No CWD has been found in Massachusetts


“At this time, there is no evidence suggesting that Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is present in Massachusetts.” That was the good news given by MassWildlife Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden at the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s meeting held on December 5. In fact, none of the New England states have it.  MassWildlife feels that once CWD is detected in an area, it is nearly impossible to eradicate. For this reason, keeping Massachusetts CWD-free is the best strategy to avoid the loss of mature deer, particularly bucks.

In case you don’t know, CWD is an emerging infectious disease that is fatal to free-ranging and captive animals in Cervidae, the deer family. CWD is one member of a family of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), and is thought to be caused by prions. CWD is the only TSE known to affect free-ranging wildlife.

Of the 50 US states, only the 6 New England states, New Jersey, Delaware, Oregon, Nevada Arizona, Hawaii and Alaska do not have it.

MassWildlife feels that CWD can have long lasting impacts on both the environment and the economy. CWD is a preventable disease that, if introduced, can gravely affect wildlife population health. When CWD prevalence is high, there can be shifts in the population’s age structure, where there are more young individuals and fewer mature deer. Additionally, studies have shown that CWD prevalence can reduce hunter participation, which can impact the outdoor sports industry and lower hunting license and permit sales. This reduces the funding for state wildlife agencies to conduct wildlife conservation and management. The disease can also be expensive to manage, with an annual cost for CWD positive states averaging around $773,000 in 2021.


To address parts of the CWD prevention strategy, MassWildlife has proposed recommendations which are awaiting public hearing, which include: 1) Sunsetting the remaining existing captive deer facilities in Massachusetts, and 2) Expanding deboning requirements to include all venison harvested outside of New England.  The Deer regulatory hearing will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:00 p.m.


Black Bear November Season results


The second of the three black bear hunting seasons ran from November 4 through November 23. MassWildlife Black Bear & Furbearer Project Leader Dave Wattles reports that 43 bears were taken in the November Season. That compares with the 50 bears harvested last year which was the second highest recorded for that season.

The third Shotgun bear hunting season which started on December 2 ended last weekend.  No harvest figures have been received yet for that season.


MassWildlife is making some bear management proposals.  A Black Bear regulatory hearing will be held on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:00 p.m. to propose a change in regulations to lengthen the bear hunting season to include the entire interval of the current early season through the late season.  The proposed season extension would create a continuous season from the first Tuesday after Labor Day until the end of the shotgun deer season. The change would represent a large increase in opportunity for all bear hunters and would be the most effective means of managing the expansion on the eastern edge of the range, given the high number of Archery deer hunters in the Wildlife Management Zones 9, 10, and 11. 


MassWildlife will also propose the creation of a Youth Bear Hunting Permit which would allow youths 12 – 14 years of age to hunt bear throughout the season, without having to use the permit of an adult.  The Youth Bear Permit could be used by youths 12-14 or 15-17 years old who have a valid Youth Deer Permit and Youth Bear Permit to hunt deer on Youth Deer Hunt day with a shotgun, thus giving them the option if they have the opportunity.


What happens to wildlife during a fire?

I don’t know about you, but every time I hear about a forest fire, my first thoughts are for the safety of people.  My second thought is what’s going to happen to the trees, plants and animals.  Will they survive and be able to recover?  MassWildlife has addressed these concerns through a recent release which I am including in this column verbatim.  Hopefully they will alleviate our concerns.


They start off by stating, “Plants and animals have evolved to coexist with the natural process of fire.”


With well over 600 wildfires occurring throughout Massachusetts this past October and November, many people are wondering about the impacts to wildlife. The answer is more complex than you might imagine. The ability of animals to survive fire depends on their mobility and on the uniformity, severity, size, and duration of the fire. Most landscapes are quite variable, with hills, valleys, and wetlands, all of which burn at different rates and intensities, leaving patches where animals can take refuge.  Occasionally, individual animals may be hurt or killed by fast moving flames and heat. Yet, fire is and has been a natural part of the Massachusetts landscape and can bring a variety of benefits to habitats that in turn, benefit wildlife.

What do animals do during a fireMost animals can readily smell smoke and move away from oncoming flames and heat. The impacts of a particular fire can vary greatly depending on windiness, the flammability of vegetation, the speed and intensity of a flaming front, or the severity of ground fire burning into organic soils. Our native wildlife have evolved strategies to escape and avoid the brunt of the flames and heat.

Birds fly up and away from the burning area or high up into the tree canopy. Larger mammals like deer, black bears, and bobcats readily move to areas of forest not impacted by fire. Smaller mammals like mice and voles retreat to underground burrows, while climbers like fishers and porcupines take refuge in treetops. Native rabbits may seek shelter in nearby wetlands. Amphibians and reptiles find safety by moving to wet areas or burrowing under the ground, logs, or rocks. Soil often provides insulation from the heat of fast-moving, lower-intensity fires. While some individual animals likely perished in the recent wildfires in Massachusetts, overall populations of wildlife are unlikely to be affected.

What do animals do after a fire?

The timeframe for animals returning to a burned area depends on the severity of the fire, the habitat, the season, and the type of animal. Certain beetles and other insects are the first to return as they are attracted to burn sites and use infrared sensors to quickly find burning stumps and other vegetation. Other animals return to a burned area within hours, days, or weeks after a fire. Owls, crows, turkeys, woodpeckers, whip-poor-wills, and other birds often return quickly to eat insects and acorns. Opportunists like foxes and hawks may return quickly to eat small animals that didn’t escape the flames.

Areas that have experienced fire will warm up quicker the following spring, and green up before the surrounding forests. White-tailed deer often come into recently burned areas for ash, minerals, fresh herbs, and tree sprouts. It takes longer for small mammals like New England cottontail to return. They often wait a few years for more cover to develop, but the shrubs and young saplings emerging after fire provide nutrient-packed food for these mammals.

Long-term benefits of fire

Periodic fires have been a part of the New England landscape for thousands of years. In fact, fires play an important role in rejuvenating vegetation and soils. In the months and years following a fire, many forest, woodland, shrubland, and grassland habitats undergo changes to the structure and composition of vegetation growing there. The result is a more diverse collection of native plants and improved habitat for wildlife. For example, fires can encourage vigorous growth of diverse native wildflowers, which in turn benefit a variety of native bees and butterflies.

Prescribed fire is a tool used by many agencies and organizations across the country to unlock the natural regenerative powers of fire. MassWildlife uses prescribed fire to bring forth the ecological benefits of fire without the dangers of unplanned, uncontrolled wildfires which pose risks to firefighters, people, and property. Wildfires can sometimes burn for days, weeks, or months and are known to generate long periods of harmful smoke. Periodic prescribed fires can reduce fuel build up in an ecologically sustainable way, as well as control and limit smoke production to a short window. Prescribed fires are carefully planned to meet natural resource objectives, provide for safety of the burn crew and the public, and minimize impacts to wildlife. Specially trained fire crews apply fire in pre-planned locations and sequences to ensure wildlife have escape routes and safety zones.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

1991 deer hunt, Part II


Readers may recall that last week I wrote about a deer hunt in 1991.  I ended Part I of that story by writing that I had just dropped a nice buck on one side of Beartown Mountain, but my truck was parked on the other side.  I had to decide how to get the deer out of the woods and to it. My options were: drag it up over the mountain to Beartown Mountain Road on the other side, which was utterly impossible, drag it across a large posted field and risk being arrested, or just leave it there, climb over the mountain, and go home.

I decided to take my chances and drag the deer across the large field that lay ahead of me, in spite of the ‘No Trespassing’ signs posted there.  I knew that this would be a long, difficult drag being loaded down with heavy boots, heavy clothes, a heavy backpack (filled with a big thermos, a couple of sandwiches, a couple of boxes of shotgun slugs, zip lock bags holding about 10 lbs of deer heart and liver), and my shotgun. Add to that the fact that I wasn’t a spring chicken (49 years old).  This could bring on “The Big One” as Fred G.  Sanford of the TV comedy Sanford & Son used to say.

It really hit home when I first started to drag the deer.  OMG, it was so heavy.  My plan to drag it across the snowless field was as follows:  carry my coat, backpack and shogun about 50 feet, put them on the ground, go back to the deer and drag it to the gear and then another 50 feet past it, leave the deer there, go back to get the gear and bring it past the deer 50 feet, etc.  No question, it would take a while.

With the sun now shining brightly, I must have stood out like a beacon in that open field, being dressed from head to toe in blaze orange. The adrenalin and my heart rate were really pumping from the stress, heat and physical activity.

A couple of times, I heard police car sirens approaching, and thought, “This is it, someone reported me and the police are coming to arrest me.  Oh no, another unwelcomed encounter with a game warden.  They’ll probably confiscate the deer, shotgun, impose a fine, and lord knows what else.  Why did I ever shoot that deer?”  Did I mention that earlier that year I had been awarded the 1990 Silvio O. Conte Sportsman of the Year Award at a banquet put on by the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen?  Oh, the embarrassment of it all!   I was already rehearsing excuses for my being there in that posted lot dragging a deer.

Fortunately, the police cars weren’t after me and kept heading south on Route 7.

In the middle of the field, I came across a drainage ditch with about a foot of water in it.  Down over my boots I went and back up the other side dragging the deer.  After what seemed like an hour, I could see a road ahead with houses on it.  Just before climbing onto the road, I had to cross another ditch, but at that point I didn’t care.  I was only a couple of feet from the road and safety.

I left the deer lying beside the road and went to the nearest house to see if they would let me use their phone to call my brother-in-law Cecil Taylor.  Hopefully, he could come down from Lenox, pick me and the deer up and drive us to Beartown Mountain Road where my truck was parked.

A fellow with a New York or New Jersey accent answered the door and told me I could not use his phone, to drag the bleeping deer into Stockbridge and to get the bleep off of his property.

I then went to the second house where two guilty looking teenagers (boy and girl) answered the door.  Hmm, this was a school day.  They let me use their phone and a little while later, Cecil showed up.  We loaded the deer onto his truck and he brought us back to my truck.

The deer weighed in at 165 lbs. dressed (208 lbs. estimated live weight).  When the deer was processed, I asked the butcher to save the head and shoulder hide for mounting. The venison was to be shared with friends and family.

Back then, on the wall of our inside glassed porch in Lenox, was another mounted deer head.  My father, also named Gene Chague, had taken that deer sometime in the 1920’s and had it mounted with the four hooves surrounding a mirror.  After nearly 70 years, the head was becoming ragged and was falling apart.

I had it removed by a young taxidermist from Clarksburg (whose name unfortunately I cannot recall) and replaced it with my new one, leaving the original mirror and 4 hooves intact.  The result was a deer mount which contained parts of two separate bucks taken by two Gene Chagues some 70 years apart.  Pretty cool, eh?

The taxidermist was just starting out and was trying to get his name out in the community.  He donated a deer mount to be raffled at the Silvio O. Conte Sportsmen’s Banquet, the one mentioned previously. A close friend, Ed Bertelli, attended that banquet along with his son young Eddie. Young Eddie won the deer mount and because he didn’t get a deer that year, and could use some extra money he decided to sell it.  I bought it from him.

It probably wasn’t an easy job for the new taxidermist, what with fitting that deer mount to the old framework, etc., but the result was quite satisfactory and it has held up nicely over the last 33 years. No, it did not end up back in our Lenox porch, but rather it hangs on a living room wall at our cottage. Oh the memories conjured up every time I look at it..

Fly tying at the hatchery


The Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in Hartsville/New Marlborough has begun its winter fly tying sessions at the Hatchery.  The free sessions will be held on the third Saturdays of the month, beginning at 10:00 a.m.  The next class is January 18, 2025.  Instructors are Board member Dean Hutson and Taconic TU member Peter Paulson.  All fly tying accessories and materials will be provided.


Last month, the folks tied up some nice looking black Woolly Buggers guaranteed to catch trout, smallmouth bass and other fish. It imitates a variety of aquatic and land creatures, making it an extremely versatile fly. Its marabou tail gives the impression of a baitfish or leech, while its hackle and body can mimic the movement of a swimming crayfish or even a struggling insect. Its versatile design means that it can be used in a wide range of fishing scenarios, from still water lakes to fast-moving streams and rivers.

That fly is very effective.


Lawmakers request support for priority conservation projects at the Conte Refuge

In a letter to the U.S. Department of Interior, Senators from MA, NH, VT, and CT requested that the President’s Fiscal Year 2026 Budget include funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to support conservation projects within the Conte Refuge.

The Conte Refuge which spans over 50,000 acres across those states is a vital ecological resource and includes critical lands within the Connecticut River Watershed.

The senators highlighted that over 24,000 acres of priority conservation lands, valued at more than $51 million, have been identified for protection in fiscal years 2025 and 2026.

“This funding is essential to address the unmet needs for land conservation in this region,” the lawmakers wrote. “The refuge not only supports the quality of natural resources but also provides recreational opportunities for millions of people in the surrounding communities.”

They also highlighted the broader economic benefits of wildlife refuges, citing data showing that every $1 invested in federal funding for national wildlife refuges generates nearly $5 in local economic returns. In total, the outdoor recreation economy supports 4.9 million American jobs and generates over $564 billion in consumer spending.

By securing additional funding for the Conte Refuge, the senators believe the region can continue to preserve critical lands while supporting economic growth and job creation.

Shotgun Deer hunting season opens Monday


Shotgun deer hunting season starts on Monday December 1 and it runs until Saturday, December 14, (excluding Sundays).  Two bucks can be harvested and if hunters have valid antlerless deer permits (doe permits) they can also take a doe.

During the first week of the shotgun deer season, all harvested deer must be brought to a physical check station within 48 hours so MassWildlife biologists can collect biological data. Online harvest reporting is NOT available during this time.  The Western District Check Stations are as follows:

  • MassWildlife Headquarters – Dalton
  • Lee Sportsman’s Club – Lee
  • Mill River General Store – Mill River/New Marlborough
  • Papa’s Food & Fuel – Otis
  • Ernie’s Auto Sales – North Adams
  • B&D Variety – Huntington
  • Goshen General Store – Goshen


Avid Sports, Daves Sporting Goods and Cheshire Sporting Goods will be able to check in deer for the second week of shotgun through the rest of the year but it is not mandatory in person.  Hunters can check in online as well.


As usual, on the night before opening day, thoughts of previous deer hunts will undoubtedly cross my mind, one after another.

How well I remember a deer hunt in 1991. While hunting alone, I entered a part of Beartown Mountain off of Beartown Mountain Road in South Lee, near the Wildcat Trail. Following an old logging trail, I had just ascended a steep part of Beartown Mountain and heard a shot off in the distance which sounded like it came from a swamp below me.  I stopped moving for a while to see if a deer might head my way. Sure enough, a few moments later, I saw a buck downhill from me.  He had come out from some small pines and brush from my right, was in a small opening and was heading for more thick vegetation to my left.  He was not heading in my direction.

Being quite a distance away, I pondered whether to take such a long shot.  I didn’t have a scope on my shotgun and was guessing how high I should aim.  Pretty soon, he would be out of sight and I wouldn’t be able to take a shot. What the heck, I thought, and let the slug fly.

The buck made a quick movement and then walked into the small pines.  Not knowing if I hit him or not, I didn’t move for about 15 minutes just to see if it would emerge somewhere to my left and I possibly allow another shot.  Finally, I descended the hill to see if I had hit him, hoping that I would find him dead in the small pines.  When I got to the spot, I could see a small tuft of hair, but no deer nor signs of blood.  There were intermittent spots of snow and frozen ground and tracking was going to be difficult.  Darn, I thought, that buck circled to my left and probably headed for the saddle between two ridges and is going down the other side of the mountain toward Ice Glen in Stockbridge.  If he did that, I probably wouldn’t be able to recover him.

Following a route which I guessed he would take, I began seeing tracks and tiny drops of blood.  I followed the trail until it came to the saddle and sure enough, he headed down the other side of the mountain.  Darn!  I wondered if I should follow him and if I found him down there, how would I be able to drag him back up the mountain and then down to my truck.

A short distance below I saw signs that the buck had slipped on the ice and fallen.  That was seconds before I took a step, slipped and fell, too.  On the east side of the mountain there were patches of snow, whereas on the southwest side there was ice.  And, don’t you know, the deer chose to travel the steepest part of that side of the mountain.  Much too slippery to stand, I had to sit on my rear and slide down the steep slope, sometimes 15-20 feet at a time until I could grab onto a small tree, rock or something to slow down or stop my slide.  Nevertheless, I stayed within sight of the buck’s tracks.   I was beginning to wonder why I was trailing the him, for if I found him, there was no way I could drag him back up the mountain.  But, I could see more frequent blood signs and knew the deer would eventually die from the wound.  I just couldn’t leave that nice buck there to be devoured by coyotes.

After crossing a little gully, the terrain became less steep and because of the lower elevation and warming weather, the ice was becoming softer and I was able walk easier.  The trail led to some briars and brambles and while my arms and legs were tangled up trying to get through them, up jumped the buck and off he ran.  I took a quick shot but I missed him.  I resumed trailing him and about 15 minutes later in more briars and brambles, don’t you know, he did exactly the same thing….. and so did I.  Darn! I thought, I’m not going to get this deer!

Thinking that he would circle to my left and head for a large field at the bottom of the mountain, I hurriedly dropped down to the edge of the field to try to cut him off.  Not seeing him, I started walking in his direction along the edge of the field, making sure to stay in the woods because there were” No Trespassing” signs all along the edge of the field. When I came to a wood road leading back up the mountain, I could see tracks of several deer that ran into the open field, but I couldn’t see the deer nor spots of blood left by the injured one.    I knew it, I thought, he got away.  I started walking up the wood road which I think was the Burgoyne Pass (old road) which went up over the mountain and down onto Beartown Mountain Road.  It would be a long trek up and over, but less steep than the way I came down.

I wondered, what if that deer didn’t join the others and was somewhere between where I had taken the last shot and where I was currently standing.  So once again into the briars and brambles I went.  The second I spotted his antlers, he jumped up and bounded away drawing yet another missed shot from me.  He was heading for that field right where I had walked a little while earlier.  Just before he got to the field, I fired once more and this time the slug found its mark, not 15 feet from the edge of the field. He was a decent sized 9-point buck.

After 3 hours of tracking and finally getting him, the celebratory cup of coffee from my thermos tasted especially good. I field dressed him, making sure to keep the heart and liver.

Now, how do I get him to my truck?   I didn’t have a cell phone to call anyone for help.  There were only 3 options – drag him up over the mountain and down to the Beartown Mountain Road on the other side, (utterly impossible), drag him across the large posted field and risk being arrested, or just leave him there, climb back over the mountain and go home.

Find out what I did in next week’s column.

Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited celebrates its 50th anniversary

You are invited to celebrate Taconic TU’s 50th Anniversary Holiday Party on December 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Zucchini’s Restaurant, 1331 North Street, Pittsfield. The price is $55 pp which includes appetizer, a full buffet and dessert. You are advised to buy your ticket by 12/1/24.


There will be auctions and raffles which include rods, reels, guided trips, flies tied by local fly tyers, and more.  Some fortunate person will be leaving that party carrying a vintage Hardy bamboo rod.


This year they will also host their annual meeting as a brief interlude at the banquet. Chapter President Justin Adkins promises to make it as short and fun as possible. It might be a good time for non-members to find out what Trout Unlimited is all about.  For more information, click onto





Three deer taken in the statewide paraplegic hunt, all in Berkshire County

MassWildlife holds a special three-day deer hunting season for paraplegic hunters. Staff and volunteers place hunters in safe areas at several hunt locations in the state. When a hunter shoots a deer, volunteers assist the hunter by retrieving the deer, field dressing it, and getting it checked in on site.

Each year, about 12-20 paraplegic hunters sign up for the special hunt. For Some of these people, it’s the only opportunity they have to hunt. The hunt is typically held at 5 sites:

  • The Northern Berkshires on private properties
  • The Southern Berkshires at Mt. Washington
  • The Quabbin Reservation
  • Devens Reserve Forces Training Area in Lancaster
  • Otis/Edwards Military Reservation in Falmouth/Bourne

Frequently, hunters see deer and several get the opportunity to harvest a deer.

The dates of the 3-day hunt this year were October 31 through November 2.

The weather was, at times, downright balmy. Statewide this year some 18 hunters participated, which included 3 at the Northern Berkshires site and 4 at the Southern Berkshires site.

This year’s Paraplegic Hunt in Southern Berkshires, was an interesting one. For one thing, the weather was beautiful with temperatures well into the 70’s. For another thing, three of the four hunters successfully got deer, which were the only deer taken in the statewide paraplegic hunt this year. Two does were taken on Thursday.  Marc Tartaglia of Barkhamsted, CT got one. Readers may remember that last year was Marc’s first year participating in the hunt and he took two deer. Vyto Sablevicius of Norwood, MA took the second doe, a nice one weighing 125 lbs. dressed.  Dan Massaconi of Cheshire took a doe on Friday. Tim Davidson of Sturbridge MA hunted only Friday and Saturday afternoon. He saw deer but did not harvest any.

This year’s Southern Berkshire hunt was interesting for another reason, too. There was a surprise in store for volunteer Shaun Smith of Lee.  MassWildlife Assistant Director of Operations, Trina Moruzzi came out to the Berkshires and presented Shaun a plaque acknowledging his 50 years of involvement in the Paraplegic Hunt Program. The beautifully carved wooden plaque read, “MassWildlife thanks Shaun Smith for 50 years of dedication to Paraplegic Hunters.”

Shawn holding the plaque along with Trini Moruzzi

Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden commented that they really appreciated all that he has done to help in this hunt over those years.  Shawn replied that he couldn’t have lasted doing this for 50 years without the help of all of his fellow volunteers.  True, said Madden, “but you are the person who kept it all going.”

Then his fellow volunteers presented him with a golden Henry Boy .45-70 caliber rifle.  It was beautifully mounted by fellow volunteer Fred Lampro on a piece of box elder maple wood. The ceremony was a total surprise to him, but he should have been suspicious when his wife Mary showed up moments before the event.

Shawn and fellow volunteers at the presentation of the Henry Boy rifle.

Following the ceremony, the hunters, volunteers and guests settled down to a wonderful meal prepared by Wendy Lampro which included venison chili, scalloped potatoes, mac and cheese, etc. served up with grilled venison steaks.  She also provided a wonderful assortment of home-made desserts.  The night before, she prepared a wonderful venison stew for them.

Each morning the volunteers helped the hunters get to their deer stands, and around noon they brought them to the DCR Headquarters in Mount Washington and provided them with a warm, home cooked meal prepared by Wendy Lampro.

Southern Berkshire volunteers and their years of involvement are as follows: Shaun Smith – 50 years, Marc Portieri – 35, Gregg Arienti – 29, Matt Roche (DCR) – 17, Fred Lampro – 15, Thomas Dean – 13, Dan White – 3, Christel Massaconi –4,  James Dellea – 3, Wendy Lampro – 3, and Shamus Daley – 2.  Kudos to all!

MassWildlife Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden was there, as was Wildlife Biologist Nate Buckhout in case any deer needed tagging.  Also, Dan White from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) was there.

Special thanks go out to Cobb of Western Mass, Cobb of River Valley, Shaw Pond Club, Lee Fire Dept., AMVETS Post 77 and Osden’s Plumbing and Heating of Blandford. Special thanks also go to the DCR for providing the space to gather, eat, and warm up at Mt. Washington Reservation.

In the Northern Berkshires, Rick French was once again the main volunteer coordinator.  The hunters included Shawn Mei of Baldwinville, MA, Dale Bailey of Clarksburg, MA and Dave Alderman of Petersburg, NY. All of them saw deer but none were harvested.

Northern Berkshire volunteers and their years of involvement are as follows:  Rick French – 38 years, Stacy Sylvester – 36, J. Sylvester – 26, Jim Guiden, Alex Dargie and Joe Benoni.  Sorry, I don’t have the number of years for all of the volunteers. J. Sylvester came all the way from Maine to volunteer for the hunt.

Unfortunately, Shawn Mei’s father, Tony Mei, passed away since last year. Stacy Sylvester said that he was greatly missed. He had been a volunteer for 33 years. Shawn’s brother Tim Mei took his place volunteering.

The volunteers brought the hunters to a central point at lunchtime and provided them with a delicious meal of moose stew cooked up by Ruth French.

Special thanks go out to Jim Guiden for providing the headquarters space and to the Cricket Creek Farm in Williamstown for permitted hunting on their property.

Western District MassWildlife staff covering the Northern site location were Eli Pease, Heather Sadler and Jacob Morris-Siegel.  EPO Officers Jonathan Kolis and Joshua Kelleher periodically stopped in.

According to Susan McCarthy, total statewide, there were 64 individuals aside from hunters and their family members supporting the program and assisting hunters.  That included some 14 MassWildlife employees, 6 DCR staff members, 5 private landowners, 4 military personnel, 16 hunter helpers and 16 other volunteers.

As noted in past columns, this story is not all about the hunters and their harvests.  There are other components which must occur to make the hunt a success.  One is the volunteering. Statewide there were 16 volunteers assisting the physically challenged hunters get to ideal hunting spots and helped them by getting the deer moving, retrieving the deer, field dressing them, and getting them checked in on site.

McCarthy noted that, “As always, this hunt would not be possible without our fantastic network of MassWildlife and DCR staff, private landowners in the Berkshires, and our amazing volunteers.”

Incidentally, paraplegic sportsmen and women interested in taking part in the hunt next year should contact Susan McCarthy at (508) 389-6326.

Good acorn year

MassWildlife asks, have you been dodging a constant barrage of falling acorns, startled by the thwack of nuts pelting your car’s roof, or raking up mounds of acorns in your yard?   Well, like many trees, oaks go through cycles where they produce more seeds in some years than in others. These times of high production, known as “mast years,” occur every 2-3 years. While an abundance of acorns may be an annoyance to some, it’s a welcome buffet for wildlife that are preparing for a long cold winter.

In my opinion, it appears that this is a good mast year for acorns in the Berkshires. You might want to keep this in mind when you scout out your hunting areas and plan your hunting strategy accordingly.

Its really dry out there

I’m sure local hunters have noticed how dry it is in our woods and fields these days.  Those little streams that we used to step over while hunting woodcock, pheasants and bunnies are now bone dry.  Our bird dogs and beagles are hard pressed to find water to lap up.  Please be careful, especially you smokers, that you don’t inadvertently start a fire.

Actually, I’m surprised that the State hasn’t closed the woods to hunting and hiking like they used to do years ago.

Last I heard is that rain is forecasted for Veterans Day.  I hope so.

For you brave souls who will be out archery hunting that day, sitting in a tree stand shivering in the much needed rain, it might behoove you to remember the veterans who made the sacrifices to ensure that we live in a free and democratic country.

Thank you vets.

New Goose Pond accessible boat sidewalk and floating dock erected in honor of Evan “Cole” Colbert

On Friday, October 4, state and local leaders, friends, family, and community members gathered at the Goose Pond Boat Ramp in Tyringham for the dedication of new accessible improvements there. The improvements include an accessible concrete sidewalk and floating dock to improve access for people of all abilities to fishing and boating. A granite stone and plaque were erected to honor the late Evan Scott Colbert and his passion for the outdoors, being on the water, and fishing and boating at Goose Pond.

These improvements were made possible through local community fundraising efforts from the Cole’s Memorial Hard Water Fishing Derby with the generous donations to Office of Fishing & Boating Access (OFBA) Trust Fund. In January, 2020, a new ice fishing derby was established dedicated in Evan’s memory who passed away in July, 2019 at the age of 29.

He loved the outdoors and spent his leisure time fishing and boating. He could often be seen enjoying the waters of Goose Pond casting his reel while watching the eagles fly above.

All proceeds of the ensuing derbies went towards a donation to the Goose Pond Boat Ramp in Evan’s name. Last year, they donated $5,000 to OFBA to help fund the improvements

Among those attending were MA Fish & Game Commissioner Thomas O’Shea, MA House Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli, State Senator Paul Mark, Tyringham Selectman James Consolati and Terrance W. Smith, Deputy Chief Engineer & Constructor.

“The dedication of this public access point to Evan Colbert is a fitting tribute to a young man whose great love of the outdoors and passion for fishing and boating has inspired his family and friends to give back,” said Tom O’Shea. “We greatly appreciate the support that has allowed us to increase access to Goose Pond, a cherished great pond in the Berkshires. The new accessible walkway and floating dock will greatly improve the experience for boaters and anglers like Evan who appreciate nothing more than a day out on the water.”

“The many years of successfully raising funds through events, donations, and visibility are now culminating with the dedication of the Goose Pond Boat Ramp in honor of Evan ‘Cole’ Colbert.  This is an amazing example of the sense of community that makes the Berkshires so special,” said Mark “The improvements that have been made and this dedication ceremony is a testament to how important Evan was to so many and that his memory continues to bring people together and bring out the very best in all of us.”

“Evan Colbert was an exceptional young man who loved to fish with friends and family on Goose Pond. He was taken too soon, leaving a void in all our hearts. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of recognition for this wonderful enhancement to the pond he loved to spend time on,” said Pignatelli.

“The construction and dedication of the Goose Pond Boat Ramp is a perfect example of what can be accomplished when the state, town and private citizens work together. We now have a great new facility, which makes boating on Goose Pond safer, much more convenient, and more enjoyable. At the same time, we have established a lasting memorial for Evan Colbert, who is loved and missed by all who knew him,” said Consolati.

Inscribed on the plaque were the following words, “Evan had a passion for the outdoors, fishing, boating, being on the water and making the most of his time with family and friends.”

Throughout the ceremony, people kept searching the sky for the bald eagle which frequently flies over Goose Pond.  It never showed up, at least not during the ceremony.  Perhaps it didn’t want to upstage the wonderful event honoring Cole which was going on down below.

A buck at the end of the rainbow

On Tuesday afternoon, October 13, Kevin Troiano of Housatonic was on the phone discussing the possibility of going out bow hunting for deer with his dad Andy.  Hail and rain was coming down where Kevin was but it was sunny where Andy was.  For a while, they didn’t think they would be going out.  But then, Andy saw a beautiful double rainbow came out and suggested that they go.  He felt that it was a good luck charm and there might be something nice at the end of that rainbow.

They did go out and from his tree stand in Housatonic, Kevin spotted two large bucks about the same size, one with a tall rack of antlers and the other with a wide rack.  They were about 30 yards away.  Kevin couldn’t take a shot at the buck with the tall rack as it was partially blocked by the other deer. So, he let his arrow fly at the one that provided a clear shot and hit it, but it ran off.  He called his father to help him track it down.  Because it was wet and rainy, there was not a good blood trail to follow.  It was getting late and they really didn’t want to leave the deer there over night to resume tracking the next morning as coyotes would surely find it and eat it up overnight.

They made one more circle and found it just before dark.  It took a total of 45 minutes of tracking to find that deer.  It was a 10-point buck. They had to drag it about 150 years to get it out of the woods.

The deer weighed 210 lbs. dressed according to Fishery & Wildlife scales. (Its live weight was estimated to be around 280 lbs.) They estimated the deer to be 4 ½ years old.

Kevin is going to have the head and shoulder mounted by Wild Arts Taxidermy out of Connecticut.

New gun law confusion persists

There still remains much confusion regarding the new gun law which took effect this month (Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024). What is understood to be the law this week could very well be changed or re-clarified the next.  At the October 5th Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s meeting, MassWildlife Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden distributed MassWildlife’s most recent information on this subject.  Hunters are encouraged to click onto the MassWildlife website entitled “Hunting with a firearm in Massachusetts”). for their most recent data.  He stressed that the website will more than likely be updated as they get new information.

He noted that his district office is getting a lot of calls from out of state hunters.


Incidentally, according to Toby Leary, leader of The Civil Rights Coalition, more than 90,000 people signed petitions to delay enactment of the law and request that it be brought up for statewide vote in 2026.  That was well above the 37,287 required to put a repeal question before voters. Leary said the group did not use paid signature-gatherers and relied entirely on volunteers.

Hunters and Anglers recognized

On September 1, 2024 Governor Maura Healey gave a proclamation recognizing September 28, 2024 as National Hunting and Fishing Day and urged all citizens of the Commonwealth to take cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance. The proclamation stated:

  • To this day, the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game is funded, in part, by sportsmen and women, through the American System of Conservation Funding. In 2023, Massachusetts’ sportsmen and women generated more than $24 million to support the Department’s conservation efforts.
  • More than 330,000 hunters and anglers support the state’s economy through their spending more than $600 million while engaged in their pursuits.
  • This spending supports over 9,000 jobs in Massachusetts and generates $70 million in state and local taxes.
  • Their license fees helped fund state efforts to provide for healthy and sustainable natural resources.
  • Sportsmen and women supported self-imposed excise taxes on firearms and ammunition, fishing tackle and motorboat fuels to raise additional conservation funds.

Old Mill Trail


On Wednesday, October 23, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m., you are invited to  to celebrate the completion of accessibility improvements at the Old Mill Trail in Hinsdale. The improvements include a more accessible trailhead and parking lot, making this beautiful trail more inclusive for everyone, regardless of their mobility needs.


The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but requested.

Nice day spent on the banks of the Hoosic River


On Saturday, August 17, Riverfest took place at the Spruces Park along the Hoosic river in Williamstown.  It was an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the Hoosic River watershed.

Various organizations were represented there.  We had a chance to meet Audrey Werner, Hoffmann Bird Club Communications Officer, and club member Katharine Weinke.  They provided information on the Club’s exciting event summary for 2024-2025.   Sighted on their Guided Bird Walk along the river, were the following: osprey carrying a fish, cormorant, mourning dove, American robin, eastern bluebirds, American goldfinch, chipping sparrow, song sparrow, tufted titmouse, black capped chickadee, white breasted nuthatch, flickers and a phoebe.

Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited representatives were there.  TU Board member Marc Hoechstetter taught fly casting while Dr Charles Wohl taught fly tying.  Board member Rosanne Mistretta and Betsy Clark conducted the Kid-friendly Macroinvertebrate Workshop.  In the river they found Mayfly larvae, Crayfish, Stonefly Larvae, several types of Caddisfly larvae, Water Penny beetles, Midge larvae and Damselfly larvae.

Representatives of The Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooRWA) were there.  It is their citizens’ group that looks after the river.  It is dedicated to the restoration, conservation and enjoyment of the Hoosic River and its watershed, through education, research and advocacy.  It envisions a watershed that is ecologically sound and adds to the quality of life of its residents.  Board members explained the water quality monitoring work in which they are involved.

Judy Grinnell and representatives of the Hoosic River Revival (HRR) were there.  HRR is a volunteer organization dedicated to transforming the aging Hoosic River flood chutes using leading-edge engineering and naturalization measures to reduce flood risk and enhance climate resilience. It envisions an attractive, accessible, healthy, flood-controlled river, which will enhance downtown North Adams and the quality of life for all residents, businesses, and visitors. HRR will accomplish this through advocacy, education, and action in partnership with the City and other stakeholders.

Arriana Collins from HooRWA led the Wild Edibles walk.

A MCLA student and HooRWA intern showed how the water quality testing is performed

There was a River-Inspired Group Sing-Along with Singer/Songwriter Deborah Burns. According to TU President Justin Adkins, there were roughly 20 people singing their hearts out in celebration to the river.

All in all, it was a very pleasant day.

Zebra Mussels found in Onota Lake

In case you missed the article in the Berkshire Eagle on Monday, August 19 entitled “Zebra mussels found in Onota Lake” here is the following:  “The Department of Conservation and Recreation spotted the invasive freshwater mollusks during one of its routine checks of the lake for invasive species, according to a press release issued by Catherine Van-Bramer, the city’s administrative services director.  “This detection only impacts boating operations at the lake and has no impact to other recreational uses of the lake.” according to the release.


“In an effort to stop the spread of zebra mussels to other bodies of water, boaters are asked to inspect their boats, trailers and other recreational equipment. They should also decontaminate all parts of their boat, paddles, and other equipment that have been in contact with water. When doing so, they should not allow wash water to flow in any water body or storm sewer.”


Surely in the upcoming days, more information will be provided about what part of the lake they were located, the probable causes of their spread, various methods to control or eliminate their spread, possibly a boat cleaning station, etc.


Incidentally, water outflow from Onota Lake begins the western branch of the Housatonic River in Pittsfield.  I guess one can expect to see Zebra Mussels show up in Woods Pond in Lenox any time now, if not already.


 Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits for sale in September

By now Massachusetts deer hunters should know if they were selected to receive an antlerless deer permit (ADP), also known as a doe permit.  If not, they can simply click onto the MassFishHunt web page to find out.  If selected, Massachusetts residents must pay a $10.00 fee (non-resident pay $20.00) to purchase the permit.

It’s a lottery system, and not every hunter who wanted one in the wildlife management zone of their choice got one.  The difference between allocation and demand determines the odds of winning an ADP. The exceptions are those who applied for permits in Zones 10, 11, 13, and 14 where everyone who applied got one.  There are too many deer in those zones and MassWildlife is trying to reduce the herd to desirable numbers where there is sufficient food and habitat to sustain them.

There still is a chance to get a permit.  Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits (ADP) will go on sale in late September.

On September 24 at 9:00 a.m. surplus ADPs in zones 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 go on sale. Zone 9 are first-come, first-served and limited to 1 permit per day.  Zones 10, 11, 13, and 14 have no daily or season purchase limit and are available for purchase throughout the entire 2024 season.

On Wednesday, September 25 at 9:00 a.m. surplus ADPs in zones 3, 7, 8, and 12 go on sale. Zones 3, 7, 8, and 12 are first-come, first-served and limited to 1 permit per zone per day.
The following is a list of surplus ADP’s by Zones:  Zone 3 – 567, Zone 7 – 1,331, Zone 8 – 547, Zone 9 – 4,503, and Zone 12 – 446.  There are unlimited surpluses for Zones 10, 11, 13 and 14.

Reimbursement for free licenses

By State mandatory, resident sporting licenses (age 70 and older) and resident and non-resident sporting license for paraplegics are free.  The cost of this freebie is about $1 million which the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife must bear annually.  They recently received some good news.  The Budget Conference Committee included language to reimburse its Inland Fisheries and Game Fund this year, and the Governor retained it when she signed the budget into law. This marks the fourth year they have been successful in getting this language included. They hope to make the statutory fix so they do not need to do this each budget cycle.


Stepping down


I will be stepping down from writing this column at the end of this year.    Simply put, I am not as sharp as I used to be and am slowing down.  Because of that, much more time is required to research, compose, and proofread the proposed articles.  It is also getting to be more difficult attending meetings where useful information is gathered for this column.


I’m amazed how President Joe Biden, who is 12 days younger than me, can lead the free world, while I have problems meeting the weekly deadlines for this column.  It is what it is.


For some time, I have been planning on stepping down and brought this subject up with Berkshire Eagle Executive Editor Kevin Moran last summer.  I originally thought about retiring after my 1,000th column, but here I am writing this 1,071st column.  Then I planned on retiring on my 80th birthday which was in November 2022, but I’m still here. Then I set the drop-dead retirement date on my 20th anniversary of writing this column. That was last February.  Its time for me to stop procrastinating.


In another meeting with Kevin this summer, he suggested that I mention retiring around this time.  In that way, it would give the folks at the Eagle time to seek out another columnist and thus avoid a gap.  That made sense.  Older readers may recall, when my predecessor Ted Giddings retired at the end of 2003, there wasn’t a replacement until February 2004.  It was an excruciating time for us who had become accustomed to reading Ted’s weekly column with our Sunday morning cup of coffee.  That cup of coffee just didn’t taste as good without reading the words of that magnificent scribbler.  Little did I know at the time that his replacement would be me.


Kevin’s suggestion appealed to me in another way, too.  It implied that there would continue to be a Berkshire Eagle outdoor sports column in the future.


Hopefully, the Eagle is successful in finding someone to continue writing about our beautiful woods and waters.





Antlerless deer permits remain unchanged this year


While giving his annual deer report to the June 18 MA Fish & Game Board Meeting, DFW Deer & Moose Project Leader Martin Feehan recommended no changes in the number of antlerless permits to be issued in 2024.  The number are the same as they were was in 2022 and 2023. Also, there have been no changes in the permit numbers in the individual wildlife management zones.  The allocated permits are as follows:

Zone 1 – 800 allocations, Zone 2 – 400, Zone 3 – 2,050, Zone 4N – 800, Zone 4S – 600, Zone 5 – 1,950, Zone 6 – 400, Zone 7 – 3,000, Zone 8 – 3,100, Zone 9 – 7,200, Zones 10 and 11 – no cap, Zone 12 – 1,350, Zones 13 and 14 no cap.

Note, Zones 1 through 4 are the zones in our area:

Once again zones 10, 11, 13 and 14, in the eastern part of the state, have no caps on antlerless permits as they are still having troubles getting the deer population down to targeted deer densities.

Antlerless deer tags are allocated by zone based on population goals in that zone. Most hunters apply for their permit when they purchase their Massachusetts hunting license, but you can also apply online by going to MassFishHunt or in person by going to one of the MassWildlife District Offices or the MassWildlife Field Headquarters in Westborough.

The deadline for applying for an antlerless permit is July 16.  If you apply, you still must check to see if you have been awarded the right to purchase the permit.

The award period begins August 1 at 8:00 am and ends on December 31. Your odds of obtaining a permit are the same regardless of when you check your permit status. You can check the status through MassFishHunt or by visiting a MassWildlife office or license agent location. There is no fee for the application, but those who are successful are required to pay a $10 fee.

Feehan also recapped some new proposed dealing with controlling the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease  (a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy affecting deer. It is in a family of diseases thought to be caused by misfolded proteins called prions and include similar diseases such as mad cow disease in cattle, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in humans and scrapie in sheep.)  One proposal is to set a sunset (phasing out) of Massachusetts facilities that raise captive deer.  Another deals with expanding the deer deboning requirements.

Feehan further recapped proposed regulations that: 1) clarify that food plots are legal to hunt, 2) authorize deer decoys during archery season, 3) remove the daily antlerless bag limit, 4) authorize the youth deer permit for all season long, 5) exempt shed hunting from possession permit requirements and 6) create a winter primitive deer hunting season for the month of  January in Wildlife Management Zones 13 and 14 (Martha’s Vineyard, Elizabeth Islands and Nantucket).

After considerable discussions, the Board approved moving the proposals forward to public meeting.

The specific verbiage for these proposals was not made available during the Board Meeting, and I am not able to expand further on them.  I’m sure we will be hearing a lot more about them in the near future.

“It’s not the fishermen, but the fly”

Recently, I received the following email.

“A few weeks back, on a beautiful June evening, I was standing knee deep in a local river.   Earlier, I had landed a couple decent browns; however, there were long dry spells in between.   The fish were rising but no takers.  This fellow fishing below me seemed to be hooking up on every other cast.   In the fading light, with fish rising all around me, the fellow waded up to me and offered me his rod, taking mine in turn.  I accepted the offer.  Miraculously, I proceeded to land a nice brown followed very quickly by another and another and another.  When it became too dark to see, the count had reached 5.  I turned to the fellow, handed back his rod and thanked him.  It was then I added, “It’s not the fishermen, but the fly.”


Kind of a weird email, right?  What’s that all about? Gosh, that event seemed so familiar…like I experienced the same thing, …almost like an out-of-body experience.  Then it dawned on me.  The person in that story is me!  The fellow who offered me the use of his rod and fly is a good friend and he actually wrote the article.  He asked that if I included the story in this column, not use his name.  “It will be our secret” he wrote, “as it is one of my most cherished memories fishing with a very special person.”


Aw, shucks.


Actually, it probably was the fisherman.  A good fisherman not only knows the right fly to select, the size, color, the type of waters, the time to use it, etc. The other fisherman knew all that, I didn’t.


Thank you for that experience, my friend, and I won’t forget it either.


Report fish kills

Even though the vast majority of summer fish kills are natural events, to ensure there is not a pollution problem, MassWildlife advises us to a report all fish kills in lakes and ponds by calling the Environmental Police Radio Room at 1 (800) 632-8075

Natural fish kills are most often caused by low oxygen levels, fish diseases, or spawning stress. Depletion of dissolved oxygen is also a common cause. Water holds less dissolved oxygen at higher temperatures, and in shallower or weedier ponds, levels can drop further as plants consume oxygen at night. Fish spawning, including sunfish and bass spawning, occurs in late spring and early summer in shallow waters near shorelines. These densely-crowded areas can grow more susceptible to disease outbreaks as water temperatures rise. The result is an unavoidable natural fish kill, often consisting of only one or two species of fish.

Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Fishing Club derby

On June 8, the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club held a fishing derby at Reynolds Pond in Cheshire.  According to club spokesperson Sandra Bushey, no one caught any of the 3 tagged trout.  Nevertheless, the 8 kids who participated still had a great time.

Steve Bateman was there. ”Since putting on the (Jimmy Fund) derby, I really don’t get any fishing in prior to it.” said Steve, “ I only went out twice, once it was 36°. I recently got to take my nephew Christopher ‘Bub’ Bateman.” (Bub or Bubby is his family name) “He’s a nine year old student at Egremont School in Pittsfield. He has never caught a fish by himself until today at the Children’s Fishing Derby sponsored by the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club. I couldn’t be more proud of him. The way he cast, set the hook and brought the fish in. We still need to work on taking them off the hook, but I’m sure we’ll have that mastered in no time.”

“He caught his first fish, a rainbow trout then he caught other very nice brook trout. We kept three of them for his mom. It was a great experience for him.  A big thank you to Dave Pemble and the rest of the crew of the Pittsfield Sportsmen’ Club for putting this event on.”

picture provided by gene chague

Ah, its good to see Steve just being an uncle and taking his nephew to a fishing derby without having the headaches and responsibility of overseeing a big event such as the Bateman Jimmy Fund Derby.

Good dogs, good food  

On June 8, a SPO (Small Pack Option) Derby was held at the Berkshire Beagle Club on hares and cottontail rabbits.   It was a one-day trial for dogs under 2 years old.  Two classes were run, 13-inch and 15-inch., both classes combined males and females.  Some thirty-two dogs in all were registered, nineteen 15” and thirteen 13”.


The winners were as follows:  Zachary Johnson from Salem, NY took top honors in the 13” combined class, and Tony Roderick from Deighton, MA took top honors in the 15” combined class.


Berkshire Beagle Club member Bryon Faulkner took 2nd and 3rd places with his dogs 5 Pine Swamp’s Little Blue Ruby and Swamp’s Lunar Eclipse.

picture provided by gene chague

Coffee, juice and donuts were served in the morning.  Wild turkey club sandwiches and rabbit pot pie gravy over biscuits for lunch.  Umm, umm.

2023 deer harvest figures released


The MassWildlife Preliminary Deer Harvest Summary indicates the 2023 hunting season had a statewide harvest of 15,520 deer, which was a decline of approximately 2% from the record-setting 2022 season. MassWildlife feels that the poor weather conditions during much of the archery and primitive firearms seasons lowered the overall harvest, which likely would have set a new record if it were not for those poor conditions. In spite of these conditions, there were new  record harvests in Zones 9 (Worcester area) and 14 (Nantucket) and a record number of deer were harvested by participating youth on Youth Deer Hunt Day.

Statewide, the Youth Deer Hunt Day yielded 142, the Paraplegic Hunt yielded 10, Archery yielded 6,385, Shotgun yielded 6,118 and the Primitive Firearms yielded 2,865.

The statewide harvest percentages by hunting implements used were as follows:  Bow/crossbow -46%, shotgun – 34% and muzzleloader – 21%.

The statewide breakdown by harvest sex of the 15,520 deer were as follows:  8,858 were adult bucks, 5,610 were does and 1,052 were buck fawns.

The following is the breakdown by Wildlife Management Zone and by seasons.  I am listing only the figures for the area west of the Connecticut River (WMZs 1 through 4, our area). Some 2,323 deer were taken in the Western District.

Zone 1: 5 deer were taken by paraplegics or youth (P/Y), 94 by archery, 151 by shotgun and 57 by primitive arms totaling 307.

Zone 2:  28 taken by P/Y, 177 by archery, 241 by shotgun and 80 by primitive arms totaling 526.

Zone 3:  7 taken by P/Y, 166 by archery, 264 by shotgun and 111 by primitive arms totaling 548.

Zone 4N:  13 taken by P/Y, 191 by archery, 256 by shotgun and 121 by primitive arms totaling 581.

Zone 4S: 9 taken by P/Y, 139 by archery, 149 by shotgun and 64 by primitive arms totaling 361.

Just to give you an indication of how large the deer herd is in the eastern part of the state, Zone 9 yielded 1,458 deer, Zone 10 yielded 2,602, Zone 11 yielded 4,152 and Zone 14 yielded 879.

Big buck harvested

Included in the above Zone 3 archery figures was Matt Heppleston’s 175 lbs. (field dressed) eleven-point buck that he got on November 24 while bow hunting in a non-disclosed area.  It had a measured beam of  23 ¼ inches.

photo of Matt provided by his family

Usually, he hunts from a tree stand but on that day he was hunting from the ground.  After a while, he could smell a buck.  He tried to lure it in with a few grunts and he heard some thrashing a short distance away.  He gave a short wheeze sound and the deer came toward him about 35 yards away.  That’s when he let the arrow fly.  The deer ran about 15 yards and dropped.  Shortly thereafter, Matt had “a small army of family and friends showed up for pictures and the drag.” It was only a couple hundred yards to drag it out.

The deer was entered into the Pope & Young scoring system and it scored 171 inches.  It was named BOWHUNT MA 2023 Buck of the Year. It also was on display at the Northeast Big Buck Club booth at the recent Big E Sportsmen’s Show in West Springfield.

Matt, who grew up in Lee now resides in New Hampshire.  Although he has been hunting since he was a young lad, he didn’t start bow hunting until about 5 years ago.  This is his first deer taken with a bow.

Was he lucky or a smart hunter?  You decide.  In February of 2022, he and his buddy Ryan Ruef of Pittsfield found the buck’s shed (dropped antlers) in the woods.  They knew that deer was hanging around the area for about 2 years.

In the attached picture, you can see a shed lying on the ground next to the deer. According to Matt, that’s a shed off of the buck’s 2021 rack which they found in February, 2022, “and that started the whole chase.”

The deer head and shoulder will be mounted by Wild Art Taxidermy in Berlin, CT.   Matt figures that deer will provide meat for him and his family for a couple of years.

Hunters share their venison

According to MassWildlife, 74 generous hunters donated venison through the Hunters Share the Harvest Program last year. This is equal to about 17,800 nutritious meals for families struggling with food insecurity. The Program also received monetary donations from 22 individuals to help cover the cost of processing and packaging.

The Program has come a long way in just a few years. It was started in 2022 with one venison donation site and one distribution partner. In the pilot year, hunters donated more than 3,000 meals. By the end of 2023, three processing locations and five food distribution organizations had joined the effort.

“Hunters play an important role in conserving our forests and providing food to our communities” says MassWildlife.  “Regulated hunting can help forests by reducing impacts of overabundant deer. It is estimated that over 15% of Massachusetts households do not have access to sufficient food to meet their basic needs. So, donations of venison—an organic, lean source of protein—make a big difference.”

At the close of this successful season, MassWildlife thanks everyone who contributed and spread the word about Hunters Share the Harvest including:

  • Haskins Custom Butchering, Ventura’s Meat Market, and the Country Butcher for processing deer donations
  • Massachusetts Military Support Foundation Inc., Daniel’s Table, Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe, Wampanoag Tribe of Aquinnah, and Worcester County Food Bank for distributing venison to those in need
  • The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen joined 21 individual donors and the following in sponsoring packaging and processing costs.  In addition to the BCLS, the Mass Conservation Alliance, Mass Audubon, Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation, Middleboro Sportsmen’s Club, Plymouth County League of Sportsmen, Safari Club International New England Foundation, Schwab Charitable Foundation, Somerset Sportsman’s Club, and the Worcester County League of Sportsmen Clubs gave monetary, equipment, and logistic support.


MassWildlife plans to expand the Program in the coming years, here’s how you can help:

Meat processors, food pantries, hunger relief agencies, or other organizations who want to participate in MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest program in the future should contact Martin Feehan, MassWildlife’s Deer and Moose Project Leader.

2023 wild turkey harvest


Based upon information provided by David Scarpitti, MassWildlife Biologist and information obtained off of the MassWildlife web site, 3,113 wild turkeys were harvested in 2023.  The spring harvest was 2,965 (2,128 adult males, 825 juvenile males, 11 bearded hens). Some 389 birds were harvested in the Berkshires.


Some 148 were taken in the fall (81 males, 66 females).  Regarding the sex breakdown, Scarpitti says you can take the fall sex breakdown with a grain of salt as hunters are pretty lousy at sexing juvenile birds.  But in general, its usually close to a 50:50 breakdown in the harvest.


The spring harvest was the 4th highest harvest in the history of Massachusetts spring turkey hunting since 1980. Youth hunters harvested 117 turkeys which was the highest all time youth day harvest recorded.


The statewide fall harvest was quite different.  The 148 birds harvested was low compared to the average which is usually around 200.  Scarpitti felt that because it was very wet last summer, it could have compromised brood production, which is usually what drives fall harvest.


About 2/3’s of the harvest was taken with archery equipment, which has become fairly standard.


Small game hunting seasons over

The Coyote and Bobcat hunting seasons ended on Friday, March 8.

photo provided by Josh Christman

The Cottontail Rabbit, Snowshoe Hare, Gray Squirrel, and Fox hunting seasons ended on February 29.  Oil up your guns and safely lock them away in your gun cabinet. Remember to lock your ammo in a separate location. Unless you plan to do some target, skeet or trap shooting, the next time you will probably be picking up your shotguns again is in April, when the Spring Wild Turkey hunting season opens on April 29.



A look back at 2023 Berkshire Woods and Waters columns


The year 2023 is now history.  So, what were some of the major articles this column covered last year?

Well, things started off on a sad note.  In January we learned that local flyfishing legend Fred Moran of Adams passed beyond the riverbend.

More than 700 lbs of venison were distributed and provided meals for people throughout the state in 2022.

A total of 223 black bears were taken during the combined 2022 bear hunting seasons. This was the second highest in the last 5 years and the 6th highest overall. Some 79 bears were taken in Berkshire County. The 2022 deer harvest set a record at 5,853 deer. That harvest highlighted the growing deer abundance statewide and increased access to permits. Some 3,067 turkeys were harvested statewide in 2022, 2,837 in the spring hunt and 230 in the fall hunt.

There was a 3-way tie in the MassWildlife Youth Catch & Keep Angler of the Year 2022, Carter Flagg of Gill, and Logan Middlebrook and Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield. Logan caught the gold pin brown trout weighing 3 lbs. 6 oz out of Onota Lake and Gabriel caught the gold pin 3 lbs. 5 oz rainbow trout out of Stockbridge Bowl.  Gabriel also caught a gold pin white perch weighing 1 lb. 4 oz out of Pontoosuc Lake.

Other gold pin fish that were caught out of Berkshire waters last year were:

  • Adult Catch & Keep Category – A 3 lbs. 5 oz brook trout was caught out of Goose Pond by Allan Armstrong of Lee.
  • Catch & Release Category – Two 44-inch northern pike were caught out of Onota Lake.  One was caught by Seth Davis of Oxbridge and one caught by Jake Burke of Pittsfield. Another gold pin fish caught out of Onota was a 23.25- inch white catfish which was caught by Jason Wingrove of Bernardston.


Four area outdoor sportspeople/conservationists received prestigious awards at the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was sponsored by the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLA):

  • Stephen Sears of Dalton received the Sportsman of the Year Award.
  • The late Fred Moran received the Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously.
  • Joel Miraglia of Ashfield received the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award.
  • Eric Dupont of Lee received the John Zuber Award for all that he does for the youth programs at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.


MassWildlife submitted comments to the Secretary of the Executive Office of Environmental and Energy Affairs and MA Environmental Policy Act Office regarding a proposed Pontoosuc Lake drawdown.  MassWildlife’s position is that it alters and causes harm to biological resources without substantive justification or full consideration of alternative approaches with less impact to the biological resources.

Governor Maura Healey made a campaign promise to pause logging on state-owned forest land


In March 23, Dan Aitken of Pittsfield caught a 16 lbs 14 oz tiger muskie that measured 45 inchesUnbelievably, Dan had caught an even heavier fish, a Northern Pike, out of Onota Lake just the week before on March 17. That fish weighed 22 lbs 5 oz and measured 43 inches long.

Local fly fisherman Marc Hoechstetter wrote an article about his experiences fishing the Hideaway Pool on the Deerfield River.


Beginning in 2023 two new fish species (Fallfish and White Sucker) were included in the MA Freshwater Sportfish Awards Program.

In May we documented the tale of two youth turkey hunters 13-year old Hunter Lawson of Williamstown and 17-year old Matthew Melito, of Adams.  Both got two turkeys on their first day ever of turkey hunting.


In May, Tom O’Shea was appointed Commissioner of the MA Department of Fish & Game replacing outgoing Commissioner Ron Amidon.

MassWildlife added 125 acres in Cummington adjacent to Route 9.  They also partnered with Berkshire Natural Resource Council, DCR, and the Department of Conservation Services to protect more than 750 acres in the towns of Tyringham and Monterey.

A Commemorative plaque was dedicated…. after 49 years.  Appreciation was shown for a land donation which was made to the Town of Lenox in 1974 by the late Robert and Olga Weiss of Lenox


Governor Healey’s office announced $500,000 state grants to five coalitions and four individual non-profit watershed organizations across the state to support monitoring water quality. Three local organizations received them, The Housatonic Valley Association – $48,605, The Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited – $26,007 and The Farmington River Watershed Association – $13,378.

 “An unforgettable Opening Day on the River.” Bill Hollister, formerly of Pittsfield, narrated how he helped save a man from drowning in the West Branch of the Housatonic River in 1950.


MassWildlife led a cleanup of the George Darey Wildlife Management Area as well as certain areas along Roaring Brook Road in Lenox.

Based on studies, we learned that most brown trout in the Deerfield River are wild, not stocked


Changes in goose hunting season, one being the extension of its season date which would run from January 1 through February 15.


In June, the Pediatric Palliative Care Program, part of Hospice Care in the Berkshire, enjoyed the BCLS sponsored Youth Outreach Derby on Reynolds Pond in Cheshire.

The 2023 Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby drew about 300 fishermen and raised over $10,000 for the fight against cancer.


In June there was an article about Paul Knauth (Hinsdale) and me chronicling a wonderful flyfishing trip to the Catskills and epic battles fought with large trout. None were landed.


Naturewatch columnist Thom Smith retired.


Wildlife officials wondered whether we could reverse the trend of dwindling hunting and fishing participants.


In recognition of his 35 years of dedicated and effective conservation work, an asteroid was named after Dr. Thomas W. French, the founding leader and former Assistant Director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP).

Local recipients of the Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance (CRMA) Grant Program were: Egremont: $48,811 for Karner Brook Culvert Replacement, Richmond:  $55,200 for Sleepy Hollow Road Culvert Replacement, Great Barrington:  $55,933 for Housatonic River Tributary Culvert Replacement, Berkshire Clean, Cold, Connected Restoration Partnership, Housatonic Valley Association, awarded $199,899.

Environmental Police Officer Lt. Tara Carlow received the Outstanding Officer of The Year Award in Conservation Law Enforcement and Public Safety.


New proposed gun control law (HD.4420) drew fire from hunters and legal shooting enthusiasts.


Alice Christman of Pittsfield caught a 42 1/2 inch pike weighing just short of 14lbs.


It was a great hunting year for young Hunter Lawson.  In addition to the two turkeys that he got earlier in the year, he also got a black bear


In October a column heading was “Back to Battle on flyfishing trip to the Catskill.  This scribe’s attempt to catch a big brown trout that defeated him in June.  After it cleaned my clock again, it took on the name of Iron Mike. (Named after Heavyweight Champion boxer Mike Tyson who trained in the Catskills).

In October we learned about local MassWildlife firefighter Jacob Morris-Siegel’s trip to Montana to fight the wildfires.


here was an article about a new turkey license plate that is on the horizon.

Sportsmen and women were recognized by New England governors as America’s true conservationists.


The 2023 MA paraplegic hunt harvested 10 deer, only 1 in the Berkshires


In November, four instructors from MassWildlife conducted a Field Day for its Basic Hunter Education Course at the Stationery Factory in Dalton.  49 students passed the course.

In November over 30 individuals participated in a fly tying/fly fishing event at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery

picture provided by Peter Paulson

In December, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced an investment of $25 million to remove eight aging dams in Central and Western Massachusetts, including the abandoned high-hazard Bel Air Dam in Pittsfield

Charles Wohl of Lenox was

Charles Wohl photo provided by Gene Chague

awarded Trout Unlimited Crooked Staff Award.

In December, local photographer Mark Thorne reported that T98, the 21 ½ year old female bald eagle, went missing.

Many thanks for reading this column last year.  I look forward to continuing writing about our woods and waters in the new year.

Deer hunting closing December 30.  With no ice fishing on our lakes, what’ll we do now?  


It will be interesting to see the total of the deer harvest this year.  It was a good hunting season weatherwise but the lack of snow, made it more difficult to track the deer.  Because of the warmth this hunting season, those who successfully got deer had to process them quicker than usual lest the meat spoiled.


It will probably be a few weeks before MassWildlife releases the local and statewide harvest totals.


With the lack of ice on our lakes and snow on the ground most of the winter sports will be starting later than usual, if they start at all this winter.  Outdoor sports folks can’t go ice fishing, cross country skiing, skating or snow shoeing yet, so what can they do?


Well, with open lakes and rivers, I guess you could still freshwater fish from the shores or in boats, or you could fish the rivers and streams. Please remember, if you fish smaller streams and rivers, the creel limits are different from September 10 through March 31 than during the rest of the year. The daily creel limit drops from 8 trout to 3.


If you are into canoeing or kayaking, I suppose you could do that as long as you abide by the regulations requiring the wearing of life jackets or vests from September 15 to May 1.


Small game hunters can still hunt cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hares, bobcats, coyotes, fox, opossum and raccoons. (Check out the 2024 Hunting and Fishing Regulations a/k/a abstracts, and remember, wanton waste of birds and animals is prohibited).


Thanks to new waterfowl hunting regulation changes, late Canada geese can now be hunted until February 15 in the Berkshires.


Trappers can trap beaver, muskrats, opossum, raccoons and skunks during the early part of the year.  There are a whole slew of regulations governing trapping so be sure you know them before you take up this sport. (Pages 50 and 51 of the 2024 abstracts).


For the fly fishermen who tie their own flies, the winter months are usually when they sit at their fly tying benches and replace the flies that they lost last year, and perhaps a few new ones they haven’t tried before.

Enjoy the winter, for it will be over before you know it.


Active Military & Veteran waterfowl hunt

The second of two statewide Active Military & Veteran Waterfowl Hunting days will take place on January 29, 2024.  (The first was on September, 23, 2023).

The seasons are open for waterfowl hunting by veterans and current members of the Armed Forces on active duty, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty (other than for training). The term “veteran,” is defined, per section 101 of title 38, United States Code, as a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. Proof of eligibility is required and must be carried on the person while hunting. All regular season waterfowl regulations and bag limits apply.

Fly tying/fishing events at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery.


We received this note from Dean Hutson, former Trout Unlimited (TU) Konkapot Chapter member and Board Member of the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in Hartsville/New Marlboro, MA.  He wrote:

“In 2023, we spread our wings and introduced a fantastic new program to our hatchery—Fly Tying! The response was overwhelming, with a tremendous turnout for our inaugural class and casting sessions at the pond. We strategically launched this program toward the year’s end, allowing us to “get our feet wet” and dive into this exciting venture.”

picture provided by Peter Paulson

“Our first class was led by Peter Paulson, a dedicated advocate of fly tying who willingly shared his knowledge of fly fishing.  The turnout was beyond expectations, with 22 eager individuals, including 8 enthusiastic kids, actively participating in the art of fly tying. Additionally, 30 individuals joined in to learn and refine their casting techniques.”

“This resounding success wouldn’t have been possible without the enthusiastic participation and support from our community. It’s incredible to witness such a vibrant interest in learning and mastering the art of fly fishing.”

“As we move forward into 2024, we’re excited to expand upon this foundation and continue nurturing the passion for fly tying and casting among our community members.”

Peter Paulson who is a relatively new Taconic TU member from West Stockbridge followed up those comments with these of his own, “I’m pretty passionate about teaching (and learning) but by no means an expert.  Also, just a comment, when it’s cold enough for ice to form in the eyes of the rods and 30 people are out there smiling, having fun and sticking with it, that’s pretty amazing”.

Paulson said that in spite of the cold, they caught some nice trout that day.

They are planning on another fly tying session in January.  Also, fly tying classes are scheduled by the Taconic Chapter TU in Williamstown and Adams. Details will be provided as we get closer to the event dates.


The 2024 Marlborough Fly Fishing Show coming up


On January 5-7 the show will be at the Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center, 181 Boston Post Rd. West, Marlborough, MA.  The hours are 10 am to 6 pm on Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday, and 9 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday.


It purportedly has everything for the fly-fishing angler from new products, seminars, classes, fly tying and fly casting demonstrations, and theater presentations to lodges and vacation destinations.


The Fly Fishing Show® admission is $18 for one day, $28 for two days and $38 for three days. Children under age 5 are free as are Boy and Girl Scouts under age 16 in uniform. Children 6-12 are $5. Active military with IDs cost $10. Parking is free.


There will be 22 Classes with the Experts including those with Jason Randall, Joe

Cordiero, Alan Caolo, Phil Rowley, and others including Women Only sessions with Sheila Hassan. Classes with Experts registration is $95 and includes admission to the show for that day.


There are nine free daily seminars including Randall’s When All Else Fails; Tactics for

Slow Days; Landon Mayer’s Leech Lessons: How to Fish Effective Patterns for Tough Trout;

The World’s Best Trout Destinations with Jeff Currier; and Fly Fishing Some of the Best Tidal

Rivers of New England with Ed Lombardo.


More than $30,000 worth of national door prizes will be awarded including fly fishing trips to Alaska, Belize, Chile, Christmas Island, and other prizes. A complete list of door prizes is on The Fly Fishing Show website.


The world premiere of the two-hour 2024 International Fly Fishing Film Festival is Friday evening at 6:30pm. Tickets cost $10 in advance or $15 at the door.


For a list of all films, classes, seminars, door prizes, and demonstrations visit www. or phone (814) 443-3638.


Don’t feed the wild animals

There is always the temptation to leave something out for those poor critters left to scavenge for a little grub during the long, cold winter months, but MassWildlife says providing food for wildlife can harm the creatures you aim to help.

“Most wildlife seasonally change their behavior to adapt to cold temperatures and scarce food supplies.” according to MassWildlife, “Supplemental feeding can alter that behavior and have detrimental, and sometimes fatal effects, such as congregating into unnaturally high densities. As a result, the supplemental food can attract predators, spread diseases among wildlife, cause aggression and competition over food, wasting vital energy reserves and impact vegetation and habitat. It teaches them to rely on humans for food, which puts them at a disadvantage for survival and can lead to human/wildlife conflicts.

Another thing to consider is that by drawing wildlife out of the woods to supplemental food supplies, those animals may need to cross roads more frequently, therefore increasing vehicle collisions.

“The best way to help wildlife make it through the winter is to step back and allow the animals’ instincts to take over,” says MassWildlife.

MassWildlife has tips on winter feeding for birds on its website and more suggestions on ways to assist wildlife during the winter and all year.

Happy New Year!

Thank God 2023 is over.  Let’s hope that 2024 has a little more peace and civility.