Shotgun deer hunting starts tomorrow, hope its not foggy



Here we go again.  Another sleepless night caused by the anticipation of opening day of shotgun deer hunting tomorrow morning.  I don’t know why I even go to bed, with memories of bygone opening days haunting me and preventing sleep.


How well I remember one opening day in the late 1970’s or 1980’s.  Back then I hunted Beartown Mountain a lot with Bob Stanard and his brother Rick from Lee.  These guys grew up on Beartown Mountain and knew it like the back of their hands.    We had good luck hunting there.


On this day, we were going to hunt the mountain in back of Rick’s house.  The three of us along with a fellow named Jack headed into the woods while it was still dark and very foggy.  Flashlights did no good because the rays reflected back off of the fog, actually making things worse.  After following a logging road through a valley, I cut off to the left and followed a ravine to a ridge where I had good luck in the past.  Bob, Rick and Jack continued straight heading for stands further in.   We were scheduled to meet around noon for lunch.


The fog was so thick that the only guide was the sound of an intermittent brook nearby.  After climbing a distance which should put me near my fallen tree stand, I couldn’t find it.   The arrival of daybreak was no help, for one couldn’t see more than 20 feet.  Orientation was impossible because the land contours, trees and other landmarks were invisible.    I started roaming around looking for the stand.  The fog showed no signs of burning off and by 7 AM, I knew I was in trouble – not lost, just “turned around”. The thought of staying put until the fog cleared occurred, but what if it didn’t.  I didn’t want to be fumbling around in the afternoon as darkness was approaching.


I decided to go back the way I came along that brook, but it was impossible to find  due to  the lack of snow (no tracks) and thick fog.   Then and there I decided to get off that mountain by heading east toward Beartown Mountain Road.  I should come across one of the logging roads, follow it out to the paved road, go back to Rick’s house and try it again.  After blindly traipsing around, I finally found one and followed it.  But according to my compass, it was heading north, not east.  Must be something wrong with the compass, I thought.  After following it for a long time, the road finally turned east.  The only trouble was that it still didn’t look familiar.  All of a sudden, I was startled when out of the fog came a truck which crossed only a few feet ahead of me.  After taking a few more steps I stumbled onto Beartown Mountain Road near a water troth a half mile or so downhill from Rick’s place.  Without knowing it I had been walking the Burgoyne Trail, which was some distance from where we were hunting.  Somehow I had crossed the saddle between the two major ridges without knowing it.


I trudged back up the road to Rick’s place, re-entered the woods, hiked along the logging road into the previously mentioned valley to where I had earlier branched off and took a stand there for the rest of the day.   There was no chance of a repeat performance.  It was around 11:00 AM and the thick fog still showed no sign of burning off.


Around 3:30 PM, Bob and Rick’s voices could be heard as they were coming off the mountain.  The fog was still so thick that in spite of our florescent red clothes, we couldn’t see one another until close range.   They were wondering where I was for lunchtime.  Being so familiar with it, they had no trouble walking around that mountain and probably could navigate it blindfolded.


“Where’s Jack?”  they asked, thinking that he was with me.   We started calling for him but there was no response.  It was getting dark so we decided to fire three shots (distress signal).  We heard him fire three shots way up in the mountain.  After some time, we fired again and so did he.   We then called and he answered much closer.  Then, out of the fog and darkness, he showed up.  The only trouble, he wasn’t Jack.  He was another panic stricken hunter who also got turned around and was separated from his hunting party.  He was mighty grateful for our help.


Now we had a real problem.  Jack was nowhere to be found and darkness had settled in.  Bob and I kept calling for him while Rick hiked back to his house to call Bob’s wife Pat to see if Jack had returned for his car which was left there.   He had, and then went home.  We later found out  that he also got turned around and walked out of the woods on the other side of the mountain, near Ice Glen in Stockbridge, and bummed a ride to his car.


None of us had any luck that day or so I thought.  Recently, I bumped into Bob’s nephew Bill Stanard from Sheffield and he remembered that day well.   While hunting a nearby ridge he just barely made out a doe in the fog and shot it.  Upon nearing it, he was surprised to see that it was a nice 8 point buck.  He never saw the antlers in that dense fog.


Well, all’s well that ends well.  One thing for certain, when fog begins rolling in, I’m out of there.  It was a lesson never to be forgotten.

There will be more access to our state forests



In case you haven’t notice, it has become more and more difficult for hunters and other users to gain access into our local state forests.   Our aging population of deer hunters who, in prior years were able to drive up into the mountains and state forests, are being shut out from them and are forced to hike great distances to hunt.   Roads are being gated with no parking allowed near them and some of the roads are in serious states of disrepair.  The exclusion of hunters is counterproductive to the Fisheries and Wildlife efforts to properly manage the deer herd.


After several years of prodding by Fish & Wildlife Board Chairman George “Gige” Darey and Berkshire County League of Sportsmen President Mark Jester, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Deputy Commissioner Matt Sisk visited the Berkshires to see first-hand what the problems were and whether they could be rectified.


In the September Fish & Wildlife Board meeting in Tyringham, Sisk reported the following changes:


Beartown Mountain:    At the main road that goes through the park, DCR will install 4 gates.    They will leave the main gates open in the north and south ends of the park until January 1, harsh winter weather permitting.  Four gates to dirt side roads will be strategically placed around the two look roads that join Benedict Pond Road.  These areas are where you can park.  DCR is also trying to get a place to park other than along the main road.   The gates will be up and running for this year’s deer hunting season.  The south end of the park has the most treacherous road due to the hills and road conditions and DCR is going to put an additional gate there.  In the event of serious weather, DCR will close the gate to the southern access but leave the north gate open.


October Mountain:  Schermerhorn Road, which accesses the mountain from behind Woods Pond, has long been closed due to its condition so DCR will do two things:  Patch the road well enough so that the gate can be open for this fall.  It still will not be in great shape.  The second, long term project is to get enough money to actually redo the road.


Pittsfield State Forest:     The West Street gate still remains a problem and there are some historical and neighborhood issues there.   This upcoming season, the gate will continue to be where it is and closed.    Opening that gate and placing another gate further up may cause heavy illegal use that would put a strain on police forces.    There is also a question as to who owns the road –  Pittsfield,  Hancock or the Commonwealth.  Depending on how much they own there DCR is looking to expand the road, improve the culvert for drainage and possibly add some more room for parking that won’t restrict the gate.   Parking is prohibited in front of the gate because the rangers, EPO’s and state police need to access it during emergencies.  They hope to expand the shoulders and possibly get a few cars in there.


Ten yards up from the gate on Brickyard Road (which goes into NY and back into MA), there was grass up to one’s waist.  This gate has traditionally been open but access to the parking lot was terrible because there was no defined area.  The grass has since been mowed opening up a wide area which has been laid down with gravel.  This access point is better and more vehicles are now able to get in there in a safer way.   DCR will leave that gate open as long as possible.  They will leave the entire loop and main gates open and ask hunters to park on the left hand side of the road, leaving the snowmobile trail open.


Greylock Mountain:   The gate in Lanesboro will be opened up as far as Jone’s Nose during deer hunting season.   Regarding the other gate off Rte 2 to Jones Nose, it was determined that it is too steep and there is no good place to put another gate.


DCR is not going to close the parks during hunting season but they do want to give people a greater sense of awareness.  There will be some signage at all the main gates informing people that the roads during snowfall are treacherous.  It is hoped that such signage will increase awareness to non- hunters that DCR will not maintain these roads as well as they do during peak season, and that 4WD vehicles are needed.


There is no policy as to when to close the roads due to the heights of snow.  DCR feels that the additional signage will warn people about the roads and by doing so will enable them to keep the gates open longer.


Both Darey’s and Jester’s efforts have paid off and they are very thankful for Sisk’s assistance.   Although not perfect, the situation is better than it was.  They urge users “not to be stupid when you are up in these places.   DCR Deputy Commissioner Sisk really stuck his neck out for the sportsmen”. *****


The Onota Fishing Club will be having its annual game dinner on Sunday, December 6 at the ITAM Lodge in Pittsfield.  On the menu is roast venison, bear, turkey, rabbit, fresh and salt water fish, homemade sausages, chowder and chili.  Appetizers will start at 1:00 PM and dinner at 2:00 PM.  Partial proceeds from this year’s dinner will be donated to The Eagle Santa Toy Fund.  Tickets are $25.00 each and are available at PortSmitt’s Lakeway Restaurant or by contacting Ray Westerman at 413-464-1853.  If anyone is interested in donating venison or bear meat in exchange for dinner tickets, contact Chris Porter at 413-496-0105.

Our wild turkey population is pretty good



At a recent monthly meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, David Scarpitti,

Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) Turkey, Upland Game and New England Cottontail Project Leader gave the following report on our wild turkeys:


  • Turkeys are the second most popular game species behind deer. Although hunted mostly in the spring, there is a fall season.  About 21,000 turkey hunters across the state buy a spring turkey permit.
  • He believes our turkey population looks “pretty good”.   On average during the spring season some 2,500 to 2,600 birds are harvested per year.  During the peak years of 2008 and 2009 between 2,800 and 2,900 were harvested.  The harvest declined slightly and stabilized at 2,600 to 2,700 birds and he feels that is good.  Roughly 175 to 180 birds are harvested each fall.
  • Following turkey restorations (around 40 years ago), our flock experienced a tremendous population increase. Over time, it peaked and then declined slightly and they hope that it will stabilize somewhere near the peak.  Other states like NY, CT and  RI are seeing more significant declines but Massachusetts has not seen such declines yet.
  • DFW analyzes the spring harvests, the brood surveys and fall harvests county by county. Using this information they piece together assessments of the population.  Population is one part of it and hunters are the other part.  It used to be that the turkeys existed only in the Berkshire and Franklin Counties.  Consequently, all of the turkey hunters came here.  But over time as turkeys became more common in eastern Massachusetts, less people needed to travel out here.  Some of the declining harvests seen in the Berkshires are a consequence of that shift in hunters.   Overall, he believes the turkeys are doing fine.
  • Another thing to consider is that habitat has changed. There are fewer dairy farms and the forests are changing.  Although turkeys are very adaptable and can survive in those conditions, he believes forest thinnings would help.   DFW is working on that in terms of its management of state lands and is also working with private landowners to manage their lands better. Harvests and predations don’t really affect turkey population.  “First and foremost, the way to manage the turkey population is through habitat”, he said.
  • He wants to hear more from local hunters. Do we see more turkeys or about the same?  He gets mixed reactions.  Some think there are not as many turkeys as there used to be while others think it is just as good but there are fewer hunters.
  • There are a couple of diseases that are present in wild turkey populations. Avian pox is the primary one that most people can see.  The other one is LPVD, a relatively new type of virus that affects turkeys.   Some are concerned that these diseases are causing some of the declines that other states are experiencing, particularly in NY.  There has been a lot of research on this and he believes the diseases are not the “smoking gun”.  Research has shown that a high percentage of turkeys may carry these diseases but they are not dying in mass quantities from them.  There will be some individual mortality but overall they don’t believe there is a direct link to any significant mortality.   It is not something that is terribly concerning at this point.   “If our harvest was declining dramatically or our hunter success rates were going down dramatically, then they would be concerned.” They have looked at it but it hasn’t borne any substance to warrant further examination at this point.  Incidentally, the viruses are avian specific and have no known consequence or danger to humans.    If you shoot a turkey that looks weird when gutting it out, use your judgment.
  • DFW sends out e-mail hunter surveys on turkeys, deer, bears, etc every year. It is their general game take survey.  There are questions about turkeys, how they hunt them, how much time spent hunting them, etc.
  • “Things are pretty good. We have a 2 bird bag limit per year, the fall turkey season was recently expanded from one week to two and it was expanded statewide.” he said.  The fall harvest did not show a tremendous increase because of these changes.    There does seem to be an increase in turkey hunting and harvests in the fall mainly by deer hunters using a bow.
  • Yearly turkey brood surveys assess poult production and they get that information from all sorts of people. He gets more results from people in eastern Massachusetts with turkeys in their back yards than from more rural areas.  The surveys are getting a little more biased on backyard birds, verses huntable birds.   Data are collected in June, July and August, but August is the important month.  Brood numbers are highest in the spring and they get whittled down over time.  The important numbers are how many poults exist at the end of August.  By that time predation dwindles and they are much less susceptible to predators.
  • There is coyote, fox and fisher predation when the poults are in production in the spring and when hens are sitting on nests. Outside of that there is not much predation on adult turkeys. Predators are not a controlling mechanism on turkeys.    *****

Next Sunday, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is hosting a fly-tying afternoon at the Wahconah Country Club in Dalton from 2:00 to 5:30 PM.   The event, which is free and open to the public, will be an informal gathering with members bringing in their own vises and tying materials along with a few extra sets available for those curious about tying.  A great opportunity to learn about tying.  If interested contact Henry Sweren at

Paraplegic Deer Hunt deemed a success


That’s according to Trina Moruzzi, Division of Fisheries & Wildlife State Coordinator. Twenty five hunters participated statewide in the 3 day paraplegic deer hunt which took place from October 29 through October 31.  A total of three deer, 2 bucks and a doe, were harvested. This translates to a 12% success rate for this year’s hunt, verses last year’s 26% success ratio.  In the past five years, these hunters have averaged greater than a 25% success rate. “Many hunters saw deer, contributing to a successful hunt experience,” she said.

Here in the Berkshires, 9 hunters participated – 5 in the southern and 4 in the northern Berkshires sites.

The southern Berkshires folks hunted in the Mount Washington area and was coordinated out of the DCR Headquarters there.  The hunters were:  Sidney Eichstedt of Lee, Greg Baumli of New Lebanon, NY, Steve Gladding of Westfield, Dick Lockwood of Springfield and Vyto Sablevicius of Norwood. Eichstedt shot a 4 point buck and Sablevicius got a doe.

Helpers included:  Shaun Smith, Brian Ingerson, Marc Portieri, Greg Arienti,  Rick Thelig, Tom Dean, Matt Roach, Paul Antonozzi, Jimmy Thomas and Chuck Pickard, all from the Berkshires or northern Connecticut.   DFW Western District Manager Andrew Madden helped out, too.


Chuck Pickard brought his trailer-mounted smoker/grill and a lot of friends, who own restaurants and businesses, donated food and condiments.  Other individuals also prepared food needed for the three day event.


On the day that I was there, the lunch menu was:  homemade clam chowder, smoked roast beef, smoked Vidalia onion gravy, smoked baked beans, and potato salad.  Chuck did the smoking and roasting while Patricia Vollmer made the chowder and potato salad.  There were also several home-made deserts baked by supporters.


The 4 hunters at the Northern Berkshires site were: Shawn Mei of Baldwinville, Michael Noiseux of Berkley, Dale Bailey of Clarksburg, and David Alderman of Petersburgh, NY.   According to Moruzzi, no deer were taken on the Northern hunt, however most hunters saw deer.


Since 1972, this hunt has provided thousands of hours of recreational opportunities for paraplegic sportsmen and women and I am proud to be part of it.” said Moruzzi.  She noted that volunteers are integral to the program and thanked them for their enthusiasm and commitment. Next year’s hunt will be held November 3 – 5, 2016. If you are a paraplegic sportsman or sportswoman interested in participating in the 2016 hunt, contact Trina Moruzzi at or call (508) 389-6318 for more information. *****


Staying with the subject of deer hunting, readers may recall an article I wrote about the new Youth Deer Hunt Day which took place on September 26.  In that article, I mentioned the local youths who successfully harvested deer.  Well, there is one more to add to that list and that is 13-year old Hunter Connelly of Hinsdale.  Hunting with his dad Rick Connelly in Windsor, he dropped an 8 point buck which weighed 182 lbs dressed.  He shot the deer with a 20 gauge shotgun at about 30 yards.  An hour earlier, he let a doe with a fawn go by.  Needless to say, his dad, mom Heather and sister, Hannah are quite proud of his accomplishment.  Hunter is having quite a first year of hunting.  Earlier this year he bagged his first wild turkey during the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.  Good mentoring dad. *****


Recently, the Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooRWA) held its 17th annual State of the River Conference.  Williams College Chemical Professor David Richardson and student Matthew Gross presented their work on PCB accumulation in crayfish and brown trout.  Some 50 crayfish were analyzed and it was determined that the bio accumulation averaged about .245 parts per million (PPM) which is well below the EPA limit of 2 PPM .


Of the brown trout tested this year, the largest one, measuring approximately 17 inches, had PCB levels under 2 PPM.  This preliminary result was good news as a fish that size certainly lived in the river for years, had eaten lots of crayfish and other micro-invertebrates and might have had higher concentrations of PCB’s built up in its systems.  Only 4 trout have been tested, thus far with another 8 trout tests nearing completion.  Those results will be reported at a later date.


Tests of the other trout, a brown trout of about 8 ¼ inches and a brook trout about 9 ½ inches had levels significantly below the 2 PPM threshold, with levels under of .30 PPM.  A hatchery raised rainbow trout was caught out of the Green River tributary and that had extremely low, barely measurable levels of PCBs. They stressed that the results on the fish tests are preliminary; but their methods for measuring PCB’s is similar to that used by the EPA.  Professor Jay Thoman believes that no one has found organisms anywhere in the world that don’t contain some PCBs.


In the future they are requesting more assistance from fishermen in supplying them with more trout so that they can be sampled.  They don’t want a huge backlog of them because, unfortunately, there is no way of sampling the fish without killing them.


Their conclusions were:  (1) There are no significant PCB levels in nearly all crayfish taken at the Cole Field site, (2) They have a high level of confidence in their crayfish measurements, (3) They are close to developing satisfactory trout analysis protocols and (4) They have preliminary values in trout and the tests will be continued in the future.


“Things are getting better, at lease biologically” said HooWRA Director Lauren Stevens.  Fish advisories still remain on the Hoosic downstream from the former Sprague property.  It remains to be seen if the fish advisories will be removed if these results hold up and/or improve.

Youth Deer Hunt was a success

According to figures released by The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife ), some 1,339 youths participated in the first ever Youth Deer Hunt which was held on October 3.

MassWildlife created this special season to provide young people an opportunity to hunt deer with their own permit during a special one-day hunt that precedes the Commonwealth’s annual deer hunting seasons.  Youths as young as 12 years old can hunt, provided they were accompanied by a duly licensed adult and they obtained a Youth Deer Permit.  Youths 15-17 years old had to have a Massachusetts Minor Hunting License and a Youth Deer Permit.

Preliminary harvest reports show that 143 deer were harvested by the youths on that day.  The nicest deer that I know of was taken by 12 year old Willem Magnifico from Middleton, MA.  Hunting with his father Mark, he shot the pictured 10 point buck which dressed out at 180 lbs.  The deer, which was shot in Middleton, was immediately dropped at 100 yards with a 12 gauge bolt action shotgun.   It was also a great opportunity for Mark to teach his son Willem how to field dress a deer.


His mom, Karen, and dad are extremely proud of their son’s feat.   They plan to have the deer’s head mounted.


Figures were not yet available as to how many local youths participated in the hunt and how many deer were harvested.   We know that 14 year old Tanner Hill, of Dalton, shot a nice 4 point buck in Dalton, which dressed out at 110 lbs.  Mentored by his dad Michael, he dropped the deer at 75 yards with a 12 gauge shotgun.


Cliff Briggs, of Great Barrington, reported on four father/son teams in southern Berkshire County.  Matt Driscoll of Lee hunted with his dad Richard and got a button buck in Becket. It was also a great opportunity for Richard to show Matt how to track a wounded deer until found.


Other father/son teams included Hunter Briggs of Lee who hunted with his dad Robert, Chip Consolati of Lee hunted with his dad Tony, and Liam Shields of Lee was mentored by Matt Ranzoni.   The group saw 4 deer, but no bucks other than the button bucks.  After the hunt, Mike Scolforo of Lee invited them up to his hunting camp in Sandisfield and cooked them a couple of burgers and stuff.


My apologies to any other hunters/mentors who may have participated during the Youth Deer Hunt Day of which I was unaware *****

There will be a NRA Basic Pistol Course at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club on Saturday, November 7, from 8 AM to 6 PM. There will be a break for lunch. You are requested to bring a sandwich or snacks, as well as a pen and paper for notes. The course costs$70 and it includes a one year membership at the LSC.

Candidates will learn gun operation and components, ammo functions and the shooting fundamentals.  There is no live ammo in the classroom.  After handling empty guns and dry firing, the candidates will be required to shoot 50 rounds of .22 ammo at the range to complete the course.  They are required to review the MA. State gun laws for possession and storage. Successful completion of this course allows the candidate to apply for a MA LTC Class A. Check the Gun Owners Action League website for disqualifications for the course.

Call Vicki or Cliff White at (413)442-8107 or email them at to sign up. *****

The inaugural Berkshire Natural History Conference, which will feature presentations by local and regional naturalists as well as acclaimed authors, will take place on Sun., Nov. 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 the Bellas/Dixon Math and Science Center at The Berkshire School in Sheffield, Mass.


“This annual event will bring natural history home to the Berkshires,” notes Berkshire Community College Professor of Environmental Science Tom Tyning, the lead organizer of the event.  “We are really excited to gather programs and like-minded people together to help understand and appreciate the deep natural heritage that surrounds us all in the Berkshires.”

The Conference will feature authors and international nature guides, Peter Alden and Brian Cassie.


Alden, author of 15 books on North American and African wildlife, is an acclaimed international natural history tour leader traveling to such places as Antarctica, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, South America, the Amazon, Lesser Antilles, Panama Canal, Central America, Pacific Mexico, Alaska, British Columbia and Africa.


Cassie, a dedicated naturalist, conservationist, and teacher, has led nature tours in Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Venezuela and Jamaica as well as closer to home in Maine and Massachusetts. He has worked with the Audubon Society and “Butterflies through Binoculars Tours,” and is president of both the Nuttall Ornithological Club at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Butterfly Club.


Other programs on the agenda include:

  • Rene Wendell’s introduction to S. Waldo Bailey, original warden at Bartholomew’s  Cobble.
  • Insect Biodiversity — Tom Murray
  • Our Local Rattlesnakes — Anne Stengle
  • The Richmond Boulder Train — Tim Flanagan
  • Berkshire’s Neatest Butterflies — Bill Benner
  • Native Berkshire Fishes — Andrew MaddenTickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students.  Admission includes brunch, and access to all of the natural history presentations. For more information or to pre-register visit: The Berkshire School is located at 245 N. Undermountain Road in Sheffield.  In the event of inclement weather, a storm date is scheduled for Sunday, November 15.The event is sponsored by: Berkshire Community College, The Berkshire School, Green Berkshires, MCLA, Orion Magazine, Berkshire Environmental Action Team and the Hoffmann Bird Club.


Recently, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced that due to the work and commitment of many conservation partners in New England and New York, the New England Cottontail (NEC) is on the path to recovery and will not be listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.  It had previously been classified as a candidate for Endangered Species Act protection. This once-common native species survives in five isolated populations across Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island.

The NEC is the only rabbit native to New England and the area east of the Hudson River in New York. A closely related species, the Eastern Cottontail, expanded across much of the area following introductions around the turn of the 20th century.  The two rabbits look alike— only skull characteristics and genetic samples can be used for an accurate identification.

Unlike the Eastern Cottontail, NEC rely exclusively on young forests and shrublands (early-successional habitats). These habitats are often associated with abandoned agricultural lands, wetlands, woodland clearcuts, coastal shrublands, scrub oak barrens, utility rights-of-way, or other areas where disturbance has stimulated the growth of young shrubs and other plants in dense thickets. The NEC’s range has drastically shrunk since the 1960s as development altered vast areas of the thick, brushy shrubland required by it and other young forest-dependent wildlife.  The remaining forests matured into older and taller woods with little ground-level shelter or food for the native cottontails.

Recognizing both the urgency and the opportunity to conserve the NEC, state and federal biologists began a coordinated, rangewide, science-based conservation initiative that has supported the rabbits’ ongoing path to recovery. The New England Cottontail Initiative represents an extraordinary effort to combine funding and cooperative efforts to advance the conservation of an animal that could have been federally listed.

“Unfortunately, many people view a species listing as a victory, when in fact the real victories are like today’s when we take collaborative action to avoid a listing,” said Jack Buckley, Director of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife ((DFW)  “Proactively managing the rabbit’s conservation needs and keeping it unlisted allows for flexible management options, less conservation action implementation costs, and fewer land use or hunting restrictions.”

Conservation activities for NEC in Massachusetts are focused in southeastern Massachusetts and southern Berkshire County and are led by DFW and a broad range of committed partners. These activities include the following:

  • Conducting habitat management activities such as prescribed fires, tree clearing or thinning on state, federal, and private lands in the Bay State.  To date, over 1,100 acres of pitch pine and scrub oak habitats were thinned and/or burned and nearly 300 acres of trees were cleared to create young forest and shrublands to support NEC populations.  These land management actions took place on lands owned or managed by DFW, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, Joint Base Cape Cod, Mashpee-Wampanoag Tribal Land, UFWS, land trusts, municipalities, sporting clubs, and other private landowners. Additional habitat management activities are scheduled in the upcoming year are as follows:
  • Providing initial funding for landowners both public and private to create NEC habitat.  Primary funding sources in Massachusetts included the USFWS, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and State Wildlife Grants.
  • Collecting rabbit carcasses and pellets to locate NEC in the state.  Many hunters and other conservation-minded groups and citizens in Massachusetts contributed to this statewide effort, with the University of Rhode Island conducting genetic testing.
  • Live trapping and radio-collaring rabbits to learn more about their life history needs, to monitor movements and habitat use, and to provide stock for a captive breeding program.  DFW, USFWS, Mashpee-Wampanoag Tribe and the MA Air National Guard were all involved in this effort.
  • Analyzing vegetation on lands for habitat suitability and monitoring the resulting vegetation growth following habitat management alterations.
  • Continuing the collaboration with state and conservation organization partners across New England and New York. The New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative, consisting of representatives from all of the above mentioned conservation partners will continue oversight on the recovery effort for NEC across New England and New York, providing an important administrative mechanism that allows for conservation coordination across boundaries.

“Though the NEC is not listed, there is still much to be done,” said Director Buckley. He noted that DFW and its conservation partners are seeking help from landowners willing to create and maintain young forest and shrubland habitats. More information about New England Cottontails can be found at  or contact MassWildlife at *****

This year, woodcock hunting runs from October 7 through October 24 and from October 26 through November 21.   Hunting hours are 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset (except on Wildlife Management Areas stocked with pheasants, where hunting hours begin at sunrise). A Harvest Information Program (HIP) Survey is required.  All migratory gamebird hunters must register with the HIP each calendar year either on line at or anywhere hunting licenses are sold. State and Federal Waterfowl Stamps are required for hunting ducks and geese, but are not required for hunting woodcock. *****


DFW Western District Manager Andrew Madden recently reported that as a result of President Mark Jester and the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen efforts, the DFW will be implementing a new program similar to the highly successful National Archery in Schools (NAIS)  Program.  Called the Explorer Bowhunting Program it will be designed for other programs or after school programs (Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, etc.)  It was not designed to replace the DFW Bowhunter Education Program but it is a little more hunter based than the NAIS.  There will be more to come on this in the near future.

MassWildlife issues several safety warnings


The first warning is to help prevent firearm accidents. Responsible hunting is a time-honored tradition that plays an important part in managing Massachusetts’s wild game populations. Responsible hunting means respecting game animals, hunting ethically and, perhaps most importantly, hunting safely.

Because this is a time of year when a lot of firearms are in use and in transport, MassWildlife and Project ChildSafe are urging hunters to take action to prevent firearm accidents in the field, at the range, at home, and everywhere in between. That means remembering that “The Hunt Isn’t Over Until Firearms Are S.A.F.E. and Secure.”

S.A.F.E. stands for Secure your firearms when not in use; Be Aware of those around you who should not have unauthorized access to firearms; Focus on your responsibility as a firearm owner and Educate yourself and others about safe firearm handling and storage.

Safe and secure storage of firearms when they are not in use is the number one way to prevent firearm accidents. For more information on safe firearm storage and to find out how to get a free firearm safety kit, including a gun lock, visit *****

The second warning comes because fall is the breeding season for both moose and white-tailed deer. MassWildlife reminds motorists to be mindful of increased deer and moose activity, especially during early morning and evening hours.  Moose, found in parts of central and western  Massachusetts, breed in September and October.  White-tailed deer breed from late October to early December.

Moose on the road are especially hazardous. The dark color and height of moose make them difficult to see in low light; moose eyes rarely shine like deer eyes because their eyes are above headlight level. In addition, long legs and heavy top bodies make moose very dangerous to motorists when struck.

MassWildlife recommends that we observe road signs for moose and deer crossings and slow down. Do not swerve to avoid hitting a deer because it may lead to more risk and damage than hitting the deer.  Moose are less likely to move from the road than deer, so stay alert and brake when you see a moose in or near the road.

Deer and moose/vehicle collisions should be reported to the Environmental Police at 1-800-632-8075.  In the event of a deer/vehicle collision, the driver or passengers of the vehicle involved (MA residents only) may salvage the deer by bringing it to a DFW Wildlife District Offices to be officially tagged. *****

The third warning involves paddlers in kayaks and canoes. They must wear life jackets from September 15 to May 15 every year. According to the Massachusetts Environmental Police, most boating fatalities in the Commonwealth result when boaters fail to wear life jackets while in small craft in cold water or cold weather. Waterfowl hunters using canoes or kayaks are reminded that this law also applies to them.  Obviously, stand up paddleboarders, should wear them also. *****

MassWildlife is in the process of compiling a Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Massachusetts. While they have a substantial selection of photographs of most inland native species on file, they are lacking high quality photos of most of the Sea Turtles. Most of these pelagic animals only visit our waters for brief periods each year, or only occasionally, and spend most of their lives in tropical and sub-tropical waters. MassWildlife is most interested in photos of the Kemp’s Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles, but will also consider quality shots of the Green, Loggerhead, and Leatherback sea turtles. Underwater photographers or anyone with good quality, identification-rich photos are encouraged to submit their work to them for consideration.

They prefer dorsal shots of the entire animal showing carapace (upper shell) and shell scute/head scale patterns. Photos selected must be sharp and of reasonably high resolution. They cannot pay for the use of any photos they select for publication but they will credit the photographer in the publication and will provide a complimentary copy of the book to the photographer when it is published. If you’re interested in submitting photographs for consideration, contact Editor Peter Mirick at  *****

On August 26, 2015 at the Erving State Forest, Jack Buckley, Director of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife), welcomed home MassWildlife Habitat Biologist Rebecca DiGirolomo from a firefighting deployment in Oregon. DiGirolomo, a resident of Worcester, was part of a returning Massachusetts crew of 20 state and municipal firefighters sent to battle blazes in Oregon for the previous two weeks. Their deployment was in response to a request the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation received from the U.S. Forest Service and the Northeastern Interagency Coordination Center in Camden, NH.  During the deployment, the crew was assigned to the Eldorado Fire, located near Unity, Oregon.

“On behalf of both the Fisheries and Wildlife Board and the Division, we salute Rebecca’s courage, commitment, and contribution to the western wildfire fighting effort,” said Director Buckley.  “We are proud to provide the services of our highly trained and skilled personnel in this time of urgent need.”  Buckley noted that should there be a request for additional deployment, additional MassWildlife staff are prepared and willing to answer the call. *****

Since 1972, the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has offered paraplegic sportsmen and sportswomen the opportunity to hunt deer in several locations across the state during a special three-day season. This year’s hunt dates are October 29 –31, 2015. Among the locations are two properties in northern and southern Berkshire County.  Licensed paraplegic hunters who have an interest in participating in this hunt should contact Trina Moruzzi at (508) 389-6318 or by email at for more details.  Do it by October 23 to ensure you can get your permit in time.

Some hunting seasons open this Tuesday.



Can you believe that some hunting seasons are here already?  Bear season couldn’t come soon enough for the corn growers and honey producers.  This Tuesday morning the first of three black bear hunting seasons begins.  Hunters are reminded that there have been some changes to the bear hunting seasons and regulations since the 2015 Fish & Wildlife Guide (abstracts) came out. The first season runs from Tuesday September 8 through Saturday, September 26.   The second season runs from Monday, November 2 through Saturday, November 21.


New this year is a third bear hunting season which takes place during shotgun deer hunting season, November 30 through December 12.  The regulations are complicated when it comes to determining which hunting implement is legal in which season, so I have included a grid which was furnished by MassWildlife and may be of some help.





**Except on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) stocked with pheasant or quail during the pheasant or quail season.


Also new this year is the ability to hunt bears statewide in all WMA’s.  MassWildlife felt that these changes were necessary to help manage the rapidly increasing black bear population  statewide.  Hunters are still advised to review page 33 of the 2015 Fish & Wildlife Guide to find out how and when to report the harvest and other important information.  Remember, a permit is required to hunt black bears.


Also on Tuesday, September 8, the Early Canada Goose hunting season opens statewide and runs through Friday, September 25.   The bag limit is 7 and possession limit is 21.  The hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset (except on WMAs stocked with pheasant or quail during the pheasant or quail seasons when hunting hours begin at sunrise and end at sunset).


Migratory game birds may be hunted with shotguns no larger than 10 gauge.  Shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shells may not be used unless plugged with a one-piece filler which limits the gun’s total capacity to 3 shells and which cannot be removed without disassembling the gun.

Each waterfowl hunter 16 years or older must carry on his person a valid federal waterfowl stamp and each hunter 15 years or older must purchase a Massachusetts waterfowl stamp. The federal stamp must be signed across the face in ink.  Stamps are required for hunting ducks,  geese, or brant, but not required for hunting rails, snipe, woodcock, or American coot. Non-toxic shot is required for all waterfowl and coot hunting; no lead shot can be in your possession.

All migratory game bird hunters are reminded they must complete an online Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey each calendar year.  If you have not completed the HIP survey, visit a local license vendor, MassWildlife office, or go to to be sure you have completed the survey. Your license must have either the notation “HIP Survey Completed” or “Waterfowl Stamp” when printed.

Massachusetts has a Youth Waterfowl Hunt for youths aged 12 to15 on Saturdays September 26 and October 10 for ducks, coots, mergansers, and geese. All youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult hunter with a valid Massachusetts waterfowl stamp.  Only one firearm is permitted.  Adults may not hunt and may carry firearms only when unloaded and cased. No license or stamp is needed for youths ages 12-14.  A license and Massachusetts waterfowl stamp is needed for youths aged 15.  No federal stamp is required but all other hunting regulations/bag limits apply. *****


The Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) is having a Basic Pistol Course on Mondays, September 14 and September 21 from 5:30 to 9:30 PM.  The course costs $100.  To sign up, contact Larry Karlquist at (413) 442-7807.

Also, the LSA will be holding an International Defense Pistol Association (IDPA) match next Saturday.   Participants are urged to register.

IDPA is a combat format competitive match that forces you to use different styles and methods to complete each stage.  Your score is your time plus any penalties.  According to spokesman Andrew Swanton, new shooters are welcome but should be well experienced in the use and operation of their firearms.  This is not a match for a novice shooter but rather a club level match, but one should not feel intimidated that it is a high pressure match.  Safety is the biggest concern and classroom orientation for new shooters begins at 10 AM.


Then on Sunday, September 13, there will be an IDPA Classifier.  That is similar to an IDPA match but uses standardized stages to place a shooters in division based on their score.  Watch for the schedule and announcements. *****


The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club is having its Annual Steak and Lobster Dinner on Saturday September 12.  It begins at 6:00 PM.  Music will be provided by DJ Russ Davis.  BYOB.  The cost is $25 pp. Contact Tom Ferguson for tickets at 413-443-3224.


Incidentally, its turkey shoots begin on Sunday September 13.  Tickets go on sale at 12:30 PM and the first shoot is at 1:00 PM.  The cost is $3 per shot. There will be food from the grill. Contact Brady Kerr at 413-212-0894 for more information. *****

The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation is holding a free kid’s fishing derby at their lower pond in Hartsville next Saturday, from 9 to 10:30 AM.

Incidentally, according to the Berkshire Record, the Foundation had a record attendance of 175 at its Lobster Fest at the hatchery last week.  I was there and certainly ate my share of the delicious food (lobsters, raw clams and oysters, chowder, steamed clams and more, prepared and served by The Other Brother Darryl’s Seafood Market in Otis. Approximately $4,000 was raised for Foundation activities which include providing brook trout for local sportsmen’s club fishing derbies, scholarships and more.


The Mass Division of Ecological Restoration –What it does.

In last week’s column I mentioned that Tim Purinton, Director of the MA Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) will be guest speaker at today’s Berkshire Hatchery Foundation Lobster Fest.  I mentioned that because of the DER’s excellent work, it deserves more coverage in this column.

Massachusetts has more than 10,000 miles of river, but unfortunately, many suffer from over-allocation of water, polluted runoff during rain, and habitat fragmentation. In many cities and towns, rivers are separated from residents and businesses by concrete walls, fences, and buildings.

The mission of the DER is to restore and protect the Commonwealth’s rivers, wetlands and watersheds for the benefit of people and the environment.   It focuses on revitalizing urban rivers and undoing the effects of more than 3000 dams and 40,000 culverts.

Thanks in part to the DER, Massachusetts is leading the Northeast in river restoration efforts.  It maintains a strong focus on dam removal, as well as other innovative techniques to heal rivers and streams at a larger, system-level, not only to benefit of fish, but to restore dozens of ecological processes that define river health.


Physical restoration techniques such as culvert and bridge replacement, stream naturalization, and dam removal are designed and implemented to maximize restoration benefits for aquatic habitat while minimizing negative impacts to infrastructure, cultural resources, and the built environment.  Many streams, especially in eastern Massachusetts, are subject to excessive water withdrawals and other manipulations of the natural hydrologic regime.  Restoring natural stream flow through impoundment management, water conservation, and infrastructure planning are techniques that can be used to improve aquatic ecosystem functions.

Working in partnership with public, private, and non-governmental organizations, DER has completed over 100 restoration projects, restoring over 1,000 acres of tidal wetlands and miles of rivers and freshwater habitats. The number of its active projects in development at any given time typically exceeds 50.

Dams block fish and wildlife, degrade water quality, and stop the flow of water, sediment, and organic material.  Undersized and inappropriately place culverts block fish and wildlife.  Both cause public safety risks as they degrade and eventually fail catastrophically.  DER works with dam owners to remove unwanted dams and with cities, towns, and the state to replace undersized culverts.  DER also works with communities to improve water quality and stream habitat in urban settings.

It works on twenty to thirty dam removal and three to five culvert projects at any given time. Locally, some past projects included removal of two dams on Yokum Brook in Becket, the Briggsville Dam on the North Branch of the Hoosic River in Clarksburg, the Stroud Dam on Kinne Brook in Chester and the installation of a new culvert on Thunder Brook in Cheshire.  It is involved with the Hoosic River Revival in North Adams, Pecks Brook in Pittsfield and is working with partners to improve stream flow below recreational dams in Pittsfield and Stockbridge.

DER is working with the Housatonic Valley Association, the Town of Pittsfield, and lake associations to assess adjustments to drawdown management that consider both downstream flow regimes and lake user needs.  Pittsfield is piloting an alternative approach at Onota Lake/Pecks Brook.

Future local projects involve the removal of the Tel-Electric (a.k.a. Mill Street) Dam, located on the West Branch of the Housatonic River in downtown Pittsfield.  The removal of the dam is part of a larger effort by the City of Pittsfield to revitalize the surrounding neighborhood.

Another future project involves the removal of the Columbia Mill Dam, located on the Housatonic River in Lee.  Removal of that structure, and potential remediation of impounded sediments, will help to improve water quality, restore upstream fish passage, address risks posed by aging infrastructure, and improve local recreational opportunities.

I have barely scratched the surface of the wonderful projects in which the DER is involved, the employment benefits, how its leverages state dollars, the various important awards received and how restorations generate substantial economic value by improving ecosystem services.   Click onto to learn more about it.  *****

All first-time hunters who wish to purchase a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license must complete a Basic Hunter Education course.  This course is designed for first-time hunters and is standardized across North America.


There will be a Basic Hunter Education Course taught at the Pittsfield High School, 300 East Street, Pittsfield, on the following dates:  September 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 and 24 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.  Participants must attend all class dates and times to successfully complete the course.  To enroll, call (508)389-7830. *****

Trapper education is mandatory for all first-time trappers and Problem Animal Control (PAC) Agents.     MassWildlife has announced the following Trapper Education courses:   At the US Fish & Wildlife Service office in Hadley September 9 and 19 and at the same place on September 10 and 20.  Courses will also be held at the Auburn Sportsman’s club in Auburn on September 2 and 12 and on October 7 and 17.  Course information can be found online at


If you are interested in any of these courses, call 508-389-7830 immediately to enroll; classes are filled first-come, first-served, and enrollment cannot be processed via email. *****


The Berkshire Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation has announced that after a 3 year hiatus, it will begin having its annual banquets.  This year’s banquet will be held at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club on Sunday, September 13 with doors opening at noon and dinner served at 1:00 PM.  The cost is $65 per person which includes the meal and a one year membership along with a year’s subscription to Turkey Call magazine.   Chris Puntin of Becket will be heading it up and is looking for volunteers to join the committee to help with the banquet and other events.    Contact information is: 413-464-4036 or cpuntin1218@gmail. Com.  *****

Antlerless deer hunting permits are announced

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) has recently announced that 42,375 antlerless deer hunting permits will be issued statewide this year, reflecting no change from last year.  Also, the permits for each individual Wildlife Management Zone (WMZ) will also remain the same.  The allocated permits by WMZ and odds for getting a permit are as follows:



Wildlife Management Zone 2015

Allocated Permits






1 400 1305 39%
2 175 1688 14%
3 1100 2344 57%
4N 375 2235 23%
4S 275 1645 26%
5 1250 3507 44%
6 450 917 65%
7 2250 3277 85%
8 2800 4502 77%
9 4100 4984 100%
10 12000 4045 100%
11 11000 7205 100%
12 800 1407 78%
13 2700 135 100%
14 2700 83 100%


*The Odds are calculated as allocated permits divided by total applicants, plus an adjustment to compensate for applicants that do not come back to pay for their permit (based on 2013-2014 data.


Sale of Surplus by WMZ will be staggered over the following days in October, 2015, beginning at 8AM:   Zone 11 permits will go on sale on Tuesday, October 6, Zone 10 permits will go on sale on Wednesday, October 7, Zone 13 and 14 permits will go on sale on Thursday, October 8. Once on sale, permits will remain available until sold out in each WMZ.


Hunters can only purchase permits through MassFishHunt, at authorized license vendor locations or at a DFW office.


Incidentally, I hope you noticed the number of people who deer hunt in Massachusetts.  Nearly 40,000 of them applied for the antlerless permit alone.


MassWildlife recently created a Youth Deer Hunt day in Massachusetts for hunters aged 12 to 17.  This Hunt provides youth with an opportunity to hunt deer with their own deer tags during a special single-day season that precedes the Commonwealth’s annual archery, shotgun, and muzzleloader seasons.  Hunters are reminded that all shotgun deer season regulations apply on the Youth Deer Hunt day.

The day will be held the 4th Saturday following Labor Day.  (October 3 this year). Hunting with shotgun, muzzleloader or bow and arrow is allowed.  Only one firearm/bow is permitted between youth and adult.  All shotgun deer hunting season regulations apply on the Youth Deer Hunt day.

The requirements are as follows: For 12-14 aged youth, no hunting or sporting license is required but a Youth Deer Hunt Permit is required.  The youth must be accompanied by a duly licensed adult.  (One adult per youth hunter).  For 15-17 aged youths, a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license and the Youth Deer Hunt Permit are required.

Youth Deer hunt permits are free, but must be obtained at a license vendor or MassWildlife office. These permits and tags are only valid for the Youth Deer Hunt day and cannot be used in later seasons.  Click onto the MassWildlife website for more information. *****

The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club (LSC) reminds us that the Massachusetts gun laws have changed considerably over the last several years.  Do you know the laws or think you know them?  Well, on Tuesday August 18, the LSC and the Gun Owners Action League are presenting a gun law seminar beginning at 5:30 PM which will cover some of these new laws.  It will be taught by Jon Green, GOAL Director of Education.  A $5 donation is requested and you are asked to pre-register.  For more information, contact Lorenzo Maranggoni at (413) 822-7412. *****


On August 21 and 24 MassWildlife Habitat Biologist Marianne Piché, along with Natural Resources Conservation Services and Department of Conservation and Recreation Service Forestry staff, will lead two New England Cottontail Habitat Management Walks at project sites in Sandisfield and Granville. They will discuss New England Cottontail conservation, habitat management planning, funding, and permitting.  One walk will be hosted by Chad Pease and the other by Charlie Sheets; two landowners who have completed habitat management on their properties.

You are invited to see these conservation efforts and learn what you can do to become involved.  The walks will take place from 5:30 – 7:00 P.M. at 228 Sandisfield Rd. in Sandisfield on August 21 and on Main Rd. (0.1 miles east of Sheets Rd.) in Granville on August 24.  Be prepared for a short walk on level but uneven and muddy terrain. Contact Marianne at 508-389-6313 or via email, for more details. *****

Tim Purinton, Director of the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), will be guest speaker at the 13th Annual Berkshire Hatchery Foundation’s Lobster Fest on Sunday, August 23.  It will be held on the hatchery grounds from 2 to 5 PM.  The Lobster Fest tickets, which cost $65 per person, can be obtained by contacting the Hatchery at (413) 528-9761.  Don’t delay as it is expected to be a sell-out.


Purinton and his staff at the DER work with community-based partners to restore aquatic ecosystems.  Their work brings clean water, recreation opportunities, healthy commercial fisheries and other ecosystem services to the citizens of Massachusetts.  The title of his talk will be Dams, Cranberry Bogs and Culverts, An overview of River Restoration Efforts in Massachusetts.

The excellent work of both the DER and the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery deserve more coverage in this column, hopefully next week.

Incidentally, The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation is holding another free kid’s trout fishing derby at their lower pond in Hartsville on August 22 from 9 to 10:30 AM.