Most brown trout in the Deerfield River are wild, not stocked


For the past four years, MassWildlife has been conducting extensive mark-recapture electrofishing surveys on the Deerfield River to assess the brown trout population. The surveys were focused on the upper section of the river from the Fife Brook Dam to the Route 2 bridge crossing in Charlemont. Results from this work show that over 80% of the brown trout in this section of the Deerfield River are wild. These wild trout were born in the Deerfield or a nearby tributary, not stocked as adults from the hatchery. Based on these findings, MassWildlife has decided that brown trout stocking is no longer necessary in this section of the river since there are many wild fish present.

“Fishing in the Deerfield River is better than ever, and anglers will not notice much of a change from the stocking adjustments,” says Adam Kautza, MassWildlife’s Coldwater Fishery Resource Project Leader. “We will continue to stock rainbow trout in this section of the river. Also, the typical allotment of hatchery-raised brown trout usually stocked upstream of the Route 2 bridge will still be stocked further downstream.” The combination of stocked trout and wild brown trout along with two catch-and-release only areas make the Deerfield a premier destination for all kinds of anglers.

Consistent with the last four years of the survey, MassWildlife biologists will continue to clip the adipose fin of all hatchery-raised brown trout released into the lower section of the Deerfield. “This will enable us to continue monitoring this area and we will know if any hatchery trout make the trip upstream,” says Kautza. “We will continue to monitor the trout population and reassess as needed.”

This survey, along with other fisheries research, allows MassWildlife to manage fish populations more effectively and to provide a variety of fishing opportunities to the public. This project was made possible by ongoing support from the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Greater Boston Chapter of Trout Unlimited. These groups were instrumental in getting this project started and provided physical and financial assistance along the way. “We commend MassWildlife for taking this huge step toward protecting and expanding the wild brown trout population in the upper Deerfield,” says Eric Halloran, president of the Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited. “We have known for years that this part of the Deerfield has a significant population of wild brown trout. We hope that through our working relationship with MassWildlife the wild trout population in the Deerfield Watershed will continue to expand.”

Proposed change in goose hunting season

A couple of months ago, it was mentioned in this column that certain waterfowl regulation changes were going to be recommended at a public hearing on April 26.  One of the proposed changes would have affected the goose hunters by listing the Berkshire Late Goose season from December 15 to January 30.  However; based upon the minutes of the April 2023 Fish & Game Board, they approved a different proposed season which would run from January 1 through February 15.

In response to my inquiry for reasons for the change, MassWildlife answered that they did so in response to public comments from hunters, both written and in person at the hearing, Hunters commented that the February portion of the season provides an important opportunity to hunt at a time, and in places, where there is little other activity or conflict with other users. Basically, the Board approved the dates that they felt gave the best opportunity for Berkshire goose hunters.

Ice fishermen expect cold temperatures at that time of year.  They need plenty of ice for safety reasons.  To counter the cold, they can walk around, chase the tip-ups, cook some warm grub on a hibachi, socialize with other ice fishermen, etc.

But hunkering down and staying still in a small goose blind in February? No, no, not for me.

Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club youth fishing event

The PSC is sponsoring a kid’s fishing event at Reynolds Pond in Cheshire on Saturday June 17 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is for kids 12 and under and their parents don’t have to be club members.

There will be snacks for the kids and 5 prizes for kids who catch a tagged trout.

For more information, contact Sandra and Ed Bushey at (413) 443-9371.

Mass Firearm Law Seminar


The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club (LSC) is hosting an educational seminar for both License to Carry Firearms (LTC) holders and non-holders.  The Massachusetts Firearm Law Seminar is being held Tuesday, June 13 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 am at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club, 258 New Lenox Road, Lenox, MA.

Taught by Jon Green, Director of Education & Training for the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League (GOAL), this 3-hour long seminar reviews and explains both state and federal laws and regulations in simple-to-understand language. The seminar will clarify applicable Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) and Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) regarding;

  • Firearm definitions
  • Firearm purchase and sale
  • Proper and legal firearm and ammunition possession, transport, and storage
  • Record-keeping requirements
  • Recommended best practices for firearm owners

The cost is $15.00 per person for Lenox Sportsmen’s Club members and their guests and $20.00 for non-members.

Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided. Every attendee will receive a complimentary copy of the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League firearms law booklet.  A License to Carry Firearms (LTC) is not required to attend this seminar.

Pre-Registration is required for this event. People can register on the LSC website.

Hunter education course

Basic hunter education is mandatory for all first-time adult hunters. The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club has scheduled a Hunter Education course at its clubhouse with MassWildlife on August 20. These classes fill up quickly, so if you are interested in taking it, call MassWildlife at (508) 389-7830.

Summer wild turkey survey

Help MassWildlife with its annual summer wild turkey count. Every year from June 1 to August 31, wild turkey reports from the public help their biologists determine productivity, compare long-term reproductive success, and estimate fall harvest potential. Reports are welcome from all regions of Massachusetts, from the most rural communities to more densely-populated areas. The summer wild turkey survey is a fun way for people to connect with nature while contributing valuable data to MassWildlife biologists.


You are encouraged to report wild turkey sightings in your area.  Contribute to the annual wild turkey survey by reporting observations of hens (female turkeys), poults (newly-hatched turkeys), jakes (juvenile males), and toms (adult males). Click onto the MassWildlife web page to learn how to tell the difference between male and female turkeys.

Turkey sightings can now be submitted online using a form which can be downloaded.   The form has been updated for the 2023 to include a map that allows collection of more accurate location information. Users have the option to zoom to their location on the map or type in an address.

Carp Palooza

This year’s Carp Palooza event will take place on Onota Lake in Pittsfield on June 24. There will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, pending the number of entries.  Sign-up will take place at the boat ramp between 1:00 and 3:00 pm.  Fishing ends at 12:00 am.


Two person teams, $50 per team.  Awards will be given for the best combined weight, 2 carp.  Lunker Pool optional at $20 per team.  Championship belts will be awarded to the first-place team.  There will also be a 50/50 raffle.


For information on the event, contact Joshua Christman at (413) 770-7111.



A note from the Environmental Police

According to Lieutenant Tara Carlow of the Massachusetts Environmental Police, officers are patrolling by boat and ATV for violations as well as increasing their presence in the DCR parks as their campgrounds and day use areas become busier.  They can always reach out to us for violations or to chat.

Recently they were out with the trout stocking trucks on a couple of occasions and one officer was at the youth stocking event which was recently held at Onota Lake.

So, boaters and anglers take note.

An unforgettable Opening Day on the River”

Recently, I have been in contact with an old friend, Bill Hollister, a native of Pittsfield, but who now lives in Valatie, NY.  He is a retired New York State Wildlife Biologist, an award-winning outdoor writer, and a member of the New York State Outdoorsman Hall of Fame.


He got thinking about an incident that occurred here in Pittsfield around 1950, when he was teenager, and wondered if readers would be interested in reading about it.  It is an article which may jog the memories of our silver haired readers.  It is probably more appropriate to run the story next spring, around trout stocking time, but since both Bill and I are in our 80’s, perhaps it’s best not to wait too long to run it.


The title of Bill’s story is “An unforgettable Opening Day on the River”


“As a teenager growing up in the Berkshires, there were many happy days.  In the springtime, many of those days were centered around the opening day of trout season.  Living within walking distance of a popular trout stream, the West Branch of the Housatonic River was a real asset.  The traditional opening day was the second Saturday in April. This was followed by the entire next week being out of school for spring vacation. This meant more pleasurable days on the river.


Like most opening days I was on the river well before dawn. I was on my way downstream, and had just passed the old swimming hole, a large deep pool, on a slight bend of the river. After passing this point, I looked across the river and was shocked to see a man lying face down in the river with young Teddy Hoffman, a friend from the neighborhood, holding the heel of the man’s boot, preventing him from being carried in the current into deeper waters.  I jumped off the bank into waist deep water, waded across the stream and tossed my fishing rod onto the riverbank. I then grabbed the man with both hands on his upper arm just below his shoulder, lifted his upper body out of the water, and dragged him up on shore.


As I did so, I yelled at some men nearby. “What the hell is wrong with you men? You see a man face down in this icy water and you just stand there watching? With a lack of action by anyone else present, I decided it was time for this 15-year-old to take charge. I yelled to two passing fishermen, “Run up to the house with the lights on and tell them to call the emergency ambulance. Pinky Danford lives there. He’s a Pittsfield city policeman. If he’s home, tell him to get down here. He’ll know just what to do.” Minutes later, Officer Danford came running down from his house clad only in slippers, his uniform trousers and a tee-shirt, not much protection against the 30 some degree temperature of that cold April day.


Upon reaching the stricken man, he began artificial respiration with the old back pressure arm- lift method.  After some time, the man gurgled some liquids from his mouth and appeared to be breathing slightly, though still unconscious.  Soon the Emergency Ambulance arrived and two burly men came running down the hill, one carrying a stretcher. They exchanged a few words with Officer Danford, then lifted the man onto a stretcher, and carried him to the ambulance and off to a local hospital.


I then left and hiked out to the highway, stopped to empty the still cold water from my hip boots then headed home.  Once there I told my parents of the morning happenings, changed into dry clothes, a pair of short, rubber boots, and headed back to the river,


A few days later, just as we were sitting down for dinner, my dad answered a phone call. The person calling said they live on Gale Avenue not far from the river. They were relatives of the man I pulled from the river. They said he had suffered a heart attack and collapsed into the river. He was currently in the hospital and doing very well, and was expected to be discharged soon. They thanked my dad profusely for my actions, and were extremely thankful to all who came to the aid of their relative.


Clearly, a number of people stepped up to help that day.  The Pittsfield Police Emergency Ambulance team, the two passing fishermen who ran up to the Danford residence to summon help, the two teenagers who had lent a helping hand, and definitely off- duty police officer Pinky Danford, whose quick and decisive action, along with the tireless application of CPR, saved the man’s life.

While there have been many memorable opening days of trout season, this day remains as my most unforgettable day on the river, knowing that perhaps the greatest reward for those who helped was just knowing that their actions had helped to save a man’s life.”


Wildlife Management Cleanup

A small but enthusiastic group participated in the DFW Western District Wildlife Management Area Cleanup which took place last weekend. Partnered with MassWildlife were the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) and the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) organizations. They picked up garbage and junk from the George Darey Wildlife Management Area in Lenox as well as certain areas along Roaring Brook Road.

Rain did not dampen their spirits and they managed to pick up a whole truckload of junk in a little over two hours of work.

Participants in the clean-up were Alison Dixon from HVA, paddlers Gary Aprea and Gloria Wesley, Taylor Woodward from BCC, Robin Perry, a volunteer from BEAT, and DFW staff members Heather Sadler, Andrew Madden, Leanda Fontaine Gagnon and Nate Buckhout. (You will notice that there were no people representing the various local outdoor sportsmen’s clubs. Must be they had the wrong date on their calendars).

Guido’s Fresh Marketplace provided tasty sandwiches, chips, etc. for all participants.

Results of the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club fishing derby


Last Sunday, it was rain free, but cold and windy with average temps in the mid 40’s to low 50’s and that wind made it feel colder.  They had 53 fishermen brave the elements and they caught some nice size fish.


Adult Winners ($100 dollars each):

Largest Trout:  James Trumps, South Lee:  1 lb. 12 oz, 15.5 inches long

Largest Pickerel: Peter Soules, Sheffield:   3 lbs. 12 oz, 25 inches long

Largest Bass:  Bill Navan, Lenox:  3 lbs. 10 oz, 17.5 inches long

Largest Bullhead:  Tina Lovern, Washington:  ½ lb. 10 inches long


Age 12 and under Winners (fishing tackle): 

Largest Trout:   Alice Christman, Pittsfield:  1 lb. 4 oz, 14.5 inches long

Largest Pickerel: Gabriel Christman, Pittsfield:  2.5 lbs., 21.5 inches long

Largest Bass (Rock):  Sadie Prew:  8 oz, 9 inches long

Largest Bullhead:  Mya Methe, Pittsfield: 12 oz, 11 inches long

According to Club spokesman Tim Minkler, everyone seemed to have fun and chef Bob Barrett warmed them all up with hot tasty food and drinks.

Kid’s Fishing Derby

Bring your children aged 13 and under next Saturday, June 10 to the monthly Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery youth fishing derby at the Hatchery’s Lower Pool at 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough.

It runs from 9:00 to 10:30 am.  Watch them learn to fish and compete for prizes.  No child goes away empty handed.


In last week’s column, I wrote about the dedication of a plaque noting the donation of land by the Weiss family to the Town of Lenox.  I mentioned a talk by Jim Brooks.  My mistake, the name given should have been Jim Brooke.  Please accept my apologies.

Commemorative plaque dedicated…. after 49 years


Last Sunday afternoon, some 20 or so people, met on West Street in Lenox to show their appreciation for a land donation which was made to the Town of Lenox in 1974 by the late Robert Weiss and his wife Olga. In attendance were members of the Weiss family. Short speeches were made by Jim Brooke, representing the Lenox Land Trust, its president Sarah Hatch and LLT members, Lenox Selectwoman Mary Beth Mitts, and Lenox Town Manager Chris Ketcham.

In Brooke’s comments, he noted that the Weiss donation is assessed today at over $1 million.  He mentioned that the land, when partnered with the 84 acres donated by Mr. John Drummond (Jack) Kennedy totals nearly 150 acres of preserved land which covers the southern portion of Parson’s Marsh. The Weiss donation was made with the understanding that the Town would make hiking trails there. With tongue in cheek, Brooks commented, “The installation of the plaque, 49 years later, is a good start.”

Selectwoman Mitts thanked Olga Weiss not only for the donated land but also for the countless hours serving on many town committees.

Olga commented that we are living in perilous times and each of us needs to do what we can to preserve the environment.  She also mentioned the need to address the dramatic rise in the water level of the marsh.  Currently, Jack Kennedy’s plaque is under 3 ft of water as is the former path.

The wooden plaque, which was then unveiled, says it all:

“Weiss Family Gift”  “This land was donated to the Town of Lenox in 1974 by Robert and Olga Weiss to augment the Parson Marsh Conservancy and to preserve in perpetuity its natural flora and fauna.  It is habitat for deer, bear, fox, coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, wild turkey, eagle, and osprey and a large variety of trees, plants, birds and smaller animals.    Erected by the Lenox Land Trust, Fall 2022.”

Trout Stocking

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week.  This is the last of the scheduled spring 2023 weekly trout stocking reports. But you never know, they might they find a few more trout hiding in the recesses of the hatcheries, so keep checking the website for any possible additional hatchery deliveries.

Deerfield River in Charlemont, Buckland and Florida, Housatonic River C&R in Lee and Stockbridge, East Branch of the Westfield River in Chesterfield, Cummington and Huntington, Laurel Lake, North Pond in Florida, Plunkett Reservoir, Richmond Pond, Stockbridge Bowl and Windsor Pond.

Many thanks go out to Deb Lipa and Leanda Fontaine Gagnon from the DFW Western District Headquarters in Dalton for providing the weekly trout stocking information to us.  I’m sure it resulted in more work for them and they did not have to do it.  If you are in their neighborhood, you may want to pop in and thank them.

The Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby had another great turnout


Last Saturday the Wild Acres Youth Fishing Derby took place with some 98 Children registered. The age range was from 1 1/2 to 14 years old. This was the 9th year that the City of Pittsfield Conservation Commission and Lyon Aviation sponsored the event.

Representing the City of Pittsfield were Becky Manship, Recreation and Special Events Coordinator and Rob Van Der Kar, Pittsfield Conservation Agent. Assisting the anglers were Onota Fishing Club President Fred Ostrander and his team of OFC volunteers.

Dave’s Sporting Goods Store, Onota Boat Livery and Parks and Recreation provided bait, rods and tackle; Lyon Aviation provided the brook trout.   Ozzies Steak and Eggs Restaurant catered the event out of their food van. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and the Onota Fishing Club donated a total of 7 fishing poles that were raffled off once the trophy winners were announced.

Only 3 out of the 300 stocked trout were caught as bass were the most popular catches of the day.  Some pumpkinseed and pond shiners were also caught.

4-year-old Gabe Christman caught the biggest fish, a 15 ¼ in bass which weighed 1.38 lbs.  5-year-old James Martindale caught the biggest trout which measured 14 inches and weighed 1.1 lbs.  All in all, some 25 children took home trophies.

This year the Sophomore Class at Taconic High School built 15 Leopold viewing benches for Wild Acres and they also helped to stock the trout.

Our hats are off to Lyon Aviation, the City of Pittsfield, the Onota Fishing Club, BNRC and everyone involved to make this event a great success.

A huge thank you goes to Becky Manship for her hard work in providing information on the derby winners and other pertinent information.

State Grants

Governor Healey’s office announced $500,000 state grants on Wednesday, April 26, to five coalitions and four individual non-profit watershed organizations across the state to support monitoring water quality.  The grant program is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).

Local organizations which received some of these funds were:  The Housatonic Valley Association – $48,605, The Deerfield River Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited – $26,007 and The Farmington River Watershed Association – $13,378.


Free Fishing Weekend in Massachusetts

This year’s Free Freshwater Fishing Weekend is on June 3 and 4. No license is required to fish any public lake, pond, reservoir, stream, or river in Massachusetts from 12:00 a.m. Saturday, June 3 until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, June 4.

For saltwater anglers, Free Saltwater Fishing Weekend is June 17–18.

All other regulations, including catch limits, apply so before heading out on the water, make sure you know them.

Annual Harry A Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby coming up


The 31st Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby will take place next Saturday, June 3, at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield, from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend.


This fishing derby is perhaps the most important and largest of our local derbies.  Open to the public, its purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute. All the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowman & I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

Many trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winners of the fishing derby – 8 trophies for children, 4 trophies for adults and 3 trophies that can be won by adults or children. There is even a special category for those fishing with a bow & arrow. All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 p.m. and can be caught at Onota Lake from a boat or the shore.  Don’t be late as the scales will be removed immediately after 12:00 pm.

Fishing tackle is given out with the trophy prizes and 2 prizes for the heaviest trout.  A sportsman award is given out to a child which includes a tackle box with over $100 of tackle.

The fee is $10 for adults, $5 for children 14 years old and younger. The fee includes food and beverages.  All children receive a free gift and children 5-14 years old have a chance to win a mountain bike boys/girls. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods, & Onota Boat Livery. Everyone needs to register at the Frank Controy Pavilion before all fish can be weighed in.  Even if you can’t make the derby, donations to the cause will be graciously accepted.

Memorial Day Weekend


It’s that time again when we honor those who have fought, suffered and/or died in defense of our nation.  I hope that as a nation we can set aside our differences and come together this weekend to remember them and their sacrifices.  They deserve nothing less.

Projects in which the DFW Western District is involved



It’s possible that a lot of people don’t know what the folks at the DFW Western District Office in Dalton do.  Oh sure, we know that they weigh in deer during hunting season and stock trout in the spring and fall, but what else?


Well, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon made a presentation providing some information at a recent monthly meeting of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited.  The presentation, which was held at the Pleasant and Main Café & General Store in Housatonic, MA was basically an overview of the district’s activities.


Andrew Madden started the presentation by providing an overview of non-fish related programs.  He mentioned that the mission of the MassWildlife is protecting the biodiversity in the state.  Some highlights included:

  • Counties covered by the Western District include Berkshire and western towns of Hampton, Hampshire and Franklin Counties.  With a small staff of 10 employees, they manage and focus on land protection including managing over 67,000 acres in Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) and Wildlife Conservation Easements (WCE).
  • They manage 500 acres of fields (e.g. mowing).
  • They stock 72 waters.
  • They stock 23 pheasant areas.
  • They band Bald Eagles.
  • They monitor 10 collared bears.
  • They have a focus on Outreach to colleges
  • Conduct Paraplegic Deer hunts.


A list of Projects includes the following:

  • Loons – they established the first nesting pair in Berkshire County.
  • Bats – many are endangered due to White Nose disease.
  • Bears – a current challenge is to establish bi-laws to prevent intentional bear feeding.
  • Large Animal Response – capture and relocate large animals as necessary.


Leanda Fontaine Gagnon followed up by presenting an overview of aquatic-related project, including:

Trout Stocking – is a renewable resource that improves angling opportunities.  The stocking program occurs over an average of 10 weeks in the spring through around Memorial Day.

  • Includes Brook, Brown, Rainbow and Tiger trout
  • Approximately 400,000-450,000 pounds of trout are stocked statewide of which the Western District receives about 20% of them.
  • Approximately 10,000 Landlocked salmon smolts from the Palmer Hatchery are stocked in the Quabbin Reservoir.
  • There are four hatcheries in Western Mass: Palmer, Belchertown, Sunderland, and Montague. The fifth hatchery is in Sandwich.
  • MassWildlife posts a stocking schedule and report at the following address:


Angling Education Program – learn to fish for the general public.  It is a free program including use of equipment.

Fishery Conservation – the main watersheds include the Hoosic River, Deerfield River, Farmington River, and Westfield River.

Fish Sampling – there have been a total of 11,500 surveys statewide over the years and over 6,400 since 1998.  The types of surveys include:

  • Electrofishing (shocking) – including wading rivers streams with shock backpacks as well as using barges and boats outfitted with shocking equipment for lakes and ponds.
  • Netting, including gillnets and traps.  Additionally, this netting often occurs when lakes and ponds are iced over in the winter.
  • Angling Creel Surveys.

Data gathered from surveys provide information about fish communities in the water to compare the fish species over the years.  It can tell you things like water quality, as well as the amount and location of wild trout populations.  It can also lend help in monitoring changes in habitat, water temperature, water quality, and river/stream connectivity.

Cold Water Resources – There are over 1,200 Cold Water Resources (CWR) in Western Mass.  There are many threats that can negatively impact CFRs including:

  • Impervious Surfaces – such as paved roads and parking lots which impact drainage and warm the water.
  • Surrounding Landowners.
  • Loss of Riparian Buffer Zones – such as mowing and cutting of brush and cover down to the water’s edge.
  • Inadequate connectivity of rivers and streams caused by damaged culverts, dams, etc.


Freshwater Mussel Surveys:

  • Mussel populations are great indicators of fish health.
  • They are great water filtration systems for our water.
  • MassWildlife Western District staff actually don scuba gear to survey local waters for mussels to determine size, species, and the type of substrate they live in.
  • Mussels and fish live symbiotically, where the fish provide a reproduction vehicle when the mussels temporarily lay minute mussels in the fish’s mouth.  These tiny mussels will live in the fish’s mouth until it is large enough to drop to the water body substrate and live on its own. The fish are not impacted.

Aquatic Invasive Plant Removal – Hand-pulling Water Chestnut plants from lakes and ponds.


Becoming an Outdoorswoman (BOW) program

The BOW Program offers shooting skills workshops, hunting seminars, fly tying and other classes and activities designed for adult women.

These are just some of the things with which the staff is involved. Things like weighing in deer and bear, youth fish stocking days, helping people obtain required licensing, answering a myriad of fish and wildlife questions, presentations at various sportsmen’s groups, etc.  They are a pretty busy bunch, wouldn’t you say?


Trout Stocking


Subject to change, the following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:

Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Deerfield River (Upper section only) in Charlemont and Florida, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Westfield River (East Branch) in Chesterfield, Cummington and Huntington; Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Pontoosuc Lake, Laurel Lake, Greenwater Pond, Goose Pond, Lake Buel, Lake Garfield, Big Pond, Otis Reservoir and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

Celebrate the Housatonic River Valley


The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) invites people of all ages to celebrate the Housatonic River Watershed from May 26 until July 4.  It is a free event that helps protect waterways and lands across the nearly 2,000 square mile watershed.


People can share photos and updates from their adventures and activities or attend an HVA-led event like a hike along the Appalachian Trail, river day for kids at Troutbeck or a hands-on session about HVA’s Follow the Forest initiative.

Participants can also join friendly competitions either solo or with a team such as most miles hiked or biked or best team photo and compete for exciting prizes like a guided river rafting trip for four, REI daypacks, Patagonia prize pack, Helinox Chair Ones and more.

“This event is all about bringing people together to explore and celebrate the Housatonic River Valley from the Berkshires and eastern New York through western Connecticut to Long Island Sound,” said Lynn Werner, HVA Executive Director. “By getting out there and sharing your experiences online, whether it’s paddling your favorite stream or hiking a local land trust trail or photographing wildlife, you’ll be raising awareness about how special this area is and why we’re all working so hard to protect it.”

Additional information and registration may be found at

Spring turkey hunting ends today

Sorry, if you haven’t bagged a wild turkey yet, then you will have to wait until the fall turkey hunting season to get another chance. The fall season opens on October 16 in our zone.

From what I hear, it was a very good spring turkey hunting season.  Lots of birds were taken.

Incidentally, there was a nice group of women who participated in the BOW Turkey Hunting event.   This program is designed for adult women (18 and older) who are new to turkey hunting and includes an in-person seminar and a mentored hunt.

The hunters and their mentors gathered on opening morning at Devens RFTA to put their skills to the test. (The Devens Reserve Force Training Area is located in Middlesex and Worcester counties).

Most of the women were surrounded by turkeys at one time or another, but they wouldn’t get close enough for a shot.  Kelly Swart Blanchard lucked out though and she bagged a 14.75 lbs. jake.

New commissioner named to head the Department of Fish and Game


 Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper recently announced the appointment of Tom O’Shea to the role of Commissioner of the DFG. DFG works to preserve the state’s natural resources and protects and manages marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife, plants, and the habitats that support them.

O’Shea comes to the DFG from The Trustees of Reservations where he most recently served as Vice President of Conservation and Resilience, leading the conservation and climate agenda. Prior to his role at The Trustees overseeing land conservation, advocacy and policy, agriculture, coastal resilience, and ecology, he served as an Assistant Director for DFG’s Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Tom earned a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a Master of Forestry from Yale University’s School of Environment, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Maine. He is an outdoorsman and triathlete who resides in Holden with his wife and son.

O’Shea had received statements of support from the presidents of the Trustees of Reservation, Mass Audubon, and former member of the Fish & Wildlife Board Mike Roche.  Current F&W Board Chairman Steve Sears said of O’Shea, “I don’t think a better person could have been selected.”

“I’m looking forward to this urgent and significant moment for meaningful and proactive action towards climate resilience, access to nature and outdoor recreation, and the conservation of biodiversity and natural habitats.” said O’Shea.

O’Shea replaces Ron Amidon who served as commissioner for 6 years under the Baker-Polito Administration.  Many outdoor sportsmen across the Commonwealth considered Amidon one of the most effective commissioners in recent history.


MassWildlife protects more lands


MassWildlife continued its land protection efforts this month with the completion of two new projects:


Cummington Wildlife Management Area (WMA)– They added 125 acres in Cummington adjacent to Route 9. The parcel has a number of important natural communities and provides protection for drainages that contribute to the water quality in the Westfield River East Branch. The area is huntable beyond the road setbacks.


Steadman Pond Wildlife Conservation Easement – MassWildlife recently partnered with Berkshire Natural Resource Council (BNRC), DCR, and the Department of Conservation Services (DCS) to protect more than 750 acres in the towns of Tyringham and Monterey. Much of the project acreage will be owned by BNRC with a Conservation Easement held by MassWildlife. All of the MassWildlife easement areas will be open to hunting, fishing. and passive recreation. This is particularly important in Southern Berkshire County where town bylaws limit hunting access.


Wildlife Management Area Cleanups

This spring, MassWildlife is hosting a series of cleanup events at WMAs across the state. On May 20, MassWildlife invites you to join them, the Housatonic Valley Association, the Berkshire Environmental Action Team, and others in the outdoor community for a day of service and fun. Wear sturdy shoes or boots and bring work gloves if you have them. The cleanup is rain or shine, so dress for the weather.

You are asked to meet at the main parking area at the George Darey Housatonic Valley Wildlife Management Area on New Lenox Road in Lenox at 9:45 am.  From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, the cleanup will take place at the designated locations. Participants may bring canoes or kayaks for river cleanup. A limited number of boats may be available.

Volunteers can gather at the main parking area for a casual cookout/lunch at 12:30 pm.

Pre-register at: (Those who pre-register and attend will receive a 2-year subscription to Massachusetts Wildlife magazine).

Trout stocking


The following area waters, subject to change, were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:


Lake Buel in Monterey, Deerfield River (lower section only) in Buckland and Charlemont, Hoosic River (South Branch) in Cheshire and Adams, Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River (East Branch) in Hinsdale and Dalton, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Plunkett Reservoir in Hinsdale, Westfield River (East Branch) in Windsor, Cummington and Chesterfield; Westfield River Mainstem in Huntington, Montgomery and Russell; Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chester and Huntington; Windsor Pond in Windsor and York Lake in New Marlborough.


Good showing at the Beagle Club Field Trials


On April 22 and 23 the Berkshire Beagle Club held an American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned field trial on its land in Richmond, MA. Participants came from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts participated in the two-day event.

According to Club spokesman Jeff St John, they had 95 total entries over the two days, 47 male dogs ran on Saturday and 48 females on Sunday.  Classes were further identified as 13-inch and 15-inch beagles. Awards were given for first through fourth places as well as NBQ (next best qualifier).

Ralph Harrington of Cambridge, New York, who is a Berkshire Beagle Club member, took home a blue ribbon in the male 13-inch category.  Readers may recall that his dog, Copper City Eaton Stew, also took the blue ribbon in 2022.  This year Ralph also placed a dog 3rd in this class and a 3rd place in the male 15-inch class as well.  Quite an accomplishment indeed when you consider the stiff competition.

Female 13-inch first place went to co-owners Robert and Robbie Kane.  She was handled by dad/grandfather Bob Kane (a club member).


15-inch male first place went to Justin Dean (past member).  The dog was handled by Mike Smith.


15”-inch female first place went to Philip Milici of Rochester, NY.


Also placing dogs on the podium was Chris Wilser.  He placed dogs third and fourth in the 15-inch female class.

Spring Fishing Derbies

The City of Pittsfield Parks and Recreation Department, the Onota Fishing Club and Lyon Aviation are sponsoring a Wild Acres Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 20 from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.  The derby is exclusively for local children 14 years of age and under. The parking lot is located on South Mountain Road, and the accessible trail from the parking lot to the pond is open. Bait will be provided. The first 100 children will receive a free food voucher (food will be available for purchase from Ozzies Steak & Eggs).

Trophies, which will be awarded at noon, will be for those who catch the largest fish (length and weight).

For more information, contact the City of Pittsfield Recreation Program Phone: 413-499-9371,, or Parks

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is sponsoring its annual Spring Fishing Derby on Sunday, May 21 at the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp.  It will run from dawn until 1:00 pm (note new ending time).  Cash prizes of $100 will be awarded to the lucky anglers who catch the heaviest trout or salmon, pickerel, bass and bullhead.  There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under.  The pre-registration fee is $10.00 and post-registration is $15.00.

Food and drinks will be available.

Tickets are available at:  Minkler Insurance Agency at 31 Main Street, Stockbridge or (w) 413-644-3590, (h) 413-298-4630 or contact any club member.  Official rules may be picked up at the boat ramp.

Youth turkey hunters


Last week I covered the story of two local youth turkey hunters and their luck at bagging two turkeys each on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.  Hunter Lawson’s picture was included in the column but not Matt Melito’s.  This week, I am including a picture of 17-year-old Matthew with his two birds.


Happy Mother’s Day!

MassWildlife encourages you to take mom fishing tomorrow.  Here are some of their suggestions:

  • Pick the perfect place. State parks are a great option. They often offer extra amenities like picnic tables, grills, walking trails, and bathrooms.
  • Get your gear ready. Pack everything the day before, (sunscreen, bug spray, mom’s favorite snacks, etc.). Let mom relax.
  • Buy her fishing license as a gift.  Remember, licenses are valid through the end of the year.
  • Take lots of pictures!  Especially when mom is reeling in her catch.
  •  Plan extra activities. Keep everyone entertained by adding a nature walk, bringing toys, binoculars, etc.
  • Prepare a meal. If someone reels in a keeper, bring it home to make a nice meal for mom.

Remember, time on the water with mom doesn’t have to just last one day.

A tale of two youth turkey hunters



On opening morning of the Youth Turkey Hunt Day, thirteen-year-old Hunter Lawson and his mentor and dad Dan Lawson of Williamstown were hunting on public land

They woke up at 4:00 am and left the house at 4:30 am. They had previously scouted a few areas and knew there were birds in one area. They snuck into their spots a little after 5:00 am, and got their decoys set up and then waited for light. Hunter said that it wasn’t great weather, as it was a bit windy and cool, but soon they had turkeys gobbling nearby.


After some “tree talking” and “fly down cackle”, the turkeys were very excited, as were Hunter and Dan. Unfortunately, the toms had hens with them and didn’t want to leave them.


Things quieted down for the next 3 hours, and Hunter was getting a little discouraged. Around 9:00 am they called again and had an answer.  Hunter was excited!  After 15 minutes or so, they saw the turkeys heading their way, and they knew they had a good chance.


Hunter had his gun already up and ready as there were 5 jakes coming in. Hunter had already decided he would shoot a jake as this was his first turkey hunt ever and wasn’t going to be picky. At about 35-40 yards Dan whispered he could shoot the one on the right. Within seconds, he shot, and it went right down.


The other four jakes then proceeded to attack the dead one. Dan told Hunter he could shoot another one if he wanted. He was already sighting on another and shot it.


“The look on Hunter’s face was amazing!” said Dan.  “I’m not sure who was happier, him or me.”


Hunter was using a Mossberg SA-20-gauge shotgun with TSS turkey loads. He had patterned the gun at the East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club and knew what it could do.


The turkeys each weighed 15 pounds. After checking the birds in online, Dan showed Hunter how to dress the birds out. They saved the beards, fan, and a wing.


Dan’s father had taught him how to hunt turkeys in Vermont back in the 70’s, and then in Massachusetts when they started turkey hunts. Hunter’s other grandfather, Bob McCarthy of Williamstown taught all his kids how to hunt and appreciate the outdoors, and to see his grandkids follow in those same footprints is priceless.


To say Hunter is hooked on turkey hunting is an understatement.


That evening, Hunter accompanied his dad and granddad to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet which was held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club.  While there, emcee Mark Jester spoke about the Youth Turkey Hunt and Hunter’s success that day and had him stand up to quite an ovation. Later that evening, Hunter won award winner Joe Miraglia’s donated wing bone turkey call in the silent auction.  Joe immediately helped teach him how to use it. Hunter had a big smile on his face all night. He said it was almost as much fun as the hunt.


Seventeen-year-old Matthew Melito, of Adams, also went hunting that day with his mentor Conner Tworig of Cheshire. They arrived in the woods right before first light and waited at a spot where they thought they were going to see some turkeys. Two nights prior to the hunt, Matt had heard them nearby. After not having any luck there, they walked around the area looking and listening for turkeys that might be in the woods. The weather was a little rainy but mostly comfortable. Walking around between spots was enough to keep them warm for the time being, but when they were sitting and waiting for the turkeys Matt started getting a little cold. Not panning out in their favor, they decided to walk back to the truck and head to another spot Conner knew there were turkeys.


Conner was able to call in some birds. Matt said that he is incredibly talented with a diaphragm and slate call and was able to play both at the same time to imitate two hens fighting.  A hen walked by the decoys first and then shortly after, around 9:00 am, the two toms came in to check them out.


Using his 20-gauge shotgun with 3.5-inch, #5 birdshot, Matt dropped both toms at a distance of 15 yards.   One tom was 22 pounds, 3oz and the other was 18 and a half pounds.  The hunters were both very excited when Matt shot the birds and they both jumped up and pretty much ran over to them as soon as they both were down.


Matt is going to save the fan, spurs, and beards. Conner showed Matt how to dress the birds and Matt even got to attempt to breast one of them, but Conner was kind enough to do it for him.


Matt’s family was very proud of him. They’re not really hunters, but they all enjoyed the turkey they ate from last year’s hunt. Conner was mighty proud of Matt, too.


Last year, Matt and Conner went turkey hunting in Ashfield and were so successful it was like they were being handed turkeys. This year was a little different. Conner made Matt work for his birds and he is very grateful for that, because” that’s how it actually is and I’m glad I got to experience that so I know what to really expect next year.”


While Matt is one in the picture and the one who shot the turkeys, he insists that he cannot take all the credit. “Without Conner I wouldn’t be out there turkey hunting, mainly because I wouldn’t know how to be successful in it. He’s also the one who did the hard part, which was calling them in. I wouldn’t have been able to shoot them if we weren’t there in the first place.  He has done a lot for other people, too, getting them into turkey hunting and helping them fill their tags. He absolutely deserves recognition for that too.”


“Overall, I’ve had a lot of fun the couple times I went, and this isn’t the last time you’ll see me on Facebook with a turkey or two.”


Trout Stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week, subject to change: Hoosic River (South Branch) in Cheshire and Adams, Hoosic River (North Branch) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Green River (north) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Green River (South) in Alford and Egremont, Clesson Brook in Buckland and Ashfield,  Upper Clesson Brook and Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Westfield River (West Branch) in Becket, Chesterfield and Huntington; Cold River in Charlemont, Chickley River in Hawley and Charlemont, Pelham Brook in Rowe and Charlemont, Housatonic River (East Branch) in Hinsdale and Dalton, Housatonic River (South West Branch) in Pittsfield, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg and North Adams, Hubbard River in Granville, North Pond in Florida, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Berry Pond in Hancock, Dunbar Brook in Monroe, Pelham Lake in Rowe, Buck and Clam Rivers in Sandisfield, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Hemlock Brook in Williamstown, Lake Buel, Goose Pond, Otis Reservoir and Stockbridge Bowl.

Kids Fishing Derbies beginning at the Hatchery

On the second Saturday of each month beginning in April and running through September the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery put on a kid’s fishing derby. They start at 9:00 and run to 10:30 am.  No child goes away empty handed.

The next derby will be next Saturday, May 13 at the Hatchery’s Lower Pool at 240 Hatchery Road, New Marlborough.

1,000th column

If you have been reading this column since its beginning, you are now reading the 1,000th column. Can you believe it? Yep, it’s true. Can’t believe it myself.   Never thought I could put out 10 columns, much less 1,000.

It started in March, 2004, just a couple of months after the “Magnificent Scribbler,” Ted Giddings, retired after 55 years of writing his Our Berkshires outdoor sports column.

Ted joined the Berkshire Eagle in 1928 serving as a reporter until 1937 and as city editor from 1938 to 1971. He was best known for his popular outdoors column,Our Berkshires,” which he began writing in 1948.

Don’t look for me to challenge Ted’s remarkable run of 2,860 columns.

Conte banquet honors four



A nice crowd attended the Silvio O. Conte Awards Banquet which was held at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club last Saturday evening to honor the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) 2022 award winners.  Past BCLS President, Mark Jester, did his usual yeoman’s job as emcee.

Jester mentioned how Silvio Conte dedicated his life to conserve for future generations the ability to enjoy the same opportunities that he did.  Everyone raised a glass to thank Conte for the values of sportsmanship, conservation, and environmental stewardship that he passed on so passionately

The evening was also dedicated to the memory of the late Fred Andrews.  “We remember Fred Andrews tonight” said Jester, “a true leader and dedicated advocate for sportsmen in Berkshire County. As a former president and delegate of the BCLS, Fred worked tirelessly to build one of the most influential organizations in Massachusetts.”  “Fred’s humor and ability to poke fun at even the most powerful politicians like US Representative Silvio Conte and Massachusetts Governor Jane Swift while honoring them at the same moment endeared him to many in the sportsman community. His wit and humor made him a beloved figure and he will always be remembered for his contributions to the outdoors and sportsman community.”

Incidentally, for several years, Fred was the gifted writer and the editor of the hugely popular monthly newspaper “Into the outdoors.”  He passed away 20 years ago, but he is still missed.

Jester mentioned that we had with us that night a young fellow, Hunter Lawson, who went out on his first turkey hunt with his dad Dan Lawson.  Dan has an amazing story to tell us about Hunter’s first hunt, but space does not allow me to relate it here.  Look for his article next weekend.

After a delicious meal, the various 2022 Sportsmen Awards were presented.

Stephen Sears of Dalton was selected the 2022 Berkshire County Sportsman of the Year.   Sears served 6 years on the MA F&W Board and is its current chairman. He received the award for his lifelong dedication and leadership to preserve the natural resources of the Commonwealth.

Steve’s father, Fred Sears, helped him catch his first trout when he was 3 years old, one of the greatest moments of his life. He is so proud to later have written the Conservation Restrictions on the Boulders, which is now managed by BNRC.  He helped protect the very place where he caught his first trout.  Around 1971 he began stocking trout with Gige Darey. He related how every day he and his friends would bring their guns to school and put them in their lockers and then hunt after school.  Now, that doesn’t happen anymore.

“If you want to make a change”, said Sears, “don’t protest, get involved with an organization, try to arrive at the top and then make changes.”   At Crane & Co he was able to do that and ultimately wrote Conservation Restrictions on property that is now protected which probably wouldn’t be because they sold the company.  He worked with Mt Greylock Ski Club for 10 years to put a Conservation Restriction on that land.  He commented on the Berkshire Eagle as being an important part of our community.  Most counties don’t have a newspaper, and he commended the owners and staff for its coverage of sportsmen’s activities. He expressed pride in being a representative for MassWildlife, which he doesn’t take lightly.

The Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award was presented to Joe Miraglia of Ashfield   Joe, a native of Pittsfield who now lives in Ashfield, is very involved in the Ashfield Sportsmen’s Club.  “You will see him in the Berkshires many times” said Jester, “helping with various programs, fishing programs in June, and making donations to our organization.”  He has been involved in the outdoors since being a little boy. He is a great turkey hunter and makes tremendous turkey calls. He has helped with pheasant programs and teaching turkey hunting. He is being recognized for the dedication and leadership to preserve and promote the rich tradition and will forever be appreciated for all his efforts.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was posthumously presented to the late Fred Moran of Adams. He was an ardent supporter of the BCLS, a legend in the flyfishing world, owner of Points North Outfitters in Adams, a guide, and taught people how to fly fish.  He was a quiet person who advocated for sportsmen’s rights and was a member of the Taconic Chapter TU.  Alongside with his good friend and rod maker Digger Degere, he put on many public demonstrations and was on the Board of the Hoosic River Watershed.  “He received the award “In recognition of Fred’s role in the preservation of the natural resources of Berkshire County. His legacy, his patience and passion will forever inspire future generations”

Speaking on behalf of the Moran family, son Kevin said, “Receiving this award would have made Fred Moran very proud.  He greatly respected this organization and its constituency.  As an educator and sportsman and specifically as a fisherman, Fred took great pleasure in teaching hundreds and perhaps thousands of people to fly fish and along the way, like all of you, Fred raised his family to be conservation minded to enjoy and respect nature and its creatures and to know that our place within it means working  to ensure that our children and grandchildren  and beyond will enjoy the peace and tranquility  that comes with casting a size 16 Olive Caddis out into the Deerfield river  on a warm June evening or a  size 12 March Brown  on the Hoosic  on a crisp afternoon in April.  So, on his behalf Fred’s family represented here tonight by Marilyn, his wife of 50 years, his sons, daughter in law and granddaughters he accepted the award and thanked the League.

Incidentally, this was not the first time that Marilyn Moran was at the BCLS podium.  She was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award for her involvement in the Casting for Recovery Program.  The mission of CFR is to enhance the lives of women with breast cancer through fly fishing.

The John Zuber Award was presented to Eric Dupont of Lee.  He was recognized for introducing youths to the shooting sports and getting them involved with the Lee Sportsmen’s Association.  He expressed pride in receiving the award.  He noted that there are two firearms communities out there, this one that never gets any press and the one that we unfortunately get to read about all too often in the news. He encouraged everyone to remember that we can get out there and make our sporting community known for what it is.

Incidentally, John Zuber was one of the founders and past president of the BCLS.  An avid hunter/fisherman who traveled all over the world hunting, filming his hunts and giving presentations.  He was a valued member of the Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club who was very involved with the youth and encouraged them to get involved with the outdoors.  Because of that, the BCLS opted to create an award in remembrance of him.

Trout stocking

Subject to change, the following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:  South River and Swift River in Ashfield, Yokum Brook in Becket, Dry Brook and South Brook in Cheshire, Littleville Reservoir and Westfield River Middle Branch in Chester, West Branch Brook and Westfield River East Branch in Chesterfield,  Mill Brook, Swift River, Westfield Brook and Westfield River East Branch in Cummington; Wahconah Falls Brook and Sacket Brook in Dalton, North Pond in Florida, Swift River in Goshen, West Brook and Williams River in Great Barrington, Kinderhook Creek in Hancock, Windsor Brook in Hinsdale, Little River, Littleville Reservoir, Westfield River Mainstem, Westfield River Middle Branch and Westfield River East Branch in Huntington; Laurel Lake, Housatonic River C&R, Beartown Brook, Hop Brook and West Brook in Lee; Laurel Lake in Lenox, Factory Brook and Westfield River Middle Branch in Middlefield, Westfield River Main Stem in Mongomery, Farmington River in Otis, Trout Brook in Peru, Onota Lake and Sackett Brook in Pittsfield, Mill Brook in Plainfield, Westfield River Main Stem in Russell, Farmington River in Sandisfield, Housatonic River C&R and Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge,  Farmington River in Tolland, Depot Brook in Washington, Williams River in West Stockbridge, Westfield Brook in Windsor, and Bronson Brook, Little River, West Branch Brook, Westfield River Middle Branch and Trout Brook in Worthington.

Youth trout stocking day was a huge success

There was a nice crowd of kids, parents and grandparents to help liberate some six hundred 14+ inch rainbow trout last Wednesday at the Onota Lake Burbank Park.  MassWildlife Western District Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine Gagnon was assisted by Wildlife Biologist Nate Buckhout, and fellow staff members Eli Pease, Heather Sadler, and Land Stewart Jacob Morris Seagel.  Oh yes, Leanda’s young daughter Isla and lots of youths also helped out.  The nippy weather did not cool the crowd’s enthusiasm at all.

Prior to beginning the stocking, Leanda made some introductory comments.  She informed the crowd about the agency and how it is charged with the responsibility of preserving, conserving and managing our flora and fauna all across the state.  She named the 5 regional districts across the state and how they perform their functions. The Western District covers all of the Berkshires as well as the western towns of Hampshire, Hampton and Franklin Counties.

The Western District is comprised of 10 individuals who work out of a small office. One of their main jobs is trout stocking, which they do for about 10 weeks in the spring and two weeks in the fall. On average, they stock between 85,000 and 100,000 fish in the spring and a couple thousand in the fall which range from 9 inches to 18+inches. Statewide, about 450,000 pounds of fish are stocked each year.

They stock four different species, brook, brown, rainbow and tiger trout which is a hybrid between brown and brook trout.  They stock 72 local bodies in the Western District up to Memorial Day. To find out where they stock, go to the MassWildlife web site to find out  She encouraged people to catch and eat the fish but if people prefer to catch and release them, that is fine too.

Then she explained how the stocking would take place.  They formed a line, a few trout were netted out of the tanker truck, put into pails handed to the kids and away they sped to the water’s edge and tossed the fish out…..and then they ran back and did it all over again.  Oh! You had to be there to see the expressions of joy on their faces.

Yes, a couple of pails were tossed out with the fish, but they were recovered and I am happy to report that there was a 100% survival rate of the fish.

Trout Stocking

Subject to change, the following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week:

Green River (South) in Alford, Egremont, and Great Barrington; Green River (North) in New Ashfield and Williamstown, Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, Chickley River in Charlemont and Hawley, Konkapot River in Monterey and New Marlborough, Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Cold River in Charlemont and Florida, Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, North Pond in Florida, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Pontoosuc Lake, Onota Lake and Richmond Pond. Incidentally, Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington was stocked on April 13.

Catch & Release fish survival

In last week’s column, I mentioned that I would write something about how to safely remove a hook from a fish so that it has a chance for survival.   Here are some tips for better Catch and Release Fishing

Artificial Lures (swimming plugs, surface poppers, jigs, etc.) are often rigged with multiple treble hooks. One disadvantage of these lures is that a fish struggling to escape capture will often hook itself with the remaining treble hooks, leading to additional injury. Anglers should try to use lures with single hooks, if possible, replace treble hooks with steel hooks (not stainless), crimp down the barbs on the hooks, or reduce the number of treble hooks on the lure

Bait Fishing is a popular technique. However, the baited hook is often swallowed by the fish so that the hook is deeply embedded in the stomach. To reduce “gut hooking” a fish, anglers should set the hook immediately before the bait can be completely swallowed. When a fish is “gut hooked” the best solution is to cut the line as close to the hook eye as possible. This helps to prevent severe damage to the fish’s internal organs, which can occur while trying to remove a hook. If the hook is not stainless steel, it will eventually corrode due to the fish’s stomach acids.

Fishing Tools including needle nose pliers, hemostats, hook disgorgers, and wire cutting pliers can be very helpful in reducing hook removal time.

Handling Methods depend on fishing technique used, how the fish is hooked, and size of the fish. Ideally, the fish should not be removed from the water. If fishing from a boat, try to prevent the fish from banging against the side or thrashing around the deck. Improper handling cause internal injuries, skin abrasions, scale loss, or removal of the protective slime layer that prevents infection. Make sure that your hands are wet when handling a fish to reduce slime loss.

To Release the Fish, grasp the tail firmly and place the fish back in the water and slowly move the fish forward and backward. This motion will cause water to flow over the gills, restoring oxygen to the blood stream. Recovery time will vary according to size and health of the fish. As a general rule, the longer the fish fights and the higher the water and air temperature, the longer it will take the fish to recover.

Spring Turkey Hunting Seasons opens Monday

The 2023 Massachusetts spring turkey hunting season opens on Monday, April 24 and runs through May 20.  Actually, the Youth Turkey Hunt Day started on April 22.

To hunt wild turkeys in Massachusetts, you’ll need a hunting or sporting license as well as a turkey permit. A turkey permit comes with 3 turkey tags. Hunters can take 2 bearded turkeys in the spring and 1 turkey of either sex in the fall. Regulation requires that all hunters place an official green Turkey Safety Sticker on their firearm positioned so it’s visible when sighting down the barrel.  On the youth hunt day only, the hunting hours are ½ hour before sunrise and end at 5:00 pm. For the rest of the turkey hunters, the hours are from ½ hour before sunrise to noon.

Successful hunters must report their turkeys within 48 hours of harvest. The easiest way to report a harvest is online using MassFishHunt, but you can also go to an official check station.

There are a couple of pages of rules and regulations addressing Turkey Hunting in the 2023 regulations (abstracts) including such things as: hunting hours, licenses and stickers, bag limits, hunting implements, hunting methods, sex identification and more.  Hunters should review these regulations annually.

Some Turkey hunting safety information

  • Be completely sure of your target and what is beyond it before you shoot. Always practice firearm safety.
  • Don’t stalk turkey sounds; it could be another hunter. Sit or stand and call the birds to you.
  • Don’t wear red, white, blue, or black; these colors are associated with male turkeys.
  • Protect your back. Set up against a large tree or rock and make sure your view isn’t obstructed. Don’t hide in a place with an obstructed view.
  • Don’t place decoys too close to where you set up. Never carry an exposed decoy or tail fan while hunting; put them in a bag when carrying them in or out of hunting locations.
  • Consider wearing hunter orange when entering or leaving your hunting area.

Freshwater Sporting Awards Program changes

In last week’s column, I mentioned that there were new additions to the Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program. Beginning in 2023 two new fish species (Fallfish and White Sucker) will be included in the Sportfish Awards Program.

To qualify for a bronze pin in the fallfish Catch and Keep category, for adults the fish must weigh 0.12 oz and for youths they must weigh 0.8 oz.

In the white sucker category, to qualify for a pin in the Adult Catch and Keep category they must weigh 2 lbs. and for the youths they must weigh 1 lb.

In the Catch & Release Category, fallfish must measure 15 inches long and for the youths, they must measure 12 inches.  White suckers for adults, must measure 19 inches and in the youth category, they must measure 15 inches.


Memories of fishing the Deerfield River


As noted in last week’s column, good friend Marc Hoechstetter, an excellent fly fisherman from Cummington, agreed to cover for me while I am out of commission for a week or so by sharing one of his fishing episodes on the Deerfield River.  By way of clarification:  The surges to which he refers are the periodic water releases from Fife Brook dam in Florida.  Al Les was a well-known fly fisherman from North County who fought hard and long to get a “catch & release” section in the Deerfield River.   He was dubbed “The father of Catch & Release in Massachusetts” and received the first Silvio O. Conte Sportsman of the Year Award in 1985.


The Hideaway pool


By Marc Hoechstetter


The Hideaway Pool is the largest pool in the lower Catch and Release area on the Deerfield River and the first above the junction where the Cold River meets the main stem. Often bypassed for the upper reaches of the river, it is a prime fishing spot with its own quirks. This account is of my own involvement with this favorite spot and the characters: human, piscatorial and avian encountered.


I first started traveling to the Deerfield to explore its fishery in the late 1980’s. Like most young guys my constraints were time between my work as a builder and a young family. It is no wonder I explored the Hideaway pool as it is at least 20 minutes closer than the Diamond Drill Pool from my home.  Back then the river flows were a lot more predictable. The ISO NE in Holyoke which controls all power generation was being built but not yet in full operation. The computers had not quite taken over everything.


One parks at a rail bed access, without blocking the access, and walks along the railroad track a short distance and down to the pool. At first it is rather daunting; a large rectangle 400 feet long by over 100 feet wide, both sides framed by massive oaks.


When I first got there in a late afternoon the flow was low and the only riffle into the pool was drifting bubbles by an enormous rock on the far side. In that feeding lane there were sporadic but consistent sipping rises with an occasional tail splash. I eagerly rigged up and looked the pool over. I could see very large trout lazily moving in the pool but not in any organized way all facing in different directions. It would be like fishing in a still pond.


So why not fish the riffle? Well, there was an older fellow there fishing and catching fish, not fast but deliberately and very relaxed. When he had success, he would chat with his companion on the bank who sat in a folding chair with a cigar box at his feet. I introduced myself and was warmly welcomed and chatted a while. At one point the fellow in the river reeled up, while the one in the chair promptly rose, picked up his rod and waded right in. They met half way to the rock and that was that. The one coming out gave me a warm greeting and sat in the chair. His name was Al Les.


I do not discourage easily so I went upstream and fished the bank against the tracks and discovered some very nice browns trout but it was a trek on the rocks and wading had to be judicious. I could keep an eye on the pool if the old guys bailed. But no such luck. Fisherfolks must be patient, so I kept at it.


One day they did leave and I hightailed it down to the pool, eagerly taking my spot above the big rock to put puddle casts into the feeding lane. I noticed there was more activity and quickly caught a few fish, nice plump rainbows mid-sized maybe as long as 15 inches but not those big ones I had spied before. There was also less rock out of the water and more push against my waders. I headed back to shore in a hurry. Luckily by the time the surge of water gets this far down ts not a wave just a steady rise.


On another occasion on getting there when Al Les and companion were folding their chairs

and packing their cigars, I noticed the water was already filling quickly. I also noticed on the far bank by a white birch partially in the river, some big splashes.


Then I saw it! A five-pound fish came out and it seemed to be in the air an eternity. I decided to figure out how to get there. I walked to the end of the pool where the water splits in two. The first is a long riffle straight to the Junction Pool where a rope hangs from an oak. The second is a wider one that only fills at high water. I powered myself through the first above my knees and then the second one nearly to my hips but made it and worked myself in rather calm water to the white birch. When about twenty feet away, I paused to scan the water.


I noticed some fish were on the surface with their dorsal fins folded over. The largest fish was at the head and really the only one to which I could toss a fly.  I sent the Ausable Wulff fly with a little left hook and watched what seemed to be an eternity as the fly drifted on the nose of the big Rainbow.


Then it simply turned its head and inhaled the fly! I set the hook with my left hand and arced the rod to the right, level to the water to set the hook and get the fish going to the right in the pool. Down he went, but soon came up ready to jump. Then I thought a branch from the giant oak tree fell in the water right on the fish in a huge splash. I was stunned but saw no branch; instead, a huge osprey came out of the water with my fish in its talons! I watched her struggle and gradually come up and fly up the river.


My fly line was following the bird like a peach ribbon in the sky until I broke it off. As I stood there in disbelief, I noticed the osprey make a wide turn and with labored strokes fly back towards me and flared right above me to land in her nest. I could see white fluffy necks reach out towards her.


So much with fishing in the osprey’s larder.


Yes, I got water in my waders on my return to shore but made it home safely. Sadly, there have not been ospreys on that pool for years, the nest gradually fell apart, victim to the winds of time and neglect. The bald eagles, fish thieves that they are, have displaced them and now rule the sky above the pool.


Conte Memorial Dinner

Don’t forget about the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet which will take place at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, 310 Curran Road, Cheshire, on Saturday evening, April 22.

This year’s award winners are:   Sportsman of the Year – Stephen Sears, Lifetime Achievement Award – Fred Moran (posthumous), John Zuber Award – Eric Dupont and Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award – Joel Miraglia.

There will be great raffles and silent auctions. The social hour begins at 4:30 with dinner at 6:00 pm. Tickets, which cost $40, can be obtained from any BCLS delegate.      Don’t wait, they expect a large turnout.

Be safe on the water


Personal flotation devices (life jackets) are required to be worn by: (1) youth under 12 years of age, (2) personal watercraft users, (3) Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) users, (4) water-skiers, and (5) canoeists/kayakers from September 15 – May 15.  The water can be mighty cold this time of year and hypothermia can set in quickly.

What a year of ice fishing Dan Aitken had

What a year of ice fishing Dan Aitken had


On Thursday, March 23, Dan Aitken of Pittsfield was ice fishing alone out on Pontoosuc Lake in the rain.  There was about 12 inches of ice with a good 6 inches of solid dark ice where he was fishing. For bait, he was using large golden shiners which he had jigged up earlier.

Just when he was sitting down to eat a snack, the flag on his tip-up went up and he hooked a big fish.  It gave him a fierce fight, in fact, Dan said that he had gotten the fish up to the hole 9 or 10 times and each time the fish made another powerful run.  Finally, he managed to haul it out.  It was a 16 lbs 14 oz tiger muskie (muskellunge) that measured 45 inches.  That’s according to the folks at the Onota Boat Livery who weighed it with their certified scales.  It was caught out of a 10-inch-wide hole. Dan should get a pin from the state in its Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program “Catch and Keep” category, perhaps even the gold pin. No tiger muskies were entered into the 2022 sportfishing awards program in any category.

Dan’s large tiger muskie


Interestingly, there have been no DFW tiger musky stockings into Pontoosuc Lake since 2016.


Although Dan has released every fish he caught this year, he decided to keep this one so that he could have it mounted. (Kevin’s Taxidermy in Middlebury, Connecticut.)


Unbelievably, Dan had caught an even heavier fish, a Northern Pike, out of Onota Lake just the week before on March 17. That fish weighed 22 lbs 5 oz and measured 43 inches long.  His son Shane was with him when he caught that one.  Dan released that fish but unfortunately it will not qualify for a pin from the state because he didn’t take the necessary picture required to make it eligible. One look at that fish; however, and you have to come to the conclusion that it would have easily been a “pin” fish, too.

Dan’s large northern pike


Trout Stocking

The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked last week, subject to change: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Farmington River in Otis, Sandisfield and Tolland; Green River (South) in Egremont, Great Barrington and Alford; Hoosic River (North Branch) in Clarksburg and North Adams, Konkapot River in New Marlborough and Monterey, Westfield River (East Branch) in Chesterfield, Cummington, Savoy and Windsor, Lake Buel in Monterey, Pontoosuc Lake and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

Kids Fishing Derbies beginning at the Hatchery

On the second Saturday of each month beginning in April and running through September the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery put on a kid’s fishing derby. They start at 9:00 and run to 10:30 am. What a great opportunity for kids to learn how to fish while competing for prizes. No child goes away empty handed.

The first derby will be next Saturday, April 8 at the Hatchery’s Lower Pool.

Incidentally, the mission of the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery is to support and partner with the US Fish & Wildlife Service to help sustain the hatchery and ensure it thrives. It encourages public appreciation for and support of the hatchery, freshwater ecosystems, and recreational fishing in the Berkshires by:

  • Engaging and educating the public about the fish hatchery and related conservation, restoration, and ecosystems;
  • Supporting the education of school age youth and educators; and
  • Encouraging and supporting environmentally responsible recreational fishing.

The year 2022 marked the 150th anniversary of the National Fish Hatchery System. DC Booth, in Partnership with the Friends Group and the Booth Society of Spearfish, South Dakota is constructing a commemorative quilt to highlight the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s current hatcheries, tech centers, and health centers.

Once completed they would like the quilt to travel to displays such as regional offices, major visitor’s centers, and the like. Ultimately it will be stored permanently in the National Fish and Aquatic Conservation Archives in Spearfish.

To complete its contribution, the Friends of the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery turned to no other quilter than their own Marcia Doelman who lives close to the hatchery. Marcia was married to the Friends former President, the late John Doelman and is herself a former Board Member. (I was good friends with John and he greatly influenced me to try fishing for large brook trout up in Nunavik, Canada).

Marcia has been a long-time member of the Peacemakers Quilters in neighboring Monterey. The Friends left the whole project in her very capable hands as to the design and creation of a quilt square to represent the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery. They were very pleased with the resulting square, and it was sent off to South Dakota to be included in the finished quilt.

Good for you Marcia!   You did a wonderful job.

DFW Land Acquisition


At the March meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife had just completed a land protection transaction by acquiring 10 acres along Starkweather Road in Worthington. This parcel is the last lot on Starkweather Road and is surrounded by the Fox Den Wildlife Management Area (WMA). By acquiring this parcel MassWildlife has expanded on the existing WMA and prevented development which would have had a substantial impact on hunting setbacks at Fox Den.


Basic Hunter Education Courses


Basic Hunter Education courses will be offered at:

  • Ashfield Rod & Gun Club, 116 North Street, Plainfield/Ashfield on Saturday, April 15 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Attendees (must complete the online study guide before registering).
  • Worthington Rod and Gun Club on 458 Dingle Road (Route 112), Worthington on April 17, 18, 20 and 21 from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. Attendance at all dates is required.


To enroll, call (508)389-7830

Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is ramping up activities


After being relatively low keyed during the covid epidemic over the last couple of years, Taconic TU is swinging into action again.


On Thursday, April 13, at 6:00 pm Taconic TU will be hosting at its general meeting DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine Gagnon as guest speakers.  They will be introducing a summary of MassWildlife Western District programs.


It will take place at the Pleasant and Main Café & General Store in Housatonic, MA, which has a general store decor with a strong sporting and fly-fishing theme.


A meal can be purchased for those interested but you will have to BYOB.


Then, on Sunday, April 23 at 2:00 pm, Taconic TU will be presenting the 2023 Fly Fishing Film Tour at the Images Cinema, 50 Spring Street, Williamstown. Tickets which cost $15.00 can be purchased at (


Following that, there will be a reception hosted by Cheeky Fishing.  The reception will be held  next door to Images Cinema at ” The Log by Ramuntos” from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. RSVP for the reception (


They will have raffles for items throughout the film and at the reception. These will be serious raffle and auction items such as Orvis items, Cheeky Fishing, Yeti, Wingo Outdoors, restaurants, guided fishing trips and at least two rods.  Someone will leave with a Francis “Digger” Degere bamboo fly rod worth over $1,200. The late Degere was an internationally known bamboo flyrod maker from Adams.  He passed away in November, 1999 but his rods continue to be in high demand.


The screening of the film is sponsored by: Cheeky FishingWingo OutdoorsMezze Restaurant GroupWild Soul River, and Moresi & Associates Development Company

Out of Commission

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I won’t be able to completely assemble next weekend’s column.   I have asked local flyfisherman Marc Hoechstetter from Cummington to step in and relate one of his flyfishing experiences on the Deerfield River.  I’m sure you will enjoy it.

Also, I won’t be able to provide the latest trout stocking report, but you should be able to find out where trout stockings have taken place by clicking onto the MassWildlife web page

Hopefully, I’ll be back at the desk the following week.