Shotgun deer hunting season opens Monday  

picture provided by MassWildliife

Shotgun deer hunting season starts on Monday November 27 and it runs until December 9, (excluding Sundays).  Two bucks can be harvested and if hunters are fortunate to have a valid antlerless deer permit (doe permit) they can also take a doe.  Remember, the buck antlers must be at least 3 inches long.

Don’t forget, during the first week of the shotgun deer season (November 27–December 2), all harvested deer must be brought to a physical check station within 48 hours so MassWildlife biologists can collect biological data. Online harvest reporting is NOT available during this time.  The Western District Check Stations are as follows:

  • MassWildlife Headquarters – Dalton
  • Lee Sportsman’s Club – Lee
  • Mill River General Store – Mill River/New Marlborough
  • Ernie’s Auto Sales – North Adams
  • B&D Variety – Huntington
  • Goshen General Store – Goshen

Shotgun, archery, and muzzleloader implements are allowed. Be sure you are familiar with all the deer hunting regulations listed on pages 26 through 29 of the abstracts.

Also, the shotgun (third) season for bear hunting opens on Monday and also runs through December 9. Regulations governing that season are listed on pages 30 and 31 of the abstracts.

During this week, hunters must wear 500 square inches of blaze orange on head, chest and back. If using a blind during the season or on a Wildlife Management Area with blaze orange requirements, all deer hunters must wear the required amount of orange while in the blind.  MassWildlife recommends that blaze orange be visible on the outside of the blind, too.

If you plan to really get out there and traipse around our beautiful mountains, be sure to let people know where you are going to hunt and when you plan to get out of the woods.  In addition to extra bullets, knife, drag rope, food and drink, etc., carry a fully charged cell phone with the numbers of those you are hunting with, a flashlight with extra batteries, maps and a first aid kit.


If your hair is turning a bit white, be realistic about your fitness and skill level.  Don’t overestimate your abilities nor underestimate mother nature’s.  Remember, breaking through fresh snow can be more tiring than regular hiking.


Hunter Harassment Law


Mass General Law, Part I, Title XIX, Chapter 131, Section 5C states “No person shall obstruct, interfere with or otherwise prevent the lawful taking of fish or wildlife by another at the locale where such activity is taking place”. It then lists 7 specific types of violations. “Environmental protection officers and other law enforcement officers with arrest powers shall be authorized to enforce the provisions of this section.”

Real cases of hunter harassment (meaning those that actually target specific hunters or their equipment and prevent, interfere or obstruct them from hunting) should be reported to Massachusetts Environmental Police statewide dispatch at 1-800-632-8075.

Precious Memories


Well, here we go again, another sleepless night thinking about opening day of shotgun deer hunting season.  As usual, sleep will be out of the question and I’ll probably do the same thing I do every year……. toss and turn all night waiting for the 4:00 am alarm to go off.  As usual, thoughts of previous opening days (and there were many) will undoubtedly cross my mind, one after another.  I’ll remember the rainy, foggy, snowy, frigid days, who I hunted with, what gun I used, etc.  I’ll remember the times I erred and allowed a big buck to get away.  Yes, and remember a few nice deer that didn’t get away.

One such memory I will never forget occurred sometime in the late 1970’s. On that opening day, I was hunting with close friend Bob Stanard and Jack Landers both of Lee.

When we entered the woods in Beartown State Forest that morning, we agreed to meet at a certain location at noon.  There we would eat our lunches, and if we hadn’t had any luck, plan our strategy for the afternoon hunt.

The place where we were to meet was on top of a ridge where we had prior luck shooting deer in the past. It was a little nook, in front of us, facing, west was a gradual slope to the rim of the ridge and then a sharp drop down the other side of the mountain toward Icy Glen in Stockbridge.  Behind us was a small hill which dropped down to where we were.  If we sat on a rock there, we were not able to look over the hill behind us.  If we stood up and looked back, our eyes were almost level with the ground. (Kind of like looking out of a cellar window).

When Bob and I arrived at noon, we leaned our shotguns on a little tree 3 or 4 feet away from the rocks on which we sat. We got out our lunches and thermos bottles and while waiting for Jack, we lit up cigarettes (we smoked back then).

It wasn’t long before we heard the rustle of frozen leaves as Jack approached. When he was a short distance away, he appeared to have stopped walking, for we heard no more leaf rustling.  We assumed that he was looking for an easy way to drop down to join us.  After an unduly long period of silence, we looked back to see what he was doing.

There standing not 10 feet away looking down at us was a big buck. Both of us immediately jumped up to grab our shotguns, but it was too late.  The buck immediately bounded off out of sight.

Jack joined us shortly thereafter and said that he never saw that deer which had to be in front of him all along.

I have relived that moment many times over the years, especially the night before opening days. I’m sure my wife Jan wonders what I am chuckling about in the middle of the night.

Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award

The Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service is presented to employees who selflessly personify a deep commitment to serving the people of the Commonwealth and exemplify the highest standards of public service. This award was established in memory of Manuel Carballo who served as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The award, in his name, is given to an employee, or group of employees, who demonstrate exemplary leadership, innovation, and creativity.

Recently, the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) staff received recognition for the “Hunter’s Share-the-Harvest Program” and received that award.  In his report to the MA Fish & Wildlife Board Meeting of November 15, DFW Director Mark Tisa noted that it shows the generosity of the hunting community to back and help, particularly with so many food insecurity needs that we have in the Commonwealth.

“It was great to have the Governor make that award and endorse the program” said Tisa.  He then publicly recognized people that were instrumental in that program.  They included DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and Western District Wildlife Biologist Nate Buckhout.   “Its really a team effort and there are a lot of other employees, too” he said.

Fish & Wildlife Board elections


At that same November 15 Meeting, the Board unanimously re-elected the following officers:  Stephen A. Sears of Dalton – Chairman, Bob Durand of Marlborough– Vice Chairman, and Ernest W. Foster of Scituate– Secretary.  The other members of the Board are:  Sasha Dyer of Barre, Emma Ellsworth of Orange, John Organ of Buckland and Matthew Sisk of Braintree.


Taconic TU Holiday Banquet


The Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is having its Holiday Banquet on Thursday evening, December 7 at 6:30 pm at Mazzeo’s Ristorante, 1015 South Street, Pittsfield.


Billed as a great place to support the Chapter and get your holiday shopping done at the same time, there will be auctions and raffles which will include: fly rods, reels, guided fishing trips, flies tied by local fly tyers, waders, books and much more.  (Someone will leave there with a bamboo flyrod, valued at around $1,200, made by the late legendary rod maker Richard “Digger” Degere of Adams).


Taconic Chapter’s highest award, the Crooked Staff, will be awarded to a deserving member who most represents the ideals of TU.


Tickets which include the meal cost $50  pp, can be purchased at or by check by emailing

You are urged to buy your ticket by December 1 so they can have a head count for Mazzeo’s.


MA paraplegic hunters harvest 10 deer, only 1 in the Berkshires

MassWildlife holds a special three-day deer hunting season for paraplegic hunters. Staff and volunteers place hunters in safe areas at several hunt locations in the state. When a hunter shoots a deer, volunteers assist the hunter by retrieving the deer, field dressing it, and getting it checked in on site.


Each year, about 12-20 paraplegic hunters sign up for the special hunt. For Some of these people, it’s the only opportunity they have to hunt. The hunt is typically held at 5 sites:

  • The Northern Berkshires on private properties
  • The Southern Berkshires at Mt. Washington
  • The Quabbin Reservation
  • Devens Reserve Forces Training Area in Lancaster
  • Otis/Edwards Military Reservation in Falmouth/Bourne

Frequently, hunters see deer and several get the opportunity to harvest a deer.


The dates of the 3-day hunt this year were November 2 to 4. Other than being a little chilly, the weather cooperated nicely. Statewide this year some 18 hunters participated, (3 at the Northern Berkshires site, 5 at the Southern Berkshires site, 5 at Quabbin, 1 at Fort Devens, and 4 at Joint Base Cape Cod).


Statewide, a total of 10 deer were harvested during the 3-day hunt.  Only one deer, a doe, was harvested here in the Berkshires, that being in the Southern Berkshires, although all the Berkshires hunters saw deer.


Two does were harvested at the Quabbin Reservation, both of which were taken by hunters who were new to the special program this year, and the remaining Quabbin hunters all saw deer.  Three deer, a doe, a 4-point buck and an 8-point buck were harvested by the hunter at Devens.  At Otis/Edwards Military Reservation, one adult buck without antlers, a 4-point buck, and two does were harvested by two of the four hunters while the other two hunters saw deer and had shooting opportunities.


In the Southern Berkshires, hunters Marc Tartaglia of Barkhamsted, CT, Dan Massaconi of Cheshire, MA, Sidney Eichstedt of Lee, MA, Vito Vyto Sablevicius of Norwood, MA and Timothy Davidson of West Stockbridge, MA participated.


Marc Tartaglia got the only deer, a doe.  (He got a doe and a buck at last year’s hunt). On Friday afternoon, he also took a shot at a deer, but it got away. Dan Massaconi came this year with a new shotgun and was eager to get his first deer with it.  While he did not harvest any deer this year, Dan did see quite a few does Saturday afternoon/evening.


Timothy Davidson, of West Stockbridge hunted Thursday and Friday evening assisted by his son-in-law Rich Bravman and they saw a pack of six coyotes Thursday afternoon.


Each morning the volunteers helped the hunters get to their deer stands, and around noon they brought them in to the DCR Headquarters in Mount Washington and provided them with a warm, home cooked meal prepared by Wendy Lampro.  When I was there on Friday, she had cooked up delicious venison chili, stew and back straps, pork chops, mac and cheese and a tasty dessert.  Her future son-in-law, Dallas Tidwell, grilled some tasty venison burgers.


Southern Berkshire volunteers and their years of involvement are as follows: Shaun Smith – 49 years, Marc Portieri – 34, Gregg Arienti – 28, Paul Mullins 28, Matt Roche (DCR) – 16, Fred Lampro – 14, Thomas Dean – 12, Casey Green –3, Dan White – 2, Christel Massaconi –3, Dallas Tidwell – 2, James Dellea – 2, Wendy Lampro – 2, Shamus Daley – 1 and Rich Bravman.


MassWildlife Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden was there, as was Wildlife Biologist Nate Buckhout in case any deer needed tagging.  Also, Dan White and Travis Clairmont from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) were there as were MA Environmental Police Officers Phil Smitts and Nick Stone.


Special thanks go out to Cobb of Western Mass, Klan-Cook family, Cobb of River Valley, Shaw Pond Club, Chaffee Construction, Lee Fire Dept., Bossidy-Crerar VFW Post 893 in Lee, James Leahey Excavating of Lee, AMVETS Post 77 and Osden’s Plumbing and Heating of Blandford.


Special thanks also go to the DCR for providing the space to gather, eat, and warm up at Mt. Washington Reservation.

In the Northern Berkshires, hunters Shawn Mei of Baldwinville, MA, Dale Bailey of Clarksburg, MA and Dave Alderman of Petersburg, NY participated.


All of them saw deer but none were harvested.


The volunteers brought the hunters to a central point at lunchtime and provided them with a delicious meal of moose stew cooked up by Ruth French.  I had a bowl of that stew and it was delicious. (It is no coincidence that I visit these places around lunch time).


Northern Berkshire volunteers and their years of involvement are as follows:  Rick French – 37 years, Tony Mei – 33, Stacy Sylvester – 35, J. Sylvester – 25, Jim Guiden, Alex Dargie and Joe Benoni.  Sorry, I don’t have the number of years for all of the volunteers. J. Sylvester came all the way from Maine to volunteer for the hunt.


Special thanks go out to Jim Guiden for providing the headquarters space and to the Cricket Creek Farm for permitted hunting on their property.


Western District MassWildlife staff covering the Northern site location were Ray Bressette, Eli Pease, and Jacob Morris-Siegel.  EPOs Lt. Tara Carlow and Officer Jonathan Kolis periodically stopped in.


According to MassWildlife Biologist and state-wide coordinator of this hunt, Susan McCarthy, deer were seen by all participants and feedback was positive from everyone, particularly hunters who were new to the program.


According to McCarthy, total statewide, there were 12 MassWildlife employees, 5 MA Environmental Police Officers, 7 DCR staff members, 6 private landowners, 4 military personnel, and 30 volunteers totaling 64 individuals aside from hunters and their family members supporting the program and assisting hunters.


As noted in the past, this story is not all about the hunters and their harvests.  There are other components which must occur to make the hunt a success.  One is the volunteering.  As noted, statewide there were 30 volunteers assisting in helping the physically challenged hunters get to ideal hunting spots and who helped them by getting the deer moving, retrieving the deer, field dressing them, and getting them checked in on site.


McCarthy noted that, “As always, this hunt would not be possible without our fantastic network of MassWildlife and DCR staff, private landowners in the Berkshires, and our amazing volunteers.”


Without Sue McCarthy’s, Andrew Madden’s, Fred and Wendy Lampro’s, and Rick French’s help, the information in this column simply could not be obtained.  Thank you.


In the earlier years of this program, there were many more participants, but in later years the numbers have dwindled.  Suggestions have been made to bolster the numbers which I hope to get into in a future column.


Incidentally, paraplegic sportsmen and women interested in taking part in the hunt next year should contact Susan McCarthy at (508) 389-6326.


No, they’re not boasting off


About this time of year, I receive comments chastising the deer hunters for overtly displaying their deer while transporting them.  Some hunters even go to the trouble of displaying parts of the deer outside their car trunks or sticking up over the truck tailgates.  Terrible things for the children to see, they say.


Well, the regulations require that part of the deer needs to be displayed prior to it being reported/checked in. If they didn’t, they could be cited. Once the hunter has checked it in, then there’s no need to have it open to view. Page 29 of the hunting and fishing abstracts (laws) spells it out.  One year I transported my deer in the open bed of my pickup truck to check it in at the DFW deer check station in Dalton.  An EPO there told me that I should have had a leg or some part of the deer raised over the closed tailgate making it easier to view.

Sportsmen and women recognized by New England governors as America’s true conservationists


On September 23, the sporting community celebrated National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHFD) across the country. Thanks to the efforts of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CFS) regional and federal staff, 38 Governors and the President of the United States, issued proclamations commemorating the day. In New England alone,  Governor’s Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) Co-Chair, Governor Chris Sununu (NH), and GSC Members Governor Janet Mills (ME), Governor Phil Scott (VT), and  Governor Maura Healey (MA) all signed proclamations recognizing the contributions of the sporting community and how many of our wild spaces remain because of America’s sportsmen and women.

Held on the fourth Saturday of every September since 1972, NHFD recognizes the contributions of America’s sportsmen and women to conservation and the economic impacts of the sporting community. It was President Nixon who signed the first proclamation of NHFD in 1972 writing, “I urge all citizens to join with outdoor sportsmen in the wise use of our natural resources and in insuring their proper management for the benefit of future generations.” NHFD, a federally recognized holiday, celebrates our traditions of hunting, angling, and the shooting sports at the local, state, and national level. Whether you are new to the sporting community or you have been a life-long sportsman or woman, all are encouraged to participate in increasing public awareness of the connection between hunting, angling, the shooting sports, and conservation. Through self-imposed fees and excise taxes, sportsmen and women have raised more than $57 billion. It is the unique American System of Conservation Funding – a “user pays – public benefits” approach that is widely recognized as the most successful model for funding fish and wildlife management in the world.


Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey issued a NHFD proclamation recognizing the conservation and financial contributions of the Bay State’s sportsmen and women. In 2022 alone, more than $23 million was generated to support the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game. Additionally, more than 540,000 hunters and anglers supported the state’s economy through their spending more than $600 million on outdoor activities. This spending supports over 9,000 jobs and generates $70 million in state and local taxes.


That’s wonderful news, but let’s see how much the governor appreciates hunters when a proposed House bill (HB) 4139- An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws, or the Senate’s version of it, reaches her desk.   It’s a massive bill with hundreds of pages.  One disturbing part is that it prohibits the purchase of semi-automatic firearms of any kind for citizens 21 years of age or younger, shotgun and modern sporting rifles, limits young adult sportsmen and women to primitive muzzleloading type firearms and manual pump and bolt action, single shot rifles, or archery equipment for their hunting and recreational shooting pursuits.


According to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimate, “80 percent of Pittman-Robertson excise tax contributions are generated by sales attributed to recreational shooting.” Those recreational shooters are not shooting manual pump shotguns and muzzleloaders alone, which are some of the only firearms that would not be further restricted under this bill.


Should these semi-automatic shotguns be prohibited with the passage of HB 4139, individuals would be forced to incur additional costs to continue participating in hunting and the shooting sports if other suitable, if non-prohibited firearms, are not already in their possession.


Limiting the options in the marketplace will likely have negative effects on our nation’s conservation funding via the unique “user pays – public benefits” structure known as the American System of Conservation Funding (ASCF). The funds collected through this program are the lifeblood of state fish and wildlife agencies, including the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) – the primary manager of Massachusetts’ fish and wildlife resources. It is widely recognized that recreational target shooters, who per-capita, spend even more money on firearms and ammunition than hunters, are the financial keystone for the ASCF.


Restrictions on firearm sales and use will likely decrease the manufacturer-level excise taxes collected on firearms and ammunition, which then decreases the overall pool of money available to state fish and wildlife agencies (including MassWildlife) through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.


Passage of HB 4139 would not only undermine the Second Amendment of our Constitution, and cause great harm to the traditions and conservation efforts of the sporting community in the Bay State.


I share the concerns of approximately 50,000 fellow hunters in Massachusetts who are concerned that passage of the bill could make us all lawbreakers.  I also am concerned about the future of hunting in Massachusetts which is indirectly affected by this bill.


Proposed fur ban

The MA Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources is hearing on a proposed Fur Ban bill Wednesday, November 8, starting at 1:00 PM.  Bill H. 849 is an act prohibiting the sale of fur products.  It is being sponsored by Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis of Framingham and Rep. Josh S. Cutler of Pembroke.

If this bill passes, throughout the entire state people would not be able to sell or purchase certain fur products.  This does not bode well for Massachusetts trappers.

Personally, I don’t plan to buy a mink coat or a coon skin cap in the near future, but I am a fly fisherman and tie many flies with furs/hairs using muskrat, deer, woodchuck, mink, fox, squirrel, etc.  In fact, recently I wrote about a trout fly I used in the Catskills called “The Usual” which is made up of fur from the snowshoe hare’s feet.  It would become illegal to purchase this fur from a fly shop. (Thankfully, I still have a few of the feet from when I used to hunt snowshoe hares years ago.)

If you, like me, do not think this ban on fur products is right, politely let your local house representative and senator know.

Incidentally, Senate Bill S.590 is basically the same as H.849 and that is being sponsored by Sen. John C. Velis, representing Hampden and Hampshire Counties.

To view the entire bill, type in: The Joint Committee on Environment and Natural resources, click Hearings then scroll down, click Animals and Miscellaneous then look under the bill titleBottom of Form


Forest Conservation and Management Strategies for Climate Mitigation


On November 9, at 6:00 PM you are invited to join the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) at the Big Elm Brewery in Sheffield or online for the November Berkshire Green Drinks event with Tom Ryan, a forester with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). Tom will touch on several areas within forestry, including an overview of the current state of our forested landscape, a summary of state forestry programs and the existing land use designations for DCR state properties, conservation options for private landowners, forest-climate adaptation and carbon management concepts, landscape-scale habitat restoration efforts, biochar, and supporting local forest products and how this can help mitigate climate change.

This is a hybrid event, taking place in person and online via Zoom. If you plan to join them in person, RSVP:

Tom Ryan has been a forester with the Massachusetts DCR since 2003. In 2022, he shifted from the service forestry program – working with private landowners and municipalities – to the management forestry program, helping to manage and steward some 314,000 acres of state forest, park, and reservation lands. For questions, email or call 413-464-9402.

Basic Hunter Education course

Basic hunter education is mandatory for all first-time adult hunters. MassWildlife offers Basic Hunter Education in two formats. Each format covers the same material and students take the same final exam. You can choose the one that is right for you:

  • Blended: Students complete the online MA hunter study guide before attending one in-person Field Day.
  • In-person (traditional): Students attend an entirely in-person, instructor led course that is offered over multiple days.

Upon successful completion, graduates are mailed a certificate of completion recognized in all U.S. states, Canada, and Mexico. All courses are free of charge and open to the public.

A blended course is being offered at the Stationery Factory, 63 Flansburg Ave., Dalton on Sunday, November 19 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Students must complete the online-study guide before registering.  Click onto: for all the details.


Local MassWildlife firefighter returned from Montana


Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife) Western District Stewardship Biologist Jacob Morris-Siegel of Dalton is a member of the MassWildlife Prescribed Firefighter Team. The 43-year older lives in Dalton and has worked in the Dalton office for 16 years.

Jacob Morris-Siegel. Picture provided by Jacob

On August 17 he volunteered to join 89 other members of the Massachusetts Interagency Wildfire Crew going out to Montana to fight their wildfires.  There were 2 people from MassWildlife and 17 from DCR, (mostly DCR forest fire control folks).  They were sent to western Montana to the Bowles Creek area which is 27 miles southwest of Philipsburg or about an hour south of Missoula, MT. It was a 14-day deployment with 2 travel days.


He said they stayed in tents at the fire camp which was set up outside of Philipsburg. When they got there the fire activity was very high but then they got rain and it reduced the fire intensity drastically.  For the most part he was not near an active flame at all because of the rain.


On the first day they were close to an active line where a burnout operation had recently been completed. Then they did contingency line construction for a couple of days, cutting brush.  After that, they were moved over to a spike camp on the other side of the fire where they were prepping for a burn out.  (A spike camp is a temporary or secondary campsite for the firefighting crew closer to the fire).  They hauled hoses up a mountain (His pack weighed over 60 lbs.) and then did some patrolling along the black doing mop-up of smoldering stuff along the line. (A black is the area already burned.) They patrolled the line putting out smoke and burning materials along it.


The rest of the week they ended up doing fire line construction (cutting brush before the fire hits it) and clean-up along roads. They were trying to reduce fuel like brush along the fire lines before the fire got there. They did line construction over half of the trip.


For a burnout they have a section of unburned fuel against the line, they burn that essentially trying to get the fire to burn away from the unburned stuff.  That’s generally how they fight most fires.


They worked in mountains and valleys, but they were never in a dangerous situation where they could be hurt. For a few days they were on the west side of the fire where it was very hilly with deep terrains, the other side was more gradual. They worked mainly with hand tools and they had to have a certain number of certified chainsaw people in the crew.


There was no fire backtrack and, thankfully, he didn’t see anyone suffer any injuries.  After the first couple of days the fire intensity went down with some smoke but nothing terrible.  He wasn’t worried about getting injured because he generally had an idea of what to do. Pretty much he just stuck with his crew.


Crew Members came from Cape Cod to the Berkshires.  He was the only person from the Berkshires.

Days were up to 16 hours long.  Sometimes it took an hour to get where they were assigned.  They went to their assigned areas, came back, ate dinner and went to bed.  They had a mess (meals) at the main camp and at the spike camp on the other side of the fire. The main camp had internet, showers, meals provided, medical tent, – everything you might need.


As far as animal survival, he didn’t know, for it all depended on how fast the fire was moving.  If its moving really fast, they can’t outrun it.  Regarding future erosion, he said that there will be some, but they are used to it out there.


“It wasn’t that exciting, but it was interesting and I learned a bunch.  You get out with a whole group of people for 2 weeks” he said.


Fall trout stocking ended last week


Unless there was an unexpected change, the following local waters were stocked with trout last week:  Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; East Branch of the Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield and Huntington; Goose Pond, Laurel Lake, Lake Buel, Otis Reservoir, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl and Windsor Pond in Windsor.


Many thanks to Deb Lipa, DFW Clerk out of the Dalton Office for taking the time and effort

to prepare the listings of trout stockings for us.


Pike stocking

Incidentally, MassWildlife also recently stocked over 2,000 northern pike into Lake Buel and Quaboag Pond. These yearlings averaged 12″ long and will take 2–3 years to reach the 28″ minimum harvest size.

MassWildlife does not have a warm water hatchery in which to rear pike (esocids) but usually it obtains a small number of 3–12″ fish each year from the New Jersey Division of Fisheries and Wildlife through a cooperative exchange program.

Learn To Hunt Programs


MassWildlife offers hunting classes and online resources that teach safety and skills to beginning and intermediate hunters.


Upcoming programs include:

Virtual Deer Hunting Q&A – Looking for advice about deer hunting? Get answers from a panel of experienced hunters at one of MassWildlife’s virtual mentoring sessions. These events are designed for new hunters. Feel free to join for a few minutes or for the entire session. Register to receive a link to the event.


  • Friday, Oct. 20, 12–1 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 2, 6–7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 5, 6–7:30 p.m.


A Small Game Hunting – On-line Class will be presented in January.

A presentation on snakes


Tom Tyning, an expert on amphibians and reptiles and an authority on New England’s natural history, will make a presentation entitled “Snakes Are More Interesting Than You Can Imagine.”  It will take place at the Berkshire Green Drinks event on Monday, October 16, in person and online via Zoom.


The in-person gathering begins at 5:00 PM at The Barn at Williams Inn, 103 Spring St, Williamstown. The presentation and Zoom meeting start at 6:00 PM. If the weather permits, the in-person gathering will take place outdoors.


The life histories, annual behaviors, and evolutionary story of snakes are incredible, fascinating, and remarkable. Tom will focus on our Berkshire/New England snake species, highlighting their diversity, survival complexity, conservation status, and overall natural history. Coupled with that, the remarkable reality of just how little is known about even common species will be covered.


Pre-registration is required to attend this event. Learn more and RSVP at:


Tom knows his stuff.  He has been a Professor of Environmental Science at Berkshire Community College since 1999. Previously, he was a Field Biologist and Master Naturalist for the Massachusetts Audubon Society for 24 years. Tom also served for 15 years as an Adjunct Professor in the Environmental Studies Program at Antioch New England Graduate School, as well as Springfield College and MCLA. For 25 years, he wrote a weekly Nature column for the Springfield (MA) Union-News. As an authority on New England’s natural history, Tom’s main research interests are amphibians and reptiles. His book, A Guide To Amphibians and Reptiles, is published by Little, Brown and Co. As a member of several professional natural history societies, he served for fifteen years as Managing Editor of the scientific journal Herpetological Review.


Tom also received the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen 2017 Outstanding Achievement Award.


Brake for Wildlife

MassWildlife reminds motorists to be mindful of increased deer and moose activity, especially during early morning and evening hours. Moose, found in central and western parts of Massachusetts, breed in September and October. White-tailed deer breed from late October to early December.

Moose on the road are especially hazardous. The dark color and height of moose make them difficult to see in low light; moose eyes rarely shine like deer eyes because their eyes are above headlight level. In addition, long legs and heavy top bodies make moose very dangerous to motorists when struck. Observe road signs for moose and deer crossings and slow down. Do not swerve to avoid hitting a deer because it may lead to more risk and damage than hitting the deer. Moose are less likely to move from the road than deer, so stay alert and brake when you see a moose in or near the road.

Deer and moose/vehicle collisions should be reported to the Environmental Police at 1-800-632-8075.

Various hunting seasons are opening soon

The Woodcock hunting season opens on October 2 and runs to November 22. The bag limit is 3 per day and the possession limit is 9. Because there tends to be some confusion with the woodcock regulations, here is the following:

  • All migratory game bird hunters must register with the Harvest Information Program (HIP) each calendar year. Licensed woodcock and waterfowl hunters must complete a HIP survey online at or anywhere hunting licenses are sold.
  • A woodcock is a migratory game bird so the following regulations apply: Migratory game birds may be hunted with shotguns no larger than 10 gauge, fired from the shoulder. Shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shells may not be used unless plugged with a one-piece filler which limits the gun’s total capacity to 3 shells and which cannot be removed without disassembling the gun.
  • The head and one fully-feathered wing must remain attached to each migratory game bird while it is transported to the hunter’s home or preservation facility.
  • Non-toxic shot is not required for hunting woodcock.
  • Waterfowl stamps are not required for hunting woodcock.


Please note:  The column next week will be about my flyfishing trip to the Catskills in early September.  I was hoping for a rematch with that “submarine like” big trout that I tangled with and lost to twice last spring.  (Sorry, no side bets). Therefore, I will touch upon the upcoming small game, upland game and waterfowl hunting in this column a little earlier than usual.


Pheasant hunting season opens on October 14 and runs to December 30.  Ruffed Grouse (partridge) season opens on October 14 and runs to November 25.


The fall wild turkey hunting season in Zones 1 – 9 opens on October 16 and runs to November 25.


Cottontail and snowshoe hare seasons open on October 14 and runs to February 29, 2024.


Coyote hunting opens on October 14 and runs to March 8, 2024.


Even though the Fish & Wildlife Board recently approved the early extension of archery deer hunting season, such a change will not go into effect until 2024.Therefore, for this year, the season still opens on October 16 in Zones 1 – 9 and ends on November 25.


Incidentally, if you use a tree stand, be extra careful.  It seems like every year we hear about a hunter who has fallen to his death or sustained serious injuries caused by falling out of a tree stand.


The specific regulations for all of the above hunting seasons are listed in the MA Hunting & Fishing Regulations, commonly referred to as the Excerpts.

Monday, October 9 begins the duck hunting season in the Berkshire Zone and it runs until November 25.  It reopens again on December 11 (after shotgun deer hunting season) and runs until December 30.  The new bag limit for mallards has been increased from 2 to 4 (only 2 can be females).


The regular goose hunting season in the Berkshire Zone (except Snow & Blue) runs from October 10 to November 25.  It reopens on December 11 and runs until December 14.  This year the bag limit has been increased from 1 to 3.  The late Canada goose hunting season opens on January 1, 2024 and runs until February 15 with a daily bag limit of 5.


It is important that you check the waterfowl regulations for there are a myriad of regulations.


All of the above hunting seasons are closed during shotgun deer season except for coyotes   No hunting of any bird or animal is allowed in Massachusetts on Sundays.


At the September meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, Environmental Police Officer Kolis reminded hunters to abide by the allowed hunting hours. (The 2023 Sunrise-Sunset Table is displayed on page 51 of the MA Hunting & Fishing Regulations.) For example, if you enter the woods earlier than one half hour before sunrise during deer hunting season with a loaded shotgun or an arrow in your cocked bow, you are considered hunting and in violation of the law.  The same with the sunset rule if you are walking out of the woods after one-half hour after sunset with loaded hunting implements.


It is the hunters’ responsibility to exercise safe hunting procedures and set-back, tree stand, wanton waste, and other hunting regulations. It is the non-hunter’s responsibility to be cognizant of existing hunter harassment laws.


The woods are busy at this time of year so be careful. Bring along a fully charged cell phone as well as a tick protection spray.  The wearing of florescent vests and/or hat is also advisable for hikers and other non-hunters.  Keep your dogs restrained and put florescent colors on them, too.


Here’s wishing you hunters out there a safe, successful and enjoyable hunting season.


Fall trout stocking has begun in the Berkshires

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week.  As usual, it was subject to change:

Deerfield River in Florida, Buckland and Charlemont; East Branch of the Westfield in Chesterfield and Chester, Littleville Reservoir in Huntington, Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Goose Pond, Lake Buel, Otis Reservoir, Onota Lake, Richmond Pond, Stockbridge Bowl and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

The up-to-date report can be found at


Federal funds blocked for schools with archery and hunting programs

The Biden administration’s Department of Education is withholding federal funding from hunting and archery programs in schools, citing a bipartisan law passed last year that tightened restrictions around gun purchases in the wake of a deadly school shooting in Texas.

The prohibition went into effect on June 25, 2022, and applies to all existing and future awards under all Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The Department is administering the bipartisan law as written by Congress.  It prohibits federal funds from going to programs that “provide to any person a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon.”

Organizations like the National Archery in the Schools Program, which boasts 1.3 million students from nearly 9,000 schools, have expressed worries about the negative impact on children’s engagement and access to shooting sports, which can foster valuable skills and relationships. Tommy Floyd, President of the National Archery in the Schools Program, lamented the new restrictions. “It’s a negative for children.  As a former educator of 30-plus years, I was always trying to find a way to engage students. In many communities, it’s a shooting sport, and the skills from shooting sports, that help young people grow to be responsible adults. They also benefit from relationships with role models.”

Several schools here in the Berkshires that have successfully run Archery-in-the-School programs will be affected. Too bad, for it has generally been well received by the school administrators, parents and students.

Dynamic Forest Walk


The National Wild Turkey (NWTF) is a national conservation organization based around the wild turkey and preserving the hunting heritage.  In the New England region and Massachusetts specifically, it is focused on providing good nesting and brood rearing habitat for turkeys.  As part of its efforts, it is working with several other conservation partners to promote healthy and resilient forests in MA and the application of forest management to increase the diversity and structure of forests for wildlife, forest products and climate benefits.


Healthy forests are important for clean water, wildlife habitat, wood products, and providing climate benefits.


On October 8, the Tunxis Club in Tolland MA will be conducting a Dynamic Forests Walk from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm that will be led by foresters and biologists from NWTF, Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, Ruffed Grouse Society and others.  The goal is to show private landowners, Conservation Committee members, and the general public different examples of forest management projects and to explain the benefits of these practices for wildlife, clean water, and even carbon storage and sequestration.


You will have the chance to see several different forest treatments that were completed at various points in time over the last 20 years.  They will provide excellent opportunities to see how these woodlands have responded and how these projects complement the larger forest and the needs of wildlife.  It’s a great learning opportunity if you are curious about how forests are managed and how you can approach forest planning on your own woodlot or community forest.

The workshop is free but you are asked to RSVP by contacting Matt DiBona at or call/text 302-943-3239.

Surplus Antlerless Deer Permits go on sale next Tuesday


Unlimited surplus Antlerless Deer Permits (ADP) will be available for Zones 10, 11, 13, &14 starting on Tuesday, September 26.  A limited number of ADPs for Zones 3, 9, & 12 will go on sale on a first come, first served basis on Wednesday, September 27.  They cost $10 and you will need a hunting license in order to purchase one. The easiest way to buy a license or a surplus permit is online through MassFishHunt. In-person sales are also available at select license vendor locations and MassWildlife offices.


I hope things go better for Larry Sheedy of Pittsfield this year.  Last year he was on his computer and ready to submit his application for Zone 3 (South/Southwest Berkshires) on the day and time they were to be available. All his information was put in and he was only waiting to hit “submit” for his application.


Surprisingly and unfortunately the 350+ applications flashed on the screen and before he could move his hand to hit submit, all 350 were removed/unavailable. These were available and then unavailable in less time it took to blink his eyes.


He waited for 30-40 minutes hoping some would become available but none ever came along. During this time, he was able to see the other permits being taken in each of the other zones; so, it appeared the system was working.


“These Zone 3 permit applications were gone far, far faster than tickets go for a Taylor Swift concert and I find it utterly inconceivable that the MassWildlife online system could process more than 350 applications in time that was quicker than he could move his hand and hit submit.” wrote Sheedy.


While frustrated he contacted MassWildlife and they apologized but, in Larry’s opinion, these apologies all seemed disingenuous (and they) tried to infer he was late applying, and that was most definitely not the case.


He will be ready to submit his application on September 27 before 9:00 am. He only hopes the permits actually are available and this application is not a waste of time since the permits will be “available” for less than 1 second.


I passed his comments onto the Mass Division of Fisheries & Wildlife. Martin Feehan, Deer & Moose Biologist who responded as follows:

“There were significant issues last year with the surplus ADP sales including the sales starting early, going offline for a few minutes, and duplicates sales due to incorrect coding by the license vendor. The number of permits available ticking down was working correctly, but it accounts for unclaimed permits and the demand was high enough that they were being claimed faster than people were adding them. The 351 permits last year sold out by 9:07 am.”


“The programming issues have been resolved by the license vendor and it should go much smoother this year as was the case with the ADP drawing on August 1st. The permits will still sell out very quickly. There are only 210 permits available this year and they will likely sell out in less than 5 minutes based on the high demand”.


“It is important to be ready to add them to your cart and have payment information ready to go. Once customers add them to their cart, they must check out within 10 minutes or the permit will be opened back up for someone else to purchase it. With such high demand there is no guarantee that all customers available at 9:00 am will be able to purchase them. There will likely be more than a thousand customers trying to purchase a couple hundred permits.”


Youth Deer Hunt Day is next Saturday

MassWildlife created Youth Deer Hunt Day to allow young hunters to hunt deer with their own permit. The hunt occurs on a special one-day season before the state’s annual deer hunting seasons. This year it is September 30.  Shotgun deer season regulations apply during the hunt.

License and permit requirements:

12–14 years old – Each child must obtain a Free Youth Deer Permit, and be with a licensed adult. Only one minor per licensed adult is permitted. The adult may not use a hunting implement.

15–17 years old (Residents) – A minor hunting license is required as is the Free Youth Deer Permit.

15–17 years old (Non-residents) – A Massachusetts Non-resident Big Game License is required as is the Free Youth Deer Permit

Free Youth Deer Permits can be obtained online at MassFishHunt beginning August 1 or in-person at an authorized license vendor. The Permit is valid only for September 30. Only one hunting implement is allowed and the bag limit is one deer of either sex.


All youth hunters and any accompanying adults must wear at least 500 square inches of blaze orange on their chest, back, and head.

Young hunters must fill out the tag from the Youth Deer Permit and attach it to the deer before moving it. Do not use any other deer tags. You must report your deer harvest within 48 hours.


Be sure to check pages 24 and 25 of the Hunting & Fishing Regulations which deal with youth hunters.  On the MassWildlife website, you can download tips for mentors and parents.


Berkshire Beagle Club field trials


On October 7 and 8 the Berkshire Beagle club will host its annual Jack Silvernail Fall Sanctioned SPO field trial for registered beagles.  (SPO designates small pack option which means the field trial organizers can adjust the size of the pack depending on the number of dogs trialing. Small packs are no larger than 9 dogs at a time).


On Saturday, October 7, thirteen-inch and fifteen-inch males will run.  On Sunday, October 8, thirteen-inch and fifteen-inch females will run.  They will be judged for consistency and precision while trailing game.


Entry fees are $25 per dog.  There will be a raffle of Cabela’s/Bass Pro gift cards of $500, $300, and $100. The kitchen will offer breakfast and lunch.

For raffle information, contact president Al Costa at or 413-562-1006.  For other trial questions, contact Chris Wilser at (845) 489-6554.


It’s been a great hunting year so far for young Hunter


Hunter Lawson of Williamstown just turned 14 years old a few weeks ago. He took Wayne McLain’s Hunter Education course in March of this year and since then, he bagged 2 turkeys this spring, (featured in this column’s May 5, 2023 issue entitled  A tale of two youth turkey hunters).


He had been practicing for the upcoming black bear hunting season with a .243 and a .30-06 caliber rifle.  He opted for the .30-06. (Youngsters aged 12-14 can hunt with a licensed adult, using one firearm).


Hunter runs cross country for Mount Greylock, but unfortunately, he hurt his toe and couldn’t practice. After a few weeks of no practice, his dad Dan Lawson told him that when he is better and able to practice, he would take him bear hunting using his bear permit.


Within a few days he was feeling better, so after practice, they had a quick bite to eat, then off to the woods.  They were hunting a friend’s property in Williamstown for only a half hour when they saw a bear. Hunter brought it down with one shot at 80 yards.


Dan showed him how to dress out the animal and tag it. The bear dressed out at 150 lbs. After they got ice into it to cool it down and keep it cool, Dan had a butcher friend of his process it.


LaBlue’s Taxidermy in Adams is going to mount it for Hunter.

Dan and Hunter’s grandfather Bob McCarthy are so happy for him. According to Dan, “Hunter is one happy camper.  The look on Hunter’s face was priceless.  He has been talking to his friends about hunting and showing them the pictures. It sounds like some of them want to get their Hunter Education course and get out into the woods, too. To get the kids off video games and into the outdoors keeps the sport going.”


Hunter is now looking forward to the Youth Deer Hunt coming up.


Anybody want to take bets that he won’t get a deer?


Incidentally, the first season of black bear hunting in Massachusetts ends this weekend, September 23.  The second season opens on November 6.

Early goose, black bear hunting coming up


The Early Canada Goose hunting season (statewide) began on Friday, September 1 and runs through September 22.  For Early Canada Goose season only, hunting hours are 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.  The daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45.  The reason for this early season and the large numbers of geese allowed to be taken is to reduce the large local resident population that is befouling our lawns and beaches.  The regular goose hunting season in the Berkshires opens on October 10 and runs through November 25.  It shuts down through the shotgun deer hunting season and then reopens December 11 through December 14.  The daily bag on that season is 3 and the possession limit is 9.

There are many regulations regarding goose hunting and rather than to list many of them out, I direct your attention to 2023 – 2024 SEASON DATES & BAG LIMIT provided at

I will note that a 15-goose harvest limit for one day and a 45-bird possessive limit is high. Please make sure the geese won’t go to waste (see wanton waste comments below) and that you or someone else consumes them.  The meat can be tough, so you might want to search out grandma’s old recipes or perhaps you can make goose jerky.

The early Black Bear hunting season opens statewide on September 5 and runs through September 23. Those hunting hours are 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.  There are no blaze orange requirements during this season.  Hunting implements allowed during this season are rifles, revolvers, muzzleloaders and archery equipment.  There are also many regulations governing bear hunting and instead of listing all of them out here, I direct your attention to pages 30 and 31 of the Massachusetts Fishing and Hunting laws (commonly referred to as the abstracts).

Please remember:  It is unlawful for hunters to intentionally, or knowingly leave a wounded or dead game animal in the field or the forest without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and use it. Each retrieved animal shall be retained or transferred to another until processed or used for food, pelt, feathers, or taxidermy. This does not apply to animals unfit for consumption or use—animals and their parts that are damaged, destroyed, decayed, rotting, diseased, or infected.

No hunting is allowed on Sundays in Massachusetts.

Here’s hoping you have safe and successful hunts.

Wear your life jackets, it’s the law


Although not mandatory until September 15, waterfowl hunters who navigate waters to get to their duck/goose blinds might be well advised to wear their Personal Floatation Devises (PFD’s).  MassWildlife cautions us that all canoe or kayak occupants must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD from September 15 to May 15, and that includes waterfowl hunters.

Archery deer hunting season opening date

I have been getting calls and messages inquiring as to whether the deer archery hunting season is opening on October 2 this year.  These inquiries were brought about by the recent public hearings regarding the extension of the archery deer hunting season two weeks in Wildlife Zones 1 – 9.

According to DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden, if approved, the regulations would likely go into effect in 2024. There are still steps in the process including a review of comments and decision by the Fisheries and Wildlife Board. If approved by the Board, it would still need additional administrative approval within other branches of State government before it could be officially enacted. That process almost certainly won’t be completed before the season starts so hunters should plan on 2024, if the changes are approved.

He promised that MassWildlife will do its best to keep hunters posted about the process and a timeline if the proposed changes are approved.


EPO Lt. Tara Carlow honored

Congratulations to EPO Lt. Tara Carlow who was chosen to receive the Massachusetts 2022 CLECA (Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs’ Association) Outstanding Officer of The Year Award in Conservation Law Enforcement and Public Safety. The award ceremony took place this past May 16 at MassWildlife Field Headquarters in Westborough.   As the Lieutenant for our region, she oversees 33 towns that are broken down into 6 smaller districts (4-6 towns each) with direct subordinates of 5 officers (only have 3 right now) and 1 sergeant covering those.  There is a Western Captain that oversees all of Massachusetts west of the Quabbin, but the position is currently vacant.

This hardly comes as a surprise to the delegates of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen who are fortunate enough to have her presence at its monthly meetings.  She makes sure the League, and through its minutes, the area outdoor sports community is kept apprised of any new environmental laws, updates on EPO’s successes in apprehending outlaws, information on any upcoming Boating Safety Classes or ATV classes, and more.  It is so helpful to have Lt Carlow present at those meetings answering any legal questions that we may have.  I have been a delegate in the League for over 20 years now and we never had an EPO regularly attend.

At the risk of embarrassing Lt. Carlow, please allow me to cite some comments about her in a 3-page nomination by another officer, which says it all.  I have changed the term “the nominee” to “she” or “her”.

She is a shining star for all others in Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) in regards to attitude and sets a great example. She is continually asked by the Agency to handle more responsibilities, which were accepted with zero complaints; she fully realizes the breath of MEP‘s job and changes their schedule constantly to attend search and rescue, meetings, training, and large scale operations without a single complaint, and explained the reasons for same to their subordinates; she understand the mission statement, their role in carrying it out in a manner that everyone knows the nominees proud to be an EPO .

Whether it is a simple response to a citizens question, ensuring subordinate is carrying out tasking, or a complex multi facet investigation, she excelled at every challenge sent their way; she sets a great example to others in MEP by handling so many various patrol issues, proving self- initiation is often the best way to determine problem areas; she spent a specific amount of time assisting DCR, MassWildlife, and fishing and boating access and documenting numerous violations, and/or problems located on their respective properties. She excels at the hunting enforcement aspect of the job. Any complaint is looked into and she spends significant time ahead of each season researching previous problem areas and providing that information to the Board to allow them the best chance to be successful, multiple baiting cases were made from the intelligence. She continued to excel in making cases involving illegally taken bears; she spearheads one of the better PR programs across a Commonwealth ensuring subordinates are present to assist with their responsibilities; she ensures MEP is well represented, and has a positive and professional image among the region citizens.  If needed for one event on almost any topic she would be the first person I would choose to represent the Agency. She is constantly advising others of new material or technology that comes out involving the job, allowing MEP to better serve the public. The amount of knowledge on the laws on specific subjects. At this point (her) career is well above normal.

“She is exactly what a CLECA nominated officer should be, well rounded, a positive attitude, knowledgeable, self-reliant, professional, caring, and willing to assist subordinates to become their best. MEP is better for them being here.”

Fishing Derby

The Friends of the Berkshire Hatchery in Hartsville-New Marlborough is scheduled to have its last Youth Fishing Derby of this year next Saturday, September 9 from 9:00 to 10:30 am at its Lower Pond at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, Hartsville, MA.  Children aged 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult.  No child goes away empty handed.

A good way to learn to pheasant hunt



The Youth Pheasant Hunt is a great way for young adults (ages 12-17) to practice firearms safety, develop shooting skills, and join in a pheasant hunt with an experienced hunter in a friendly environment.

photo provided by masswildlife


The Massachusetts Youth Pheasant Hunt Program was developed by MassWildlife to provide an opportunity for Hunter Education graduates aged 12 to 17 to practice firearms safety, develop shooting skills, and participate in a special pheasant hunt under the guidance of an experienced adult hunter.

The program is divided into multiple parts:

  • Seminar and Range Practice: Participants get hands-on instruction in shotgun shooting fundamentals and firearm safety, learn upland hunting basics, and focus on how to have a safe and fun hunt.
  • Pheasant Hunt: Participants get to experience a real pheasant hunt under the supervision of an experienced hunter on 1 of the 6 Saturdays prior to the regular pheasant season. This year, the pheasant hunting season starts on October 14, 2023.


  • Be between the ages of 12 to 17
  • Have graduated from a Basic Hunter Education course (in any state) before the day of the hunt
  • Participants 15 to 17 years of age must have a hunting license, a pheasant/quail permit and a Firearms Identification Card (FID). Steps


  1. Make sure you meet all the requirements above
  2. Register for the Program by August 31, 2023
  3. Complete the Seminar and Range Practice

Please note, all other regular pheasant hunting regulations apply including bag limits, hunting implements, hunter orange requirements, etc. Be sure to review the pheasant hunting regulations.

The Lee Sportsmen’s Association, located at 565 Fairview Street, is a participating club.  The course will be taught by MassWildlife. The dates and times are as follows:

  1. August 26, from 9:00AM – 11:00AM, September 16, from 9:00AM – 11:00AM, and October 07, from 9:00AM – 12:00PM.


Massachusetts wildland firefighters sent out again

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) sent a crew of 19 firefighters – 17 from DCR and two from DFG – recently to Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest in western Montana to help battle the large fires that are burning across the state.

This is the third crew of wildland firefighters DCR has deployed to assist in fighting the wildfires raging across the country and neighboring regions this summer. In June, DCR deployed 11 firefighters to assist in fighting wildfires in Quebec, Canada, and in July, in partnership with DFG, the department deployed to the region another crew of 16 wildland firefighters that included two firefighters from DFG. Response efforts are now shifting to the western United States, with more than 80 large fires currently burning more than 534,000 acres in 14 states.

“As these wildfires continue to rage on across the country, burning thousands of acres of forest to the ground, DCR and DFG firefighters have stepped up again to help our partners in need fight these devastating blazes,” said DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo. “DCR is proud of our dedicated and hardworking firefighters who will be on the frontlines in the Northern Rocky Mountain region over the next two weeks, working to stop further destruction of our natural resources.


Included in the group of 19 was Jacob Morris-Siegel from the Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Western District Office located in Dalton.


Intro to Fly Fishing for women – taught by women


The Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited invites women to join Betsy Clark and Diane Holhubner. (both trained at the Wulff School of Fly Fishing) to learn about the basics of fly fishing and get a chance to get experience on the river. The free event occurs on September 9 from 8:30 to 11:00 am on the Hoosic River in Williamstown. No fishing experience is necessary. You will learn about the components of a flyfishing rod, learn about a couple of types of flyfishing flies, and how to do a roll cast.


You don’t need to bring anything, for they will provide the rods and tackle to use but they do suggest that you wear comfortable shoes that you don’t mind getting a little wet. If you have river shoes that would be great. A hat and sunglasses might make you feel more comfortable but they are not necessary. They will be on a gravel beach for this event. Bring your own water bottle, they will have herbal tea available as well.


This event is for anyone who identifies as a woman.


They will meet at the parking lot on Syndicate Road. It is a new lot which doesn’t show on google maps. They will then walk a short distance on a dirt trail down to the river. To register, click onto


BEAT celebrates 20th anniversary


The Berkshire Environmental Action Team was established in 2003 when a vernal pool at Berkshire Community College was being threatened by the development of soccer fields on the campus. Over the past two decades, BEAT has taken on many fights and projects — often leading them and creating a path for environmental change and progress.


BEAT’s mission has remained the same: To protect the environment for wildlife in support of the natural world that sustains us all. But its vision and goals have continuously expanded and evolved. They see a world where communities work together to sustain their environmental health and economic vitality; all people recognize their interconnectedness to, and dependence on, the natural world; the air and water are clean; rivers and streams flow naturally; and there is plenty of interconnected, natural land where wildlife thrive. Its goal is to make all of this happen — and its newly renovated Environmental Leadership & Education Center is one of the first steps in reaching that goal.


You are invited to join the folks at BEAT on Saturday, September 2, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, to see the renovations, hear about what’s to come, and meet BEAT’s staff and board.


Executive Director Jane Winn will lead an optional tour of the building at 1:15 PM, and a steam-table demonstration will start at 2:00 PM. They’ll also have finger foods and refreshments for guests.


It’s not necessary to RSVP in order to attend, but it would be greatly appreciated.


Email with any questions.


Berkshire communities to get culvert replacement grants


The Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance (CRMA) Grant Program is one of the many resources the Healey-Driscoll administration utilizes to help municipalities replace undersized and deteriorating culverts with crossings that meet improved design standards. The grants target culverts whose replacement brings significant ecological and resilience benefits and helps municipalities deal with the increasing aging road infrastructure costs.


“With extreme weather becoming more frequent, projects like these are a climate-smart investment to help cities and towns adapt to climate change,” said Governor Maura Healey. “It is important that we upgrade culverts and small bridges to prevent flooding and reduce public safety risks.”


The MA Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) is awarding $811,000 in grants to 14 municipalities through the CRMA grant program. Nearly half of an estimated 25,000 small bridges and culverts in Massachusetts act as barriers to fish and wildlife because they are undersized or poorly positioned. Installing culverts that meet the Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards allows rivers to flow unrestricted, improves access for fish and wildlife, and lowers the risk of flood damage.


Berkshire County Grants

Town of Egremont: $48,811awarded for Karner Brook Culvert Replacement

This award will fund design and engineering, permitting, and some construction for a culvert replacement project on Blunt Road to improve stream connectivity of a tributary to Karner Brook.


Town of Richmond:  $55,200 awarded for Sleepy Hollow Road Culvert Replacement

This award will fund the design and engineering for a culvert replacement project on Sleepy Hollow Road to improve stream connectivity of Cone Brook and two tributaries.


Town of Great Barrington:  $55,933 awarded for Housatonic River Tributary Culvert Replacement

This award will fund the design and engineering for a culvert replacement project on Brush Hill Road to improve stream connectivity of a tributary to the Housatonic River.


Berkshire Clean, Cold, Connected Restoration Partnership 

Housatonic Valley Association, awarded $199,899

This Partnership supports a network of organizations, agencies, and communities working for healthy aquatic systems and building climate resiliency in the Hoosic, Housatonic, and Farmington River watersheds.

Deer hunters still have a chance to obtain an antlerless deer permit


By now Massachusetts deer hunters should know if they were selected to receive an antlerless deer permit (ADP), also known as a doe permit.  If not, they can simply click onto the MassFishHunt web page to find out.  Of course, they had to apply for the permit by July 16 to be eligible.


If selected, Massachusetts residents need to pay the $10.00 fee to purchase the permit.  The permit fee costs $15.00 for non-resident deer hunters.


It’s a lottery system, and not every hunter who wanted one in the wildlife management zone of their choice got one.  The difference between allocation and demand determines the odds of winning an ADP. The exceptions are those who applied for permits in Zones 10, 11, 13, and 14 where everyone who applied got one.  There are too many deer in those zones and MassWildlife is trying to reduce the herd to desirable numbers where there is sufficient food and habitat to sustain them.

There still is a chance to get a permit. Surplus ADPs will go on sale as follows:  A limited number of permits for Zones 3, 7, 9 and 12 will go on sale on a first-come, first-served basis starting 9:00 am on September 27. The limit is one ADP per zone per day until sold out.


Permits for Zones 10, 11, 13 and 14 will go on sale at 9:00 am on September 26. There is no season purchase limit for these zones and they are available throughout the 2023 deer season.


Hunters with a valid hunting or sporting license can buy Surplus ADPs even if they did not previously apply for a permit.


I live in Zone 3 and the deer in my neighborhood have become a real nuisance, especially where my vegetable garden is concerned.  I’ve always known they relish cabbages, beans, peas, carrots, corn, etc., so I put a 5-foot fence around those veggies.  It doesn’t matter.  They simply jump over it and devour the succulent plants.  What really gripes me now is that they are developing a taste for my other vegetables.  Never did I ever have to fence in my onions, leeks or potatoes, but now I do. When some of my neighbors told me that they had seen deer chomping away in those sections, I didn’t believe them until I saw the deer tracks.


For dessert, they like to raid my wife Jan’s raspberry patch.


What they don’t eat, the black bears do, especially our corn crop.  They seem to know exactly when to raid it, usually a day or so before it’s ripe enough to pick.

I haven’t even mentioned the wild turkeys that fly over the fencing into the garden and peck away at our tomatoes, or the bunnies and woodchucks that sneak in, the voles that attack the root veggies, or the crows that pull up the young corn and bean plants.  Like Rodney Dangerfield, we get no respect.


Ah, my father never had that problem.  Back in the 1950’s we never had bears or turkeys and rarely saw a deer track within a mile of our place because there were so few of them around.   I have to admit, since then MassWildlife has done a wonderful job of managing and increasing their numbers.  I just wish they would tell them to stay away from our gardens.

Nice event at the Hatchery

There was a nice turnout for the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery Kid’s Derby in Hartsville/New Marlborough last Saturday morning.  According to Dave Ziegler, the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery Board Chairman and official fish measurer, over 45 youths participated in the free derby. Counting parents, grandparents, relatives and friends, about 100 people showed up.

Walter and Dan Stubbs

Members of the Berkshire Bass, Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited, MassWildlife Western District, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Lee Sportsmen’s Association, Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, and others were there to help teach the kids how to fish, remove the hooks from the fish, etc.  They kids had the option of keeping or releasing them.

Dave was kept busy measuring fish after fish with about 120 of them being measured in the 1 ½ hour derby span.

Catching the largest fish was 5-year old Walker Stubbs of Sandisfield.  He caught a brook trout measuring just over 14½ inches.  2nd place went to Lucy Siebert with a 14¼ inch trout. 3rd place went to Josh Bell with a trout just shy of 14¼ inches and 4th place went to Lilly Labeau with a 14-inch trout.  They won some neat fishing tackle.  Actually, all the kids went home with a prize

After the derby was over, people had a chance to tour the hatchery and check out its newly installed 270-gallon display fish tank, have a free snack, learn how to cast or tie a fly, and visit the various booths manned by the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, Lee Sportsmen’s Association, MassWildlife, Berkshire Bass, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Boy Scouts, and Taconic TU.

The open house was coordinated by Board member Dean Hutson.

Asteroid named for retired MassWildlife leader

The following article was taken from the MassWildlife August 2023 Newsletter:


In recognition of his 35 years of dedicated and effective conservation work, an asteroid measuring 2 to 5 kilometers in diameter was recently named after Dr. Thomas W. French, the founding leader and former Assistant Director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP). Unlike comets, which are usually named after their discoverers, asteroids are named for mythological figures and geographical places—or for renowned scientists, explorers, poets, composers, novelists, and other prominent figures.


The Paris-based International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially named minor planet 1991 PN2 as “(20010) Tomfrench”. The IAU’s 15-member Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature (WGSBN) is the sole scientific organization with the authority to assign names to small solar system bodies like asteroids, comets, and satellites of minor planets.

Imelda B. Joson and Edwin L. Aguirre, both former editors of Sky & Telescope magazine, have known Dr. French for 16 years and proposed the naming to the IAU. The couple first met French in 2007 in Lowell, where they volunteered to monitor peregrine falcons.

“This is a completely unexpected and humbling honor,” said Dr. French. “I hope that recognizing me with this honor is a validation of how important it is for all of us to help conserve the health and natural diversity of our world.”

The naming of the asteroid recognizes Dr. French’s contributions to wildlife restoration, protection, and conservation. The citation, which was published in the IAU’s WGSBN Bulletin on July 3, 2023 reads:

Thomas W. French (b. 1950), a biologist and former assistant director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, led the successful reintroduction of peregrine falcons and bald eagles in Massachusetts after their native populations were wiped out due to extensive use of the insecticide DDT from the 1940s to 1972.

“We are so happy that the international astronomical community has recognized Tom’s contributions to advancing our knowledge of the natural world as well as informing the public on the importance of preserving our planet’s biodiversity,” says Aguirre.

“Tom is a true gentleman scientist, and his experience, passion, dedication, knowledge and professionalism are exceptional,” added Joson. “We’re glad to know that a huge chunk of real estate bearing Tom’s name is now floating out there in space!”

Asteroids are small, rocky bodies left over from the birth of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. According to the WGSBN Bulletin, asteroid (20010) Tomfrench was discovered on August 2, 1991, by the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile. Asteroid (20010) Tomfrench takes 3.9 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. It is currently about 480 million kilometers from Earth, shining very dimly in the constellation Taurus. One would need a fairly large telescope and sensitive CCD camera to record its faint, starlike image.

During his career with MassWildlife, Dr. French oversaw field research, habitat restoration and management, rare species restoration, permitting the possession of wildlife for research and education, data management, and regulatory reviews of proposed projects under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. He has published 78 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals, given hundreds of lectures to universities, state agencies, ornithological societies, and conferences, and received numerous professional awards.

2023 antlerless (doe) permit numbers announced


According to the MassWildlife web page, the number of 2023 antlerless deer hunting permits is the same as it was in 2022. Also, there have been no changes in the permit numbers in the individual wildlife management zones.  The allocated permits are as follows in the various zones.  Note, Zones 1 through 4 are the zones in our area:


Zone 1 – 800 allocations, Zone 2 – 400, Zone 3 – 2,050, Zone 4N – 800, Zone 4S – 600, Zone 5 – 1,950, Zone 6 – 400, Zone 7 – 3,000, Zone 8 – 3,100, Zone 9 – 7,200, Zones 10 and 11 – no cap, Zone 12 – 1,350, Zones 13 and 14 no cap.


It’s obvious that in zones 10, 11, 13 and 14, in the eastern part of the state with no caps on antlerless harvests, they are still having troubles getting the deer population down to targeted deer densities.


Deer hunters should be aware that the deadline for applying for an antlerless deer permit is July 16. All three Massachusetts deer hunting seasons—Archery, Shotgun and Primitive Arms, are ‘bucks only’ if you do not possess this permit for the zone in which you are hunting.


According to MassWildlife, Massachusetts deer management is built on the harvest of does to regulate the population. Any deer with at least one three-inch antler is classified as a buck and your Massachusetts hunting license contains two antlered deer tags. You may take as many bucks as you have tags for on the same day.


Antlerless deer tags are allocated by zone based on population goals in that zone. Most hunters apply for their permit when they purchase their Massachusetts hunting license, but you can also apply online by going to MassFishHunt or in person by going to one of the MassWildlife District Offices or the MassWildlife Field Headquarters in Westborough.


If you apply for an antlerless deer permit by the July 16 deadline, you still must check to see if you have been awarded the right to purchase the permit.


The award period begins August 1 at 8:00 am and ends on December 31. Your odds of obtaining a permit are the same regardless of when you check your permit status. You can check the status through MassFishHunt or by visiting a MassWildlife office or license agent location. There is no fee for the application, but those who are successful are required to pay a $10 fee.


At the June meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden suggested that hunters verify that they already applied for an Antlerless Deer Permit before the July 16 deadline. I’m glad he did.  All along I thought that I had an application in because I applied for one when I bought my 2023 sporting license in December.  Well, it turned out that I didn’t have an application on file or it wasn’t recognized. I immediately reapplied.


Just to be on the safe side, hunters might want to verify that they have their applications in by checking their records through MassFishHunt.  Madden suggested that you contact the District Office in Dalton if you need assistance.


Basic Hunter Education|


Basic Hunter Education is mandatory for all first-time hunters. If you held a hunting license prior to 2007 or have successfully completed a Basic Hunter Education course from any jurisdiction, you already qualify to buy a Massachusetts hunting license.


If you are 18 years of age or older and you want to purchase your first-ever hunting license, you must complete a Basic Hunter Education course. Those wishing to obtain only a firearms license do not necessarily need Basic Hunter Education.


A Basic Hunter Education courses will be offered at the Worthington Rod and Gun Club on 458 Dingle Road (Route 112), Worthington on the following dates:

Monday, July 31, Tuesday, August 1, Thursday, August 3, and Friday, August 4.  All classes run from 5:30 to 9:00 pm and attendance at all 4 nights is required.


To enroll, call (508)389-7830.


Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Youth Derby


There were about 30 children who attended the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club kid’s fishing event last Saturday at the Reynolds Pond in Cheshire.  According to club spokesperson Sandra Bushey, everyone caught fish and had a wonderful time.  Only one of the five tagged fish was caught.  A girl named Isabella caught the tagged trout and won a fishing pole.  Several of the PSC directors volunteered and everyone that was there had a fun day.  Fortunately, it poured rain right after they finished at 1:00 p.m.

Isabella is on the left holding the bag. Picture provided by Sandra Bushey


Kid’s Fishing Derby


Bring your children aged 13 and under next Saturday, July 8 to the monthly Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery youth fishing derby at the Hatchery’s Lower Pool at 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough.


It runs from 9:00 to 10:30 am.  Watch them learn to fish and compete for prizes.  No child goes away empty handed.


Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp Contest

Jasmine Wang from Lexington won Best of Show in the 2023 Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) Contest. Her colored pencil drawing of a black-bellied whistling duck was selected from 185 entries. Wang’s award-winning work will represent Massachusetts at the National JDS Contest.

Students from kindergarten through grade 12 from across the Commonwealth submitted original works of art depicting waterfowl in appropriate wetland habitat, demonstrating both artistic talent and a knowledge of the value of wetlands for wildlife. In March, MassWildlife held the judging, at which time the top winning artists were selected. Combinations of the top artworks are being exhibited throughout Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts JDS Program is sponsored by MassWildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with support from the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council. You can support the JDS Program and wetland conservation by purchasing Junior Duck Stamps featuring national winners from previous years. Stamps can be purchased at

To learn more about the Massachusetts JDS Program, and to access the traveling exhibit schedule, visit


Picture not what it appeared to be


Last week I featured a picture of a big brown trout that Lawrence “Skip” Dean, of Becket, caught out of Lake Buel earlier this year.  He didn’t measure it but released it as soon as possible to fight another day.


If you looked closely at that picture, you probably saw blood on both of Skip’s hands and on the fish and thought, as I did, no way would that fish ever survive.  Most anglers know that it is a foregone conclusion that if your fish is bleeding, it will die shortly thereafter.


Well, Skip called me last week because he thought that some people would not believe that fish survived. It was not the fish’s blood on his hands, he said, it was his own.  While removing the lure from the fish’s mouth, it thrashed around and its sharp gill shield and teeth cut his hands.

He said that when he returned the fish to the water, he held the fish near its tail so that it would get reoriented.  After a while, the fish gave a sharp flip of its tail and shot off for deeper water.  It is probably lurching around in Lake Buel today albeit a little smarter.


Happy 4th of July


Here’s hoping you have a great holiday.  But after the hustle and bustle of the parades, picnics, visitors, and fireworks are over, you owe yourself a little peace and quiet.


In the Summer 2023 issue of Mass Audubon’s Explore magazine, there’s an article entitled Picturesque Ponds.  “Take a beat from your busy summer” it says, “to sit by a peaceful pond and ground yourself in nature.  Listen to the chirps of nearby birds or the kerplunk of a turtle jumping into the water.”  It goes on and lists a few favorite ponds that “will have you feeling calm and reconnected in no time.”


Pleasant Valley in Lenox being one of them listed.


“Walk on the newly constructed All Persons Trail at Pleasant Valley, which follows a scenic stretch of the Pike’s Pond shoreline.  Flanked by tall pines and other trees, this pond is a perfect place to get your water and forest fix.  Sit on the boardwalk bench to try and spot the bobbing heads and flat tails of beavers cruising the pond at dawn or dusk.”


Sounds nice, ey?