Bateman Memorial Fund Fishing Derby breaks another record


According to event organizer Steve Bateman, the 32nd annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Fund Fishing Derby was a huge success this year mainly in part because of all the great sponsors that supported the event and the great team that put this event on. The derby, which was held on June 1, had another record-breaking year with attendance and funds raised. Some 330 registered anglers plus another 30-40 people. They raised a record-breaking $13,500+ for the Jimmy Fund.

The largest fish weighed in was a 16 lbs. 4 oz Common Carp caught by Joe Trybus. This was also the largest fish ever weighed in the history of the fishing derby.

New to the derby’s sponsors this year was Joe Garzone of Berkshire Taxidermy who was kind enough to mount the winning trout in the children’s category. Certainly a gift to remember for a lifetime. They also had Chuck Maces of Maces Marine who donated the use of a pontoon boat for the entire day. Carlo Torra and John Erbin from COBB of Western MA brought children and parents throughout the day to experience fishing from a boat. For some it was their first time.

Free worms were provided by Onota Boat Livery. Mayor Peter Marchetti, Councilor Pete White and former Councilor Karen Kalinowski were in attendance. “There was so much support from our community that people from all over the county and other states attended this event,”said Bateman, “two people in attendance, Joe Monterosso and Sue Crawford, traveled in their electric wheelchairs, a 6 mile round trip for the 2nd year, to come to the fishing derby.”

Bateman feels that transportation for the handicapped community will be something that needs attention for next year’s Fishing Derby.

A great time was had by all.

Picture provided by Steve Bateman

This year they had several repeat winners at this event. The winners as reported by Steve are as follows:

































Cindy Delpapa honored

The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee recently awarded Cindy Delpapa, of Becket the Bob Thompson award for her dedication to the river and the breadth of knowledge she shared for the benefit of all.  The news release mentioned “her high standards and clarity of focus guided the committee through an update of the strategic plan, development of a website focused on action, and a model for funding culvert replacement across the watershed that improves safety and river habitat at the same time.”

photo provided by Wild & Scenic Westfield

“Cindy was instrumental in launching two new initiatives, “Rooting out Barberry” and exploring “Brine for Pretreatment” to prevent ice from forming on our Hilltown roads in winter. Cindy brought Action Research in to assist the committee with developing campaigns that speak directly to the audience the committee is trying to reach in a manner that is clear, inspiring and motivating.

If you are interested in the committee’s work or participating in its initiatives visit

Meredyth Babcock, volunteer and projects coordinator for the Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee, gives us more information about Cindy.  “After more than 25 years of service to the people of Massachusetts, the Department of Environmental Restoration’s (DER) Cindy Delpapa retired in late 2021. Cindy brought wide and deep expertise in water quality, stream ecology, estuarine ecology, regulatory policy, and grass-roots action to the Riverways Program and DER. She focused on urban river revitalization, streamflow restoration, and water quality restoration; however, she was truly interdisciplinary, always asking herself what the rivers need and adapting her work accordingly. In addition to her subject matter expertise, Cindy brought exceptional compassion to her work.”

“Always modest, Cindy would be surprised to know that she was perceived as a role model and mentor by many at DER. Countless rivers and wetlands benefited from her restoration expertise. We miss her wisdom and knowledge daily and wish her the best in her new adventures.”


Advice on consuming our local fish

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health samples the water and fish throughout Massachusetts for high levels of mercury and forever chemicals known as PFAS. The Mass. DPH then issues advisories for what fish should not be eaten based on where they are caught.

Mercury is a naturally occurring metal that is found in the environment but can also be released by coal-burning power plants. Fish with mercury can still be consumed in some cases but should be limited to less meals per month.

PFAS, Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, are chemicals that have been used since the 1950s for stain-resistant, water-resistant and non-stick products. PFAS are commonly used in food packaging, clothing and other products. One source of contamination has also come from firefighting foam. Consuming these forever chemicals over an unknown amount of time has been associated with increased levels of cholesterol and live enzymes as well as an increase in the risk of high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.

There is no way to remove these chemicals from fish already contaminated. They can not be cut, cleaned or cooked out, according to DPH.

The following bodies of water in Berkshire County have been issued advisories as of May 2024. If you are more sensitive to these types of hazards, it is recommended to avoid eating any of these fish:

Ashley Lake in Washington – Mercury Hazard – Limit Yellow Perch to 2 meals/month

Ashmere Lake in Hinsdale – Mercury Hazard – Limit Chain Pickerel, Largemouth Bass to 2 meals/month

Big Pond in Otis – Mercury Hazard – Do not eat Largemouth Bass, limit other fish to 2 meals/month

Buckley Dunton Lake in Becket – Mercury Hazard – Do not eat Largemouth Bass

Garfield Lake in Monterey – Mercury Hazard – Limit Largemouth Bass to 2 meals/month

Goodrich Pond in Pittsfield – PCBs Hazard – Do not eat any fish

Hoosic River in North Adams, Williamstown – PCBs, PFAS Hazard – Do not eat any fish

Housatonic River – PCBs Hazard – Do not eat any fish including frogs and turtles

Konkapot River in Sheffield, New Marlborough – Mercury Hazard – Limit all fish to 2 meals/months

Morewood Lake in Pittsfield – PCBs Hazard – Do not eat any fish

Otis Reservoir in Otis, Tolland – Mercury Hazard – Limit all fish to 2 meals/month

Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale – Mercury Hazard – Limit Largemouth Bass to 2 meals/month

Pontoosuc Lake in Pittsfield, Lanesborough – Mercury, PFAS – Limit Largemouth Bass to 2 meals/month, limit other fish to 2 meals/month

Silver Lake in Pittsfield – PCBs Hazard – Do not eat any fish

Upper Spectacle Pond in Otis, Sandisfield – PFAS Hazard – Limit all fish to 1 meal/week

Windsor Lake in Windsor – Mercury Hazard – Do not eat Largemouth Bass

The good news is that MassWildlife stocks local lakes and rivers with healthy trout twice a year which can be consumed.

Pittsfield Open Space & Recreation Survey

Pittsfield is updating its Open Space & Recreation Plan (OSRP) and needs your help. Your input will help guide the planning process and determine the future of recreation and open space in the city.  The plan will make Pittsfield eligible for state reimbursement grant programs for the improvement of recreation areas and the protection of open spaces.

The survey, which will be open from June 6 to July 7, has questions that may be of interest to Pittsfield hunters and fishermen, so you might want to make your voice heard.  The questionnaire is open to all residents, and responses will be confidential. Click onto

Joe Areno’s Legacy lives on


I think I first met Joe Areno, of Pittsfield, sometime in 1980 when I attended a Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club (PSC) venison heart and liver dinner.  At that time the club was having various fund raisers to help pay for properties that it acquired on Potter Mountain.  The land was to be used for hunting and recreation. Joe was a director of the club who coordinated the event which drew large crowds and the tickets were hard to get.

Joe was well known in the outdoor sporting community as one who was instrumental in dealing with local, state, and federal agencies to help institute legislation that protected open space throughout the county and state and legislation to help protect sportsmen’s rights to hunt and fish. Because of those efforts, Joe was named the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) 2002 Sportsman of the Year. In acknowledging him, the League pointed out that (at that time) he had served on the Board of Directors of the PSC in every position for over 45 years.  “Many times he traveled down to Boston at his own expense to meet with Senators and Representatives to express views on how to protect the habitat and wildlife of this great Commonwealth.”

Sometime around 2008 or 2009, Joe was diagnosed with terminal cancer and one day, when he was quite ill, his wife Doris called me and said that Joe was nearing death and that he wanted me to stop by and see him. He wanted one final chat and to give me something. Oh, how I dreaded it, but I thought the world of him and did visit him.  We had a good chat and I remember him saying something to the effect that he had no complaints and that he had a pretty good life. (Even though he served in the Korean War and was a decorated veteran). After having a sad but pleasant conversation, we said our final good byes. That was tough.

When I was leaving, Doris told me that there was some fishing stuff that Joe wanted me to have.  One of the items was a bamboo fly rod that Joe had purchased in 1955 in Japan when he was on R&R from Korea.  I told Doris that I couldn’t take that rod but rather it should be kept in the family to be given to one of his kids or grandkids.  Doris said that nobody, kids or grandkids, flyfished and that Joe really wanted me to have it and some boxes of flies.  Doris said that it was one of Joe’s final requests that I have it. Reluctantly but graciously, I accepted it while silently resolving that before I pass beyond the riverbend, that rod must somehow be returned to the family.

After leaving their house, I headed for the East Branch of the Westfield River, below Chesterfield Gorge in Chesterfield to meet fishing buddy, Doug Yates and do some flyfishing.  Upon arrival, I saw Doug fishing downstream and waved to him to let him know I had arrived.  I didn’t immediately join him for I wanted to be alone for a while after experiencing what had just transpired.  Honoring Joe, I opted to use his bamboo rod instead of my own.  With teary eyes I rigged up Joe’s rod and entered the river.

How appropriate it was that shortly thereafter, I caught a nice rainbow trout using that rod.  This is for you, Joe, I thought. Unfortunately, I never got to see Joe again and tell him about it, for he passed away shortly thereafter.

In Joe’s honor, I created a bucktail style fly which I named Areno’s Legacy.  A half dozen of them were raffled off at the next sportsmen’s banquet and his close friend the late Cleante ‘Clem’ Caryofilles of Pittsfield scoffed them all up.  The ingredients for tying the fly are listed below.

Over the course of the next 15 years, I periodically fished with the bamboo rod.  When using it, I always thought of Joe, and  commonly referred to the fishing trips as fishing with a friendly spirit (Joe’s spirit).

Jump forward to this past May 11 Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby.  While covering the event for this column I spoke to quite a few anglers, mainly parents with their kids.   One time, I stopped and talked with a pleasant young woman named Jessica Porter who was there with her 17 year old daughter Chalyce and 12 year old son Chase.  While chatting with her, I mentioned that it just wasn’t the same this year without Clem Caryofilles of the Onota Fishing Club being there. He always assisted in this event, but sadly he passed away earlier this year.

Jessica replied that she knew Clem well and that he frequently fished and hunted with her father and grandfather. When asked who they were, she said her dad was Chris Porter and her grandfather was Joe Areno.   Whoa! Joe Areno’s great grandson was there fishing?

I mentioned the fly rod and my desire to get it back to the family and wondered whether her son would want it.  She immediately responded yes, but she would hold it for him until he gets older and appreciates what it is that he has.  I told her that along with the rod, he’ll receive two boxes of flies that were Joe’s (Joe had etched his name on those fly boxes) and an Areno’s Legacy fly.

On May 29, the fly rod, Joe’s Pflueger Medalist fly reel and the flies were delivered to Chase. Now, Joe’s bamboo flyrod is in good hands, for he loves to fish.  I really feel good about that, and I’d bet Joe does, too.

Incidentally, while delivering the rod, I learned that Chase was quite a young outdoor sportsman.  He had also inherited Joe’s archery equipment including his bow, arrows and targets.  (The arrows had Joe’s name printed on them).  He, his mom and sister Chalyce are members of an archery league taught by Mark Jester at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club.  He has already received an Archer’s Perfect Score award.  The folks at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club are pretty high on him and are sponsoring him to attend the two week Mass Junior Conservation Camp later this summer. I’ll bet Joe feels good about that, too.

Rest assured Joe, your legacy lives on.

Areno’s Legacy fly


Hook:  Size 6, 4X L streamer hook


Tail:  Gray squirrel tail –  represents the squirrel tails that Joe gathered up and kept in his freezer for his fly tying friends.   (He may also have provided some to Mepps Company for their spinning lures.  Each year Mepps put out a public call for squirrel tails and Berkshire Eagle Outdoor Columnist Ted Giddings included it in his column.)


Body:  Rabbit fur dyed forest green signifying Joe’s love for rabbit hunting and his efforts to restock club property with snowshoe hares.  It also signifies the many acres of forest that Joe helped to procure for the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club, making it the club with the most landholdings in Massachusetts.  Through his efforts, nearly 1,000 acres of Potter Mountain were preserved as open space.


Collar and Wing:  Deer hair (dyed black) which signifies the many deer that Joe harvested over the years.  But more significantly, it acknowledges the many deer that Joe skinned and prepared for cooking for the club’s many venison fundraising dinners.


Head (thread): The deer collar and black thread head represent Joe’s dark black hair which he maintained until his illness.


Carp Palooza


This year’s Carp Palooza event will take place on Pontoosuc Lake on Saturday, June 15.  Sign-up will take place at the Pontoosuc Lake boat ramp between 10:00 am and Noon and the fishing competition runs from Noon to 10:00 pm.


There will be cash payouts to the winners and to 2nd and 3rd place, pending the number of entries.  Two person teams, $50 per team.  Awards will be given for the best combined weight for 2 carp.  Lunker Pool optional at $20 per team.  Championship belts will be awarded to the winners.  There will also be a 50/50 raffle as well as a $100 Lottery Tree raffle. There will be a prize for the largest Mirror Carp.  The Dink award will be awarded for the smallest carp.


eregrine falcon numbers continue to grow in Massachusetts



Being an outdoor sports columnist, I frequently write about ducks, geese, woodcock, pheasants, grouse, turkeys, etc. But last week, a MassWildlife Media Advisory was received entitled: “State Officials Band Rare Peregrine Falcons in Newburyport.”  The public was invited to view the banding, but unfortunately, the advisory came in too late for me to include in last week’s column. It was scheduled to take place on May 29.  So, why not write about these beautiful raptors anyway?


Information regarding these birds on the MassWildlife web site revealed the following information:


The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is the fastest bird on earth, capable of diving from great heights at speeds of up to 240 miles per hour.  Males are 15–18 inches in length with a 35–42-inch wingspan; females 18–20 inches in length with a 42–48-inch wingspan.


Before 2017, peregrine falcons were listed as endangered in Massachusetts. In 2019, their status in the state was improved to Special Concern, a status they still have today.  Peregrine falcons were removed from the Federal Endangered Species List in 1999.


Peregrine falcons have long, pointed wings and long, slightly rounded tails. Adults have a bluish-gray to slate-gray backside and a buffy white underside that is speckled with black. Adults also have a black crown and black mustache-like markings that look like sideburns. The throat is white. The bill is dark except for a prominent yellow fleshy base called a cere. The legs and feet are yellow. Immature peregrines have a brown backside and a heavily streaked underside.

Adults generally live about 10 years. The longest known lifespan of a peregrine falcon was 17 years.  Most peregrine falcons nest at 2 to 3 years old. Once they are established, adults remain in their territory throughout the year. By March 1, adult pairs choose their nest site for the season. By the beginning of April, 4 or 5 eggs are laid. The chicks hatch in early May and fledge (leave the nest) in mid-June. By the beginning of August, chicks become independent of their parents. During their first fall and winter, young peregrine falcons disperse around New England finding territories of their own.

Peregrine falcons are specially adapted to capture birds in flight. In Massachusetts, they almost exclusively hunt for other birds. The most frequent prey species include pigeons, blue jays, and European starlings. Their best known hunting strategy is to soar high over their territory and wait for a bird to fly past far below. They then dive straight down in a controlled dive called a stoop, where they can reach speeds over 240 miles per hour. The small bird flying below does not even know that it was targeted.


Historically, peregrine falcons nesting sites, (called eyries), within Massachusetts were located on rocky cliffs but today they also nest on tall man-made structures like buildings and bridges. Buildings that have consistent peregrine falcon nests can be found in Boston, Chelsea, Cambridge, Watertown, Lawrence, Lowell, Worcester, Amherst, and New Bedford. They nest on bridges in Charlestown, Fall River, West Springfield, and Northampton.

To boost nesting success, MassWildlife and MassDOT have installed several nest boxes across the state.  Leg banding provides MassWildlife biologists with useful information about the birds’ movements, lifespan, and injury recovery.


In the late 1940s, the effects of the pesticide DDT began taking their toll on peregrine falcons. Accumulation of DDT caused falcons and other birds to lay thin-shelled eggs that broke under the weight of incubation.  By 1955, due to the widespread use of harmful pesticides like DDT, there were no nesting peregrine pairs left in Massachusetts.

Restoration efforts began in 1972, coinciding with the ban of DDT and attempts to release captive-bred chicks occurred in 1975–1979 with no success.

In 1984 and 1985, MassWildlife and partners released young falcons in downtown Boston, successfully leading to the first modern Massachusetts nest in 1987 on the Customs House Tower in Boston. There are now nearly 50 territorial pairs of peregrine falcons in Massachusetts.  This is more than triple the 14 pairs that nested in Massachusetts in the pre-DDT era of the 1930s.

This year marks the 38th year of peregrine falcon restoration efforts in Massachusetts, and over 1,077 wild-hatched chicks have fledged from nests in the state since restoration efforts began.


Do we have to travel to eastern Massachusetts to see these amazing birds?  Absolutely not.  If you are patient, lucky, and know where to look, you will see them on Monument Mountain.


Berkshire National Fish Hatchery youth fishing derby


Bring your children aged 13 and under next Saturday, June 8 to the monthly Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery Youth Fishing Derby at the Hatchery’s Derby Pond at 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough.

It runs from 9:00 to 10:30 am.  Watch them learn to fish and compete for prizes.  No child goes away empty handed.

Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club youth fishing event

The Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Clubs (PSC) is sponsoring a free, kids fishing day at Reynolds Pond in Cheshire off Fred Mason Road on Saturday June 8 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is for kids 12 and under and their parents don’t have to be PSC members.

There will be three tagged fish, poles and bait available, also snacks and juice boxes for the kids.


For more information, contact Sandra and Ed Bushey at (413) 443-9371.

Housatonic River Cleanup


Volunteers are invited to help clean up the west branch of the Housatonic River with Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) at one of their annual river cleanups on Sunday, June 9, from 9:00 am to Noon. After the cleanup, volunteers will be provided a free lunch from a local restaurant. Volunteers must RSVP in advance to reserve a free lunch.

Participants should meet at Wahconah Park, 105 Wahconah Street, Pittsfield, at 9:00 am. Cleanup teams will disperse to nearby locations, gathering miscellaneous trash from the river banks and bottom. Canoes will be used to transport the trash. Old clothes, a hat, sunscreen, old sneakers or waterproof boots/waders, a full water bottle, and sunglasses are recommended. In the event of pouring rain or lightning, the cleanup will be postponed to Saturday, June 29.


Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the years, BEAT and HVA have collected a startling array of debris — including mattresses, shopping carts, inflatable pools, bicycles, televisions, tires, construction materials, metal barrels, and all kinds of everyday trash. Once, they even found an empty ATM. Since beginning annual cleanups, their efforts have made a noticeable difference, with the piles of trash getting smaller. BEAT feels that this wouldn’t be possible without the help of their volunteers.

You are invited to join BEAT and HVA at a cleanup this summer to see what else may be in the River and make a difference for the environment. Register at For more information, visit or call (413) 464-9402.


West Branch Housatonic River Cleanups are organized by Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) and co-sponsored by Blue Q, Panera Bread, and the City of Pittsfield.


Possible “pin” fish caught at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club fishing derby


Last Sunday, April 19 was a beautiful day for the SSC Fishing Derby with temperatures in the 60’s. The derby, which ran from dawn to 1:00 pm was organized and run by Club members Tim Minkler and George Chasse.  There were 44 anglers entered into the contest which was lower than past years, but some nice size fish were caught.  All fish were released after being  weighed and measured. The following information was provided by Tim Minkler:

Adult Winners ($100 dollars)

Largest Pickerel:  Mike Soncini, Housatonic, MA  4 lbs., 8 oz., 25 ½ inches long.  If the weight and length held up on state certified scales, it qualified for a sportfishing award pin in the catch and release category. It was the heaviest fish of the day.

Mike Soncini with large pickerel. Picture provided


Largest Trout:   Conner Casey, Housatonic MA, 1 -lb., 15 oz, 14 inches long


Largest Bass:    Tim Fogerty, Lee MA, 3 lbs., 10 oz., 18 ½ inches long (He caught another bass slightly smaller)
Tim Fogarty with 2 bass. Picture taken by Gene Chague


Largest Bullhead:  Tom Methe, Washington MA, 1 lb., 5 oz., 13 ½ inches long


Age 12 and Under Winner:


Mya Methe, Washington MA, Bullhead:  10.4 oz, 10 ½ inches long


This year they had a food trailer on site for the first time (Laura’s On The Go).  The variety and quality of food was great.

Trout Stocking


The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week.  This is the last of the scheduled spring 2024 weekly trout stockings.

Ashfield Pond, Goose Pond, Laurel Lake, North Pond, Onota Lake, Pontoosuc Lake, Richmond Pond, Stockbridge Bowl and Upper Highland Lake.

Many thanks go out to Deb Lipa and Leanda Fontaine from the DFW Western District Headquarters in Dalton for providing the weekly trout stocking information to us.  I’m sure it resulted in more work for them and they did not have to do it.  If you are in their neighborhood, you may want to stop in and thank them.

Youth Artist from Acton Wins Junior Duck Stamp Contest

Meghan Li from Acton won Best of Show in the 2024 Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) Contest. Her colored pencil and soft pastel drawing of a hooded merganser was selected from 267 entries. Li’s award-winning work will represent Massachusetts at the National JDS Contest.

Meghan Li’s picture provided by MassWildlife

Students from kindergarten through grade 12 from across the Commonwealth submitted original works of art depicting waterfowl in their natural habitats, demonstrating both artistic talent and a knowledge of the value of wetlands for wildlife. In March, a panel of judges selected the top works of art in each of four age groups. A combination of the top artworks will be exhibited throughout Massachusetts in the coming year.

The Massachusetts JDS Program is sponsored by MassWildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with support from the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council. Please support the JDS Program and wetland conservation by purchasing Junior Duck Stamps featuring national winners from previous years. Stamps can be purchased at

Congratulations Cindy Delpapa

In a recent press release, The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee awarded Cindy Delpapa, of Becket MA. the Bob Thompson award for her dedication to the river and the breadth of knowledge she shared for the benefit of all.  “Her high standards and clarity of focus guided the committee through an update of the strategic plan, development of a website focused on action, and a model for funding culvert replacement across the watershed that improves safety and river habitat at the same time.”


“Cindy was instrumental in launching two new initiatives, “Rooting out Barberry” and exploring “Brine for Pretreatment” to prevent ice from forming on our Hilltown roads in winter. Cindy brought Action Research in to assist the committee with developing campaigns that speak directly to the audience we are trying to reach in a manner that is clear, inspiring and motivating.


If you are interested in the Committee’s work or participating in its initiatives visit


Spring turkey hunting ends today


Sorry, if you haven’t bagged a wild turkey yet, then you will have to wait until the fall turkey hunting season to get another chance. The fall season opens on October 7 in our zone.

Help MassWildlife with its annual summer wild turkey count. Every year from June 1 to August 31, wild turkey reports from the public help their biologists determine productivity, compare long-term reproductive success, and estimate fall harvest potential. Reports are welcome from all regions of Massachusetts, from the most rural communities to more densely-populated areas. The summer wild turkey survey is a fun way for people to connect with nature while contributing valuable data to MassWildlife biologists.

You are encouraged to report wild turkey sightings in your area.  Contribute to the annual wild turkey survey by reporting observations of hens (female turkeys), poults (newly-hatched turkeys), jakes (juvenile males), and toms (adult males). Click onto the MassWildlife web page to learn how to tell the difference between male and female turkeys.

Turkey sightings can now be submitted online using a form which can be downloaded.   The form was updated in 2023 to include a map that allows collection of more accurate location information. Users have the option to zoom to their location on the map or type in an address.

Basic Hunter Education course


Basic hunter education is mandatory for all first-time adult hunters. MassWildlife offers Basic Hunter Education in two formats, in-person or blended.

A blended course is being offered at the Ashfield Rod & Gun Club, 161 North Street, Plainfield on Saturday, June 15 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

To enroll, call 508-389-7830 or click onto: for all the details

All courses are free of charge and open to the public.

United States Practical Shooting Association

USPSA is a fun and fast action shooting sport where participants balance accuracy, power, and speed into a winning combination.  Multiple targets, moving targets, targets that react when hit, penalty targets, or even partially covered targets, obstacles, movement, and other techniques are all used to keep USPSA shooters challenged and spectators engaged.  USPSA matches are held all over the US with local clubs holding matches practically every day of the week.  You probably already own everything you need to compete in USPSA.  The cost is $20 and they are held at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.  Cold Range Rules apply.

The times and dates are as follows for 10:00 am shoots:    Registration 8:30 am, safety briefing 9:30 am. on the following dates:  June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6 and November 3.

The times and dates are as follows for the 12:00 pm shoots: Registration 10:30 am, safety briefing 11:30 am on the following dates: June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15 and October 20.

They also have a “Steel Challenge.”  Check the LSA web page for those details.

There’s music in the air

Beagle music, that is.  On June 8, the Berkshire Beagle Club, 380 Sleepy Hollow Road in Richmond, is sponsoring a SPO (Small Pack Option) derby on rabbits and hares.  It starts around 8:00 am.  The Club has two fenced in running grounds.

If you want to see what it is all about, just drop over.  You can contact Chris Wilser (845)489-6554 or Jeffrey St. John (413)441-0744 for more details.

Memorial Day Weekend


It’s that time again when we honor those who have fought, suffered and/or died in defense of our nation.  Look around and see the beautiful, peaceful woods and waters that we have here in the Berkshires and compare that to what is going on in so many other parts of the world.  There was a price that had to be paid to have this and the people we honor this weekend paid it.  Please, let us not forget that.

Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby had another great turnout



Last Saturday, May 11, the Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby took place with over 100 children registered. The age range was from 2 1/2 to 14 years old. The weather was very cooperative and it was a lovely morning.


This was the 10th year that the City of Pittsfield Conservation Commission and Lyon Aviation sponsored the event.  Representing the City of Pittsfield were Maddy Brown, Recreation & Special Events Coordinator and Rob Van Der Kar, Pittsfield Conservation Agent. Assisting the anglers were Onota Fishing Club volunteers.  Dave’s Sporting Goods Store, Onota Boat Livery and Parks and Recreation provided bait, fishing poles and tackle; Lyon Aviation provided the brook trout which came from the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery in New Marlborough.   Ozzie’s Steak and Eggs provided free food vouchers to 100 people from their food truck. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) and the Onota Boat Livery donated a number of fishing poles that were raffled off throughout the morning.


Only 1 of the 400 stocked brook trout was caught as bass were the most popular catches of the day.  Actually, the largest fish caught was a 17 inch, 2.2 lbs. largemouth bass, which was caught by Troy Sparrow.

Troy Sparrow’s bass. Photo provided by Maddy Brown

Mylles Tagole caught the sole trout.  Some pumpkinseeds, bullhead and pond shiners were also caught.

Mylles Tagole with the only trout caught. Picture provided by Gene Chague

I can’t tell you how many folks commented on the fond memories they had of their dads or granddads bringing them to this little pond to learn how to fish.  Today, the tradition continues and now they are bringing their kids and grandkids.

One notable person missing this year was the late Clem Caryofilles of the Onota Fishing Club who recently passed beyond the riverbend.  For many years he was heavily involved in this event and we really missed him.   Incidentally, age is taking its toll on the Onota Fishing Club membership and its numbers are shrinking. Perhaps its time for the next generation of folks to step up to the plate to keep this tradition alive.

Our hats are off to Lyon Aviation, the City of Pittsfield, the Onota Fishing Club, BRPC and everyone involved to make this event a great success.

A huge thank you goes to Maddy Brown for providing information on the derby winners and other pertinent information.

Trout stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week, subject to change:  Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont, and Florida, Green River in Alford, Egremont, and Great Barrington, Housatonic River C&R in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River East Branch in Dalton and Hinsdale, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, North Pond in Florida, Westfield River East Branch in Chester, Cummington and Huntington, Westfield River West Branch in Becket, Chester, Huntington and Middlefield, Onota Lake, Richmond Pond and Stockbridge Bowl.

MassWildlife staff honored

In a recent public announcement, current and former MassWildlife staff were recognized for their contributions to fisheries and wildlife conservation.


The Robert McDowell Award

This is the highest honor presented by the Directors of the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies to honor career professionals who have made significant contributions to advance fish and wildlife conservation in the Northeastern United States and eastern Canadian Provinces. Jim Cardoza, retired MassWildlife Biologist, was presented with this award at the 79th annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference hosted by MassWildlife on Cape Cod in April.

Cardoza’s accomplishments during his long tenure as a wildlife biologist in Massachusetts are impressive. Notably, he was the key architect of the restoration of wild turkeys in the Northeast. Turkeys were absent in Massachusetts until reintroduction efforts began in the late 1960s. Today, Massachusetts’ wild turkey population is estimated at around 35,000 birds! Jim also pioneered innovative methods for studying black bears and became one of the country’s leading experts on this species. He shared his expertise by publishing dozens of peer-reviewed articles and presenting at professional conferences ensuring that other wildlife professionals had access to the latest wildlife management methods and research results.

This honor took on special significance since Mr. Cardoza accepted the Robert McDowell Award at his 50th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference.

William T. Hesselton Memorial Award

Every year, a group of wildlife professionals from 13 Northeast states nominate an individual who has made significant contributions to wildlife conservation and to wildlife management and hunter training programs. Susan Langlois, MassWildlife’s Hunter Education Program Administrator, received the William T. Hesselton Memorial Award at the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Langlois has dedicated her career to the conservation of Massachusetts wildlife and to providing top-notch instruction to the sporting community. Drawing on her expertise as a biologist, Susan has become an advocate for science-based wildlife management and a national leader in developing modern hunter education program standards. She helped develop a national trapper education course and is an instructor and advisory member for the national Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow program.

Berkshire County League Sportsperson of the Year

The third award recipient was Leanda Fontaine, MassWildlife’s Western District Aquatic Biologist, who was named (BCLS) 2023 Sportsperson of the Year. The award was given by the BCLS at the Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet on April 13. During her nearly 20 years with MassWildlife, Fontaine has been involved with a variety of statewide fisheries research and conservation projects. In her current role, she oversees fisheries projects in western Massachusetts, plans trout stocking activities and public stocking events, and supports learn-to-fish classes in the Berkshires. Leanda has implemented several successful invasive water chestnut removal projects, contributes her knowledge to lake and pond management discussions, and is the MassWildlife representative on the interagency scientific dive team.

All three were also honored by the MA Fish & Wildlife Board at its May 15 meeting.


Annual Harry A Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby coming up


The 32nd Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby will take place on Saturday, June 1, (rain or shine), at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield, from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend.

This fishing derby is perhaps the most important and largest of our local fishing derbies.  Open to the public, its purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute. All  proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowman & I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

Many trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winners of the fishing derby – 8 trophies for children, 4 trophies for adults and 3 trophies that can be won by adults or children. There is even a special category for those carp fishing with a bow & arrow. All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 p.m. and can be caught at Onota Lake from a boat or the shore.

The fee, which includes food and beverage, is $10 for adults, $5 for children 14 years old and younger. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, 201 West Housatonic Street, Dave’s Sporting Goods, 1164 North Street and Onota Boat Livery, 436 Peck’s Road,  all in Pittsfield. Everyone needs to register at the Frank Controy Pavilion.  Even if you can’t make the derby, donations to the cause will be graciously accepted.

June 1–2, is Free Freshwater Fishing Weekend

Mark your calendars for this year’s Free Freshwater Fishing Weekend on June 1 and 2.  No license is required to fish any public lake, pond, reservoir, stream, or river in Massachusetts from 12:00 am. Saturday, June 1 until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, June 2.

For saltwater anglers, Free Saltwater Fishing Weekend is June 15–16.

Other than on Free Fishing Weekend, you need a license to fish in fresh water if you are 15 or older. If you’ are 15–17 or 70 and older, your license is free.

All other regulations, including catch limits, apply during Free Fishing Weekend. Before heading out on the water, make sure you know the rules.

Funds from fishing license sales support MassWildlife’s fisheries research, fish stocking programs, and angler education programs.

Beagle Club Field Trials proved successful despite recent storm damage


Last weekend the Berkshire Beagle Club held its Small Pack Option (SPO) Licensed spring field trials.  According to Club spokesman Jeffrey St John, they had 97 entries for the weekend.  The popularity of the beagle club’s field trials is self-evident.  Just look at the distances from whence the winning dog owners came.


“The air was filled with sounds of beagles on the chase all weekend,” said St John, “Judges were busy as they worked to come up with the winners”.

Chris Wilser, Trial Chairperson received many compliments from judges and the gallery on the condition of the grounds, participation from the members and the venue at the club house.  Nice compliments when one considers the condition of the 86-acre grounds just a couple of weeks earlier.  Wind damage brought down trees all over the grounds which in turn brought down fences (including electric fences) which keep the bunnies on the property.  On property rabbit breeding pen fencing also sustained damages.  Club members volunteered many days of hard work repairing the damage in order to have the grounds ready for the field trial.

On Saturday, April 20 there were 37 male entries.  The winner in the 13” class was Duda’s Sock it to Them Santino, owned by Salvatore Amato of McAlisterville, PA.


The winner of the 15” class was Easy Streets Black Momba, owned by Amanda and Justin Dean from Shushan, NY, (former members of the Berkshire Beagle Club).    Special congratulations to the Deans because, pending AKC approval, Momba will attain Field Champion Gun Dog Status.  To obtain that status a dog must have 3 field trial wins and 120 points.   There is a complicated formula in determining points which I will not attempt to explain in this column. Field Champion Gun Dog Status qualifies entry into any national trial, large pack and small pack. (More explanation follows below).


On Sunday April 21, there were 60 female entries.  Winner of the 13” class was Garra, owned by Mirsad Ferhatouic from Utica, NY. The winner of the 15” class was Cold River Tessa, owned by Keith and Addison Brick from North Concord, VT.


A little history:  In the 1970’s, The American Kennel Club, determined that a need existed for a real gundog, or hunting beagle field trial. They did not believe that the Large Pack was the most acceptable method to pursue the cottontail rabbit. Instead, they chose to use a running standard that was already in the AKC Rules.

This was the Small Pack in which hounds were run on rabbits in packs of from three to seven hounds, with the judges selecting the outstanding performers to be run in a second series and then finally in a Winners Pack. To prove beyond a doubt that they were competing with “hunting beagles,” the AKC permitted the additional testing of their hounds for gun-shyness and searching ability in what became known as the Small Pack Option.

Local trout stockings

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week by MassWildlife, subject to change due to unforeseen conditions: Buck River in Sandisfield, Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Clam River in Sandisfield, Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, Clesson Brook (Upper Branch) in Ashfield, Cold River in Charlemont and Florida, Green River North in New Ashford, Green River South in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington, Greenwater Pond in Becket, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Hoosic River South Branch in Adams and Cheshire, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River East Branch in Hinsdale and Dalton, Hubbard River in Granville and Tolland, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Pontoosuc Lake, South River in Ashfield, Wahconah Falls Brook in Dalton, Windsor Brook in Windsor and Hinsdale, and Windsor Lake in North Adams.

Kids fishing derby and more at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery

Next Saturday, May 11, the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery Board invites you to join them for a free pancake breakfast to kick off derby day at 7:30 am, at the hatchery, 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough, MA.  Board member Dean Hutson suggests you fill up on delicious pancakes before heading down to the Derby Pond for some exciting fishing action.

At 9:00 am, the derby (for kids ages 13 and under), kicks off with even more tagged fish added to the pond, guaranteeing an exhilarating fishing experience. Don’t miss out on the chance to win great prizes and snag one of their exclusive derby t-shirts. The derby ends at 10:30 am.

Hutson also invites you to check out their raffle for a Traeger smoker grill on display and to browse through a variety of items for sale under the tent, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, water bottles, and car stickers.

Hutson promises a fantastic day of fishing, fun, and delicious food.

Incidentally, the April 20 Fly Tying/Fly Casting class which was held at the Hatchery was quite  a memorable experience for a couple of attendees.  That morning, two newcomers to fly fishing attended and learned how to tie a trout fly in the fly tying class.  Following that, they were taught how to fly cast. Then they proceeded to the Hatchery Derby Pool, learned how to attach the fly to the line and, guess what, both caught a rainbow trout.  Is that cool or what?

Free Fishing Derby for Youths

The City of Pittsfield Conservation Commission has announced that they and Lyon Aviation will sponsor a Free Fishing Derby (rain or shine) for youths aged 14 and under next Saturday, May 11 at the Wild Acres Conservation which is located off of South Mountain Road in Pittsfield next to the airport.  The accessible trail down to the pond is now open.

Volunteer support will be provided by the Onota Fishing Club to assist with dressing fish, providing fishing tips and techniques, baiting, etc. Bait will be provided. The derby will run from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Trophies will be awarded at 12:00 pm to those who caught the largest fish (length & weight).

The first 100 kids will receive a free food voucher. Food will also be available for purchase from Ozzie’s Steak & Eggs.

For more information, contact Maddy Brown, Recreation & Special Events Coordinator, at (413) 499-9371.

Fishing Derby on Stockbridge Bowl

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is sponsoring its annual Spring Fishing Derby on Sunday, May 19 at the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp.  It will run from dawn until 1:00 pm. Cash prizes of $10.000 will be awarded to the lucky anglers who catch the heaviest trout or salmon, pickerel, bass and bullhead.  There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under.  The pre-registration fee is $15.00 and post-registration is $20.00.

Food and drinks will be available.

Tickets are available at:  Minkler Insurance Agency at 31 Main Street, Stockbridge or (w) 413-644-3590, (h) 413-298-4630 or contact any club member.  Official rules may be picked up at the boat ramp.

Proof of fishing license is required

Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) Officer Tara Carlow wants fishermen to remember to have a paper copy or a screen shot/picture of their fishing license available for MEP Officers or landowners to check.  Personally, last week she checked eight fly-fishermen on the Deerfield River and five of them could not produce a license for her, due to the cellular coverage in that area.  Two of them were commercial float guides and after checking when she got back in service, two of the five did not have licenses at all.    One was a fishing guide.  (Ooh!  That’s a good way to lose a guiding license).

MEP has one dispatch center, sometimes with one dispatcher working, for the entire state.  They also handle traffic for their busy coastal missions.  They cannot be continually running fishing licenses, and tying up the radio for fishermen who are supposed to have a legible copy on their person.  The civil fine for not being able to display your license is $120. She is working with club presidents to help get the word out to the fishing community.  It may seem like a minor problem, but for her to check five people in a row with the same violation, is not minor and something has to change.

Changes proposed for 2024-2025 Migratory Game Bird Regulations


A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 17 at 2:30 pm., at MassWildlife’s Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road in Westborough, MA. The hearing will establish rules and regulations relative to the 2024–2025 migratory game bird hunting seasons.

Due to the migratory game bird season filing requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Fisheries and Wildlife Board must vote to finalize and approve the 2024–2025 migratory bird seasons at the close of the hearing. Therefore, there will be no written comment period after this public hearing. Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing via email to, Subject: Fisheries and Wildlife Board, or by mail to the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, MassWildlife Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581. Written public comments will be accepted until Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 4 p.m.

Interested persons can review the proposed changes and provide written comments prior to the hearing and oral comments during the public-comment portion of the hearing. Here is a summary of the proposed changes:

  • Woodcock Season: October 3 – November 30
  • Youth Waterfowl Hunts: September 21 and October 5
  • Veteran’s Waterfowl Hunts: September 21 and October 5
  • Early Goose Season (statewide): September 2 – September 21
  • Regular Goose Season
    • Berkshire Zone: October 14 – November 16 *
    • Central Zone: October 12 – November 30 and December 17 – January 4
    • Coastal Zone: October 12 – October 19 and November 26 – January 25
  • Late Goose Season
    • Berkshire Zone: December 18 – February 15 *
    • Central Zone: January 16 – February 15
    • North Coastal Zone: January 27 – February 15
  • Duck Season
    • Berkshire Zone: October 14 – November 30 and December 16 – January 4 *
    • Central Zone: October 12 – November 30 and December 17 – January 4
    • Coastal Zone: October 12 – October 19 and November 26 – January 25
  • Falconry Season: October 19 – February 19

Most of the date changes are just by one or two days, however, I wish to point out the following changes:

*The regular goose season for the Berkshire Zone last year ran from October 10 to November 25; then from December 11 to December 14.  Then the Berkshire late goose season ran from January 1 through February 15, 2025. The new proposed dates are from October 14 to November 16 and the late season will run from December 18 through February 15, 2025.

*The Berkshire Duck hunting season last year ran from October 11 to November 25 and December 12 to January 6.  The new proposed season will run from October 14 to November 30 (which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving) and then from December 16 to January 4, 2025.

Local trout stockings


The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week by MassWildlife:   Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Green River South in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Hoosic River North in Clarksburg and North Adams, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg, North Pond in Florida, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, the Williams River in Great Barrington, Pontoosuc Lake and Richmond Pond.


Due to the nasty weather last week, the schedule could have changed. The web site at will contain the most accurate info:


Spring break is nearing, help stock the trout

The public is invited to help MassWildlife stock trout during school vacation week. Meet MassWildlife fisheries staff, view trout up close, and learn about places to fish near you.  Join them on Wednesday, April 17 at 12:30 pm at Onota Lake Burbank Park on Lakeway Drive in Pittsfield.

Children stocking trout, picture provided by MassWildlife

A few trout are placed in empty 5-gallon pails and the tots run with them to the lake front and heave the fish out into the water.  According to MA DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden, we needn’t worry about hurting the trout for the sudden splash into the water does them good.  They found, over many years of stocking, that the trout respond better when they are stimulated by a toss into the water. This triggers them to begin swimming right away and speeds up adjustments to any differences in water temperature or flow between the truck environment and the pond or river.

“For the children’s event the fish do great, even though the handling may not always be perfect. These events also provide an opportunity to see and handle fish that many would never experience otherwise. There is no substitute for real life experience to inspire future anglers and conservationists” said Madden.


This is quite an enjoyable event, so parents, grandparents be sure to bring your cameras.


Kids Fishing Derbies beginning at the Hatchery

The 2024 kids fishing derbies are starting up at the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery.  Put on by the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery, they will run the second Saturday of each month beginning in April and running through September.  The first derby will be next Saturday, April 13 at the Hatchery’s Derby Pond. It will start at 9:00 and run to 10:30 am. What a great opportunity for kids ages 13 and under to learn how to fish while competing for prizes.

Board member Dean Hutson promises an action-packed day with lots of exciting activities: New derby shirts for the kids, tagged fish in the pond with thrilling prizes and new merchandise available for sale.  No child goes away empty handed.

But wait, there’s more. The Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery are thrilled to reintroduce Fly Casting on Saturday April 20, following its Fly Tying class.   Hutson encourages you to, “Dive into the art of fly tying at 10:00 am, and then cast your creations into Derby Pond around 11:30 am! It’s a double-header you won’t want to miss!”


Don’t forget to bring eye protection  (sunglasses or safety glasses) for a safe and enjoyable casting experience.


Email them at beforehand, so they can prepare for your presence, specifying if you’re joining the fly tying class, fly casting session, or both.



A Senecan Indian myth says God made the woodcock (aka timberdoodle) from the leftover parts of other birds. Large eyes are located along the sides of the bird’s head, allowing it to see in all directions, including directly behind. A long, thin bill that averages nearly three inches in length permits woodcock to probe in soft earth for worms, slugs and other invertebrates. Nostrils lie high against the skull so the woodcock can feed and breathe at the same time. Its ears are located beneath the eyes. Woodcock stand about eight inches tall, appear to bob when they walk, and weigh about a half-pound each.

photo provided by MassWildlife

On Thursday, April 11, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, you are invited to join a Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) hosted online event with Kayleigh Filkins to learn about Timberdoodle ecology and fun facts as well as a scientific roundup from the Eastern Woodcock Migration Research Cooperative. Kayleigh is a graduate student at SUNY Brockport doing her master’s work on American woodcock habitat selection during the breeding season in New York.

The Zoom link will be emailed to RVSPs on the day of the event. The event will be recorded and shared with RSVPs and on BNRC’s YouTube channel.   For questions contact Mariah at

Beagle Club Field Trials


On the April 20 – 21 weekend the Berkshire Beagle Club on Sleepy Hollow Road in Richmond, MA is having its Small Pack Option (SPO) Licensed spring field trials.  Some of the best beagles in the northeast will compete and the best dogs are awarded ribbons for excelling in their natural tracking ability, high desire, quick thinking, and speed and endurance while following the scents of snowshoe hares and/or cottontail bunnies. All dogs are AKC registered.  .For beagle lovers, there’s no finer sound than that of a beagle singing its heart out while following the scent of a bunny.


Males will run on Saturday, April 20 and the females on April 21, starting at 8:00 am. They will be judged in the following categories:  13” and 15” males and 13” and 15” females.

The club welcomes folks to come and just listen to the dogs and observe the judges.


There will be breakfast and lunch available on both days and probably a 50/50 raffle.


Questions:  Chris Wilser (845)489-6554 or Jefferey St. John (413) 441-0744.


Tales with Rex


On Thursday evening, April 11 at 6:30 pm you are invited to join Rex Channel for a night of an unforgettable “eating , drinking & fishing” trip he recently took to Chile, Argentina & Tierra del Fuego.  Entitled “tales from South America with Rex, it is full of photos and tales and, of course, the people he met along the way.


It will be held at the Berkshires Hills Country Club, 500 Benedict Road, Pittsfield.


Rex is a valued member of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Teaching with Trout



At the March 20 MA Fish & Wildlife Board meeting, a presentation was made by Adam Kautza, MassWildlife Coldwater Fisheries Resource Project Leader about its Teaching with Trout Program.


Here is some background information on MassWildlife’s Teaching with Trout program and brook trout:

  • The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) is responsible for the conservation—including restoration, protection, and management—of freshwater fish and wildlife resources in Massachusetts for the benefit of and enjoyment by the public. Part of the agency’s mission is education. MassWildlife’s Teaching with Trout Program can be utilized across all grade levels as a basis to develop an appreciation for the aquatic environment through raising trout in the classroom.
  • This is a popular educational program that enables students to raise brook trout from eggs during the winter and then release them into approved lakes and streams in the spring.
  • The program strives to connect students to their local environment; teach about water quality and habitat health; and, introduce conservation concepts related to local aquatic resources and population biology. Brook trout eggs are provided with a permit from MassWildlife’s fish hatcheries.
  • A tank is kept in the classroom for several months, and over that time students are engaged in a curriculum about conservation. As part of the program, teachers can also arrange hatchery tours with MassWildlife.
  • Teachers can adapt the program to fit their curriculum needs and students’ levels. Teaching with Trout has applications for science, math, language, arts, and social studies. The program is designed to teach Massachusetts students about conservation concepts related to their local aquatic resources. Using resources available online or those a teacher may develop, students in primary grades can be introduced to topics like life cycle, anatomy, and food webs. Students in higher grades can be introduced to concepts including ecology, population biology, water quality, and conservation.
  • There are currently 64 schools across the Commonwealth participating in the program, engaging over 5,100 students in elementary, middle, and high schools. Participating schools in the Berkshires include: Pittsfield High School and Taconic High School in Pittsfield; Wahconah Regional High School in Dalton; and Mount Everett Regional School in Sheffield.
  • The fish released by students at the end of the Teaching with Trout Program, and the hundreds of thousands of trout stocked by MassWildlife each spring and fall, are not meant to restore or repopulate waterbodies. Aquaculture and stocking activities are meant to ensure abundant fishing opportunities in waters open to the public. In contrast to stocked trout fisheries, wild brook trout populations are protected and restored through habitat restoration projects (e.g. dam removal), land protection, harvest regulations, along with outreach and education efforts.


Teachers will have to buy, or borrow, an aquarium set up. This costs roughly $1,300. Once a system is bought, maintaining it costs very little. If you are interested in Teaching with Trout, but the cost is prohibitive, please contact MassWildlife. An aquarium system includes:

  • 55-gallon tank
  • Water chiller
  • Water filter
  • Water pump
  • Air pump
  • Water chemistry test kits
  • Reagents

MassWildlife staff are available to help with aquarium questions and troubleshooting. Hatchery field trips may also be arranged.

This program is quite similar to a program that dates back to earlier days of the ASERP (Atlantic Salmon Egg Rearing Program) when Becket grammar students raised Atlantic Salmon fry and released them into nearby Yokum Brook. I shall never forget covering the fish release days for this column.  Students actually gave some of the salmon fry names.   When the day came for their liberation, they released them into the brook a few at a time in paper cups. They held a going away party for them, sang songs and wished the salmon a safe journey.  Those fish, after spending a couple of years in the brook, become salmon smolt which then embarked on a journey of thousands of miles into the Atlantic Ocean.  In 4 or 5 years they would attempt to come back to their home waters to spawn.


When state and federal funding for the ASERP program ran out, schools then switched to raising brook trout.  Taconic Trout Unlimited members assisted the schools and teachers wherever they could, acquiring tanks, chillers, etc.  That new program was called the Trout in the Classroom program.  Readers may remember in the past when I covered the liberations of the classroom raised brook trout into our local waters such as the Yokum Brook in Becket, Westfield Brook in Windsor and others.  TU members such as Paul Knauth, Karen Karlberg, Dave Oclair, Ron Wojcek and others helped out.


Its so nice to see MassWildlife still advocating for this program in our schools.  Lets hope many local schools participate in it.


Following that presentation, Kautza gave a second presentation about Brook Trout, pointing out the following:


  • Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are technically not even trout. They are charr, more closely related to lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and artic char (Salvelinus alpinus) than they are to other species of trout like the introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).


  • Brook trout are the only remaining native salmonid (Family Salmonidae) in Massachusetts. Brook trout are true coldwater fish and are unable to tolerate water temperatures much over 20o C (68F) for extended periods. They thrive in waters between 11–16o C (52–61o F). They do best when in streams with moderate pH and high alkalinity. Great brook trout habitat consists of areas with lots of pools and cover, relatively stable stream flows, and a substrate that is free of silt.


  • Brook trout reproduce in the fall, usually from mid-October until late November. Eggs hatch in the early spring. In the southern portion of their range (which includes Massachusetts), most brook trout live up to three or four years and achieve a maximum length of 200–250 mm (about 8–10 inches).


  • There are exceptions where brook trout have access to more food and/or optimum habitat. For example, in the Swift River in central Massachusetts, the water temperature and stream flows stay in the optimal range, and brook trout grow much larger.


  •  Sea-run brook trout also have the tendency to reach greater size than inland populations because of their ability to access the rich food resources in saltwater. Sea-run brook trout in Massachusetts tend to migrate from freshwater streams to inshore saltwater habitats in late fall following reproduction and then move back into streams in the spring. Sea-run brook trout streams in Massachusetts are concentrated along the shoreline of Buzzards Bay, on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard, and scattered areas along Massachusetts’ South Shore.


  • Wild, naturally reproducing brook trout are found in all but two of the major watersheds in the Massachusetts. While their current extent is reduced from the larger historic range, they still occupy over 1,100 streams across the state. Brook trout have disappeared from many urban and suburban streams due to the negative impacts on habitat from human development including dams, loss of riparian habitat, altered flow regimes, and increased sedimentation. Climate change also poses a major threat to them. When faced with poor habitat conditions, they often recede into smaller, colder, high-gradient headwater streams.


Local trout stockings


The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week by MassWildlife:  Westfield River Middle Branch in Chester, Huntington, Middlefield and Worthington; Housatonic River East Branch in Dalton and Hinsdale, Housatonic River Southwest Branch in Pittsfield, Housatonic River Catch & Release in Lee and Stockbridge, Hoosic River South Branch in Cheshire and Adams, Green River (north) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Lake Garfield, Goose Pond, Greenwater Pond, Laurel Lake, Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington, North Pond in Florida, Big Pond in Otis, Otis Reservoir, Stockbridge Bowl and York Lake in New Marlborough.


Conte Memorial Dinner reminder


Don’t forget, the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet will take place at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, 310 Curran Road, Cheshire, on Saturday evening, April 13. Doors open at 4:30 pm, ticket price is $40 pp.   A head count is due tomorrow.

This year’s award winners are:   Sportsman of the Year Award– Leanda Fontaine of Bernardston, MA, Lifetime Achievement Award – Ted Pointek of Housatonic, John Zuber Award – Rick French of Phillipston, MA, Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award – James Loughman of Adams, and Outstanding Achievement Award – the late Richard ‘Rick’ Theilig of Lee.

Massachusetts joins national coalition to promote accessibility and innovation in outdoor recreation 


The Healey-Driscoll Administration recently joined the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR), a national coalition of state governments, non-profits, and businesses to promote the growth of the outdoor recreation economy and outdoor-related activities. The Massachusetts Office of Outdoor Recreation (MOOR) joins 12 other state departments and organizations dedicated to fostering the economic development of more than 110,000 outdoor businesses and accessibility of outdoor recreation across the nation. As a member of the coalition, MOOR will convene regularly to identify challenges and solutions through innovative research and collaboratively sharing information on best practices within the field.

“Massachusetts is thrilled to join our industry, academic, and other state partners as a new member of ORR,” said MOOR Director Paul Jahnige. (It) was instrumental in the creation of MOOR and has already provided incredible models and tools for us to use, including advocacy and rural development tools and training.”

“It is an exciting day to bring Massachusetts into the fold as an ORR State Member,” said ORR Vice President of Programs Chris Perkins. “Director Paul Jahnige has wasted no time in developing forward-thinking initiatives to bolster the Bay State’s $11.8 billion outdoor recreation economy, and we are looking forward to supporting the Office’s future development and growth with research and industry partnerships.”

Established in December 2022, MOOR collaborates with agencies to promote activities across the state, including hunting, fishing, horseback riding, paddling, swimming, and more. Outdoor recreation is vital to the Massachusetts economy, contributing $11 billion to the economy, creating over 102,000 jobs, and boosting tourism. MOOR looks forward to collaborating closely with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable to implement strategic initiatives that drive economic growth, ensure equitable outdoor access for all, and improve public health in Massachusetts.  This announcement follows the hiring of Paul Jahnige as the state’s first Director of Outdoor Recreation

Trout Stockings


The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week by MassWildlife:  West Branch of Westfield River in Becket, Chester, Middlefield and Huntington; East Branch of Westfield River in Savoy, Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; Mainstem of Westfield River in Huntington, Russell and Montgomery; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Laurel Lake, Richmond Pond, Pontoosuc Lake and Windsor Pond in Windsor.


How is climate change impacting our Berkshire lakes and ponds? 

On Wednesday, April 3 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, the Becket Conservation Commission and Becket Lakes & Ponds Association are sponsoring a free program that overviews how climate change is affecting our lakes and ponds, as well as other water resource areas, surrounding environment of trees and plants, and all wildlife that depend on them for their survival. The event will be held in the downstairs Community Room at the Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket.

The panelists will be Bruce Winn – Berkshire Community College, Professor of Environmental Life Sciences, Emily Stockman – Stockman Associates, Owner and Senior Scientist and Joe Onorato – Water & Wetland owner Aquatic Specialist.

Refreshments will be provided.

Registration is required. Call Dave Johnson, Becket Conservation Chair: 978-424-5752

or email: CLIMATE PROGRAM or AIAINCDAJ@GMAIL.COM.  A zoom link will be posted on the BCC web page.


Basic Hunter Education course


Basic hunter education is mandatory for all first-time adult hunters. MassWildlife offers Basic Hunter Education in two formats. Each format covers the same material and students take the same final exam.

Blended: Students complete the online MA hunter study guide before attending one in-person Field Day.


In-person (traditional): Students attend an entirely in-person, instructor led course that is offered over multiple days.


All courses are free of charge and open to the public.

An in-person course is being offered at the Worthington Rod & Gun, 458 Dingle Rd (Route 112), Worthington, MA.  It will run for 4 nights: Monday, April 15, Tuesday April 16, Thursday April 18 and Friday, April 19.  All classes run from 5:30 to 9:00 pm.

Two blended courses are also being offered nearby:  One is at the Ashfield Rod & Gun Club, 161 North Street Plainfield, MA.  It runs on Saturday, April 6 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  The other is at Westfield State University Horace Mann Center, 333 Western Avenue, Westfield, MA.  It runs on Sunday April 17 also from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

To enroll, call 508-389-7830 or click onto: for all the details.

Game dinner coming up

The Annual Popsie Goerlach Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3 at the Stationery Factory in Dalton. Doors will open at 5:00 and dinner is at 6:00 pm. Last year they had almost 400 people attend and they’re hoping to do that again this year. They have a great menu lined up and some great prizes to give away, including a four-day Illinois Whitetail hunt, a Ravin crossbow, a Bowtech compound bow, and many other prizes. Tickets for the dinner and the raffle can be purchased online at

Gala event planned


On Saturday, April 6, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association/Ducks Unlimited (LSA/DU) 7th Annual Youth Sports Gala will take place at the Country Club in Pittsfield.  There will be raffles and live and silent auctions.  Doors open at 4:00 and dinner served is at 6:00 pm.  Tickets cost $125 per person and can be purchased at or mail from Lee Sportsmen’s Association, PO Box 175, Lee, MA.


Coles Memorial Ice Fishing Derby results

According to information posted on the Coles Memorial Ice Fishing Derby web page, the derby raised over $1,200 this year for the Goose Pond Boat Ramp project.  It is now complete and there will be a stone with a plaque going in this spring. After that, the original project will be complete, and the committee will be putting their energy towards figuring out what’s next. They thanked everyone who attended, donated and supported the event this year.

The ice fishing derby which started in 2020 is dedicated in Evan Scott Colbert’s memory who passed away in 2019 at the age of 29. He loved the outdoors and spent his leisure time fishing and boating. He could often be seen enjoying the waters of Goose Pond casting his reel while watching the eagles fly above.

Support endangered species at tax time

More than 430 plants and animals are listed under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. These rare species play an important role in keeping the Commonwealth’s natural communities thriving. You can make a difference by supporting endangered species conservation while filing your taxes this year. Simply look for Line 33A for Endangered Wildlife Conservation on your state tax form and write in any amount. Your meaningful donation will go to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund which is dedicated specifically to the conservation of rare species in the Commonwealth, such as the Shortnose Sturgeon (pictured).

In Massachusetts, Shortnose Sturgeon are currently found in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers with historical occurrences in many coastal rivers around Massachusetts.

picture provided by Micah Keefer, USGeological Survey

Shortnose Sturgeon spawn in large freshwater rivers. They migrate from the mouths of rivers, traveling many miles to reach suitable spawning upstream. During non-spawning periods sturgeon often leave freshwater in pursuit of food resources in estuaries or along the coast and migrate between large river systems.  The migration of its population in the Connecticut River is restricted by hydroelectric dams making this population one of the few that lives only in freshwater.

Shortnose sturgeon can live up to 60 years and do not reach reproductive maturity until they are 10–12 years old.  That means their populations are likely slow to recover making them one of the most vulnerable freshwater fish species in Massachusetts

The major threats to this species are river habitat degradation and loss caused by dams, channel dredging, poor water quality, contaminants, fisheries bycatch, and incidental boating strikes.

Hydroelectric dams can alter water flow and sediment patterns impacting spawning success, fragment populations by limiting fish movement, and cause mortality if fish swim too near intake pipes and pass through turbines. Efforts to restore sturgeon migration and reconnect subpopulations are underway in the Connecticut River through the construction of fishways to aid upstream and downstream movement.

It is illegal to possess sturgeon. If you accidentally catch one while fishing, release it as gently and quickly as possible, even if you need to cut the line. Never take the fish out of the water.

Trout stocking has begun

MassWildlife will stock over 500,000 brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout across Massachusetts this year.  About 455,000 will be stocked this spring and about 60,000 this fall.

According to MassWildlife officials, each year their hatcheries maximize trout production. They measure this as pounds of fish produced within the limits of the facilities. MassWildlife intentionally grows large trout to provide the best possible fishing for anglers. Their hatcheries raise the trout in five hatcheries in Sandwich, Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague

They have been very successful at getting outstanding growth rates so the fish have been heavier over time. Pounds of fish produced has less meaning to anglers, so MassWildlife describes the hatchery production in numbers of fish based on weight samples. When the individual fish weighs more, the total number is lower. Production by weight within the hatcheries has stayed relatively consistent over time. You may also see them providing annual totals on the website or social media where they combine both the spring and fall numbers to say they’re stocking over 500,000 trout this year.

This year, 75% of the trout will be over 12 inches, and 40% will be over 14 inches.  Some 800 retired brood brown trout 18”+ inches and 600 retired brood brook trout will be stocked.  About 2,900 tiger trout will be over 14 inches.

The Western District usually gets about 20% of them.  Stocking has already begun in our district with the following waters scheduled to be stocked last week: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Lake Buel, Onota Lake and Stockbridge Bowl.  Please note: The stocking report is subject to change depending on staffing, equipment, and weather conditions.

MassWildlife has a map with all the fish stocking locations on its website.  There are red dots on the map indicating waters that will be stocked this spring. When stocking begins, the red dots will turn to black push-pins to show where trout have been stocked.

If you are looking for stocking information for a particular waterbody or town, use the table. Type the name of the waterbody or town into the search window to find all stocking reports for that location. You can also sort based on an attribute including town, waterbody, or type of fish.

If you prefer, you can get a list of all 2024 stocked waters.

The waters are cold this time of year.

If you fish from a boat and capsize or fall overboard, you can develop hypothermia within minutes. Hypothermia, the lowering of your internal body temperature, can make it difficult for you to swim, paddle, or stay afloat. A sudden, unexpected fall into cold water can also cause you to involuntarily gasp and ingest water, which can lead to death by drowning. Your life jacket may not prevent hypothermia, but it will help you stay afloat, and it can save your life. Boating fatality victims were often not wearing life jackets.

Safety advocates recommend all boaters and passengers have a life jacket and wear it at all times while boating, especially youths under 12 years old.

In Massachusetts, life jackets must be worn by canoeists and kayakers from September 15 to May 15

Black bears are here

MasssWildlife is warning residents that black bears are waking up this month and they’re hungry.  They urge people to take down bird feeders, secure trash bins, and watch out for their pets.

Governor Healey holding a bear cub.. Photo taken by Joshua Qualls of the Governor office

While we are on the subject of bears, Governor Maura Healey recently accompanied MassWildlife biologists during a visit to a black bear den that is part of ongoing research. Each winter, state biologists visit the dens of female black bears (sows) with radio tracking collars to assess the health and number of new cubs. The study provides critical information about the growing bear population in Massachusetts.

Governor Healey, First Partner Joanna Lydgate, Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Rebecca Tepper, Department of Fish & Game Commissioner Tom O’Shea, and MassWildlife Director Mark Tisa were able to get an up-close look at the sow and her three cubs located at a den after trained staff immobilized the adult animal.

“We had a great time learning from our wildlife experts and getting to know our bear neighbors,” said Governor Healey. “Massachusetts is home to an impressive variety of habitats and wildlife. We are committed to using the best possible science to conserve biodiversity in Massachusetts. This black bear research is a great example of how we are making that happen.”

“MassWildlife’s black bear research program is the longest of its kind in New England,” said Secretary Tepper. “The goal is to understand bear behavior, population size, and movements across Massachusetts. We’re grateful to our skilled guides and experts who showed us how we care for our bear population.”

“It was an honor to have Governor Maura Healey join us to highlight MassWildlife’s important black bear research program,” said Department of Fish & Game Commissioner Tom O’Shea. “Despite Massachusetts being the third most densely populated state in the country, black bear populations are thriving and have expanded their range as far east as the Rte. 495 corridor. Collecting this vital data helps MassWildlife understand populations, educate the public, and minimize conflicts with these important creatures.”

“We know that bears will frequent neighborhoods where they find human-associated foods,” said MassWildlife’s Black Bear Project Leader Dave Wattles. “Our goal is to keep these impressive animals wild by understanding their movements and by encouraging people to take actions like removing bird feeders and securing trash in their yards.”

While at the den, biologists checked the health of the cubs and mother and replaced the sow’s GPS tracking collar. Signals from the collar are used throughout the year to see whether bears are using natural areas or developed, residential areas. After all the data was collected from the sow and cubs, biologists carefully returned the bears to their den and left the area. Many black bears are becoming more active during this time of year, but sows with cubs remain in their dens for several more weeks. Learn more about black bears in Massachusetts at

Fly Fishing Film Tour


On Sunday, March 24 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be presenting the 2024 Fly Fishing Film Tour at the Images Cinema, 50 Spring Street, Williamstown. Tickets which cost $15.00 can be purchased at (


Last year they filled the Cinema, so make sure you get your tickets early.  Also, get to the theater early to participate in the auctions and raffles.  The film starts at 2:00 pm.


Proceeds from this event help Taconic TU focus on conservation of our Berkshire County cold-water fisheries. This year they plan to monitor temperatures in the Hoosic River, add woody debris to strategic locations to encourage fish spawning and life, and joining the Hoosic River Watershed Association in continued bacteria sampling.


Following the film, there will be a Pizza Party sponsored by Cheeky Fly Fishing of North Adams.


Questions about the upcoming events:


Culverts and free flowing waterways


Free-flowing waterways provide better habitat for many wildlife species, especially cold-water fish species.  Culverts can be a detriment and obstacle to fish and other aquatic animals, often preventing them from freely moving upstream or downstream. A major problem with many culverts is that they were not designed with wildlife in mind or as a priority. They are often too small, restricting nutrient flow and causing flooding; other times, they might be “perched,” (elevated above the water’s surface), making fish migration difficult at best and sometimes impossible.


For this reason, the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT has been working to survey stream crossings in Berkshire County using the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) protocol. This spring BEAT will offer training to anyone interested in conducting volunteer fieldwork by surveying culverts and road-stream crossings throughout the County. These surveys help determine what culverts and crossings need attention and prioritize those that need to be fixed sooner rather than later.

On Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 pm BEAT and UMass Extension Professor Scott Jackson will host an online public info session dealing with hands-on volunteer fieldwork and why the NAACC was formed, the importance of doing this work, and what the training will entail. Register at: