Brook trout released into local streams by students

Three local schools are involved with raising and releasing brook trout here in the Berkshires.   They originally started out raising Atlantic Salmon in the ASERP (Atlantic Salmon Egg Rearing Program, but, the Connecticut River Salmon Restoration program ended two years ago.  Both the US Fish & Wildlife Service and wildlife agencies of MA, VT and NH will no longer support it.   The schools then started raising brook trout from eggs that came from the Roger Reed Salmon Hatchery in Palmer, Ma.    Students actively take part monitoring water quality on a daily basis and assisting in the trout’s husbandry needs.  By the time they were released in May or early June, they are nearly 2 inches long.

At the Becket-Washington School, the 3rd and 4th graders participated in the program.  Over 100 brook trout were raised from eggs and the survival rate was great with only 4 dying while in the aquarium.  They were released on June 3 at the outdoor classroom along Yokum Brook in Becket.  Teachers Mary Kay McCloskey and Patty Robbie headed up the program there with assistance from Karen Karlberg.

Approximately 75 Taconic High School students participated, releasing their trout into Windsor Brook in Windsor on May 27.   They had some equipment problems but still managed a 60% success ratio.  One student came into school over break to care for the fish to ensure they were properly fed and their water quality was on par.  Teachers who participated were Tanya Michaud, Michell Potash and Ron Wojcik.  According to Michaud, this is their second year rearing brook trout in the classroom and their release site shows evidence that the fish are healthy and thriving.  There were 3 fish that were about a year old swimming in an eddy and it is suspected that they are from their cohort of trout released last year around the same time

At Mt Everett Regional High School in Sheffield, some 140 students were involved and had a 100% survival.  They not only raise and release fingerlings, but some trout are retained for the Aquacultural Class where they grow them larger and release them at the 8 to 12 inch size (for better survival) into the Konkapot River and Umpachini Falls.  Teachers involved there are Steve Antil, Tim Schwartz, Daniel Weston and Asha Von Rudin.  Von Rudin heads up the Aquaculture program where they really get into water ecology monitoring, macro-invertibrate studies, etc.   *****

Don’t you know, it always happens, lots of neat things going on all on the same day.

On Saturday, June 27, from 9 AM to noon, Steve McMahon, President of the Hoosic River Watershed Association (HOORWA) invites you to join fly fisherman Chris Jackson for a fly fishing demonstration on the Hoosic River at Cole Field in Williamstown, MA. It’s an opportunity to witness and learn the basic techniques of casting a fly into moving water and see what happens next.   Jackson, a respected angler, will demonstrate the importance of softly delivering a fly on the surface of the water.  Wear old sneakers in order to wade in and bring a fly rod if you own one.   If you plan to attend, meet at the soccer gate at Cole Field by 9 AM.  Contact the leader Elayne Murphy at 413-458-2947 or at for details and preregistration. The rain date will be June 28.

On the same day, from 10 AM to 2 PM, the Trustees of Reservation invites you to a free workshop entitled Dragonflies Above And Below The Water.  Join Entomologist Dr. Kirsten Martin as she explores Glendale Falls Brook on Clark Wright Road in nearby Middlefield, MA, marveling at the exquisite world of dragon and damselflies.  Flyfishermen know only too well that trout relish dragonfly and damselfly nymphs.   To register call Project Coordinator Meredyth Babcock at 623-2070 or

By the way, have you ever visited Glendale Falls?   It is truly a special place.   Fed by more than five square miles of watershed, wild and rocky Glendale Falls is one of the longest and most powerful waterfall runs in Massachusetts.  In spring, the waters of Glendale Brook roar over steep rock ledges to join the Middle Branch of the Westfield River, a federally designated Wild and Scenic River.

Also on the same day, June 27, Tom Wessels, ecologist and Professor Emeritus at Antioch University New England will have a special workshop at the Bidwell House Museum in Monterey, MA.  From 10:00 – 11:30 AM – Talk and Slideshow, 11:30 – 12:30 PM – Lunch and Discussion and 12:30 – 2:30 PM – Explore the Bidwell House Forest with Tom Wessels

Based on Tom’s book, Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England, this workshop introduces approaches used to interpret a forest’s history.  Using evidence such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape.  This process could easily be called forest forensics, since it is quite similar to interpreting a crime scene.

Participants will gain a better understanding of cultural and natural disturbances on the land in general, specifically the 192 acre Bidwell House property, and how they have shaped our use and enjoyment of our woods and fields; learn methods and skills to identify and understand these cultural and natural historical events in order to apply this knowledge to your own land or on any walk in the woods.

Tom also wrote The Granite Landscape, Untamed Vermont, The Myth of Progress, and Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Landscape. He has conducted landscape ecology and sustainability workshops throughout the country for over 30 years. Click onto for more information.

2015 Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby was “biggest day ever

That’s according to Co-Chairman Stephen Bateman.  It was a great success with some 254 people registered and about 50 others attending.  Fifteen trophies and prizes were handed out to the winners with many of the trophies dedicated to people who were great supporters of the fishing derby who have passed away.  This year the 1st Place Adult Award was won by 15 year old Spenser Davis, of Dalton, with a 4 lbs 3oz. Largemouth Bass.  His award had a special meaning because it was the first year the award was presented in the memory of Thelma Drury who not only was a member of the Berkshire County Jimmy Fund Council but one of the 52 people at the very first fishing derby, which was held on Father’s Day, 1993.


Bateman recalls that it poured all day and Thelma was out in it with her husband John the entire day that first year.  She only missed one fishing derby and apologized because they were going to be out of town.  Thelma sadly passed away in August of 2014.


The Sportsmanship Award, containing a tackle box with over $100 worth of tackle, was awarded to Autumn Twing.  Bateman points out that this fishing derby is known for the great prizes that are awarded, all of which are sponsored by local friends and businesses. This year the fishing pole combos were randomly given out to children who were either first time attendees or children who did not win any raffle prizes.  Six bicycles were awarded to children just for attending. There were many newcomers as well as people who have been coming for years.  Brian Wendling was a teen when he started out at the fishing derby, and this year he and his daughter Marissa both ended up winners.


Newcomers Mia and Ava, who have never fished before, were brought to the event by Grandma Missie Lacy, and they had a blast.  Ava approached Stephen Bateman and said, “I have a present for you.” and gave him a clump of moss she pulled off of a rock.  According to Bateman, the smile on her face made him feel like he hit the lottery. After a year missed due to illness, long time attendee Matt Clark won the Perch/Crappie category.  The fish weigh-in is normally done by Steve and Co-Chairman Stephen Gingras and Harry Bateman’s nephew Richard Pierce Jr., but this year Taconic High School students Nick Gingras and Marlaina Tremblay stepped in and did a great job.  It takes 6 months to plan this event, but it is all worth it, said Steve.
Here are this year’s winners:  CHILDREN HEAVIEST GAME FISH CATEGORY:  1st Place – Dylan Crea, a 1 lb 10 oz Rainbow Trout; 2nd Place – Sophie Dinopus, a 1 lb 8 oz Rainbow Trout; 3rd Place – Casey Wassily, a 1 lb 7 oz Rainbow Trout.

CHILDREN HEAVIEST NON- GAME FISH CATEGORY: 1st Place – Tessa Matarazzo, a 11 oz White Perch;  2nd Place – Jaxon Wallace and 3rd Place Marrisa Wendling,  both with 10 oz Bullheads.

ADULT HEAVIEST GAME FISH CATEGORY:  1st Place – Spenser Davis, above mentioned Largemouth Bass; 2nd Place – Kevin Wojtkowski, a 2 lbs 12 oz Largemouth Bass; 3rd Place – Jake Beaudion, a 2 lbs Largemouth Bass.

SPECIAL HEAVIEST FISH 1ST PLACE AWARDS:  Bass Category  – 4 lbs 5 oz Largemouth caught by Brian Wadsworth, Perch/Crappie Category : 1 lbs 1 oz caught by Matt Clark, Carp Category – 8 lbs 1 oz caught by Brian Wendling, Trout Category – 2 lbs 1 oz Rainbow Trout caught by Jack Stimpson, Trout Child Category – 2 lbs 1 oz Rainbow Trout caught by Becca Stimpson. The Sportsmanship Award went to Autumn Twing.


On behalf of all of the cancer survivors and those families that have been affected, congratulations to Stephen Bateman and team for another fantastic Jimmy Fund derby, and many, many thanks for your efforts *****.


MassWildlife has recently announced a major change in the Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program, adding the Bowfin as an eligible species.  Interest in Bowfin is increasing in the Northeast, with more states recognizing them as a gamefish. The Bowfin pin will replace the Broodstock Salmon pin, since Salmon are no longer stocked in Massachusetts waters.  Currently, Bowfin populations are limited to the Connecticut River and Taunton River drainages and a few isolated ponds throughout the state (Onota Lake in Pittsfield is one of them).  The Catch and Keep minimum weight is 6 pounds for adults and 4 pounds for youth. The Catch and Release minimum length is 22 inches. Click onto the MassWildlife web page for valuable information on how to tell Bowfin from some other similar looking species such as the invasive Snakehead. *****


MassWildlife conducts a survey from June through August each year to evaluate turkey brood numbers. “The brood survey serves as a long-term index of reproduction,” explains Dave Scarpitti, Turkey Project Leader.  “It helps us determine productivity and allows us to compare long-term reproductive success, while providing some estimation of fall harvest potential.” Turkey nesting success can vary annually in response to weather conditions, predator populations and habitat characteristics.

Scarpitti points out that citizen involvement in this survey is a cost-effective means of gathering useful data, and he encourages all interested people to participate. Be sure to look carefully when counting turkey broods, the very small poults may be difficult to see in tall grass or brush. Multiple sightings of the same brood can also be noted.  A turkey brood survey form is posted on the agency website.  *****

At its May meeting, the Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife Board unanimously appointed Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) Acting Director, Jack Buckley as its new Director.  He replaces the recently retired Director Wayne MacCallun. *****

Mom, look what I caught!”

That’s what 4 year old Austin Decker said to his mother after landing the big carp pictured above.  He was fishing at Onota Lake with his mom Courtney, Uncle Corey and friend Pat Santolin, all of Pittsfield.  He caught it with his little pole and worms on Mother’s Day.


Sorry, can’t tell how big it was as they immediately took the picture and released it back unharmed, but wiser, into the lake.  He could hardly hold it what with its squirming trying to get free.  It had to be around 10 lbs, wouldn’t you say?


Many thanks go to Karen Decker, also of Pittsfield, who passed on the information.  The very proud grandma only wishes that she was there to witness the event. ****


The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation is holding another free kid’s trout fishing derby at their lower pond in Hartsville next Saturday, June 13 from 9 to 10:30 AM.

The folks at the hatchery point out that if your derby experience feels too overcrowded or if you have a younger less experienced angler then they may want to fish during office hours from 9 AM to 4 PM provided they abide by the following rules:  Kids must be 13 years of age or younger, must be supervised by an adult, must get a pass, can keep a maximum of three fish, must return the pass and record the number of fish caught before leaving and must pick up any trash. Monthly derbies will still be held.  *****


Author Bob Romano wrote another excellent book entitled Brook Trout Blues.  This is his third in his series of novels set in Western Maine’s Rangeley Lakes Region.  The main character is once again Salvatore D’Amico, a middle-aged fishing guide in that area, who has the uncanny ability to get entwined in interesting situations.


Weird things happen to him just because he is trying to mind his own business and preserve his quiet peaceful lifestyle of fly fishing and guiding other anglers in that remote area.  Things like a missing neighbor, an attractive reporter who is trying to hit on him, a motorcycle gang, a pot farm, and more.


The book has a nice plot which definitely holds your interest.  It incorporates a good dose of mystery, adventure and intrigue.  As good as that is, what really impresses me each time I read one of his books is how Romano captures the characters and surrounding environs.   His words have the ability to take you to that region and you can almost smell the balsam and spruce forests, hear the roar of the rivers and the sounds of waterfowl, itch from the blackflies and mosquitoes and feel the dampness of the shaded forest floors.   You can almost hear the colorful residents speak in their unique accents (Don’t tell them they have an accent!)


I enjoyed this book and hope he is working on another.  The 232 page soft cover book is complimented by the cover art of John Swan and interior artwork of Trish Romano.  It is published by Birch Brook Press and costs $23.00.  For more details, go to or Romano’s website: *****


Russ Cohen, River Advocate from the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), is taking advantage of Governor Baker’s Early Retirement Incentive Program and is stepping down. He has worked for the Commonwealth for over 27 years, originally with the Mass. Riverways Program, part of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement. He considered himself extremely fortunate to have worked for and with wonderful people, including Riverways Program Coordinators Judy Wagner, Maria Van Dusen and Joan Kimball, and then, after the Riverways Program became part of the DER in 2009, Tim Purinton and Hunt Durey.


Among the highlights of his work was the drafting of the “Rivers Bill”, which, after years of prolonged and determined effort on the part of many, eventually became the Rivers Protection Act.  He also took part in the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs’ Watershed Initiative, in which he served on five watershed teams including the Housatonic.  I first met him when he frequently traveled out to the Berkshires to attend our meetings of the Friends of Williams River back in the 1980’s.   We immediately established a solid friendship which lasts to this day.


For his work with rivers he has received many awards: Environmental Achievement Award from Save the Bay (RI), the Environmental Service Award from the Mass. Association of Conservation Commissions,  Public Servant of the Year Award from the Environmental League of Massachusetts, Environmental Merit Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,  Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists, and the River Steward Lifetime Achievement Award from the League of Women Voters and Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Stewardship Council.


Russ also received a “Heritage Hero” award from the Essex National Heritage Commission for his foraging writing and programs. Most recently, Russ received the 2013 Education Award from the New England Wild Flower Society, in recognition of both his rivers work and foraging programs.  Russ has just completed his 40th year of teaching courses about wild edibles.  In 2004 he wrote an excellent book, Wild Plants I Have Known…and Eaten.  (It is in its 5th printing)


Fortunately for us, he expects to stay involved in some capacity in land and watershed conservation and stewardship in New England and upstate NY, particularly where it overlaps with interest in edible wild plants.  He is exploring the possibility of partnering with land trusts and other owners/managers of conservation and other lands to enhance the plant diversity on suitable sites, particularly by adding native edible species.


Crowningshield Property – A crowning achievement



The Crowningshield property is a 108 acre farm with a mile of riparian frontage along the headwaters of the West Branch of the North River, a wild trout stream in the nearby Town of Heath, MA.  When a farmer was interested in reviving the old farm, he approached the Franklin Land Trust (FLT).  Because the property has steeply sloping pastures and a woodlot that is landlocked by the West Branch it was a poor candidate for working land funding.


Two fly fishermen among the FLT staff visited the property.  They were surprised to see that the West Brook was shaded by mature riparian woods and rushing through a series of steep riffles and deep pools.  It looked to them as prime wild brook trout waters.   Follow-up research confirmed that the stream supports wild brook trout, has high water quality, sports a healthy macro-invertibrate community and falls in a regionally significant sub-watershed.  That brook was the most important resource on the property.


The FLT took the matter to the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited (DRWTU) for advice.  Well, that chapter is relatively new and didn’t have the kind of funds needed to help the FLT purchase the property, so they brought the matter to the Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of TU.  The Council supported the project and based upon a Council match of $2 for every $3 pledged by the chapters, they raised $45,000.  Even our local Taconic Chapter got into the act and pledged $1,000.  As a result, the FLT was able to secure the 108 acres and, with a conservation restriction, opened it up to public access.  Now, any angler can enjoy the mile of pristine trout stream.


Richard Hubbard, Executive Director of FLT summarized the effort:  “Just when we thought that we had run out of funding options, we came to the realization that we needed to look beyond our normal path for conserving land and focus on its incredible fishery.” Hubbard said.  “From our very first meeting with the MA/RI Council, we have been impressed by the enthusiasm that TU has brought to this project and its willingness to make significant financial and organizational commitment towards the conservation and future management of the Crowningshield Farm”.


Energized by the experience of working together to protect the farm, this new partnership portends the opportunity for even greater impact.  Building off of their new foothold in the waters of the West Branch, the partners envision a multi-layer conservation project that would protect more than 1,000 acres of forested landscape that keeps wild trout streams cold and clean.


The partners hope to engage landowners along the upper West Branch and its tributaries in creating a permanently protected landscape with more than 6 miles of wild trout water at its heart.  John Troiano, MA/RI Council Chairman described the effort, “Legacy projects like this don’t come up very often.  In the very short time available, it seemed impossible.  We made the commitment to do it and then figured out how to make it happen”.


Many thanks to Bruce Osterling, Chairman of the Projects Committee for Greater Boston TU for the above information.*****


The Berkshire Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet & Fundraiser will take place next Sunday, June 7 at Mazzeo’s Ristorante, 105 South Street, Pittsfield.  Doors open at 4 PM and dinner is at 6 PM.   Tickets cost $35 for individuals and there are various sponsor packages.  DU is the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to conserving North America’s continually disappearing waterfowl habitats.  Established in 1937, DU has conserved more than 13 million acres across the continent.  Click onto, local events for more information.*****


The 23nd Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby, will take place next Saturday, June 6 at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield, MA from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM. No fishing license is required (free fishing weekend in Massachusetts). The derby is open to the public and its purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute for Children.  All of the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowman & I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

15 trophies and prizes will be given away to the winners of the fishing derby. There will be  a special category for those fishing with a bow & arrow.  All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 p.m. and can be caught at Onota Lake from a boat or the shore.


The fee, which includes food and beverage, is $10 for adults and $5 for Children 14 years and younger.  There is a ticket raffle and many other great prizes.  Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods & Onota Boat Livery.  Registration required before fish can be weighed in.  *****


The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:  Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Westfield River in Huntington, Chesterfield, Cummington, Windsor and Savoy and the following lakes and ponds:   Plunkett Lake, Stockbridge Bowl, Ashfield Pond, Littleville Lake, Windsor Pond, Richmond Pond, Otis Reservoir, York Lake, Goose Pond and Onota Lake.


Correction from last week’s column about the Wild Acres fishing derby:   According to Heather Traversa, her children Rebecca Stimpson, and Casey Wassilie along with their cousins Mike and Mark Stimpson are the ones who caught the tagged fish in the 13 trout that they caught. They are not related to Steve Fones. Steve’s granddaughter Jordan Hamilton caught the trout with the help of Jack Stimpson and it was Steve himself that caught the bass.  My apologies to all.

Will “Hoggin Paws” make another appearance this year?

Last June, Jay Rhind of Stockbridge just finished his bike ride when he turned into his driveway and found a car parked there.  Two people in the car told him that a bear just jumped through his front screened door and was inside.

Jay immediately called 911 then started his recon.  Peeking through the kitchen window he saw nothing out of place.  He walked around to the back door and noticed a crushed empty ice cream container (Vanilla Haggen Dazs) on the ground and then he noticed the back screen door had been pushed through.  He figured that the bear entered the front door, found the ice cream, exited out the back door and went on his way. He slowly entered the house and found himself instinctively on high alert as he rounded the corner entering the kitchen.  Just then he saw a big Black Bear exiting.  He was in what seemed like a very long standstill between the bear and himself, both frozen in their tracks. The “Fight” in the “Fight or Flight” clearly wasn’t an option as he wasn’t about to start bear wrestling in his kitchen wearing bike shorts without a referee.  Instead he quickly decided to plan for his “Flight”- he’d turn and bolt out the back door slamming it behind him before the bear had any idea what was happening. He barely (no pun by Jay) made a move to turn for the back door when, in an instant,  the bear took his cue and raced past him and jumped out the front door leaving that overpowering musky black bear scent behind. Somehow in the middle of all this Jay thought he should take a few photos because no one would ever believe him. He whipped out his trusty iPhone, composed a photo and pressed the button.  “photo library full, clear space to take photos” was all the screen showed.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Jay thought to himself.  He rapidly pressed delete, delete, delete and took a picture.  Not his best photo but under the circumstances…..

After the bear ran past him and jumped out the front door it spun around resting his paws on the door’s lower edge ready to jump back in.  Jay yelled “NO BEAR NO!” as he got down. He jumped up again, again “NO BEAR NO!”  This happened a few times before the bear realized that he must be dealing with a mad man (Jay’s words) and decided to walk away out through the back yard. Jay walked back to the kitchen to assess the damage.  A loaf of bread was on the counter untouched, and their little yellow canary with all his bird seed next to the refrigerator was also untouched (although the canary hasn’t been right since).  Then Jay noticed the freezer door slightly ajar with muddy claw prints on the edge.  He couldn’t believe it. The bear walked past the bread and bird seed and went straight for the freezer, opened the door, removed the Haagen Dazs and had what appeared to be a very nice treat. After this incident at Jay’s house, the police were called for similar events nearby where bears had entered houses.  This particular bear however had his routine down.  Head for the freezer, eat ice cream.  According to Jay, it became known as Public Nuisance #1, Hoggin Paws the Bear.

Jay wrote to Ben and Jerry’s, thinking maybe “BEARly Vanilla” might work, but never heard back.

DFW Western District Manager Andrew Madden said a bear broke into about a dozen residences in the area last summer and there were multiple reports that it went to the freezers after ice cream.  The Stockbridge police were actively involved and asked for assistance from DFW.  The difficulty was being there at the right time to nab the suspect.  DFW trapped a bear in the neighborhood but they couldn’t determine if it was the right bear.  Usually troublesome bears are male juveniles, but the one they trapped, marked with an ear tag and relocated was a female.  There have been plenty of bear sightings since but no further incidences.


According to Madden, a bear actively trying to get into residences is a serious issue, not good for bear or people.   Fortunately it came to an end, whether it was a result of their trapping or the result of the changing of people’s behavior.  That bear is lucky to still be around.


MassWildlife says that now is time to take down birdfeeders and other sources of food.   Bears will often ignore natural foods such as skunk cabbage and head to a bird feeder for an easy meal.   Once it gets food from a feeder, garbage can, or open compost, it will revisit the site and look for similar foods in other yards.  Conflicts can arise that pose hazards to both bears and people.  They encourage people to view their new video about Black Bears as well as their revised website section which addresses  living with Black Bears and preventing conflicts.*****

The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation will be holding a kid’s fishing derby at the lower pond in Hartsville next Saturday, from 9 to 10:30 AM.    Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. *****

Next Sunday at 4:00 PM, the Lenox Library will feature Stephen Booth who will reflect on the space between city and wilderness as a place of rest, retreat and repose in the Housatonic River Valley.  He will explore the “middle landscape” of the river valley through art and literature. A former HVA board member, cold water conservationist and excellent fly fisherman Booth is researching the links among culture, communities and conservation. This free lecture is sponsored by HVA in memory of Berkshire conservationist, Professor Chauncey C. Loomis, Jr.   A reception will follow.

Cub Scouts take to the ice



Last weekend, Joe Chague of Pittsfield had his second annual ice fishing class on Laurel Lake for Sacred Heart Church Pack #20 Cub Scouts.  He was assisted by friend Mark Markham also of Pittsfield.  Some 15 scouts, siblings and friends showed up for the class.  They were taught how to cut holes through the ice, sound the holes, set up and bait tip-ups, jig for fish, etc.  Midway through the class, they stopped for cups of hot chocolate and hot dogs.


They had a great time and were unaffected by a couple of snow squalls that passed through.   Although none of them caught fish of their own, they got to see and handle some nice white and yellow perch caught by Mark.  He caught them using a jigging stick as well as on tip-ups.


Some parents had a thrill, too, and perhaps learned a thing or two about ice fishing.  Joe had several different types of tip-ups on display; from very old to new Y2K compliant.   I set up a tip up that was probably made in the 1930’s.  It was a single piece tip-up with no reel, the kind that I learned to ice fish with when I was a kid.  You can well imagine the thrill when that flag went up and I caught a pickerel. Never thought I would ever catch another fish on such a tip-up again.


As the picture indicates, these kids really got into this sport. Did you ever see 15 excited kids racing to respond to a tip- up?  Well, don’t get in their way.


Such events as this and the R.O.P.E.S. (Respect Other People Encouraging Self-esteem) ice fishing derby are wonderful ways to get kids (and parents) outdoors and interested in ice fishing. *****


Some 46 coyotes were entered into Dave’s Sporting Goods Coyote Contest this year, and the winners were as follows:  Carl Dolle of North Adams bagged the most coyotes with a tally of 22.  He also got the heaviest one which weighed 46 ½ lbs.   Cliff Briggs of Great Barrington won the random raffle.  If Carl’s name sounds familiar, it is because he bagged the largest coyote in last year’s contest, one weighing 50 lbs.  In the 2013 contest, Carl got the most coyotes with a tally of 24, and in 2012, he bagged the most coyotes with a tally of 16.  Do you think that maybe he knows what he is doing?  *****

Governor Baker recently appointed former State Representative George Peterson, from Grafton, as Commissioner of the Department of Fish & Game.  Peterson served 10 terms in the House before deciding to not run again in 2014.   Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton, who served with Peterson in the House, also appointed Mary-Lee King deputy commissioner of Fish and Game.  This announcement came as great news to sportsmen statewide.


“As an avid outdoorsman and former commercial fisherman, George will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience as well as a unique understanding of the issues most important to sportsmen and commercial fishermen across the Commonwealth,” said Beaton. “I am honored to lead the DFG, and look forward to upholding the Department’s ongoing commitment to the protection of the Commonwealth’s wildlife, open space, and outdoors educational programs,” said Peterson.  King previously held the title of Legislative Director for the DFG, and worked as a chief policy advisor for former Gov. William Weld and chief of staff to then-Sen. Paul Cellucci. *****


Getting that urge to go fly fishing?  Well, this Friday evening, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is hosting an International Fly Fishing Film Festival at the Berkshire Hills Country Club, 500 Benedict Road, Pittsfield.   You are invited to see some of best rated fly fishing videos of 2014 taken from around the world.  You are encouraged to bring the whole family.


Doors open at 6:30 PM and the film will be shown at 7 PM.  The cost is $12 for advanced tickets or $15 at the door.  The first 45 attendees will receive a free copy of Stonefly Magazine.  There will be a 50/50 raffle and a handmade 9’ 4wt fly rod will be given out as a door prize.  Refreshments will be available.  Tickets can be obtained by calling Bill Travis 413-447-9720, by contacting any Taconic TU Chapter Board member, (listed on its website, under “Members”) or on-line at: and search for the date.


Questions/comments:   Phone/fax:  (413) 637-1818



DFW Director Wayne MacCallum retires



This Thursday marks the last day on the job for Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (DFW) Director Wayne MacCallum.  He is retiring as Director after 27 years.  He received his Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology from UMASS in 1968 and his Master’s Degree from Penn State University where he studied the nesting ecology of Black Ducks.   He joined the then Massachusetts Division of Fish & Game as a waterfowl technician.  Shortly thereafter, he entered the private sector and over a ten year period progressed from Staff Scientist, to Manager of Environmental Management Services for Woodward Clyde Consultants.


MacCallum returned to the DFW in 1983 as the Assistant Director of Wildlife and became Director in 1988.  He has served as President of the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Directors Association and the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.  He served as Chairman of the Atlantic Flyway Council, the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, and the Woodcock Task Force.  He received a Presidential appointment to the North American Wetlands Conservation Council where he was elected its Chairman.  (This Council was in charge of various measures including how to disseminate $100 million to repair damages to the environment and native species from the BP oil spill).


He was a member of the Sea Duck Joint Venture, and the International Task Force on Waterfowl Regulations.  He has been honored by numerous conservation and sporting groups in Massachusetts and by professional and national conservation organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, The Wildlife Society and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.


A lot of wonderful accomplishments were achieved under his watch from 1988 through 2014:  State lands increased from 59,189 acres to 204,164, deer harvest went from 5,596 to 11,165, turkey harvest from 57 to 2,550, bear harvest from 37 (west of CT River only) to 240 (Worcester County and west).   His focus was not only on game, but also on the rare and endangered species.  For example, Bald Eagles increased from 3 pairs to 40 pairs nesting in MA (486 chicks have fledged since 1989) Peregrine Falcons increased from 2 pairs to 31 (48 fledged last year) and Piping Plovers increased from 135 pairs to 670. As Marion Larson, DFW Chief of Information & Education pointed out, “Wayne will be quick to point out that all that has been accomplished is due to the hard working, caring and professional staff. Still, it all flows from the leader and these are the results of his leadership.”

The Fish & Wildlife Board has appointed Acting Director Jack Buckley to fill in until it hires a permanent successor.


Although a resident of Grafton, MA, MacCallum is well known and respected here in the Berkshires, too. He has attended every Berkshire County League of Sportsmen awards banquet as well as the various local DFW land acquisition ceremonies.  He is on a first name basis with many local sportsmen.

Mary Romaniec, Reporter for the Grafton News wrote a wonderful piece about MacCallum and his similarities with Henry David Thoreau. “As Thoreau found and wrote about prolifically, the natural environment is ours as stewards to protect.  It seems that MacCallum and Thoreau would have been friends in their love for the environment mixed with pragmatic application on how it is managed.  Thoreau too must have wondered what the future held for the generations to come as he looked to the future.  (Throeau) wrote, “Each town should have a park, or rather a primitive forest, of 500 or a thousand acres, where a stick should never be cut for fuel, a common possession forever, for instruction and recreation.”

“In MacCallum”, Mary wrote, “He would be glad to know the legacy of stewardship for the land was well entrusted.”   Many sportsmen and conservationists agree. *****

The coyote and bobcat hunting seasons ended yesterday. Bobcat and coyote must be checked no later than 4 working days after the close of the season.  The cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare and fox hunting seasons ended on February 28.  With the exception of a special upland bird hunting option (page 34 of the Fish & Wildlife Guide), the only hunting season that is still open now is crow hunting, which ends on April 10.    The next hunting season to open in our area will be turkey hunting on April 27.  (The Youth Turkey Hunting day is April 25.) *****

The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club Sunday Ham Shoots begin today and run every Sunday in March.  Ticket sales begin at 12:30PM and shooting commences at 1:00PM.  The cost is $3.00 per shot with chances to win your choice of a Ham or a gift certificate to Harry’s Supermarket.  The full kitchen will be open.  Contact Brady Kerr at (413) 212-0894 for more information.

The Lee Sportsmen’s Association is also having Turkey Shoots every Sunday in March from 1:00 to 4:00PM.   The cost is $2.00 a round with chances to win a choice of turkey, steak, spiral ham or pork loin.  They will also have a money-shoot for $3 a round.  Grilled lunch available.


Next Sunday at1PM the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club will be holding a multi-state firearms course.  It includes firearm laws covering licensing, storage, transportation, operation and safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals, etc.  Participants will receive a course certificate which will allow them to apply for licenses in Massachusetts, Utah, New Hampshire and Maine.  A Utah firearm permit is honored in 30 states.   The fee for the entire 5 hour course is $140 or one can take just the Massachusetts or Utah segments for $100.   Preregistration is required.   Call or e-mail Robert J. McDermott at (413)232-7700 or*****

6, 3th, 20th, and 27th is tentatively organized for March

Berkshire waters account for 4 gold pins in 2014


In the Freshwater Sport Fishing Awards Programs, anglers receive bronze pins for catching fish of certain minimum weight requirements for 22 species.  They must have their catch weighed at a certified weigh station and submit an affidavit and photo to the Sportfishing Awards Coordinator.   Beginning in 2005, a youth category (aged 17 and under) was added to recognize anglers 17 years and younger for their accomplishments.

Anglers who catch the largest fish in each category receive a gold pin and plaque commemorating their accomplishment. During 2014, Berkshire waters yielded four trophy fish.

No adults won any gold pins here last year, but the following youths did:  Tauri Adamczyk of Taunton caught the largest carp in the youth division.  It weighed 27 lbs 8 oz and was caught in the Housatonic River in Lee.  Jake Burke of Pittsfield caught the largest Northern Pike, weighing 27 lbs 2 oz and it came out of Onota Lake in Pittsfield.  It was nearly 4 lbs larger that the largest pike caught by an adult.  Dylan Crea of Pittsfield caught the largest Tiger Muskie weighing 13 lbs 8 oz out of Pontoosuc Lake in Pittsfield.  It was nearly 1 lb larger than the largest Tiger Muskie caught by an adult.  (Readers may remember reading about Dylan in my column of March 9, 2014).   Christian Gougeon of Williamsburg caught the largest Tiger Trout in the youth division.  It weighed 2 lbs 10 oz and came out of Stockbridge Bowl.

Once again, it is interesting that so many out-of-area fishermen are coming to the Berkshires to fish our waters.  Our area truly has become a destination point for fishermen.

Since 2002, the Angler of the Year Award has been given to the person who weighs in the largest number of species that meet minimum weight requirements.  The award promotes awareness of the Commonwealth’s underutilized fish species and recognizes an angler’s ability to catch a wide variety of trophy species.  Since 2013, the Angler of the Year is now awarded in two categories, Youth and Adult.

In 2014, there was a tie for the Adult Angler of the Year; Mark Mohan Jr. of Pembroke and Todd Matera, of Palmer.  Mohan caught the following pin fish last year:  a gold pin Brown Trout (weighing 8 lbs 4 oz), a Bullhead, Crappie, Landlocked Salmon, Largemouth Bass, Rainbow Trout, Smallmouth Bass, Sunfish, White Perch and a gold pin Yellow Perch (weighing 2 lbs 9 oz).

Matera caught the following pin fish: Brook Trout, Bullhead, Carp, Channel Catfish, Landlocked Salmon, a gold pin Smallmouth Bass (weighing 5 lbs 6 oz), Sunfish, White Catfish, White Perch, and five Yellow Perch.

The 2014 Youth Angler of the Year was Jake Souza of Berkley. He caught the following pin fish: Brook Trout, three Brown Trout, two Bullhead, two Chain Pickerel (one of which came out of Onota Lake in Pittsfield), Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, two Sunfish, Tiger Trout, White Perch, and Yellow Perch.

Familiar names? Well, Mohan was Angler of the Year in 2013, Mantera was Angler of the Year in 2005, and Souza was Youth Angler of the Year in 2013 and 2012.  There is a little more than luck involved here, they’re just good fishermen.

Incidentally, beginning this year, MassWildlife will be including a Catch and Release component to its Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program.

  • Fish must be taken on hook and line from State or interstate waters that are open to the public at all times.       Private ponds or sporting club ponds are not eligible for awards.
  • Fish must be measured at the site of capture, photographed against a standard measuring device, then immediately released.   The photo must include the entire fish and the measurement must be clearly discernible.   In addition to a side view photo, all affidavits for catfish and bullheads must also include a full body, dorsal (back) view of the fish.
  • Fish measurements will be rounded up to the nearest ¼ inch.
  • C&R anglers will receive the classic bronze pin for each eligible fish submitted.   Additionally, the longest of each species annually will be awarded a gold pin and plaque.
  • A C&R Angler of the Year trophy will be awarded annually to the angler who submits the widest variety of eligible species.
  • Anglers aged 17 or under are eligible for Youth C&R Sportfishing Awards.

Check out the MassWildlife website for more details.  *****

A Basic Hunter Education Course will be held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, 310 Curran Road, Cheshire, on March 2, 6, 9, 13, 16 and 20 from 6:00 to 9:00PM.   All first-time hunters who wish to purchase Massachusetts hunting or sporting licenses must complete a Basic Hunter Education course.   For more information, call 508-389-7820. *****

DCR will be holding a Public Trails Workshop for the Pittsfield State Forest this Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30PM at the DCR West Region HQ, 740 South Street, Pittsfield. They will hold another workshop for October Mountain State Forest, same place and time on March 4.

DCR staff will share information on the trails planning process and will work with trails system users to identify destinations and desired experiences, trail constraints and maintenance issues, and long-term trails management considerations.  The intended outcome is an environmentally sustainable trails system that all users can enjoy in the future.  *****

Next Saturday, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association is holding a “Zumbation” to raise money for the Lee High School Senior Class and the LSA. Call Mary at (413)243-2710 for more details. *****


Last week I erroneously listed the bear population in Massachusetts as being 50,000 instead of 5,000. My apologies!  Hope I didn’t cause panic and a rush of people to sell their homes and move out of the state.



What a brutal winter! Good time to head for the man-cave.


Winter is a wonderful time of year for the ice fishermen, rabbit/coyote hunters, and other cold weather enthusiasts.  But this year the weather conditions have been so miserable that many of these sports have been curtailed. Many of us have been practically house bound.  So what do we do during those long cold winter days and nights?

Head for the man-cave, of course.   The inviting atmosphere, especially on a cold, winter evening, provides a good place to take on various projects. Hunters can be found there cleaning and oiling their hunting guns, reloading shells or sharpening their knives.  Hikers may be there waterproofing their boots, the skiers waxing their skis, etc.  Fishermen will be there lubricating their fishing reels and putting new lines on them.  Fly fishermen are there tying up a batch of trout flies or building a new fishing rod for next spring’s season.

I love it in my man-cave.   The fly tying vise is all set up on the desk ready to begin tying on a whim.   I am surrounded by bags and boxes of all kinds of fly tying materials, hooks, etc.   I love to spend a comfortable, undisturbed evening there.  Only I do the vacuuming there, lest a valuable wood duck or jungle cock feather be sucked up.  Our beagle, Jacques, loves it in there, too, what with the smells of all kinds of furs, feathers, gun oil, etc.  With tail excitedly wagging, he is probably hoping to kick up a rabbit out of there.  Now that my wife Jan bought me a little TV to watch while I tie flies, I see no reason whatsoever to come out for days on end.  (Just kidding!!)

What’s your man-cave like? Is it a heated garage, wood-working shop, studio, computer room or is it just a comfortable place to sit and listen to music or read a good book.  It seems that we all need such solace and enjoyable diversions.

Outdoors sportsmen are always creating something in them.  Some make their own fishing rods, tie flies, make wooden bass plugs, reload shells, carve duck decoys, make wooden bows and arrows, etc.   Perhaps its a throw-back to the days when the early hunters/fishermen had to make their own gear, in order to survive.  There is something very gratifying when you make stuff with your own hands.   Ask any sculptor, wood worker, knitter or seamstress.


Incidentally, there is nothing that prevents a woman from having a woman-cave.


I never knew anyone who made their own snowshoes. But I suspect that is about to change, for Brian J. and Edmond Theriault, master traditional snowshoe makers from Fort Kent Mills, Maine, have written a book on how to make them.  Entitled “Leaving Tracks, “A Maine Tradition”, this book shows and explains everything you need to know on how to make wooden snowshoes. Edmond Theriault, taught his son Brian how to both make and repair them when Brian was a young man.  Now, Brian has been making them for over 50 years himself.


Admittedly, this was the first book on snowshoe making I have ever read and it is so complete, there is little need to read another.   I liked the fact that it not only shows readers how to make snowshoes, but also how to select the right tree/wood, process cow hides, shape the woods into frames and build snowshoe molds.  It describes the necessary tools and shows diagrams with measurements on how to weave traditional snowshoes.  All of this was done in an easy to understand format.   I also liked the fact that information was given on how to care for the snowshoes and bindings, how to repair them and what to look for when buying a pair.


Obviously, the Theriaults take pride in the snowshoes they make and they clearly convey their knowledge onto the reader.  They call their snowshoes “usable art”.  It is no wonder that the Maine Arts Commission named traditional snowshoe maker, Brian Theriault one of its 2015 Individual Artist Fellowship award winners.

The book is available in Kindle ($9.99), hard cover ($44.52) and soft cover ($21.28).  My soft cover copy has 206 pages   The Publisher is Theriault Snowshoes. *****

The sporting community was recently saddened by the loss of two well known local sportsmen, Ernest “Ernie” LeClaire, formerly of Williamstown, and Lambert “Mickey” McGinty, of Dalton. LeClaire was a founding member of the Hoosac River Watershed Association and an officer and director of the Hoosac Chapter of Trout Unlimited.  He was the recipient of one of TU’s highest national awards, the Silver Trout Award.  McGinty was a director and past president of the Berkshire Beagle Club and the recipient of the 2003 Berkshire County League of Sportsmen Sportsman’s Achievement Award.    Both will be missed. *****


Congratulations to Miss P for winning the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show recently.  She is a 4 year old, Canadian born, 15-inch beagle and the grandniece of Uno, the first beagle to ever win the big show in 2008.   There was no “aawroooo” from her when she was announced the winner, unlike Uno.  Instead, she just pushed her way through a bunch of dangling ribbons, perhaps biting a couple of them on the way to receive ribbon.   What a handsome dog she is. *****


For fly fishermen who fish the Deerfield River, the Deerfield Fly Shop is opening at 8A Elm Street, South Deerfield, just a few minutes from the lower stretches of the river.  An all day grand opening celebration is scheduled for March 7. Check out for a listing of events, raffles, speakers, guides, river reports, operating hours, etc.  *****


The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is having its wild game dinner next Saturday at 6PM.  Call 413-298-3277 for more information.


Questions/comments:   Phone/fax:  (413) 637-1818


As expected, 2014 Black Bear harvest shattered old record


MassWildlife recently reported that a record 240 bears were harvested statewide during last year’s split fall season. Some 203 were taken in September and 37 in November.  In total, 132 males and 107 females were taken.  The harvest breakdown by county is as follows: 78 in Berkshire; 56 in Franklin; 51 in Hampden; 43 in Hampshire; 4 in Middlesex; and 8 in Worcester.

Last year’s harvest represents a 62% increase over the previous year total of 148 and nearly a 30% increase over the previous record of 185 which were bagged in 2012. There were some real brutes taken this year with a couple of them estimated to weigh over 500 lbs live weight.

This increased harvest appears directly related to the upsurge in the bear population. It comes as no surprise to bear hunters who predicted as much when Question 1 was passed in the 1990’s.  That law made it illegal to use bear hunting dogs or bait to attract bears, presumably resulting in fewer bears taken.  Now it is estimated that there are over 5,000 of them living in the Commonwealth and the numbers are growing rapidly.  They are expanding eastward and if their numbers are not controlled will become a nuisance in the heavily populated towns there.

The Fish & Wildlife Board is keenly aware of this pending problem and has taken steps to address it.  It knows that hunters play a vital role in controlling the numbers of bears. Board Chairman George (Gige) Darey of Lenox reported that it voted to make changes to the Black Bear hunting regulations.  Pending regulatory approval, the zone restrictions will be removed during the Black Bear hunting season.  Prior to this year, bear hunting was only allowed in Zones 1 through 9 (of the 14 zones).  Also, bear hunting will be allowed in all zones during the shotgun deer hunting season.  All shotgun deer hunting regulations will apply, such as hunting only with shotguns, bows or muzzleloaders (no rifles), the wearing of hunter orange, etc.


These new changes, anticipated to become effective this year, have not been included in the 2015 Hunting and Fishing abstracts.   They still will have to proceed through the regulatory process, but it is expected that regulators will sign off on them.  *****

Beginning this Thursday and running through Sunday, the Big E Sportsmen’s Show will take place at 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield.  The hours are as follows:  Thursday from 3PM to 8PM, Friday from 12 Noon to 8PM, Saturday from 9AM to 7PM and Sunday from 10AM to 5PM.   Admission fees:  Adults – $13, Kids 6 to12 – $5 and under 6 free.  This sportsmen’s show is loaded with hunting, fishing, boating, and outdoor recreation activities.  For more information, visit the Springfield Sportsmen’s Show website. *****

And now for the youngsters:

On March 7 there will be a Growing Up WILD Professional Development Workshop at the MA Audubon’s Pleasant Valley Sanctuary, 472 West Mountain Road, Lenox.  Pre-school educators are invited to this 6-hour workshop that focuses on early childhood education.  The Growing Up WILD Activity Guide builds on a children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them.  Click onto, or contact Pam Landry at or (508) 389-6310 for registration details. The registration deadline is February 20.  ****

There is a contest which recognizes teachers and students who inspire their communities by exploring challenging environmental and energy issues.  Nominations for Massachusetts public or private school-based programs that promote environmental and energy education will be accepted until March 27. Program topics can include wildlife and natural resource conservation, ocean science, and other related subjects. The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs will review applications through mid-April and announce the winners later in the spring. Contact Meg Colclough at (617) 626-1110 or for more information. ****


There is still time to enter the Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) contest. Any student, from kindergarten through grade 12, regardless of whether they attend public or private school or are home-schooled, can submit original artwork in this fun and educational competition.  The entry deadline is March 15.

The JDS program links the study of wetlands and waterfowl conservation with the creation of original artwork. Students in grades K-12 learn about the habitat requirements of various kinds of ducks and geese and then express their knowledge of the beauty, diversity, and interdependence of these species artistically, by creating a drawing or painting and submitting it to the JDS art contest. The art is judged in four age group categories in a statewide competition; the entry judged Best of Show moves on to represent Massachusetts in the national JDS competition. Click onto the MassWildlife web site for an information packet and entry information. ****

The MA Junior Conservation Camp, this year located at the Moses Scout Reservation in Russell, MA, provides a unique experience of conservation, shooting sports, and outdoor recreation education.  The camp’s program introduces young people to the ethical responsibilities of hunting and fishing in order to foster careful stewardship of our natural resources.  Boys and girls aged 13 to 17 who enjoy outdoor activities and want to learn more about the environment are eligible to attend.  The camp dates are August 2 through August 14.  The cost is $750 each.  Click onto for more information.

The Berkshire County League of Sportsmen has bought two memberships, (one for a boy and one for a girl), and will make them available for free, first come first served, to deserving youths.  If you know any interested youths, have them write a letter to BCLS President Mark Jester, 25 Delancy Avenue, Pittsfield MA 01201explaining why they want to attend.