocking truck followers” from catching a lot of fish before the trout have had time to acclimate to their new surroundings.  But this time it was different.  MassWildlife wanted the public, especially children who were out of school during school vacation to be there and to participate.  And a lot of kids and their parents and grandparents did show up.

About 350 nice sized rainbow trout were put into white 5 gallon pails, 3 or 4 at a time, and the kids and older folks scurried to the lake’s edge to toss them into the water.  They had to hurry as no water was put into the pails in order to keep the loads lighter.

It was a great day for all involved.  I couldn’t help but chuckle as some of these kids weren’t much bigger than the pails they were carrying.  MassWildlife’s Western District Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon stood in the water in hip boots to ensure that every trout was safely liberated and I am happy to report that there were no casualties—at least not until some nearby fishermen caught some.  Derek McDermott and Ray Bresette of MassWildlife carefully  netted the trout out of the stocking truck and placed them into pails for the kids lined up to take their turns at stocking. Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden ensured that the operation went smoothly and also provided some pamphlets and animal track information.

There were a lot of smiling faces seen that day, not sure who had the most fun, the kids, their parents/grandparents or the MassWildlife team.

Pictured above, wearing the tiara, and stocking some trout was 15 year old Meghan Kalbaugh of Chicopee, MA who came to the event with her parents.  She is the reigning Miss Western Mass Outstanding Teen.  She had a beautiful sash but took it off while stocking so as not to get it wet and slimy from the fish.

Message to the young lads, turn off the smart phones and computer games, pick up your fishing rods and head for the lakes.  No telling who will be out there stocking the trout.  Look at what you missed!

Trout stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week:  Hoosic River in Cheshire and Adams, Deerfield River in Buckland, Florida and Charlemont;  Clesson Brook in Ashfield and  Buckland, Swift River in Ashfield,  Cummington and Goshen; Pelham Brook in Charlemont and Rowe, Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Little River in Worthington and Huntington, West Branch Brook in Chesterfield and Worthington, Ashfield Pond and South River in Ashfield, Dry Brook and South Brook in Cheshire, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, North Pond in Florida, Stones Brook in Goshen, Dunbar Brook in Monroe, Mill Brook in Plainfield, Bronson Brook in Worthington, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Goose Pond in Lee and Tyringham,  Lake Buel in Monterey, Windsor Lake in North Adams and Otis Reservoir in Otis.

Lakes are being remapped

In his latest report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, Fisheries and Wildlife Board member Stephen Sears of Dalton, reported that DFW fisheries personnel are in the process of making new maps of all our lakes. He said that they will be incredibly accurate.  They will also be available on-line.  They already mapped Onota Lake and will be doing Pontoosuc Lake soon.  Click onto the MassWildlife web page to check out the new Onota Lake map.



MassWildlife cautions us that Common Loons, a species of Special Concern, have been observed taking shiners on anglers hooks and hooking themselves.  They urge anglers to pull hooks baited with shiners out of the water when loons are present and continue fishing when they have passed.   Anglers may recall that the protection of the loons was a major reason why the use of lead weights under 1 oz have been prohibited in Massachusetts.  Apparently, the loons ingest them and then later die an agonizing death from lead poisoning.


I love loons.  Of all the sounds heard in the wilds, by far my favorite is the yodeling sound of a loon on a quiet night on or near a crystal clear northern lake.   Upper Maine and Canadian lakes provide such waters.  Loons require clear lakes because they it make it easier for them to see prey underwater. Chances are, while listing to the loons, you may also be marveling at the Aurora borealis (northern lights).  They go hand-in-hand.


Last year, while fishing in Labrador, I saw some loons and commented to a guide my fondness for this bird.  He did not share my feelings, in fact, he downright despised them.   He said that they can grow to 12 lbs and they eat an awful lot of fish each day.  The outfitters and guides up there get their livelihood from fishermen and they want them to catch a lot of fish so that they come back.  Loons compete with them for the fish.


Thinking that he was exaggerating, I checked into it when I got hone.   In one study, scientists estimate that loons eat 22% of their body weight each day.  In another study, biologists estimate that loon parents and their 2 chicks can eat about a half-ton of fish over a 15-week period.


Well, even so, I still love the sight and sound of that bird and support its restoration in Massachusetts.


Questions/comments:   Phone:  (413) 637-1818

Accompanied by a picture of Miss Teen Western Massachusetts, Meghan Kalbaugh, stocking trout.  Standing next to her is her father James.


Four honored at BCLS Conte Banquet


About 130 people packed the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club banquet hall last Saturday evening for the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) Silvio O. Conte Memorial Awards Banquet. Award recipients included Doug Frank of Lee (2016 Sportsman of the Year), Karen Karlberg of Becket (Lifetime Achievement Award), Tom Macy of Sheffield (Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award) and Robert McDermott of West Stockbridge (John Zuber Outstanding Achievement Award).


All were selected by the delegates of the various sportsmen’s clubs which make up the BCLS.   Their individual feats were highlighted in my March 26, 2017 column,  “2016 BCLS Award winners announced”.  The banquet was dedicated in honor of George “Gige” Darey of Lenox.    Mark Jester of Pittsfield was the emcee for the event.  Congratulations to all of the recipients.


Gige Darey respectfully declined to accept an award preferring that one go to one of the above deserving recipients.   He did give a moving speech recounting his 38 years on the Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board.  Gige has been kept busy giving talks these days.  Recently, he received an award from the Worcester County League of Sportsmen and two weeks ago, he received a Special Recognition award from the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council.  At that banquet, Lt Governor Polito, several State Senators and Representatives and many other dignitaries honored him for his many achievements.


As you may know, Gige recently stepped down from the F&W Board, of which he served as its chairman for 35 of years.  During that time he accomplished a great deal.  He oversaw the restoration and recovery of the bald eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, turkey, deer, bear and piping plover.  He was instrumental in increasing land acquisition and protection, habitat identification and management, education and outreach and the new environmentally state-of-the-art Field Headquarters in Westborough.


One of his proudest achievements was to getting “Presumption of Openness” into the language of the Open Space Bond Bills, ensuring that all state land so purchased would be open to passive recreation including hunting, fishing and trapping.  He led the efforts to transfer the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program to the DFW, now a model for the nation.


Referred to as the champion for all wildlife, from fish and big game, to the less heralded species greatly needing our understanding and protection, it is no wonder that the 818-acre Housatonic Valley Wildlife Management Area bears his name.


Gige is not done receiving accolades yet.  On May 13, there will be an event celebrating his lifelong commitment and achievements as well as raising funds for the MA Outdoor Heritage Foundation.  It will take place at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club, 24 West Stockbridge Road (Route 102), MA.


The event,  co-chaired by Bob Durand former Secretary of Environmental Affairs, Dave Peters former Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game, Wayne MacCallum former Director Division of Fish and Wildlife and Steve Sears President of the MA Outdoor Heritage Foundation Board, will take place from noon to 4:00pm. Buffet at 1pm, speaking program at 2:00pm, silent auction and raffle at 3:00pm.  The cost is $50 per person.


If you are unable to attend but still wish to contribute to the Outdoor Heritage Fund, of which Gige is a founding Board member,  make checks payable to: Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation (note George L Darey fund) P.O. Box 47, Westborough, MA. 01581.  You may want to consider a sponsorship and tax deductible donation that will honor and further the mission of natural resource protection which has been Gige’s lifelong commitment.


Some sponsorships categories are:   Woodcock -$100, Whitetail Deer-$250, Black Bear -$500 and Bald Eagle-$1000. For more information about the Foundation, visit them at



On April 29, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association is holding a fundraiser called Aiming for Zero Steel Match.  The purpose of the event is to support the fight against veteran suicide.  Shoot times are 9:00 am and 1:00 pm with no preregistration required, $25 registration fee, $5 side match.  Centerfire pistols and .22LR pistols and .22 rifles welcome.  If you can’t attend but would like to donate, visit the Aiming for Zero/Active Heroes website.  Click on join existing club then List on registered teams.  Choose individual fundraiser and type in Paddy Sullivan. He is registered as an individual, and not with a team. He is doing this for His National Honor Society service project.


Trout Stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week. Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Chickley River in Charlemont, Hawley and Savoy; Cold River in Charlemont, Florida, and Savoy; Westfield River in Chesterfield, Cummington, Huntington and Russell; Housatonic River in Lee and  Pittsfield, Hop Brook and Goose Pond Brook in Lee and Tyringham, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Mansfield Lake in Great Barrington, Kinderhook Creek in Hancock, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Greenwater Brook in Lee, York Lake in New Marlborough, Berry Pond in Pittsfield, Buck and Clam River in Sandisfield, Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge and Onota Lake in Pittsfield.


Spring Turkey Season

The spring turkey hunting season opens tomorrow in Massachusetts and runs through May 20. Immediately following harvest, hunters must fill out and affix the tag from their turkey permit to the turkey. The turkey must be reported either online via the MassFishHunt system or at a traditional check station within 48 hours of harvest and before the bird is processed for food or taxidermy. The MassFishHunt system generates a confirmation number which must be written on the harvest tag attached to the turkey; the confirmation number serves as the official seal. The tag (or metal seal from a check station) must remain on the bird until it is processed for food or taxidermy.


Love is in the air


Recently, MassWildlife has requested us to report local eagle sightings to Andrew Vitz, MassWildlife’s State Ornithologist, and/or to DFW Western District Supervisor, Andrew Madden. Mark Thorne of Pittsfield has been observing and documenting the Onota Lake eagle nest for 10 years now, and the female has been the same one every year.


She was banded in 2002 (#T98) from the Hudson River in New York.  Now 15 years old, she may be considered middle aged as they can live up to 30 years.  The males have changed over the years, three since Mark has been monitoring them, and the current one has been with her since 2014.  He was banded (#WR8) as a chick in 2006 from the Connecticut River area here in Western Mass, making him 11 years.  They had been on eggs since the beginning of March, with both eagles sharing duties sitting on them.  Eaglets may have hatched by now.


Supposedly, they mate for life, but if one member of a pair dies or is killed, the other will actively court another mate.  However; there has been some contention over this nest from a third eagle.  No locked talons that Mark has seen, “just a lot of fast flying and screaming from all parties, ending with the intruder being shown the door to another part of the county”.  Sadly, Mark says, that’s how her current beau came into the picture, so we’ll have to see how this plays out.  He believes that “mating for life” depends particularly on how long the current male can withstand the challenges of other younger males.


Breeding Bald Eagles were extirpated from Massachusetts during the early 1900s. However, from 1982 to 1988, forty-one young Bald Eagles from Michigan and Canada were relocated to Quabbin Reservoir. Following this restoration effort, they were confirmed to breed successfully in the state by 1989.  Eagle numbers have increased slowly but steadily since that time. During 2015, an all-time high of at least 51 pairs of Bald Eagles maintained breeding territories in Massachusetts.  Around here, they were located as follows:  Westfield River (2), Deerfield River (2), Housatonic River (1), Onota Lake (1) and Lake Buel (1).    Population abundance in Massachusetts is limited mainly by amount of potential breeding habitat (i.e., number of large water bodies surrounded by mature forest and having shallow waters and abundant fish).


Fishermen should be diligent in proper disposal of fishing line and equipment, as eagles are known to accidentally ingest hooks. At least one eaglet has been killed in Massachusetts after becoming tangled in fishing line.


Be careful while driving, too. Recently, a very important bird in the history of Bald Eagle restoration in Massachusetts died after being hit by a vehicle on Rte 5 in Northampton. A veterinarian determined it had a broken back and spinal cord damage, and had to be euthanized.   Known by #W02 on its leg band, this 28-year-old eagle was one of the three first wild-born eagles to hatch in Massachusetts in modern times. Since 1989 when W02 hatched, at least 646 wild-born Bald Eagle chicks have fledged in the Commonwealth.

Poor bird, it died without a real name. RIP #W02.

TU Event

On Thursday, April 20, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have Ron Merly, Connecticut fishing guide and Author of Flyfisher’s Guide to Connecticut as its guest speaker.  He will be speaking about the Farmington and Housatonic Rivers.


An avid fisherman, Merly has been fishing the trout streams of Connecticut and on Long Island Sound for over 45 years. He has held the current Connecticut state record for sea-run trout since 2006. A self-taught writer, he was awarded first place in the Best Magazine Article category by the New England Outdoor Writers Association in 2009 and 2010. He has served as the president of the Nutmeg Chapter of Trout Unlimited since 2010, and has been a member of its Board of Directors since 2000.  He has resided on the Connecticut coastline for his entire life, and has flyfished all over New England, as well as in Mexico and Honduras.


The event will be held at the Berkshire Hills Country Club at 500 Benedict Rd., Pittsfield.  Doors open at 6:00 pm.  The presentation is free and open to the public.  Dinner is optional.


Earth Week

Earth Week runs from April 17 through April 23 this year.  Numerous communities celebrate an entire week of activities focused on the environmental issues that the world faces. The most common practice of celebration is planting new trees.  Coincidentally, that is also school vacation week.


Friday, April 21, is called Earth Day and MassWildlife has planned a trout stocking event that day.  It will take place at Burbank Park on Onota Lake at 1:30 pm.  Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Supervisor, plans to liberate 400-500 rainbow trout into the lake.  The public, especially the youngsters, are invited to watch them release the fish.  DFW may allow some of the kids to carry pails of trout for release.  They may also have some stuff to hand out to the kids.


Trout Stockings

The following local waters were scheduled for trout stocking last week:  Konkapot River in Monterey, New Marlborough and Sheffield; Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Farmington River in Otis and Sandisfield, Hoosic River-South Branch in Cheshire and Adams, Hoosic River-North Branch in Clarksburg, Green River in Alford and Great Barrington, Williams River in West Stockbridge, Egremont and Great Barrington;  Westfield River in Becket, Chester, Huntington, Middlefield and Worthington;  Hudson Brook in Clarksburg, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Trout Brook in Peru, Green River in Williamstown, Greenwater Pond in Becket, and Big Pond in Otis.

What is the DER and what does it do?



The Massachusetts Division of Environmental Restoration (DER) was created in 2009 with the merger of the Riverways and Wetlands Restoration Programs. DER coordinates ecological restoration to improve habitat for fish and wildlife and restores important ecosystem services that improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts citizens.  DER works with many partners across a variety of aquatic systems, from freshwater to saltwater, to restore the ecological integrity of degraded habitats for the benefit of people and the environment.


In 2016 alone, the Division removed 2 dams and completed 2 wetland restoration projects, restoring 285 acres and opening 13 river miles statewide.  It advanced work on multiple river and wetland restoration projects that have recently initiated construction or will begin construction next year.  Once complete, those projects will remove 8 dams, reconnect more than 78 river miles and restore nearly 280 acres of degraded wetlands.


Using Commonwealth funds, DER leveraged $10 million in newly awarded external funds.  Volunteers worked in 72 communities devoting more than $100,000 worth of labor towards protecting and restoring our rivers and wetlands.  The DER provided technical support and guidance in more than 170 communities and across all 27 major watersheds.


DER, together with its partners, has restored in total over 1,800 acres of coastal wetlands and reconnected over 250 miles.


In Western MA, the DER was recently awarded a $179,620 grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation.  The grant will build municipal capacity to upgrade culverts and increase the pace of culvert replacement in the Deerfield River Watershed.  The Deerfield River has an abundance of coldwater streams, which provide essential habitat for fish species. In 2011 many towns were hard hit in the region after Tropical Storm Irene.  This grant, in conjunction with other DER funds will immediately advance the design and/or construction of up to 6 culverts in the Deerfield River Watershed and, in time, will lead to many more replacements.


DER’s Streamflow Restoration program continues to work with municipal partners in Pittsfield to improve streamflow below recreational dams.  This past winter, DER installed a telemetry station at the Onota Lake dam that measures water level and assists with lake management and downstream releases to Peck’s Brook, a tributary to the West Branch of the Housatonic River.  Last fall DER also funded a survey of macro-invertebrates in Peck’s Brook, along with several other streams in the area, to better quantify changes in the aquatic community after modifications were made to upstream dam management.  Recent monitoring shows significant improvements in both streamflow and macro-invertebrate populations in the brook, despite 2016 drought conditions.


In 2017, DER will be working on 11 new priority projects adding to its total roster of 62 projects.  Here in the Berkshires, the Kitchen Brook Dam in Cheshire, has a provisional status of Significant Hazard.  It has an impassable obstruction on the brook, which drains part of Mount Greylock’s eastern slope and is tributary to the coldwater trout stream Thunder Brook.  That brook is where DER previously worked with the town to removal another aging dam and to replace an undersized culvert with a fish-friendly crossing.  Removal of Kitchen Brook Dam will open up 4 miles of high quality cold water habitat for Eastern Brook Trout.


The Kinne Brook Dam in Chester was removed in 2014, and now two undersized culverts will be replaced in 2017-2018.  The goal is to restore river functions to the high-quality cold-water stream which is a tributary to the Westfield River.  It is abundant with eastern brook trout.  The barrier removals were done in partnership with Trout Unlimited and others.

Several years ago, the DER removed a dam on the North Branch of the Hoosic River in Clarksburg.  Now, there is an Urban River Restoration Priority Project planned for the Hoosic River in North Adams.  The goal is to modernized North Adams’ aging concrete flood chutes with habitat, river and community friendly modifications while maintaining existing flood risk management levels.   So far a concept design for the South Branch Hoosic River restoration is in place including preliminary designs for a Phase I restoration in the Noel Field area. Soil, sediment and groundwater sampling was just completed in the Phase I restoration area. Concept design work for the North Branch of the Hoosic River is just beginning and will take about a year to complete.


The DER is a division which reports directly to the Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game.  Tim Purington is its Director.  It is one of my favorite state agencies because we can see tangible results which affects our lives and benefits the critters. I hope it continues to receive sufficient funding to accomplish it very important work.


Trout Stockings

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week.  Due to the rain and high waters, this schedule was subject to change: Ashfield Pond, Housatonic River (East Branch) in Dalton and Hinsdale, Housatonic River SW Branch in Pittsfield, Pontoosuc Lake, Lake Garfield, Lake Buel, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Onota Lake, Goose Pond, and Windsor Pond in Windsor.


Water Safety

According to the Massachusetts Environmental Police, most boating fatalities in the Commonwealth result when boaters fail to wear life jackets while in small craft in cold water or weather. Paddlers in canoes and kayaks are required to wear life jackets from September 15 – May 15.  They also advise us to:  Make sure everyone wears a life jacket, follows navigation rules, such as safe speed and spotters, never boat under the influence and keep in touch by using cell phones, etc.  Don’t panic if you fall into the water.  Stay afloat with the help of your life jacket, regain control of your breathing, keep your head above water in vision of rescuers, and stay with the boat if possible

Pittsfield teenager will compete in National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships


The Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) recently announced that one of its junior athletes, Lena DuPont, of Pittsfield, has earned and accepted a first round invitation to compete in the 2017 National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships for Air Pistols.   They will take place at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO on April 20 – 24.  Lena is 14 years old and an 8th grade High Honors student at TEC Connections Academy.

To compete is quite an honor, as only the finest junior athletes in the nation are invited. The event provides an opportunity for obtaining possible future shooting scholarships and a National Junior Team appointment, which allows them to compete internationally.  Standing shoulder to shoulder with the best shooters in the country makes this match one of the most competitive events in which Lena will participate.

She is a member of LSA’s Air2Spare youth air pistol team, and earned a Silver medal with two teammates (Riley Laurent and Cooper Maloney) at the 2016 Baystate Games.  They were taught by Air2Spare founders and coaches Cliff and Vicki White.  Berkshire Eagle reporter Jacob Mendel, covered these winners in his August 1, 2016 article entitled, “Air2Spare air pistol shooting club continuing growth after Baystate Games showing”. Lena was also featured last summer on WNYT (Albany TV) during the Olympic games

Lena then went on and won a Silver medal at the 2016 Progressive Position Pistol (PPP) Nationals in Ft. Benning, GA in her category for the Eastern Region, and placed 7th overall in the nation.

She is excited for this opportunity and says, “I was really surprised and happy to get this invitation. It’s the equivalent of a shooting Christmas for me and the other junior shooters who were invited!”

Incidentally, Lena is fundraising to help offset the travel costs associated with attending the championships in Colorado.  Her GoFundMe link is:  For offline donations, contact her mom Stephanie DuPont at (215) 668-7808 or email

Good luck, Lena!

International Defensive Pistol Association

The outdoor matches of the IDPA and Sheet Matches seasons at Lee Sportsmen Club are starting soon.   Refer to the LSA web site calendar for a list of all match dates.    You do not have to be a member of the Lee club to participate and new shooters are always welcome.  The IDPA is a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters.  Each stage is purposely different to force you to practice different skills.   You will need a 9mm or larger and 3 mags minimum.   The rules of IDPA are followed for safety and scoring. The matches are typically $15 to participate.  There are many IDPA videos on You Tube and they recommend this starter one:


Steel matches are typically strings of 5 targets repeated 5 times/strings. It’s best if you have 5 magazines.  These matches are rim and center fire pistol and 22 rifle friendly.  Shawn Sullivan is the best point of contact for IDPA and steel.    New shooters must attend a safety orientation prior to their first shoot.  Each match begins with a safety briefing.  Sign in time is 12:15-12:30 for afternoon matches.


Trout Stocking

The following local Western District waters were scheduled to be stocked last week:  Deerfield River (Buckland, Charlemont, Florida), East Branch Westfield River (Chesterfield, Cummington, Windsor), Housatonic River C&R (Lee), Farmington River (Otis, Sandisfield),  Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Richmond Pond, and Stockbridge Bowl.  The schedules were subject to change.

Monitoring our water quality

While the Clean Water Act of 1972 was established to help make our rivers swimmable and fishable, most of our rivers still don’t meet that goal, especially after a rainstorm, due to the pollutants carried down the storm drains to the river. That’s according to the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA), who informs us that each of us has the opportunity to make choices that improve the water quality of our rivers and lakes.

Yesterday the HVA conducted a Water Quality Monitoring Training at the Bill Laston Memorial Park in Lanesborough.  Once a month, the trained volunteers will collect water samples at designated locations on Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton and the Southwest Branch of the Housatonic River in Pittsfield. They volunteered for one morning, once a month, from April through October. The goal of this sampling is to determine current bacteria levels in the above mentioned waters. Segments of these tributaries are currently listed as impaired due to high bacteria levels. If the sampling shows that bacteria levels have dropped, these tributaries may be taken off the state’s impaired waters list. If you missed yesterday’s meeting, check with Alison Dixon, HVA Berkshire Outreach Manager at (413)298-7024 to see if you can still get involved.  The time commitment is 30-40 minutes per month.

Also, the HVA will be conducting Stream Team training on Tuesday, April 4 from5:30 to 7pm at the Mason Library, in Great Barrington, and Saturday, April 8 from  2:30 to 4:30pm at the Berkshire Athenaeum in Pittsfield.  This spring volunteers will help complete river assessments on the Southwest Branch of the Housatonic River (Pittsfield) and the Green River (Austerlitz, NY to Great Barrington) Volunteers will walk or paddle a 1 – 2 mile segment of the river and record observations.

Our streams and rivers are also affected by acid rain.  Today, volunteers are gathering water samples from hundreds of streams and rivers across the state and delivering them to designated laboratories for analysis. This acid rain monitoring program has been ongoing for more than 30 years and good baseline data has been accumulated.  It will be interesting to see what effect, if any, President Trump’s new executive order addressing coal production will have.

Most hunting seasons are closed


The rabbit and hare hunting seasons closed on February 28 and last Wednesday, the coyote and bobcat seasons also closed. And not a bit too soon for this attractive putty cat.. 

For some reason, we have been seeing an increase in bobcats lately, at least on the East side of Lenox. Jim Lahey of Lee was surprised last winter to see one stroll across his patio.  A few years back, there was one that made its home in our neighborhood on East Street.  That cat hung around for about three years.  We were pretty sure it was the same one as it had a very distinctive limp.   Neighbors Al and Martha Joyner got a kick out of watching it sunning itself on the top of their split rail fence. 

The handsome bobcat pictured was photographed on the lawn of neighbor Tim and Kathy Face also of East Street a couple of months ago.  According to Tim, she had two young kittens with her.  I wish they would visit our place and put a dent into the vole population that has been creating havoc in our vegetable garden.

For many years there was a bounty on them, presumably put on by the DFW in response to farmers’ complaints. Like foxes, bobcats like to frequent the hen houses, too.  The bounty system was ended in 1968.

If you see one of these beautiful animals, consider yourself lucky. There was a time when one would be lucky to see one or two in a lifetime.

Staying on the subject of wild cats (not wildcats) the bobcat’s larger cousin, the Canada lynx, has been sighted recently in Southern VT. One was photographed in Londonderry, VT, and biologists with the VT F&W confirmed the identification and visited the site to confirm its location.

Also, biologists suspect that a lynx was photographed by a game camera in nearby Searsburg, VT. It was photographed by a University of Vermont student who had set a trail camera out near a Rte 9 underpass.  Chris Bernier, a wildlife biologist for the VT F&W was thrilled to see the animal using a wildlife underpass that was created for the express purpose of allowing animals to pass safely under the road.

These were the first confirmed evidences of lynx outside of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom in decades. Lynx are listed as “threatened” under the Federal Endangered Species Act and “Endangered” in the state of Vermont.  Are they headed our way?

Spring Trout Stocking  About 500,000 brook, brown, rainbow and tiger trout will be stocked this spring from MassWildlife’s five hatcheries. These fish, coupled with the more than 80,000 fish stocked last fall, will provide some excellent fishing in the coming months. Stocking took place in the southeastern area of the state last week with other regions of the state expected to follow soon after. Anglers can get daily stocking updates at, or contact individual district offices for the latest stocking information.

The following are the 2017 spring trout stocking stats: Most of the trout will be over 12 inches, nearly half of them will be over 14 inches, more than 1,400 brown trout will be over 18 inches, more than 600 brook trout will be over 15 inches and more than 2,000 tiger trout will be over 14 inches.

Beware, ticks are bad this year

I had some free time and decided to take my beagle, Jacques, out rabbit hunting on February 27 before the season closed.  I was hoping to bag a bunny and have it for a meal later in the week.  It was so warm that day that I hurriedly switched out my regular hunting jacket for a lighter one and off we went.


After some time, Jacques kicked up a rabbit and he was hot on its scent.  I picked an open spot where I could get a good shot, and while waiting for the bunny to circle back, I could practically taste that fried rabbit already.   Feeling something crawling on my neck, I rubbed the area, but there was nothing there.  A little while later I felt something crawling in my hair under my hat. This time I removed the hat, got out my comb and there was a tick.  I looked down and there were five others crawling up my pants leg.


After killing them, I reached into my hunting jacket pouch to get the can of Permethren clothing repellent and plastic bag in which to carry the rabbit home.  Oh oh, they were in my other hunting jacket.  Well, I wasn’t going to carry that rabbit with ticks in my coat pouch without being sealed in a bag.  No problem, I thought, I’ll simply field dress the rabbit and leave the fur and ticks in the woods.  Guess what, my hunting knife was in the other jacket, too.  It’s a wonder I remembered to bring my gun.


Jacques was barking excitedly and the rabbit was getting close.  Now what?  Do I shoot it and hand-carry it back home?  No way, I could picture all of the ticks jumping off of it onto my hand and crawling up my arm.


The shotgun bead was right on the rabbit’s head, a chance for a nice clean shot, with no pellets in the meat.  Nope, I didn’t shoot it and let the bunny hop away.


You have undoubtedly heard of lucky rabbit’s feet, well this was one lucky whole live rabbit.


Before leaving the woods, I pulled 3 more ticks off of my clothes. When we got home, we immediately washed up.  Interestingly, he never had a tick on him.


Parting message:  Use a good clothing repellent and check yourself often.

Small game hunting season is upon us



The woodcock hunting season opened last Wednesday and runs through October 29.  It reopens on October 31 and runs through November 19.  Because the woodcock is classified as a migratory game bird but not a waterfowl, lead shot may be used.  However, a Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration is required to hunt them as well as ducks, geese and other waterfowl.


Tomorrow morning marks the opening of duck and Canada goose hunting season in the Berkshire Zone and runs through November 26.  Duck hunting season reopens on December 5 and runs through December 24.  Goose season reopens on December 5 and runs through December 13.  (Although referred to as the Berkshire Zone, its eastern boundary is I-91, Rte 10 and Rte 202.)  Check the regulations regarding daily harvests for the various ducks, geese and woodcock.


The pheasant and ruffed grouse hunting seasons open next Saturday and runs through November 26.  The daily limit for pheasants is 2, and for grouse it is 3.   If hunting a Wildlife Management Area for pheasants or grouse and other small game, you must wear a hunter orange cap.  The exceptions are if you are hunting waterfowl from within a blind or boat or if you are hunting raccoons or opossums at night.


Cottontail rabbit hunting season opens next Saturday in Zones 1 – 12 and runs through February 28, 2017.  Snowshoe hare season opens next Saturday and runs through February 28 in Zones 1-4.  The other zones have differing seasons.  The daily limit is 5 cottontails and 2 hares.


The gray squirrel season, which opened on September 12 in our zone is ongoing and ends on January 2, 2017.  The daily limit is 5.  Rabbit, hare and squirrel hunting seasons are closed during shotgun deer hunting season.


Next Saturday, the coyote hunting season opens and runs through March 8, 2017. There is no daily limit on them but they must be checked in at an official check station or online with MassWildlife.


It is important that hunters check the Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife Guide for a listing of all of the hunting regulations and remember that hunting on Sundays is prohibited.


Brake for moose

As you may be aware, there have been at least two moose/auto accidents in the Berkshires recently. The Berkshire Eagle has covered them and as a public service, cautioned drivers to be on the lookout for them especially while driving at night.  This is important and bears repeating.

Hitting a moose with a car is dangerous and the results can be tragic. In September and October, cows come into their breeding cycles and they become reckless and travel into residential areas or across major highways.

Because they have no predators, moose can be oblivious to the potential dangers posed by automobiles and most people are unaware of the number of moose in our midst.

Be particularly alert, especially at night during the fall breeding season.  Moose will step out onto a roadway without showing the slightest concern for oncoming traffic. With their long legs, a vehicle hitting a moose take the legs out from under them, flipping their bodies onto the car’s windshield or roof. The dark body is difficult to see and its eyes are much higher in the air than the level of a pair of white tail deer eyes.  Always use your bright lights when traveling at night when there is no oncoming traffic.

Youth deer hunt

MassWildlife reports that statewide there were 1,236 youth deer permits issued this year for the special Youth Deer Hunt Day which was on October 1.  Of that total, 698 permits went to youths aged 12 to14 year olds and 538 permits went to those aged 15 to 17.  Last year, the first year of the youth hunt, 1,339 youths participated.

As of this writing, there were 118 deer reported online.   MassWildlife did not yet have the season total as there are some physical check stations that are not online.  It is expected that the final number could reach between 120 and 125.   Last year 146 deer were harvested during the Youth Deer Hunt Day.

The accompanying picture is of 12- years old Juliann Lawson with her proud dad, Dan, and her first deer.  She harvested the adult doe in Williamstown where her grandfather, Bob McCarthy, let her hunt at his favorite stand.  According to Dan, it took about an hour to see the deer, and she didn’t miss.


Incidentally, Dan Lawson is an avid sportsman and valued delegate of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS), representing the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club.  Juliann’s grandpa Bob McCarthy is also a well known local sportsman and delegate to the League.  He was named the 1987 BCLS Sportsman of the Year.  With mentors like that, how could she not succeed in bagging her deer.  It is great to see the hunting tradition passed on from generation to generation.


I hope to have the names of other successful youth deer hunters next week.


Fall trout stocking

Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Manager recently reported that they will not be stocking the East Branch of the Westfield River this fall due to low water conditions.  They do intend to stock the Deerfield River as well as the following lakes/ponds:  Onota Lake, Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Goose Pond, Richmond Pond, Lake Buel, Big Pond, Otis Reservoir, Windsor Lake, Windsor Pond, Ashfield Pond, Littleville Lake, North Pond, Upper Highland Lake and Norwich Lake.


Over 60,000 trout to be stocked statewide this fall

In his most recent report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Manager Andrew Madden reported that fall trout stocking season should be beginning this week and be completed by the second week of October depending on water conditions.  This fall more than 60,000 rainbow trout that are 12 inches or longer will be stocked in Massachusetts water bodies.  

According to MassWildlife’s Chief of Hatcheries, Ken Simmons, the ongoing drought should not have a major impact on fall stocking even if it persists through the fall season. “Drought conditions will likely result in the curtailment of some river and stream stocking due to low flows but we do not anticipate there will be much of an impact on lake and pond stocking,” Simmons said.  There are more than 90 lakes and ponds on the fall stocking list and only 14 rivers and streams.  MassWildlife fisheries biologists will assess the condition of each waterbody before making a final decision about stocking.

The two rivers in our area that are usually stocked in the fall are the Deerfield River and the East Branch of the Westfield River.  According to Madden, stocking in the Westfield River could be iffy unless water conditions greatly improve.

Simmons noted that the drought has made operations at MassWildlife’s five hatcheries more challenging but has not affected the number of fish available for this fall’s stocking.   In fact the 60,000 rainbow trout that will be stocked is 10,000 more fish than the original fall goal.

As was the case with the 2016 spring season, anglers will be able to view daily stocking reports this fall by visiting They can search for a specific waterbody or town using the sortable list, or explore new fishing spots by using the map feature.

Airboat crew banding waterfowl

During dark nights of late summer and early fall, MassWildlife biologists take to the marshes and rivers in an airboat to capture ducks for banding. This technique, called night-lighting, allows biologist to sample ducks all over the state.  Unlike traditional bait trapping, which limits sampling to a few sites, night-lighting with the airboat allows biologists to capture ducks in the Berkshires one night, on the Cape the next night, and in Worcester County the night after that.

Ducks are placed into crates according to their size, then banded and released. Banding records are submitted to the Bird Banding Lab of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The data then become available to state and federal biologists who assess the status of waterfowl populations. It can also be used to monitor movements, wintering areas, and longevity of various species.

The airboat is used to navigate shallow marshes where ducks roost among vegetation at night. The loud noise generated by the 350 horsepower engine and the spotlights onboard confuse the ducks and allows biologist to get close enough to net them. Because of the noise, most sites are visited only once per season and boating rarely goes beyond 11 pm.  Successful night-lighting requires a dark sky, so trips are shorter early in the season due to the late sunset. Moonlight is also a factor; airboat trips must be planned to avoid the brightest phases of the moon.

This year, some sampling sites may not be available due to the ongoing drought. While the airboat doesn’t need much water to get around, it needs some. Night-lighting concludes at the end of September but in the meantime, if you hear what sounds like an airplane stuck in a swamp, it just might be the MassWildlife airboat.

Boat safely

Paddlers in kayaks and canoes must wear life jackets from September 15 to May 15 every year. According to the Massachusetts Environmental Police, most boating fatalities in the Commonwealth result when boaters fail to wear life jackets while in small craft in cold water or cold weather. Waterfowl hunters using canoes or kayaks are reminded that this law also applies to them.

Youth Deer Hunt is October 1

It is not too late to get your child enrolled into the Youth Deer Hunt program. The Youth Deer Hunt Day provides young adults aged 12–17 with an opportunity to hunt deer with their own deer tags during a special single-day season that precedes the Commonwealth’s annual archery, shotgun, and muzzleloader seasons. Hunters are reminded that all shotgun deer season regulations apply on the Youth Deer Hunt day.  Youth Deer Hunt Permits are free, but must be obtained at a license vendor or MassWildlife office.  The permits and tags are only valid for the Youth Deer Hunt day and cannot be used in later seasons. All youth hunters and any accompanying adults must wear a minimum of 500 square inches of blaze orange on their chest, back, and head.

Whitetails Unlimited Banquet

 The Berkshire County Chapter of Whitetails Unlimited will be holding a banquet on Saturday, October 1 at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club, Route 102, in Stockbridge.  Social hour begins at 5pm and buffet dinner at 6:30 pm.  There will be games and raffles.  For tickets or information, contact Keith O Neil at (413)717-1945 or buy online at

Free fly tying classes

 The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation is exploring the possibility of conducting free fly tying classes at the Berkshire Hatchery in Hartsville/New Marlborough, MA.   Depending on interest, it will be conducted on Wednesday evenings beginning October 12 at 6 pm.  Initially, the class size will be limited to six.  Tools and materials will be provided.  If interested in enrolling or if you have questions contact Will Regan at or me at the below address.  I will report in a future column if there is enough interest to hold the classes.

Huge Brown Trout caught by local man out of Lake Ontario


On the May 21-22 weekend  Eric Kozlowski of Cheshire,  his father, John, and two friends, Kevin Wojtkowski and Kyle Halverson went on a 2 day fishing trip to Lake Ontario.  They had chartered a boat, Trout One Charters, and were sailing out of Mexico Bay, NY.

On the second day of the trip, it was an overcast morning and the lake was “calm, like a pool table”, as John put it.   They were trolling in about 10 feet of water using a stickbait.   At around 6:10 AM, Eric hooked into what everyone thought was a king salmon, because of the fight and all the runs it took. Twenty minutes later, as the fish got closer and could be netted, it turned out to be a monster brown trout. It weighed 22 lbs 4 oz., was 32 inches long with a 25 1/2 inch girth.

It was a trout of a lifetime for Eric. Had he taken that fish during the Spring 2016 LOC Derby, (Lake Ontario Derby) he would have won it hands down, as the largest brown recorded in that prestigious derby weighed 16 lbs 2 oz.   He intends to have the fish mounted.

John charters Trout One every year. On this trip, the group caught 6 brown and 15 lake trout,  with most of them being released.

Up until recently, Trout One Charters was owned and operated by Jim Carpenter, of Adams, MA who chartered on Lake Ontario for many years.


Bryan Kopala is an avid outdoorsman who has been fishing on Lake Ontario since he was 12 years old. His love of the lake inspired him to take a position as the first mate on Trout One in 1995 working alongside his mentor and friend Jim Carpenter. In 2000 he became a licensed charter captain through the United States Coast Guard.  He recently bought the business from Carpenter.

Since 1995, Trout One has won several trout/salmon team tournaments including the 2006 and 2011 Oswego County Pro-Am, and the 2007, 2009, and 2013 Little Salmon River Challenge. In addition, Trout One clients have won 1st place in the 2012 Fall LOC Derby salmon division, 3rd place in 2015 Fall LOC Derby salmon division, and 2nd place in the 2007 Fall LOC Derby brown trout division.


Congratulations to the Buckshots

The Buckshots, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association youth shooting team, recently brought home medals from the Baystate Games.   Greer Hines placed first and Ben Haddad placed third in their respective Divisions in Double Trap Shooting.  In addition, both also placed third in 16 yard Singles Trap with Hines scoring 83 and Haddad scoring 89. As a result of these wins, they have qualified for the State Games of America to be held in 2017 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Congratulations to them, their teammates Brian DuBois and Alex Kusick and Coach Karl Hines.


Paddling the Housatonic River

On Tuesday, July 19, from 3PM to 6PM, the Housatonic Valley Association is leading a 6 mile paddle trip along the Housatonic River through Lee to South Lee. Some paddling experience is preferred as there are sections of quick water and downed trees to negotiate.  Participants can reserve a canoe or register to bring their own canoe/kayak. The cost is $20/ adult (nonmember) or $15/adult (member) or family rate $35 (nonmember families) and $25 (member families.) Preregistration required.  Call HVA at 413-394-9796 or email Program support provided by Housatonic Heritage.

Jack Silvernale

Jack Silvernale, from Millerton, NY is an esteemed member of the Berkshire Beagle Club as well as a highly respected field trial judge known throughout the Northeast.  Jack has judged at least 200 Field trials from Michigan to Maine and as far South as Virginia, and most points in between.  He has acted as Field Trial Chairman at the Berkshire Beagle Club for several years.  His own dogs have won many field championships.


Well, recently Jack took a terrible fall at work when scaffolding fell from underneath him at work, 20 feet to the ground.  He was transported to Hartford hospital by LifestarHe was transported to Hartford hospital by LifestarHe was transported to Hartford hospital by LifestarHe was transferred to Hartford Hospital by LifeStar.  In the fall he sustained serious injuries to his ribs, collar bone, neck and back.  He went through surgery on his back and they fused bones in his neck, and put two plates and over 100 pins in his back.  They had Jack up and walking (not very much) but he was happy he was able to just wash his hands.


Unfortunately, Jack does not have health insurance and won’t be able to return to work for some time. .  A gofundme (official site for raising funds) has been set up for Jack’s medical bills at  Any help would be greatly appreciated by Jack and his family.

Mountain trail plans to be discussed

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will be holding a Public Meeting on the Draft Trail Plans for the Pittsfield and October Mountain State Forests on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 from 6:30 to7:30 PM at the DCR West Region Headquarters at 740 South Street, Pittsfield, MA.


It will be presenting an overview of the Draft Trail Plan’s contents and recommendations, and inviting public comments. The plan and accompanying maps are available for viewing on the DCR website at It will also be available for review at the DCR West Region Headquarters on South Street and the DCR Planning Office at 136 Damon Road, Northampton, during business hours, beginning on June 30.


Public comments on the plan may be submitted to DCR until August 1, 2016, either online at or by writing to the Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Public Outreach, 251 Causeway Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02114.


If you frequent these mountains, I recommend that you allow yourself some time to review this plan.  It is 54 pages long, not including the 4 pages of maps.  Take the time to read and digest it. For me, reading about 10 pages a day and writing notes or comments works.    Quite frankly, I am impressed with the work and thought that went into it and it certainly deserves our serious consideration.


Youth Outreach Fishing Derby

The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, with the help from members of the Cheshire Rod  & Gun Club, Adams Outdoor for Youth and others held its Youth Outreach Fishing Derby at Reynolds Pond in Cheshire earlier this month. This year they hosted 25 kids from the “State Street T” group from North Adams.


They got to enjoy the fishing experience with local sportsmen helping them bait their hooks, cast lines, catch fish and clean them if they wanted to bring them home to eat. While at the derby, they all had a tasty lunch and later went home with new fishing outfits and great memories.


Thanks to Karen Kruszyna of Cheshire for providing the picture of the young lady angler.  It is one of my favorite fishing pictures.


Youth Rifle League

The Stockbridge Sportsman’s Club Youth Rifle league will run from July 6 to August 24 on Wednesday nights from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.  Registration will be on July 6 in the banquet hall at the club at 5:00 PM.   This will also be the first night of the league. The cost is $40 per child and they will need their own eye and ear protection. Children do not need to be members of the club in order to join the league. Applications can be found on club website at


State record lake trout follow-up

I received quite a few comments after last week’s article regarding the record lake trout which was caught out of Quabbin Reservoir recently.  Readers may recall that it weighed 25 lbs 7 oz.  Please allow me to address some of them here:


Why no picture of the fish?   Well there appears to have been only one picture taken of the fish with the successful angler William Roy of Palmer, MA.  I forwarded it to the Eagle with the write-up, but unfortunately, the quality was not good (grainy) and the Eagle could not use it.  To see a picture of that fish, click onto the MassWildlife page on Facebook and scroll down to around June 8.    If you are willing to wait to see a better picture of it, I think it will be detailed in MassWildlife’s July newsletter.


What was the previous Massachusetts record lake trout?  It weighed 24 lbs 0 oz caught out of Wachusett Reservoir by Michael Sienkiewicz in 2004.


Did Roy really catch the fish in 10 feet of water?  No, I worded that wrong.  Roy was trolling the lure at a depth of 10 feet below the surface.  Quabbin Reservoir averages over 50 feet in depth and I’m sure he was trolling in deeper water.  If he was trolling his lure in 10 feet of water, he would have been hooking up on the bottom all day long.


How old was that fish?  That’s difficult to say.  It depends on the lake that they live in.  In some lakes like the Great Lakes they grow faster because of the abundance of food fish.  Lake trout on bigger lakes have been reported to reach nearly 70 years of age, although 10-20 is more typical for fish that reach maturity.  Only on larger lakes do lake trout even break the 50-pound barrier and grow bigger than 3.5 feet.  The biggest recorded lake trout weighed 102 pounds and was caught in a gill net on Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan.


Scientists usually gauge the age of fish by the rings on their scales. But since lake trout have small scales, they may have been underestimating their ages for many years. Today experts use the otoliths (inner ear bones) and sections of their fin rays to age lake trout.


Thank you for bringing the errors and omissions to my attention.