Pontoosuc Lake drawdown plan challenged


For years local fishermen and environmentalists have been troubled by the annual Pontoosuc Lake drawdowns and herbicide applications even though such steps do not always appear to be necessary.  While some herbicides may be necessary to prevent the takeover of the lake by invasive aquatic vegetation such as Eurasian Milfoil, is it necessary every year?  They feel that the drawing down of the lake and the application of herbicide represent a “double whammy” on the fish, invertebrates, turtles, etc.

They feel the drawdowns, greatly affect the nearby coves and wetlands with animals such as muskrats, beavers, etc.  Also, freshwater mussels being exposed to the winter elements are dying perhaps by the thousands. (They are important critters that filter out impurities in our waters). Beavers are suddenly exposed to freezing waters after they have already made their lodges and stored their food for the winter.

Their concerns have been brought to MassWildlife because it is the agency charged with the statutory responsibility for the conservation of freshwater fish and wildlife including endangered plants and animals.  In meetings with the Conservation Commissions, MassWildlife has expressed opposition to the drawdowns, but they go ahead and permit them anyway. The authority to allow the drawdowns rests with them and DEP and not MassWildlife.

Fishermen, especially Dan Miraglia of Pittsfield, have approached the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) year after year, but it also is powerless to stop them. This year; however, the delegates, led by League President Wayne McLain, unanimously voted to send a letter to the MA Environmental Policy Act Office (MEPA) expressing their concerns about the new proposed drawdown as well as the use of herbicides.

MassWildlife also submitted comments to the Secretary of the Executive Office of Environmental and Energy Affairs (OEEA) and MEPA regarding the proposed drawdown.  What both parties requested is to properly follow the procedures set by the state with solid plans and metrics so that the resource is properly protected. Such an approach supports all citizens’ interest and ensures things proceed in a balanced way without preferential treatment or influence.

Parts of MassWildlife’s comments are included in this column.  Space only allows me to cover one of its concerns which is very important to area sportsmen – impacts of the drawdown

In its letter MassWildlife expressed four concerns:

Drawdown Project.

“MassWildlife’s position on the proposed drawdown is that it alters and causes harm to biological resources without substantive justification or full consideration of alternative approaches with less impact to the biological resources. Specifically, MassWildlife identifies the following concerns:

o Project Segmentation (should be considered in totality)

o Inconsistencies between the Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) Pontoosuc Lake Annual Drawdown Project, and previous filings for lake management in Pontoosuc Lake

o Incomplete/Insufficient alternatives analysis

o Proponent’s assertion that the ecology of the lake is unimpacted by the drawdown”


Importance of Pontoosuc Lake


“Pontoosuc Lake is a recreationally and ecologically important and valuable resource. Ensuring

access to high-quality outdoor recreational opportunities is especially important in Pittsfield, as

it is designated as a community in Massachusetts with Environmental Justice populations.


The lake’s proximity to Pittsfield and the public access boat ramp makes Pontoosuc a

destination lake for anglers and other recreational users. MassWildlife’s Angler Education

Program has hosted Learn-to-Fish clinics at Lake Pontoosuc to introduce people to fishing and

connect the local community to nature.


The lake is annually stocked with trout by MassWildlife to provide additional recreational

opportunity for anglers. In addition to trout fishing, they target Largemouth

Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Chain Pickerel, and Northern Pike. The naturally

reproducing Pike fishery in Pontoosuc is particularly sought after. The lake and its supporting

wetlands are also important habitat for waterfowl, semi-aquatic mammals, reptiles,

amphibians, and invertebrates.”


Impacts to Fish and Wildlife


“The impacts to wildlife resources from drawdowns have the potential to be extensive, both in-lake and downstream. The dewatering of littoral zones may be temporary, but the impacts of a drawdown are long lasting. Shallow water habitats in Pontoosuc Lake have been impacted for many years as a result of the long running annual drawdown. Native freshwater mussels, snails, and other invertebrates die from exposure to the dry, freezing conditions as they are unable to fully relocate (Carmignani et al. 2019). Beaver lodges and muskrat dens are exposed to freezing conditions at a time when the animals cannot relocate to thermally safe environments. Delayed refill impacts spawning activities of fish who deposit eggs within littoral habitats. MassWildlife disagrees with the presumption of the Proponents that the ecology of the reservoir has somehow adapted to the consequences of drawdown over the many years that it has been implemented. Rather, it is equally, if not more likely, that the ecology has in-part succumbed to the cumulative impacts of annual drawdown.

The EENF states that recent/ongoing research has not documented significant impacts from drawdowns on lake biological assemblages. However, recent research in Massachusetts lakes has shown that the decades-long application of annual winter drawdowns significantly alters littoral habitat and associated biological assemblages within exposure zones. In MassWildlife’s opinion, the Proponents incorrectly describe the results of a study, Carmignani et al. 2019. (It) found a near absence of mussels at depths exposed to drawdown compared to the same depths (<2ft) in lakes without drawdown. Lakes without drawdowns contained significantly more mussels in shallow waters. This pattern strongly suggests depths exposed during drawdown have become low quality or no longer suitable mussel habitat.

The Proponent points out that mussels were found at higher densities in deeper water in drawdown lakes compared to non-drawdown lakes; however, the Proponents misinterpret this pattern as mussels compensating for the loss of habitat with increased abundances below the drawdown exposure zone. In fact, the study explicitly demonstrates this pattern does not hold in western Massachusetts lakes, which would apply to Pontoosuc.

The Proponents also misinterpret that small and likely colonizing mussels found within the drawdown exposure zone during the summer will persist year-round. In stranding surveys across multiple drawdown lakes, (it) found subsequent drawdowns cause stranding and mortality of these smaller mussels.

Taken together, it is MassWildlife’s assertion that annual winter drawdown in Pontoosuc negatively impacts its freshwater mussel population by reduction of suitable habitat and through annual stranding and mortality of young colonizing mussels. Consequently, the annual winter drawdowns have likely reduced the overall mussel population size in Pontoosuc, and abatement of annual winter drawdowns would enable mussel colonization into the former drawdown exposure zone providing important restoration opportunities.

The Proponent mentions at several points that drawdown impacts are temporary and abated once the pond refills. This is not supported by any documentation and the opposite can be expected. Wetlands associated with this drawdown, once frozen, are impacted for the long term. To imply that these wetlands immediately recover is counter to winter drawdown for vegetation control, which relies on more permanent impacts to negatively impact the vegetated community. The EENF does not adequately support the arguments of temporary impacts. We recommend that they address these issues in a revision to the EENF or future EIR more closely reflect the information herein, or provide other literature support for their positions.

Attachment 4 of the EENF provides output from the Resilient Massachusetts Action Team (RMAT) analysis. The Proponents identify the project as an ecological restoration in this analysis. While MassWildlife is not familiar with all the details of RMAT process, nothing in this proposal would constitute an ecological restoration project for fish and wildlife resources.”


“Pontoosuc Lake is an ecologically and recreationally important resource in proximity to a DEIJ (Environmental Justice) community.  Winter drawdown of lakes and ponds in Massachusetts alters resources that MassWildlife is mandated to conserve and protect. The submitted EENF appears to be segmented from other outstanding lake and pond management activities that are currently under review; is inconsistent in intent with previous permits for the same drawdown; does not propose to operate in such a way as to minimize downstream flooding; does not adequately address alternative solutions that would benefit downstream resources; and discounts historical and long-term impacts to fish, wildlife, and wetland resources.

MassWildlife believes that the drawdown is harmful to the biological communities in Pontoosuc Lake. All alternatives should be considered and weighed against the harm to the biological communities with thorough and conclusive evidence for the stated management action.

MassWildlife respectfully requests that the Secretary require the Proponent to provide additional details to address the issues described herein. Without additional information, MassWildlife does not feel the project has adequately and completely analyzed impacts.”

Signed by Todd Richards, Assistant Director of Fisheries and Andrew Madden Western District Supervisor

We can only hope that MEPA takes MassWildlife’s recommendations seriously.  After all, they are the Massachusetts ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Office.

Wildlife Program Overview


Because four members of the MA Fish & Wildlife Board are new members this year, it seemed appropriate that the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife inform and educate them as to what the Division’s Wildlife Program is all about.  Hey, it’s a good time for us to learn about it too. The following are excerpts of a report that Assistant Director for Wildlife, Michael Huguenin made to the Board at its January meeting, minus the charts which he used.

Mr. Huguenin reported that the Wildlife Section’s mission is to conserve and manage wildlife populations and habitats, and to enhance wildlife-based recreation and public appreciation of wildlife. Wildlife conservation and management and public service are the section’s priorities. To serve those priorities, its staff consults and reviews the best available science, and conducts population research, monitors for disease, and tracks harvest trends. Wildlife staff also tracks human-wildlife conflicts, conducts annual surveys that go back decades, participates in a myriad of other R3 (recruitment, retention and reactivation) and relevancy efforts, and contributes to MassFishHunt’s ongoing development.

Mr. Huguenin noted that when data has been collected, the biologists combine that information with the collective experience and professional judgement of Wildlife staff and senior staff to initiate management actions, such as regulation reviews, outreach strategies, habitat management, and surveys, and to develop and manage programs such as crossbow permitting, falconry, PAC [Problem Animal Control] permits, pheasant stocking, and LART [Large Animal Response Team].

M.G.L. Chapter 131 and 321 CMR 2.00 and 3.00 really govern all the Wildlife Section’s work. The law provides MassWildlife with its authority to fulfill its mandate.  Mr. Huguenin reported that the single most important piece in the conservation puzzle is the law. Further, he noted that Chapter 131 gives MassWildlife the authority to create regulations and permits that dictate the manner in which one can take, possess, or impact wildlife. In turn, the research and monitoring that the science staff conducts are essential to informing those regulations and permit parameters for conservation and management, just as they inform other management actions.

Assistant Director Huguenin reported that the team the Wildlife section has to accomplish all of this is not very big, but it gets a lot done. He noted that the Wildlife section also houses the six Habitat Program staff, and that the Habitat Program has grown and evolved over time, and essentially serves all sections in the agency.

Huguenin reported that Wildlife has four Project Leaders (PL), Black Bear and Furbearer -Dave Wattles, Turkey and Upland Game – Dave Scarpitti, Waterfowl – H Heusmann, and Deer and Moose – Martin Feehan. There are also three Wildlife Biologists, Sue McCarthy, Erik Amati, and Bridgett McAlice, who assist the PLs, among other duties; State Ornithologist Drew Vitz, who splits his time with NHESP (Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program); and GIS Specialist Jonathan Brooks, who also works with Habitat.

The Habitat Program consists of Manager Brian Hawthorne and Habitat Biologists Ben Mazzei, Marianne Piche, Fletcher Clark, Tom Wansleben, and Patrick Conlin.

The Wildlife section coordinates closely with District staff, OLE, and other staff to accomplish all that it does. Staff works across the state, sometimes in urban areas more than forested, but most of the work is at a desk behind a computer, answering calls, conducting testing on and answering questions about MassFishHunt, meeting with partners, planning, coordinating, reacting, interviewing, and writing.

Huguenin observed that many of the species the Wildlife section deals with are very comfortable living in the same spaces as people. The single biggest contributing factor to conflicts with wildlife is food, he reported. The most important piece of advice for people is to remove the food source, which is easier said than complied with. He pointed out that Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden had contributed a great article in the last issue of Massachusetts Wildlife magazine about bears and wildlife feeding that he recommended everyone read.

Ducks Unlimited Joins $60 Million Herring River Restoration Project

Work is underway to restore the Herring River estuary on Cape Cod and Ducks Unlimited (DU) has recently stepped up to help financially.

DU is partnering with the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Restoration Center, Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, Wellfleet Conservation Trust, Friends of Herring River, the town of Wellfleet and others on a $60 million project to replace a dike built in 1909 with a bridge, and implement vegetative and sediment management to reestablish natural salt marsh conditions.

The bridge will be equipped with control gates to return the natural flow of tidewater to the marsh. It is scheduled to be finished in 2025, and the gates will be incrementally opened to reintroduce tidal flow to 890 acres and will continue to be monitored to allow for adaptive management”

“The Herring River Estuary is the largest tidally restricted estuary in the northeast and this project is a once-in-a-century opportunity to address the impacts of past generations,” said DU Regional Biologist Bri Benvenuti.

“The scale and success of the Herring River Restoration Partnership is an excellent example of what can be achieved when conservation and community partners come together.”


Bottom of Form

In November, park staff, in partnership with AmeriCorps Cape Cod members and park volunteers, will begin on the groundwork to clear freshwater vegetation that has “encroached into the former tidal floodplain around the Herring River in Wellfleet,” officials said.


“Partnering with AmeriCorps Cape Cod and volunteers from the Friends of Cape Cod National Seashore, the first small steps toward the eventual restoration of hundreds of acres of coastal wetlands will begin as crews clear thick and overgrown vines, shrubs, and small trees from about six acres along the Herring River in the area around High Toss Road in Wellfleet,” the release said.


In addition to making way for a restored salt marsh, clearing vegetation in the area will provide access for scientists to collect data to develop and evaluate methods for restoring the floodplain.

The area has seen increased freshwater vegetation since 1909 when saltwater flow in the river was blocked by installing the Chequessett Neck Road Dike. Before the dike was built, most of the Herring River supported a highly productive salt marsh, dominated by cordgrass and other native salt-tolerant species, officials said.

The lack of tidal exchange and saltwater input into the estuary led to the conversion of salt marsh to freshwater wetlands. All these freshwater wetland species will eventually die-back as the native salt marsh is revived by restored tidal flow, thanks to the project.

More extensive vegetation clearing begins this winter, as the park begins the process of removing dead trees and promoting the recovery of native salt marsh vegetation in the Duck Harbor area of the Herring River.

Since January 2021, the 120-acre Duck Harbor floodplain has had periodic over wash of saltwater breaking over the dunes on Cape Cod Bay, mostly during spring tide periods.

Removing the dead vegetation should bring back more salt marsh plants and increase the ecological productivity of Duck Harbor. It will also help minimize a breeding habitat for mosquitoes.

Incidentally, the Ducks Unlimited/Lee Sportsmen’s Association’s  7th Annual Youth Sports Gala fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 1 at the Country Club of Pittsfield.  (Details TBA). It’s nice to see funds being put to good use here in Massachusetts.

Hoosic River Path in North Adams

At its general meeting on March 9, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited will feature Nick Howe from Hoosic River Revival who will give a talk about the work being done to restore the river path in North Adams. It will run from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Tourists Motel Lodge, 915 State Road, North Adams.

Hoosic River picture provided by HRI

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is about to begin its $3 million Feasibility Study to create the necessary modernization plan for the City of North Adams. Hoosic River Revival aims to re-establish the Hoosic River as the heart of North Adams’ economy and community. The two branches to the Hoosic River converge in North Adams and flow West to the Hudson. The river has historically been the engine behind North Adams’ economy. Flood protection, while effective, has separated the city’s residents from one of their greatest assets.

The general public is invited to this free event.  You are encouraged to come early to grab a drink at the bar.

More 2022 deer harvest information

More information has become available regarding the 2022 deer harvest.  As readers may recall, some 15,853 deer were harvested statewide last year.  The breakdown by harvest sex:  9,076 were adult bucks, 5,516 were does and 1,261 were buck fawns.

The following is the breakdown by Wildlife Management Zones and by seasons.  I am listing only the figures for the area west of the Connecticut River (WMZs 1 through 4), our area.

Zone 1: 4 deer were taken by paraplegics or youth (P/Y), 110 by archery, 139 by shotgun and 119 by primitive arms for a total of 372.

Zone 2:  13 taken by P/Y, 193 by archery, 234 by shotgun and 160 by primitive arms for a total of 600.

Zone 3:  5 taken by P/Y, 168 by archery, 283 by shotgun and 197 by primitive arms for a total of 653,

Zone 4N:  14 taken by P/Y, 210 by archery, 286 by shotgun and 148 by primitive arms for a total of 658.

Zone 4S: 8 taken by P/Y, 158 by archery, 140 by shotgun and 79 by primitive arms for a total of 385.

Just to give you an indication of how large the deer herd is in the eastern part of the state, Zone 9 yielded 1,414 deer, Zone 10 yielded 2,793 and Zone 11 yielded 4,259.

2022 wild turkey harvest

Based upon information listed on the MassWildlife web site, some 3,067 turkeys were harvested statewide last year, 2,837 in the spring hunt and 230 in the fall hunt.

The spring totals were as follows:  2,240 adult males, 508 jakes, and 10 bearded hens.  (Hunting the normal hens is prohibited in the spring hunt).  Those numbers were based upon the spring estimated harvest which was estimated to be 2,758 at the time. When final figures came in, the count was subsequently jacked up to 2,837. Some 365 of them were estimated to be from the Berkshires.

The harvest was nearly identical to the 10-year average of spring turkey harvest.

Young hunters harvested some 76 turkeys (49 adult males, 26 jakes, 1 bearded hen) statewide on the Youth Turkey Hunt Day.

Sex breakdowns were not available for the fall harvest nor how many were taken in the Berkshires.  Of the total 230 statewide fall harvest, 118 were toms and 112 were hens.

A talk on Mustelids

On Wednesday, March 8 at 6:00 pm local MassWildlife biologist Nathan Buckhout will make a presentation on mustelids, otherwise known as the weasel family—and go over some common characteristics of the diverse group.

river otter photo provided by MassWildlife

The talk will be at the March Berkshire Green Drinks gathering at the Shire Breu-Hous inside The Stationery Factory, 63 Flansburg Ave, Dalton, MA, and online via Zoom.


Mustelids are a family of carnivorous mammals, which include weasels, minks, otters, fishers, martens, and wolverines, among others. They’re an incredibly diverse family that comprises a vast number of individual species. Nathan will briefly discuss each species presently in Massachusetts, as well as species that have disappeared from the region. He will also discuss some common misconceptions and human-mustelid-related issues that commonly occur.


Additionally, Nathan is an expert on bears and enjoys discussing all types of wildlife.  He welcomes all questions about any wildlife during the Q&A session.

The in-person gathering begins at 5:00 pm at Shire Breu-Hous. The presentation will take place upstairs in a venue space of The Stationery Factory at 6:00 pm. RSVP to the in-person event at https://March-2023-Berks-Green-Drinks.eventbrite.com

Pre-registration is required to attend the virtual presentation. Register at https://tinyurl.com/March-2023-Berks-Green-Drinks

Berkshire Green Drinks (formerly Pittsfield Green Drinks) is an informal gathering on the second Wednesday of the month. A guest speaker talks for about 30 minutes beginning at 6:00 pm, and the presentation is followed by a discussion and Q&A. These nights are free and open to everyone with any environmental interest. The drinks aren’t green but the conversations are. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join and bring along questions

First time out ice fishing

I don’t think anyone forgets the first time they went ice fishing. Five-year old Cameron and three-year old Colin Phillips of Groveland, MA surely won’t forget their first ice fishing experience.  They were out ice fishing on Onota Lake last Sunday with their mom and dad Nicole and Shaun Phillips and their grandparents Elaine and retired Pittsfield Deputy Fire Chief Keith Phillips. Shaun grew up in Pittsfield and fishing on Onota Lake but now resides in Groveland. Elaine and Keith Phillips still reside in Pittsfield.

Fishing on about 8 inches of ice, Cameron hauled in a 3 lbs. 10 oz smallmouth bass.  According to Shaun, Cameron pulled it in himself, his first time catching one while ice fishing. It will earn him a youth bronze pin from the state, and if no one catches a larger one this year, he may get a gold pin.

Cameron and Colin Phillips picture provided by family

They kept the bass this time and plan to have it mounted so Cameron has one on the wall next to his dad’s bass, which he caught when he was about the same age as Cameron.  Shaun says it kept him fishing throughout his life

Teaching Shaun and now Cameron was their grandfather Keith who was present to witness both catches.  I’d say he did a good job of teaching, don’t you think?

Some small game hunting ends next week

Tuesday marks the end of the cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, squirrel and fox hunting seasons until this fall.  Oil up your guns and safely lock them away in the gun cabinet. Remember to lock your ammo in a separate location. The next time hunters will probably be picking up their shotguns again is in April, when the Spring Wild Turkey hunting season opens on April 24.

Let’s help those that are endangered

Is pulling junk out of our rivers not your forte?  Are you too busy to help eradicate the invasive hardy kiwi plant? Feeling guilty about not doing more to protect our environment and the critters that inhabit it, especially the endangered ones?

Well, one possible way to alleviate the guilt is to support the endangered at tax time. By adding a donation to line 33A on your State income taxes, you can help Massachusetts endangered animals and plants thrive.


According to MassWildlife, more than 430 plants and animals are listed under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. These rare species play an important role in keeping the Commonwealth’s natural communities thriving. You can make a difference by supporting endangered species conservation while filing your taxes this year. Remember, look for Line 33A on your state tax form and write in any amount. Your meaningful donation will go to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund which is dedicated specifically to the conservation of rare species in the Commonwealth.


Good time to tie some flies


With ice fishing almost over, the hunting seasons closed, little or no snow for snowshoeing, too early to start scouting for wild turkeys, what are the outdoors folks going to do now?  Go shopping?  Nope, you don’t want to hang around a mall all day. I don’t know about you, but my legs get more tired there than traipsing through the woods all day or climbing a mountain.


If you are a fly fisherman, you have no problem.  This time of year is traditionally the time to sit down at the fly tier’s desk and start winding the thread, furs, feathers, tinsel, etc. onto the hooks.  For many, it’s the only time of the year they have to do this.  They will probably restock the reliable, time-tested old flies like the Woolie Bugger, the Hendrickson, the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear, etc., that they lost during last year’s season, either in fish, snags or branches.  Or maybe they will tie up variations of those trusted old flies by changing the color, size, etc., just to see how they’ll work in the upcoming fishing season.


By the time that they are done fly tying, it will be springtime with our lakes and streams full of hungry trout ready to gobble them up………..or totally reject them.

2022 MA Angler of the Year and gold pin award winners announced


Since 1963, MassWildlife’s Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program has recognized anglers who catch exceptional freshwater fish across Massachusetts. The goal of the Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program is to foster a joy for angling in the many aquatic habitats the state has to offer. From rivers and streams to lakes and ponds, Massachusetts offers opportunities to catch over 20 species of fish.

The Catch & Keep Angler of the Year Award is given to the person who weighs in the largest number of species that meet the minimum weight requirements for the previous calendar year.

According to figures announced by MassWildlife, the Adult Catch & Keep Angler of the Year was Matthew Power of Auburn. In addition to other bronze pin fish, he caught the gold pin yellow perch weighing 1 lb. 14 oz out of Demond Pond in Rutland.

There was a 3-way tie in the Youth Catch & Keep Angler of the Year.  Carter Flagg of Gill, and Logan Middlebrook and Gabriel Christman of Pittsfield. Carter caught the gold pin bullhead which weighed 2 lbs. 0 oz out of Plainfield Pond in Plainfield. He also caught a gold pin 11 lbs. 15 oz channel catfish out of the Connecticut River in Northfield.

Picture provided by Middlebrook family

Logan caught the gold pin brown trout weighing 3 lbs. 6 oz out of Onota Lake in Pittsfield.  Gabriel caught the gold pin 3 lbs. 5 oz rainbow trout out of Stockbridge Bowl in Stockbridge.  He also caught a gold pin white perch weighing 1 lb. 4 oz out of Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough.

Gabriel Christman holding gold pin rainbow.

The Catch & Release Angler of the Year Award is awarded to the person who submits the largest number of species that meet the minimum length requirements for the previous calendar year.

The Catch & Release Angler of the Year winner was Andrew Langley of Peabody. He caught a gold pin 24.75-inch shad out of the Merrimack River in Andover

Other gold pin fish that were caught out of Berkshire waters last year were:

In the Adult Catch & Keep Category – A 3 lbs. 5 oz brook trout was caught out of Goose Pond in Lee by Allan Armstrong of Lee.

In the Catch & Release category, two 44-inch northern pike were caught out of Onota Lake.  One was caught by Seth Davis of Oxbridge and one caught by Jake Burke of Pittsfield. Another gold pin fish caught out of Onota was a 23.25- inch white catfish which was caught by Jason Wingrove of Bernardston. (I never knew we had white catfish here in Berkshire waters).

Angler of the Year recipients and gold pin winners are honored each year at a MassWildlife awards event where they will get a gold pin and a plaque. The date and location TBA.

I have only listed the names of the gold pin winners. There is another pin awarded and that is the bronze pin.  If you submit a fish that meets the minimum weight or minimum length requirements for an eligible species, you’ll get a bronze pin from MassWildlife for that species Nearly 1,000 pins are awarded annually.


There were 4 new state records all in the Catch & Release Category: A 32-inch bowfin caught out of the Connecticut River in Northampton by Will Pelerin of Springfield, a 25-inch largemouth bass caught out of Forge Pond in Granby also caught by Will Pellerin, a 29.50-inch walleye caught out of the Connecticut River in Holyoke by Michael Taylor of South Hadley and an 18-inch white perch caught out of Wachusett Reservoir by John Ceccolini of Sutton.

Congratulations to all the 2022 winners!

Incidentally, Gabriel Christman comes from quite a fishing family.  His father was Angler of the Year Adult Catch and Keep Category in 2016, 2020 and 2021.  His sister Alice Christman was the 2019 Youth Catch and Keep Angler of the Year.

Tom Wren Ice Fishing Derby


The Tom Wren Memorial Ice Fishing Derby is scheduled to be held at Pontoosuc Lake February 18.  Check-in starts at 6:00 am. and the final weigh in at 3:00 pm. All cash brought in will be paid out in prizes. First second and third heaviest fish for the Adult and Children categories. Check in and weigh in will be held in the camper shanty set up at Narragansett Park in Lanesboro. Any questions click onto the Tom Wren Memorial Ice Fishing Derby Facebook page.


The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club & Adams Outdoorsmen for Youth Ice Fishing Derby


This derby will be held on Cheshire Lake on Sunday, February 19 from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM

(1st Lake (North Basin) and 2nd Lake).  Prizes will be awarded to:

Adults: 1st/2nd/3rd Heaviest Pike; 1st/2nd/3rd Heaviest Bass and 1st Heaviest Misc. Fish.

Kids: Top 5 heaviest fish.


Prizes include: 10” Eskimo Auger, Eskimo Shanty, Set of 5 Jack Trap Tip Ups, Eskimo Pistol Bit Auger, Jet Sleds, plus much more.


Tickets are $15 for adults and free for kids with an adult ticket. They are available at Cheshire Sporting Goods, Dave’s Sporting Goods, Onota Boat Livery, Martin Farrell’s Bait or on the day of the derby from 7:00 am to 10:00 am at the boat ramps.


Awards will be presented at the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club at 5 PM.


Learn to Ice Fish and Fishing Derby 

MassWildlife invites you to learn to ice fish and have some fun. On February 19, meet up at Farnham’s Causeway on Cheshire Lake, drop in any time between sunrise to 4:00 pm. Gear and bait will be provided. This event is co-sponsored by the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club and the Adams Outdoorsman for Youth. This is a fishing derby with prizes and a learn to fish event. It is open to the public, no registration required.

Incidentally, in last week’s column where I mentioned the results of the Lanesboro Fire Department’s ice fishing derby, I forgot to mention that the derby took place on Pontoosuc Lake.

Crazy weather this year with abnormally warm temperatures.  I haven’t even been out ice fishing once and its beginning to look like I may not get out at all this season.  Not unless we get a lengthy cold snap.  What little ice there is will surely get thinner.  If you plan to participate in one of the ice fishing derbies or events, you might want to keep an eye on the sponsor’s web pages for updates, or call them directly.


Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet


The Bay State Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will be holding a banquet on February 18 at 5:00 pm at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club, 24 West Stockbridge Road, Stockbridge.  There are a dozen entrance fee scenarios, but a single ticket costs $90, or a couple ticket costs $145.00.  There will be great food and chances to win top notch firearms, premium trips, and exclusive gear. The live auction special feature is a 2024 Wyoming Backcountry Pack trip for two. Seats and tickets are limited and you can reserve your tickets by registering online (www.rmef.org/Masssachusetts) or by calling Gary Johnston at (413)441-0361.

MassWildlife winter activities

Ever wonder what DFW staff does during the winter?  Well, according to DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden some of their time is spent on apple tree pruning. Western District staff are continuing efforts to restore overgrown apple orchards this winter. They have pruned and released trees at Peru and Fox Den Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). Productive apple trees provide important soft mast for a variety of game and non-game species.

They are also spending time on nesting boxes.  District staff have been servicing nesting boxes for wood duck, kestrel, and bluebirds. The inconsistent ice has made duck boxes a challenge, but lack of snow has allowed them to attend their other boxes earlier than usual.

2022 Prescribed Fire Program Summary

DFW Western District kicked off a prescribed fire program for the first time in 2022. Efforts were focused on fields and calcareous fens.  They conducted burns at Stafford Hill WMA in Cheshire, Fairfield Brook WMA in Richmond and Karner Brook WMA in Egremont and Mount Washington. The burns were the first in Berkshire County for MassWildlife’s modern burn program. They have additional sites planned for 2023.

2022 deer harvest set a record


In his February report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that the preliminary statewide deer harvest for 2022 was a record with  15,853 deer. “That harvest highlights growing deer abundance statewide and increased access to permits, with the previous 3-year average of 14,007.” he said.

The breakdown of the harvest by season is as follows:

  • Youth Deer Hunt Day: 114
  • Paraplegic Hunt Days: 7
  • Archery Season: 6,543
  • Shotgun Season: 5,823
  • Primitive Firearms Season: 3,366

He noted that the harvest is well within the expected range allowed under strict regulations set by MassWildlife.

“The statewide deer population has been increasing for several decades,” said MassWildlife Deer and Moose Project Leader Martin Feehan. “Hunting is a critical tool for balancing deer populations with forest health while feeding tens of thousands of families across Massachusetts every year. It really is a win-win for both people and wildlife conservation.”

Deer densities vary widely from an ideal range of about 12–18 deer per square mile in most of central and western Massachusetts to more than 30–50 deer per square mile in areas of eastern Massachusetts and on the islands. Without population management through regulated hunting, deer become overabundant, increasing risks to public safety from vehicle collisions and habitat damage. When there are too many deer, they over-browse tree saplings and seedlings, which degrades forest health and negatively impacts many other wildlife species.


Basic hunting education is mandatory for all hunters.


There are different rules for minors based on their age. No person under the age of 12 may hunt in Massachusetts.

Youth ages 12-14

Youth ages 12-14 do not need a license or stamps or firearms license to hunt. They may hunt only when accompanied by a licensed adult hunter 18 or older. Only one minor per adult is permitted. The adult and minor share one firearm/bow and a single bag limit along with any applicable permits/tags.

The adult must have:

  • A valid Massachusetts hunting or sporting license
  • Any required state or federal stamps or permits
  • Firearms license if a firearm is being used
  • All other hunting laws apply.


 Youth Ages 15–17

Youth ages 15-17 must have a minor hunting license along with any required stamps and permits.

  • Minors without a Basic Hunter Education certificate must be accompanied by a person 18 years of age or older.
  • Minors with a Basic Hunter Education certificate may legally hunt without adult supervision and must carry their Basic Hunter Education certificate while hunting.
  • Minors hunting with a shotgun or rifle must follow Massachusetts Firearms license laws and must obtain a Firearms Identification Card (FID).
  • All other hunting laws apply.

Basic hunter education is required even for adult hunters.

  • Blended: Students complete the online MA hunter study guide before attending one in-person Field Day.
  • In-person (traditional): Students attend an entirely in-person, instructor led course that is offered over multiple days.  All courses are free of charge and open to the public.


Such a class will be held at the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club on March 13, 17, 20, 22, 27 and 31 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. If interested, you should click onto the MassWildlife website education and call the number listed to sign up.


Ice Fishing derbies

The Great Barrington Fish & Game Club will be holding an ice fishing derby on Saturday, February 11 from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm at Mercer’s Pond in Great Barrington.  The entry fee is $15 for adults and children 12 and under $5. There will be a spaghetti and meatball dinner following the derby.  There will be prizes for every child.  The grand door prize for adults will be an ice auger, for children a bicycle. Other prizes include:  largest fish (adult and child), heaviest fish overall plus many raffle prizes. Tickets must be pruchased at the clubhouse prior to derby, no exceptions.

The Cheshire Fire Department’s Sixth Annual Ice Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, February 12 on Cheshire Lake.  There will be prizes for the three largest fish of any species for both adult and youth age groups. An additional prize for the largest bass of the day will be awarded as well as the Bill Lewis Biggest Bass Award.

Registration will take place from 6:00 am until noon on both boat ramps. It will run from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm on both the north and south basins. Registration Fee: $15.00 for adults, youths 12 and under free with an adult. Registration fee automatically enters you in for thousands of dollars worth of raffles to be drawn throughout the day.  A 50/50 raffle will also be available.  All fish must be weighed in by 4:00 pm.

All proceeds from this derby go directly to benefit the Cheshire Volunteer Fire Department for things like training, equipment, vehicle maintenance, etc. Call or text with any questions. 413-281-5020.


Results of Ice fishing Derby


The winners of the Lanesboro Fire Association Ice Fishing Derby which was held on Saturday, January 28 on Pontoosuc Lake are as follows:

Pike: 1st Place John O’Neil 8 lbs 2 oz, 2nd Jon Jewell 7 lbs 6 oz, 3rd  Brian King 6 lbs 6 oz.  Bass: 1st Place Kristen Strum 3 lbs 5 oz, 2nd Dan Dufur 3 lbs 4 oz, 3rd Brian Littlefoot 2 lbs 8oz.  Pickerel: 1st Place Dan Starkey 2 lbs 15 oz,


Some 80 or so ice fishermen entered the Coles Memorial Ice Fishing Derby last Sunday on Goose Pond. John Kelley caught the largest fish of the day, a 2 lb 5 oz brown trout which measured 19 ½ inches long.


Other Adult Category winners were:  Bass: Trevor Goodermott took 1st place with a 1 lb 15 oz bass.  James Trumps came in second with a bass weighing 14 oz.  Pickerel:  Shamus Daley took 1st place with a 1 lb 10 oz fish.  J Petersoli came in second with a 1 lb 7 oz fish, Trout:  John Kelley took that 2 lb 5 oz brown trout.  2nd place went to Josh Brown with a 1 lb 8 oz 16-inch rainbow trout.  Perch: Tyler Swicker took first place with a 11 oz yellow perch.  Josh Brown took second place with a 10 oz perch.

Picture taken by
Gene Chague


In the Kid’s Category, Carson and Emmit Mechare tied for 1st place by each catching a 14 oz rainbow trout. Young Trenton Santolin caught the only pickerel in this category which was a 13 oz pickerel.


The 39th Annual Springfield Sportsmen’s Show coming soon


The show takes place at the Eastern States Exposition (Big E) 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, MA on February 24 through 26.   The show hours are Friday from noon to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 7 pm and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.  Admission:  Adults – $15, kids 6 to 12 – $5 and under 6 free.

Billed as the largest pure hunting and fishing show in the Northeast, it is filled with hundreds of booths, seminars and action areas. The show is filled with an outdoorsman’s dream of fishing and hunting gear, outfitters, charter boats and adventure destinations, along with great deals on fishing boats, ATV’s and UTV’s. There will be great attractions and displays such as The Northeast Big Buck Club, Trout Pond, and more.

The Outdoor Sports Expo Group brings together just the right mix of hunting and fishing celebrities, industry experts, and entertainment features to produce a sporting and outdoor show that is educational, entertaining, and fun.

Each year, the show draws exhibitors from all over the Northeast who are eager to present their products and services to outdoor sporting enthusiasts. Returning and all new fishing tackle vendors will exhibit and sell fishing reels and rods, hard and soft plastic baits, fishing kayaks with accessories, boats of all types, etc.

State of the Hoosic River

On February 9, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have at its general meeting Arianna Collins, Executive Director of the Hoosic River Watershed Association (HOORWA).  She will be speaking about the state of the Hoosic River and the work HOORWA is doing in water quality and temperature testing. The meeting will take place at the Trailhouse Kitchen and Bar, 896 State Rd, North Adams.

Fly Tying with Chris Samson


On February 7, Chris Samson of Berkshire Outfitters, 169 Grove St, Adams, MA, is hosting a fly-tying night at 6:30 pm.

Protecting our lovable, cuddly friends


According to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW), coyotes are “an opportunistic​ feeder” that is adaptable to many habitats, including suburban, urban and rural areas. Some town officials across the state are urging residents to be cautious with their pets this winter, as coyote mating season is officially underway and could last until March.

During this time, you are likely to see coyotes more frequently than normal, especially in wooded areas, in neighborhoods and backyards. They will utilize whatever food is naturally available, including small animals, birds, insects and fruits, as well as artificial sources such as garbage, pet food, birdseed, and compost.

In suburban areas they’ve been known to prey on unprotected pets, including small dogs and house cats.  They may view larger dogs as competition. It is not abnormal for coyotes to protect themselves if threatened.

Pet owners should keep their pets out of harm’s way.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Feed your pets indoors to avoid attracting wildlife
  • Cats should be kept inside, if possible, especially during low light hours such as early morning and early evening.
  • Dogs of all sizes should be kept on a leash and closely monitored when out in the yard.
  • Go outside with your dog. Before letting your dog out and while it is out there, check and even make noise to scare off any coyotes that may be lurking in the area.


For more helpful information on preventing conflicts with coyotes, click onto the MassWildlife web site https://www.mass.gov/prevent conflicts with coyotes.

Fly-tying event was a great event

“We had a great turnout tonight” wrote Fran Marzotto of Pittsfield.  He was writing about the fly- tying class which was held at Berkshire Outfitters in Adams last Tuesday evening.

photo taken by Fran Marzotto

Including instructors, the event was attended by 24 people. The attendees included women, men, and children. Their ages ranged from 8 years old to seniors and their skill levels ranged from beginners to intermediate to advanced tiers. They tied Wooly Buggers and Egg Patterns for trout and Crab Patterns for Striped Bass.

The above event was a Taconic Trout Unlimited affiliated event. But in addition to them, Instructor Chris Samson is planning on holding tying events at Berkshire Outfitters every two weeks on Tuesday evenings throughout the winter.  The next event on February 7 at 6:30 pm. Future TU affiliated events will be announced by Taconic President Justin Adkins at a later date.

The names of the instructors were Chris Samson (Store Manager), Fran Marzotto, Paul Gigliotti and Bob Levesque.

picture taken by Fran Marzotto

Steve Blazejewski is the owner of Berkshire Outfitters. As you can see in the pictures, it has a great array of flyfishing and fly-tying equipment.




Housatonic River in CT now designated as “Wild and Scenic”


For the many local flyfishermen who fish the Housatonic River in Connecticut, especially around Falls Village and Cornwall, there is a bit of good news.


The Housatonic River Commission recently announced federal designation of the Housatonic River as a Wild & Scenic River for the 41 miles of the Housatonic River from the Massachusetts border to the Boardman Bridge in New Milford. William Tingley, Chairman of the Housatonic River Commission, said ‘This federal Wild & Scenic designation of the Housatonic River will help to ensure the Commission’s ability to carry through its management plan to maintain the river’s unspoiled beauty and create solid accessibility to the many user groups who treasure the Housatonic River.”


“The Commission has worked diligently for many years to accomplish this important Wild & Scenic designation. This was a team effort, and there are many to thank for their support in making this designation happen. First and foremost, thank you to the residents and public officials of the seven towns represented on the Commission: Canaan (Falls Village), Cornwall, Kent, Salisbury, Sharon, New Milford, and North Canaan, and to the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) for their dedicated support and advocacy for the river and this designation”.


“Additionally, thank you to state and federal elected officials, most particularly Senator Chris Murphy and Congresswoman Jahana Hayes, for making sure this designation was included in the recently passed Omnibus Bill in Washington, and to several key partners for their dedicated efforts in addition to the HVA, including the National Park Service, Northwest Hills Council of Governments, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, local area land trusts, and other interested organizations.”


This 41-mile section of the Housatonic River is now a member of the National Park Service’s Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program, a federally funded consortium designed to protect and enhance exceptional rivers throughout the country. The Commission will also be entitled to receive federal funds to carry out its management plan for the Housatonic River, including the pressing need to improve and control public access to the river for recreation


What to do if you think you caught a state record fish

How many times have you gone ice fishing and thought that perhaps that day you might catch a state record pickerel or northern pike?  Why not?  State records have been caught out of Berkshire waters before.  Be prepared by reading the following advice from MassWildlife.

“If you think your trophy fish may have broken a state record, it needs to be weighed by a MassWildlife Fisheries Biologist. Email Steven.Mattocks@mass.gov to make an appointment to bring your fish into one of our office locations. The fish must be presented in its entirety (whole). In keeping with MassWildlife regulations prohibiting the transportation of live fish without a permit, any fish submitted for weighing must be dead.”

Good to know, now all we have to do is catch a state record.

Active Military & Veteran Waterfowl Hunt coming up

Two statewide Active Military & Veteran Waterfowl Hunt season dates (Oct. 8, 2022 and Feb. 4, 2023), are open for waterfowl hunting (ducks, coots, mergansers, and geese) by veterans and current members of the Armed Forces on active duty.  It includes members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty (other than for training).

The term “veteran,” is defined, per section 101 of title 38, United States Code, as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable”. Proof of eligibility is required and must be carried on person while hunting. All regular season waterfowl regulations and bag limits apply.

Annual Pheasant Fundraising Turkey Shoot & Dinner


The Lee Sportsmen’s Association (LSA) invites you to its Annual Pheasant Fundraising Turkey Shoot & Dinner being held on Sunday, February 5. The Turkey Shoot runs from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Prizes include NY strip steaks, turkeys, pork loins, and spiral hams.  The dinner is from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm.  Cost is adults $20 and children 12 and under $10.  Contact Secretary John Polastri at (413) 822-8278 for any questions, concerns.

Every year, MassWildlife stocks an average of 40,000 pheasants on Wildlife Management Areas and other lands open to the public.  LSA helps raise and release the pheasants.  They are stocked for recreational hunting and are paid for by revenue from license fees; however, the cost of raising and releasing the pheasants is the responsibility of LSA, and the caretakers are all LSA volunteers. You are invited to come on out for a day of fun and delicious food, and help support a great cause to ensure our continued legacy of wildlife management and hunting heritage in the Berkshires.

Carla Rhodes:  From Comedy to Conservation

Wildlife conservation photographer Carla Rhodes will make a presentation at the February Berkshire Green Drinks gathering on Wednesday, February 8, at 6:00 PM in person at Barrington Brewery, 420 Stockbridge Rd, Great Barrington, and online via Zoom.

With work published in The New York Times, The Guardian, and more, Carla’s untraditional path to helping elevate wildlife through the art form of photography inspires people to chase their wildest dreams.

Join the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT)  in person or online for the  Berkshire Green Drinks event to hear how Carla went from comedy to conservation and see some of the awe-inspiring moments she has captured through her photography.

The in-person gathering begins at 5:15 PM, and the presentation starts at 6:00 PM. RSVP for the in-person event at Feb2023-Berks-Green-Drinks.eventbrite.com.

Pre-registration is required to attend the virtual presentation. Register at tinyurl.com/Feb2023-Berks-Green-Drinks.

Time to review ice safety tips


Well, with ice fishing season here or approaching, and with fishing derbies scheduled, it’s that time again to review information from MassWildlife regarding ice thickness.  A truck already went through the ice in Warwick, MA.  Fortunately, no one was injured.

I recommend you read the great article on Page A4 of the January 13, 2023 Berkshire Eagle dealing with ice safety. Or you could click onto MassWildlife’s website https://www.mass.gov/news/stay-safe-on-the-ice-this-winter where there is important safety information listed.  There is no need for me to reprint all of that information here.

But I would like to point out a couple of items:

One is the suggestion by MassWildlife that 4 inches of ice may be safe for ice fishing or other activities on foot.  But they clearly stipulate that it is safe only on new clear/blue ice on lakes or ponds.  Keep an eye on the ice especially this year because of the freeze/thaw days this winter.  The ice may be cloudy and not as thick and hard as one thinks.

Another important suggestion is to always keep pets leashed while walking on or near ice. Well- meaning pet owners can easily become victims themselves when trying to assist their pets.


Obviously, rabbit hunters don’t keep their dogs on a leash for they work the bushes trying to kick up some bunnies and unfortunately, they’re apt to run onto dangerous ice pursuing them.


That happened to me a few years back while my beagle Jacques and I were hunting an area near the Housatonic River in Pittsfield.  He was barking away running a bunny out of my sight when I heard ice breaking in the area where he was.  I rushed over to find him and there he was in a frozen flooded area near the river some thirty feet away.  Only his head was sticking out of the ice and he was looking at me for help.  I had to try to save him, so I gingerly started walking out to try to reach him.  To my delight, the water under the ice had receded and there was dry ground under that ice.  When I reached Jacques, he was standing on dry ground under the ice, too.  We really lucked out that day.


After that I never hunted him in the late fall or winter where there were ponds or rivers. Actually, I didn’t have to worry, for he never forgot that incident and never went on ice again, unless he went ice fishing with me.  He loved to play Huskie and help me drag my ice fishing sled out onto the lakes.  I brought a 30-foot lead so that he wouldn’t wander away and get into trouble near thin ice or try to bum a hot dog from other nearby ice fishermen.


Upcoming ice fishing derbies 

The Lanesborough Volunteer Fireman’s Association will be sponsoring an ice fishing derby on Saturday, January 28 on Pontoosuc Lake.  It will run from 6:000 am until 2:00 pm.  Registration will be conducted behind the park on Narragansett Avenue.  There will be a $15 entry fee for adults with kids 12 and under free.  Each entry fee includes a chance at the door prize (Weber Grill).

The Coles Memorial Hard Water Fishing Derby is scheduled to take place on Goose Pond on Sunday, January 29 from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Dresser Hull, Terrace Hair Studio or on the ice near the boat ramp and must be purchased by 10:00 am in order to fish. Tickets cost $10.00 for adults and free for kids 12 and under.  There will be cash prizes for adults.  All proceeds will go towards a memorial donation to the boat ramp in the late Evan Colbert’s name.

Check to make sure there are no changes due to ice conditions,


Learn to ice fish with MassWildlife

Learn how to set up your rod, how to use a tip-up and how to bait your hook. Events are free, family friendly, and open to all skill levels. No fishing license or registration is required. Bring your own fishing equipment or borrow theirs. Limited gear and bait will be provided. Note: Events will be canceled if ice is less than 6 inches thick or if there is heavy rain or snow.

Such a class will be held on Cheshire Lake on February 19 from sunrise to 4:00 pm.  Meet up and weigh in at Farnham’s Causeway.  It is held in cooperation with the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club and the Adams Outdoorsmen for Youth.

There are also some nice ice fishing tutorial videos on the MassWildlife website.

Nice crappie hauled through the ice

Last Tuesday, January 17, Javius Johnson of Ashfield, MA caught a nice crappie out of Ashfield Lake. It weighed 1 lb 12 oz, was 16 inches long and had a girth of 11 ¾ inches He caught it on a shiner.  I happened to be at the Onota Boat Livery in Pittsfield when Javius weighed it in. It was a beauty.

Incidentally, Javius said that there were approximately 8 inches of ice on Ashfield Lake that day.

To be eligible for a bronze pin from the DFW Freshwater Sportfishing Awards Program Catch and Keep Category, the crappie had to weigh at least 1 lb 8 oz.  If no one catches a larger crappie, Javius will receive a gold pin and be recognized at the awards ceremony later on this year (provided Covid doesn’t rear its ugly head again).  In that case the pin and certificate will be mailed to him.  Last year’s gold pin winning crappie weighed 2 lbs 13 oz and it came out of Quabbin Reservoir.

2022 Deer Harvest figures still not yet released

In his January report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS), MA DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden said that early reports indicate that 2022 was an excellent year for Massachusetts deer hunters. Final tabulations are still being calculated but all Western District zones saw an increase over 2021. Full statewide numbers should be available soon.

Preliminary Bear Harvest


Andrew Madden also reported that a total of 223 black bears were taken during the combined 2022 bear hunting seasons. This was the second highest in the last 5 years and the 6th highest overall. Some 79 bears were taken in Berkshire County.


Environmental Police Comments

At the above-mentioned BCLS meeting, Lt. Cara Carlow of the Massachusetts Environmental Police discussed the recent hunting fatality in Chesterfield.  She offered this advice:

  • If you have an older person with a smart phone, please show him//her how to use it, how to find where the coordinates are and how to send them.
  • That deceased hunter only brought 5 shotgun rounds with him and blasted them all off before law enforcement even got to the location. They had nothing to help triangulate where the lost hunter was. On top of that, he kept moving.
  • If you like to hunt alone, tell a friend where you will be and that you will text them later when you come out of the woods.
  • Plan for the worst weather, make sure your phone is charged before you go out. If you know the battery is dying, put it on airplane mode. Carry a portable phone recharger.


She had one other tidbit of useful information – Make sure you have a plan if you shoot a deer or bear.  Can you drag it out? If not, have some friends on standby. Also, please know that you are not allowed to use an ATV to drag your bear out of a Wildlife Management Area unless MassWildlife gives you permission to do that.

Definitely some useful advice from which we all can learn.

Monies awarded for recreational access projects in MA

$56,000 has been awarded in Massachusetts state grant funds to the Towns of Barnstable and Cohasset, and the City of Newburyport for saltwater fishing access projects popular with the recreational fishing community.

The access funds, which were awarded by the Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Marine Fisheries are provided through the collection of revenue from the sale of saltwater fishing permits, a portion of which fund construction and improvements to public access facilities in Massachusetts coastal communities.


It’s good to know that our salt water permit fees are being put to good use.

Hunters Share the Harvest Program” is a success.  Expansion planned for next year.  

In my December 10, 2022 column, I did an article on MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest Program, a new program which provides an opportunity for hunters to donate and share wild game meat like venison with Massachusetts residents in need.

Free range, organic venison is a lean, healthy protein with a low carbon footprint that already feeds thousands of licensed hunters and their families across Massachusetts each year and now successful hunters can help combat hunger and food insecurity in their communities by donating venison.

In last year’s deer hunting seasons, there was only one approved meat processor that accepted whole-deer donations.  The packaged venison was to be distributed to those in need through the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation’s Food 4 Vets program.

Meat processors, food pantries, hunger relief agencies, or other organizations who wanted to participate in MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest program in the future could contact Martin Feehan, MassWildlife’s Deer and Moose Project Leader, at martin.feehan@mass.gov.

Well, at last week’s Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) meeting, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife had a very successful launch of the Share the Harvest Program. “With support from the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation and through the generosity of hunters, more than 700lbs of venison were distributed.” said Madden.

MassWildlife will be expanding the program in 2023 to reach wider distribution and provide meals for more people throughout the state.

BioMap is available.

BioMap, a newly-updated online tool that identifies critical land and waterways throughout the Commonwealth in need of conservation is now available. MassWildlife and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) worked to develop the tool to help state and local governments, land trusts, non-government organizations, and other conservation partners strategically plan projects to conserve wildlife and their habitats.

The latest version of BioMap combines more than 40 years of rigorously documented rare species and natural community records from MassWildlife with cutting-edge climate resilience data from TNC and spatial data identifying intact fish and wildlife communities, habitats, and ecosystems that are the focus of the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan.

You are invited to join Assistant Director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Eve Schluter and TNC Ecologist Andy Finton for a demonstration of the new BioMap webinar on January 18 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Click onto https://www.mass.gov/news/new-release-of-biomap to register for the webinar.

Email natural.heritage@mass.gov to request BioMap technical support or to request notification of future trainings.

 “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World”

Skilled wildlife tracker and educator Dan Gardoqui is visiting the Berkshires to present a talk: “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World” at Berkshire Community College’s Robert Boland Theater in Pittsfield on Friday, January 20 at 6:00 PM. This event is sponsored by Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT), Greenagers, Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC), Housatonic Heritage, Richmond Pond Association, and Berkshire Community College. It is free and open to the public, with a $10 suggested donation.

Dan Gardoqui will give a presentation on tracking wildlife. He’ll lead attendees to make deeper connections with the natural world and the wildlife that surrounds us by sharing thrilling stories and photos from his tracking experiences and discussing ways to actively participate in the more-than-human world by applying wildlife tracking skills. A Q & A session will follow the talk.

The following day, Saturday, January 21, Dan will lead two back-to-back trackings (8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30pm to 3:30pm at the Eugene D Moran Wildlife Management Area on the border of Cheshire and Windsor, MA. Each workshop costs $50 and has a limited space of 10 participants Email team@thebeatnews.org with any questions.

For over 30 years, Dan Gardoqui has been a student, teacher, observer, and active participant in the more-than-human world. A Certified Wildlife Tracker since 2006, he has trained hundreds in the science and art of tracking. Dan is also a bird language expert and bird mimic – known for his YouTube series “Learn a Bird.” Some of his contributions include the books “Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species” (Elbroch & MacFarland) and “What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal Nature’s Secrets” (Young). Dan applies wildlife tracking skills in citizen science projects (e.g., Canada Lynx, Flying Squirrels, Moose, Eastern Wolf) as a Registered Maine Guide.

Fly fishing show in Marlboro

 The 2023 Fly Fishing Show will take place January 20-22 at the Royal Plaza Trade Center,181 Boston Post Road Marlborough, MA. Hours are 10 am to 6 pm on Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday and 9 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday. The show promises more fly-casting, tying, manufacturer and retail store displays of the newest rods, reels, lines, boots, waders, clothing and flies during the three-day run.

The show will have many demonstrations at its Destination Theater presentations each hour including Labrador’s Monster Brookies, Fly Fishing Martha’s Vineyard, Montana, Iceland, the Adirondacks and many others.  There will be more than $30,000 in door prizes.

Admission is $15 for one day, $25 for two days and $35 for three days. Children under age 5 are free, children 6-12 are $5 and active military with ID’s are $10.

Fly Fishers International hosts the Fly-Fishing Show Learning Center with fly tying, casting instruction and other fly-fishing information and is free to show attendees.

The New England premiere of the 2023 International Fly-Fishing Film Festival is Friday at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

For a complete listing of fly-fishing films, classes, seminars, door prizes, demonstrations, etc., visit www. flyfishingshow.com or phone (814) 443-3638.

Beginner Snowshoe/Winter Hike

 On Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm BEAT and the Great Barrington Land Conservancy are having a 1-mile beginner winter hike at BNRC’s Housatonic Flats reserve on Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington. If weather permits, they’ll snowshoe, if there’s no snow, they’ll go for a winter hike. They will review the basics of winter hiking like what traction to wear on your feet, how to layer properly, and what to look for.

It will be an easy hike of 0.9 miles.  Bring water, wear sturdy footwear and wear layers. BNRC has a few pairs of micro-spikes and snowshoes to loan.  Animals not allowed. For questions contact Charlotte at chood@bnrc.org

Fishing community mourns the loss of Fred Moran

Frederick Dennis Moran of Adams passed beyond the riverbend on January 8 at the age of 80. He undoubtedly will be remembered by former students from the Lenox, Cheshire and Dalton schools.  He completed his last years as a classroom teacher at the Craneville Elementary School in Dalton.

Perhaps more people will remember Fred as an avid fly fisherman who ran Points North Outfitters in Adams.  For two decades Fred and his wife Marilyn taught hundreds how to fly fish and they guided hundreds more on the Deerfield River.  Fred was known for collecting antique (bamboo) fishing rods and reels and the building and restoration of fly-fishing rods. He later worked at the Orvis fly rod factory in Manchester, VT. He was a close friend of the legendary local bamboo rod builder, Francis “Digger” Degere and became his apprentice.

Fred was an esteemed member of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited where he and Digger put on rod building demonstrations.  Fred and Marilyn were recipients of TU’s Crooked Staff Award, the highest honor that the chapter bestows.  He was also a director of the Hoosic River Watershed Association.

Fred was a good friend.  The last time I saw him was when we did some flyfishing one day at the Alford Brook Club in August of 2020.  It was such a wonderful day that I did an article about it in this column. (Google Gene Chague-Fred Moran to read the Berkshire Eagle article). Boy, could he cast a fly!

Fred’s son Kevin (Berkshire Eagle Executive Editor) emailed me about his dad’s death and included these words, “I figured maybe some of his fishing buddies would imagine him casting a fly out there on heaven’s river, which is one way he’d like to be remembered, I’m sure. I suspect that Digger Degere is waiting for him there, and probably has the flies already picked out and ready to give to dad.”

Our condolences go out to Marilyn, Kevin and his entire family.  He will never be forgotten.

Hunters Share the Harvest Program” is a success.  Expansion planned for next year.  

In my December 10, 2022 column, I did an article on MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest Program, a new program which provides an opportunity for hunters to donate and share wild game meat like venison with Massachusetts residents in need.

Free range, organic venison is a lean, healthy protein with a low carbon footprint that already feeds thousands of licensed hunters and their families across Massachusetts each year and now successful hunters can help combat hunger and food insecurity in their communities by donating venison.

In last year’s deer hunting seasons, there was only one approved meat processor that accepted whole-deer donations.  The packaged venison was to be distributed to those in need through the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation’s Food 4 Vets program.

Meat processors, food pantries, hunger relief agencies, or other organizations who wanted to participate in MassWildlife’s Hunters Share the Harvest program in the future could contact Martin Feehan, MassWildlife’s Deer and Moose Project Leader, at martin.feehan@mass.gov.

Well, at last week’s Berkshire County League of Sportsmen’s (BCLS) meeting, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife had a very successful launch of the Share the Harvest Program. “With support from the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation and through the generosity of hunters, more than 700lbs of venison were distributed.” said Madden.

MassWildlife will be expanding the program in 2023 to reach wider distribution and provide meals for more people throughout the state.

BioMap is available.

BioMap, a newly-updated online tool that identifies critical land and waterways throughout the Commonwealth in need of conservation is now available. MassWildlife and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) worked to develop the tool to help state and local governments, land trusts, non-government organizations, and other conservation partners strategically plan projects to conserve wildlife and their habitats.

The latest version of BioMap combines more than 40 years of rigorously documented rare species and natural community records from MassWildlife with cutting-edge climate resilience data from TNC and spatial data identifying intact fish and wildlife communities, habitats, and ecosystems that are the focus of the Massachusetts State Wildlife Action Plan.

You are invited to join Assistant Director of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Eve Schluter and TNC Ecologist Andy Finton for a demonstration of the new BioMap webinar on January 18 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Click onto https://www.mass.gov/news/new-release-of-biomap to register for the webinar.

Email natural.heritage@mass.gov to request BioMap technical support or to request notification of future trainings.

 “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World”

Skilled wildlife tracker and educator Dan Gardoqui is visiting the Berkshires to present a talk: “Tracking Wildlife: Stories from the More-Than-Human World” at Berkshire Community College’s Robert Boland Theater in Pittsfield on Friday, January 20 at 6:00 PM. This event is sponsored by Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT), Greenagers, Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC), Housatonic Heritage, Richmond Pond Association, and Berkshire Community College. It is free and open to the public, with a $10 suggested donation.

Dan Gardoqui will give a presentation on tracking wildlife. He’ll lead attendees to make deeper connections with the natural world and the wildlife that surrounds us by sharing thrilling stories and photos from his tracking experiences and discussing ways to actively participate in the more-than-human world by applying wildlife tracking skills. A Q & A session will follow the talk.

The following day, Saturday, January 21, Dan will lead two back-to-back trackings (8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30pm to 3:30pm at the Eugene D Moran Wildlife Management Area on the border of Cheshire and Windsor, MA. Each workshop costs $50 and has a limited space of 10 participants Email team@thebeatnews.org with any questions.

For over 30 years, Dan Gardoqui has been a student, teacher, observer, and active participant in the more-than-human world. A Certified Wildlife Tracker since 2006, he has trained hundreds in the science and art of tracking. Dan is also a bird language expert and bird mimic – known for his YouTube series “Learn a Bird.” Some of his contributions include the books “Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species” (Elbroch & MacFarland) and “What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal Nature’s Secrets” (Young). Dan applies wildlife tracking skills in citizen science projects (e.g., Canada Lynx, Flying Squirrels, Moose, Eastern Wolf) as a Registered Maine Guide.

Fly fishing show in Marlboro

 The 2023 Fly Fishing Show will take place January 20-22 at the Royal Plaza Trade Center,181 Boston Post Road Marlborough, MA. Hours are 10 am to 6 pm on Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday and 9 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday. The show promises more fly-casting, tying, manufacturer and retail store displays of the newest rods, reels, lines, boots, waders, clothing and flies during the three-day run.

The show will have many demonstrations at its Destination Theater presentations each hour including Labrador’s Monster Brookies, Fly Fishing Martha’s Vineyard, Montana, Iceland, the Adirondacks and many others.  There will be more than $30,000 in door prizes.

Admission is $15 for one day, $25 for two days and $35 for three days. Children under age 5 are free, children 6-12 are $5 and active military with ID’s are $10.

Fly Fishers International hosts the Fly-Fishing Show Learning Center with fly tying, casting instruction and other fly-fishing information and is free to show attendees.

The New England premiere of the 2023 International Fly-Fishing Film Festival is Friday at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

For a complete listing of fly-fishing films, classes, seminars, door prizes, demonstrations, etc., visit www. flyfishingshow.com or phone (814) 443-3638.

 Beginner Snowshoe/Winter Hike

 On Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm BEAT and the Great Barrington Land Conservancy are having a 1-mile beginner winter hike at BNRC’s Housatonic Flats reserve on Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington. If weather permits, they’ll snowshoe, if there’s no snow, they’ll go for a winter hike. They will review the basics of winter hiking like what traction to wear on your feet, how to layer properly, and what to look for.

It will be an easy hike of 0.9 miles.  Bring water, wear sturdy footwear and wear layers. BNRC has a few pairs of micro-spikes and snowshoes to loan.  Animals not allowed. For questions contact Charlotte at chood@bnrc.org

Fishing community mourns the loss of Fred Moran

Frederick Dennis Moran of Adams passed beyond the riverbend on January 8 at the age of 80. He undoubtedly will be remembered by former students from the Lenox, Cheshire and Dalton schools.  He completed his last years as a classroom teacher at the Craneville Elementary School in Dalton.

Perhaps more people will remember Fred as an avid fly fisherman who ran Points North Outfitters in Adams.  For two decades Fred and his wife Marilyn taught hundreds how to fly fish and they guided hundreds more on the Deerfield River.  Fred was known for collecting antique (bamboo) fishing rods and reels and the building and restoration of fly-fishing rods. He later worked at the Orvis fly rod factory in Manchester, VT. He was a close friend of the legendary local bamboo rod builder, Francis “Digger” Degere and became his apprentice.

Fred was an esteemed member of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited where he and Digger put on rod building demonstrations.  Fred and Marilyn were recipients of TU’s Crooked Staff Award, the highest honor that the chapter bestows.  He was also a director of the Hoosic River Watershed Association.

Fred was a good friend.  The last time I saw him was when we did some flyfishing one day at the Alford Brook Club in August of 2020.  It was such a wonderful day that I did an article about it in this column. (Google Gene Chague-Fred Moran to read the Berkshire Eagle article). Boy, could he cast a fly!

Fred’s son Kevin (Berkshire Eagle Executive Editor) emailed me about his dad’s death and included these words, “I figured maybe some of his fishing buddies would imagine him casting a fly out there on heaven’s river, which is one way he’d like to be remembered, I’m sure. I suspect that Digger Degere is waiting for him there, and probably has the flies already picked out and ready to give to dad.”

Our condolences go out to Marilyn, Kevin and his entire family.  He will never be forgotten.

Help MassWildlife with its waterfowl survey

Every 5 years, MassWildlife conducts a winter waterfowl survey of sites where people feed wild ducks and geese. While the feeding of wildlife is discouraged, there is no state law or regulation that prohibits feeding (though some municipalities do restrict or prohibit feeding). MassWildlife is asking for the public’s assistance to identify current waterfowl feeding locations so that biologists can visit and identify and count these birds.

The survey will be conducted statewide in January of 2023 and includes sites in urban, suburban, and rural areas near fresh, brackish, and salt water. Feeding sites range from municipal parks where many visitors come to feed the ducks to ducks gathering in backyards feeding on spilled bird seed or handouts thrown out someone’s back door.

MassWildlife biologists will visit historic feeding sites from January 9–27, 2023. Because feeding locations can change over 5 years, public input is needed. If you know of a spot where waterfowl are being fed, you are asked to let MassWildlife know by phone at 508-389-6321 or by e-mail at h.heusmann@mass.gov. Include the town and specific location where waterfowl are being fed. If you are able, also include the number of ducks and/or geese (preferably by species) that you see at the feeding site at one time.

Mallards are by far the most common duck at feeding sites, but other ducks may be observed as well. American black ducks and Canada geese are common, and wood ducks, pintails, gadwalls, American wigeon, and hooded mergansers are occasionally seen.

MassWildlife has been conducting the winter waterfowl survey for the past 50 years. A report summarizing this year’s survey results compared with previous years will be posted in the coming months.

Art contest connects youth artists to nature

There is still time to enter the Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) contest. Students from kindergarten through grade 12 can submit original artwork to participate in this fun and educational competition. The entry deadline is February 15, 2023. The process of creating these works of art allows students to appreciate the importance of preserving wetland habitats and the delights and diversity of wildlife. “Even if students do not enter the competition, science and art teachers will value the JDS curriculum as a useful resource,” advises MassWildlife’s Wildlife Education Coordinator, Pam Landry.

The JDS program links the study of wetlands and waterfowl conservation with the creation of original artwork.  Students learn about the habitat requirements of various kinds of ducks and geese and then express their knowledge of the beauty, diversity, and interdependence of these species artistically, by creating a drawing or painting which can be submitted to the JDS art contest. The art is judged in four age group categories in a statewide competition; the entry judged Best of Show moves on to represent Massachusetts in the national JDS competition. Art teachers, science teachers, and parents who home-school can visit the MassWildlife web site for an information packet and entry information.

The Junior Duck Stamp is a pictorial stamp produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to recognize the conservation efforts of students and support environmental and conservation education programs. Sold by the U.S. Postal Service and Amplex Corporation, the $5 stamp is purchased by birders, conservationists, wildlife art and stamp collectors, students, hunters, educators, etc. Funds generated are re-invested in the program to fund environmental education efforts, provide awards for the students, teachers, and schools that participate in the program, and market the JDS program.

For more information contact Pam Landry at pam.landry@mass.gov.

If there are any local winners, I will gladly include their duck stamp pictures in this column.

Feed Wild Birds Safely and Responsibly

The New York Dept. of Conservation (DEC) has advice for its NY residents which is also good advice for us here in the Berkshires:

For many birdwatchers, November 30 is an important date: the day that backyard bird feeders can go back up. To avoid conflicts with bears, DEC highly recommends only feeding birds from November 30 to April 1. There are many natural sources of winter food for birds including birch catkins, spruce and fir cones, dried seed heads from native grasses and flowers, and lingering fruits on plants. Bird feeders can supplement these natural foods and may attract more birds to your yard. A simple tube feeder with black oil sunflower seed is a great place to start. Depending on where you live, you might expect to see chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, and goldfinches. Adding suet is a sure bet to draw in woodpeckers. To provide a source of water, try installing a birdbath heater or bubbler and regularly refreshing the water.

If you are drawing wild birds into your yard with feeders, try these tips to keep birds safe:

  • providing nearby cover such as evergreen trees, native shrubs, or even discarded Christmas trees;
  • placing feeders away from windows and making windowpanes bird-safewith screens, netting, decals, or vertical tape;
  • regularly cleaning feeders to avoid spreading disease;
  • securely storing bird seed indoors;
  • keeping cats indoors;
  • feeding pets inside to avoid inadvertently attracting feral cats, rodents, or other wildlife; and
  • taking down feeders in the spring to avoid bear conflicts.

Fishing and Hunting Swap Meet

The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club (CR&G) will be holding its third annual Fishing and Hunting Swap Meet on Saturday, January 28 at its clubhouse at 310 Curran Road, Cheshire.  The hours are from 8:00am to 1:00pm.  Open to the public, the admission cost is $3.00 for adults and kids 12 and under free.

It is an opportunity to buy, sell or trade new and used fishing and hunting gear.  No guns, ammunition, household items; unsold items must be removed.

Table space is still available at $30, which includes admission for one.  To reserve a table, contact Jeff Kruszyna at (413)743-4168.

Truckload of Goodies raffle winners

Staying with the Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, the winner of its Truckload of Goodies raffle was Melissa Fortini. 2nd place was John Haskins, 3rd was Bob Ciempa and 4th place was Tom Wiencek.  Congratulations to all!

Author Dave Whitlock passed beyond the riverbend

One of the most important figures in the history of modern fly fishing passed away last Thanksgiving night.

“It breaks my heart to let you know that we lost Dave to a massive stroke,” wrote Dave’s wife Emily on their social media account. “He was working on his boat next to our casting pond when it hit, and he was flown to Tulsa, AZ for care. But he broke the tippet and drifted gently back to the deep water, the wild that he loved and spent a lifetime exploring, writing and painting about”.

Fly Fisherman magazine honored him by naming him one of four greats that make up the Mt. Rushmore of fly fishing.  (The other three mentioned were Joe Brooks, Lee Wulff and Bernard “Lefty” Kreh). Fly Fisherman magazine editor Ross Purnell wrote “He was a brilliant trout angler, but he showed us that fly-fishing was about much more than trout. Because of him, we’ve had generations see the beauty in fly fishing for carp, bass, and panfish. He will be greatly missed.”

He was inducted into several Hall of Fames down through the years, including most recently, the International Game Fish Association’s Hall of Fame.

Dave’s art and writing appeared regularly in many fly-fishing and sport publications such as Fly Fisherman Magazine, Fly Fishing and Tying Journal, Trout Magazine and others. Besides them, he also authored or co-authored many flyfishing books.  I suspect most fly fishermen have one or two of his books in their libraries.

Fly tying event coming up

After being relatively quiet, due to the Covid Pandemic, the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is getting active again.  Starting off the new year, Berkshire Outfitters, on Grove Street in Adams, will be holding a Trout Unlimited Fly-tying event on Tuesday, January 24 at 6:00 pm. Beginners and experienced fly-tyers are welcome. Host Chris Samson will offer free lessons and loaner equipment for inexperienced tyers, as well as a good assortment of equipment and materials for purchase.  It is open to the public but space is limited, so call Chris at Berkshire Outfitters at  (413) 743-5900 to reserve your spot.