No shotgun deer harvest figures available yet

So far, there have been no figures released by MassWildlife regarding the statewide or district harvests totals.  Those figures have been transferred to MassWildlife’s new system and more than likely we will have to wait a while.  The new system undoubtedly will have a few bugs to be ironed out.


Readers may recall that the new licensing system was started on December 1. In his December report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden said the roll out was not without problems and complications, but much of them had been worked out pretty quickly. He advises us to be patient with it.  If we have some kind of emergency situation and can’t report a harvest, or if we need to print something and can’t, call his office and his staff will do its best to help.  Madden believes it will be a really good product once they get the glitches worked out.


As for local deer harvest numbers, his general impression was the numbers were pretty good at most of the WD check stations compared to past year.


Madden noted that MassWildlife did some Covid-19 sampling tests at the various stations, per request of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).  He will try to stay on top of it and let us know the results when made available.


A fight to the death

So far, this Primitive Firearms deer hunting season has been rather comfortable, weather wise.  Not like some years with cold winds blowing snow or sleet in my face, down my boots and plugging up the scope on my gun. This year has been downright pleasurable.

Sometimes, while sitting on my deer stand (a stump) for long periods of time without any deer even thinking of coming my way, my mind tends to wander.  Let me tell you about my most recent wandering.

I vividly remember an occurrence while deer hunting on Beartown Mountain about 40 years ago.  I was walking down a logging road to where my truck was parked after a long unsuccessful day of hunting.  From where I was walking, I could look across a ravine and brook and see Beartown Mountain Road.  There, I could see a hunter using a drag rope, dragging a deer down that road to his vehicle which was parked next to mine.  As I followed the wood road down and got closer to the other hunter, something just didn’t seem right.  Yes, he was dragging a deer alright, for I could see the large antlers – but something wasn’t right.

It wasn’t until I reached the road and we both converged that I could see what was awry.  He was dragging the heads of two huge bucks with intertwined antlers.  He came across the two dead bucks in the woods and decided to remove their heads in order to mount them.  What an interesting mount that would be.

It was evident that one of the bucks was dead longer than the other for the flesh was not as red.    I can’t remember the number of points on each deer, but the sizes and thickness of the broad beams and antlers were tremendous.  They had to be the two largest bucks on that mountain, and they fought to their deaths for the right to breed with the does.  I couldn’t help but think how long the one deer lived after the other one died, and how they both must have suffered.  Probably some puny little 6 pointer got to breed all those does. Sometimes the old adage of “survival of the fittest” doesn’t always hold true.

I didn’t get the other hunter’s name but wish I had.  I would love to see how that mount came out.

I have never forgotten that sight after all these years, and probably never will.

Nice BNRC articles

The Berkshire Natural Resource Council’s (BNRC) mission is to protect and preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Berkshires for public benefit and enjoyment. They preserve or keep land so we can all have access to it, enjoy it, find peace and serenity in it. They keep land so we can all experience the beauty that the Berkshire mountains have to offer.”

If you are a donor to the BNRC, you probably look forward to reading their periodic report entitled the Land keeper’s Report.  In this fall’s issue, there are two especially nice articles.  One is an article entitled “Hunting, Land Protection, and the Berkshires.”


In bold letters it begins the article thusly: “For nearly a century, hunters have had an enormous role in North American conservation – and the formation and support of BNRC.  The article highlights Rich Montone, a bowhunter and BNRC’s Development Director. “There’s no healthier meat than venison, says Rich, “high in protein, low in fat, obviously free of preservatives or growth hormones.  Two deer will feed my family for half a year or more and it’s a good way to help conserve what’s special about this region.”


MassWildlife relies on conservation funding created by the sale of hunting, freshwater fishing, and trapping licenses – and the sale of related permits – to conserve land in the Berkshires and throughout the Commonwealth.  Such funding has enabled BNRC and MassWildlife to collaborate on many Berkshire conservation projects, such as Alford Springs in Alford and Steadman Pond in Monterey/Tyringham.


The article then went on and explained the training and licensing process to legally hunt in Massachusetts.


“Some hikers worry about being in the woods during hunting season.” wrote DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden. “Hunting is a very safe activity and accidents are extremely rare.  Even so, it is a good idea to wear blaze orange during hunting seasons, and to have your dogs in blaze orange, too.”


The article ends in these words: “The conservation ethic of hunters, and the funds created through legal hunting, have made an enormous difference for BNRC’s ability to protect the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Berkshires.  We wish hunters an enjoyable, safe and fruitful hunt this fall, and thank them for their part in making the Berkshires outdoors free for everybody to enjoy.”


It’s no secret that hunters rarely have anything positive written about them. What a nice change to read this article, ey?  Thank you for that BNRC.


The other article was the announcement of the BNRC’s acquisition and protection of some 360 acres of forest and waterfront on Round Pond (Housatonic) from the Long Pond Road Nominee Trust. That property complements the recent transactions on Tom Ball Mountain in West Stockbridge and weave together over 1,000 acres of conservation land.


To complete this project, BNRC partnered with the MA Department of Fish & Game who purchased a conservation restriction over the acreage. These steadfast partnerships allow BNRC to leverage their donations and secure tracts of land that might otherwise be out of reach.


We are asked to be patient until BNRC can open the reserve, have off-street parking and marked trails.


And now, comes yet more good news. In last Tuesday’s, (December 14)  Eagle “Big slice of Monterey now preserved”  by Heather Bellow, it mentioned that 180 or so acres surrounding the Bidwell House  are about to be protected from development after the non-profit gave the land to the Monterey Preservation Land Trust and the BNRC to be jointly held.   According to the article, the land is close to the Appalachian Trail Corridor and more than 12,000 acres at Beartown State Forest. The Bidwell land also connects to 797 acres of other conservation property held by the Monterey Trust and BNRC.


It would not have been possible without the donation of $300,000 to the Monterey Land Trust by Louis and Joyce Scheffey, in an effort to preserve the Bidwell property. Be sure to read that Berkshire Eagle article.


Long time, and now retired, BNRC Director George Wislocki, once described what they do as “God’s Work”.   No argument here.


If you happen to have a few extra bucks lying around, that is a good place to donate it.  Who knows, maybe you’ll earn some extra points at the Pearly Gate.

Shotgun Deer Hunting Season ends today


 The season started with a nice coating of snow which made locating and tracking deer much easier.  Local hunters took advantage of the snow and checked in nearly 500 deer after the first week of hunting.


Some 119 deer were checked in at the DFW Western District Headquarters in Dalton, 45 at B & D Variety in Huntington, 121 at Ernie’s Auto Sales in North Adams, 60 at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association, 122 at the Mill River General Store and 32 at Papa’s Healthy Food in Otis.


Michael Winters of Cheshire got a 6-point buck in Egremont which weighed 201 lbs.  Eli Pease, DFW Technician, said that it had 4 points on the left side of his head and 2 on the right.  He said that it was an old buck, perhaps 6 ½ to 7 years old. Steve Ray of Pittsfield got a nice 189 lbs, 9-point buck in Pittsfield.  Dan Kruszyna of Cheshire got an 8-point 190 lbs buck in Cheshire.


The beginning of the second week of shotgun deer hunting started off with rain.  During that week, hunters are not required to physically check their deer at a checking station, but have the option of checking them in on-line through MassFishHunt. Therefore, unless hunters chose to physically check in locally, I have no way of finding out about them, not until the figures are released by MassWildlife in Westborough.


As of last Saturday, District Supervisor Andrew Madden felt that the deer tally was comparable with other recent years. Last year, close to 1,000 deer were harvested in the two-week shotgun season for Zones 1 through 4.

Bear hunting tally

The last of the three seasons of bear hunting also ends today.  Bear hunters were not required to physically check in their bears at checking stations, but could do so on-line.  Some lucky hunters chose to physically check them in and as of last Saturday, 5 bears were recorded with 3 of them being checked in at the Mill River General Store and 2 of them checked in at Papa’s in Otis.  Nate Buckhout, DFW Western District biologist, weighed in one in Mill River that tipped the scales at 400 lbs.

We will have to wait for the final bear harvest figures to be released by MassWildlife.

Primitive Firearms deer hunting season opens Monday

 Hunters who didn’t get their deer during the Archery or Shotgun seasons have one more chance to connect.  Starting this Monday, the Primitive Firearms, (a/k/a Black Powder or Muzzleloader) deer hunting season begins and runs through December 31.  Deer may only be taken by a muzzleloader firearm or by bow and arrow.  A stamp is required to hunt this season.

Here’s hoping you have an enjoyable, successful and safe muzzleloader hunt.  Let people know where you are hunting, be careful, stay hydrated and keep your powder dry.

Other hunting seasons still open

Rabbit, hare, squirrel, coyote and fox hunting seasons resume this Monday.  In our zones, duck hunting resumed on December 6 and runs until December 25.

2022 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing, Hunting and Trapping Laws

Commonly called “the abstracts”, they are out and available in the usual places. The booklet has a cover picture of a big old gobbler.

New for 2022:

  • License/Stamp/Permit Fee Increases.  I frequently covered the fee increase matter during this past year and you are encouraged to check the details on page 8 of these abstracts.
  • New Pheasant/Quail Permit.  A permit is now required for any person 15 years or older who hunts, takes, or possesses pheasants or bobwhite quail, unless they were harvested on a licensed commercial shooting preserve. (page 6 of the abstracts).
  • Seasonal bag limits for pheasant and quail have been eliminated.  Daily and possession bag limits have not changed (page 34 of abstracts).
  • Hunting hen pheasants will now be allowed statewide
  • Controlled Hunts were eliminated on the Martin Burns Wildlife Management Area in Newbury, MA.

Be sure to read DFW Director Mark S. Tisa’s comments on the future of conservation.  Perhaps in the future, I can print his comments verbatim in this column.

2022 Licenses

The 2022 hunting, fishing and sporting licenses, permits and stamps are now available.  Most of them can be bought online at with a computer, tablet or smartphone.  To purchase them in person, use to find a license vendor near you.  Of course, you can always buy them at our DFW District Headquarters in Dalton.

MassWildlife advises you to use care when purchasing them during December, as both 2020 and 2021 products are available.

Water chestnut pulling campaign

At the November meeting of the MA F&W Board, Western District Fisheries Biologist Leanda Fontaine Gagnon gave an excellent presentation about this past summer’s efforts on controlling water chestnuts on Three Mile Pond Wildlife Management Area (WMA)  in Sheffield.  The WMA has over 1,000 acres and the pond is within its boundaries. It is a 155-acre enhanced and enlarged great pond with a maximum depth is approximately 10 to 15 feet.  It is nutrient rich with a floating island possibly with endangered species.


Water chestnut, an invasive plant native to Asia and parts of Europe, was introduced to North America in the late 1800’s and spread to several states and to Canada.

Because it’s floating rosettes can be up to 2 feet in diameter, it can shade out the native plants.  Its 12 to 15 feet root system roots into shallow, nutrient rich lakes with muddy bottoms.  Each plant produces a round and spikey fruit.  When they drop off and float, they are spread by unsuspecting boaters and waterfowl.  And they spread from water body to water body.  Despite their being an annual plant, they do spread easily because of this fruit.  Each fruit is viable for up to 12 years. Requiring a long-term management project, it can be controlled if caught early.

It was first discovered at Three Mile Pond in 2011.  Some brief efforts at removal occurred in 2013, but upon revisiting the site in 2017 it was noticed that it had proliferated to another area of the pond. Extremely dense cover and large patches were noticed in the northwestern cove as well as in the northern cove near a brook inlet.

District personnel began hand pulling in late August and early Sept of 2017 and a more intensive effort was started in 2018 and continued annually.

They learned that pulling in late summer was too late.  Most of the plants had already matured fruit and started to drop off and move around in the water body. Green fruit are viable, the black ones typically don’t germinate.  They began plucking the plant in the first week of July, where the majority of the fruit had already emerged but the fruit had not matured enough to start dropping.

They hesitated doing drawdowns in Three Mile Pond due to the floating island and endangered species on it.  Seeds can be in the mud for 7 years, and could be viable for up to 12 years.  Also, they can exist in deeper sediment.

Crews of kayaks paddled out to infected areas, hand pulled and loaded them onto other water-craft which brought them to the boat ramp.  There they were offloaded onto pickup trucks which took them to a dump site about ¼ mile away (but still within the WMA) and where no hikers, animals or water sources would bring them back to the pond.

In 2017, with assistance from WD staff, Field Headquarters and Natural Heritage, they removed about 10 truckloads and spent 25 cumulative hours in this removal effort. Each year when they return, they discover less and less plants from the previous year. As early as 2019 there had been significant reduction and native vegetation really started to pop up.

They will continue annual monitoring and removal as they find them, knowing full well that the plants will continue through 2027.  Starting in 2028 they intend to start bi-annual harvesting.  They hope to implement this removal effort onto other MassWildlife properties such as Mill Pond/Smiley’s Pond in Egremont.   That water body also is nutrient rich and deemed to have a considerable water chestnut population, too. They hope to reach out for volunteers to help.


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will please outdoor recreational enthusiasts


On November 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which includes $550 billion in infrastructure funding that addresses conservation and sportfishing. These investments will create jobs, conserve the aquatic environment and preserve one of our nation’s most cherished pastimes. After passing the Senate earlier this year, the bill now heads to the desk of President Biden, who is expected to sign it into law.

“These investments in fisheries conservation and access reflect the growing recognition among policymakers that outdoor recreation in general, and recreational fishing specifically, is a major economic driver,” said Mike Leonard, the American Sportfishing Association’s (ASA) vice president of Government Affairs.

The ACT includes provisions that directly benefit anglers including the reauthorization of the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund. Funded in part by the federal excise tax on fishing equipment, the trust fund is the backbone of state-based aquatic resource conservation, benefitting all U.S. states and territories.

The bill also authorizes $1 billion for the National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration Program, a landmark program that will address challenges with hundreds of culverts around the country that block upstream migrations of anadromous fish such as salmon, steelhead and sturgeon.  It will substantially invest in culvert restoration and benefit recreational fishing opportunities that are dependent on anadromous fish passage and recovery efforts.

Other provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act include:

The REPLANT Act which will help the U.S. Forest Service plant 1.2 billion trees on national forest lands and create nearly 49,000 jobs over the next decade;

$11.3 billion for the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program, which restores mine lands no longer in use that are potential sources of hazardous materials that can leak into lakes, rivers and streams;

$250 million for the Forest Service’s Legacy Road and Trail program, which funds activities to restore fish passage in streams at road and trail crossings;

Funding for numerous ecosystem programs, including projects of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Chesapeake Bay Program, the South Florida Program, the Columbia River Basin Program and the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund

A game-changer for wildlife

That’s according to the Wildlands Network.  For the first time in United States history, there will be dedicated federal funding for wildlife crossings. The complete (ACT), just passed by Congress is a vast collection of national infrastructure programs and spending measures designed to bring buildings, bridges, roads, water delivery systems and other infrastructure up to date and more resilient to the impacts of climate change here in the United States. The ACT contains $350 million in federal funding for a “Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program” to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions – these hotspots contribute to the death of millions of animals annually, as well as hazardous—and sometimes deadly—conditions for drivers.

“This is great news!” says Berkshire Environmental Action Team president, Jane Winn.  “BEAT works alongside many organizations to make it safer for wildlife to cross roads. We have partnered with The Housatonic Valley Association and the Hoosac River Watershed Association (HooRWA) in surveying stream crossings in Berkshire County”. (The Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the MA Division of Environmental Restoration have also been quite heavily involved in stream crossing projects over the years).

“The information is collected in a North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative database where everyone can view it – including environmental advocates, town & regional planners, and transportation designers including MassDOT (Massachusetts Department of Transportation.) Now every road construction project that involves a road-stream crossing becomes an opportunity for improvement for wildlife movement, habitat connectivity, and public safety. Well-designed stream crossings allow wildlife to move, meeting their daily, seasonal and dispersal needs which is especially important in this time of climate change”.

New land projects

In his October report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife recently completed Wildlife Conservation Easements (WCE) on two Berkshire County Properties.

Soda Creek WCE – Sheffield – 300 acres of conservation easement in cooperation with Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC). This large tract is a combination of rich wetlands and forested uplands. The property is close to the Three Mile Pond WMA and has extensive road frontage along Water Farm Road.  BNRC owns the land, but Mass Wildlife’s WCE adds additional protection while ensuring public access for non-motorized recreation including hunting and fishing.

Elizabeth’s Woods WCE – Alford – 87 acres of WCE in cooperation with the Alford Land Trust. This property surrounds a calcareous fen which is an important natural community. The land, which is located between N. Egremont Road and Seekonk Cross Road, is owned by the land trust. Mass Wildlife’s WCE is focused on protecting biodiversity in this important habitat, but like all WCE’s is open to passive recreation, including hunting.

The world has lost a couple of important voices for all things wild.

Two Massachusetts outdoor sports columnists have passed away this fall.  One was Mark Mathew Blazes, of Grafton, MA.  He passed away at the age of 74 on November 17, 2021.  He was the weekly columnist of the OUTDOORS of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette. He covered all aspects of conservation, fish, and wildlife, including management, reaching out to tens of thousands of people weekly. Mark was the recipient of the New England Outdoor Writer’s Association’s (NEOWA) highest honor, the Richard Cronin Award.

Mark Blazis

In addition to being a world safari and tour leader, scientist, writer, outdoor sportsman, passionate fly fisherman, and naturalist, Mark was a Master Bird Bander.  He was the Director of the Auburn Bird Banding Research Station, studying neotropical migrants and Lyme disease, with doctors at Tufts University, determining implications of Lyme disease carried by birds. His research team captured, analyzed, and released on average 2,000 migratory songbirds per year in Massachusetts, though the scope of his research has also included Connecticut and Maine.

Mark’s crusade locally was to help ameliorate the differences between sportsmen and environmentalists by organizing them both to participate with him and his assistants, working shoulder to shoulder in bird banding research at the Auburn Sportsman’s Club.

Mark had co-written and edited 10 local field guides to the fauna and flora of Massachusetts and produced an audio recording of the songbirds of Central Massachusetts.

He was chosen by the late Roger Tory Peterson as North America’s Nature Educator of the Year; and had received national awards in conservation education and research by the Massachusetts Audubon Society and The Garden Club of America.

On a personal note, I frequently peeked in on his columns and always found them well written and interesting. Unfortunately, I only met him a few times at various sportsmen’s banquets and award nights.

Frank Sousa, of Granby, MA, long time sports columnist for the Springfield Republican passed on September 23, 2021 at the age of 90.  Frank wrote about the great outdoors for the Republican for 60 years writing in his ‘All Outdoors’ column. His outdoor adventures, love of both nature and family events were the adventures his readers lived, through his words.

Frank Sousa

He was a lifetime member of the NEOWA, the Outdoor Writers Assoc of America as well as one of the three founding-fathers and past president of OSEG, Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc. OSEG produced many outdoor and boat shows in the Northeast with its largest being the Springfield Sportsmen’s Show held at Eastern States Exposition.

In a tribute to Frank, The Republican wrote: “His cathedral was found in the tall pines, a smokey fire with a fat kielbasa cooking and snowflakes gently falling in fresh tracks. He could always find his way to the top of the mountain when hunting and the softest spot to nap while fishing”.

I’ll never forget his contacting and congratulating me when The Berkshire Eagle hired me to do an outdoor sports column after Ted Giddings stepped down from writing the “Our Berkshires” column after nearly 55 years. He said he and Ted were good friends and wished me luck with the column.   I had read many of Frank’s excellent columns in the Springfield Republican but had never met him.   That was really nice of him to do that.

Frank’s famous column signoff was always, “The Very Best in Health and Happiness to You!”

Massachusetts shotgun deer hunting season opens Monday

photo provided by MssWildlife

Shotgun deer hunting season opens on November 29 and runs through Saturday, December 11.  Hunters are allowed to take two bucks, and if they were awarded an antlerless deer permit, they can take one of them too.  Shotgun, archery, and muzzleloader implements are allowed. Be sure you are familiar with all of the deer hunting regulations listed on pages 26 through 29 of the abstracts.

Also, the shotgun (third) season for bear hunting opens on November 29 and also runs through December 11. Regulations governing that season are listed on pages 30 through 31 of the abstracts.

All rabbit, hare, squirrel and furbearer hunting seasons are closed during shotgun deer hunting season except for coyotes. The pheasant, grouse and wild turkey seasons are closed for the year as are the migratory goose and woodcock seasons.  The duck hunting season closes during the first week of shotgun deer season but in the Berkshire Zone reopens on December 6 through year end.

Hunters who are coming out of the woods after hunting hours, (1/2 hour after sunset) must unload everything, bullets, arrows, bolts, etc., because they are considered hunting after hours, which is illegal. The sunset time during the shotgun deer hunting season is around 4:15 pm.


No hunting allowed on Sunday.

Mandatory Deer checking

Don’t forget, during the first week of the shotgun deer season (November 29–December 4), all harvested deer must be brought to a physical check station within 48 hours so MassWildlife biologists can collect biological data. Online harvest reporting is NOT available during this time.  Hunters may recall that last year physical checking was not mandatory, due to Covid.

Western District Check Stations open Monday-Saturday:

Ernie’s Auto Sales – North Adams

Papa’s Healthy food and Fuel – Otis

Mill River General Store – Mill River

Lee Sportsmen’s club – Lee

B&D Variety – Huntington

Western District Office – Dalton

Hunter Harassment Law

Mass General Law, Part I, Title XIX, Chapter 131, Section 5C states “No person shall obstruct, interfere with or otherwise prevent the lawful taking of fish or wildlife by another at the locale where such activity is taking place”. It then lists 7 specific types of violations. “Environmental protection officers and other law enforcement officers with arrest powers shall be authorized to enforce the provisions of this section.”

Real cases of hunter harassment (meaning those that actually target specific hunters or their equipment and prevent, interfere or obstruct them from hunting) should be reported to Massachusetts Environmental Police statewide dispatch at 1-800-632-8075.

Precious Memories

Well, here we go again, another sleepless night thinking about opening day of shotgun deer hunting on Monday morning.  Sleep will be out of the question and I’ll probably do the same thing I do every year……. toss and turn all night waiting for the 4:00 am alarm to go off.  Thoughts of previous opening days will undoubtedly cross my mind, one after another.  I’ll remember the rainy, foggy, snowy cold days. I’ll remember each time I erred and allowed a big buck to get away.  Yes, and remember a few nice deer that didn’t get away.

In my early deer hunting days, (beginning in 1957), deer hunting season opened the first Monday of December and ran only one week ending on that Saturday.  There were no archery of primitive hunting seasons back then extending the season from mid-October through the last day of December (like it is today).  As usual, I’ll remember the people with whom I hunted over those years.  Sadly, many of them have since passed away. I’ll remember the gun that I used on my first deer hunt, an Ithaca 12-gauge side by side shotgun.  It was a smooth bore gun which shot slugs or buckshot.  It wasn’t until years later that the Ithaca Deerslayer shotguns (with rifled barrels) were allowed.

Our deer hunting clothes consisted mainly of black and red checkered wool coats (preferably Woolrich, if you could afford it).  Later on, as I recall, solid red hunting pants and coats came into vogue.  There was no such thing as fluorescent red color, (but they were experimenting with bright colors when I went into the service).  My oldest and now deceased brother Joe bought me a hunting outfit when I was a teenager and, get this, its color was bright yellow/bright red.  It was reversable.  When I returned home from the service in 1967, the State had settled on the fluorescent red color (or blaze orange, if you prefer) and deer hunters were required to wear 500 inches of it on your chest, back and head (still required).

I remember well at the end of the days during deer week Joe driving us around the neighborhoods of other deer hunters checking to see if they had a field dressed deer hanging from a tree in their yards or open garages.  That was common back then and they would sometimes hang them out there for a week, The theory being that by hanging them that long, the muscles would break down, and the aging was supposed to make the meat more tender and taste better. The winters seemed colder back then and the likeliness of the meat spoiling was less than today.  I suspect some of the hunters hung them out there just to show them off.  You can’t do that now.  What with the bears and coyotes around these days, you would be lucky to find the hooves remaining the next morning after hanging them up.  And you didn’t have to worry about neighbors complaining about the sight of a dead deer hanging from a tree, it was common practice.

To keep our hands warm while hunting, many of us used Joni hand warmers.  We smelled like walking Zippo cigarette lighters in the woods as they were fueled by lighter fluid. If you got them to work properly, you could stick them in your pocket and they would stay warm all day.  They had a little hole in the side of them so that you could light up a cigarette if you so desired.  Now, of course, there are throw-away hand warmers, heated by chemical reaction and not by smelly fuel.

I was always cold deer hunting in those days, especially my feet because they would inevitably get wet from sweat or leaky boots.  It wasn’t until the Sorel boots came out with their felt linings that I could finally feel my toes while hunting.

Of course, there was no such thing as GPS or cell phones.  We had to rely on our compasses.  Many a time that old compass saved the day for me. No one used backpacks like today.  You carried your food, thermos, drag rope, ammo, knife, etc., in your pockets, coat pouch or attached to your belt.

As I recall, there was only one deer checking station and that was at the DFW headquarters in Pittsfield. It wasn’t until later that various checking stations were established.

Your license had to be displayed, usually inside a clear plastic pouch, pinned to your coat.

Deer hunters came to the Berkshires by the droves from all over and traffic lined up coming off of the turnpike.  Diners opened up early in the mornings.  Motels were filled as were our local watering holes at the end of the day. Campers were parked in various places in our state forests. Visiting hunters brought millions of dollars to the Berkshire economy.

There was much more hunting land available for locals and for the non-residents to get lost in

Most older teens took opening day off from school.  It was pretty much expected and usually the school officials simply looked the other way.

Oh, and there was another thing.  Every deer hunting season, starting with the Tuesday issue of the Berkshire Evening Eagle newspaper and running until the end of the season, editor/columnist Ted Giddings listed the daily deer kills, giving the hunter’s name, whether it was a doe or buck, its weight, number of points and the town where it was shot.

Aah, the memories.

Lying sleepless in bed, it’s at times like these when I understand the lyrics of that old gospel song written by J. B. F. Wright: “Precious memories” as the song goes, “how they linger.  How they ever flood my soul. In the stillness, of the midnight, precious sacred scenes unfold.”

Covid-19 detected in deer populations

Less than two months ago, the heading for this column was” Is another deer disease headed our way?”  It highlighted the fact that not only Chronic Wasting Disease was affecting the deer population, but another disease, the fatal Epizootic Hemorrhage Disease (EHD) was moving our way, too. Now deer in Iowa have been infected with COVID-19, according to a recent study conducted by university researchers.   They found the results so disturbing that they are alerting deer hunters and others who handle deer to take precautions to avoid transmission.”

picture provided by MassWildlife

Also, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service collected 481 samples from deer in Illinois, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania between January 2020 and March 2021. They found SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in 33% of those samples.

Similarly, a study out of Pennsylvania State University found more than 80% percent of the white-tailed deer sampled in different parts of Iowa between December 2020 and January 2021 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2..

This was the first direct evidence of COVID-19 in any free-living species, said Suresh Kuchipudi, clinical professor of veterinary and biomedical sciences and associate director of the Animal Diagnostic Laboratory at Penn State. So, from where are they getting it?  The Inspection Service said it is possible deer were exposed through people, the environment, other deer or another animal species

The findings have implications for the ecology and long-term persistence of COVID-19, said Kuchipudi, chair in emerging infectious diseases at the university. “These include spillover to other free-living or captive animals and potential spillback to human hosts,” Kuchipudi said. “Of course, this highlights that many urgent steps are needed to monitor the spread of the virus in deer and prevent spillback to humans.”

According to the MassWildlife web site, MA DFW has already been and continues to monitor the situation of deer and COVID, according to Martin Feehan, the Deer and Moose Project Leader.

“Although there is no direct evidence of COVID-19 in deer in Massachusetts, published studies and unpublished surveillance throughout North America have found the presence of COVID-19 in white-tailed deer” said Feehan, “The prevalence rates have varied regionally, but there haven’t been cases of populations appearing entirely negative [in cases] in 2020 and 2021, This would suggest that COVID-19 is already present in deer populations in Massachusetts. There is no evidence currently that COVID-19 adversely impacts white-tailed deer and no mortalities have been reported.”

According to the DFW website, experts are still learning about this virus and currently there is no evidence that wildlife might be a source of infection for people in the United States, and there is no evidence that you can get COVID-19 by preparing or eating food, including hunted wild game meat. As a novel emerging disease, research is ongoing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and its impacts on wildlife.  New studies are showing that wild deer have contracted multiple strains of COVID-19 from humans, and Ohio State University recently found active infection in wild Ohio deer using PCR tests. Experimental research with captive deer has shown that SARS-CoV-2 can spread among deer, however, deer are only contagious for a short duration (less than seven days).

MassWildlife feels that the risk for transmission from deer to humans is likely very low due to the outdoor aspect of hunting and the short period of time deer are contagious with the virus. SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted by inhaling aerosolized droplets. These droplets can come from respiration or from the digestive tract. Currently:

  • The transmission mode from humans to white-tailed deer is currently unknown.
  • There have been no known cases of humans contracting COVID-19 from deer.
  • There is no evidence people can contract COVID-19 by eating wild game. Epidemiologists at Tufts University, feel that COVID is a respiratory disease, so it is unlikely people can contract the virus from deer meat or blood. There have been no known cases where hunters got COVID from deer at a rate any different than the general public. That indicates that the probability is low that hunters are at risk.

To minimize the transmission risk of diseases, MassWildlife always recommends hunters:

  • Avoid handling or consuming wild animals that appear sick or those found dead.
  • Wear gloves and a face shield when handling, field dressing, and processing game.
  • When possible, process your game outdoors or in a well-ventilated location.
  • Use caution and minimize contact with the brain or spinal tissues.
  • Out of an abundance of caution for Covid-19, additional preventative measures include avoiding the head, lungs, and digestive tract. Handle knives carefully to prevent accidental cuts.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling carcasses and before and after handling meat.
  • Thoroughly sanitize all tools and work surfaces used during processing with a bleach solution (1 tablespoon of bleach to 1 gallon water). Consider keeping a separate set of knives used only for butchering game.
  • Cook game meat thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F to kill pathogens.

MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program (MHMGP)

The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG)) has awarded $184,400 in state grant funds to eight organizations and municipalities to improve wildlife habitat on 276 acres of land across the state.

For the past seven years the program has provided financial assistance to private and municipal landowners of conserved lands to improve and manage habitat for wildlife deemed in greatest conservation need and for certain game species.

While the state and conservation organizations have purchased land in an effort to provide protection to wildlife and ecology, more habitat restoration and management is needed on public and private lands across the state. As a result, the Baker-Polito Administration has increased investment by committing to working with partners to promote these efforts on other conserved lands across the state. The MHMGP program encourages landowners to engage in active habitat management on their properties to benefit wildlife.

“Most forests and other wildlife habitats in Massachusetts are not state-owned, and we rely on conservation organizations, cities and towns, private landowners, and other partners to help us manage habitat to benefit all wildlife,” said Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Ron Amidon. “This program provides us with the opportunity to expand our habitat management footprint, directly benefiting wildlife, sportsmen and women, and other people who enjoy outdoor recreation.”

Of the eight projects, three Berkshire County communities, Lenox, Sheffield and South Lee will be receiving a combined $60,000 for projects They are as follows:

Lenox – The Town of Lenox, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, has been awarded $26,810 to control the hardy kiwi vine at Kennedy Park and adjacent properties.

Sheffield – The Sheffield Land Trust will receive $16,040 to conduct brush hogging and invasive species control at Ashley Falls Woods.

South Lee – South Lee Associates, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, will receive $17,400 to control invasive species and improve floodplain forest habitats on multiple Housatonic River properties.

“The funds from the MassWildlife Habitat management grant will be instrumental for both Kennedy Park and areas along the Housatonic River,” said State Representative Smitty Pignatelli. “The Berkshires are known for our natural landscapes, and the improvements made possible by this grant will allow our residents to continue to access and enjoy these beautiful natural landscapes for generations to come.”

Improved Massfishhunt coming soon

The MassFishHunt official licensing and harvest reporting system for Massachusetts, is getting an upgrade.  The new system will be live starting December 1, 2021. As always, anglers, hunters, and trappers will be able to buy licenses and permits, report a harvest, and access account information. The new MassFishHunt’s secure, modern platform offers new features designed with the customer in mind.

So, what’s changing?

Setting up your account in the new MassFishHunt is simple. With just a few clicks, you’ll have access to new features, including:

  • Upgraded log in with email and password to keep your account secure
  • Linked accounts for families
  • Auto-renew option lets you set it and forget it to keep your licenses up-to-date
  • Buy-it-again option saves your favorite products for quick checkout
  • Improved mobile experience
  • Registration for outdoor skills classes

As they approach launch day on December 1, they will be adding tutorials and updates to make this transition as seamless as possible for all customers on

Once the new system launches, additional customer support resources will be provided.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Paraplegic hunters had a “great year”

 That’s according to DFW Biologist Susan McCarthy who heads up the statewide paraplegic hunt program.  “We had a total of 12 hunters participate statewide and 7 deer taken (which is a pretty incredible success rate)!  Additionally, nearly every participating hunter saw deer – some of which were presented with shooting opportunities and others were not.  One hunter (Don Rogers, Quabbin site) who did not see deer, was excited to have seen lots of deer and bear sign as well as tons of moose sign – including an area where two bulls had sparred along a powerline Right of way.  He looks forward to returning next year.”


Here in the Berkshires, there were five participating hunters, two in the Northern Berkshires including Shawn Mei of Baldwinville, MA and Dale Bailey of Clarksburg.  Shawn got an adult doe and Dale saw some.


There were three participating hunters in the Southern Berkshires including Daniel Massaconi of Cheshire, Vyto Sablevicius of Norwood and Gregory Baumli of New Lebanon, NY.  Vyto got a 6-point buck and Greg got an 8-pointer.

Vyto with his 8 pt buck


A statewide hunt this complex doesn’t just happen.  There are many behinds-the-scene volunteers and I am glad that McCarthy provided the names of most of them, what they did and how many years they have helped in this program. Volunteers did everything from transporting the hunters to their hunting locations, moving the deer, dragging the deer out of the woods, field dressing them, getting the deer kills checked in, providing food, making hunting land available to them, and the list goes on.  I have only included those involved in the Berkshires. Susan’s name is not on the list, but she did an awful lot of work coordinating the whole thing.  A tip of our hunter orange cap to you all.


McCarthy noted that Gary Dupuis, the only hunter at Fort Devens this year, was the first to harvest two deer during the paraplegic hunt. “Until last year, there was a long-standing policy that participating hunters were restricted to harvesting only one deer (of either sex – using either their antlerless permit for this hunt or one of their two buck tags).  My understanding is that this policy (there’s nothing in regulation regarding the restriction) was put in place essentially at the inception of the paraplegic hunt when there were many more participating hunters, fewer hunt locations, and a perceived issue of fairness.  Given that we have far fewer participating hunters today, five sites statewide, and always plenty of deer seen during the hunt, we made the decision to lift the one-deer-per-hunter policy.  After all, this hunt is all about providing opportunity to the mobility impaired, so we found no reason to limit their chances of success.  Given that there was no language in the regulations regarding the para hunt  it was an easy change to make.  Since last year, hunters have been permitted to harvest as many deer as they have valid permits.  This year was the first year that a hunter had the opportunity and permission to harvest more than one deer.”


Dan Massaconi told me that he used to hunt with his brothers and father for years.  He loved the outdoors.  But in 2003 a form of Muscular Dystrophy hit him and after walking with a cane, and then a walker it finally put him in a wheelchair. He became depressed – who wouldn’t?  It was his wife, Crystal who urged him to think about the paraplegic hunt.  But he really wasn’t in shape. With her urging, his determination and the wonderful work of physical therapists at Craneville Rehab, he got stronger.


When he appeared strong enough to do one of these hunts, Crystal signed him up – he had no choice but to go.  He hunted 10 hours a day for 2 days (5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the afternoon). He skipped Saturday due to the rain. No, Dan didn’t get a deer, but he’s not complaining for he saw several. His wheelchair was facing the wrong direction from where three deer came and, by the time he put his gun down, unlocked and pivoted the wheel chair and picked up the gun again, the deer had vanished.


Dan feels that these were two of the best days in his whole life.  He felt safe, comfortable and well fed.  These hunts “brought me back to life”, he said, and could not speak more highly about the volunteers.  He is so happy that fellow hunters Vyto and Craig were successful in getting deer.


Guess what….he plans to be back next year and Crystal will be back too, as a volunteer.


“The only thing that was lacking this year” said McCarthy, “was the ability to congregate for pot luck lunches/dinners as some of us do at our hunt sites.  To remain consistent with other MassWildlife programs, a COVID-19 safety protocol was put in place and shared with all program participants and suggested that everyone provide their own food.  It’s always nice to sit around a pot of venison chili and side of cornbread with your group of volunteers and hunters – I’ve missed that terribly the past two years.  Here’s to hoping next year’s hunt is as successful as this year’s but that it might also allow us to break bread together once again.”


Well, in the South Berkshire hunt, some of the volunteers and their wives made sure that warm, tasty food reached the hunters. Thanks to Don Chaffee Construction of Otis for proving much, if not all of the food.


And many thanks to DFW’s Susan McCarthy and DFW Western District Andrew Madden for their assistance in providing information and picture for this article.


Northern Pike stocked in Cheshire


Recently, MassWildlife stocked 2,000 northern pike into Quaboag Pond and Cheshire Reservoir. The yearlings averaged 12″ long and will take 2–3 years to reach the 28″ minimum harvest size. They obtained the pike from New Jersey Fish & Wildlife as part of a cooperative exchange program. MassWildlife appears to be working hard to get a northern pike fishery established in Cheshire Lake with stockings in 2006, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and this year.  That’s good as they should help control the yellow perch population there which have become stunted due their high numbers.


New Wildlife Technician – Heather Sandler


Heather Sadler recently began work in the Western District as a Wildlife Technician. She comes to the District with extensive experience in fish propagation and stocking, having worked for 13 years in MassWildlife’s Sunderland Fish Hatchery. She will be working with the rest of the outstanding Western District technicians stocking trout and pheasants, working check stations, managing habitat on Wildlife Management Areas, and carrying out all of MassWildlife District Conservation programs. Outside of work, Heather enjoys many aspects of the outdoors including hunting and fishing.


“Walkin’ the Watershed with Burnsie”


The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee is working to preserve and protect headwater streams in the wild & scenic designated stretches of the Westfield River.


In his most recent video, John (Burnsie) Burns, of Burns Environmental, who is a biologist specializing in rare plants and animals, describes how headwaters act as refuges and sanctuaries for our native brook trout.  Burnsie does a great job with this video and probably everyone can learn something from it.  I know I did. For one thing, I learned what an “otter latrine” looks like.


Meredyth Babcock, Committee Volunteer Coordinator, invites volunteers and land owners to help preserve and protect the headwaters. If you missed the last R&R (Remove and Restore) work party where they removed invasive plants from Center Pond Brook, contact Meredyth at and she can give you the dates for upcoming work party activities.


There are lots of interesting videos by Burnsie, Russ Cohen and others in the Wild &Scenic Library located at:


Veterans day

Veteran’s day is once again upon us.  Hopefully sometime during our busy schedules this week we have a chance to remember and thank them for our freedom.  For some veterans, the time spent in the service of our nation was no big deal.  But for others, the experience was life altering, and everything else that followed for the rest of their lives was anti climatic.

Paraplegic hunters had a “great year”

 That’s according to DFW Biologist Susan McCarthy who heads up the statewide paraplegic hunt program.  “We had a total of 12 hunters participate statewide and 7 deer taken (which is a pretty incredible success rate)!  Additionally, nearly every participating hunter saw deer – some of which were presented with shooting opportunities and others were not.  One hunter (Don Rogers, Quabbin site) who did not see deer, was excited to have seen lots of deer and bear sign as well as tons of moose sign – including an area where two bulls had sparred along a powerline Right of way.  He looks forward to returning next year.”


Here in the Berkshires, there were five participating hunters, two in the Northern Berkshires including Shawn Mei of Baldwinville, MA and Dale Bailey of Clarksburg.  Shawn got an adult doe and Dale saw some.


There were three participating hunters in the Southern Berkshires including Daniel Massaconi of Cheshire, Vyto Sablevicius of Norwood and Gregory Baumli of New Lebanon, NY.  Vyto got a 6-point buck and Greg got an 8-pointer.

Vyto with his 8 pt buck


A statewide hunt this complex doesn’t just happen.  There are many behinds-the-scene volunteers and I am glad that McCarthy provided the names of most of them, what they did and how many years they have helped in this program. Volunteers did everything from transporting the hunters to their hunting locations, moving the deer, dragging the deer out of the woods, field dressing them, getting the deer kills checked in, providing food, making hunting land available to them, and the list goes on.  I have only included those involved in the Berkshires. Susan’s name is not on the list, but she did an awful lot of work coordinating the whole thing.  A tip of our hunter orange cap to you all.


McCarthy noted that Gary Dupuis, the only hunter at Fort Devens this year, was the first to harvest two deer during the paraplegic hunt. “Until last year, there was a long-standing policy that participating hunters were restricted to harvesting only one deer (of either sex – using either their antlerless permit for this hunt or one of their two buck tags).  My understanding is that this policy (there’s nothing in regulation regarding the restriction) was put in place essentially at the inception of the paraplegic hunt when there were many more participating hunters, fewer hunt locations, and a perceived issue of fairness.  Given that we have far fewer participating hunters today, five sites statewide, and always plenty of deer seen during the hunt, we made the decision to lift the one-deer-per-hunter policy.  After all, this hunt is all about providing opportunity to the mobility impaired, so we found no reason to limit their chances of success.  Given that there was no language in the regulations regarding the para hunt  it was an easy change to make.  Since last year, hunters have been permitted to harvest as many deer as they have valid permits.  This year was the first year that a hunter had the opportunity and permission to harvest more than one deer.”


Dan Massaconi told me that he used to hunt with his brothers and father for years.  He loved the outdoors.  But in 2003 a form of Muscular Dystrophy hit him and after walking with a cane, and then a walker it finally put him in a wheelchair. He became depressed – who wouldn’t?  It was his wife, Crystal who urged him to think about the paraplegic hunt.  But he really wasn’t in shape. With her urging, his determination and the wonderful work of physical therapists at Craneville Rehab, he got stronger.


When he appeared strong enough to do one of these hunts, Crystal signed him up – he had no choice but to go.  He hunted 10 hours a day for 2 days (5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the afternoon). He skipped Saturday due to the rain. No, Dan didn’t get a deer, but he’s not complaining for he saw several. His wheelchair was facing the wrong direction from where three deer came and, by the time he put his gun down, unlocked and pivoted the wheel chair and picked up the gun again, the deer had vanished.


Dan feels that these were two of the best days in his whole life.  He felt safe, comfortable and well fed.  These hunts “brought me back to life”, he said, and could not speak more highly about the volunteers.  He is so happy that fellow hunters Vyto and Craig were successful in getting deer.


Guess what….he plans to be back next year and Crystal will be back too, as a volunteer.

volunteer Name Town site Assignment
20 Andrew Madden Dalton MA N & S Berkshires MassWildlife site coordinator
3 Nate Buckhout Dalton MA Southern Berkshires MassWildlife staff help
2 Eli Pease Dalton MA Southern Berkshires MassWildlife staff help
1 Heather Sadler MA Southern MassWildlife sstaff help
Janice Parlon Southern Berkshires Issues special use permit for Mt. Washington
* Adam Morris Southern Berkshires DCR staff
Michaely Gaffney Southern Berkshires DCR staff
Deanna Todd Southern Berkshires DCR staff
8 James Thomas Southern Berkshires DCR staff
26 Gregg Arienti Pittsfield MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
12 Fred Lampro Otis MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
45 Shaun Smith Lee MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
44 Al Vincent Lee MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
32 Mark Poitier Becket MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
12 Thomas Dean Becket MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
14 Matt Roche Lee MA Southern Berkshires volunteer
24 Paul Mullins Norton MA Southern Berkshires Vyto’s helper
1 Christel Massaconi Cheshire MA Southern Berkshires Daniel Massaconi’s helper
* Rick French Phillipston MA Northern Berkshires Site coordinator
* Jacob Morris Siegel Dalton MA Northern Berkshires MassWildlife staff help
Ray Bressette Dalton MA Northern Berkshires MassWildlife staff help
* Jim Guiden Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner, use of garage
* Tony Mei Ashburnham MA Northern Berkshires Shawn Mei’s helper
* Stacy Sylvester New Ashford MA Northern Berkshires landowner and helped
* Alex Dargie Stamford VT Northern Berkshires Dale Bailey’s helper
* Doug McLain North Adams MA Northern Berkshires Dale Bailey’s helper
* James Galusha Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* John Galusha Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* William Galusha Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* Topher Sabot Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* Ole Retlev Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* Dan & Pat Holland Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* Eric White Williamstown MA Northern Berkshires landowner
* over 10 years

“The only thing that was lacking this year” said McCarthy, “was the ability to congregate for pot luck lunches/dinners as some of us do at our hunt sites.  To remain consistent with other MassWildlife programs, a COVID-19 safety protocol was put in place and shared with all program participants and suggested that everyone provide their own food.  It’s always nice to sit around a pot of venison chili and side of cornbread with your group of volunteers and hunters – I’ve missed that terribly the past two years.  Here’s to hoping next year’s hunt is as successful as this year’s but that it might also allow us to break bread together once again.”


Well, in the South Berkshire hunt, some of the volunteers and their wives made sure that warm, tasty food reached the hunters. Thanks to Don Chaffee Construction of Otis for proving much, if not all of the food.



And many thanks to DFW’s Susan McCarthy and DFW Western District Andrew Madden for their assistance in providing information and picture for this article.


Northern Pike stocked in Cheshire


Recently, MassWildlife stocked 2,000 northern pike into Quaboag Pond and Cheshire Reservoir. The yearlings averaged 12″ long and will take 2–3 years to reach the 28″ minimum harvest size. They obtained the pike from New Jersey Fish & Wildlife as part of a cooperative exchange program. MassWildlife appears to be working hard to get a northern pike fishery established in Cheshire Lake with stockings in 2006, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and this year.  That’s good as they should help control the yellow perch population there which have become stunted due their high numbers.


New Wildlife Technician – Heather Sandler


Heather Sadler recently began work in the Western District as a Wildlife Technician. She comes to the District with extensive experience in fish propagation and stocking, having worked for 13 years in MassWildlife’s Sunderland Fish Hatchery. She will be working with the rest of the outstanding Western District technicians stocking trout and pheasants, working check stations, managing habitat on Wildlife Management Areas, and carrying out all of MassWildlife District Conservation programs. Outside of work, Heather enjoys many aspects of the outdoors including hunting and fishing.


“Walkin’ the Watershed with Burnsie”


The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee is working to preserve and protect headwater streams in the wild & scenic designated stretches of the Westfield River.


In his most recent video, John (Burnsie) Burns, of Burns Environmental, who is a biologist specializing in rare plants and animals, describes how headwaters act as refuges and sanctuaries for our native brook trout.  Burnsie does a great job with this video and probably everyone can learn something from it.  I know I did. For one thing, I learned what an “otter latrine” looks like.


Meredyth Babcock, Committee Volunteer Coordinator, invites volunteers and land owners to help preserve and protect the headwaters. If you missed the last R&R (Remove and Restore) work party where they removed invasive plants from Center Pond Brook, contact Meredyth at and she can give you the dates for upcoming work party activities.


There are lots of interesting videos by Burnsie, Russ Cohen and others in the Wild &Scenic Library located at:


Veterans day

Veteran’s day is once again upon us.  Hopefully sometime during our busy schedules this week we have a chance to remember and thank them for our freedom.  For some veterans, the time spent in the service of our nation was no big deal.  But for others, the experience was life altering, and everything else that followed for the rest of their lives was anti climatic.

World record brook trout may someday come out of Labrador waters, or has it already happened

Labrador guide Edwin Dominery holds large brook trout caught by Kevin Geroux

Recently, flyfishing friend Gary Hebert, from Richmond, NH, sent me a photo of a large brook trout (Speckled trout, as they are called in Labrador) that was recently caught in a river in the area of Igloo Lake in Labrador by Kevin Geroux.  He was fishing with Edwin Dominery, a guide out of Igloo Lodge.   Estimated to weigh 14+ lbs., it was immediately released unharmed.   The fish was not officially weighed because there was no certified scale available at the time.  Igloo Lodge prides itself on ensuring good fish handling allowing all fish to be released unharmed. This means that they must be quickly released, with minimal handling, with use of barbless hooks, and flyfishing only.

So how did they estimate the weight of that fish?  Well, there is a special dimension formular that is accurate in determining the weight of a fish. The dimensions of that fish (length, girth, etc.) have been sent to Newfoundland fish biologists to do the official calculations. They are not yet sure if it will be official but the calculations have this fish at 14+ lbs. and measuring 25.25 inches long with a 22-inch girth.

Why the big deal about this fish?  Well, the official world record for brook trout is 14.5 lbs. and measured 31.5 inches long.  It was caught out of the Nipigon River in Northern Ontario’s Superior Country Region back in 1915. To this day, that record still holds.  If Geroux’s brookie doesn’t break the world record, it may have a good chance at breaking the Labrador record.

Igloo Lodge owner, Craig Gillingham said that they are still in the process of evaluating this “monster brookie” and will get back to me with the particulars as soon as known.

According to Gary, it was caught and released a week or so before they arrived at Igloo Lodge.

Gary, spent the last week of the season fishing with several friends including Carl Racie of Athol and his son Tim Racie of Groton, Mike Miller of Athol and his grandson, Brandon Jones of Leominster and MA Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Ron Amidon of Templeton. Local angler Attorney Mike Shepard and I had fished with them in Labrador a few years back and we stayed in touch over the years.  We were supposed to join them on this year’s trip, but due to the closing of the Canadian border, we weren’t able to go.  After the border finally opened, this year’s scheduled trip was pushed back to the last week of the season. The other guys could make it, but Mike and I couldn’t as we were already committed to fish in Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Idaho.

Gary said that they had the whole place to themselves.  The guides were great as usual and the facilities and meals were top notch. They had a great week fishing which was exclusively in the river due to low water conditions in the lakes and ponds.  As noted from the water color in the photo, the river was dark green with virtually no visibility, caused by an algae condition. That made for very treacherous wading conditions – Gary fell three times and broke two rods. He wasn’t sure how the fish could see their flies, but they did catch and release dozens of 5 to 9 lbs. brookies. Mike Miller netted a 10 pounder (which is very close to the Labrador record).  Commissioner Amidon sent us several pictures of giant brookies that he caught in their full spawning regalia.

The weather was cold and rainy with some snow.  They had planned to do some fly outs to other areas for Artic Char and/or Atlantic Salmon but the (spawning) runs were three weeks earlier than normal, so that combined with bad flying conditions prevented them from those side trips.  All in all, they had a great trip albeit the hassle getting their Covid tests and beating the clock to cross the border.

Incidentally, local anglers Rex Channel and Trish Watson of Pittsfield were up there in early September and they also had phenomenal luck.  Rex sent me a picture of him netting a 9 lbs. brookie.

Next year Mike Shepard and Craig Smith of Dalton and I will be heading up there to try our luck at catching one of those behemoths, assuming, of course, that Covid is under control and the border remains open.

Early Bear Hunting Season Results

In his most recent report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that the 2021 early bear season produced a much lower harvest than the previous year. Some 112 bears were taken this September as compared to 236 in September last year. He cited several factors which probably contributed to the lower harvest including high natural food abundance and poor hunting conditions.

The second bear hunting season starts Monday and runs through November 20. Only rifle, muzzleloader and archery hunting implements are allowed during that season. Only archery equipment may be used on Wildlife Management Areas stocked with pheasants.

License to Carry Course


Pete’s Gun Shop of Adams is holding a one-day Live Fire NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified LTC Safety Course on Saturday, November 13.  It will be held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club starting at 8:30 am. The course consists of classroom instruction followed by live firing.


This is to qualify MA residents and non-residents alike for the MA LTC or FID Card. It will be a hands-on, live fire course.  You will be given a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop in appreciation for taking the course. The cost is $100 and covers use of their range, firearms, ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, and the NRA Safety Textbook. Interested parties are asked to pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780, as space is limited. A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your seat at the time of registration. They do accept credit cards in person or by phone. This live fire course fills up very quickly so call or stop in early to pre-register.


Will your semi-automatic shotgun now become illegal?


Last week I received a disturbing special announcement from the Lee Sportsmen’s Association which stated the following: “It appears that legal responsible firearms ownership is threatened by poorly thought out, overly broad, and likely unconstitutional bills.  While all are currently still in committee, it is incumbent on responsible firearms owners to act to protect our sport and defend our constitutional rights within the Commonwealth.”


There were several proposed bills, but what they were mainly concerned about was a proposed bill (H.4038) An Act Banning Semi-Automatic Weapons which was referred to the MA Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security on July29, 2021.  If passed, it will expand the current assault weapons ban to cover all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. The Bill amends MGL to replace the term “assault weapon” with “rifles and shotguns containing semi-automatic mechanism” while also removing all exemptions under the assault weapons ban. Significantly, assault weapons ban grandfathering date of September 13, 1994 is left unchanged, meaning that every semi-automatic rifle or shotgun sold in the Commonwealth since the assault weapons ban went into effect will be affected.  No provisions are made for the registration or disposition of currently owned, affected semi-automatic rifles or shotguns.

So, if I understand this bill correctly, if you bought a Charles Daly 3-shot semi-automatic duck hunting shotgun or a Browning 5-shot semi-automatic deer hunting shotgun 25 years ago, they would now be considered assault weapons?  Really?  C’mon!

There is a Firearms Policy Coalition which has a link to send a message to the State House opposing this Bill:

In addition to that, may I suggest that you contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose this proposed bill.  Also, you may want to ask them to talk to their fellow legislators on Beacon hill and explain to them that hunting is still a way of life for many out here in the Berkshires and that misconstruing a semi-automatic hunting shotgun as an assault weapon would negatively affect many hunters.

Angie’s Last Retrieve

This past summer, I was contacted by my old friend Gary Scarafoni of Pittsfield who had something that he wanted me to read. I asked him to send it to me, not knowing exactly what it was.  It turned out to be a true story that he wrote about his Springer Spaniel bird hunting dog named Angie. With the fall upland game hunting season upon us, I thought you would like to read it, so with Gary’s permission, here it is.

Angie’s Last Retrieve by Gary Scarafoni

Angie had been different than my other Springers I had owned—special, fearless, eager to please with an independent streak that let you know she knew more than you.

She loved to retrieve—anything.  Training dummies in the field or off our pond diving board.  If you yelled “fetch” she would go get it.  For twelve years we hunted stocked pheasants all over western Massachusetts and at a Gun Club in Austerlitz, New York.  If I put a bird on the ground—or in the water—Angie would retrieve it.

There have been too many memorable hunts to count, with a thousand birds flushed and retrieved in all.  While not professionally finished, she responded to all of my directions.  Not only was she a delight to hunt with, but she could find birds.

Several years ago, she tore a tendon on her front leg.  The repair did not hold, and her paw flapped when she ran, but she appeared to have no pain.  With my vet’s approval, we agreed that she should hunt if she wasn’t hurting.  For the next few years, we hunted as usual.  Other than a paw that turned sharply inward and flapped when she was in hot pursuit of a bird, she never considered herself handicapped.

Two years ago, Angie developed an autoimmune disease that was destroying her red blood cells.  It was touch and go. After a couple of missed seasons, my vet felt she was finally stabilized.  “What the heck, I know she wants to hunt.  Her rear legs aren’t strong, so take it easy, but take her out”.

The next day, I lined up my next-door neighbor, Eric Mabee. to join us for a late-season hunt.  When Angie saw me load her crate and my gun into the vehicle, she ran around in excitement like she was years younger.  Her days of jumping into the back hatch were long gone, but as I lifted her into her crate, her eyes said it all:  Let’s do this.”

It was a reasonable December day with little snow on the ground.  As we entered the field, I could see she was eager to find birds.  It did not take long.  She was quartering at half speed.  Her legs would stumble.  My heart ached.  Was I making a mistake?  As she continued to work it was obvious there was nothing wrong with her nose nor her desire.

It was not long before she flushed a bird, then another, and returned them to hand. After an hour. A couple more birds were brought to hand and in my vest.  She was working slowly, but never missed a beat.  When I knocked a bird down, a near miss, I saw it hit the ground running.  Angie picked up the scent and plodded off.  I thought I’d give her a few minutes then call her back.  Ten minutes later, she came trotting out of the stubble, pheasant very much alive, held gently in her mouth.

Thinking that was a great way to end our hunt, we headed for the truck.  As we walked out, she jumped a beautiful late-season rooster.  Eric pulled a couple of feathers but the bird sailed down to a small stream and beaver pond.

After a few minutes of searching, we assumed the pheasant had made it across the stream.  As I called Angie to recall, we both spotted the telltale sign of the white ringneck and blue-green splash of color on the far bank.

It was cold.  I hesitated, but I could see she wanted that bird.  Reluctantly, I sent her in.  As she neared the far bank, she caught a whiff of the bird.  She would not come back without it.

She got a hold of the tail feathers and pulled.  Back she came, only this time she was above where she had entered, and an obstacle awaited her.  There was ice two feet out into the water.  When she got to it, we realized she did not have the strength to pull herself up.  As I turned to put my gun down, Eric shot by me and landed in freezing water up to his waist.  With one lunge he had Angie by the collar, and they both came flying out of the water—Angie with the rooster still cradled in her mouth. With tears in my eyes, I carried her back to the vehicle.  She rode home in the front seat with the heater on high.  No one spoke.  We all knew this would be Angie’s last retrieve and it was one for the record books”.

When I read that story, it almost brought me to tears.  There is a special bond between hunters and their hunting dogs, be they beagles, coon hounds, labs or as in this case Springers.  They spend so many enjoyable hours together in the woods and fields.  It’s such a joy to see your dog pick up a scent, follow it and lock on it in a point.  Or, if bunny hunting, to see your beagle’s white-tipped tail start wagging a mile a minute seconds before it takes off following the scent and barking its heart out.  It’s so rewarding to see, with infinite patience, that puppy mature into a really good hunting dog.

So many times, at the end of the hunt, you and the dog are sore, scratched up and dead tired.  It’s a toss-up who snores the loudest when you get home.

It’s always so sad, after a dozen or so years, to see your dog, one of your closest friends, age and begin to slow down.  Their enthusiasm won’t wane, but their bodies tell you that it’s time –the walk back to the vehicle takes longer and your old buddy can’t keep up with you anymore.

Thank you Gary for sharing this story with us. You have captured the feeling perfectly.

What do you think fellow readers, do you agree that he did a good job on that story.?  If so, then you aren’t alone in that opinion for the national publication of Gun Dog ran that article in its Summer, 2021 issue in its “Tails Gone By” section.  We thank the folks at Gun Dog for allowing us to copy it into this column.

It’s an appropriate time to run that article for pheasant, ruffed grouse, rabbit, duck and goose hunting seasons opened today.  Be sure you are knowledgeable of all of the hunting regulations.  This year will be the last year that hunters won’t have to pay a special fee to hunt pheasants.  Starting next year there will be a permit fee, currently planned to be $4.00. and rising incrementally until 2026 when the permit will cost $20.00.


Don’t forget to bring the deer tick spray and check yourself and your dog for the ticks immediately after the hunt. This could be another bad year for them.

Archery deer hunting seasons opens Monday

Also, the archery deer hunting season opens in Zones 1 – 9 on Monday, October 18. An Archery Stamp is required. Two antlered deer may be taken, but if you have an antlerless permit, you can take a third deer. All bows, (recurve, long, and compound) except permitted crossbows, must have a draw weight of at least 40 lbs. at 28 inches or at peak draw. Crossbows may be used by certain permanently disabled persons by permit only. Arrows must have well-sharpened steel broadhead blades not less than 7/8 inches in width. Expanding broadheads and mechanical releases are permitted. Poisoned arrows, explosive tips, air bows and bows drawn by mechanical means are prohibited.  Be sure to check the regulations for more information

Here’s wishing you all a safe and enjoyable hunting season.

Awesome memories of a Yellowstone National Park vacation

Last week, this column was about a 10-day flyfishing trip taken by me and 3 other local anglers to Yellowstone National Park (YNP), Montana and Idaho.    After that trip was over, my wife Jan then joined me in Bozeman, MT to do some sightseeing in Yellowstone National Park. It was time to pack the fishing stuff and lift my eyes from the gin clear waters and rising fish and look at the beautiful surroundings.


Why vacation in YNP?  Well, it’s an interesting place.  It’s the world’s first and arguably most famous national park and is home to one of the planet’s largest and potentially most destructive volcanoes. The Yellowstone caldera complex is so massive that it can really be appreciated only from the air. But although the caldera isn’t always visible on the ground, it’s certainly no secret: Copious thermal features like hot springs and geyser basins dot the landscape and have attracted people to the uniquely beautiful and ecologically rich area for at least 11,000 years. That’s about the time Native Americans started hunting bison and bighorn sheep, fished for Cutthroat trout, and gathered bitterroot and camas bulbs there.  (Incidentally, a caldera is not the same thing as a crater. Craters are formed by the outward explosion of rocks and other materials from a volcano, whereas calderas are formed by the inward collapse of a volcano.)

After driving to Gardner, MT and settling into our room at the Yellowstone Bear’s Den, we ate at the Iron Horse Bar and Grill.  On the menu was bison shepherd’s pie.  It was the first time I ever ate buffalo meat and it was delicious. Jan ordered a different meal, being not quite ready to eat buffalo.


The following morning, we entered YNP through the North Entrance, drove to the Mammoth Hot Springs Historic District, where we saw wild elk grazing on the lawns, (no hunting allowed in the park) and we later walked the boardwalks at Mammoth Hot Springs.  At an altitude of over 6,700 feet, it is a large complex of hot springs on a hill of travertine (terrestrial limestone). It was created over thousands of years as hot water from the springs cooled and deposited calcium carbonate.  Truly a sight to see.


From there we drove to the Lamar Valley (often called America’s Serengeti for its large and easy-to-see populations of large animals).  There we saw lots of buffalo where they roam free and frequently cross the roads and hold up traffic.  Visitors don’t mind though, for it affords opportunities to see and photograph them close-up.  It was Jan’s first live sighting of them and she was quite impressed.  In the Valley, we also saw elk and antelope.  Some people parked along the road were using spotting telescopes looking for grizzly bears and black wolves.


While there, we visited Soda Butte, where my fellow anglers and I fished the creek the previous week.  The butte is all that is left of a hot spring cone located just off the road in the valley’s east side.


On the way back to Gardner, we stopped to see a petrified tree, basically a redwood similar to those currently in California.  It was a clue to the warmer, damper landscape that once existed in YNP.  When a chain of volcanoes erupted there in the Eocene times, 50,000,000 years ago they triggered massive landslides.  The rolling mix of ash, water and sand buried whole forests.  Before the trees could rot, abundant silica in the volcano flow plugged the living cells creating forests of stone.  What an awesome feeling standing near something that is 50 million years old!


On our second day, we visited the Upper Geyser Basin which is home to the largest number of this fragile feature found in the Park. Within one square mile there are at least 150 of these hydrothermal wonders. Of this only five major geysers are predicted regularly by the naturalist staff. They are the Castle, Grand, Daisy, Riverside, and of course, Old Faithful. There are many smaller geysers to be seen and marveled at in this basin as well as numerous hot springs.  We spent the whole day there seeing as many of them as we could.  It is said that YNP as a whole, possesses close to 60 percent of the world’s geysers.


On day 3, we traveled south past Yellowstone Lake headed for the Park’s South Entrance into Wyoming.  Yellowstone Lake lies at an altitude of 7,730 feet above sea level and is the largest body of water in North America, and the second largest in the world, at so high an elevation.   It stretches 20 miles long and 14 miles across and its shorelines are dotted with geothermal features.


After leaving Yellowstone Lake, we traveled south into Wyoming along the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway to see the Teton Mountains, a segment of the Middle Rocky Mountains.  They extend 40 miles across northwestern Wyoming, from the southern boundary of YNP and into southeastern Idaho.  The peaks of the Teton Mountain Range are regal and imposing as they make one of the boldest geologic statements in the Rockies. With no foothills to suggest their presence, they rise through steep conifer forests into alpine meadows strewn with wildflowers, past blue and white glaciers to naked granite pinnacles.


We viewed the Tetons from Jackson Lake, a glacially carved, approximately 400-foot-deep lake.   But more than a century ago it was impounded, and today the Jackson Lake Dam adds about 37 feet of depth — or 847,000 acre-feet of stored water. This summer, 90% to 95% of that added water was expected to go downstream into Idaho, ultimately to irrigate potato fields in Idaho’s Snake River plain and grow crops for cattle.  Where we were at the boat ramp near the Colter Bay Marina, the water was gone and nothing but docks were seen on dry land and the 60 boats normally anchored there for the summer had been trailered away.  As far as we could see, there existed a lake with no water.

On our last day, we visited the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  About 640,000 years ago, a huge volcanic eruption occurred in Yellowstone, emptying a large underground chamber of magma (partially molten rock). Volcanic ash spread for thousands of miles. The roof of this chamber slowly collapsed, forming a giant caldera 30 miles across, 45 miles long. The caldera began to fill with lava and sediments. Infilling of lava flows continued for thousands of years.  Scientists think some of it filled in with rock and sediments about 150,000 years ago. This paleo-canyon was not as deep, wide or long as the canyon that’s there now.  Past and current hydrothermal activity altered and weakened the rhyolite, making the rocks softer. The Yellowstone River eroded these weakened rocks to deepen and widen the canyon, a process that continues today. The current canyon begins at Lower Falls and ends downstream from Tower Falls.


The 308-foot Lower Falls may have formed because the river flows over volcanic rock more resistant to erosion than the downstream rocks, which are hydrothermally altered. The 109-foot Upper Falls flows over similar rocks. The large rocks upstream from Upper Falls are remnants of a lava flow resistant to erosion.

The multi-hued rocks of the canyon result from the hydrothermally altered rhyolite and sediments. There are dark orange, brown, and green areas near the river that indicate still-active hydrothermal features. Their activity—and that of water, wind, and earthquakes—continue to sculpt the canyon.

Jan and I agree that the Yellowstone Grand Canyon was the most remarkable sight of them all in YNP. (Yes, even greater than Old Faithful). There are boardwalks and viewing areas around the canyon rim so that you can see both waterfalls.  It’s kind of scary looking down the canyon walls with the river so far below that you could barely see it.  Definitely white-knuckle time.  Jan said that she held her cell phone camera so tight that she feared it would pop out of her hands and drop into the canyon.

There were many other amazing sights in the Park which would require several more columns to describe.  You can search the internet to see pictures of all the amazing sights mentioned here.  At the risk of sounding like tour guides, Jan and I highly recommend that you keep YNP in your future travel plans.