MassWildlife increases antlerless deer permit allocations in Western District

Some 725 more antlerless deer permits are being issued in the Western District (Wildlife Management Zones 1 through 4) this year. The largest increase will be in Zone 3 where 300 more permits will be issued bringing the total to 1,400. That is followed by 125 increases in Zones 4N and 4S, bringing those totals to 500 and 400 respectively. Permits in Zone 1 will go up by 100 to 500, and lastly an increase of 75 in Zone 2 brings that total to 250. MassWildlife classifies our Western District deer herd as stable, a place where they want to be.
So, did you get a permit? Effective last Wednesday, you can find out by clicking onto the MassFishHunt website and following the instructions. If you did receive one and you plan to shoot an antlerless deer, you owe MassWildlife $5.
The attached chart lists the statewide antlerless deer permit information by Wildlife Management Zones.
As you can see, the eastern part of the Commonwealth has some serious issues with getting the deer population down to desired numbers. For example, in Zone 10 MassWildlife would issue 12,000 permits, but not enough people applied for them. Thus, they have a 9,100 surplus. A similar situation exists in Zone 11. Not good. One could only imagine the problems with deer/auto accidents, deer ticks and difficulty in sustaining the new growth in the forests out there. Not to mention the shrubs in residential areas that are destroyed each winter.
Surplus antlerless deer permits for Zones 9 through 14 will be available for sale and will be staggered over the following days in September:
• Zone 11: Tuesday, September 25 at 8 a.m.
• Zone 10: Wednesday, September 26 at 8 a.m.
• Zones 9, 13, and 14: Thursday, September 27 at 8 a.m.

Surplus Permits must be purchased within 15 minutes after being placed in your shopping cart. You may purchase only one Zone 11, one Zone 10 and one Zone 9 permit per day; up to four permits per day may be purchased for Zones 13 and 14. The permits cost $5 each.
Incidentally, the Department of Conservation and Recreation recently opened 7,500 acres of land to hunting in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed. That is north of Worcester. Hunters can apply for a 5-year permit for property west and east of Rte. 190, (open for all game during all hunting seasons), or an annual permit for property immediately adjacent to the Reservoir, designated as the Reservoir Zone,(for deer only December. 1 through 31). Permits will be selected by lottery. If interested, apply by August 31. Both permit types are free. Click onto, for details.
Welcome back firefighters
According to MassWildlife, three members of their prescribed fire crew, Fletcher Clark, Chris Connors, and Ben Mazzei, assisted in securing wildfires in Québec Province, Canada for two weeks this past July. They were joined by 16 wildland firefighters from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to form the Massachusetts Interagency Wildfire Crew- MA#1 and were mobilized through DCR and the Northeast Forest Fire Compact.
The wildfire hand crew spent time containing two different wildfires, one near Radisson and the other near Lebel-sur-Quévillon in Québec Province. The crew spent most of its time on a large 24,500-acre fire on Wilson Lake in a remote region of Québec Province. Lightning strikes caused the dry, dense vegetation in the area to ignite and caused the wildfires.
The Massachusetts crew was deployed to these wildfires for two weeks. They worked with other crews to establish helicopter landing sites, coordinate water drops, and secure sections of the fire to keep it from spreading. Securing a section of fire can mean a lot of different kinds of work, says MassWildlife.
The crews set up water pump sites and ran hoses around the section of fire to make sure water was readily accessible to combat the fires. The crew established a fire line around their section. A fire line is essentially a wide path on the ground that is cleared of vegetation, debris, and anything else that can potentially burn to stop the fire from spreading. The crews also went into already-burned areas and put out any hot spots that might have still been smoldering or burning. The crew was helicoptered daily from their base camp to the remote wildfires to perform these duties.
On July 22, the Massachusetts crew returned back to the Commonwealth safely. There are still many wildfires burning in the province of Québec alone. During the past week, rain has somewhat helped with battling the fires. However, if conditions dry out, the potential for large fires to become active again exists. Québec continues to seek assistance from Canadian provinces and the northeastern United States to help cope with these wildfires.
“Please join us in welcoming these dedicated individuals back from this rugged assignment,” said Caren Caljouw, MassWildlife’s Prescribed Fire Program Manager. “We are very proud of the assistance they provided to our Canadian neighbors and know the vast experience they gained will translate directly to improving MassWildlife’s prescribed fire program and working as a cohesive team with DCR and other fire management partners.”
Massachusetts, along with the other New England states and New York initiated the Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Compact—also called the Northeast Compact—in 1947. The Compact was established to provide a means for member states to cope with wildland fires that may become too intense for a single member state to control. In 1970, the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick joined, making the Northeast Compact international. Currently, the Northeast Compact members include seven states—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York—and five provinces—Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland-Labrador, and Prince Edward Island. The Northeast Compact also includes the Fire Department of New York City, the US Forest Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the US National Park Service.
Adams Outdoor for Youth fishing derby
The AOFY held its annual fishing derby on Reynolds Pond in Cheshire last month. Some 54 kids attended and the winners were as follows: Age 0 to 6 years old: Smallest fish 8 ½ inches – Corbin Porio/ Largest fish 14 1/4″- Layla Jayko. Age 7 to 11: Smallest fish 8″ Charlie Bean / Largest fish 14 1/2″ Wyatt Bellows. Age 12 to 15: Largest and Smallest fish 14 1/4″ and 8 3/4″respectively – Cameron Bostwick. All brook trout came from Berkshire Hatchery.
Spokesman Mike Lefebvre thanked all the volunteers from all clubs for another successful year supporting the Youth Fishing Derby.


New Director of Fisheries and Wildlife

Recently, the Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board unanimously voted to appoint Mark S. Tisa, Ph.D., M.B.A., to the position of Director of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife).
He started his career in 1987 with MassWildlife as the Project Leader of the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program, was promoted to Assistant Director of Fisheries in 1990, and then to Deputy Director in 2015. Director Tisa led a number of major initiatives over the years for the agency, including the Youth Pheasant and Young Adult Turkey hunt programs and the construction of the MassWildlife Field Headquarter’s 45,000-square-foot zero-net-energy building in Westborough. Upon the retirement of former Director Jack Buckley, he was appointed Acting Director, effective May 1, 2018.
“I’m honored, humbled, and thrilled to be appointed to lead MassWildlife, where I have worked for 31 years,” said Director Tisa. “We at MassWildlife care about all the Commonwealth’s wildlife and plants, including state-listed species, and I look forward to continuing to work with hunters, anglers, trappers, conservationists, and all Massachusetts citizens to carry forward MassWildlife’s tradition of conserving and helping everyone to enjoy all our treasured wildlife resources.”
Director Tisa grew up in Leominster, MA. He earned a B.S. in Biology from Springfield College, a M.S. in fisheries from the University of Tennessee, a Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from Virginia Tech, and an M.B.A. from Anna Maria College. He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys fishing, hunting, shooting, and retriever training.
Update on Project Healing Waters

Readers may recall an article that I did in July, 2016 entitled Veterans helped by Healing Waters regarding a group that belonged to Project Healing Water Fly Fishing, Inc.(tm). The organization is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. My wife Jan and I were camping at the Indian Hollow Campground along the East Branch of the Westfield River in Chesterfield, MA. When we met them.

The Massachusetts/Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited (TU) rented the camping area for the weekend and delegates from both state’s TU chapters were there to conduct business and do a little fly fishing. Next to our campsite was a group of men which was made up of veterans and mentors participating in a therapeutic fishing trip as part of Project Healing Waters.

The idea behind Healing Waters is simple – to provide a therapeutic and fun outlet for physically or mentally disabled vets by teaching them the basics of fly fishing, casting, tying, and rod building, and then going out on fishing trips to ideal spots such as the Indian Hollow campground.
Nationwide, Healing Waters raises its own money with a budget of close to $3 million and administrative costs are kept low, in the 15 % range, reserving as much as possible to fund trips and provide gear for the vets who take part. The entire program is completely free to the Veterans. In addition to funding from Healing Waters, the group is sponsored by the non-profits TU and the New England Fly Tyers.
It is open to any veteran who has a disability, whether physical or mental. “ 95% of what we have here is post-traumatic stress,” said Bill Manser, Project Leader. With that in mind, counselors provide the therapeutic support for the group, joining Manser and the volunteer mentors who bring a variety of outdoor skills to the group, some of them being vets themselves.
Well, this past May Jan and I attended the TU event again, and once again camped near the Healing Water guys. This time there were 13 of them. I was curious about how the group was doing these days. Manser, who is in his 5th year as project leader, said exciting things are happening. As an adjunct to TU, they initiated a Veteran’s Service Partnership whereby veterans and their families get a free one-year membership. This applies to every chapter, including our own Taconic Chapter here in the Berkshires. This is different from Project Healing Waters which requires a DD-214 and some level of disability.
Another wonderful thing is that the Worcester Chapter of AMC, along with Enterprise Rental Car funds trips for them to stay at the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Medawisla Lodge and Cabins in Maine allowing them to fish the Roach River, some 14 ½ miles of catch and release fishing for landlocked salmon and wild brook trout during the 3rd week in September. The AMC’s focus is on maintaining streams with no dams, similar to TU’s focus.
The Catskill Fly-fishing Museum in Livingston Manor, NY provides housing, and the Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon program provides meals, private waters, and a one day fully paid for float trip on the East/West Branches of the Delaware River. The famed DeBruce Club, a deluxe private fly fishing club which is located in Livingston Manor, the heart of flyfishing in the Catskill, allows them to fish there.
Nothing is too elegant for these veterans and I was so happy to hear about this outpouring of kindness and support extended to them. Some of them are Viet Nam veterans who are still fighting dragons after nearly fifty years. Of the group that we saw at Indian Hollow this year, four of them were homeless, living in group homes. They need help, understanding and compassion to help them cope with their hurdles.
With funding available and the group thriving with the help of volunteer staff, Manser encourages more veterans to join so they can be helped. Veterans or volunteers interested in participating can reach Manser at (978)895-5261. Its home website is Donations are always happily and gratefully accepted.
Please forgive me but I can’t help but repeat what was written in that previous column, “So how does fly fishing help? Perhaps it is as fly-fishing author Tom Meade wrote in his 1994 book entitled Essential Fly Fishing, “The rhythm of the rod carries your body, mind and spirit to the water. Whether you catch a fish or not, the water will always give you a little of its strength, some of its energy and much of its peace.”
Beagle Club
Robbie Kane, Berkshire Beagle Club spokesman, believes that next weekend’s field trials (August 3, 4, and 5) have the makings for their biggest and best August trials yet. The Field Trial for Champions trial on Friday evening is completely full, which makes the club able to donate $1,000 to the Northeast Regional Junior Beagle Program. There is an online dog auction for the Friday night trial going on the Facebook Group “Beaglers”. Half of the money raised goes towards the Club. They plan to have pizza Friday night for the participants and spectators.
Saturday’s 2-Couple Pack is also shaping up as well. That evening they will have their annual cookout. It should be a good time around the fires on both Friday and Saturday nights.
On Sunday is their derby and the All-Age Trial. They will be raffling off TT15 Mini Collars on both Saturday and Sunday for $10 a ticket. Spectators are welcome.

Stream continuity is critical

Especially to all creatures that depend on rivers and streams, including invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Experts say the design and condition of stream crossings determine whether a river behaves naturally and whether wildlife can migrate freely. Crossings should be essentially “invisible” to fish and wildlife—they should maintain appropriate flow and substrate through the crossing and not constrict a stream.
Through the combined effects of dams and poorly designed stream crossings (certain culverts and bridges), we have fragmented rivers and streams and hindered wildlife dispersal throughout our watersheds. In many cases, even crossings that were once effective are now barriers because of river erosion or mechanical breakdown. Safe and stable stream crossings can accommodate wildlife and protect stream health while reducing expensive erosion and structural damage.
That takes us to the Churchill Brook culvert which crosses Hancock Road in Pittsfield. (brook ultimately drains into Onota Lake). The pipes appear to have been improperly installed or developed erosion problems and acted like dams. They were elevated and made it difficult, if not impossible for trout to pass through. Fish had to jump in order to get into them and because they are pipes, and not a natural passway, they had to swim through stronger, concentrated currents to get to the other sides and continue their spawning run. Not only that, the culvert was falling apart.
The new culvert is much wider, with a natural stream bottom so that fish and other animals can easily pass through. A neighbor was really pleased with the improvement because during heavy rains, his lawn became completely flooded and his house became an island, due to the previous pipe being too small.
The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA), with help from the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) decided to do something about that. They applied for, and received, grants from the Natural Resources Damages Program (NRD) and the Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET).
There are two projects going on there. The NRD grant paid for the culvert project which allows the fish passage and the second project, a MET grant, paid to plant the rain gardens on both sides of the road. (Readers may recall in a previous article that funding for MET grants come from the sale of special license plates).
There are numerous brook trout all the way up the stream and until now they couldn’t swim upstream past the culverts. That is all changed now and the fish can pass through. Clayton Davenport Trucking, Inc. did the culvert replacement work.
There is one more culvert a little further upstream which crosses Churchill Road and HVA already has a grant to do that project as well. Hopefully in a couple of years, when that project is completed, it will open Churchill Brook from Onota Lake all the way up to Pittsfield State Forest, enabling brook trout to travel without obstructions.
Incidentally, MassWildlife has listed this brook as one of the best habitats for brook trout because there is ample food and cold, clean water.
Biologists caution us to not underestimate the effect of culvert crossings. While culverts only cover small sections of any stream, their influence on fish and other aquatic species can be immense, especially when you consider the cumulative effects of many road crossings. Proper planning, design, and installation can protect roads while providing year-round fish passage and preserving healthy streams.
Also, we should keep in mind that in situations where fish passage is not a major concern, other aquatic species of concern such as such as mink, frogs, turtles, insects, crayfish, snails, etc. may use the culvert and will need to rely on natural streambed sediments in the culvert to aid their movement. It has also been recognized for some time that juvenile fish are very active throughout the year, moving upstream and downstream in response to a number of environmental factors.
The Berkshires are not alone with culvert problems. In a 2009 survey of culverts in a nearby Appalachian watershed, some 120 state‐owned culverts were surveyed using a fish passage assessment filter to determine the “passability” of each culvert. The results showed that 97% of surveyed culverts were classified as obstacles or complete barriers to trout dispersal. Some 33% of brook trout reproductive habitat, was isolated by culverts. The results indicate that standard culvert designs placed in streams with slopes exceeding 5% consistently produce trout dispersal barriers.
Although no comprehensive inventory of the number of culverts on fish-bearing streams in the United States is available, there is an estimated 1.4 million stream-road crossings.
So why is it important for fish and other critters to be able to pass through these culverts? Well, according to Scott D. Jackson, Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst in a paper done in 2003 entitled Ecological Considerations in the Design of River and Stream Crossings, such movements maintain gene flow among populations, helping to maintain genetic health. They may also represent movements of surplus animals from one population to another, perhaps one that could not support itself on its own reproduction. This supplementation of failing populations from “source” populations is referred to as “the rescue effect.” Finally, areas of appropriate habitat that may be temporarily vacant due to local extinctions, can be re-colonized by individuals from populations nearby.
The new rain gardens prevent much of the run-off (containing oil, gasoline and pollutants) which comes off the road from washing right into the brook and negatively affecting the water quality. The HVA/BEAT team built a buffer area so the water that comes into the drainage ditch is pooled in a vegetative garden which is submerged. It settles and filters the runoff gradually into the ground and replenishes the groundwater before entering the brook.
The type of vegetation planted were: Joe Pye Weed, sweet pepperbush, chokecherries, red dozier dogwood, elderberry and winterberry, all wetland plants that can withstand being inundated in water for a while. According to Denis Regan. Berkshire Director of HVA, this is a 4 -year old project because they couldn’t do it until the new culvert was finished.
On the day, of my visit, volunteers were working hard in the 80+ degree heat planting the vegetation. Volunteers included Jane Winn, Executive Director of BEAT, Elizabeth Orenstein, Erin Whitman (HVA intern for the summer) Denis Regan. Berkshire Director of HVA, Alison Dixon, HVA Berkshire Outreach Manager, Jen Evans, (BEAT intern for the summer), Jeff Turner and Sharon Siter.
While I was there, Pittsfield Conservation Agent Robert Van der Kar and Pittsfield Staff Environmental Engineer Tim Croce dropped by to inspect the project to ensure compliance with storm water rules. Later on, Robert sent the following message to the HVA and BEAT volunteers: “On behalf of the folks here at City Hall, I just wanted to say how proud and grateful we are to have such a wonderful and dedicated group of people who continually improve the environment and quality of life (all life) here in the City of Pittsfield. You all truly make this a better place. Thank you all very much for all of your time and hard work in making what is an exemplary project; one that we’ll be sure to point to for years to come. Thank you.”

One day remaining to obtain an antlerless deer permit

If you want to hunt antlerless deer this year, you need an antlerless deer permit. An antlerless deer is any deer without antlers or any deer with both antlers less than 3 inches long measured on a straight line form the center of the front base of the antler burr to the tip. If you have not yet applied for your antlerless deer permit, you better get a move on it for tomorrow, July 16, is the last day in which to apply.
Permit applicants should already have their 2018 hunting or sporting license. If not, they had better get a move on that, too, for it is needed in order to get the antlerless deer permit. Both the hunting licenses and the applications can be obtained through MassFishHunt or by visiting a MassWildlife office or license agent location. There is no fee to apply, but if awarded a permit, a $5 fee is charged.
If you made the July 16 application deadline, you then must check to see if you have been awarded the ability to purchase the permit. The award period begins August 1 and ends on December 31. Your odds of being awarded a permit are the same regardless of when you check your permit status. You can check the status of your permit through MassFishHunt.
Are you interested in participating in the Quabbin Deer Hunt? Well, that permit application period is from July 1 through August 31.
The Quabbin Controlled Deer Hunt is an annual event conducted on Quabbin Reservoir watershed land which was implemented as part of the management program to maintain a balance between deer herd densities and forest regeneration. Participants are selected from an applicant pool in a special lottery in early September.
All applications must be submitted online; the application must be filled out and submitted from the DCR Deer Hunt web page between July 1 and August 31. Hunters can get assistance completing applications online at the Quabbin Visitor Center on Saturdays (9 a.m. to noon) and Wednesdays (noon to 3 p.m.) during the application period.
Once selected, all successful applicants will receive written notification by early October. If you have any questions or concerns, contact:
MassWildlife recently filed a regulatory amendment that would extend the archery deer season by two weeks (opening the eighth Monday prior to Thanksgiving) in eastern Massachusetts (Wildlife Management Zones 10–14). In WMZs 1–9, our area, the archery deer season will remain the same, opening six weeks before Thanksgiving.

The amendment will increase hunting opportunities in a region where deer numbers are above management range goals. No changes were recommended for WMZs 1–9, as deer numbers in those zones are within management range goals. The Fisheries and Wildlife Board voted to accept the proposed regulatory amendment in May, and currently, the regulation change is awaiting publication in the Massachusetts Register by the Secretary of State’s Office. MassWildlife anticipates that the season extension will be approved and in effect by the end of July.

Fish kills
This summer has been a hot one, and lakes and ponds are warming up, possibly resulting in fish kills. The sight of dead and dying fish along a shoreline can be distressing and can prompt concerns about pollution. However, according to MassWildlife, the vast majority of summer fish kills reported are natural events.
Natural fish kills are generally the result of low oxygen levels, fish diseases, or spawning stress. Depletion of dissolved oxygen is one of the most common causes of natural fish kills. Water holds less dissolved oxygen at higher temperatures; in shallow, weedy ponds oxygen can be especially low as plants consume oxygen at night. Spawning of fish including sunfish and bass in late spring and early summer occurs in shallow waters along the shore. These densely crowded spawning areas can become susceptible to disease outbreaks, especially as water temperatures rise. The result is an unavoidable natural fish kill, usually consisting of only one or two species of fish.
To be sure there isn’t a pollution problem, it’s always best to report fish kills. When a fish kill report is received, a MassWildlife fisheries biologist determines if the kill is a natural event or the result of pollution. In general, pollution impacts all kinds of aquatic life; therefore, the most important piece of evidence for the biologists is the number and variety of fish associated with the incident. When pollution is suspected, MassWildlife notifies the Department of Environmental Protection, who then conducts a formal investigation of the water and affected fish to determine the source of pollution.
To report a fish kill, contact the Environmental Police Radio Room at 1 (800) 632-8075.

Good news for BEAT

The Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) recently received a $35,000 grant from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust. This funding will enable BEAT to continue its work surveying and sampling stormwater outfalls (e.g. pipes emptying into our rivers) in Berkshire County.

Since 2014, BEAT’s work on water quality has identified over 100 previously unmapped outfalls, and as recently as the spring of 2017, identified at least one dispensing raw sewage into the Housatonic River. That outfall has since been remediated.

The project has trained dozens of citizen scientists to use smartphone technology to document stormwater outfalls in Berkshire County and contribute data to a regional database. “This grant will allow BEAT to continue working with students, interns, and volunteers using cutting edge technology to test the quality of the water flowing directly into the Housatonic River and other waterbodies,” said Jane Winn, Executive Director of BEAT.

According to MA Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton, the Trust will provide over $500,00 in grants to 16 organizations this year, thanks to motorists who choose to purchase one of the Trust’s specialty license plates. Beaton said, “This funding has been made possible because over 40,000 drivers in Massachusetts choose to purchase one of the three environmental license plates, and I applaud our state’s residents for their continued commitment to the well-being of the Commonwealth’s environment.”

Working with Berkshire Community College (BCC) students has been a key part of this water quality project. Winn continued, “Our partnership with BCC has given their students field experience using microbiology for public health and environmental stewardship projects.”

For this project, BEAT worked with the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) who developed the quality assurance project plan (QAPP) and oversees training and collection practices.
Supporting the environmental programs funded by the Trust in our community is easy: choose one of three environmental plates, the Right Whale & Roseate Terns, The Leaping Brook Trout, or the Blackstone Valley Mill when you purchase or lease a new car or renew your registration with the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

The standard registration fee for a Massachusetts plate is $60.00. The special plate fee is an additional $40.00 (tax-deductible every two years) for a total cost of $100. Every time you renew your registration, you are supporting the Trust.

There is now an innovative website for citizen science

According to MassWildlife, just under 7 million people share roughly 7 million acres of land and water with wildlife in Massachusetts. Roadways crisscross much of the landscape, impacting both people and wildlife. The most obvious impacts are vehicle collisions. Less obvious—but perhaps more influential to wildlife populations—is habitat fragmentation and degradation caused by roads.
MassWildlife and MassDOT have partnered since 2008 to provide safe passages for both wildlife and people, and to address the conservation needs of vulnerable species listed under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. This partnership helps incorporate the needs of fish, wildlife, and plants that might have been ignored otherwise during the planning process and maintenance of roadways.
The partnership also has a website where you can report animals you see on the road. If you see roadkill, or a turtle or amphibian crossing the road, consider visiting to submit information. To submit your findings, click the major project that best fits what you see: reducing turtle roadkill, mapping amphibian crossings, or mapping wildlife roadkill. Fill out the short survey, with detailed location information. There is a Google Map at the bottom of the survey that can be zoomed in and panned to a specific location. The information provided on the website helps MassWildlife and MassDOT determine priority areas to mitigate wildlife-human interactions and how best to manage them.
The agencies suggest that there is another way you can help wildlife on the road and that is to be an alert driver. If you see a turtle crossing a road—and if it’s safe to assist—move the turtle in the direction it’s going. Don’t put it where you think it should go. Slow down if you see a moose or deer on the side of the road or crossing the road. If the animal is crossing the road, don’t swerve around it. Wait patiently for it to cross.
DFW Western District Land Acquisition
MassWildlife recently acquired 150 acres along East Washington Road in Hinsdale. This parcel connects the Hinsdale Flats Wildlife Management Area to the Tracy Pond Wildlife Management Area. It has fields, young forest, old orchards and mature woods, good habitat for most of our wildlife.
All lands acquired by the DFW are open to hunting, fishing, trapping, bird watching, hiking and other forms of passive recreation. The use of motorized vehicles is not permitted.
New Catch & Release State Record Walleye caught
Congratulations to Mike Taylor who recently caught a 29.5″ walleye out of the Connecticut River. Mike is now the catch & release state record holder for walleye.
According to Mass DFW, in the past, they made an extensive yet unsuccessful effort to stock walleye in dozens of waterbodies across the state, but survival rates were low and there was little, if any, natural reproduction. (They even tried stocking them in Stockbridge Bowl in the 1930’s or 1940’s with no reproduction success).
The DFW says that if you’re looking for places to catch walleye in the State, the Connecticut and Chicopee Rivers, as well as the Lakeville system in the southeast, provide good opportunities.
Basic Hunter Education Course

There will be a Basic Hunter Education course held at the Worthington Rod & Gun Club, 458 Dingle Road, Worthingon, MA on July 23, 24, 26 and 27. All four sessions are from 5:30 to 9:00 pm.

You must attend all class dates and times to successfully complete the course. If you are interested in this course and wish to enroll, call (508) 389-7830 immediately; students are enrolled first-come, first-served, and courses fill quickly.

Get those kids outside. Please!
Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s are certainly doing their share. Recently, they announced that they will be donating some 50,000 rods and reels nationwide this summer in an effort to get kids outside. Recently, Masswildlife accepted a generous donation of 400 rods to its Angler Education Program at the Massachusetts Cabela’s.

They are EPOs, but I still call them game wardens
What this column needs is a good game warden story every now and then. Game wardens (now called Environmental Police Officers in Massachusetts) are very important and are an integral part of our hunting and fishing lore. When I think of the old-time game wardens, I conger up visions of him in his Smokey the Bear Hat, sneaking through the woods and peeking through some pines observing a person fishing right next to a “No Fishing” sign. I am partial to game wardens as my father was once a deputy game warden in the 1920’s and he used to relate some interesting stories to my brothers and me which I hope to pass on in future columns.
In the meantime, let’s start off with this one from nearby New York. Three hunters charged with illegally killing eight bucks in Columbia County, NY, last December have been fined a total of $16,300, according to New York Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the union that represents the officers who made the arrests.
As reported in the Times Union, Environmental Conservation Officer Jeff Cox received an anonymous tip last Dec. 16 that a poacher had illegally shot a buck after dark on Friday evening. Cox and his partner, Officer James Davey, went to the alleged poacher’s home to investigate and found 19-year-old Hunter Ordway of Chatham preparing several antlered deer for processing and display. During an interview, Ordway admitted he had shot the two larger deer that Friday night and did not tag a third he’d also killed, the PBA said in a statement. Ordway named 41-year-old Jeremy Schemerhorn of Chatham and 24-year-old Ryan Bishop of Niverville as accomplices.
Schemerhorn and Bishop “eventually implicated each other in a variety of illegal hunting activities” in subsequent interviews the PBA said.
The officers seized eight bucks in total: one 10-point trophy, three 8-pointers, one 6-pointer, two 5-pointers and one spike. The meat was donated to the Columbia County Hunters for the Hungry Program.
The deer were killed by hunters who baited, stalked and shot the animals after dark with the aid of a light and night vision eyewear, the union said. The three men were ticketed for various offenses and also charged with a total of 10 misdemeanors, the police union said.
Ordway pleaded guilty on April 25 to six misdemeanor counts involving the illegal taking of deer and was sentenced on May 23 to $12,400 in fines and court costs.
Schemerhorn pleaded guilty on March 5 to three misdemeanors involving the illegal take of deer and paid a total of $3,225 in fines and court surcharges.
Bishop pleaded guilty on Feb. 28 to four violations: hunting deer over bait, failure to tag a deer, failure to possess an archery license and failure to wear backtag. He paid $675 in fines and court surcharges.

Fair weather adds to fishing derby joys

Saturday morning, June 2, was a beautiful day. It was sunny and warm with a mild breeze, a perfect day to go fishing. And a lot of anglers did just that. That was the first day that some youngsters ever held a fishing pole and cast a worm out to catch a fish.
Such was the case on Reynolds Pond in Cheshire. It was all made possible by the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) which had its annual Youth Outreach Fishing Derby. Due to a variety of issues, kids who normally would not have an opportunity to fish were invited.
This year, Deacon Robert Sams brought 15 kids from the First Baptist Church in Pittsfield and Alex Doherty brought 13 kids from the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. Most of the kids, ages 6 to 14 years old had never fished before
Thanks to the BCLS who provided the mentors, fishing poles, line, reels, and the MassWildlife Angler Education Program which donated bait and tackle they had a great opportunity to catch some of the 200 brook trout which had been purchased from the Berkshire Fish Hatchery and recently stocked into the pond. As luck would have it, the beautiful brookies were hungry and aggressively seeking out the tasty worms that were cast out.
Every kid caught trout, many of which were about a foot long. Any angler can tell you that catching a brookie of that size is rare indeed. Some of the kids were afraid to touch them, but they couldn’t wait to cast out to catch another. The trout were placed in plastic bags and brought to Joe Miraglia, Attorney Jim Loughman and others for cleaning. You should see these fish, nice pink meat in them. Gosh, they looked tasty.
Around noon, the fishing was halted for a while so that the kids could have a lunch, which included grilled burgers and dogs along with something to drink and chips. Then back at the pond.
Who says that little boys are devils? Look what appeared in the picture of that youngster as I took the picture. Is that a halo over his head? No, probably not, it was probably a fish or something that splashed in the water behind him just as I snapped the picture. It wasn’t an apparition…..or was it. The fish decided to jump out of Robert’s hands at that instant, too.
When the day was over, the kids took the fish home to be cooked up. They brought home with them brand new fishing outfits and many smiles. For many of the volunteers, this is the best day of the year for it is such a joy to see the excited kids and their beaming smiles.
Volunteers came from the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club, Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club, Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, Adams Outdoor for Youth, East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club, Greylock Bass Club, Ashfield Rod & Gun Club and the Berkshire Beagle Club. A couple of guys from the Berkshire Lodge of Masons did the cooking. Thanks to those volunteers and those who support the BCLS so that they have the funds to put on this annual event.
For others, June 2 was the day that they were destined to catch a nice fish and win a trophy and a prize. That was the day the 26th Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Fishing Derby on Onota Lake took place. Some 235 people attended to enjoy the fine weather, catch some nice fish, enjoy the tasty lunch that was provided and maybe win a raffle prize.
As usual, the emcee was Stephen Bateman who did his usual yeoman’s job of organizing the event, rounding up the donations and announcing the winners. All proceeds, some $5,000 this year, went to the Jimmy Fund He and his team are to be commended.
The Derby Winners this year were:
Happy 90th Birthday Gige Darey
Last Wednesday, George “Gige” Darey of Lenox was surprised when he walked into Mazzeo’s Restaurant in Pittsfield to find a group of over 100 people there to celebrate his birthday. The event, which was planned and organized by Eleanor Tillinghast of Mount Washington, MA was by invitation only and supposed to be a small gathering of friends, associates and family, but it didn’t take long for word to get out and by the party time half of the Town of Lenox knew about it.
Gige made a lot of friends over the years, serving 38 years on the Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife Board and 35 years as its Chairman. He was a former Lenox Selectman, school teacher, ski instructor, Lenox Conservation Commissioner, avid sportsman and the list goes on. Over the years, he was involved in many major open space acquisitions in the Berkshires.
It was a grand birthday party with people coming from all over Massachusetts, including one from Cape Cod, and of course, from his home town of Lenox. There were only one or two short speeches, excellent hors d’oeuvres, a giant, tasty birthday cake and a rowdy Happy Birthday song.
Most invitees that I spoke with had the same dilemma – what to get Gige for his birthday? A gift certificate to a fancy restaurant? Well most 90-year olders we knew didn’t frequent restaurants that often any more. A gift certificate to LL Bean or some other place? Well, if he is like other older folks, whatever he received would be given away to someone else.
And then Dianne Romeo of Lenox had a great suggestion. A school scholarship in Gige’s name to which we all could contribute. Bingo! Gige loved it! And the nice thing about it is that Gige is still with us and can determine the criteria upon which the scholarship would is to be granted. Sorry Gige, you still have a few more important decisions to make.
It was a great party with everyone getting a chance to personally gab with Gige.
Incidentally, if anyone else would like to contribute to that scholarship fund, they can send a check to the Adams Community Bank, 7 Main Street, Lenox, MA, 01240, payable to the George Darey Scholarship Fund.

Students liberate 300 rainbow trout into Otis Reservoir

Each year, the Western District of the DFW coordinates with a local public school and the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen to have students stock some fish into a local lake. The purpose of the program is to get kids who don’t normally have such an opportunity to see them up close and to get a better appreciation of them. It is an opportunity for DFW to introduce conservation ethics to them also.
This year 11 fifth graders from the Farmington River Regional School had such an opportunity, thanks to the efforts of Mark Jester, DCR District Manager – Mountain District and Rick Woodward, DCR District Manager – Lakes, for making the arrangements. The joint venture is the 4th time the three organizations teamed up to introduce kids to the outdoors.
The youths stocked about 300 rainbow trout, all 14+ inches in length into Otis Reservoir from Camper’s Beach at the Tolland State Forest. Some of those fish were HUGE!! DFW staff would put a couple of trout into empty 5 gallon pails and the kids would run to the shore and tossed them into the water. According to DFW Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon, stocking the fish in this manner is good for the trout as they require a little jolt to get them started.
Accompanying the students was Ms Graham, a teacher who also got into the act by also running a pail of fish to the water’s edge and sending them flying into the water.
Bass tournament
The Greylock Bass Club held a bass tournament on Onota Lake on May 13 and the results are as follows: 1st place went to Dave (DJ) Benham with a 5 fish catch weighing 17.8 lbs, 2nd Place went to Paul Procopio with 11 lbs 10 oz (5 smallmouth bass), 3rd Place went to Jim Underhill with 9 lbs 8 oz (4 largemouth bass) and tied for 4th place were Joe Chague and Rick Turczak with 7 lbs 12 oz.

According to spokesman Bill Gates, they had 10 anglers with a 30 bass total (average of 3 bass, each even though the limit is 5). After 4th place the weight averages were 1 lb per angler. With the exception of Dave’s 17 lbs, the weights were down an average of 7 lbs per angler. There were only 2 bass over 3 lbs and Dave caught both of them.

In his 40 plus years of fishing Onota lake, Bill believes that “It has never looked this environmentally terrible. There isn’t any weed growth at all and the water clarity is awful. There is a lack of sub-species, (perch, bluegill and the rock bass) of which Onota Lake is famous”. “Don’t forget”, he said, “we may not be professional bass anglers but we are very competent. Onota lake always took 18 lbs to win and for the past 25 years 90% of the participants had 5 fish limits with an average of 10 lbs or better. This is the best time of year to catch bass over 3 lbs because both largemouth and smallmouth are in the spawn or pre-spawn stage. Yet nobody found any bigger fish”.

“I know weeds are a blight to home owners and water skiers, and sculling teams hate them, but to see what is happening to the wildlife is disheartening. “I am not looking to get involved with the politics of lake management”, he said, “I’m sure somebody would come up with a well paid for study that can justify the events at Onota Lake. I, unfortunately, have to rely on my 60 years (of experience) to fall back on.”

Bill believes the above situation is caused by the annual lake drawdowns as well as the applications of herbicides.

Spring trout stocking ended
According to Western District DFW Supervisor Andrew Madden, no more spring trout stocking is anticipated this year. Many thanks go to Deb Cote, DFW Clerk, for providing us those weekly updated stocking lists. Providing those figures to us undoubtedly caused extra work for her because such information is also provided on their web site.
Please leave young wildlife alone
The following is a message from MassWildlife: The arrival of spring means the arrival of newborn and just-hatched wildlife. Every year, the lives of many young creatures are disturbed by people who take young wildlife from the wild in a well-intentioned attempt to “save” them. These well-meant acts of kindness tend to have the opposite effect. Please remember, finding a young animal alone does not mean it’s abandoned; the best thing you can do for young wildlife is to leave them alone.
Young wildlife removed from the wild are denied important natural learning experiences which help them survive on their own. Most people quickly find that they can’t care for young wildlife, and many animals soon die in the hands of well-meaning people. Young wildlife that survive human “assistance” miss experiences that teach them to fend for themselves. If these animals are released back into the wild, their chances of survival are reduced. Often, the care given to young wildlife results in some attachment to humans and the animals may return to places where people live, only to be attacked by domestic animals, or hit by cars. Some animals become nuisances and people have been injured by once-tamed wildlife.
Generally, young mammals are visited by their mother only a few times a day to avoid attracting predators to the young. For example, a nest of bunnies will only be visited by the adult female twice per day to nurse the young. The young are generally safe when left alone because their color patterns and lack of scent help them remain undetected. The same is true for fawns (young deer). Fawns are safest when left alone because their camouflaging color helps them remain undetected until the doe returns. If sympathetic people repeatedly visit a fawn, it can prolong the separation from the doe and delay needed feeding. Unlike deer, newborn moose calves remain in close proximity to their mothers who, in contrast to a white-tailed doe, will actively defend calves against danger. An adult cow moose weighing over 600 pounds will chase, kick or stomp potential predators, people included.
Only when young wildlife are found injured or with their dead mother may the young be assisted, but must then be delivered immediately to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Due to the difficulty in properly caring for them, there are no rehabilitators licensed to care for fawns. It is illegal to possess most wildlife in Massachusetts without a permit.


Column change – Please note
Please be advised that from now on, scheduled events (upcoming fishing derbies, youth hunts, gun courses, etc) will no longer be listed in this column. Such information should be sent to the Sports Editor, Geoff Smith at or his office number 413-496-6254. He will start running them during the week in the “Area Notes” section of the Sports Section whenever there are enough events to announce. I do plan to continue listing the results of the derbies, youth hunts, etc.

Ronald R. Smith, Turkey Hunting History Maker1980


Wild turkey hunting began in Massachusetts in 1980 and the following year, on the second day of the season, a little bit of Massachusetts turkey hunting history took place right here in the Berkshires. In the predawn darkness, Ron Smith, then of Lee, now of Pittsfield, MA, was carefully picking his way through thick brush and trees down a wooded mountainside to an area where he hoped to find a roosting tom turkey. He imitated the call of a barred owl (a turkey predator) and a tom responded with a loud gobble about 100 yards away.

After waiting until it was light enough to find a good spot to stand, Ron selected an area where there was a large tree behind him to break his outline and disguise his presence. He was also fully camouflaged, including his face, hands and bow. He was somewhat familiar with the area as he had done some pre-season scouting there. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he called again, this time clucking quietly to imitate the soft “tree call” of a roosting hen. The tom responded immediately, rapidly gobbling several times. Ron cautioned himself not to call too frequently, which could cause the tom to become suspicious and disappear.

He said that he was “unusually calm”, probably because he had accepted the probability that any chance for bagging a wild turkey with a bow and arrow was just about nil. The fact that he had practiced for months did little to restore his confidence. A wild turkey is capable of spotting a slight finger movement at 80 yards, and if they do, they are out of there.

Several hundred yards further off, another roosting male started gobbling resulting in fierce competition. Each bird tried to outdo the other in his attempt to lure the hen by calling continuously. Ron’s concern mounted because other hunters might hear the birds, arrive at the scene and unintentionally ruin any chances that he may have at taking a tom.

He could hear the flapping of wings as the nearest tom left the tree and landed behind some thick brush about 80 yards away. The tom double and tripled gobbled and paraded back and forth waiting impatiently for the hen to come to him. Ron turned his head, covered his mouth and issued a few muffled yelps with the hope that the tom would think the hen was losing interest and was wandering off.

The tom stopped calling and Ron knew he was coming in. He raised his 57 pound draw Wing Impact compound bow to a shooting position and nocked the arrow. Seconds later, there was movement some 40 yards to his right. The bird had partially circled him and was proceeding cautiously, with head turning and stretching and eyes searching for the hen. He was heading for a nearby clearing. Ron had specifically chosen that opening right in front of him knowing that turkeys seldom venture into bushy areas where vision is limited.

Now the excitement suddenly his Ron, his mouth became dry and his chest started pounding and his arms started to shake. It appeared as though the bird’s piercing eyes were staring directly into his. About 12 yards away, off to the right, the bird stopped behind a large tree. That gave Ron the opportunity to adjust his shooting position and draw his bow. After a while, his head appeared, his black eyes penetrated Ron’s eyes and then withdrew his head and disappeared. There was silence. Then came a strange hissing and drumming sound and the tom stepped out strutting in full display. Ron let the arrow fly and it was over.

Then he sat down to control his shaking. He was a history maker for he had taken a turkey with a bow, the first turkey bagged with a bow and arrow in Massachusetts modern times.
The bird weighed 17.7 lbs, had 1 ½ inch spurs and a 9 ½ inch beard.

The late Ted Giddings, Editor for the Berkshire Eagle, covered the story and had the attached picture of Ron and the tom on the front page of the May 6, Berkshire Eagle, with the headline. “Lee man sets modern first by killing turkey with bow”. Ron also wrote about his experience and his story was featured in the May 1983 issue of Bowhunter, the National Magazine for the Hunting Archer.

Ron has always been an avid sportsman. Over the years he has served as President of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen and still is a delegate to the League. He was named Sportsman of the Year in 1995. He was secretary of the Lee Sportsmen’s Association for over 30 years and taught Bowhunting Eucation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for many years. He has served as President of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited. (In fact, he signed my diploma for passing a fly tying course back in 1982).

Now, at the age of 83, Ron is still an avid sportsman. He still bowhunts for deer and turkeys and goes out west to hunt elk in Montana, although lately, he hunts for elk with a camera. He is a member of several other sportsmen’s clubs, and, lest I forget, he is the elder statesman of the ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out), a group which gathers for lunch weekly.

Father, daughter have great spring turkey hunting season

Say, remember my May 6, 2018 column wherein I mentioned the Youth Turkey Hunting results? In that article, I mentioned that Grace Krzanik of Adams, while being mentored by her dad Scott bagged an 18 lbs bird. Well guess what? On May 12 Grace and Scott went hunting again and she shot her second tom at 5:19 am. As they were heading back to the truck, she heard gobbles, so they went back to where she shot hers and set up again. Two more came in behind them and Scott shot his second bird of the season at 6:30am. Both father and daughter tagged out for turkey season.

Incidentally, Spring Turkey Hunting Season ended yesterday.

Trout stockings

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week: Clesson Brook and Upper Branch of Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, Greenwater Pond in Becket, Westfield River in Becket, Chester, Huntington, Montgomery, Middlefield, Russell, Savoy, Worthington, Cummington, Chesterfield and Windsor; Deerfield River in Buckland, Florida and Charlemont; Cold River in Savoy, Florida and Charlemont, Chickley River in Hawley and Charlemont, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, North Pond in Florida, Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough, Laurel Lake in Lee, Housatonic River (C/R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Stockbridge Bowl in Stockbridge, Windsor Pond in Windsor, Lake Garfield in Monterey, Otis Reservoir in Otis, and Richmond Pond in Richmond.

Firearms Course
On Saturday, June 2, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association will hold a Multi-License Firearms Course from 9am until 4pm for a proprietary License-To-Carry course that qualifies for licenses in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, New Hampshire, Maine, and Utah. (those not participating in the Utah class can expect to be completed at approximately 3pm) This comprehensive one-day course includes information for federal and state firearm laws, operation and safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals, care and cleaning, concealed carry methods, a live fire session on the pistol range, and much more.
Seating is limited to the first 25 students who register. Course fee is $150, or you can take only the MA & CT portion for $120 with live fire, or take only the Utah portion for $100 without live fire. State license application fees and processing are not included. Participants will receive a course certificate, application forms, an informative student resource CD, and supporting documents. All firearms, ammunition, and eye and ear protection will be provided, including lunch as well.
For more information, contact Robert McDermott at (413) 232-7700 or email
Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby
The 26th Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby will take place on Saturday, June 2, at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend for the state of Massachusetts.

The derby’s purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute For Children. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowmen and I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

Many trophies and prizes will be given out to the adult and youth winners of the fishing derby. There is even a special category for those fishing with a bow & arrow. All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 PM and can be caught at Onota Lake from boat or shore. Everyone still needs to register before all fish can be weighed in. You must be wearing your wrist band provided at the registration desk in order to receive food and to weigh in your fish.
Fishing tackle is given with the trophy prizes and 2 prizes for heaviest trout. A sportsman award, which includes a tackle box with over $100 of tackle, is given out to a child

Fee is $10 for adults and $5 for children 14 years old and younger and it includes food and beverages. No alcohol is served at this event. All children receive a free gift and they get a chance at winning a mountain bike. The carp shoot is part of the fishing derby because that was something that Harry enjoyed. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods, Maces Marine and Onota Boat Livery.

Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club fishing derby
According to club spokesman Tim Minkler, some 64 fishermen and fisherwomen showed up for the SSC’s annual Fishing Derby on May 20 and fished from dawn to 3:00 pm at Stockbridge Bowl. Weather predictions were not good calling for rain most of the day with thunderstorms coming through mid-day and temperatures in the 60s. Well, the weather man was wrong. There were a few sprinkles throughout the day with a 10-minute cloud burst right around 2:30pm, but for the most part they stayed dry all day.
The $100 Winners were as follows: Largest Trout- Sheila L. Malumphy, Lee Ma., 1 lbs 12 oz., 16” long; Largest Bass- Tim Fogarty, Becket Ma., 3 lbs 8oz., 18” long, Largest Pickerel- Dawson Farina, West Stockbridge, Ma. 4 lbs, 2 oz., 26.5” long and Largest Bullhead – Seth Slemp, Lee Ma., 1 lb, 3oz, 12” long.
The Age 12 and Under Winner was Dylan Trumps of South Lee with a trout weighing 1 lb 2 oz and 13” long.




Small fry are liberated into Windsor Brook


In January brook trout eggs were received from the Sunderland State Fish Hatchery and placed in an aquarium at Taconic High School in Pittsfield. This was part of the Trout-in-the- Classroom program which MassWildlife sponsors. The eggs hatched about two weeks later and they were raised by some 80 or so Taconic High School students from grades 9 through 12. They have been attended to by the students, under the watchful eyes of teachers Michelle Potash and Tonya Michaud. They were fed pellets and remained there until last Thursday when they were set free.

I had hoped to get pictures of the kids releasing them but due to transportation issues (funding to provide bussing to bring the kids to Windsor) and other issues, none of the kids were able to make it. It’s a shame that after all of the attention and care that the kids gave to raise these fish, they could not be there to watch their liberation. Thanks to the above-mentioned dedicated teachers, who took the time to drive the brook trout to the release location. And thanks to teacher Ron Wojcik who coordinated the release site and time.

Youngsters take note! The unnamed stream where they were released runs across property owned by Tom Garvey (Maybe we should name it Tom’s Brook?) One could not choose a better place to release these fish, for it is a cold, clean little brook that doesn’t dry up in the summer and is a tributary to nearby Windsor Brook in Windsor. All of the little fry (perhaps 1 ¼ inches in length) appeared happy in their new home. They immediately acclimated to the currents, and back currents so that they constantly faced into them. Care was taken to not put them in pools where larger trout were likely to live and, given the opportunity, would gobble them up.

Those fish are not forgotten once released, for Tom keeps a close eye on them and feeds them daily. He even covers the stream with wire mesh in order to keep the blue herons from getting at them and eating them up. (herons love small brook trout, they can’t get enough of them). Tom has been through this routine before for this marks the 4th year that they have been released on his property. He observes them until the fall when the fish by that time are perhaps 3 inches long. That is when they disappear up or downstream and find new territories in which to reside.

Trout Stockings

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with bigger trout last week, subject to change. Please note that Onota Lake in Pittsfield and Windsor Pond in Windsor have also been stocked with tiger trout. In addition to those waters, the following waters have been stocked: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont, and Florida; East Branch of the Westfield River in Chesterfield, Cummington, Savoy and Windsor; Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Housatonic River C&R in Lee and Stockbridge, Farmington River in Otis and Sandisfield and Laurel Lake in Lee.

Northern Pike Stocking

The DFW stocked more than 16,000 fingerling-sized northern pike into Cheshire Reservoir on Friday, April 27. These 4″ fish, which will take about 3 years to reach the 28″ minimum harvest size, were obtained from New Jersey DFW as part of a cooperative exchange program.
Northern Pike naturally reproduce in several waterbodies in the state. In the Berkshires, the natural reproduction is able to sustain the fishery in the Housatonic River (including Woods Pond) and in Pontoosuc, Onota, Buel, and Cheshire lakes.
MassWildlife also stocks some locations with sterile Tiger Muskellunge, which is a cross between a northern pike and muskellunge, and is a member of the esocid family. MassWildlife does not have a warm water hatchery in which to rear esocids but usually obtains a small number of 3–12 ” fish each year from the NJ DFW. They are stocked in selected Massachusetts waters with sufficient habitat to support them. It takes 5 or more years for them to attain the 28″ minimum legal length.
Training Range Safety Officers
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association will be conducting Range Safety Officer (RSO) Training on May 19 at 9 am. The minimum age to become a credentialed NRA RSO is 21, and one must provide a valid and current NRA membership number on the day of the course. After the instructor submits the training report, applicants will be able to complete credentialing process online ( The Cost of this course is $100, and the Cost of a 2-year credential for NRA members is $30 ($50 for non-NRA members). If you are not already an NRA member, and would like to become one prior to taking this course, it is recommended you call the NRA rather than join online.

Registration is required, and the registration form can be downloaded and printed from website, RSO Course Registration Form. Contact Rob McDermott for questions, concerns, and registration at 413-232-7700 or email

International Defensive Pistol Association

The IDPA will be having a Steel Action Shoot on Sunday, May 20 at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association. For information, contact Shawn Sullivan at
Endangered Species Day

This year, Endangered Species Day is observed on May 18. The United States Congress appointed this day to recognize efforts in conserving rare species. Through the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act, Massachusetts also protects local native species that may or may not be federally protected. Over 425 endangered, threatened, or special concern animals and plants live in Massachusetts. Species from the majestic bald eagle to the unusual mountain cranberry need protection. Even though many, like the peregrine falcon, have come a long way, our native species still need help.
MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program implements the state’s Endangered Species Act. This happens through field surveys and research, regulations, habitat management, land protection, and education. But the Program needs you to help monitor rare species by telling MassWildlife when you see them. You can also help by donating directly to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Find out more by visiting
Fishing Derbies

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is having its Spring Fishing Derby at the boat ramp on Stockbridge Bowl next Sunday, May 20 from dawn until 3:00pm. Prizes of $100 will go the heaviest trout, pickerel, bass and bullhead. There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under. Hot breakfast and lunch will be available. Pre-registration fee is $10 and post registration is $15. Tickets are available at the Minkler Insurance Agency, 31 Main Street, Stockbridge, (W)413-644-3590, (H)413-298-4630 or from any club member.

DFW Director Jack Buckley retires
After 30 years of service with the DFW (MassWildlife), Director Jack Buckley retired on April 30, 2018. Appointed as Director by the Fisheries and Wildlife Board in 2015, Buckley supported new outreach initiatives such as social media and agency re-branding; focused efforts on hunter and angler recruitment, retention, and reactivation; accelerated habitat management activities on MassWildlife lands; procured habitat management grant funding for private landowners and municipalities; and partnered with the Massachusetts Water Resources Agency for a pipeline to supply the McLaughlin Hatchery in Belchertown with gravity-fed water from Quabbin Reservoir. During this time, MassWildlife celebrated its 150th Anniversary, opened its new LEED Platinum certified Field Headquarters in Westborough for meetings and events to a wide variety of state agencies and conservation groups, and continued to protect and manage over 200,000 acres of important fish and wildlife habitat to benefit both wildlife and people.
The majority of Buckley’s career with MassWildlife was spent as Deputy Director of Administration and Personnel. He was responsible for personnel, fiscal, and budgetary management, legislative and external affairs, federal aid, information and education, licensing and permits, land acquisition, and the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. In 1998–2002, he also served as a Special Assistant to Secretary of Environmental Affairs Robert Durand for Forest Policy and Land Protection. Probably his most important contribution to the agency was his work on the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) legislation, the creation of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, and his involvement with a lawsuit that went before the Massachusetts Supreme Court. The Court ultimately affirmed the agency’s authority and actions relative to enforcement of MESA.
Buckley was MassWildlife’s representative on the Public Access Board and the Pesticide Board. In addition, Buckley represented the Division on several committees of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, including Legislative Affairs, Federal Budget, and International Affairs. He was the regional representative of the northeastern states to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Technical Work Group.
Jack Buckley earned a Bachelor of Science and Master’s Degree in Fisheries Biology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst where he studied the endangered shortnose sturgeon in the Connecticut River. He worked at the Massachusetts Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at the University of Massachusetts as a Research Assistant and was promoted to Project Leader. Buckley then performed a stint as first Chief of Fisheries Management in Washington D. C. where he was responsible for developing the fisheries management program for the District of Columbia. His work in advancing fish and wildlife conservation has been recognized on local, regional, and national levels. Buckley was honored by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies with a Special Recognition Award in 2011 for his outstanding commitment to the work of the Association and with the Ernest Thompson Seton Award in 2013, honoring his leadership in scientific wildlife management as a CITES representative. The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council recently honored Buckley with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Fisheries and Wildlife Board has appointed previous Deputy Director Mark Tisa as Acting Director of the DFW.

Five are honored at the Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet

The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club banquet hall was packed last Saturday night to celebrate the Silvio O. Conte Sportsmen’s Awards Banquet. Mark Jester, former President of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) was the emcee for the evening. The accomplishments of all of the award recipients were listed in my March 18 column.”
In presenting the first award, the Outstanding Achievement Award, to Tom Tyning, Fish & Wildlife Board Member Stephen Sears said, “He has not only taught students but also teachers to help them teach our views about all the great things of Berkshire County.” The Outstanding Achievement Award plaque reads, “In recognition of your efforts to introduce thousands of people including many future sportsmen to the vast wonders of the outdoors.” In his acceptance of the award, Tom mentioned that his real start in this area was when he was a kid growing up in the Connecticut Valley. He discussed his education and future endeavors in the area. Radio telepathy was first being invented in the 1970s and he said that he was able to put a transmitter into a turtle for 2 years. He described that period as, “a very quiet and slow period” of his life.
Then Mark Jester said some very nice things about me before presenting me with the John Zuber Award. This award reads, “Presented in recognition of his unwavering dedication to introduce and perpetuate the ideals of sportsmen in Berkshire County”. This was quite an honor for me because I had a great respect for John and what he accomplished during his lifetime. I thanked the sportsmen, conservationists and the DFW for supporting and reading the Berkshire Woods and Waters column over the years. If it wasn’t for them providing news information and pictures, I wouldn’t be able to write it weekly. I thanked the Berkshire Eagle for keeping the column after my predecessor, Ted Giddings retired. Lastly, I thanked his wife Jan, my “in-house” editor who proofreads and keeps me pretty much out of trouble.
Mark then presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to George Wislocki, who retired from the Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) after many years. “The County League and the BNRC have had a great relationship over the years, we helped them and they helped us.” The Lifetime Achievement Award plaque reads, “Worked for over 50 years preserving open space, majestic ridge lines and vulnerable wetlands of Berkshire County.” George commented that he grew up in Eastern MA and loved the outdoors, and when he was 14 he attended a youth conservation camp here in the Berkshires. Later on, when he was older and worked for the BNRC, he linked up with George “Gige” Darey in preserving land.
“I love these clubs (referring to the Cheshire Rod & Gun Clubhouse). “Look at everyone here”, these clubs are important but times are changing and I hope 50 years from today there will still be this club and there will still be people here”. He urged the sportsmen of Berkshire County to “take the kids into the woods and show them what the woods are all about. It’s an experience to be a sportsman, it’s a wonderful experience. It is so much Berkshire.”
“Its rare to have someone who is so dedicated to certain aspects of the outdoors and does so on a volunteer basis”, said Mark about Dan Miraglia when presenting him with the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award. “He grew up fishing lakes and is really involved in the aquatic species. He is the eyes and ears when it comes to lakes, drawdowns and herbicide applications. He brings things to light for the sportsmen and keeps them involved in what is going on. He does so pretty much single handedly and the BCLS supports him, and he supports us. The “Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award plaque reads, “In recognition of his support dedication and oversight in the preservation of open space and wildlife”. Dan recalled as a kid catching gold fish and frogs in rivers and ponds and how the shores of Onota and Pontoosic Lakes were loaded with turtles and frogs. “Now they are disappearing in our lakes. There just is not enough protection”, he said. The effects of continued drawdowns for 30-40 years have had their effects. “Take the politics out of lake management and give our lakes back to the sportsmen”, he said.
Karen Kruszyna became the second woman to have ever be awarded the Sportsperson of the Year award. Only one other woman has won the award and that was Eleanor Tillinghast. “If you go to this club, (Cheshire), if you go to the Adams for Outdoor Youth Club, if you go to the BCLS functions, you will see Karen selling tickets”, said Jester. (she was selling tickets that night). She is always involved in the organizations’ activities and is there at the helm or standing behind the person speaking or running the event. Everyone knows that if it wasn’t for her, the person would not be able to put the event together. Same thing here tonight. Her Sportsperson of the Year plaque reads, “In recognition for her lifelong dedication, leadership and support of youth in Massachusetts.”
In accepting the award, Karen said that she is grateful every day because of the fact that when she has to do something she can always pick up the phone and ask for and always receive help. People almost never say no, and that’s why this all works. That very morning, she was so excited when she was driving through Adams and saw kids riding bikes with backpacks and fishing poles. She said, “Oh my god, kids going fishing”. She stopped and told them where she thought they would catch fish. “I learned this week that parts of the Archery-in-the School program is incorporated into a local school’s physics program. It’s wonderful to co-exist, when they learn about sports, they can also learn about other scientific things”.
Mark noted that the BCLS has its annual Youth Outreach Fishing Derby every year and that some twelve Berkshire County schools have Archery-in the School programs. If your school doesn’t have such a program and you want to see one, contact a BCLS delegate or Mark and they will work hard to get one in. They also have trout rearing and release programs in the schools,
“We are fighting a rear guard right now and we need to get these kids involved in the outdoors. Bring the kids to sportsmen’s dinners, turkey shoots, get them involved in archery and shooting programs.
Mark introduced current BCLS President Tom Brule to the crowd who in turn made some comments. Lastly, Mark thanked Mike Kruszyna, long time BCLS VP who filled in as president for the last 2 years until the position was filled by Tom.
Richmond Pond Trout Stocking
DFW had a special Earth Week trout stocking event on Richmond Pond on Friday, April 20. Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon, Aquatic Biologist for the DFW Western District (WD) explained that the purpose of the event was to get people familiar with their stocking process and what they do on a daily basis all year long. The WD covers all of Berkshire County as well as western portions of Hampshire, Hampton and Franklin Counties. DFW is charged with overseeing, protecting and managing the natural resources across the state. All 5 districts have the same type of staffing. In the WD, there is an Aquatic Biologist, a Wildlife Biologist, District Manager, four Wildlife Technicians, a Land Steward, who oversees all of their Wildlife Management Areas, a Real Estate Agent and a clerk.
They stock most of the locations in the spring and a handful in the fall. As Aquatic Biologist, she does all of the organization for the stocking in the WD. She determines what fish to stock and how many and what sizes to go in which waters. She puts in orders to the hatcheries for the fish and also goes out and stocks. During this time of year, she typically spends one day in the office and the rest of the week she is out in the field stocking.
Why do they stock fish? In this technologically advanced age, everybody is inside playing with smart phones, tablets and whatnot. DFW wants to get people back out into the world and enjoy what we have for natural resources; such as fishing, kayaking, and just enjoying the natural resources.
They are not stocking trout for restoration purposes but for people to catch. They are supplementing the wild trout populations for angling purposes in order to get pressure off of the wild trout population.
They stock four different types of trout in the state: brook, brown, rainbow, and a hybrid tiger trout which is a cross between a brook and brown. In the WD they stock just over 96,000 fish in the entire spring allotment and across the state it is about 600,000. Rainbow trout, 14 inches and over is the bulk of what they stock. They also put a lot of brookies, browns and tiger trout.
All of the trout come from 5 hatcheries across the state, with four in the Connecticut Valley: the Bitzer Fish Hatchery in Montague, Sunderland Fish Hatchery in Sunderland, McLaughlin Fish Hatchery in Belchertown and Roger Reed Hatchery in Palmer. Another hatchery, the Sandwich Fish Hatchery in Sandwich also produces tiger trout. The fish stocked at Richmond Pond on this day were from the McLaughlin Hatchery.
DFW put out a variety of fish from 9 to 18 inches. They stock out the fish based upon the size of the water body. Typically, they stock 12 plus inch fish in Richmond Pond but the 9-inch fish are usually stocked into smaller streams. They stock 70 cold water bodies in our district, 23 ponds and 54 rivers or streams.
On a typical day when they are stocking fish they check their schedules, drive to the hatchery, fill up with water there (they have 4 individual tanks in the truck) and obtain their allotted fish for that day. On this particular day, they were carrying 750 fish on board (about 1,000 lbs), with 350 of them going into Richmond Pond and the remainder to Goose Pond. When they arrive at their water bodies, they either send them out through chutes where they can do so or carry them by nets into rivers and streams.
It may seem like they are harming the fish by tossing them into the waters but if the fish are gently stocked, that is one of the worst things to do. The little plop into the water actually wakes them up a little. DFW takes care to ensure that the fish survive. (no casualties were observed this day).
After fielding a few questions, Leanda asked the 20 or so spectators to help out with the stocking process by carrying the trout in white 5 gallon pails to the lake front and tossing them into the water. Everyone, especially the kids, had a ball.
GOAL Seminar
On Tuesday, May 1, beginning at 6:30 pm, the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a free GOAL seminar entitled “MA Gun Law for Citizens”. It is a 3-hour seminar presented by Jon Green, Director of Education and Training for the Gun Owners Action League, that will help separate fact from fiction. Jon’s presentation will provide a clear understanding of Massachusetts gun laws and regulations.

All firearms owners should attend. The seminar is free to Berkshire County residents and neighboring counties courtesy of the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club. You are requested to RSVP so that they can plan seating for the event. Contact Robert J. McDermott at 413-232-7700 or or