In 2020, Berkshire waters yielded 13 gold pin winning fish and another Angler of the Year

Each year, MassWildlife recognizes anglers who catch exceptional freshwater fish in waters open to the public. If you submit the largest or longest fish in an eligible species category, you will get a gold pin and a plaque, and you’ll also be honored in a MassWildlife awards event.

Log onto to see all of the 2020 winners in the Adult Catch & Keep, Youth Catch & Keep and Catch & Release categories.  You will notice that there were 13 gold pins awarded to local or out-of-area anglers who caught fish out of local waters.


Usually, MassWildlife has a ceremony which is held at the MassWildlife Field Headquarters in Westborough, MA, and it presents gold pins and plaques to the lucky anglers commemorating their great feats.  This year, due to COVID-19, they are having everyone send in pictures and then do an online ceremony.


Adult Catch and Keep local gold pin winners

A note from MassWildlife:  Catch-and-keep affidavits for fish caught when this category was closed (March 16, 2020 – July 6, 2020 due to COVID-19) that meet the requirements will be issued bronze pins; however, these entries will not be eligible for a gold pin.

Brook Trout – 4 lbs 5 oz caught out of Stockbridge Bowl by Joshua Christman of Pittsfield

Carp – 21 lbs 1 oz caught out of Pontoosuc Lake by Brandon Murray of Pittsfield

Carp – 21 lbs 1 oz caught out of Laurel Lake by Joshua Christman

Northern Pike – 27 lbs 11 oz out of Lake Buel by Heather Newalu of Agawam

Smallmouth Bass – 5 lbs 11 oz out of Onota Lake by Joshua Christman

Sunfish – 1 lb 7 oz out of Richmond Pond by Joshua Christman

Tiger Trout – 2 lbs 12 oz out of Onota Lake by Crystal Taylor of Pittsfield

There was a new state record in the Catch and Keep category.  It was a 9 lbs 10 oz Bowfin out of Taunton River in Taunton by Andrew Langley of Peabody

Youth Catch and Keep local gold pin winners

Crappie – 1 lb 3 oz out of Ashmere Lake by Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield

Smallmouth Bass – 4 lbs 6 oz out of Onota Lake by Scout McKnight of Peru

Sunfish – 1 lb 2 oz out of Richmond Pond by Alice Christman of Pittsfield

Tiger Trout – 1 lb 1 oz out of Goose Pond by Alice Christman

White Perch – 1 lb 5 oz out of Pontoosuc Lake by Gabriel Christman

Catch & Release local gold pin winners

Northern Pike – 43 inches out of Onota Lake by Neil Daigneault of Holyoke

There were eight new state records in the Catch & Release category last year as follows:  Brown Trout – 32 inches out of Littleville Reservoir in Huntington by David Desimone of Amherst; Chain Pickerel –  28.75 inches out of Leverett Pond, Leverett by David Desimone; Channel Catfish – 34.50 inches out Connecticut River in Easthampton by Jason Montanez of Springfield; Channel Catfish – 34.50 inches out of Connecticut River, Hatfield by Kenneth Langdon of  Montague; Crappie – 18.25 inches out of Putnamville Reservoir, Danvers by Thomas Melanson of Danvers; Lake Trout – 34 inches out of Wachusett Reservoir by David Desimone; Smallmouth Bass – 23.50 inches out of Wachusett Reservoir by Zachary Aquino of Attlesboro; Tiger Trout – 23.00 inches out of Westfield River in Russell by David Desimone.

Please note that the Catch & Release category is still a relative new category and there will be fairly frequent state records reset for a while yet.

Anglers of the Year

The local Adult Catch & Keep Angler of the Year winner was Joshua Christman.   The Youth Catch & Keep Angler of the Year winner was Philip Prieus of South Hadley.  There was a tie for the Catch & Release Angler of the Year.  The winners were Andrew Langley of Peabody and David Desimone of Amherst.

Eight of the above listed 13 gold pin fish were caught by Joshua Christman, his 7 year old daughter Alice or his 5 year old son Gabriel.  And, of course Joshua was named an angler of the year. Wow!  Congratulations.

Readers may recall that Alice was the Youth Catch & Keep Angler of the Year in 2019, having been awarded 16 bronze or gold pins out of 22 species included in the program.  Her picture is featured on page 17 of the 2021 Mass Official Freshwater fishing, hunting and trapping laws.  That’s her on the top right- hand corner.

2021 Youth Turkey Hunt


The Youth Turkey Hunt Program introduces youth to the world of hunting. After completing program requirements, young adults (aged 12-17) can hunt on a special day (this year it is April 24) with a licensed adult hunter. The youth turkey hunt seminar provides hunters with specialized turkey hunting training and reinforces concepts from Basic Hunter Education. Young hunters will have the opportunity to practice all aspects of a safe hunt.

This year’s Youth Turkey Hunt Program will be different from previous years. Changes have been made to ensure the safety of volunteers and youth participants in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines.  The traditional seminar has been broken into 2 parts with online options and smaller in-person class sizes. All new participants are required to complete both parts of the seminar. If you have a youth who wants to participate in the 2021 Youth Turkey Hunt Day, click onto the 2021 Youth Turkey Hunt | page for all the details.  There are pages of instructions and information to participate in this program. Don’t delay!  The online seminars begin on March 16 and run into April.


So far only Lee Sportsmen’s Association has been listed as participating in the program.  Other club locations and dates have not been finalized, so check back in March for the full list of club dates and times.


To participate in the youth turkey hunt, new participants must be 12-17 years of age and fulfill the following:


1.Graduate from a Basic Hunter Education Course (before the day of the hunt). As of this date, all Basic Hunting Courses are being held at the MassWildlife Headquarters in Westborough, and unfortunately all the courses scheduled there through April have already been filled up.  Be sure to keep checking for new courses.

2.Obtain a firearms identification (FID) card. This step is only required if the participant will be 15-17 years of age on the day of the youth turkey hunt and wishes to hunt with a shotgun.

3.Submit the New Participant Registration Form. This form registers the new participant in the mandatory youth turkey hunt online seminar and field day.

More Information Sessions

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been inundated by phone calls, emails and face to face questions regarding the proposed outdoor sporting fee increases.  It was surprising how many people lacked information on how we got to this point as well as MassWildlife’s lack of authority to change certain hot button items such as Sunday hunting, crossbow regulations, etc.

Fortunately, MassWildlife has scheduled 3 additional information sessions in March about the proposed license increase. Now is your chance to ask questions, make comments, and learn more about its programs, how it is funded, and why a license increase is needed by attending a virtual information session.  The dates and times are as follows:

Tuesday, March 9 at 6:30 PM, Wednesday, March 17 at 6:30 PM and Thursday, March 25 at 6:30 PM.

Click onto: and there, you will find the zoom links to the new information sessions and important background information about MassWildlife’s programs, its funding, and the proposed new license fees.  You owe it to yourselves to attend these information sessions and get your questions answered.

Incidentally, Jason Zimmer, DFW District Supervisor Southeast Wildlife District Massachusetts is on a podcast wherein he discusses this topic among other things.  He discusses some of the common misunderstandings surrounding regulations vs statues.  You can listen to the podcast on You Tube (  or the podcast site (HuntSuburbia).   I listened to the podcast on HuntSuburbia and found it very informative.  Allow yourself some time for it is about 1:45 hours long.  Most of the information which deals with the fee increases is on the first half hour of the podcast, but all of the other subject matter was so interesting I listened to the whole thing.

Most outdoor sportsmen favor a license fee increase, but….  


Most outdoors folks that I have spoken with realize a license, tag, or permit fee increase is warranted.  After all, they haven’t been raised in 25 years.  With inflation up nearly 67% since 1996, declining license sales, increased agency responsibilities, and steadily increasing state-mandated costs such as payroll taxes and health insurance, revenue has not been meeting expenses for several years.  Some interested sportsmen attended the Zoom listening sessions put on by  MassWildlife and understood the plight that they face with its income shortfall to cover expenses and even expressed support for a fee increase.  There was no mention in those Zoom meetings as to the size of the fee increase to be proposed, but most sportsmen presumed that they would be reasonable.

During some of those meetings, some hunters expressed disappointment at the thought of increasing the hunting fees without addressing one very important issue – Sunday hunting.  After all, surrounding states allow Sunday hunting but not Massachusetts.  People who are required to work a 6-day week never get a chance to hunt in their own state and have to travel to VT, NY or CT.  (I’m retired now and don’t have those concerns anymore, but let me tell you, when I was working, few things agitated me more).


Other Zoom attendees posed the question as to why the licensed outdoor sportsmen have to foot the entire bill for the purchase and maintenance of properties that the general public can use, such as the Wildlife Management Areas.  How come the bird watchers, hikers, snow shoe enthusiasts, etc. don’t share the cost?  How come they aren’t required to buy a tag or permit to use these lands?


Other issues were raised during those Zoom meetings, such as the stalled Crossbow Bill.  Why is it that all surrounding states can use crossbows for hunting, but not in Massachusetts?  Only bowhunters with certain disabilities are allowed to use a crossbow in our state?


In all fairness to MassWildlife, the regulations dealing with Sunday hunting and crossbow use rests with the Massachusetts Legislators. Sportsmen for years have been lobbying for them and their pleas and petitions appear to be falling on deaf ears.  In spite of legislative support for the crossbow bill each year, it always dies in one committee or the other.  As often stated by outdoor sportsmen, we don’t have anyone (or not enough) support in the Legislature – no one fighting for our causes. (I honestly believe we have Massachusetts legislators who would do away with hunting altogether in our state if given the opportunity.  Just take a look at some of the proposed bills regarding firearms and hunting.)


Well, after of two years of study the MassWildlife recently announced its proposed new fee schedule, and many hunters went ballistic.  (See attached proposed fee schedule).  Hunters who paid $80.00 this year for their sporting licenses along with permits for archery hunting, waterfowl, primitive firearms, antlerless deer, bear, turkey and land stamp will now have to pay $220.00.  That is a 275% increase.  In my case, as a senior, my sporting license is free, but the permit fees will go from $20 to $80, an increase of $60 or 300% jump.  C’mon!  Most likely, I’ll be dropping some forms of hunting such as waterfowl and turkey hunting next year, as I only get out to enjoy those sports once or twice a year anyway.


The proposed fishing license fee increases appear to be more acceptable.

One person who contacted me wrote the following, “For my senior dad who simply hunts large game and occasionally pheasants, his free license with added stamps, permits and land stamp will increase from $20 to $100.   That is a five-times increase for a senior that deserves a free license.  This is an outrageous and unreasonable charge.  A five times increase burden on these seniors is the highest percentage increase in the real cost of a license that I have calculated.  How can the DFW propose to excessively burden this group of elderly sportsmen to this extent?”


A lot of sportsmen have contacted me since the proposed fee increases have been announced.  More than a few of them have said that they will no longer hunt in Massachusetts, but rather in neighboring states.  The displeasure of not being able to hunt in Massachusetts on Sundays, its restrictive gun laws, the expensive FID cards and now the dramatic fee increases seemed to have provided the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.


Some people who have contacted me want to know my opinion of the increases.  Well, I am a numbers person (spent 35 years of my life as a bank internal auditor).  One thing I have learned is that an enterprise must have revenues that exceed expenses in order to survive.  It cannot survive sustained losses year after year.  That is what is projected to happen to MassWildlife within the next 5 years if a fee increase is not implemented.   In fiscal year 2021, they project outflows (expenses over revenue) of $1.5 million, in 2022 it will be $2.1 M, in 2023, it will be 2.7 M, in 2024 $3.4M and in 2025 it will be $4.1 M.  The Inland Fish and Game Fund balance in 2021 was a positive balance of $9.5M, but by the end of 2025, if there is not a change, it will stand at a minus $2.8M.  Hey folks, something has to be done, and pronto.


The Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board has gone on record as being “committed to working with the Baker Administration, sporting constituents, outdoor recreation partners, and environmental stakeholders to explore a long-term, more diversified and sustainable funding model that is supported by the public at large. In the short term, the proposed license fee increases are critical to maintain current operations, programs, and services that MassWildlife’s constituents have come to expect. The proposed increase is projected to sustain the solvency of the Inland Fish and Game Fund for 8–10 years”.

MassWildlife anticipates scheduling and holding formal public hearings in the spring which will be advertised well in advance. In the meantime, you can provide feedback about the license fee proposal by using a convenient feedback form which can be downloaded from the MassWildlife web site or by mail to: MassWildlife Re: License Fee, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

It is a bitter pill that we sportsmen have to swallow.  I don’t know about you, but I would rather take that pill than to go with reduced services and lose some of the excellent programs that MassWildlife offers.


Spring trout stocking

MassWildlife informs us that approximately 450,000 brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout will be stocked this spring from MassWildlife’s five hatcheries located in Sandwich, Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague. These fish, coupled with the more than 60,000 fish stocked last fall, will provide some excellent fishing in the coming months. Stocking is scheduled to begin in southeastern waters in early March with other regions of the state expected to follow soon after. You can get daily stocking updates at Anglers are reminded to purchase their fishing license online using MassFishHunt or by visiting a license vendor location.

2021 spring trout stocking stats:

  • More than 75% of the trout will be over 12 inches
  • More than 45% of the trout will be over 14 inches
  • More than 48,000 brook trout will be over 12 inches
  • More than 48,000 brown trout will be over 12 inches
  • More than 200,000 rainbow trout will be over 14 inches
  • More than 500 brown trout and 500 brook trout will be over 18 inches
  • 1,000 brook trout will be over 14 inches
  • All 2,500 tiger trout will be over 14 inches

We are asked to practice social distancing by keeping 6 feet away from others while fishing. Avoid congregating in parking areas, on boat ramps, or along the shore. Don’t share a boat with those outside your household unless it is large enough to allow for social distancing. Avoid busy areas and have a back-up plan if your usual spot is crowded. Visit to for the latest Massachusetts information and guidance.

Whitetails Unlimited’s ice fishing derby a “huge success”

On Saturday, February 6, the Berkshire County Whitetails Unlimited (WU) Ice Fishing Derby was held on Laurel Lake.  According to derby chairman Bill Bailey of Otis, 160 people attended it on that sunny day.  He considered it a huge success. He reported that 24 sizeable fish in the 3 lbs range were weighed in.

First Place was won by 11year old Nolan Bloomrose of Blandford, MA who caught a 6 lbs 14 oz largemouth bass. He also pocketed the $750.00 first place prize.  The Second- Place prize of $500 went to Keith Kalacki who caught a 4 lbs 5 oz largemouth bass. Third Place prize of $250 went to Kemp who caught a 4lbs 4 oz chain pickerel.  (Sorry, Kemp’s last name was not made available).  Congratulations to all.

Bailey, who is a Massachusetts WU Area Field Director, reported that half of the net proceeds from the event was targeted to be spent in the Berkshires and the other half forwarded to the WU national organization.  Over the last couple of years, WU have provided grants to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen to help offset its expenses incurred while conducting its Youth Outreach fishing derbies and other events.  These derbies provide opportunities for kids who would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity to go fishing.  Annually,selected youth groups are chosen and provided access to a small pond freshly stocked with brook trout, complete fishing outfits, bait, a lunch and fish cleaning service so that they can take the trout home to eat.

Never heard of Whitetails Unlimited? Well, it is a national nonprofit whitetail deer organization which was established in 1982.  It is dedicated to the betterment of the whitetail deer, its habitat, and the future of hunting. It is a national nonprofit conservation organization raising funds in support of education, habitat enhancement, and the preservation of the hunting tradition. Thanks to its 114,000-plus members, chapter volunteers, and corporate sponsors, Whitetails Unlimited has earned the reputation of being the nation’s premier organization dedicating its resources to the betterment of the white-tailed deer and their environment.   Since its beginning, it has spent over $109.9 million on projects including research, wildlife agency assistance, habitat enhancement/acquisition, scholarships, educational materials, hunter safety/education, anti-poaching measures, and cooperative projects with other conservation organizations.

Hopefully, when COVID-19 becomes history, the Berkshire Chapter of WU will again begin holding its annual banquets locally.

Hunting/Fishing/Trapping fee increases move one step closer to reality

At its February 17 Fish & Wildlife Board Meeting, board members gave the MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife its approval to forward its proposed fee increases to Administration and Finance.  If A&F approves them, the Division will hold a public hearing this spring on the proposed fee schedules.  The Division will be recommending a wide array of fee increases.   Assuming the fee increases are approved by all committees and boards, the increases will take effect in year 2022 and they should cover expenses for another decade.

In next week’s column, I hope to cover the various types of license and fee increases proposed.  In the meantime, the DFW will probably post its recommendations on its web page.  The public is encouraged to read and comment on these recommendations.  There have been listening sessions conducted during the past month and, not surprisingly, few attendees stated they were against any fee increase.  After all, it has been 25 years since its last increase.

Tax season, a great time to help keep Massachusetts wild!

One easy way to help endangered animals and plants in the state is by donating on your state tax return. Simply fill in the amount you would like to donate on Line 33A for Endangered Wildlife Conservation. Your donation will go to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund, a fund dedicated specifically to the conservation of rare species. This Fund supports MassWildlife’s NHESP responsible for the hundreds of species that are listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern in Massachusetts.

Despite its status as the nation’s symbol, bald eagles were targeted and killed for the better part of a century. This intentional killing, coupled with habitat loss and pollutants like DDT, caused breeding bald eagles to disappear from Massachusetts in the early 1900s. Beginning in 1982, MassWildlife and its partners began to relocate young eagles from Michigan and Canada to an area overlooking the Quabbin Reservoir in efforts to reestablish breeding pairs in the state. These relocated eagles were raised by a wildlife management practice known as hacking, in which young birds of prey are raised in an outdoor cage with no direct human contact and later released into the wildThe eaglets came to view the area around the Quabbin as their home turf and when they matured, some of the hacked eagles established breeding territories at the reservoir. In 1989, eight decades after the last historic bald eagle nest was observed in Massachusetts (on Snake Pond in Sandwich), three chicks fledged from two Quabbin nests. Fast forward to now when over 70 territorial pairs of bald eagles were documented in Massachusetts last year.

While Massachusetts has made considerable progress, 432 plants and animals are still recognized as rare in the state. MassWildlife’s NHESP is the first line of defense for Massachusetts’ most vulnerable plants and animals. Donating to this fund ensures continuing conservation for these rare species.

American Museum of Fly Fishing

The AMFF, next to the Orvis Company in Manchester, VT, has partnered with the F3T to bring us the 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour virtually this year. This is a great opportunity to sit back with family and friends and enjoy the Tour on our own time. This year’s F3T has an incredible line up with everything from Arapaima in the Amazon basin, Bream and Tarpon in the same film, Smallies, Pike, Steelhead, and some of the best trout footage ever captured.  Did you know Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. had a special relationship with long time bonefish guide Ansil Saunders and the island of Bimini? All of these stories and more are part of the 2021 F3T streaming virtually March 10 – April 4 and tickets are on sale now.

Click onto 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour – Digital Event: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 ( to watch the trailer and purchase tickets.
As well as having access to the films, you will be supporting The American Museum of Fly Fishing. As part of its partnership this year, $2.00 of every ticket sold through the link will be given back to AMFF. So, if you have friends or family that may be interested please share the link so we can work together to strengthen our fishing community. Remember the more tickets sold through the link the more money they raise.

Hey!  Get me out of here!

In early February, MassWildlife received a call from a Bolton homeowner with an interesting predicament. A barred owl had found its way into the chimney and was sitting in the fireplace. Fortunately, MassWildlife Central District Manager Todd Olanyk was able to assist, carefully removing the owl from the fireplace and examining it for injuries before releasing it outside, where it quickly flew off.

If you’re wondering why a barred owl would be attracted to a chimney, a look at their life history might give a clue. From February through May, barred owls across Massachusetts begin laying eggs. Barred owls do not build their own nests. They are cavity nesters, meaning they typically will select a hollow tree or use the nest of a hawk or squirrel to lay their eggs. This particular barred owl might have been looking for a cavity to nest when it found itself in a chimney with no easy escape. MassWildlife has also received reports of this occurring with other cavity-nesting birds like American kestrels and mergansers.

To help prevent wild animals like birds, bats, raccoons, or squirrels from entering your home, MassWildlife recommends placing a metal cap with a screen on your chimney. If you find injured wildlife, you can find a list of licensed wildlife rehabilitators on MassWildlife’s website.  Many thanks to MassWildlife for the comical picture and useful information.

Big Brown Trout taken out of Stockbridge Bowl

Jamie Pollard of Hinsdale, was out ice fishing on Stockbridge Bowl last Saturday with a couple of close friends Aaron and his stepfather Billy and his blind springer spaniel hunting dog.  He was fishing 10 feet under the ice, with Arkansas shiners bait and 8lbs test monofilament leaders.   Around 10:00 am his tip-up flag went up and when he set the hook, he thought “Good God,” and he wondered what was on the other end. At first, he thought it might be a monster pickerel. It took 15 minutes before he got the large fish to swim past the hole. He said that his heart almost stopped when he saw the large brown trout swim by.  “Oh, my God!”, he said.  It was another 10 minutes before he got it back near the hole.  “We were doing the “Keystone Cops” said Jamie.   Billy was taking the line off of and putting it back onto the reel as the fish came in and out of sight.  He and his buddies circled the hole about 30 times before he got its head into the hole.  “I was going to send it back.   I was not going to keep the fish, but when I pulled it out, got it onto the ice and got a look at it, I did a quick search and thought maybe I had a chance at the State record”.  His measuring tape showed that the fish was 32 inches while the State record measured 31 inches.


Another reason why he kept it was something that happened to him in Vermont 18 years ago.  Then he had caught a 4+ lbs. yellow perch that was 16 inches long.  The guy at the bait store was a new hire at 15 years old and didn’t suggest he report it to the state fisheries and wildlife as a possible record setter.   The next year when he went up there the youngster said that he had been waiting to see him again because he was pretty sure Jamie beat the all-time state record for the perch in the state of VT. It was too late to do anything by then and now he wishes he had followed up.   This time he didn’t want to mess it up again.

He had a gaff but didn’t use it because he had full intentions of releasing it and didn’t want to seriously harm it.  The fish came out of an 8- inch hole!  They got its head out finally and Aaron got a finger under its gill while Jamie grabbed onto the back of its head/neck, hoisted it out of the hole and onto the ice, saying “Mother of God, look at the size of that thing!”.  They had a small thin tape measure and it measured 32 ¼ inches, had a 21 ¼ inch girth and on the portable scale that they had, it was weighed between 17 and 18 lbs.  I think he did the right thing by keeping it because the Brown inhaled the hook and it was way down in its belly.   Jamie said that after the 25-minute battle, his back was screaming in pain and his bare hands felt like they were frozen.  “That fish had no intentions of getting near the hole,” said Jamie. (I believe the part about frozen hands, for 5 fishing partners and I were ice fishing not very far from where he was that day.  Just a couple of minutes of exposure to the wind and cold and our ungloved hands ached like heck.)

The next day, at the Onota Boat Livery, it weighed in at 15 lbs.8 oz., measured 32 ¼ inches and had a 19+ inch girth. (The difference possibly due to shrinkage as it was measured a full day after catching.)  He had no idea that there were brown trout anywhere in Massachusetts that size.  He will submit pictures and data to MassWildlife and perhaps, he will be awarded a gold pin and plaque through the MassWildlife’s Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program.  MassWildlife has recognized anglers who catch exceptional freshwater fish across Massachusetts for some 50 years now.  Last year’s winning Adult Catch & Keep Brown Trout has not yet been announced yet, but the winning weight in 2019 was 12 lbs. 2 oz caught out of the Ware River in Ware.

So where did this behemoth come from?  I asked Andrew Madden, DFW Western District Supervisor and himself a fish biologist, what his opinion was.  He said that they stocked broodstock brown trout in the Stockbridge Bowl in 2016, 2017, and 2020.  Their broodstock fish come from either the Roger Reed Hatchery in Palmer or the Sandwich Hatchery on Cape Cod. “These fish typically range in size from 3lbs to 8lbs with sometimes an occasional individual reaching close to 10lbs. The ages can vary but generally they are 3 or 4 years old at the time of stocking” he said. The broodstock are a bonus that they spread throughout our lakes and ponds to provide an opportunity for anglers to catch a lifetime quality fish. “We can’t know for sure, but I would guess that the Stockbridge brown was probably a broodstock from 2016 or 2017. That would likely put the fish around 6-8 years old. Regardless of when it went in, it is an awesome catch and must have been a serious thrill to see it come through the ice”.

“The trout that we stock daily in the spring are numerous and big,” he said, “Its good to see that our local lakes are hanging in there and have some of these large fish”, said Andrew.

Jamie said that he didn’t bring it to my attention to boast about it. (Someone else forwarded the picture that very evening.   News of a big brown trout like that caught in the Berkshires spreads like wildfire.) I’m glad he did contact me as I didn’t know who had caught it.  He said he saw a lot of guys at Onota Lake while weighing it in and showed them the fish not for purposes of bragging, but rather to provide a little brightness on a dark day and it caused guys to put a little spring in their steps as they headed out onto the ice.    He said he is not much of a trout eater and he always releases them.  Someone suggested that he smoke it but instead is going to have it mounted.  Who knows, perhaps if he was able to get it officially weighed right away, it might have gone down as a new Massachusetts State Record.  Perhaps, on Saturday, February 6, 2021 it was.

Incidentally, the Massachusetts record brown trout weighed 19 lbs. 10 oz and measured 31 inches long.  It was caught out of Wachusett Reservoir by Dana Deblois in 1966.

Jamie and his friends fished until 4:00 pm that day and caught two more trout (Rainbows) and a pickerel.  They had quite a memorable day, wouldn’t you say?

Junior Conservation Camp teaches outdoor skills to Massachusetts teens

Designed for teens aged 13–17 who want to try new outdoor activities, improve their current skills, or meet other like-minded peers, the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp (MJCC) offers a hands-on curriculum focused on outdoor skills, conservation education, and ethics to girls and boys. Participants will have fun and make friends during the two-week overnight camp. The MJCC will be held at the Moses Scout Reservation in Russell from August 1-13.  Registration is now open at and will continue through May 1. Conservation groups and sporting clubs who want to sponsor a camper may also register to reserve a spot for a deserving teen.

The MJCC offers varied and educational programs. Professionals from environmental agencies provide hands-on experiences and demonstrations on wildlife, fisheries, forest fire control, and forest management. Experienced and enthusiastic outdoors men and women offer outdoor skills instruction on fishing, camping, wild foods, archery, and firearms safety. Certifications in Hunter Education and Boating Safety are also part of the curriculum. Tuition is $1,000 but the majority of campers receive full scholarships from sporting clubs and conservation organizations across the state. Click onto for more information on groups with camp scholarships.  For an inside look at camp life, check out the No.1, 2020 issue of the Massachusetts Wildlife magazine.

2020 wild turkey hunting harvest was record setting


MassWildlife reported that the spring turkey harvest was 3,310 (including 73 on youth day) and that was the highest spring season ever recorded.  They believe this record harvest can most likely be attributed to the increase in hunter effort that resulted from COVID-19 closures. The fall turkey harvest was 256, the highest fall season total in over 20 years. MassWildlife feels that an expanded fall archery season and an increased annual limit likely contributed to the high fall harvest. In total, some 3,566 birds were harvested last year.

Intimidating gobblers 

Now that the black bears are all snuggled up in their dens, or should be, we shouldn’t have to worry too much about other wild critters, right?  Well, not necessarily so says the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW).   There are some mean-spirited, aggressive gobblers out there and their numbers are growing (about 35,000 of them) and they may attack people that they view as subordinates.  They are boldly strutting around downtown streets in the eastern part of our state. Local police departments want residents to know that although dangerous, they should not be intimated by aggressive turkeys.

Does that mean that we should strap a holstered pistol or enroll in a self-defense course? Heck no!  Residents should just avoid close encounters with them and don’t ruffle their feathers.  Do not feed them or they could become tame and possibly have angry or wild outbursts.

Here are some recommendations from MassWildlife:

  • Keep all bird feeder areas clean — bird seed attracts turkeys and they will flock to the feeder if there is seed on the ground. Remove feeders in the spring as well, as birds will be able to find plenty of natural food.
  • Protect your garden and crops — If you use a hose or make loud noises, turkeys that are stealing food will be intimidated and likely leave the crops alone.
  • For aggressive turkeys, don’t let them intimidate you —You should threaten or scare bold turkeys using a hose, a leashed dog or loud noises.
  • Cover windows and shiny objects — Turkeys will focus on their own reflection or shiny objects. In order to prevent that, be sure to remove shiny objects or cover windows.


Young lady hoists nice pickerel out of hole while ice fishing

On Saturday, January 23, the weather was brutal with wind chill temperatures hovering around 10 below zero.  Young Allison (last name requested not to be disclosed) was fishing with her father and mother when she caught a 25 ½ inch, 4 lbs 2 oz chain pickerel out of Laurel Lake in Lee.  As of this writing (February 3) she is still the current leader in the MA Youth Sportfishing Award Category. She will definitely receive a bronze pin and if it holds up for the entire year, she will receive a gold pin and nice trophy.  Way to go Allison!  Whether or not your large fish holds up for the remainder of the year, it is still a great accomplishment.

Her mom, Jeremia, said that she made Cajun style fish cakes with the pickerel.  Yum, yum.

She said that Allison is now “hooked” on ice fishing.

(Incidentally, pickerel is a very tasty freshwater fish.  The key is getting past the bones, and grinding them up and making fish cakes is one way to do that.)

Basic ice fishing clinic


If you are curious about this family fun wintertime activity now is your chance to learn.  MassWildlife invites you to join them for a 1-hour online ice fishing clinic to learn all the basics of fishing on ice.  Its Angler Education Program will host this online one hour ice fishing clinic on Zoom to give you the confidence to give hard water fishing a try. You will learn what safe ice is, and how to test for it, how to properly dress for the experience, as well as all the necessary gear and tips to get you started.  There is such a clinic on Monday evening, February 22, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.  Registration is required at

Rescheduled ice fishing derby

Staying on the subject of ice fishing, the Berkshire County Whitetails Ice Fishing Derby that was scheduled for last Saturday (January 30) but was postponed due to the brutal weather.  It has been rescheduled for today.   It runs from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm and weigh-in for the heaviest fish is at the boat ramp at 2:30 pm sharp.  First Place winner gets $750, Second Place gets $500 and Third Place gets $250.  The entrance fee is $25 single and $15 for children aged 15 and under.  For more info, call Bill Bailey at 413-244-2304.


Respect the wilderness

Here are a few simple steps from MassWildlife that you can take to respectfully enjoy the outdoors:

  • Plan ahead – Beaches, state parks, and conservation lands might have different regulations you should be aware of like what activities are permitted on the property. Research the rules for the area you plan to visit beforehand. Respect private property and do not trespass on private land. MassWildlife owns and manages over 220,000 acres of Wildlife Management Areas and Conservation Easements that are open to hunting, fishing, trapping, and other outdoor recreation. Prepare for your adventure by visiting the MassWildlife Lands Viewer to customize and print maps of MassWildlife properties.
  • Pack out what you pack in – This includes food wrappers and remains, drink containers, and dog waste bags. If you’re hunting or fishing, be sure to take all equipment out with you like discarded fishing line or shotgun shells.
  • Give wildlife space – Keep a reasonable distance from wildlife. Use your binoculars and spotting scope rather than your feet, to get “closer” to your subject. If you get too close to an animal, its behavior will change. It may stop feeding, look at you, vocalize, appear nervous or flee. If you note a change in behavior, back off slowly until you’re out of the animal’s “space”. Do not feed wildlife.
  • Respect the land – Avoid damaging plants and trees, do not carve into tree bark and be aware of where you are stepping. Follow posted signage to avoid nesting areas and vernal pools. Please stay on trails if they are available.
  • Be considerate of other visitors – Many people visit the wilderness to enjoy the quiet and tranquility. Remain a respectful distance away from other visitors, avoid loud noises, and follow regulations for pets.

Wild & Scenic Westfield River Community Grants Announced

The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Advisory Committee announces the availability of community grants ranging from $500 to $20,000 for work conducted through October 2021. Recognizing the important role towns and local groups play in the protection of river resources, the funding supports activities that directly and measurably enhance and protect river resources or build strong local stewardship of the river and its tributaries. Eligible entities include conservation commissions, planning boards, select boards, libraries, historical commissions, recreation departments, schools (including environmental clubs, art programs, science classes, etc.) and other town-sanctioned committees and boards. Community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, such as historical societies, garden clubs, art associations, churches, local land trusts and neighborhood groups, are eligible. Partnerships, between towns, boards, organizations, etc., are encouraged. Individuals interested in applying should partner with either a town or nonprofit organization(s). Eligible towns are Becket, Chester, Chesterfield, Cummington, Huntington, Middlefield, Savoy, Washington, Windsor, and Worthington. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to contact the W&SWR Committee prior to starting the application process to confirm their eligibility. Contact Andrew Petitdemange:

Firearms/ License-to-Carry Course

Avid Sports will be holding its next Firearms Safety Course on Tuesday February 9 at 5:00 pm at its place at 1201 West Housatonic Street, Pittsfield. The course allows one to apply for a Pistol permit or F.I.D. card. You can either Call 413-997-3600 or stop by Avid Sports for more details or to sign up for the course.

The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a LTC and UTAH Firearm Certificate Course on February 13 from 9:00am to 1:30 pm at its clubhouse.  This course is Mass State Police Compliant.  The cost for MA certification is $80, other states cost $125 and a combination of any two states cost $150. Remember, space is limited due to Covid-19 guidelines so you must pre-register.  Contact Tom Nadolny at 413-822-6451 or for more information or to pre-register.

2020 wild turkey hunting harvest was record setting

MassWildlife reported that the spring turkey harvest was 3,310 (including 73 on youth day) and that was the highest spring season ever recorded.  They believe this record harvest can most likely be attributed to the increase in hunter effort that resulted from COVID-19 closures. The fall turkey harvest was 256, the highest fall season total in over 20 years. MassWildlife feels that an expanded fall archery season and an increased annual limit likely contributed to the high fall harvest. In total, some 3,566 birds were harvested last year.

Intimidating gobblers 

Now that the black bears are all snuggled up in their dens, or should be, we shouldn’t have to worry too much about other wild critters, right?  Well, not necessarily so says the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW).   There are some mean-spirited, aggressive gobblers out there and their numbers are growing (about 35,000 of them) and they may attack people that they view as subordinates.  They are boldly strutting around downtown streets in the eastern part of our state. Local police departments want residents to know that although dangerous, they should not be intimated by aggressive turkeys.

Does that mean that we should strap a holstered pistol or enroll in a self-defense course? Heck no!  Residents should just avoid close encounters with them and don’t ruffle their feathers.  Do not feed them or they could become tame and possibly have angry or wild outbursts.

Here are some recommendations from MassWildlife:

  • Keep all bird feeder areas clean — bird seed attracts turkeys and they will flock to the feeder if there is seed on the ground. Remove feeders in the spring as well, as birds will be able to find plenty of natural food.
  • Protect your garden and crops — If you use a hose or make loud noises, turkeys that are stealing food will be intimidated and likely leave the crops alone.
  • For aggressive turkeys, don’t let them intimidate you —You should threaten or scare bold turkeys using a hose, a leashed dog or loud noises.
  • Cover windows and shiny objects — Turkeys will focus on their own reflection or shiny objects. In order to prevent that, be sure to remove shiny objects or cover windows.

Young lady hoists nice pickerel out of hole while ice fishing

On Saturday, January 23, the weather was brutal with wind chill temperatures hovering around 10 below zero.  Young Allison (last name requested not to be disclosed) was fishing with her father and mother when she caught a 25 ½ inch, 4 lbs 2 oz chain pickerel out of Laurel Lake in Lee.  As of this writing (February 3) she is still the current leader in the MA Youth Sportfishing Award Category. She will definitely receive a bronze pin and if it holds up for the entire year, she will receive a gold pin and nice trophy.  Way to go Allison!  Whether or not your large fish holds up for the remainder of the year, it is still a great accomplishment.2020 wild turkey hunting harvest was record setting

Her mom, Jeremia, said that she made Cajun style fish cakes with the pickerel.  Yum, yum.

She said that Allison is now “hooked” on ice fishing.

(Incidentally, pickerel is a very tasty freshwater fish.  The key is getting past the bones, and grinding them up and making fish cakes is one way to do that.)

Basic ice fishing clinic

 If you are curious about this family fun wintertime activity now is your chance to learn.  MassWildlife invites you to join them for a 1-hour online ice fishing clinic to learn all the basics of fishing on ice.  Its Angler Education Program will host this online one hour ice fishing clinic on Zoom to give you the confidence to give hard water fishing a try. You will learn what safe ice is, and how to test for it, how to properly dress for the experience, as well as all the necessary gear and tips to get you started.  There is such a clinic on Monday evening, February 22, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.  Registration is required at

Rescheduled ice fishing derby

Staying on the subject of ice fishing, the Berkshire County Whitetails Ice Fishing Derby that was scheduled for last Saturday (January 30) but was postponed due to the brutal weather.  It has been rescheduled for today.   It runs from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm and weigh-in for the heaviest fish is at the boat ramp at 2:30 pm sharp.  First Place winner gets $750, Second Place gets $500 and Third Place gets $250.  The entrance fee is $25 single and $15 for children aged 15 and under.  For more info, call Bill Bailey at 413-244-2304.

Respect the wilderness

Here are a few simple steps from MassWildlife that you can take to respectfully enjoy the outdoors:

  • Plan ahead – Beaches, state parks, and conservation lands might have different regulations you should be aware of like what activities are permitted on the property. Research the rules for the area you plan to visit beforehand. Respect private property and do not trespass on private land. MassWildlife owns and manages over 220,000 acres of Wildlife Management Areas and Conservation Easements that are open to hunting, fishing, trapping, and other outdoor recreation. Prepare for your adventure by visiting the MassWildlife Lands Viewer to customize and print maps of MassWildlife properties.
  • Pack out what you pack in – This includes food wrappers and remains, drink containers, and dog waste bags. If you’re hunting or fishing, be sure to take all equipment out with you like discarded fishing line or shotgun shells.
  • Give wildlife space – Keep a reasonable distance from wildlife. Use your binoculars and spotting scope rather than your feet, to get “closer” to your subject. If you get too close to an animal, its behavior will change. It may stop feeding, look at you, vocalize, appear nervous or flee. If you note a change in behavior, back off slowly until you’re out of the animal’s “space”. Do not feed wildlife.
  • Respect the land – Avoid damaging plants and trees, do not carve into tree bark and be aware of where you are stepping. Follow posted signage to avoid nesting areas and vernal pools. Please stay on trails if they are available.
  • Be considerate of other visitors – Many people visit the wilderness to enjoy the quiet and tranquility. Remain a respectful distance away from other visitors, avoid loud noises, and follow regulations for pets.

Wild & Scenic Westfield River Community Grants Announced

The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Advisory Committee announces the availability of community grants ranging from $500 to $20,000 for work conducted through October 2021. Recognizing the important role towns and local groups play in the protection of river resources, the funding supports activities that directly and measurably enhance and protect river resources or build strong local stewardship of the river and its tributaries. Eligible entities include conservation commissions, planning boards, select boards, libraries, historical commissions, recreation departments, schools (including environmental clubs, art programs, science classes, etc.) and other town-sanctioned committees and boards. Community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, such as historical societies, garden clubs, art associations, churches, local land trusts and neighborhood groups, are eligible. Partnerships, between towns, boards, organizations, etc., are encouraged. Individuals interested in applying should partner with either a town or nonprofit organization(s). Eligible towns are Becket, Chester, Chesterfield, Cummington, Huntington, Middlefield, Savoy, Washington, Windsor, and Worthington. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to contact the W&SWR Committee prior to starting the application process to confirm their eligibility. Contact Andrew Petitdemange:

Firearms/ License-to-Carry Course

Avid Sports will be holding its next Firearms Safety Course on Tuesday February 9 at 5:00 pm at its place at 1201 West Housatonic Street, Pittsfield. The course allows one to apply for a Pistol permit or F.I.D. card. You can either Call 413-997-3600 or stop by Avid Sports for more details or to sign up for the course.

The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a LTC and UTAH Firearm Certificate Course on February 13 from 9:00am to 1:30 pm at its clubhouse.  This course is Mass State Police Compliant.  The cost for MA certification is $80, other states cost $125 and a combination of any two states cost $150. Remember, space is limited due to Covid-19 guidelines so you must pre-register.  Contact Tom Nadolny at 413-822-6451 or for more information or to pre-register

Hunting and fishing fee increase headed our way

For the first time since 1996, MassWildlife is considering an increase in freshwater fishing and hunting license fees.  The following is from a recent press release from them.  “The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) is grateful to the many annual hunting and freshwater fishing license buyers who help the agency ensure the health of wildlife populations, protect habitat, and maintain access for outdoor recreation. License fees are essential to ensuring the continuation of scientific management of fish and wildlife, management of over 226,000 acres of wildlife lands, and popular programs including trout and pheasant stocking, Hunter Education, and Angler Education.

During a January 14, 2021 public presentation to the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, MassWildlife officials noted that expenses have been exceeding revenue for several years. MassWildlife cited contributing factors such as inflation and declining license sales. Additionally, they have taken on increased responsibilities over the last 25 years including stewardship of 226,000 acres of wildlife land, habitat management activities on those lands benefiting wildlife, and administration of the Hunter Education Program. The agency derives its funding primarily from hunting and fishing license sales and federal excise taxes from the sale of hunting and fishing equipment.

The public is invited to ask questions and learn more about MassWildlife’s programs, how they are funded, and why a license fee increase is needed by attending an upcoming virtual information session on the Zoom platform:

  • Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, February 6, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

Instructions for joining the information sessions online or by phone can be found on

Information sessions provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about the process and provide input to MassWildlife in advance of any formal proposal to raise fees. MassWildlife anticipates releasing a list of proposed fees at a subsequent Fisheries and Wildlife Board Meeting and holding formal public hearings in the spring.

The public may also provide input using an online form on the above website or by mail to: MassWildlife, Re: License Fee, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Some background information from the MassWildlife web site:  Over the past 25 years, MassWildlife has been able to maintain its high level of services and programs through the careful and responsible management of its funds without raising license fees. But with inflation up nearly 67% since 1996; increased agency responsibilities; and steadily increasing state-mandated costs such as payroll taxes and health insurance, revenue has not been meeting expenses for several years. Additionally, hunting and sporting license sales have been declining over time, and an increasing number of license holders are aging and becoming eligible for free licenses. Periodic license increases are an unfortunate necessity to keep pace with inflation and general costs of living. Unless we act now, the Inland Fish and Game Fund is projected to be out of money by 2025.

As noted above. MassWildlife is primarily funded through the sale of hunting, freshwater fishing, and trapping licenses, permits, and stamps, in addition to dedicated federal funds. Dedicated federal funds account for approximately half of MassWildlife’s budget through the Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration grant program. A small remainder of MassWildlife’s budget comes from bond initiatives, donations, and general funds. Unlike other state agencies, MassWildlife receives only a small percentage of its operational budget from state general funds, such as those derived from state income or sales taxes. All funds from freshwater fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses go directly into the Inland Fish and Game Fund, which can only be used for administering programs for MassWildlife.”

“License buyers are MassWildlife’s partners in keeping wildlife populations healthy, protecting habitat, and maintaining access for outdoor recreation. Fees from fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses, permits, and fees provide a variety of services for sportsmen and women, including the scientific management of fish and wildlife, trout and pheasant stocking, habitat management, and educational programs such as Angler Education, Hunter Education, Becoming an Outdoors Woman, Junior Conservation Camp, Teaching with Trout, Junior Duck Stamp, and National Archery in the Schools. All Massachusetts residents and visitors benefit from MassWildlife’s work to conserve wildlife, protect open space, and preserve clean water and air. They manage over 226,000 acres of conserved lands and waters open to the public for fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, and other outdoor recreation. Wildlife-related recreation in Massachusetts generates about $2 billion in retail sales annually and supports about 35,000 jobs. Through science-based management and strong educational programs, MassWildlife ensures healthy fish and wildlife populations, abundant natural resources, and scenic landscapes.

“The issue is not complicated” says DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden, “ but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy or enjoyable topic to face.  Our agency has not increased license fees for almost 26 years (and only once in the past 40 years). Meanwhile, we have been facing cost increases associated with significant inflation since 1996, and ever-increasing State-mandated costs (payroll, insurance benefits, retirement, etc). This is coupled with decreases in hunters/hunting license sales and increases in free (70yrs +) licenses. During this time, we have continued the programs that hunters and anglers enjoy and expect, while adding and expanding opportunity. We have greatly increased the days available for hunting deer, turkey, bear, geese, and woodcock. We have improved our fish stocking efficiency and productivity. We have increased our land holdings from 87,000 acres to 226,000 acres (much of that in the Western District). Hunters and anglers should expect this level of service from their fish and wildlife agency. Unfortunately, like any business or organization with increasing costs and flat or declining revenue, eventually you arrive at a point where revenue must be increased.”

“We fully recognize that hunters and anglers in Massachusetts, and throughout the country, have always been the primary contributors to wildlife conservation. We strive to remember that in all our actions and decisions in the Western District. Sportsmen and women carry this charge because it matters to them and all should be very proud to do so. Once again, Massachusetts hunters and anglers will be asked to assert their role as leaders in conservation.”

“I/we understand that paying more for licenses is a big ask, particularly right now. I encourage each of you to read more about the agency’s funding and attend one of the listening sessions for more detail. Hopefully, that will provide some perspective on why we need to ask more of you. We really want your feedback, so please consider tuning into one of the sessions, or filling the online form. If anyone would like to talk to me directly please reach out, I’d be glad to discuss things individually or with a group”.

Mark Jester, former president and currently a delegate of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, is also available to discuss the need for a potential license fee increase. He can be reached at 413-822-7243

Outdoor sportsmen probably know that the inflation rise since 1996 alone should warrant a fee increase and many expressed surprise that a fee increase hasn’t happened earlier. In addition to inflation, there is more justification for the increase.  Since 1996, MassWildlife is now stocking more, larger trout; more pheasants, more days to hunt, more land protected, more habitat management -2,000 acres per year, more land stewardship – over 2,200 miles of boundaries, hunter education classes have been implemented as well as the youth pheasant hunt, youth turkey hunt, youth deer hunt, and other projects listed above.  (In the Berkshires, New England cottontail conservation efforts to protect and create habitat on MassWildlife lands for this uncommon native rabbit has been ongoing for a number of years. MassWildlife is also working with adjoining landowners on rabbit habitat restoration through grant funding and technical advice.)

The increase in programs has necessitated increases in staff, which in turn resulted in increased state-mandated costs such as health insurance, retirement, payroll taxes, etc, (20% of the agency’s total costs).  This,at a time when there are declining sales of hunting and fishing licenses.

MassWildlife urges all MA hunters and anglers to attend one of the virtual information sessions.  I already attended one and it was an eye opener.

Love those Berkshire Natural Resources Council lands

I hope you have had a chance this winter to get out and check out some of them.  My wife Jan and I visited two of them this past month, both owned/managed by the BNRC.

The Clam River property in Sandisfield is where visitors can explore 1.5 miles along this wild river and see evidence of a time when the stream and its surrounding area were not so wild: traces of a dam, extensive stone walls, and an intact house foundation. The 550-acre property offers three connected trails of 4.3 miles with moderate change in elevation.

Old Mill Trail in Hinsdale /Dalton.   Crane and Company conserved the 127-acre piece of land with MassWildlife and collaborated with the Housatonic Valley Association to build the trail.  The trail follows the clean and fast flowing East Branch of the Housatonic River along Rte 8 as it descends from Hinsdale. This accessible trail is a treat for trail users of all abilities. If you travel past the end of the accessible section and cross Route 8, there is a pathway right at, and even in, the water’s edge.

You probably noted the commonality – both properties contain beautiful rivers which contain trout – a natural draw to me and other anglers. We loved both places and plan to frequently revisit them.

The part of the Old Mill Trail where we were last week was the Accessible Section which is 0.7 miles one way. The trail is beautifully crafted with periodic viewing stations and maintained by the Housatonic River Watershed Association and its partners.

In addition to the river, there was another beautiful sight, at least in my eyes.  It is the BNRC poster.  As you can see, it informs the public that hunting is allowed, recommends that visitors wear hunter orange outerwear, stay on the trails and keep their dogs under immediate control.    It also lists the various hunting season dates (bear, deer and turkey).  Local hunters surely appreciate the efforts that the BNRC and partners have made to conserve the land and make it available to the public while still accommodating the hunters.  Needless to say, the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen enthusiastically supports the BNRC and donates as much funds as its treasury allows each year.  I encourage you to visit the trail and to bring your spikes.  Lots of people are visiting their popular trails and the paths are being packed down and could become icy and slippery.

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Wildlife Habitat Management Grants

The Baker-Polito Administration recently awarded $307,631 to individuals, municipalities and organizations across the state for projects to improve habitat for native Massachusetts wildlife. The grants are provided through the Wildlife Habitat Management Grant Program, administered by the Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife), and will support ten wildlife habitat improvement projects totaling 308 acres in nine Massachusetts communities.

“Our administration is making smart investments in wildlife habitat management to ensure protected lands throughout the Commonwealth are ecologically healthy and well-managed,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These important local projects will result in valuable ecological and

The MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program provides financial assistance to private and municipal landowners of conserved lands to improve and manage habitat for wildlife deemed in greatest conservation need and for certain game species. The projects are also designed to complement ongoing habitat management efforts on state lands and promote opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, and other outdoor recreation.

“Conservation science has shown that periodic active habitat management for both common and rare wildlife and plants is necessary to maintain ecological resiliency and diversity, making these projects critical to the preservation of the Commonwealth’s natural resources and their resiliency to climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “Through this grant program, we’re able to partner with property owners, municipalities and organizations to improve the environment and quality of life throughout Massachusetts.”

Of the ten statewide projects, South Lee Associates, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council was chosen to receive one.  It will receive $14,887 for work to control invasive species and improve floodplain forest habitats on multiple Housatonic River properties.

No deer hunting fatalities this year

Lieutenant Colonel David Loos of the MA Environmental Police reported that fact to the MA Fish & Wildlife Board meeting on January 14.  That was certainly good news. Following that, he mentioned he had some bittersweet news; there had been a moose road kill recently in our state.  That was bad news, but there was some good news.  The moose meat was delivered to the Wampanoag Tribe on Martha’s Vineyard which greatly appreciated the gift.  Loos said that they have an ongoing positive relationship with the tribe.

So, doesn’t the US Fish & Wildlife Service.  A few years ago, the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in Hartsville supplied the Micmac tribe with 800 lbs. of lake trout that had to be culled due to space restrictions.  They drove down from Maine with ice boxes and processed the fish onsite.  They then took their 800 lbs. bounty to the elders of the tribe where they ceremoniously reminded their people of the heritage and diet habits of their ancestors.


Remembering Raymond “Skip” Whalen

 Local outdoor sportsmen suffered a serious loss on January 12 with the passing of Skip Whalen at the age of 80.  His obituary, which was noted in the January 16 – 17 Berkshire Eagle listed his many achievements.  In this column, I will focus on his achievements and contributions to the outdoor sportsmen of Berkshire County.  Perhaps there is no better source than the write-up about him when he received the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s 2004 Sportsmen of the Year Award.  He was nominated for the award by the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club (SSC), Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Adams Outdoor for Youth, an indication of the respect he received county wide. A founding father of the current SSC, he was a long-time supporter of sportsmen’s issues.  He chaired a family-oriented ice-fishing derby for over 35 years and ensured that every child who entered the derby received a nice prize to take home.  The derby was subsequently renamed the “Skip Whalen Echo Lake Ice Fishing Derby”.  He worked with Special Olympics, played a key role in getting the SSC parking lot over 500 tons of recycled blacktop, managed the SSC banquet hall for many years, helped with the youth archery program in the club, (often purchasing equipment for the kids with his own money), setting and baiting fish hooks for the fishing derbies and much, much, more.  Our condolences go out to his wife Myra and family.


Where’s the ice?

 Gosh its been a difficult year for local ice fishermen so far.  Our winter just has not been cold enough to make safe ice on which to fish. There was a time not too long ago when our lakes would be covered with ice fishermen on New Year’s Day.  For some it was a tradition.  By this time of year, one could expect to see two feet of ice.  After nearly a month, we waited anxiously for the “January Thaws” so that we could get a reprieve from the frigid weather.  Not anymore.  Never thought I would say this, but I am eagerly awaiting the “January Freezes”.


I have been checking Laurel Lake and Stockbridge Bowl almost daily, and as of this writing, (January 20) it didn’t look safe. The ice that I saw was not that new “clear/blue, hard ice” but the white/snow type, the type that MassWildlife warns us to be careful of or to stay off altogether.


Preliminary deer and bear harvest figures are in

The deer season preliminary tallies are now available.  We should keep in mind that data cards from some physical check stations are still being entered so the numbers will most likely change, said Marion E. Larson, Chief, Information & Education, MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.  With the information currently in hand, this is the second highest deer harvest record after the 2018 harvest of 14,516 (2019 harvest: 13,891.  As in the past, the complete breakout of numbers and a summary will not be complete until spring. 

Season                              __2020 _______                                2019__________ 
Youth Deer Hunt                     120                                             89
Paraplegic Hunt:                         2                                                 5
Archery:                               6,552                                          6,149       
Shotgun:                               4,855                                         4,954       
Primitive Arms:                   2,802                                          2,694
State Prelim Total:  14,331                                        13,891

Total statewide harvest beginning in 2015 and ending with 2020 were as follows:  10,142, 12,233, 13,255, 14,513, 13,891and this year’s 14,331. 

MassWildlife feels that while total harvest by zone can be informative, it doesn’t provide the complete picture. Thus, it is important to assess harvest data and monitor trends by Wildlife Management Zone. Total harvest is influenced by deer density and the number of antlerless deer permits that MassWildlife allocates in each zone, as well as annual changes in hunter effort, harvest-rates, success-rates, weather, etc.

David Stainbrook, who was the Deer & Moose Project Leader, moved on to another job.  Presumably whoever replaces him will spend the next few months thoroughly analyzing the deer harvest and biological data as well as assessing deer population trends in each zone. The results and recommendations for the 2021 season should take place at the annual deer management review presented at a Fisheries and Wildlife Board meeting in late spring. A complete harvest summary will be posted on the MassWildlife website shortly after the deer review, so check their web site in early summer.

2020 Bear Season Results

The final number for the 2020 bear season numbers was 325, which was another record year.  It broke the high of 283 bears taken in 2016.   Both the September and November seasons were also record high numbers. 

Season                           Harvest Numbers
September                          236
November                            57
December                            32
Statewide total                 325

“One of the silver linings with the pandemic is the extraordinary amount of people who tried out new outdoor activities. This is a great opportunity to recruit and retain “newbies” to outdoor activities, from hiking, birding, and photography to boating, fishing and hunting.” said Larson. 

Large Conservation Restriction purchased by the Commonwealth

The Baker-Polito Administration recently announced that the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and its Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) acquired a $3.25 million conservation restriction on 2,038 acres of timberland in Shutesbury, Pelham, and Leverett, Massachusetts.

The property will continue to be owned and maintained by W.D. Cowls, Inc. of North Amherst. The conservation restriction, permanently protects the property which is made up of several large forested parcels. The acquisition will conserve critical wildlife habitat, safeguard water resources, and ensure continued public access to the property for hunting, fishing, hiking, wildlife watching, and other outdoor recreation. This major land protection project was made possible through a partnership with the DFG, Kestrel Land Trust, W.D. Cowls, and the federal Forest Legacy Program. 

More than 95 percent of the Walter Cowls Jones Working Forest, as the property will be called, is identified as Core Habitat or Critical Natural Landscape by MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program and is essential for ensuring the long-term survival of rare and common wildlife. Two reptiles listed under MESA will benefit from the conservation of this property, as will forest birds like the scarlet tanager, blackburnian warbler, and Canada warbler. On the property are also white-tailed deer, wild turkey, porcupine, snowshoe hare, and ruffed grouse. This sizeable land acquisition benefits mammals with large home ranges such as black bear, moose, and bobcats. The area also includes headwater tributaries that are valuable habitat to coldwater aquatic wildlife (such as trout).

The announcement stated that protecting this large block of forested lands will help sequester and store carbon and help mitigate climate change. Parts of the property are near other conservation land including the Quabbin Reservation, Town of Amherst watershed land, Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area, and the Paul C. Jones Working Forest. Connecting large blocks of wildlife habitat provides plants and animals improved ability to adapt to changing climate conditions. Supplementing the 3,486-acre Paul C. Jones Working Forest, it will serve to protect water supplies for Boston and other towns, preserve extensive wildlife habitat and promote continued production of timber. The acquisition adds to the more than 220,000 acres of MassWildlife’s Wildlife Management Areas and Wildlife Conservation Easements conserved statewide

The $3.34 million paid for the conservation restriction is $100,000 less than the appraised value, with public funding coming from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, U.S. Forest Legacy Program and the MA DFG (which will hold the conservation restriction) and private funds raised by Kestrel Land Trust from the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation and other philanthropists. The conservation restriction precludes future development, including residences, solar arrays, and cell and wind towers.

Scott Jackson, an extension professor at the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and chair of Kestrel Land Trust’s board of trustees, calls the land some of the most ecologically valuable in the Connecticut River Valley.

“Approximately 90 percent of the land is identified as core habitat or critical natural landscape by the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program’s BioMap2 project,” Jackson said. Part of the $1,650-per-acre conservation deal allows W.D. Cowls to maintain forestry operations while providing financing to finish aspects of the Mill District mixed-use development during the COVID-19 economic downturn.

The conservation restriction surrounds three exclusions that are optioned for solar farm development in Shutesbury, where W.D. Cowls already completed a solar development on 30 acres known as the Wheelock Tract.

Massachusetts Duck Stamp Contest



There is still time to enter the Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) contest. Students from kindergarten through grade 12 can submit original artwork for this fun and educational competition. The entry deadline is February 15, 2021. The process of creating these works of art allows students to appreciate the importance of preserving wetland habitats and the delights and diversity of wildlife. “Even if students do not enter the competition, science and art teachers will value the JDS curriculum as a useful resource,” advises MassWildlife’s Wildlife Education Coordinator, Pam Landry.

The JDS program links the study of wetlands and waterfowl conservation with the creation of original artwork. Students in grades K-12 learn about the habitat requirements of various kinds of ducks and geese and then express their knowledge of the beauty, diversity, and interdependence of these species artistically, by creating a drawing or painting which can be submitted to the JDS art contest. The art is judged in four age group categories in a statewide competition; the entry judged Best of Show moves on to represent Massachusetts in the national JDS competition. Art teachers, science teachers, and parents who home-school can visit the MassWildlife website for an information packet and entry information.

 For more information contact Pam Landry at

If we have any local winners, I will gladly include their duck stamp pictures in this column.

Firearms Safety Courses

  • Avid Sports will be holding its next Firearms Safety Course on Tuesday January 26 at 5:00 pm at its place at 1201 West Housatonic Street, Pittsfield. The course allows one to apply for a Pistol permit or F.I.D. card. You can either Call 413-997-3600 or stop by Avid Sports for more details or to sign up for the course.  Its next Firearms Safety Course will be held on Tuesday February 9 at 5:00.
  • Pete’s Gun Shop is offering live fire NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified LTC Safety Courses. The course consists of one evening of classroom and live shooting separately on a Sunday. They are currently having classes on Tuesday and/or Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM. The classroom portion is held at Pete’s Gun Shop on 9 Grove Street in Adams.  Call the shop at 413-743-0780 to inquire about the availability of a seat. They are presently scheduling March classes.

These are smaller classes due to the state’s limit on gathering size, so they are filling up VERY fast. A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your seat at the time of registration.

Get ready to go ice fishing

With the cold weather being forecasted for our area next week, it looks like we might be able to get out ice fishing.  But we must be careful to ensure that there is sufficient ice.  Perhaps we should think about fishing our hill town lakes where the ice should be thicker.  MassWildlife has an ice thickness chart and advice to ice fishermen to which we may want to refer.  Surely most ice fishermen have read the chart and recommendations before but please bear with me, for there could be hundreds of inexperienced ice fishermen going out for the first time this year who don’t possess the following knowledge:   

How can you tell if ice is safe?

You can’t judge ice conditions by appearance or thickness alone; many other factors like water depth, size of waterbody, water chemistry, currents, snow cover, age of ice, and local weather conditions impact ice strength. 

Ice tips to remember:

  • New ice is stronger than old ice. Four inches of clear, newly formed ice may support one person on foot, while a foot or more of old, partially thawed ice may not.
  • Ice doesn’t freeze uniformly. Continue to check ice conditions frequently as you venture out onto the ice.
  • Ice formed over flowing water and currents is more dangerous.Avoid traveling onto ice-bound rivers and streams. Many lakes and ponds may contain spring holes and other areas of currents that can create deceptively dangerous thin spots. 

Before heading out onto the ice

  • Tell someone your plans, including where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Carry a cell phone in case of emergency.  Carry ice picks and rope with you on the ice in order to drive the nails into the ice and pull yourself out. 
  • Wear a life jacket. If you fall in, it will keep you at the surface and can provide insulation against the effects of cold water.

Ice thickness guidelines

Use an ice chisel, auger, or cordless drill to make a hole in the ice to determine its thickness and condition at regular intervals. 

Ice Thickness (inches)Permissible Load (on new clear/blue ice on lakes or ponds)
2″ or lessSTAY OFF!
4″Ice fishing or other activities on foot
5″Snowmobile or ATV
8″–12″Car or small pickup truck
12″–15″Medium truck

If you fall through the ice 

  • Don’t panic: Call for help if there are people nearby.
  • Don’t remove winter clothing: Air trapped in your clothes can provide warmth and help you float.
  • Turn the direction you came from: Ice you previously walked on should be the safest.
  • Place your hands and arms on an unbroken surface and kick your legs: If you have ice picks, use them to pull yourself out.
  • Lie flat and roll away toward thicker ice to distribute your weight.
  • Find shelter and get warm: Change out of wet clothing and into dry coverings. If you are in a remote area, get to or start a campfire. Otherwise, get to a car or house. Seek medical advice from your physician.

If someone else falls in:

Remember the phrase “Preach-Reach-Throw-Go.”

  • Preach: Call 911 if you can. Shout to the victim to reassure them help is on the way.
  • Reach: If you can safely reach them from shore, extend an object like a rope, jumper cables, tree branch, or ladder to them.
  • Throw: Toss one end of a rope or something that will float to the victim.
  • Go: If the situation is too dangerous for you to perform a rescue, call 911 or go to find help. Untrained rescuers can become victims themselves.

If a pet falls in:

Do not attempt to rescue the pet, go find help.  Always keep pets leashed while walking on or near ice. 

Biologists rescued iced-in loons from NH lakes

Last month, biologists from the NH Loon Preservation Committee and NH Fish & Game Conservation Officers rescued six iced-in loons from various NH lakes. The loons were examined and treated by local veterinarians, rehabilitated by Maria Colby of Wings of the Dawn Wildlife Rehabilitation.

“Loons are heavy-bodied birds with relatively small wings, which means that in order for them to become airborne, they need a long stretch of open water to act as a runway,” said Harry Vogel, Senior Biologist and Executive Director of the Loon Preservation Committee.  “When lakes ice over rapidly, loons can become trapped. Iced-in loons can starve to death or be preyed on by other animals”, he said.

Vogel said that by this time of year, loons should have already left New Hampshire’s lakes. There are several reasons why these six loons may have remained, he said. “Climate change is one potential explanation — until this recent cold snap, the weather in November and December was warmer than usual. These loons may have remained on our lakes to take advantage of the open water and fishing opportunities and may have been caught off guard by the sudden cold snap,” he said.

Vogel said one of the loons had slightly elevated levels of lead in its bloodstream and fish hook fragments in its digestive tract, and another had a severe fungal respiratory illness. “After receiving veterinary care, five of the six have been released on the ocean,” Vogel said in the news release.

The loons were banded prior to release, so biologists will be able to identify them should they return to New Hampshire’s lakes.  “These ice rescues have already proven to have a positive impact on our loon population,” said Vogel. “In January 2016, we rescued five loons on Lake Sunapee. Four of those loons survived and were released on the ocean, and in recent years, we’ve re-sighted three of them back on our lakes. Two have produced chicks since their rescues, helping to grow our threatened loon population in the state.”

I checked with the MA DFW Western District Supervisor, Andrew Madden to see if the loons that he has been monitoring on a local reservoir made it out ok.  “We haven’t seen or heard about the loons for some time so I’m sure they migrated out of the area. We have never had to do an ice rescue with loons but we have picked a few up over the years that accidentally landed in fields. They can’t take off from the ground so we have had to transport them to large enough bodies of water for them to take off. They need a pretty long stretch of water as a runway,” Madden said.

Call MassWildlife if you see a loon in trouble or at risk of becoming iced-in, do not to attempt to rescue loons, as you run the risk of falling through the ice.

License-to-Carry Course

The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting LTC and UTAH Firearm Certificate Courses in the near future.  Due to the high demand, the one scheduled for Sunday, January 17 is already filled up. (Class size limited to 10 due to Covid-19).  Upcoming classes are scheduled for Saturdays, February 13, March 13 and April 17 from 9:00am to 1:30 pm at its clubhouse.  This course is Mass State Police Compliant.  The cost for MA certification is $80, other states cost $125 and a combination of any two states cost $150. Remember, space is limited due to Covid-19 guidelines so you must pre-register.  Contact Tom Nadolny at 413-822-6451 or for more information or to pre-register.

Venison and Polenta Dinner”

On January 15, the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club will hold its 38th Annual Venison & Polenta Dinner.  Tickets are still available but they are going fast. The dinner will be a little different this year due to Covid19 protocols. It will be a Take-Out” dinner.  Tickets cost $20.00 each and the meal consists of Venison, Polenta, Salad and Bread.   You can Pick up your meal between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.mRaffle tickets will be available when you pick up your meal. The winner will be notified that night. 

Tickets will be for sale online and in person. All tickets must be paid for in advance – walk-ins cannot be sold until the end and are not guaranteed. Tickets can be purchased online securely via PayPal at:  https//

Bon appetit!