Most brown trout in the Deerfield River are wild, not stocked


For the past four years, MassWildlife has been conducting extensive mark-recapture electrofishing surveys on the Deerfield River to assess the brown trout population. The surveys were focused on the upper section of the river from the Fife Brook Dam to the Route 2 bridge crossing in Charlemont. Results from this work show that over 80% of the brown trout in this section of the Deerfield River are wild. These wild trout were born in the Deerfield or a nearby tributary, not stocked as adults from the hatchery. Based on these findings, MassWildlife has decided that brown trout stocking is no longer necessary in this section of the river since there are many wild fish present.

“Fishing in the Deerfield River is better than ever, and anglers will not notice much of a change from the stocking adjustments,” says Adam Kautza, MassWildlife’s Coldwater Fishery Resource Project Leader. “We will continue to stock rainbow trout in this section of the river. Also, the typical allotment of hatchery-raised brown trout usually stocked upstream of the Route 2 bridge will still be stocked further downstream.” The combination of stocked trout and wild brown trout along with two catch-and-release only areas make the Deerfield a premier destination for all kinds of anglers.

Consistent with the last four years of the survey, MassWildlife biologists will continue to clip the adipose fin of all hatchery-raised brown trout released into the lower section of the Deerfield. “This will enable us to continue monitoring this area and we will know if any hatchery trout make the trip upstream,” says Kautza. “We will continue to monitor the trout population and reassess as needed.”

This survey, along with other fisheries research, allows MassWildlife to manage fish populations more effectively and to provide a variety of fishing opportunities to the public. This project was made possible by ongoing support from the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Greater Boston Chapter of Trout Unlimited. These groups were instrumental in getting this project started and provided physical and financial assistance along the way. “We commend MassWildlife for taking this huge step toward protecting and expanding the wild brown trout population in the upper Deerfield,” says Eric Halloran, president of the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited. “We have known for years that this part of the Deerfield has a significant population of wild brown trout. We hope that through our working relationship with MassWildlife the wild trout population in the Deerfield Watershed will continue to expand.”

Proposed change in goose hunting season

A couple of months ago, it was mentioned in this column that certain waterfowl regulation changes were going to be recommended at a public hearing on April 26.  One of the proposed changes would have affected the goose hunters by listing the Berkshire Late Goose season from December 15 to January 30.  However; based upon the minutes of the April 2023 Fish & Game Board, they approved a different proposed season which would run from January 1 through February 15.

In response to my inquiry for reasons for the change, MassWildlife answered that they did so in response to public comments from hunters, both written and in person at the hearing, Hunters commented that the February portion of the season provides an important opportunity to hunt at a time, and in places, where there is little other activity or conflict with other users. Basically, the Board approved the dates that they felt gave the best opportunity for Berkshire goose hunters.

Ice fishermen expect cold temperatures at that time of year.  They need plenty of ice for safety reasons.  To counter the cold, they can walk around, chase the tip-ups, cook some warm grub on a hibachi, socialize with other ice fishermen, etc.

But hunkering down and staying still in a small goose blind in February? No, no, not for me.

Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club youth fishing event

The PSC is sponsoring a kid’s fishing event at Reynolds Pond in Cheshire on Saturday June 17 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is for kids 12 and under and their parents don’t have to be club members.

There will be snacks for the kids and 5 prizes for kids who catch a tagged trout.

For more information, contact Sandra and Ed Bushey at (413) 443-9371.

Mass Firearm Law Seminar


The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club (LSC) is hosting an educational seminar for both License to Carry Firearms (LTC) holders and non-holders.  The Massachusetts Firearm Law Seminar is being held Tuesday, June 13 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 am at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club, 258 New Lenox Road, Lenox, MA.

Taught by Jon Green, Director of Education & Training for the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League (GOAL), this 3-hour long seminar reviews and explains both state and federal laws and regulations in simple-to-understand language. The seminar will clarify applicable Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) and Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) regarding;

  • Firearm definitions
  • Firearm purchase and sale
  • Proper and legal firearm and ammunition possession, transport, and storage
  • Record-keeping requirements
  • Recommended best practices for firearm owners

The cost is $15.00 per person for Lenox Sportsmen’s Club members and their guests and $20.00 for non-members.

Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided. Every attendee will receive a complimentary copy of the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League firearms law booklet.  A License to Carry Firearms (LTC) is not required to attend this seminar.

Pre-Registration is required for this event. People can register on the LSC website.

Hunter education course

Basic hunter education is mandatory for all first-time adult hunters. The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has scheduled a Hunter Education course at its clubhouse with MassWildlife on August 20. These classes fill up quickly, so if you are interested in taking it, call MassWildlife at (508) 389-7830.

Summer wild turkey survey

Help MassWildlife with its annual summer wild turkey count. Every year from June 1 to August 31, wild turkey reports from the public help their biologists determine productivity, compare long-term reproductive success, and estimate fall harvest potential. Reports are welcome from all regions of Massachusetts, from the most rural communities to more densely-populated areas. The summer wild turkey survey is a fun way for people to connect with nature while contributing valuable data to MassWildlife biologists.


You are encouraged to report wild turkey sightings in your area.  Contribute to the annual wild turkey survey by reporting observations of hens (female turkeys), poults (newly-hatched turkeys), jakes (juvenile males), and toms (adult males). Click onto the MassWildlife web page to learn how to tell the difference between male and female turkeys.

Turkey sightings can now be submitted online using a form which can be downloaded.   The form has been updated for the 2023 to include a map that allows collection of more accurate location information. Users have the option to zoom to their location on the map or type in an address.

Carp Palooza

This year’s Carp Palooza event will take place on Onota Lake in Pittsfield on June 24. There will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, pending the number of entries.  Sign-up will take place at the boat ramp between 1:00 and 3:00 pm.  Fishing ends at 12:00 am.


Two person teams, $50 per team.  Awards will be given for the best combined weight, 2 carp.  Lunker Pool optional at $20 per team.  Championship belts will be awarded to the first-place team.  There will also be a 50/50 raffle.


For information on the event, contact Joshua Christman at (413) 770-7111.



A note from the Environmental Police

According to Lieutenant Tara Carlow of the Massachusetts Environmental Police, officers are patrolling by boat and ATV for violations as well as increasing their presence in the DCR parks as their campgrounds and day use areas become busier.  They can always reach out to us for violations or to chat.

Recently they were out with the trout stocking trucks on a couple of occasions and one officer was at the youth stocking event which was recently held at Onota Lake.

So, boaters and anglers take note.

Projects in which the DFW Western District is involved



It’s possible that a lot of people don’t know what the folks at the DFW Western District Office in Dalton do.  Oh sure, we know that they weigh in deer during hunting season and stock trout in the spring and fall, but what else?


Well, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon made a presentation providing some information at a recent monthly meeting of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited.  The presentation, which was held at the Pleasant and Main Café & General Store in Housatonic, MA was basically an overview of the district’s activities.


Andrew Madden started the presentation by providing an overview of non-fish related programs.  He mentioned that the mission of the MassWildlife is protecting the biodiversity in the state.  Some highlights included:

  • Counties covered by the Western District include Berkshire and western towns of Hampton, Hampshire and Franklin Counties.  With a small staff of 10 employees, they manage and focus on land protection including managing over 67,000 acres in Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) and Wildlife Conservation Easements (WCE).
  • They manage 500 acres of fields (e.g. mowing).
  • They stock 72 waters.
  • They stock 23 pheasant areas.
  • They band Bald Eagles.
  • They monitor 10 collared bears.
  • They have a focus on Outreach to colleges
  • Conduct Paraplegic Deer hunts.


A list of Projects includes the following:

  • Loons – they established the first nesting pair in Berkshire County.
  • Bats – many are endangered due to White Nose disease.
  • Bears – a current challenge is to establish bi-laws to prevent intentional bear feeding.
  • Large Animal Response – capture and relocate large animals as necessary.


Leanda Fontaine Gagnon followed up by presenting an overview of aquatic-related project, including:

Trout Stocking – is a renewable resource that improves angling opportunities.  The stocking program occurs over an average of 10 weeks in the spring through around Memorial Day.

  • Includes Brook, Brown, Rainbow and Tiger trout
  • Approximately 400,000-450,000 pounds of trout are stocked statewide of which the Western District receives about 20% of them.
  • Approximately 10,000 Landlocked salmon smolts from the Palmer Hatchery are stocked in the Quabbin Reservoir.
  • There are four hatcheries in Western Mass: Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague. The fifth hatchery is in Sandwich.
  • MassWildlife posts a stocking schedule and report at the following address:


Angling Education Program – learn to fish for the general public.  It is a free program including use of equipment.

Fishery Conservation – the main watersheds include the Hoosic River, Deerfield River, Farmington River, and Westfield River.

Fish Sampling – there have been a total of 11,500 surveys statewide over the years and over 6,400 since 1998.  The types of surveys include:

  • Electrofishing (shocking) – including wading rivers streams with shock backpacks as well as using barges and boats outfitted with shocking equipment for lakes and ponds.
  • Netting, including gillnets and traps.  Additionally, this netting often occurs when lakes and ponds are iced over in the winter.
  • Angling Creel Surveys.

Data gathered from surveys provide information about fish communities in the water to compare the fish species over the years.  It can tell you things like water quality, as well as the amount and location of wild trout populations.  It can also lend help in monitoring changes in habitat, water temperature, water quality, and river/stream connectivity.

Cold Water Resources – There are over 1,200 Cold Water Resources (CWR) in Western Mass.  There are many threats that can negatively impact CFRs including:

  • Impervious Surfaces – such as paved roads and parking lots which impact drainage and warm the water.
  • Surrounding Landowners.
  • Loss of Riparian Buffer Zones – such as mowing and cutting of brush and cover down to the water’s edge.
  • Inadequate connectivity of rivers and streams caused by damaged culverts, dams, etc.


Freshwater Mussel Surveys:

  • Mussel populations are great indicators of fish health.
  • They are great water filtration systems for our water.
  • MassWildlife Western District staff actually don scuba gear to survey local waters for mussels to determine size, species, and the type of substrate they live in.
  • Mussels and fish live symbiotically, where the fish provide a reproduction vehicle when the mussels temporarily lay minute mussels in the fish’s mouth.  These tiny mussels will live in the fish’s mouth until it is large enough to drop to the water body substrate and live on its own. The fish are not impacted.

Aquatic Invasive Plant Removal – Hand-pulling Water Chestnut plants from lakes and ponds.


Becoming an Outdoorswoman (BOW) program

The BOW Program offers shooting skills workshops, hunting seminars, fly tying and other classes and activities designed for adult women.

These are just some of the things with which the staff is involved. Things like weighing in deer and bear, youth fish stocking days, helping people obtain required licensing, answering a myriad of fish and wildlife questions, presentations at various sportsmen’s groups, etc.  They are a pretty busy bunch, wouldn’t you say?


Trout Stocking


Subject to change, the following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:

Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Deerfield River (Upper section only) in Charlemont and Florida, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Westfield River (East Branch) in Chesterfield, Cummington and Huntington; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Greenwater Pond, Goose Pond, Lake Buel, Lake Garfield, Big Pond, Otis Reservoir and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

Celebrate the Housatonic River Valley


The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) invites people of all ages to celebrate the Housatonic River Watershed from May 26 until July 4.  It is a free event that helps protect waterways and lands across the nearly 2,000 square mile watershed.


People can share photos and updates from their adventures and activities or attend an HVA-led event like a hike along the Appalachian Trail, river day for kids at Troutbeck or a hands-on session about HVA’s Follow the Forest initiative.

Participants can also join friendly competitions either solo or with a team such as most miles hiked or biked or best team photo and compete for exciting prizes like a guided river rafting trip for four, REI daypacks, Patagonia prize pack, Helinox Chair Ones and more.

“This event is all about bringing people together to explore and celebrate the Housatonic River Valley from the Berkshires and eastern New York through western Connecticut to Long Island Sound,” said Lynn Werner, HVA Executive Director. “By getting out there and sharing your experiences online, whether it’s paddling your favorite stream or hiking a local land trust trail or photographing wildlife, you’ll be raising awareness about how special this area is and why we’re all working so hard to protect it.”

Additional information and registration may be found at

Spring turkey hunting ends today

Sorry, if you haven’t bagged a wild turkey yet, then you will have to wait until the fall turkey hunting season to get another chance. The fall season opens on October 16 in our zone.

From what I hear, it was a very good spring turkey hunting season.  Lots of birds were taken.

Incidentally, there was a nice group of women who participated in the BOW Turkey Hunting event.   This program is designed for adult women (18 and older) who are new to turkey hunting and includes an in-person seminar and a mentored hunt.

The hunters and their mentors gathered on opening morning at Devens RFTA to put their skills to the test. (The Devens Reserve Force Training Area is located in Middlesex and Worcester counties).

Most of the women were surrounded by turkeys at one time or another, but they wouldn’t get close enough for a shot.  Kelly Swart Blanchard lucked out though and she bagged a 14.75 lbs. jake.

New commissioner named to head the Department of Fish and Game


 Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper recently announced the appointment of Tom O’Shea to the role of Commissioner of the DFG. DFG works to preserve the state’s natural resources and protects and manages marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife, plants, and the habitats that support them.

O’Shea comes to the DFG from The Trustees of Reservations where he most recently served as Vice President of Conservation and Resilience, leading the conservation and climate agenda. Prior to his role at The Trustees overseeing land conservation, advocacy and policy, agriculture, coastal resilience, and ecology, he served as an Assistant Director for DFG’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Tom earned a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a Master of Forestry from Yale University’s School of Environment, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Maine. He is an outdoorsman and triathlete who resides in Holden with his wife and son.

O’Shea had received statements of support from the presidents of the Trustees of Reservation, Mass Audubon, and former member of the Fish & Wildlife Board Mike Roche.  Current F&W Board Chairman Steve Sears said of O’Shea, “I don’t think a better person could have been selected.”

“I’m looking forward to this urgent and significant moment for meaningful and proactive action towards climate resilience, access to nature and outdoor recreation, and the conservation of biodiversity and natural habitats.” said O’Shea.

O’Shea replaces Ron Amidon who served as commissioner for 6 years under the Baker-Polito Administration.  Many outdoor sportsmen across the Commonwealth considered Amidon one of the most effective commissioners in recent history.


MassWildlife protects more lands


MassWildlife continued its land protection efforts this month with the completion of two new projects:


Cummington Wildlife Management Area (WMA)– They added 125 acres in Cummington adjacent to Route 9. The parcel has a number of important natural communities and provides protection for drainages that contribute to the water quality in the Westfield River East Branch. The area is huntable beyond the road setbacks.


Steadman Pond Wildlife Conservation Easement – MassWildlife recently partnered with Berkshire Natural Resource Council (BNRC), DCR, and the Department of Conservation Services (DCS) to protect more than 750 acres in the towns of Tyringham and Monterey. Much of the project acreage will be owned by BNRC with a Conservation Easement held by MassWildlife. All of the MassWildlife easement areas will be open to hunting, fishing. and passive recreation. This is particularly important in Southern Berkshire County where town bylaws limit hunting access.


Wildlife Management Area Cleanups

This spring, MassWildlife is hosting a series of cleanup events at WMAs across the state. On May 20, MassWildlife invites you to join them, the Housatonic Valley Association, the Berkshire Environmental Action Team, and others in the outdoor community for a day of service and fun. Wear sturdy shoes or boots and bring work gloves if you have them. The cleanup is rain or shine, so dress for the weather.

You are asked to meet at the main parking area at the George Darey Housatonic Valley Wildlife Management Area on New Lenox Road in Lenox at 9:45 am.  From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, the cleanup will take place at the designated locations. Participants may bring canoes or kayaks for river cleanup. A limited number of boats may be available.

Volunteers can gather at the main parking area for a casual cookout/lunch at 12:30 pm.

Pre-register at: (Those who pre-register and attend will receive a 2-year subscription to Massachusetts Wildlife magazine).

Trout stocking


The following area waters, subject to change, were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:


Lake Buel in Monterey, Deerfield River (lower section only) in Buckland and Charlemont, Hoosic River (South Branch) in Cheshire and Adams, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River (East Branch) in Hinsdale and Dalton, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Westfield River (East Branch) in Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; Westfield River Mainstem in Huntington, Montgomery and Russell; Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chester and Huntington; Windsor Pond in Windsor and York Lake in New Marlborough.


Good showing at the Beagle Club Field Trials


On April 22 and 23 the Berkshire Beagle Club held an American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned field trial on its land in Richmond, MA. Participants came from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts participated in the two-day event.

According to Club spokesman Jeff St John, they had 95 total entries over the two days, 47 male dogs ran on Saturday and 48 females on Sunday.  Classes were further identified as 13-inch and 15-inch beagles. Awards were given for first through fourth places as well as NBQ (next best qualifier).

Ralph Harrington of Cambridge, New York, who is a Berkshire Beagle Club member, took home a blue ribbon in the male 13-inch category.  Readers may recall that his dog, Copper City Eaton Stew, also took the blue ribbon in 2022.  This year Ralph also placed a dog 3rd in this class and a 3rd place in the male 15-inch class as well.  Quite an accomplishment indeed when you consider the stiff competition.

Female 13-inch first place went to co-owners Robert and Robbie Kane.  She was handled by dad/grandfather Bob Kane (a club member).


15-inch male first place went to Justin Dean (past member).  The dog was handled by Mike Smith.


15”-inch female first place went to Philip Milici of Rochester, NY.


Also placing dogs on the podium was Chris Wilser.  He placed dogs third and fourth in the 15-inch female class.

Spring Fishing Derbies

The City of Pittsfield Parks and Recreation Department, the Onota Fishing Club and Lyon Aviation are sponsoring a Wild Acres Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 20 from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.  The derby is exclusively for local children 14 years of age and under. The parking lot is located on South Mountain Road, and the accessible trail from the parking lot to the pond is open. Bait will be provided. The first 100 children will receive a free food voucher (food will be available for purchase from Ozzies Steak & Eggs).

Trophies, which will be awarded at noon, will be for those who catch the largest fish (length and weight).

For more information, contact the City of Pittsfield Recreation Program Phone: 413-499-9371,, or Parks

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is sponsoring its annual Spring Fishing Derby on Sunday, May 21 at the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp.  It will run from dawn until 1:00 pm (note new ending time).  Cash prizes of $100 will be awarded to the lucky anglers who catch the heaviest trout or salmon, pickerel, bass and bullhead.  There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under.  The pre-registration fee is $10.00 and post-registration is $15.00.

Food and drinks will be available.

Tickets are available at:  Minkler Insurance Agency at 31 Main Street, Stockbridge or (w) 413-644-3590, (h) 413-298-4630 or contact any club member.  Official rules may be picked up at the boat ramp.

Youth turkey hunters


Last week I covered the story of two local youth turkey hunters and their luck at bagging two turkeys each on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.  Hunter Lawson’s picture was included in the column but not Matt Melito’s.  This week, I am including a picture of 17-year-old Matthew with his two birds.


Happy Mother’s Day!

MassWildlife encourages you to take mom fishing tomorrow.  Here are some of their suggestions:

  • Pick the perfect place. State parks are a great option. They often offer extra amenities like picnic tables, grills, walking trails, and bathrooms.
  • Get your gear ready. Pack everything the day before, (sunscreen, bug spray, mom’s favorite snacks, etc.). Let mom relax.
  • Buy her fishing license as a gift.  Remember, licenses are valid through the end of the year.
  • Take lots of pictures!  Especially when mom is reeling in her catch.
  •  Plan extra activities. Keep everyone entertained by adding a nature walk, bringing toys, binoculars, etc.
  • Prepare a meal. If someone reels in a keeper, bring it home to make a nice meal for mom.

Remember, time on the water with mom doesn’t have to just last one day.

A tale of two youth turkey hunters



On opening morning of the Youth Turkey Hunt Day, thirteen-year-old Hunter Lawson and his mentor and dad Dan Lawson of Williamstown were hunting on public land

They woke up at 4:00 am and left the house at 4:30 am. They had previously scouted a few areas and knew there were birds in one area. They snuck into their spots a little after 5:00 am, and got their decoys set up and then waited for light. Hunter said that it wasn’t great weather, as it was a bit windy and cool, but soon they had turkeys gobbling nearby.


After some “tree talking” and “fly down cackle”, the turkeys were very excited, as were Hunter and Dan. Unfortunately, the toms had hens with them and didn’t want to leave them.


Things quieted down for the next 3 hours, and Hunter was getting a little discouraged. Around 9:00 am they called again and had an answer.  Hunter was excited!  After 15 minutes or so, they saw the turkeys heading their way, and they knew they had a good chance.


Hunter had his gun already up and ready as there were 5 jakes coming in. Hunter had already decided he would shoot a jake as this was his first turkey hunt ever and wasn’t going to be picky. At about 35-40 yards Dan whispered he could shoot the one on the right. Within seconds, he shot, and it went right down.


The other four jakes then proceeded to attack the dead one. Dan told Hunter he could shoot another one if he wanted. He was already sighting on another and shot it.


“The look on Hunter’s face was amazing!” said Dan.  “I’m not sure who was happier, him or me.”


Hunter was using a Mossberg SA-20-gauge shotgun with TSS turkey loads. He had patterned the gun at the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club and knew what it could do.


The turkeys each weighed 15 pounds. After checking the birds in online, Dan showed Hunter how to dress the birds out. They saved the beards, fan, and a wing.


Dan’s father had taught him how to hunt turkeys in Vermont back in the 70’s, and then in Massachusetts when they started turkey hunts. Hunter’s other grandfather, Bob McCarthy of Williamstown taught all his kids how to hunt and appreciate the outdoors, and to see his grandkids follow in those same footprints is priceless.


To say Hunter is hooked on turkey hunting is an understatement.


That evening, Hunter accompanied his dad and granddad to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet which was held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club.  While there, emcee Mark Jester spoke about the Youth Turkey Hunt and Hunter’s success that day and had him stand up to quite an ovation. Later that evening, Hunter won award winner Joe Miraglia’s donated wing bone turkey call in the silent auction.  Joe immediately helped teach him how to use it. Hunter had a big smile on his face all night. He said it was almost as much fun as the hunt.


Seventeen-year-old Matthew Melito, of Adams, also went hunting that day with his mentor Conner Tworig of Cheshire. They arrived in the woods right before first light and waited at a spot where they thought they were going to see some turkeys. Two nights prior to the hunt, Matt had heard them nearby. After not having any luck there, they walked around the area looking and listening for turkeys that might be in the woods. The weather was a little rainy but mostly comfortable. Walking around between spots was enough to keep them warm for the time being, but when they were sitting and waiting for the turkeys Matt started getting a little cold. Not panning out in their favor, they decided to walk back to the truck and head to another spot Conner knew there were turkeys.


Conner was able to call in some birds. Matt said that he is incredibly talented with a diaphragm and slate call and was able to play both at the same time to imitate two hens fighting.  A hen walked by the decoys first and then shortly after, around 9:00 am, the two toms came in to check them out.


Using his 20-gauge shotgun with 3.5-inch, #5 birdshot, Matt dropped both toms at a distance of 15 yards.   One tom was 22 pounds, 3oz and the other was 18 and a half pounds.  The hunters were both very excited when Matt shot the birds and they both jumped up and pretty much ran over to them as soon as they both were down.


Matt is going to save the fan, spurs, and beards. Conner showed Matt how to dress the birds and Matt even got to attempt to breast one of them, but Conner was kind enough to do it for him.


Matt’s family was very proud of him. They’re not really hunters, but they all enjoyed the turkey they ate from last year’s hunt. Conner was mighty proud of Matt, too.


Last year, Matt and Conner went turkey hunting in Ashfield and were so successful it was like they were being handed turkeys. This year was a little different. Conner made Matt work for his birds and he is very grateful for that, because” that’s how it actually is and I’m glad I got to experience that so I know what to really expect next year.”


While Matt is one in the picture and the one who shot the turkeys, he insists that he cannot take all the credit. “Without Conner I wouldn’t be out there turkey hunting, mainly because I wouldn’t know how to be successful in it. He’s also the one who did the hard part, which was calling them in. I wouldn’t have been able to shoot them if we weren’t there in the first place.  He has done a lot for other people, too, getting them into turkey hunting and helping them fill their tags. He absolutely deserves recognition for that too.”


“Overall, I’ve had a lot of fun the couple times I went, and this isn’t the last time you’ll see me on Facebook with a turkey or two.”


Trout Stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week, subject to change: Hoosic River (South Branch) in Cheshire and Adams, Hoosic River (North Branch) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Green River (north) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Green River (South) in Alford and Egremont, Clesson Brook in Buckland and Ashfield,  Upper Clesson Brook and Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chesterfield and Huntington; Cold River in Charlemont, Chickley River in Hawley and Charlemont, Pelham Brook in Rowe and Charlemont, Housatonic River (East Branch) in Hinsdale and Dalton, Housatonic River (South West Branch) in Pittsfield, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg and North Adams, Hubbard River in Granville, North Pond in Florida, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Berry Pond in Hancock, Dunbar Brook in Monroe, Pelham Lake in Rowe, Buck and Clam Rivers in Sandisfield, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Lake Buel, Goose Pond, Otis Reservoir and Stockbridge Bowl.

Kids Fishing Derbies beginning at the Hatchery

On the second Saturday of each month beginning in April and running through September the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery put on a kid’s fishing derby. They start at 9:00 and run to 10:30 am.  No child goes away empty handed.

The next derby will be next Saturday, May 13 at the Hatchery’s Lower Pool at 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough.

1,000th column

If you have been reading this column since its beginning, you are now reading the 1,000th column. Can you believe it? Yep, it’s true. Can’t believe it myself.   Never thought I could put out 10 columns, much less 1,000.

It started in March, 2004, just a couple of months after the “Magnificent Scribbler,” Ted Giddings, retired after 55 years of writing his Our Berkshires outdoor sports column.

Ted joined the Berkshire Eagle in 1928 serving as a reporter until 1937 and as city editor from 1938 to 1971. He was best known for his popular outdoors column,Our Berkshires,” which he began writing in 1948.

Don’t look for me to challenge Ted’s remarkable run of 2,860 columns.

Spring trout stockings under way


Spring trout stocking is in full swing now with approximately 30% of the allotted numbers for the Western District already being stocked. That equates to about 30,000 trout swimming around there right under your nose. Hope you got out and caught some. Last week I was unable to provide any stocking information, but were catching up now.

Subject to change, the following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout during the week of April 3 – April 7.  Westfield River (West) in Becket, Chester, Middlefield, and Huntington; Westfield River (Middle Branch) in Middlefield, Worthington, Chester and Huntington; Westfield River (East Branch) in Chesterfield, Cummington and Windsor; Housatonic River (East Branch) in Hinsdale and Dalton; Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Town Brook in Lanesborough, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Goose Pond in Lee and Tyringham, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Windsor Pond in Windsor  and Onota Lake in Pittsfield.

This past week, the following local waters were scheduled to be stocked, pending any changes:

Hoosic River (South Branch) in Cheshire and Adams, Housatonic River (Southwest Branch) in Pittsfield, Housatonic River (C/R) in Stockbridge and Lee, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Laurel Lake, Garfield Lake in Monterey, York Lake in New Marlborough, Big Pond in Otis, Otis Reservoir in Otis and Tolland, Onota Lake, Stockbridge Bowl and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

School is out, help stock trout!

Did you know that the public is invited to help MassWildlife stock trout during school vacation week?  It’s your chance to meet MassWildlife fisheries staff, view trout up close, and learn about places to fish near you. It is such a fun time to see the toddlers running to the lakeshore with a pail and a trout or two in it.  They are supposed to toss the trout out of the pail into the water, but every now and then in their excitement, they toss the pail in, too.

Stocking in our Western District will be on April 19 at Onota Lake in Pittsfield beginning at 1:30 p.m. at Burbank Park on Lakeway Drive.

Parents, bring a camera with you to capture these wonderful memories.  You’ll be glad you did.

New additions to the Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program

Beginning in 2023 two new fish species (Fallfish and White Sucker) will be included in the Sportfish Awards Program. These are fish not normally eaten and some consider them trash fish.  But they make up an important part of the “game” fish’s diet. It will be interesting to see the sizes of some of the fish entered into the Sportfish Award Program.

Personally, I never understood why Rock Bass were classified as Sunfish. One only needs to look at the size of their mouths and you can tell they ae of the bass family. It’s hard to get a pin for a Pumpkinseed or Bluegill when they are competing against a Rock Bass. I think they should be separate categories. If any tweaks were to be made to the Freshwater Sportfishing Program, that’s where I would have made it.

They have also added a Youth Catch and Release category to the Awards Program.  Now this is where an adult should make sure that the youth knows how to safely remove a hook from a fish so that it has a chance for survival. Maybe I can get into that in a subsequent column.

Some of the 2022 winners with connections to the Western District:

As previously mentioned in this column, there was a 3-way tie for Catch and Keep Youth Angler of the Year; the winners were:

Carter Flagg of Gill, Logan Middlebrook of Pittsfield, and Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield. Each angler caught 9 of the 22 eligible species.

Other 2022 Gold Pin Winners with local connections:

Brook Trout 3. 5 lbs. from Goose Pond by Allan Armstrong of Lee, Brown Trout 3. 6 lbs. from Onota Lake by Logan Middlebrook of Pittsfield; Bullhead; 2. 0 lbs. from Plainfield Pond by Carter Flagg, of Gill; Crappie 2. 4 lbs. from Norwich Pond by Dominic Crochier of Chesterfield; Rainbow Trout 3.5lbs. from Stockbridge Bowl by Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield; White Perch 1. 4 lbs. from Pontoosuc Lake by Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield; Northern Pike 44″ from Onota Lake by Seth Davis of Oxford; Northern Pike 44″ from Onota Lake by Jake Burke of Pittsfield and White Catfish 23.25″ from Onota Lake by Jason Wingrove of Bernardston.

Migratory Bird Regulations Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 26 at 1:30 p.m., at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory, 1 Migratory Way, Turners Falls, MA to establish rules and regulations relative to the 2023–2024 migratory game bird hunting seasons.

Due to the migratory game bird season filing requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Fisheries and Wildlife Board must vote to finalize and approve the 2023–2024 migratory bird seasons at the close of the hearing. Therefore, please note: There will be no written comment period after this public hearing. Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing via email to, Subject: Fisheries and Wildlife Board, or by mail to the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, MassWildlife Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581. Written public comments will be accepted until Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

Here is a summary of the proposed changes.  I think our waterfowl hunters will like them:

  • Woodcock Season: October 2 through November 22
  • Youth Waterfowl Hunts: September 23 and October 7
  • Veteran’s Waterfowl Hunts: September 23 and January 29
  • Early Goose Season (statewide): September 1 through September 22
  • Regular Goose Season

o Berkshire Zone: October 10 through November 25 and December 11 through December

14 (now 45 days, increased from 30 days; daily bag now 3, increased from 1)

o Central Zone: October 14 through November 25 and December 12 through January 6

o Coastal Zone: October 14 through October 21 and November 29 through January 27

  • Late Goose Season

o Berkshire Zone: December 15 through January 30

o Central Zone: January 15 through February 12

o North Coastal Zone: January 29 through February 15

  • Duck Season

o Berkshire Zone: October 9 through November 25 and December 11 through December


o Central Zone: October 14 through November 25 and December 12 through January 6

o Coastal Zone: October 14 through October 21 and November 28 through January 27

Beagle Club Field Trials


Next weekend, April 22 – 23, the Berkshire Beagle Club on Sleepy Hollow Road in Richmond, MA is having its spring field trials.  Some of the best beagles in the northeast will compete at following the scents of snowshoe hares and/or cottontail bunnies. All of the dogs are AKC registered and many already possess championship ribbons won at other field trials.  For beagle lovers, there’s no finer sound than that of a beagle singing its heart out while following the scent of a bunny.

The club welcomes folks to come and just listen to the dogs and observe the judges.  Every now and then, you will hear someone shout “Tally Ho!” to let the judges know that they spotted a bunny or dog on its scent.


There will be food to purchase there as well as a 50/50 raffle.

2023 spring trout stocking beginning soon


At the last Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) meeting, DFW Western District  Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife will stock nearly 500,000 brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout across Massachusetts this year—nearly 470,000 will be stocked during the early spring.  The Western District waters should receive approximately 20% of the allotted fish.

Stocking in southeastern waters started March 6 and other regions of the state will begin as soon as weather conditions allow. As of Tuesday, March 14, no Western District waters have been stocked yet.

MassWildlife raises trout in its five hatcheries in Sandwich, Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague.

“Anglers can look forward to another outstanding trout fishing season. Thanks to the year-round work of our dedicated staff, the quality and size of the fish we are stocking this spring is exceptional,” said Dr. Caleb Slater, MassWildlife’s Chief of Hatcheries. “MassWildlife stocks these trout in more than 220 cities and towns across the Commonwealth, which helps make great fishing opportunities more accessible to anyone who enjoys the outdoors.”

Most of the trout will be over 12 inches, more than 175,000 rainbow trout will be over 14 inches, more than 51,000 brook trout will be over 12 inches, including 300 18”+ retired brood fish.  Some 50,000 brown trout will be over 12 inches, including nearly 700 18”+ retired brood fish and more than 2,500 tiger trout will be over 14 inches

Boating Safety Classes


At that same BCLS meeting, Environmental Police Lt. Tara Carlow reported that she scheduled two boating safety classes in our region. One is at Berkshire Community College on April 16 and April 23 from noon to 5:00 pm.  The other is at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club on April 4, 5, 11 and 13 from 5:00 to 8:30 pm. Participants must be there all days.


She reminded the League that Massachusetts law requires all motorboat operators who are 12 through 15 years of age to complete an approved boating course in order to operate a motorboat without adult supervision. Also, all PWC operators who are 16 or 17 years of age or older must complete an approved boating course.  The Massachusetts Environmental Police Requirements are: You must be at least 12 years old to take the course, and you do not have to be a resident of Massachusetts to take this course.

People must have written permission or trails must be open to the use of off-road vehicles (ORV) and all machines must be properly registered, even on their own property.  Pittsfield State Forest ORV season does not open until May 1, and may be delayed by muddy conditions.  All fines and regulations were modernized in 2010 when an 8-year-old boy was involved in a fatal ATV accident.

A Massachusetts law, enacted that year restricting the use of ORVs to those age 14 and older led to significant reductions in both emergency department visits and hospital admissions resulting from ORV injuries in the following three years according to a study by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital, comparing injury rates before and after the law’s enactment.

Lt Carlow also mentioned that they will try to do an ORV education class.  Anyone in Massachusetts who is younger than 18 years old has to have this education to drive an ATV, dirt bike or side by side along with other age requirements. A class has not been held in the Berkshires in a while because only certified officers can teach it.  There are no specifics on it yet.


Lastly, she also mentioned an incident where MA EPOs assisted with a case that resulted in an arrest in Maine.  A guy from Attleboro, MA was paying people in Maine to trap wild snowshoe hares and he was taking them back to Attleboro for his own beagles to run.  The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) also got involved. He received a 1-year probation, a $10,000 fine, and a $1,800 restitution to Maine for the hares.

Migratory Bird Regulations

At that same BCLS meeting, Madden reported that The Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board voted to move MassWildlife’s proposed Migratory Bird regulations to public hearing. This annual process sets dates and limits for seasons on Migratory birds within a framework set by the USFWS.

The primary changes include the following:

  • Increase the Mallard Bag limit from 2 to 4
  • Increase the Berkshire Goose season from 30 days to 45 days and increase the bag from 1 to 3
  • Open the Berkshire duck season October 9 (Holiday)
  • Open the Central duck season October 14th (Saturday)


Here they come again

MassWildlife officials are reminding the public that March is the month when hungry bears emerge from their winter dens and seek out food. Natural foods such as acorns and other nuts are usually available on the ground, but last year’s fall hard mast crop was meager. Bears will often ignore seasonally available natural foods including skunk cabbage in favor of an easy meal at a backyard bird feeder. Other species including wild turkeys and coyotes may also frequent bird feeders leading to a variety of nuisance issues.

To avoid these problems, MassWildlife asks property owners to be proactive by removing bird feeders and other potential food sources including garbage or open compost. If you enjoy watching birds in your yard, MassWildlife suggests adding a water feature, growing native plants, shrubs, and trees to attract birds. Individuals should also secure bee hives, chickens, and livestock. Properly maintained electric fencing is the only way to protect chickens or bee hives from bears. Taking these actions may prevent the unnatural feeding of bears and other kinds of neighborhood wildlife.

There are at least 4,500 black bears in Massachusetts and their range is expanding eastward. Act by educating yourself and your neighbors about proactive measures to avoid conflicts with bears. For more information about black bears in Massachusetts, visit


Gala Event

On April 1, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association/Ducks Unlimited (LSA/DU) 7th Annual Youth Sports Gala will take place at the Country Club in Pittsfield.  There will be raffles, live and silent auctions.  Doors open at 4:00 pm, dinner served at 6:00 pm.  Tickets cost $100 per person and can be purchased at or mail to Lee Sportsmen’s Association, PO Box 175, Lee, MA 01238.

Keeping with the LSA, Turkey Shoots will take place every Sunday through March 26, from 1:00 pm to 4:00pm.  Prizes include: NY Strip steaks, turkeys, pork loins, and spiral hams.  Cost: $3/shot-meat, $3/shot money shoot.  Lunch available for purchase.  Contact President Doug Frank at (413) 822-6490 with any questions.

Pistol License Course

On Saturday, March 25, Pete’s Gun Shop is hosting the MA Pistol License Course which qualifies you to apply for a MA LTC or FID, plus pistol licenses issued by AZ, CT, FL, ME, NH, PA, etc. The course includes firearm laws, safe gun handling, operation, maintenance, shooting fundamentals, etc. Live fire is also included, and is required by CT, FL and several MA municipalities. You will receive new wrap-around shooting glasses and folding muff type hearing protection that are yours to keep.

This will be a one day all inclusive, live fire class at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club. The class starts at 9:00 am. They spend time at the range and you get to shoot. You are also given an NRA Basic Pistol Safety textbook which is included in the class cost of $160.00.


You also get a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop in appreciation for taking the course. You are asked to pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. This live fire course fills up very quickly so call or stop in early to pre-register.


Prepayment is required at the time of registration. They do accept credit cards in person at the shop or by phone.

More 2022 deer harvest information

More information has become available regarding the 2022 deer harvest.  As readers may recall, some 15,853 deer were harvested statewide last year.  The breakdown by harvest sex:  9,076 were adult bucks, 5,516 were does and 1,261 were buck fawns.

The following is the breakdown by Wildlife Management Zones and by seasons.  I am listing only the figures for the area west of the Connecticut River (WMZs 1 through 4), our area.

Zone 1: 4 deer were taken by paraplegics or youth (P/Y), 110 by archery, 139 by shotgun and 119 by primitive arms for a total of 372.

Zone 2:  13 taken by P/Y, 193 by archery, 234 by shotgun and 160 by primitive arms for a total of 600.

Zone 3:  5 taken by P/Y, 168 by archery, 283 by shotgun and 197 by primitive arms for a total of 653,

Zone 4N:  14 taken by P/Y, 210 by archery, 286 by shotgun and 148 by primitive arms for a total of 658.

Zone 4S: 8 taken by P/Y, 158 by archery, 140 by shotgun and 79 by primitive arms for a total of 385.

Just to give you an indication of how large the deer herd is in the eastern part of the state, Zone 9 yielded 1,414 deer, Zone 10 yielded 2,793 and Zone 11 yielded 4,259.

2022 wild turkey harvest

Based upon information listed on the MassWildlife web site, some 3,067 turkeys were harvested statewide last year, 2,837 in the spring hunt and 230 in the fall hunt.

The spring totals were as follows:  2,240 adult males, 508 jakes, and 10 bearded hens.  (Hunting the normal hens is prohibited in the spring hunt).  Those numbers were based upon the spring estimated harvest which was estimated to be 2,758 at the time. When final figures came in, the count was subsequently jacked up to 2,837. Some 365 of them were estimated to be from the Berkshires.

The harvest was nearly identical to the 10-year average of spring turkey harvest.

Young hunters harvested some 76 turkeys (49 adult males, 26 jakes, 1 bearded hen) statewide on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.

Sex breakdowns were not available for the fall harvest nor how many were taken in the Berkshires.  Of the total 230 statewide fall harvest, 118 were toms and 112 were hens.

A talk on Mustelids

On Wednesday, March 8 at 6:00 pm local MassWildlife biologist Nathan Buckhout will make a presentation on mustelids, otherwise known as the weasel family—and go over some common characteristics of the diverse group.

river otter photo provided by MassWildlife

The talk will be at the March Berkshire Green Drinks gathering at the Shire Breu-Hous inside The Stationery Factory, 63 Flansburg Ave, Dalton, MA, and online via Zoom.


Mustelids are a family of carnivorous mammals, which include weasels, minks, otters, fishers, martens, and wolverines, among others. They’re an incredibly diverse family that comprises a vast number of individual species. Nathan will briefly discuss each species presently in Massachusetts, as well as species that have disappeared from the region. He will also discuss some common misconceptions and human-mustelid-related issues that commonly occur.


Additionally, Nathan is an expert on bears and enjoys discussing all types of wildlife.  He welcomes all questions about any wildlife during the Q&A session.

The in-person gathering begins at 5:00 pm at Shire Breu-Hous. The presentation will take place upstairs in a venue space of The Stationery Factory at 6:00 pm. RSVP to the in-person event at

Pre-registration is required to attend the virtual presentation. Register at

Berkshire Green Drinks (formerly Pittsfield Green Drinks) is an informal gathering on the second Wednesday of the month. A guest speaker talks for about 30 minutes beginning at 6:00 pm, and the presentation is followed by a discussion and Q&A. These nights are free and open to everyone with any environmental interest. The drinks aren’t green but the conversations are. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join and bring along questions

First time out ice fishing

I don’t think anyone forgets the first time they went ice fishing. Five-year old Cameron and three-year old Colin Phillips of Groveland, MA surely won’t forget their first ice fishing experience.  They were out ice fishing on Onota Lake last Sunday with their mom and dad Nicole and Shaun Phillips and their grandparents Elaine and retired Pittsfield Deputy Fire Chief Keith Phillips. Shaun grew up in Pittsfield and fishing on Onota Lake but now resides in Groveland. Elaine and Keith Phillips still reside in Pittsfield.

Fishing on about 8 inches of ice, Cameron hauled in a 3 lbs. 10 oz smallmouth bass.  According to Shaun, Cameron pulled it in himself, his first time catching one while ice fishing. It will earn him a youth bronze pin from the state, and if no one catches a larger one this year, he may get a gold pin.

Cameron and Colin Phillips picture provided by family

They kept the bass this time and plan to have it mounted so Cameron has one on the wall next to his dad’s bass, which he caught when he was about the same age as Cameron.  Shaun says it kept him fishing throughout his life

Teaching Shaun and now Cameron was their grandfather Keith who was present to witness both catches.  I’d say he did a good job of teaching, don’t you think?

Some small game hunting ends next week

Tuesday marks the end of the cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, squirrel and fox hunting seasons until this fall.  Oil up your guns and safely lock them away in the gun cabinet. Remember to lock your ammo in a separate location. The next time hunters will probably be picking up their shotguns again is in April, when the Spring Wild Turkey hunting season opens on April 24.

Let’s help those that are endangered

Is pulling junk out of our rivers not your forte?  Are you too busy to help eradicate the invasive hardy kiwi plant? Feeling guilty about not doing more to protect our environment and the critters that inhabit it, especially the endangered ones?

Well, one possible way to alleviate the guilt is to support the endangered at tax time. By adding a donation to line 33A on your State income taxes, you can help Massachusetts endangered animals and plants thrive.


According to MassWildlife, more than 430 plants and animals are listed under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. These rare species play an important role in keeping the Commonwealth’s natural communities thriving. You can make a difference by supporting endangered species conservation while filing your taxes this year. Remember, look for Line 33A on your state tax form and write in any amount. Your meaningful donation will go to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund which is dedicated specifically to the conservation of rare species in the Commonwealth.


Good time to tie some flies


With ice fishing almost over, the hunting seasons closed, little or no snow for snowshoeing, too early to start scouting for wild turkeys, what are the outdoors folks going to do now?  Go shopping?  Nope, you don’t want to hang around a mall all day. I don’t know about you, but my legs get more tired there than traipsing through the woods all day or climbing a mountain.


If you are a fly fisherman, you have no problem.  This time of year is traditionally the time to sit down at the fly tier’s desk and start winding the thread, furs, feathers, tinsel, etc. onto the hooks.  For many, it’s the only time of the year they have to do this.  They will probably restock the reliable, time-tested old flies like the Woolie Bugger, the Hendrickson, the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear, etc., that they lost during last year’s season, either in fish, snags or branches.  Or maybe they will tie up variations of those trusted old flies by changing the color, size, etc., just to see how they’ll work in the upcoming fishing season.


By the time that they are done fly tying, it will be springtime with our lakes and streams full of hungry trout ready to gobble them up………..or totally reject them.

2022 deer harvest set a record


In his February report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that the preliminary statewide deer harvest for 2022 was a record with  15,853 deer. “That harvest highlights growing deer abundance statewide and increased access to permits, with the previous 3-year average of 14,007.” he said.

The breakdown of the harvest by season is as follows:

  • Youth Deer Hunt Day: 114
  • Paraplegic Hunt Days: 7
  • Archery Season: 6,543
  • Shotgun Season: 5,823
  • Primitive Firearms Season: 3,366

He noted that the harvest is well within the expected range allowed under strict regulations set by MassWildlife.

“The statewide deer population has been increasing for several decades,” said MassWildlife Deer and Moose Project Leader Martin Feehan. “Hunting is a critical tool for balancing deer populations with forest health while feeding tens of thousands of families across Massachusetts every year. It really is a win-win for both people and wildlife conservation.”

Deer densities vary widely from an ideal range of about 12–18 deer per square mile in most of central and western Massachusetts to more than 30–50 deer per square mile in areas of eastern Massachusetts and on the islands. Without population management through regulated hunting, deer become overabundant, increasing risks to public safety from vehicle collisions and habitat damage. When there are too many deer, they over-browse tree saplings and seedlings, which degrades forest health and negatively impacts many other wildlife species.


Basic hunting education is mandatory for all hunters.


There are different rules for minors based on their age. No person under the age of 12 may hunt in Massachusetts.

Youth ages 12-14

Youth ages 12-14 do not need a license or stamps or firearms license to hunt. They may hunt only when accompanied by a licensed adult hunter 18 or older. Only one minor per adult is permitted. The adult and minor share one firearm/bow and a single bag limit along with any applicable permits/tags.

The adult must have:

  • A valid Massachusetts hunting or sporting license
  • Any required state or federal stamps or permits
  • Firearms license if a firearm is being used
  • All other hunting laws apply.


 Youth Ages 15–17

Youth ages 15-17 must have a minor hunting license along with any required stamps and permits.

  • Minors without a Basic Hunter Education certificate must be accompanied by a person 18 years of age or older.
  • Minors with a Basic Hunter Education certificate may legally hunt without adult supervision and must carry their Basic Hunter Education certificate while hunting.
  • Minors hunting with a shotgun or rifle must follow Massachusetts Firearms license laws and must obtain a Firearms Identification Card (FID).
  • All other hunting laws apply.

Basic hunter education is required even for adult hunters.

  • Blended: Students complete the online MA hunter study guide before attending one in-person Field Day.
  • In-person (traditional): Students attend an entirely in-person, instructor led course that is offered over multiple days.  All courses are free of charge and open to the public.


Such a class will be held at the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club on March 13, 17, 20, 22, 27 and 31 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. If interested, you should click onto the MassWildlife website education and call the number listed to sign up.


Ice Fishing derbies

The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club will be holding an ice fishing derby on Saturday, February 11 from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm at Mercer’s Pond in Great Barrington.  The entry fee is $15 for adults and children 12 and under $5. There will be a spaghetti and meatball dinner following the derby.  There will be prizes for every child.  The grand door prize for adults will be an ice auger, for children a bicycle. Other prizes include:  largest fish (adult and child), heaviest fish overall plus many raffle prizes. Tickets must be pruchased at the clubhouse prior to derby, no exceptions.

The Cheshire Fire Department’s Sixth Annual Ice Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, February 12 on Cheshire Lake.  There will be prizes for the three largest fish of any species for both adult and youth age groups. An additional prize for the largest bass of the day will be awarded as well as the Bill Lewis Biggest Bass Award.

Registration will take place from 6:00 am until noon on both boat ramps. It will run from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm on both the north and south basins. Registration Fee: $15.00 for adults, youths 12 and under free with an adult. Registration fee automatically enters you in for thousands of dollars worth of raffles to be drawn throughout the day.  A 50/50 raffle will also be available.  All fish must be weighed in by 4:00 pm.

All proceeds from this derby go directly to benefit the Cheshire Volunteer Fire Department for things like training, equipment, vehicle maintenance, etc. Call or text with any questions. 413-281-5020.


Results of Ice fishing Derby


The winners of the Lanesboro Fire Association Ice Fishing Derby which was held on Saturday, January 28 on Pontoosuc Lake are as follows:

Pike: 1st Place John O’Neil 8 lbs 2 oz, 2nd Jon Jewell 7 lbs 6 oz, 3rd  Brian King 6 lbs 6 oz.  Bass: 1st Place Kristen Strum 3 lbs 5 oz, 2nd Dan Dufur 3 lbs 4 oz, 3rd Brian Littlefoot 2 lbs 8oz.  Pickerel: 1st Place Dan Starkey 2 lbs 15 oz,


Some 80 or so ice fishermen entered the Coles Memorial Ice Fishing Derby last Sunday on Goose Pond. John Kelley caught the largest fish of the day, a 2 lb 5 oz brown trout which measured 19 ½ inches long.


Other Adult Category winners were:  Bass: Trevor Goodermott took 1st place with a 1 lb 15 oz bass.  James Trumps came in second with a bass weighing 14 oz.  Pickerel:  Shamus Daley took 1st place with a 1 lb 10 oz fish.  J Petersoli came in second with a 1 lb 7 oz fish, Trout:  John Kelley took that 2 lb 5 oz brown trout.  2nd place went to Josh Brown with a 1 lb 8 oz 16-inch rainbow trout.  Perch: Tyler Swicker took first place with a 11 oz yellow perch.  Josh Brown took second place with a 10 oz perch.

Picture taken by
Gene Chague


In the Kid’s Category, Carson and Emmit Mechare tied for 1st place by each catching a 14 oz rainbow trout. Young Trenton Santolin caught the only pickerel in this category which was a 13 oz pickerel.


The 39th Annual Springfield Sportsmen’s Show coming soon


The show takes place at the Eastern States Exposition (Big E) 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, MA on February 24 through 26.   The show hours are Friday from noon to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 7 pm and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.  Admission:  Adults – $15, kids 6 to 12 – $5 and under 6 free.

Billed as the largest pure hunting and fishing show in the Northeast, it is filled with hundreds of booths, seminars and action areas. The show is filled with an outdoorsman’s dream of fishing and hunting gear, outfitters, charter boats and adventure destinations, along with great deals on fishing boats, ATV’s and UTV’s. There will be great attractions and displays such as The Northeast Big Buck Club, Trout Pond, and more.

The Outdoor Sports Expo Group brings together just the right mix of hunting and fishing celebrities, industry experts, and entertainment features to produce a sporting and outdoor show that is educational, entertaining, and fun.

Each year, the show draws exhibitors from all over the Northeast who are eager to present their products and services to outdoor sporting enthusiasts. Returning and all new fishing tackle vendors will exhibit and sell fishing reels and rods, hard and soft plastic baits, fishing kayaks with accessories, boats of all types, etc.

State of the Hoosic River

On February 9, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have at its general meeting Arianna Collins, Executive Director of the Hoosic River Watershed Association (HOORWA).  She will be speaking about the state of the Hoosic River and the work HOORWA is doing in water quality and temperature testing. The meeting will take place at the Trailhouse Kitchen and Bar, 896 State Rd, North Adams.

Fly Tying with Chris Samson


On February 7, Chris Samson of Berkshire Outfitters, 169 Grove St, Adams, MA, is hosting a fly-tying night at 6:30 pm.

Time to review ice safety tips


Well, with ice fishing season here or approaching, and with fishing derbies scheduled, it’s that time again to review information from MassWildlife regarding ice thickness.  A truck already went through the ice in Warwick, MA.  Fortunately, no one was injured.

I recommend you read the great article on Page A4 of the January 13, 2023 Berkshire Eagle dealing with ice safety. Or you could click onto MassWildlife’s website where there is important safety information listed.  There is no need for me to reprint all of that information here.

But I would like to point out a couple of items:

One is the suggestion by MassWildlife that 4 inches of ice may be safe for ice fishing or other activities on foot.  But they clearly stipulate that it is safe only on new clear/blue ice on lakes or ponds.  Keep an eye on the ice especially this year because of the freeze/thaw days this winter.  The ice may be cloudy and not as thick and hard as one thinks.

Another important suggestion is to always keep pets leashed while walking on or near ice. Well- meaning pet owners can easily become victims themselves when trying to assist their pets.


Obviously, rabbit hunters don’t keep their dogs on a leash for they work the bushes trying to kick up some bunnies and unfortunately, they’re apt to run onto dangerous ice pursuing them.


That happened to me a few years back while my beagle Jacques and I were hunting an area near the Housatonic River in Pittsfield.  He was barking away running a bunny out of my sight when I heard ice breaking in the area where he was.  I rushed over to find him and there he was in a frozen flooded area near the river some thirty feet away.  Only his head was sticking out of the ice and he was looking at me for help.  I had to try to save him, so I gingerly started walking out to try to reach him.  To my delight, the water under the ice had receded and there was dry ground under that ice.  When I reached Jacques, he was standing on dry ground under the ice, too.  We really lucked out that day.


After that I never hunted him in the late fall or winter where there were ponds or rivers. Actually, I didn’t have to worry, for he never forgot that incident and never went on ice again, unless he went ice fishing with me.  He loved to play Huskie and help me drag my ice fishing sled out onto the lakes.  I brought a 30-foot lead so that he wouldn’t wander away and get into trouble near thin ice or try to bum a hot dog from other nearby ice fishermen.


Upcoming ice fishing derbies 

The Lanesborough Volunteer Fireman’s Association will be sponsoring an ice fishing derby on Saturday, January 28 on Pontoosuc Lake.  It will run from 6:000 am until 2:00 pm.  Registration will be conducted behind the park on Narragansett Avenue.  There will be a $15 entry fee for adults with kids 12 and under free.  Each entry fee includes a chance at the door prize (Weber Grill).

The Coles Memorial Hard Water Fishing Derby is scheduled to take place on Goose Pond on Sunday, January 29 from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Dresser Hull, Terrace Hair Studio or on the ice near the boat ramp and must be purchased by 10:00 am in order to fish. Tickets cost $10.00 for adults and free for kids 12 and under.  There will be cash prizes for adults.  All proceeds will go towards a memorial donation to the boat ramp in the late Evan Colbert’s name.

Check to make sure there are no changes due to ice conditions,


Learn to ice fish with MassWildlife

Learn how to set up your rod, how to use a tip-up and how to bait your hook. Events are free, family friendly, and open to all skill levels. No fishing license or registration is required. Bring your own fishing equipment or borrow theirs. Limited gear and bait will be provided. Note: Events will be canceled if ice is less than 6 inches thick or if there is heavy rain or snow.

Such a class will be held on Cheshire Lake on February 19 from sunrise to 4:00 pm.  Meet up and weigh in at Farnham’s Causeway.  It is held in cooperation with the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club and the Adams Outdoorsmen for Youth.

There are also some nice ice fishing tutorial videos on the MassWildlife website.

Nice crappie hauled through the ice

Last Tuesday, January 17, Javius Johnson of Ashfield, MA caught a nice crappie out of Ashfield Lake. It weighed 1 lb 12 oz, was 16 inches long and had a girth of 11 ¾ inches He caught it on a shiner.  I happened to be at the Onota Boat Livery in Pittsfield when Javius weighed it in. It was a beauty.

Incidentally, Javius said that there were approximately 8 inches of ice on Ashfield Lake that day.

To be eligible for a bronze pin from the DFW Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program Catch and Keep Category, the crappie had to weigh at least 1 lb 8 oz.  If no one catches a larger crappie, Javius will receive a gold pin and be recognized at the awards ceremony later on this year (provided Covid doesn’t rear its ugly head again).  In that case the pin and certificate will be mailed to him.  Last year’s gold pin winning crappie weighed 2 lbs 13 oz and it came out of Quabbin Reservoir.

2022 Deer Harvest figures still not yet released

In his January report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS), MA DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden said that early reports indicate that 2022 was an excellent year for Massachusetts deer hunters. Final tabulations are still being calculated but all Western District zones saw an increase over 2021. Full statewide numbers should be available soon.

Preliminary Bear Harvest


Andrew Madden also reported that a total of 223 black bears were taken during the combined 2022 bear hunting seasons. This was the second highest in the last 5 years and the 6th highest overall. Some 79 bears were taken in Berkshire County.


Environmental Police Comments

At the above-mentioned BCLS meeting, Lt. Cara Carlow of the Massachusetts Environmental Police discussed the recent hunting fatality in Chesterfield.  She offered this advice:

  • If you have an older person with a smart phone, please show him//her how to use it, how to find where the coordinates are and how to send them.
  • That deceased hunter only brought 5 shotgun rounds with him and blasted them all off before law enforcement even got to the location. They had nothing to help triangulate where the lost hunter was. On top of that, he kept moving.
  • If you like to hunt alone, tell a friend where you will be and that you will text them later when you come out of the woods.
  • Plan for the worst weather, make sure your phone is charged before you go out. If you know the battery is dying, put it on airplane mode. Carry a portable phone recharger.


She had one other tidbit of useful information – Make sure you have a plan if you shoot a deer or bear.  Can you drag it out? If not, have some friends on standby. Also, please know that you are not allowed to use an ATV to drag your bear out of a Wildlife Management Area unless MassWildlife gives you permission to do that.

Definitely some useful advice from which we all can learn.

Monies awarded for recreational access projects in MA

$56,000 has been awarded in Massachusetts state grant funds to the Towns of Barnstable and Cohasset, and the City of Newburyport for saltwater fishing access projects popular with the recreational fishing community.

The access funds, which were awarded by the Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Marine Fisheries are provided through the collection of revenue from the sale of saltwater fishing permits, a portion of which fund construction and improvements to public access facilities in Massachusetts coastal communities.


It’s good to know that our salt water permit fees are being put to good use.

Hunters Share the Harvest Program” is a success.  Expansion planned for next year.  

In my December 10, 2022 column, I did an article on MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest Program, a new program which provides an opportunity for hunters to donate and share wild game meat like venison with Massachusetts residents in need.

Free range, organic venison is a lean, healthy protein with a low carbon footprint that already feeds thousands of licensed hunters and their families across Massachusetts each year and now successful hunters can help combat hunger and food insecurity in their communities by donating venison.

In last year’s deer hunting seasons, there was only one approved meat processor that accepted whole-deer donations.  The packaged venison was to be distributed to those in need through the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation’s Food 4 Vets program.

Meat processors, food pantries, hunger relief agencies, or other organizations who wanted to participate in MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest program in the future could contact Martin Feehan, MassWildlife’s Deer and Moose Project Leader, at

Well, at last week’s Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) meeting, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife had a very successful launch of the Share the Harvest Program. “With support from the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation and through the generosity of hunters, more than 700lbs of venison were distributed.” said Madden.

MassWildlife will be expanding the program in 2023 to reach wider distribution and provide meals for more people throughout the state.

BioMap is available.

BioMap, a newly-updated online tool that identifies critical land and waterways throughout the Commonwealth in need of conservation is now available. MassWildlife and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) worked to develop the tool to help state and local governments, land trusts, non-government organizations, and other conservation partners strategically plan projects to conserve wildlife and their habitats.

The latest version of BioMap combines more than 40 years of rigorously documented rare species and natural community records from MassWildlife with cutting-edge climate resilience data from TNC and spatial data identifying intact fish and wildlife communities, habitats, and ecosystems that are the focus of the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan.

You are invited to join Assistant Director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Eve Schluter and TNC Ecologist Andy Finton for a demonstration of the new BioMap webinar on January 18 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Click onto to register for the webinar.

Email to request BioMap technical support or to request notification of future trainings.

 “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World”

Skilled wildlife tracker and educator Dan Gardoqui is visiting the Berkshires to present a talk: “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World” at Berkshire Community College’s Robert Boland Theater in Pittsfield on Friday, January 20 at 6:00 PM. This event is sponsored by Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT), Greenagers, Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC), Housatonic Heritage, Richmond Pond Association, and Berkshire Community College. It is free and open to the public, with a $10 suggested donation.

Dan Gardoqui will give a presentation on tracking wildlife. He’ll lead attendees to make deeper connections with the natural world and the wildlife that surrounds us by sharing thrilling stories and photos from his tracking experiences and discussing ways to actively participate in the more-than-human world by applying wildlife tracking skills. A Q & A session will follow the talk.

The following day, Saturday, January 21, Dan will lead two back-to-back trackings (8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30pm to 3:30pm at the Eugene D Moran Wildlife Management Area on the border of Cheshire and Windsor, MA. Each workshop costs $50 and has a limited space of 10 participants Email with any questions.

For over 30 years, Dan Gardoqui has been a student, teacher, observer, and active participant in the more-than-human world. A Certified Wildlife Tracker since 2006, he has trained hundreds in the science and art of tracking. Dan is also a bird language expert and bird mimic – known for his YouTube series “Learn a Bird.” Some of his contributions include the books “Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species” (Elbroch & MacFarland) and “What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal Nature’s Secrets” (Young). Dan applies wildlife tracking skills in citizen science projects (e.g., Canada Lynx, Flying Squirrels, Moose, Eastern Wolf) as a Registered Maine Guide.

Fly fishing show in Marlboro

 The 2023 Fly Fishing Show will take place January 20-22 at the Royal Plaza Trade Center,181 Boston Post Road Marlborough, MA. Hours are 10 am to 6 pm on Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday and 9 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday. The show promises more fly-casting, tying, manufacturer and retail store displays of the newest rods, reels, lines, boots, waders, clothing and flies during the three-day run.

The show will have many demonstrations at its Destination Theater presentations each hour including Labrador’s Monster Brookies, Fly Fishing Martha’s Vineyard, Montana, Iceland, the Adirondacks and many others.  There will be more than $30,000 in door prizes.

Admission is $15 for one day, $25 for two days and $35 for three days. Children under age 5 are free, children 6-12 are $5 and active military with ID’s are $10.

Fly Fishers International hosts the Fly-Fishing Show Learning Center with fly tying, casting instruction and other fly-fishing information and is free to show attendees.

The New England premiere of the 2023 International Fly-Fishing Film Festival is Friday at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

For a complete listing of fly-fishing films, classes, seminars, door prizes, demonstrations, etc., visit www. or phone (814) 443-3638.

Beginner Snowshoe/Winter Hike

 On Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm BEAT and the Great Barrington Land Conservancy are having a 1-mile beginner winter hike at BNRC’s Housatonic Flats reserve on Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington. If weather permits, they’ll snowshoe, if there’s no snow, they’ll go for a winter hike. They will review the basics of winter hiking like what traction to wear on your feet, how to layer properly, and what to look for.

It will be an easy hike of 0.9 miles.  Bring water, wear sturdy footwear and wear layers. BNRC has a few pairs of micro-spikes and snowshoes to loan.  Animals not allowed. For questions contact Charlotte at

Fishing community mourns the loss of Fred Moran

Frederick Dennis Moran of Adams passed beyond the riverbend on January 8 at the age of 80. He undoubtedly will be remembered by former students from the Lenox, Cheshire and Dalton schools.  He completed his last years as a classroom teacher at the Craneville Elementary School in Dalton.

Perhaps more people will remember Fred as an avid fly fisherman who ran Points North Outfitters in Adams.  For two decades Fred and his wife Marilyn taught hundreds how to fly fish and they guided hundreds more on the Deerfield River.  Fred was known for collecting antique (bamboo) fishing rods and reels and the building and restoration of fly-fishing rods. He later worked at the Orvis fly rod factory in Manchester, VT. He was a close friend of the legendary local bamboo rod builder, Francis “Digger” Degere and became his apprentice.

Fred was an esteemed member of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited where he and Digger put on rod building demonstrations.  Fred and Marilyn were recipients of TU’s Crooked Staff Award, the highest honor that the chapter bestows.  He was also a director of the Hoosic River Watershed Association.

Fred was a good friend.  The last time I saw him was when we did some flyfishing one day at the Alford Brook Club in August of 2020.  It was such a wonderful day that I did an article about it in this column. (Google Gene Chague-Fred Moran to read the Berkshire Eagle article). Boy, could he cast a fly!

Fred’s son Kevin (Berkshire Eagle Executive Editor) emailed me about his dad’s death and included these words, “I figured maybe some of his fishing buddies would imagine him casting a fly out there on heaven’s river, which is one way he’d like to be remembered, I’m sure. I suspect that Digger Degere is waiting for him there, and probably has the flies already picked out and ready to give to dad.”

Our condolences go out to Marilyn, Kevin and his entire family.  He will never be forgotten.