Fair weather adds to fishing derby joys

Saturday morning, June 2, was a beautiful day. It was sunny and warm with a mild breeze, a perfect day to go fishing. And a lot of anglers did just that. That was the first day that some youngsters ever held a fishing pole and cast a worm out to catch a fish.
Such was the case on Reynolds Pond in Cheshire. It was all made possible by the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) which had its annual Youth Outreach Fishing Derby. Due to a variety of issues, kids who normally would not have an opportunity to fish were invited.
This year, Deacon Robert Sams brought 15 kids from the First Baptist Church in Pittsfield and Alex Doherty brought 13 kids from the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. Most of the kids, ages 6 to 14 years old had never fished before
Thanks to the BCLS who provided the mentors, fishing poles, line, reels, and the MassWildlife Angler Education Program which donated bait and tackle they had a great opportunity to catch some of the 200 brook trout which had been purchased from the Berkshire Fish Hatchery and recently stocked into the pond. As luck would have it, the beautiful brookies were hungry and aggressively seeking out the tasty worms that were cast out.
Every kid caught trout, many of which were about a foot long. Any angler can tell you that catching a brookie of that size is rare indeed. Some of the kids were afraid to touch them, but they couldn’t wait to cast out to catch another. The trout were placed in plastic bags and brought to Joe Miraglia, Attorney Jim Loughman and others for cleaning. You should see these fish, nice pink meat in them. Gosh, they looked tasty.
Around noon, the fishing was halted for a while so that the kids could have a lunch, which included grilled burgers and dogs along with something to drink and chips. Then back at the pond.
Who says that little boys are devils? Look what appeared in the picture of that youngster as I took the picture. Is that a halo over his head? No, probably not, it was probably a fish or something that splashed in the water behind him just as I snapped the picture. It wasn’t an apparition…..or was it. The fish decided to jump out of Robert’s hands at that instant, too.
When the day was over, the kids took the fish home to be cooked up. They brought home with them brand new fishing outfits and many smiles. For many of the volunteers, this is the best day of the year for it is such a joy to see the excited kids and their beaming smiles.
Volunteers came from the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club, Pittsfield Sportsmen’s Club, Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, Adams Outdoor for Youth, East Mountain Sportsmen’s Club, Greylock Bass Club, Ashfield Rod & Gun Club and the Berkshire Beagle Club. A couple of guys from the Berkshire Lodge of Masons did the cooking. Thanks to those volunteers and those who support the BCLS so that they have the funds to put on this annual event.
For others, June 2 was the day that they were destined to catch a nice fish and win a trophy and a prize. That was the day the 26th Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Fishing Derby on Onota Lake took place. Some 235 people attended to enjoy the fine weather, catch some nice fish, enjoy the tasty lunch that was provided and maybe win a raffle prize.
As usual, the emcee was Stephen Bateman who did his usual yeoman’s job of organizing the event, rounding up the donations and announcing the winners. All proceeds, some $5,000 this year, went to the Jimmy Fund He and his team are to be commended.
The Derby Winners this year were:
Happy 90th Birthday Gige Darey
Last Wednesday, George “Gige” Darey of Lenox was surprised when he walked into Mazzeo’s Restaurant in Pittsfield to find a group of over 100 people there to celebrate his birthday. The event, which was planned and organized by Eleanor Tillinghast of Mount Washington, MA was by invitation only and supposed to be a small gathering of friends, associates and family, but it didn’t take long for word to get out and by the party time half of the Town of Lenox knew about it.
Gige made a lot of friends over the years, serving 38 years on the Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife Board and 35 years as its Chairman. He was a former Lenox Selectman, school teacher, ski instructor, Lenox Conservation Commissioner, avid sportsman and the list goes on. Over the years, he was involved in many major open space acquisitions in the Berkshires.
It was a grand birthday party with people coming from all over Massachusetts, including one from Cape Cod, and of course, from his home town of Lenox. There were only one or two short speeches, excellent hors d’oeuvres, a giant, tasty birthday cake and a rowdy Happy Birthday song.
Most invitees that I spoke with had the same dilemma – what to get Gige for his birthday? A gift certificate to a fancy restaurant? Well most 90-year olders we knew didn’t frequent restaurants that often any more. A gift certificate to LL Bean or some other place? Well, if he is like other older folks, whatever he received would be given away to someone else.
And then Dianne Romeo of Lenox had a great suggestion. A school scholarship in Gige’s name to which we all could contribute. Bingo! Gige loved it! And the nice thing about it is that Gige is still with us and can determine the criteria upon which the scholarship would is to be granted. Sorry Gige, you still have a few more important decisions to make.
It was a great party with everyone getting a chance to personally gab with Gige.
Incidentally, if anyone else would like to contribute to that scholarship fund, they can send a check to the Adams Community Bank, 7 Main Street, Lenox, MA, 01240, payable to the George Darey Scholarship Fund.

Students liberate 300 rainbow trout into Otis Reservoir

Each year, the Western District of the DFW coordinates with a local public school and the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen to have students stock some fish into a local lake. The purpose of the program is to get kids who don’t normally have such an opportunity to see them up close and to get a better appreciation of them. It is an opportunity for DFW to introduce conservation ethics to them also.
This year 11 fifth graders from the Farmington River Regional School had such an opportunity, thanks to the efforts of Mark Jester, DCR District Manager – Mountain District and Rick Woodward, DCR District Manager – Lakes, for making the arrangements. The joint venture is the 4th time the three organizations teamed up to introduce kids to the outdoors.
The youths stocked about 300 rainbow trout, all 14+ inches in length into Otis Reservoir from Camper’s Beach at the Tolland State Forest. Some of those fish were HUGE!! DFW staff would put a couple of trout into empty 5 gallon pails and the kids would run to the shore and tossed them into the water. According to DFW Aquatic Biologist Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon, stocking the fish in this manner is good for the trout as they require a little jolt to get them started.
Accompanying the students was Ms Graham, a teacher who also got into the act by also running a pail of fish to the water’s edge and sending them flying into the water.
Bass tournament
The Greylock Bass Club held a bass tournament on Onota Lake on May 13 and the results are as follows: 1st place went to Dave (DJ) Benham with a 5 fish catch weighing 17.8 lbs, 2nd Place went to Paul Procopio with 11 lbs 10 oz (5 smallmouth bass), 3rd Place went to Jim Underhill with 9 lbs 8 oz (4 largemouth bass) and tied for 4th place were Joe Chague and Rick Turczak with 7 lbs 12 oz.

According to spokesman Bill Gates, they had 10 anglers with a 30 bass total (average of 3 bass, each even though the limit is 5). After 4th place the weight averages were 1 lb per angler. With the exception of Dave’s 17 lbs, the weights were down an average of 7 lbs per angler. There were only 2 bass over 3 lbs and Dave caught both of them.

In his 40 plus years of fishing Onota lake, Bill believes that “It has never looked this environmentally terrible. There isn’t any weed growth at all and the water clarity is awful. There is a lack of sub-species, (perch, bluegill and the rock bass) of which Onota Lake is famous”. “Don’t forget”, he said, “we may not be professional bass anglers but we are very competent. Onota lake always took 18 lbs to win and for the past 25 years 90% of the participants had 5 fish limits with an average of 10 lbs or better. This is the best time of year to catch bass over 3 lbs because both largemouth and smallmouth are in the spawn or pre-spawn stage. Yet nobody found any bigger fish”.

“I know weeds are a blight to home owners and water skiers, and sculling teams hate them, but to see what is happening to the wildlife is disheartening. “I am not looking to get involved with the politics of lake management”, he said, “I’m sure somebody would come up with a well paid for study that can justify the events at Onota Lake. I, unfortunately, have to rely on my 60 years (of experience) to fall back on.”

Bill believes the above situation is caused by the annual lake drawdowns as well as the applications of herbicides.

Spring trout stocking ended
According to Western District DFW Supervisor Andrew Madden, no more spring trout stocking is anticipated this year. Many thanks go to Deb Cote, DFW Clerk, for providing us those weekly updated stocking lists. Providing those figures to us undoubtedly caused extra work for her because such information is also provided on their web site.
Please leave young wildlife alone
The following is a message from MassWildlife: The arrival of spring means the arrival of newborn and just-hatched wildlife. Every year, the lives of many young creatures are disturbed by people who take young wildlife from the wild in a well-intentioned attempt to “save” them. These well-meant acts of kindness tend to have the opposite effect. Please remember, finding a young animal alone does not mean it’s abandoned; the best thing you can do for young wildlife is to leave them alone.
Young wildlife removed from the wild are denied important natural learning experiences which help them survive on their own. Most people quickly find that they can’t care for young wildlife, and many animals soon die in the hands of well-meaning people. Young wildlife that survive human “assistance” miss experiences that teach them to fend for themselves. If these animals are released back into the wild, their chances of survival are reduced. Often, the care given to young wildlife results in some attachment to humans and the animals may return to places where people live, only to be attacked by domestic animals, or hit by cars. Some animals become nuisances and people have been injured by once-tamed wildlife.
Generally, young mammals are visited by their mother only a few times a day to avoid attracting predators to the young. For example, a nest of bunnies will only be visited by the adult female twice per day to nurse the young. The young are generally safe when left alone because their color patterns and lack of scent help them remain undetected. The same is true for fawns (young deer). Fawns are safest when left alone because their camouflaging color helps them remain undetected until the doe returns. If sympathetic people repeatedly visit a fawn, it can prolong the separation from the doe and delay needed feeding. Unlike deer, newborn moose calves remain in close proximity to their mothers who, in contrast to a white-tailed doe, will actively defend calves against danger. An adult cow moose weighing over 600 pounds will chase, kick or stomp potential predators, people included.
Only when young wildlife are found injured or with their dead mother may the young be assisted, but must then be delivered immediately to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Due to the difficulty in properly caring for them, there are no rehabilitators licensed to care for fawns. It is illegal to possess most wildlife in Massachusetts without a permit.


Column change – Please note
Please be advised that from now on, scheduled events (upcoming fishing derbies, youth hunts, gun courses, etc) will no longer be listed in this column. Such information should be sent to the Sports Editor, Geoff Smith at gsmith@berkshireeagle.com or his office number 413-496-6254. He will start running them during the week in the “Area Notes” section of the Sports Section whenever there are enough events to announce. I do plan to continue listing the results of the derbies, youth hunts, etc.

Ronald R. Smith, Turkey Hunting History Maker1980


Wild turkey hunting began in Massachusetts in 1980 and the following year, on the second day of the season, a little bit of Massachusetts turkey hunting history took place right here in the Berkshires. In the predawn darkness, Ron Smith, then of Lee, now of Pittsfield, MA, was carefully picking his way through thick brush and trees down a wooded mountainside to an area where he hoped to find a roosting tom turkey. He imitated the call of a barred owl (a turkey predator) and a tom responded with a loud gobble about 100 yards away.

After waiting until it was light enough to find a good spot to stand, Ron selected an area where there was a large tree behind him to break his outline and disguise his presence. He was also fully camouflaged, including his face, hands and bow. He was somewhat familiar with the area as he had done some pre-season scouting there. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he called again, this time clucking quietly to imitate the soft “tree call” of a roosting hen. The tom responded immediately, rapidly gobbling several times. Ron cautioned himself not to call too frequently, which could cause the tom to become suspicious and disappear.

He said that he was “unusually calm”, probably because he had accepted the probability that any chance for bagging a wild turkey with a bow and arrow was just about nil. The fact that he had practiced for months did little to restore his confidence. A wild turkey is capable of spotting a slight finger movement at 80 yards, and if they do, they are out of there.

Several hundred yards further off, another roosting male started gobbling resulting in fierce competition. Each bird tried to outdo the other in his attempt to lure the hen by calling continuously. Ron’s concern mounted because other hunters might hear the birds, arrive at the scene and unintentionally ruin any chances that he may have at taking a tom.

He could hear the flapping of wings as the nearest tom left the tree and landed behind some thick brush about 80 yards away. The tom double and tripled gobbled and paraded back and forth waiting impatiently for the hen to come to him. Ron turned his head, covered his mouth and issued a few muffled yelps with the hope that the tom would think the hen was losing interest and was wandering off.

The tom stopped calling and Ron knew he was coming in. He raised his 57 pound draw Wing Impact compound bow to a shooting position and nocked the arrow. Seconds later, there was movement some 40 yards to his right. The bird had partially circled him and was proceeding cautiously, with head turning and stretching and eyes searching for the hen. He was heading for a nearby clearing. Ron had specifically chosen that opening right in front of him knowing that turkeys seldom venture into bushy areas where vision is limited.

Now the excitement suddenly his Ron, his mouth became dry and his chest started pounding and his arms started to shake. It appeared as though the bird’s piercing eyes were staring directly into his. About 12 yards away, off to the right, the bird stopped behind a large tree. That gave Ron the opportunity to adjust his shooting position and draw his bow. After a while, his head appeared, his black eyes penetrated Ron’s eyes and then withdrew his head and disappeared. There was silence. Then came a strange hissing and drumming sound and the tom stepped out strutting in full display. Ron let the arrow fly and it was over.

Then he sat down to control his shaking. He was a history maker for he had taken a turkey with a bow, the first turkey bagged with a bow and arrow in Massachusetts modern times.
The bird weighed 17.7 lbs, had 1 ½ inch spurs and a 9 ½ inch beard.

The late Ted Giddings, Editor for the Berkshire Eagle, covered the story and had the attached picture of Ron and the tom on the front page of the May 6, Berkshire Eagle, with the headline. “Lee man sets modern first by killing turkey with bow”. Ron also wrote about his experience and his story was featured in the May 1983 issue of Bowhunter, the National Magazine for the Hunting Archer.

Ron has always been an avid sportsman. Over the years he has served as President of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen and still is a delegate to the League. He was named Sportsman of the Year in 1995. He was secretary of the Lee Sportsmen’s Association for over 30 years and taught Bowhunting Eucation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for many years. He has served as President of the Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited. (In fact, he signed my diploma for passing a fly tying course back in 1982).

Now, at the age of 83, Ron is still an avid sportsman. He still bowhunts for deer and turkeys and goes out west to hunt elk in Montana, although lately, he hunts for elk with a camera. He is a member of several other sportsmen’s clubs, and, lest I forget, he is the elder statesman of the ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out), a group which gathers for lunch weekly.

Father, daughter have great spring turkey hunting season

Say, remember my May 6, 2018 column wherein I mentioned the Youth Turkey Hunting results? In that article, I mentioned that Grace Krzanik of Adams, while being mentored by her dad Scott bagged an 18 lbs bird. Well guess what? On May 12 Grace and Scott went hunting again and she shot her second tom at 5:19 am. As they were heading back to the truck, she heard gobbles, so they went back to where she shot hers and set up again. Two more came in behind them and Scott shot his second bird of the season at 6:30am. Both father and daughter tagged out for turkey season.

Incidentally, Spring Turkey Hunting Season ended yesterday.

Trout stockings

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week: Clesson Brook and Upper Branch of Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, Greenwater Pond in Becket, Westfield River in Becket, Chester, Huntington, Montgomery, Middlefield, Russell, Savoy, Worthington, Cummington, Chesterfield and Windsor; Deerfield River in Buckland, Florida and Charlemont; Cold River in Savoy, Florida and Charlemont, Chickley River in Hawley and Charlemont, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, North Pond in Florida, Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough, Laurel Lake in Lee, Housatonic River (C/R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Stockbridge Bowl in Stockbridge, Windsor Pond in Windsor, Lake Garfield in Monterey, Otis Reservoir in Otis, and Richmond Pond in Richmond.

Firearms Course
On Saturday, June 2, the Lee Sportsmen’s Association will hold a Multi-License Firearms Course from 9am until 4pm for a proprietary License-To-Carry course that qualifies for licenses in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, New Hampshire, Maine, and Utah. (those not participating in the Utah class can expect to be completed at approximately 3pm) This comprehensive one-day course includes information for federal and state firearm laws, operation and safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals, care and cleaning, concealed carry methods, a live fire session on the pistol range, and much more.
Seating is limited to the first 25 students who register. Course fee is $150, or you can take only the MA & CT portion for $120 with live fire, or take only the Utah portion for $100 without live fire. State license application fees and processing are not included. Participants will receive a course certificate, application forms, an informative student resource CD, and supporting documents. All firearms, ammunition, and eye and ear protection will be provided, including lunch as well.
For more information, contact Robert McDermott at (413) 232-7700 or email robmcdermott@verizon.net.
Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby
The 26th Annual Harry A. Bateman Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Derby will take place on Saturday, June 2, at the Frank Controy Pavilion at Onota Lake in Pittsfield from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM. No fishing license is required because it is Free Fishing Weekend for the state of Massachusetts.

The derby’s purpose is to raise money for the Jimmy Fund – Dana Farber Cancer Institute For Children. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Harry A. Bateman a former member of Central Berkshire Bowmen and I.U.E. Local 255 who was well known throughout Berkshire County and who became a victim of cancer in 1992.

Many trophies and prizes will be given out to the adult and youth winners of the fishing derby. There is even a special category for those fishing with a bow & arrow. All fish must be weighed in at 12:00 PM and can be caught at Onota Lake from boat or shore. Everyone still needs to register before all fish can be weighed in. You must be wearing your wrist band provided at the registration desk in order to receive food and to weigh in your fish.
Fishing tackle is given with the trophy prizes and 2 prizes for heaviest trout. A sportsman award, which includes a tackle box with over $100 of tackle, is given out to a child

Fee is $10 for adults and $5 for children 14 years old and younger and it includes food and beverages. No alcohol is served at this event. All children receive a free gift and they get a chance at winning a mountain bike. The carp shoot is part of the fishing derby because that was something that Harry enjoyed. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Avid Sports, Dave’s Sporting Goods, Maces Marine and Onota Boat Livery.

Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club fishing derby
According to club spokesman Tim Minkler, some 64 fishermen and fisherwomen showed up for the SSC’s annual Fishing Derby on May 20 and fished from dawn to 3:00 pm at Stockbridge Bowl. Weather predictions were not good calling for rain most of the day with thunderstorms coming through mid-day and temperatures in the 60s. Well, the weather man was wrong. There were a few sprinkles throughout the day with a 10-minute cloud burst right around 2:30pm, but for the most part they stayed dry all day.
The $100 Winners were as follows: Largest Trout- Sheila L. Malumphy, Lee Ma., 1 lbs 12 oz., 16” long; Largest Bass- Tim Fogarty, Becket Ma., 3 lbs 8oz., 18” long, Largest Pickerel- Dawson Farina, West Stockbridge, Ma. 4 lbs, 2 oz., 26.5” long and Largest Bullhead – Seth Slemp, Lee Ma., 1 lb, 3oz, 12” long.
The Age 12 and Under Winner was Dylan Trumps of South Lee with a trout weighing 1 lb 2 oz and 13” long.




Fly-fishing with friendly spirits

Every year, usually my first fly fishing outing, I bring along some friendly spirits. They accompany me in the form of fishing equipment that close fishing friends once owned and ultimately ended up in my hands. Usually, a next of kin wanted me to have it or the angler gave me the item before he passed beyond the riverbend. Over the years, I have fished with a rod that the late Joe Areno wanted me to have and one that the late Gordon Leeman once owned, or perhaps with the late Ralph Lichtenstein’s wading staff. Perhaps I wore a pair of waders that the late Tony Lorio‘s daughter, Catherine Gallant, passed on to me. While using the fishing equipment, I recall the fond memories that I had fishing with all these gentlemen who have since passed beyond the riverbend.
Yeah, I know it is goofy, but I actually feel their spirits and quite frankly enjoy their company. It allows me an opportunity to once again remember them and to reflect upon the good times that we had fishing.
Such was the case this year. Actually, it didn’t work out that my first day fishing this year was with them but with some live friends. So, this year, I took one along on my second trip….and this time my friendly spirit was that of the late Charlie Lahey. He passed away in 2010, at the age of 101, just days before his 102nd birthday. You may recall my writing about this gentleman and our fishing together when he was 101 years old….and he caught a couple of trout!
Last fall, his daughter Andrea Dimassimo surprised me with a wonderful birthday gift. Old Charlie’s flyrod, reel, vest, etc. She said that Charlie would want me to have them. He probably bought that flyrod in the 1950’s or 1960’s and back then, 50 years later, Charlie who was 100 years old at the time, would tell me that there was a lifetime warranty on that rod. How we would chuckle over that. Well, the least I could do was to take him fishing with me this spring.
So off we went, me with Charlie’s stuff, his Fenwick fiberglass flyrod, his Pflueger 1495 ½ fly reel, line, etc. I even took along some flies that Charlie had created when he used to fish the Mad River in VT. He named it the Mad River Special, a bucktail fly with an orange body, yellow throat, brown deer hair wing, woodduck tail and junglecock wing. On the rare occasion when he was having no luck with that fly, he would try his tandem fly (two hooks) with a fly on the front hook and a bare hook in the rear. He used to put some garden hackle on the rear hook. He named it his Add-a-Worm fly.
Charlie was a well-known angler from the Berkshires and VT and several articles were written about him in this column as well as The Berkshire Eagle. He was so famous that he ended up in the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, Wisconsin. Gerry Gibbs, famous writer for Outdoor Life Magazine and a Vice President from Trout Unlimited National, came to the Berkshires to present the award. Charlie’s induction was not just a listing in some log of honor or anything like that. No, his picture is on a plaque hanging on the wall along with notables such as Lee Wulff, Kurt Gowdy, even Isaac Walton.
You can well imagine the thrill of my fishing with this friendly spirit and using his rod and reel. We started off in the morning fishing the East Branch of the Housatonic River in Hinsdale, MA. I fished with his Mad River Special fly, with the predictable results – zilch, nada, no fish would even look at it. It brought me back to the many times when Charlie would be fishing between me and another deceased friend, Dave Oclair, and he would haul 2 or 3 nice trout right out from t under our noses and promptly release them unharmed. Dave and I were fishing the same pattern fly in the same type of water not 20 feet away, using the same action and we would catch nothing. Old Charlie really got a kick out of that.
There was a bench along the waters where we fly fished and periodically we would sit there and have a bite to eat and enjoy the day, usually a sunny comfortable one. Occasionally, we would have a swig of bourbon from my flask. That was Charlie’s preferred booze. Hey! He was 100 years old and it didn’t harm him yet. Then we would fish some more. What a privilege and honor to spend that time fly fishing with him.
I had to chuckle at the continuing lack of success with his fly on this day. It was only fitting, for that fly was created by and only responded to Charlie. I’ll bet he was looking down and chuckling while advising me to fish it slower, fish it lower, twitch it a couple of times, etc. I wanted so much to catch a trout on Charlie’s old flyrod and fly, but I finally had to switch flies.
This time I tried the Brown Charm, a fly that was developed by another renowned local fly fisherman in the 1960’s, the late Bill White. There were few accomplished local fly fishermen in the 1960’s-1980’s who hadn’t fished and had success using the Brown Charm. The late outdoor columnist, Ted Giddings, in one of his columns, called it his favorite fly. It was a wet fly with a pheasant tail, buff body ribbed with brown thread, wood duck wing and brown hen hackle. Thanks to another local fly fisherman, the late Homer Ouellette, who gave me the original pattern of that fly several years ago, I was able to tie it up.
Using Charlie’s old rod and reel and Bill’s fly, I cast it out into a likely looking run of the river and wham! There it was, the trout which made my hopes come true. The brown trout was lightly hooked in its lip in such a way that it was not necessary for me to touch it or remove it from the water. With the use of a hemostat, I simply clamped onto the barbless hook and with a gentle jerk unhooked it. The fish was in excellent shape as it swam away into the darkness of the stream. That fly produced other fish that day, too.
How cool wass that, catching trout on an old rod that was once owned by someone who is now listed in the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame.
An old philosopher once said, “It is the responsibility of those who live to carry on the hopes and dreams and spirits of loved ones and friends who leave us behind”. I guess that is what I was doing. What a nice feeling resting on a streamside log amidst the fiddleheads and trillium watching and listening to the babbling river while enjoying the pleasant spring day and fond memories of old Charlie.
“Here’s to you, old fella, we had another wonderful day.” I muttered to myself. “As always, I enjoyed your company”. Then, with scratchy eyes, I raised the flask and took a healthy swig of bourbon.
Incidentally, I learned about that above-referenced old philosopher, Richard “Dick” Gotshalk, while reading a recently published book entitled, “Holy Water, Flyfishing Reveries and Remembrances” by Jerry Kustich. It was advice given to the author by the philosopher shortly before passing beyond the river bend. Holy Water is a book written by a man who has spent his entire life as a fly fisherman, fishing rod maker, outdoor lover and conservationist.

I really related to this book as it appeared to be written by a fly fisherman approximately my age who recounted certain events in his life which occurred over the years….memories of his first fish caught, the places he worked, the places where he lived, people who influenced him during the years, the heartbreak of losing a loved one, working for Sweetgrass Rod Company, the river access issues that existed in Montana and other western states, Atlantic Salmon fishing, the increased interest in salt water fishing in the Caribbean, etc. Those events served as wonderful reminders of some of what our generation went through as well as provided a history lesson to generations which follow.

Prior to now, I had never read any of Kustich’s books. He wrote several, including, Flyfishing for Great Lakes Steelhead, At the River’s Edge, A Wisp in the Wind and Around the Next Bend. I intend to do so now after reading this book.

Through his angling essays, he has a writing style that tugs at the heartstrings of the fly fisherman that few authors have. Similar to what the late author Norman MacClean did with his epic novel, “A River Runs Through It”. I was wrapped in this book from the Introduction to the final words on the last page. Incidentally, on that last page writing about himself and his late wife Debra, he wrote:

“Time evaporates like water falling on hot pavement, so it is important to choose activities that are good for the soul while it is still possible. I often look back to that September on the Madison (River in Montana) in 1981 when Debra and I vowed to travel while we were still young enough to do so. As if that experience were a portent of things to come, we committed to a path of uniqueness like there was no tomorrow. It was a sacred journey. I could not have imagined back then that the Madison, beautiful in itself, would have inspired the subsequent decades of adventures to so many other inspirational waters that now seem to me holy. But that is the nature of rivers. One leads to another, and then another. They flow on forever, and forever connected, they enrich our souls and touch our spirits with mysteries that none of us can fully comprehend. Perhaps that is why we keep on going back.”

See what I mean about writing style?

The 187- page hard cover book costs $24.95, is published by West River Media and is available just in time for Father’s Day.

Trout Stockings
The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week: Green River in Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; Ashfield Pond in Ashfield, Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, Westfield River in Chesterfield, Sackett Brook in Dalton and Pittsfield, North Pond in Florida, Housatonic River in Dalton, Hinsdale and Pittsfield, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Hubbard River in Granville, Williams River in West Stockbridge and Great Barrington, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough, Lake Buel in Monterey, Konkapot River in Monterey, New Marlborough, and Sheffield, Lake Garfield in Monterey, York Lake in New Marlborough, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Otis Reservoir and Big Pond in Otis, Green River and Hemlock Brook in Williamstown and Windsor Pond in Windsor.

Small fry are liberated into Windsor Brook


In January brook trout eggs were received from the Sunderland State Fish Hatchery and placed in an aquarium at Taconic High School in Pittsfield. This was part of the Trout-in-the- Classroom program which MassWildlife sponsors. The eggs hatched about two weeks later and they were raised by some 80 or so Taconic High School students from grades 9 through 12. They have been attended to by the students, under the watchful eyes of teachers Michelle Potash and Tonya Michaud. They were fed pellets and remained there until last Thursday when they were set free.

I had hoped to get pictures of the kids releasing them but due to transportation issues (funding to provide bussing to bring the kids to Windsor) and other issues, none of the kids were able to make it. It’s a shame that after all of the attention and care that the kids gave to raise these fish, they could not be there to watch their liberation. Thanks to the above-mentioned dedicated teachers, who took the time to drive the brook trout to the release location. And thanks to teacher Ron Wojcik who coordinated the release site and time.

Youngsters take note! The unnamed stream where they were released runs across property owned by Tom Garvey (Maybe we should name it Tom’s Brook?) One could not choose a better place to release these fish, for it is a cold, clean little brook that doesn’t dry up in the summer and is a tributary to nearby Windsor Brook in Windsor. All of the little fry (perhaps 1 ¼ inches in length) appeared happy in their new home. They immediately acclimated to the currents, and back currents so that they constantly faced into them. Care was taken to not put them in pools where larger trout were likely to live and, given the opportunity, would gobble them up.

Those fish are not forgotten once released, for Tom keeps a close eye on them and feeds them daily. He even covers the stream with wire mesh in order to keep the blue herons from getting at them and eating them up. (herons love small brook trout, they can’t get enough of them). Tom has been through this routine before for this marks the 4th year that they have been released on his property. He observes them until the fall when the fish by that time are perhaps 3 inches long. That is when they disappear up or downstream and find new territories in which to reside.

Trout Stockings

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with bigger trout last week, subject to change. Please note that Onota Lake in Pittsfield and Windsor Pond in Windsor have also been stocked with tiger trout. In addition to those waters, the following waters have been stocked: Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont, and Florida; East Branch of the Westfield River in Chesterfield, Cummington, Savoy and Windsor; Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Upper Highland Lake in Goshen, Housatonic River C&R in Lee and Stockbridge, Farmington River in Otis and Sandisfield and Laurel Lake in Lee.

Northern Pike Stocking

The DFW stocked more than 16,000 fingerling-sized northern pike into Cheshire Reservoir on Friday, April 27. These 4″ fish, which will take about 3 years to reach the 28″ minimum harvest size, were obtained from New Jersey DFW as part of a cooperative exchange program.
Northern Pike naturally reproduce in several waterbodies in the state. In the Berkshires, the natural reproduction is able to sustain the fishery in the Housatonic River (including Woods Pond) and in Pontoosuc, Onota, Buel, and Cheshire lakes.
MassWildlife also stocks some locations with sterile Tiger Muskellunge, which is a cross between a northern pike and muskellunge, and is a member of the esocid family. MassWildlife does not have a warm water hatchery in which to rear esocids but usually obtains a small number of 3–12 ” fish each year from the NJ DFW. They are stocked in selected Massachusetts waters with sufficient habitat to support them. It takes 5 or more years for them to attain the 28″ minimum legal length.
Training Range Safety Officers
The Lee Sportsmen’s Association will be conducting Range Safety Officer (RSO) Training on May 19 at 9 am. The minimum age to become a credentialed NRA RSO is 21, and one must provide a valid and current NRA membership number on the day of the course. After the instructor submits the training report, applicants will be able to complete credentialing process online (nrainstructors.org). The Cost of this course is $100, and the Cost of a 2-year credential for NRA members is $30 ($50 for non-NRA members). If you are not already an NRA member, and would like to become one prior to taking this course, it is recommended you call the NRA rather than join online.

Registration is required, and the registration form can be downloaded and printed from nrainstructors.org website, RSO Course Registration Form. Contact Rob McDermott for questions, concerns, and registration at 413-232-7700 or email robmcdermott@verizon.net

International Defensive Pistol Association

The IDPA will be having a Steel Action Shoot on Sunday, May 20 at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association. For information, contact Shawn Sullivan at ssullee@icloud.com.
Endangered Species Day

This year, Endangered Species Day is observed on May 18. The United States Congress appointed this day to recognize efforts in conserving rare species. Through the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act, Massachusetts also protects local native species that may or may not be federally protected. Over 425 endangered, threatened, or special concern animals and plants live in Massachusetts. Species from the majestic bald eagle to the unusual mountain cranberry need protection. Even though many, like the peregrine falcon, have come a long way, our native species still need help.
MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program implements the state’s Endangered Species Act. This happens through field surveys and research, regulations, habitat management, land protection, and education. But the Program needs you to help monitor rare species by telling MassWildlife when you see them. You can also help by donating directly to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Find out more by visiting mass.gov/supportnhesp.
Fishing Derbies

The Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club is having its Spring Fishing Derby at the boat ramp on Stockbridge Bowl next Sunday, May 20 from dawn until 3:00pm. Prizes of $100 will go the heaviest trout, pickerel, bass and bullhead. There will be free lures for all kids 12 and under. Hot breakfast and lunch will be available. Pre-registration fee is $10 and post registration is $15. Tickets are available at the Minkler Insurance Agency, 31 Main Street, Stockbridge, (W)413-644-3590, (H)413-298-4630 or from any club member.

DFW Director Jack Buckley retires
After 30 years of service with the DFW (MassWildlife), Director Jack Buckley retired on April 30, 2018. Appointed as Director by the Fisheries and Wildlife Board in 2015, Buckley supported new outreach initiatives such as social media and agency re-branding; focused efforts on hunter and angler recruitment, retention, and reactivation; accelerated habitat management activities on MassWildlife lands; procured habitat management grant funding for private landowners and municipalities; and partnered with the Massachusetts Water Resources Agency for a pipeline to supply the McLaughlin Hatchery in Belchertown with gravity-fed water from Quabbin Reservoir. During this time, MassWildlife celebrated its 150th Anniversary, opened its new LEED Platinum certified Field Headquarters in Westborough for meetings and events to a wide variety of state agencies and conservation groups, and continued to protect and manage over 200,000 acres of important fish and wildlife habitat to benefit both wildlife and people.
The majority of Buckley’s career with MassWildlife was spent as Deputy Director of Administration and Personnel. He was responsible for personnel, fiscal, and budgetary management, legislative and external affairs, federal aid, information and education, licensing and permits, land acquisition, and the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. In 1998–2002, he also served as a Special Assistant to Secretary of Environmental Affairs Robert Durand for Forest Policy and Land Protection. Probably his most important contribution to the agency was his work on the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) legislation, the creation of MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, and his involvement with a lawsuit that went before the Massachusetts Supreme Court. The Court ultimately affirmed the agency’s authority and actions relative to enforcement of MESA.
Buckley was MassWildlife’s representative on the Public Access Board and the Pesticide Board. In addition, Buckley represented the Division on several committees of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, including Legislative Affairs, Federal Budget, and International Affairs. He was the regional representative of the northeastern states to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Technical Work Group.
Jack Buckley earned a Bachelor of Science and Master’s Degree in Fisheries Biology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst where he studied the endangered shortnose sturgeon in the Connecticut River. He worked at the Massachusetts Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at the University of Massachusetts as a Research Assistant and was promoted to Project Leader. Buckley then performed a stint as first Chief of Fisheries Management in Washington D. C. where he was responsible for developing the fisheries management program for the District of Columbia. His work in advancing fish and wildlife conservation has been recognized on local, regional, and national levels. Buckley was honored by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies with a Special Recognition Award in 2011 for his outstanding commitment to the work of the Association and with the Ernest Thompson Seton Award in 2013, honoring his leadership in scientific wildlife management as a CITES representative. The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council recently honored Buckley with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Fisheries and Wildlife Board has appointed previous Deputy Director Mark Tisa as Acting Director of the DFW.

Local youth turkey hunting results were low, but enthusiasm was high


The special mentored youth turkey hunting day took place on Saturday, April 28. The combined turkey harvest for the Lee and Stockbridge Sportsmen’s clubs was only 4 birds. Its hard to figure out why as the weather wasn’t bad, the mentors are eminently qualified, the kids are decent shots and there appears to be a lot of turkeys strutting their stuff out there. Maybe the toms detected an accent in the turkey calls this year and became leery. Well, that’s the way it goes…..no excuses were offered.

This year, I covered the Lee Sportsmen’s Association which had 9 participants in the program and two birds were taken. Alex Navin, while hunting with mentor Doug LaPlante managed to bag a 15 lbs. bird around 6:00am with one clean shot to the head. They called in 5 or 6 other gobblers, too. He is very pleased with his new 20-gauge Mossberg Shotgun.

Daniel Epe, who was mentored by Mark Bartini, heard at least 6 toms all around them. The trouble was that some were in back yards and obviously he couldn’t go there to hunt them. He had one bird interested in Mark’s call, but he got busted (bird detected them and took off).

A similar situation occurred to Will Loring who was mentored by Isaac Winters. They had a bunch of gobblers nearby but couldn’t call them in. One bird had the nerve to strut nearby, but it got away. Matt Ranzoni was mentoring Will’s brother Charlie Loring and he bagged a 17 lbs. bird. No luck for Taylor Salice, who was mentored by Josh Hurlihey, but she had a good time hunting never-the-less.

John Ranzoni mentored Hunter Briggs, and he took a shot but didn’t drop the bird.

After having a burger or two excellently prepared by Tom and Virginia Dubois, the youngsters learned how to dress out the birds. In addition to the meat, they were shown how to save the tail feathers, beards, spurs, other feathers, etc.

Meanwhile, the folks at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club also bagged two birds. Some 18 youths went out turkey hunting this year. Thanks to information provided by spokesman Mike Buffoni, here is how they did:
Two youths got birds and Mike reported that at least 3 other youths had shots but missed. Every kid had great action and heard birds gobbling. Colby Carlson (Mike’s nephew) who was mentored by Brian Korte went on his first hunt ever and got a jake. Brady Donald also got a nice bird. Pretty sure it was his first also. “Very cool to see the excitement in these youth hunters” said Mike.

As usual they had a really nice lunch put on by Chef Peter Delgrande at the club. After eating, they also learned how to tend to the birds. Quite a few of the kids didn’t come for lunch and most were in shorts so they didn’t get a group photo this year. We did get a picture of young Colby Carlson with his turkey. The expression of joy and pride says it all, hey?
Few details came from North County except that Scott Krzanik of Adams, MA was mentoring his daughter Grace when she bagged an 18-pound bird with a 9 inch beard and 3/4″ spurs. She did this at 6:35 a.m. I believe I interviewed her back in 2016 when she got her first bird on youth day as well. Scott said that Matthew Tassone also got a nice tom North county.
According to Astrid Huseby, DFW Youth Turkey Hunt Coordinator, they don’t have exact numbers of how many youths participated. They do know that 270 youth ages 12-17 obtained the required permits/authorizations to hunt on the youth day, but not how many of those 270 actually went out hunting.
As for how many turkeys were harvested, they have a preliminary number of 52 birds reported online. More birds may have been harvested and taken to a check station that doesn’t use online reporting so they won’t have total numbers until the end of the season when all harvest reports are collected from check stations.

Free Fishing Days

In order to plan your fishing trips, here is a listing of free fishing days, where no freshwater license is needed: In Massachusetts, the dates are June 2 and 3. (You can also take advantage of free saltwater fishing on Father’s Day weekend – June 16 and 17). While you can fish for free on June 2-3, a license is required at all other times if you’re 15 or older. If you’re aged 15-17, your license is free.

In New York the free fishing days are June 23-24. They also have two additional free fishing dates in 2018 which are September 22 and November 11. In Vermont it is June 9. (Be sure to verify that date as I am receiving conflicting dates for Vermont). In New Hampshire the day is June 2; in Maine, the dates are June 2 and 3; the Connecticut Free Fishing date is May 12 and in Rhode Island they are May 6 and May 7. Now’s your chance to “test the waters” in our neighboring states free.

Pistol Shoots
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club, 310 Curran Rd., Cheshire, MA, will be having outdoor pistol shoots this year. The monthly shoots take place on Saturdays starting at 10:00 am. The entry fee for the first shoot is $10.00 and $5.00 for the second shoot. The winners will split ½ the first shoot take and all of the second shoot take. On May 12, there will be “Wood Blocks Standin’ on a Log” centerfire. 5 shots at 5 blocks at 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards.

Rules: For Rimfire – .22 Caliber, Semi-Automatic Pistols or Revolvers. For Centerfire – Semi-Automatic Pistols or Revolvers, no caliber over .45, red dot scopes are allowed, 1 or 2- handed allowed.

Also, on Sunday, May 20, they will be having a Steel Action Shoot, and on Thursday, May 24 they will be having their first Thursday Night Steel Match.

For more information contact: Martha Lee (413) 212-4154, Evelyn Jones (413) 684-3391.

Trout Stocking

The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week: Hoosic River in Adams. Cheshire and Clarksburg; Greenwater Pond in Becket, West Branch of the Westfield River in Becket, Chester, Huntington and Middlefield; Westfield River Mainstem in Russell, Potash Brook in Blandford and Russell, Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Hudson Brook in Clarksburg, Pontoosuc Lake in Lanesborough and Big Pond in Otis.

Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having its next free children’s fishing derby next Saturday, May 12, from 9 to 10:30 am at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Bass Fishing Tournament

The bass fishermen have started their 2018 tournaments and the first event was at the Congamond Lakes in Southwick, MA on April 29. The results are as follows: 1st place went to Ricky Terzak with 16.4 lbs. of bass. In 2nd place was Paul Procopio with 12.13 lbs. Dave Benham took 3rd with 12.4lbs, 4th place went to Bill Gates with 11 lbs. and in 5th place was Bill Pigott with 8.7 lbs. These are 5 fish totals weights. All were caught, weighed in and released.

The lunker (largemouth) bass was taken by Bill Gates, one weighing 4.1 lbs. Paul Procopio caught a 3.3 lbs. smallmouth. Both are currently leading in the Lunker of the Year contests.

Registration is open for the next tournament which takes place on May 13.

HVA to conduct Stream Assessments of the Konkapot and Williams Rivers

The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) invites interested individuals to help form “Stream Teams” to complete Stream Assessments this spring and summer. “Stream Team” volunteers will walk, sometimes in the river, or paddle along an assigned segment of the river and record information along the way. All of the information collected will be compiled into a final Stream Assessment Report which will include conditions and use of the river sections plus possible recommendations for future projects. Assessments are to be completed from May to July and can be scheduled according to the volunteers’ availability.

HVA has scheduled a Stream Assessment volunteer training on Tuesday, May 15 from 5 to7pm in the Community Room of the Mason Library, Great Barrington. Registration is required, space is limited. They will also conduct an on-stream training practice review with date and time to be determined.

These surveys help HVA assess the health of the river and work with the community to improve that part of the watershed. All of the information collected will be compiled into a final Stream Assessment Report which will include conditions and use of the river sections, plus possible recommendations for future projects. These reports should be available in October 2018 on HVA’s website (hvatoday.org). Copies of the report, both digital or hard copy can be requested.

Funding for the Stream Assessments is provided by The Berkshire Environmental Endowment Fund, a fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. The Green River and Southwest Branch of the Housatonic River Stream Assessments were completed in 2017. Copies of these reports and other previous reports are available at hvatoday.org or you can call and request a copy. If you are interested in participating in this project, call HVA at 413-298-7024 or email Alison at adixon@hvatoday.org.

The two Stream Assessments that are to be completed this year are the Williams and Konkapot Rivers. Both of these rivers are tributaries of the Housatonic River. The Williams River flows south and southeast through West Stockbridge and Great Barrington where it joins the Housatonic River while the Konkapot River begins in Monterey and continues south through New Marlborough and, after a dip into Canaan, Connecticut, flows into the Housatonic River in Sheffield.
“Stream Teams” for each of the rivers will be made up of small groups of 2 – 3 volunteers and the teams are typically assigned a 1 – 2 mile section of the river. HVA will train “Stream Team” volunteers on how to conduct the survey, what information to record, and safety protocols. Volunteers will be asked to record things of note such as: pipes that are seen, invasive plants or wildlife observations, and general river conditions and usage. Following the surveys, the “Stream Team” volunteers will come together to share their findings and discuss suitable recommendations. The information gathered will be compiled into final Stream Assessment reports – one for each of the tributaries.
Not all “Stream Team” members need to be involved in conducting a survey. If you have an interest or expertise in either the Williams or Konkapot Rivers, HVA welcomes your input. Trainings are expected to be scheduled in May. Surveys will be completed from May – July weather and water levels permitting. The final reports, which are expected to be compiled in late summer, will be submitted to the local municipalities and state government and should also be available to the public by October 2018. The assessment will be placed on the HVA website along with their past reports. Feel free to check out these past reports to help understand more about this program. Contact HVA at 413-298-7024 for more information about volunteering for a “Stream Team.”
Fisheries and Wildlife Board Meeting
The May meeting of the Fisheries and Wildlife Board will be held on Wednesday, May 16 at 1:00 p.m. at the Stationery Factory ,63 Flansburg Avenue, Dalton, MA.

Five are honored at the Silvio O. Conte Memorial Banquet

The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club banquet hall was packed last Saturday night to celebrate the Silvio O. Conte Sportsmen’s Awards Banquet. Mark Jester, former President of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS) was the emcee for the evening. The accomplishments of all of the award recipients were listed in my March 18 column.”
In presenting the first award, the Outstanding Achievement Award, to Tom Tyning, Fish & Wildlife Board Member Stephen Sears said, “He has not only taught students but also teachers to help them teach our views about all the great things of Berkshire County.” The Outstanding Achievement Award plaque reads, “In recognition of your efforts to introduce thousands of people including many future sportsmen to the vast wonders of the outdoors.” In his acceptance of the award, Tom mentioned that his real start in this area was when he was a kid growing up in the Connecticut Valley. He discussed his education and future endeavors in the area. Radio telepathy was first being invented in the 1970s and he said that he was able to put a transmitter into a turtle for 2 years. He described that period as, “a very quiet and slow period” of his life.
Then Mark Jester said some very nice things about me before presenting me with the John Zuber Award. This award reads, “Presented in recognition of his unwavering dedication to introduce and perpetuate the ideals of sportsmen in Berkshire County”. This was quite an honor for me because I had a great respect for John and what he accomplished during his lifetime. I thanked the sportsmen, conservationists and the DFW for supporting and reading the Berkshire Woods and Waters column over the years. If it wasn’t for them providing news information and pictures, I wouldn’t be able to write it weekly. I thanked the Berkshire Eagle for keeping the column after my predecessor, Ted Giddings retired. Lastly, I thanked his wife Jan, my “in-house” editor who proofreads and keeps me pretty much out of trouble.
Mark then presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to George Wislocki, who retired from the Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) after many years. “The County League and the BNRC have had a great relationship over the years, we helped them and they helped us.” The Lifetime Achievement Award plaque reads, “Worked for over 50 years preserving open space, majestic ridge lines and vulnerable wetlands of Berkshire County.” George commented that he grew up in Eastern MA and loved the outdoors, and when he was 14 he attended a youth conservation camp here in the Berkshires. Later on, when he was older and worked for the BNRC, he linked up with George “Gige” Darey in preserving land.
“I love these clubs (referring to the Cheshire Rod & Gun Clubhouse). “Look at everyone here”, these clubs are important but times are changing and I hope 50 years from today there will still be this club and there will still be people here”. He urged the sportsmen of Berkshire County to “take the kids into the woods and show them what the woods are all about. It’s an experience to be a sportsman, it’s a wonderful experience. It is so much Berkshire.”
“Its rare to have someone who is so dedicated to certain aspects of the outdoors and does so on a volunteer basis”, said Mark about Dan Miraglia when presenting him with the Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award. “He grew up fishing lakes and is really involved in the aquatic species. He is the eyes and ears when it comes to lakes, drawdowns and herbicide applications. He brings things to light for the sportsmen and keeps them involved in what is going on. He does so pretty much single handedly and the BCLS supports him, and he supports us. The “Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award plaque reads, “In recognition of his support dedication and oversight in the preservation of open space and wildlife”. Dan recalled as a kid catching gold fish and frogs in rivers and ponds and how the shores of Onota and Pontoosic Lakes were loaded with turtles and frogs. “Now they are disappearing in our lakes. There just is not enough protection”, he said. The effects of continued drawdowns for 30-40 years have had their effects. “Take the politics out of lake management and give our lakes back to the sportsmen”, he said.
Karen Kruszyna became the second woman to have ever be awarded the Sportsperson of the Year award. Only one other woman has won the award and that was Eleanor Tillinghast. “If you go to this club, (Cheshire), if you go to the Adams for Outdoor Youth Club, if you go to the BCLS functions, you will see Karen selling tickets”, said Jester. (she was selling tickets that night). She is always involved in the organizations’ activities and is there at the helm or standing behind the person speaking or running the event. Everyone knows that if it wasn’t for her, the person would not be able to put the event together. Same thing here tonight. Her Sportsperson of the Year plaque reads, “In recognition for her lifelong dedication, leadership and support of youth in Massachusetts.”
In accepting the award, Karen said that she is grateful every day because of the fact that when she has to do something she can always pick up the phone and ask for and always receive help. People almost never say no, and that’s why this all works. That very morning, she was so excited when she was driving through Adams and saw kids riding bikes with backpacks and fishing poles. She said, “Oh my god, kids going fishing”. She stopped and told them where she thought they would catch fish. “I learned this week that parts of the Archery-in-the School program is incorporated into a local school’s physics program. It’s wonderful to co-exist, when they learn about sports, they can also learn about other scientific things”.
Mark noted that the BCLS has its annual Youth Outreach Fishing Derby every year and that some twelve Berkshire County schools have Archery-in the School programs. If your school doesn’t have such a program and you want to see one, contact a BCLS delegate or Mark and they will work hard to get one in. They also have trout rearing and release programs in the schools,
“We are fighting a rear guard right now and we need to get these kids involved in the outdoors. Bring the kids to sportsmen’s dinners, turkey shoots, get them involved in archery and shooting programs.
Mark introduced current BCLS President Tom Brule to the crowd who in turn made some comments. Lastly, Mark thanked Mike Kruszyna, long time BCLS VP who filled in as president for the last 2 years until the position was filled by Tom.
Richmond Pond Trout Stocking
DFW had a special Earth Week trout stocking event on Richmond Pond on Friday, April 20. Leanda Fontaine-Gagnon, Aquatic Biologist for the DFW Western District (WD) explained that the purpose of the event was to get people familiar with their stocking process and what they do on a daily basis all year long. The WD covers all of Berkshire County as well as western portions of Hampshire, Hampton and Franklin Counties. DFW is charged with overseeing, protecting and managing the natural resources across the state. All 5 districts have the same type of staffing. In the WD, there is an Aquatic Biologist, a Wildlife Biologist, District Manager, four Wildlife Technicians, a Land Steward, who oversees all of their Wildlife Management Areas, a Real Estate Agent and a clerk.
They stock most of the locations in the spring and a handful in the fall. As Aquatic Biologist, she does all of the organization for the stocking in the WD. She determines what fish to stock and how many and what sizes to go in which waters. She puts in orders to the hatcheries for the fish and also goes out and stocks. During this time of year, she typically spends one day in the office and the rest of the week she is out in the field stocking.
Why do they stock fish? In this technologically advanced age, everybody is inside playing with smart phones, tablets and whatnot. DFW wants to get people back out into the world and enjoy what we have for natural resources; such as fishing, kayaking, and just enjoying the natural resources.
They are not stocking trout for restoration purposes but for people to catch. They are supplementing the wild trout populations for angling purposes in order to get pressure off of the wild trout population.
They stock four different types of trout in the state: brook, brown, rainbow, and a hybrid tiger trout which is a cross between a brook and brown. In the WD they stock just over 96,000 fish in the entire spring allotment and across the state it is about 600,000. Rainbow trout, 14 inches and over is the bulk of what they stock. They also put a lot of brookies, browns and tiger trout.
All of the trout come from 5 hatcheries across the state, with four in the Connecticut Valley: the Bitzer Fish Hatchery in Montague, Sunderland Fish Hatchery in Sunderland, McLaughlin Fish Hatchery in Belchertown and Roger Reed Hatchery in Palmer. Another hatchery, the Sandwich Fish Hatchery in Sandwich also produces tiger trout. The fish stocked at Richmond Pond on this day were from the McLaughlin Hatchery.
DFW put out a variety of fish from 9 to 18 inches. They stock out the fish based upon the size of the water body. Typically, they stock 12 plus inch fish in Richmond Pond but the 9-inch fish are usually stocked into smaller streams. They stock 70 cold water bodies in our district, 23 ponds and 54 rivers or streams.
On a typical day when they are stocking fish they check their schedules, drive to the hatchery, fill up with water there (they have 4 individual tanks in the truck) and obtain their allotted fish for that day. On this particular day, they were carrying 750 fish on board (about 1,000 lbs), with 350 of them going into Richmond Pond and the remainder to Goose Pond. When they arrive at their water bodies, they either send them out through chutes where they can do so or carry them by nets into rivers and streams.
It may seem like they are harming the fish by tossing them into the waters but if the fish are gently stocked, that is one of the worst things to do. The little plop into the water actually wakes them up a little. DFW takes care to ensure that the fish survive. (no casualties were observed this day).
After fielding a few questions, Leanda asked the 20 or so spectators to help out with the stocking process by carrying the trout in white 5 gallon pails to the lake front and tossing them into the water. Everyone, especially the kids, had a ball.
GOAL Seminar
On Tuesday, May 1, beginning at 6:30 pm, the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club will be hosting a free GOAL seminar entitled “MA Gun Law for Citizens”. It is a 3-hour seminar presented by Jon Green, Director of Education and Training for the Gun Owners Action League, that will help separate fact from fiction. Jon’s presentation will provide a clear understanding of Massachusetts gun laws and regulations.

All firearms owners should attend. The seminar is free to Berkshire County residents and neighboring counties courtesy of the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club. You are requested to RSVP so that they can plan seating for the event. Contact Robert J. McDermott at 413-232-7700 or robmcdermott@verizon.net or www.StockbridgeSportsmensClub.org.

Suggestions to avoid bear problems


According to DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden, as of March 1, 2018 the Western District has had three reports of bears attacking livestock, in two cases killing a sheep and a goat. In the third case, a llama was attacked but got it away with minimal harm. The attacks took place in the towns of Monterey, Blandford and West Stockbridge.

Madden noted that in all three cases residents had seen bears regularly but continued feeding birds.

Bears are pretty hungry this time of year. With this lingering winter, succulent vegetation
such as skunk cabbage is late arriving. We would be wise to keep a close eye on our pets and animals, and for goodness sake, don’t invite the bears with bird seeds, suet and garbage. The following are some suggestions for farmers and others to help avoid encounters with bears:

Protect livestock
Avoid pasturing animals in remote areas or nearby heavy wooded cover or travel areas that bears might use. Whenever possible, pen livestock in or near the barn at night, especially pregnant females and those with small young. Avoid field birthing if possible. Do not leave carcasses of dead animals exposed in fields, pastures, or nearby areas. Consider the use of guard animals. Keep livestock feed in secured outbuildings protected by electric fencing or in bear-proof containers.
Protect bees and chickens
Use electric fencing to safeguard hives and coops. Electric fences are most effective when put up and continuously charged before the first damage occurs. Keep open, mowed areas on all sides of hives and coops and do not locate hives or coops in abandoned areas or close to brushy, overgrown areas.
Protect crops and orchards
Temporary electric fencing may be used to protect corn and other crops. Seven-strand slanted non-electric fences have been used to keep bears out of orchards. Contact local bear hunters for the early September bear season to hunt the fields.
If you have a second home owner neighbor who has not yet arrived in the Berkshires, you might want to share the following information with them:
Bird Feeders
MassWildlife recommends that if you live in an area with bears, it is best to avoid bird feeders altogether. Bears finding a bird feeder, bird seed, corn or other bird food will often revisit that site. Bird feeders draw bears closer to people, resulting in bears losing their fear of people. This process is called habituation. It’s not safe for bears or people to be close to one another.
If you choose to put out feeders, doing so in the winter when bears are denned decreases the chances of a bear coming to your feeder. In general, most bears are denned from mid-December through February. Although most bears in Massachusetts enter winter dens, MassWildlife biologists have tracked bears that remained active for some or all of the winter if food is available. It is important that you remove the entire feeder at the first sign of bear activity.
Many wild animals are attracted to bird feeders including wild turkeys and coyotes. Since bird feeders attract small mammals like squirrels, they can also attract animals like fishers and bobcats who prey upon the smaller animals.
For those people who enjoy birds in their yards, MassWildlife suggests growing native plants, shrubs, and trees to attract birds. Adding a water feature is a big draw for birds. Taking these actions may increase the diversity of birds you see and will prevent the unnatural feeding of bears and other kinds of neighborhood wildlife. Some bears have learned to empty bird feeders without destroying the feeder. Do not continue to fill a feeder. Do not leave empty feeders out because residual smell and the sight of feeders can still attract bears.
Pet food is a tasty treat for bears so don’t leave pet food outdoors. The presence of a dog could trigger a bear to be aggressive. Keep dogs leashed and never let dogs chase or interact with bears. Check your yard for bears before letting your dog out. If you encounter a bear while with your dog, back away slowly and leave the area.
Store all garbage in closed containers in a garage or outbuilding. Do not leave your garbage barrels outside overnight. Rather, put them by the roadside before pickup. Use of double bags or sprinkling with ammonia will help reduce odors. Bears and other wild and domestic animals will tip cans and scatter garbage. Smelly cans may attract bears even if there isn’t anything in them, so store garbage cans inside.
Compost responsibly. Do not throw meat scraps, greasy, oily or sweet materials in your compost pile. These kinds of food attract bears and other animals.
Bear-proof garbage cans may be available from municipalities or waste management contractors. In communities where bears are more common, bear-proof dumpsters are recommended for apartments, condos and campgrounds.
Clean greasy barbecues and grills after each use. Do not leave food scraps, grease containers or spilled grease in your yard.
If you see a bear in your neighborhood

A bear’s first response to something unusual is to leave. If a bear is feeding in an area where it doesn’t belong, such as your yard, on a porch, or in a dumpster, MassWildlife recommends you step outside, yell, and make lots of noise. The bear will usually leave—accompanied by its young. Habituated bears may ignore minor harassment. If you continue to see bears, check your property and remove any potential food sources.

In the Woods

Black bears are usually wary of people. Normal trail noise will alert bears to your presence and they will often disappear before you see them. If you see a bear, it may not immediately recognize you as a human and may be curious until it scents you. Make the animal aware of your presence by clapping, talking, or making other sounds while slowly backing away. Do not approach bears or intrude between a female bear and her cubs. Keep dogs leashed and stay a respectful distance away.

While Camping

MassWildlife recommends that you don’t cook, eat, or store food in or next to your tent or camp trailer where odors may linger. Sleep as far away from food storage and preparation areas as possible. Do not dispose of food scraps, grease, or other edibles in your campfire. These materials may not completely burn. Also, the scent of burned food may attract bears.
Store food in bear-proof containers or hang it high on sturdy poles or on wires strung between two trees. Food should hang at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet off the base of the truck. Don’t feed bears or leave food items or coolers out when away from the campsite. Use caution if storing food in your vehicle. Some bears may be able to break a window to gain entry. Even if unsuccessful, the bear’s attempts may damage your vehicle.
Store toiletries safely with your food. The scent and use of perfumes and colognes may attract bears. Stay at campgrounds that are clean, use “bear boxes” for safe food storage and dispose of garbage in bear-proof dumpsters. While hiking, normal trail noise will alert bears to your presence and prompt them to move without being noticed.
Spread the word about how to avoid conflicts with bears by sharing these tips with others.

Black bears are important and valuable mammals in Massachusetts. They are big game mammals for which regulated hunting seasons and a management program have been established.

Be River Smart!
No, I’m not referring to smart river fishing or river paddling. Heck, you don’t even have to go near a river to be river smart. The Housatonic River Association (HVA) folks are encouraging everyone to “Be River Smart!” in a different way.
According to Allison Dixon, HVA Berkshire Outreach Manager, polluted stormwater runoff is the number one threat to the water quality of our rivers and lakes today. Yet, we can all be part of the solution. Just get River Smart! Understanding the issue is the first step and then being mindful and maybe adjusting of some of our everyday behaviors is the next and most crucial step.
As Dixon points out, we all learned as kids about the water cycle – when rain falls or snow and ice melt, it either soaks into the ground or evaporates. What we probably didn’t learn is that when rain fall meets hard surfaces like roofs, paved parking lots, streets and driveways, it flows as runoff into the storm drains and asphalted channels into the nearest river or lake.
By the time it reaches that water body it is polluted stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff picks up fluids that leak from cars such as motor oil, litter, pet waste, fertilizer, pesticides, sand and salt and more from the ground. This runoff contaminates the water raising bacteria levels and compromising the integrity of the ecosystem and the health of the aquatic life in all streams of all of our watersheds in Berkshire County.
Each one of us contributes to this source of pollution and each one of us can make a difference. Pick up that pet waste and throw it in the trash, identify and fix those vehicle leaks quickly, switch to organic lawn care and wash that car on the lawn or at a car wash.
For more information on how to be river smart, contact HVA at 413-298-7024 or email Alison Dixon, HVA’s Berkshire Outreach Manager at adixon@hvatoday.org
Trout Stockings
The following local waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week but, as Deb Lipa, Clerk for the Western District DFW noted, the water levels/conditions are crazy so there may have been changes and further updates after this list was prepared: Clesson Brook in Ashfield and Buckland, South River in Ashfield, Swift River in Cummington, Ashfield and Goshen; Walker Brook in Becket and Chester, West Branch Brook in Chesterfield, East Branch of the Westfield River in Cummington, Chesterfield and Huntington; Stones Brook in Goshen, West Brook in Great Barrington, Little River in Worthington and Huntington, Greenwater Brook in Lee, Goose Pond Brook in Tyringham and Lee, Beartown and West Brooks in Lee, Goose Pond in Lee, Hop Brook in Lee and Tyringham, Factory Brook in Middlefield, Konkapot River in Monterey, New Marlborough and Sheffield; Lake Buel in Monterey, Mill Brook in Plainfield, Richmond Pond in Richmond, Buck and Clam Rivers in Sandisfield, Stockbridge Bowl and Larrywaug Brook in Stockbridge, Depot Brook in Washington, West Brook in Windsor and Bronson and West Branch Brooks in Worthington.
Spring Turkey Hunting
Next Saturday, April 28, the 2018 Youth Turkey Hunt day takes place in Wildlife Management Zones 1-13. That is a special day set aside for youths aged 12 to 17. This hunt, developed through a partnership with the National Wild Turkey Federation, allows for a mentored hunt. Hopefully, the youths paid attention and successfully completed the pre-hunt workshop and received the special permits.
Hey youngsters, get to bed early Friday night for the spring season begins ½ hour before sunrise, which is around 5:15 am, and you should be in your hunting spot by then on Saturday morning. Good luck and have a safe and enjoyable hunt. Hopefully, the weather will be nice
Incidentally, the regular spring turkey hunting season opens on Monday, April 30 and runs through May 26.

Lenox Land Trust honors Charles Liston

The Lenox Land Trust recently informed Charles Liston of Lenox Dale that they have designated him an Emeritus Director status in recognition of his many contributions to land preservation in Lenox and Berkshire County. The emeritus letter, which was drafted by Kate McNaulty-Vaughan, Lenox Land Trust (LLT) Executive Board Member and Secretary reads as follows:
“In November, 2016 at the Lenox Land Trust Annual Meeting, the LLT awarded you a special plaque, recognizing your role in forming the Land Trust and your longstanding commitment and leadership of the conservation movement and its early initiatives in Lenox and Berkshire County.”
“As one of the first members of the Berkshire Natural Resources Council when it started 50 years ago, you have since distinguished yourself as one of few people who had an unbroken record of support for all 50 years! You were recognized for having been tireless in your role as a surveyor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in assisting in conservation work for the state, for Lenox, and for many regional environmental groups. And for that generosity of spirit, generations to come will enjoy these preserved lands and wildlife.”
“You have explored and recorded the boundaries and features of thousands of acres of land. Your expertise and love of natural landscapes resulted in the permanent protection of many of those acres in their natural state. Always on the lookout for special lands and places in your work for the state, you identified land that would be of interest to the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, as well as the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, and other conservation organizations.”
“You also served on the first Conservation Commission in the Town of Lenox and played a key role in obtaining grants for the acquisition of the Post Farm (100 acres) in 1959, and Edith Wharton Park (15 acres) in 1972 –wonderful open space and recreation lands in town. Notably, those acquisitions received 75% reimbursement from the Federal Government, and 25% from the State. When John D. Kennedy donated the southern half of Parsons Marsh to the Town in 1974, you did all the surveying free of charge, which entailed countless hours of work. This is an astounding legacy, perhaps not known to most residents today.”
“You can only be described as an avid conservationist and environmentalist. The townspeople and Lenox Land Trust will be forever grateful to you for all these unselfish gifts of your time, expertise, and land, especially that parcel on Crystal Street (Lenox Dale) donated for a small park in 2007. In 2008 the Town of Lenox dedicated that lovely spot as Liston Park to honor you and your late wife Carmen.”
May I also add that anyone who has hunted the Post Farm, the George Darey Wildlife Management Area or Hallowell Meadow; or hiked or bird watched at the Edith Wharton Park or Parson’s Marsh in Lenox owes Charlie a great deal of gratitude.
We also owe the 95 year-old veteran our heartfelt gratitude for serving in the US Marines during WWII in the South Pacific, notably in the Saipan, Tinian and Okinawa campaigns.


Trout stocking
The following waters were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week: Hoosic River (South Branch) in Adams and Cheshire; Hoosic River (North Branch) in Clarksburg; Deerfield River in Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Chickley River in Charlemont, Hawley and Savoy; Cold River in Charlemont, Florida and Savoy; Westfield River in Chester, Huntington, Middlefield and Worthington; Housatonic River (C&R) in Lee and Stockbridge, Housatonic River in Hinsdale and Dalton, Housatonic River (Southwest Branch) in Pittsfield, Littleville Reservoir in Chester and Huntington, Hudson Brook in Clarksburg, Town Brook in Lanesboro, Goose Pond in Tyringham and Lee; Garfield Lake in Monterey, Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Green River and Hemlock Brook in Williamstown.
Land Acquisition
In his April report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden reported that MassWildlife recently acquired 52 acres off land off of Tannery Road in Otis, MA. The primary feature of the property is approximately 1,500 feet of frontage along the Farmington River. It is accessible from Tannery Road near where the Knox Trail Rider’s and the Isaac Walton League Clubhouse is. DFW also picked up a one-acre piece of land along that road for a parking area and access to the river.
Earth Week Stocking Event
MassWildlife invites you to celebrate Earth Week by helping them stock trout on Richmond Pond. You will have the opportunity to meet MassWildlife fisheries staff, view trout up close, and learn about places to fish near you. The event takes place on Thursday, April 19, at 1:30 pm. at the Richmond Pond Boat Ramp off of Town Beach Road.
Quadriplegic hunter
Say, remember Zach Porio? He was the quadriplegic turkey hunter that I wrote about in August entitled “Local turkey hunter is an inspiration to us all”. (August 13, 2017) To refresh your memory, he is the guy that shot a turkey using his knees as support and pulling the trigger with both hands. After dropping a tom, he had to drive his truck closer to the bird, grab a rope, get into his wheelchair and push it 20 yards over a meadow to retrieve it. He then had to bend over, tie the turkey by its feet, push himself back upright into the wheelchair, put the rope into his mouth and drag the 12 lbs turkey back to his truck while pushing the wheelchair.
Well, the local community rallied to the aid of the young man who was paralyzed from the chest down in a dirt bike accident several years ago. The plan was to get the avid hunter a special chair which would allow him to be more mobile in the woods.

Through fund raising dinners, auctions, collection boxes and various events, the community and businesses got together to raise enough funds to enable Zach to purchase that special chair. Quite a different chair than the wheelchair that was featured in this column back in August, hey?
This is what Zach posted on Facebook, “I just want to thank everyone so incredibly much for their generosity in helping me to get this incredible chair. I can’t tell you how amazing it was to interact and get out there to play in the snow with everyone again, instead of watching from the sidelines. To be able to move around on my own with almost no limitations and to stand more than I’ve done in a long while was great and just what I needed to cure the cabin fever of winter. Being outdoors is something that I used to enjoy so much in the past but have dreaded ever since the accident. Now, this chair gives me the ultimate freedom to get around and maneuver the outdoors like I used to love so much.”
“I thank you all for coming together to make such a huge difference in my life and giving me the ability to interact with my children beyond the limitations of my wheelchair. Again, I’m just beyond amazed at our community and the phenomenal things that are accomplished when people come together. I want to let you know that the sharing won’t stop and that I plan to give others in the community the opportunity to experience a bit of the joy and freedom by extending the offer for others with accessibility limitations the chance to utilize the track chair. Thank you again, Zack.”

Acid Rain Monitors are now even more important
If you saw a grown adult poking around in your little neighborhood stream last Sunday, you needn’t have been alarmed. Its possible that the person was one of the half dozen local Acid Rain Monitors collecting water samples for UMASS. Through fair or foul weather, they have been monitoring Commonwealth waters for over 30 years now. Last Sunday, they were collecting water samples in 20-degree weather. But they are a dedicated lot and most of them have been doing these annual samples, never missing a collection date, for 15-20 years now.
The monitors knew that the water samples collected in our area were brought to Westfield State University to be tested for ph, alkalinity, major cations and anions. But recently, they were informed by UMASS that this year the samples will be used as part of Dr. Boutt’s Isoscape project, which involves mapping the distribution of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in surface waters throughout Massachusetts.

Dr. David F. Boutt is an Associate Professor of hydrogeology, watershed hydrology and groundwater recharge/discharge with the Department of Geosciences UMASS-Amherst. The goal of this project is to develop a baseline of environmental isotopes to understand hydrologic functioning of surface and ground waters throughout the Commonwealth. The ultimate product of this effort are spatial maps of isotopic composition of surface water and groundwater that will define the isoscape in which we live.

Through a combination of sampling efforts by numerous voluntary contributing organizations and the UMASS Hydro Team, they have been able to create a water isotope database consisting of data from all over Massachusetts and much of the Northeast.

Depending on the weight of the water, the source of the water (extra-tropical versus arctic) or the age of the water (recently precipitated versus groundwater) can be inferred. For example, extra-tropical storm waters tend to have a heavier signature whereas Arctic waters tend to be slightly lighter. Precipitation is usually significantly heavier than older water.

So why is this research important? According to UMASS, most significantly, the breadth of this project allows them to track the response of watersheds to hydrologic events–whether that be major storms, or droughts. This will especially be significant as climate change begins to take effect and more extreme weather events occur. Water isotope signatures are also useful in other environmental scenarios such as a tracer in contamination scenarios. This project is the first of its kind at the state level in the nation.

Who would have thought that our collectors with their white bottles of water could turn out to be so important in the scheme of things? Most of the collectors are fishermen and women who have a love for and a desire to protect our waters. Also, who would have thought that your little stream in Becket, Sheffield or Richmond would be part of such an important and far reaching study?

For more information about the project, and a definition of isotopes, click onto: https://blogs.umass.edu/dboutt/research/current-research/isoscape-project/

Questions arise over the handling of Pittsfield Lakes

Recently, I have been receiving correspondence from sportsmen questioning why the water level on Pontoosuc Lake is so low that they are unable to launch their boats in the open water near the outlet channel. I didn’t know the answer. It was my understanding that per Order of Conditions, the lake had to be completely refilled by April 1, and I am unaware of any amendments or exclusions to that Order of Condition.

On April 2, I went to the lake outlet and found that the water level indeed appeared to be 2 feet below the dam overflow level and that water was being diverted around the dam in a pipe and into the outlet stream (one of the feeders to the Housatonic River). It looked as though the
refilling, a process which probably takes a couple of weeks to complete, had not even begun. It is my understanding that the lake is allowed to be raised or lowered no more than 3 inches per day to reduce adverse impacts on the outlet stream. While there, I took a picture of the outlet. (Picture quality not quite sufficient for this column).

Through e-mail and telephone calls, I tried to reach the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding this matter. (I subsequently found out that I should have contacted the DCR because it is the permittee and operator for Pontoosuc Lake). I called the Pittsfield Conservation Agent (Rob Vanderkar) and we had a good conversation. He claimed he contacted the Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) on April 2 and requested that they begin
refilling the lake that very day. If they did so, it must have begun after I visited the dam and took pictures.

On March 4, the DCR Press Secretary responded to my inquiry with the following information:

“Every year, the DCR conducts a winter drawdown of approximately three feet of water from Pontoosuc Lake by opening the dam in the City of Pittsfield. Staff then elevate the water levels back to normal for the spring/summer season (typically April 1st).”

“However, the agency has not brought the water levels up to normal seasonal heights just yet due to the large amounts of ice currently present within the lake caused by a prolonged winter season, which has happened in past years. Elevating the water levels at this time would enable ice to drift to the shoreline and potentially damage the bank, property, and/or other structures that it may encounter.”

“DCR staff are currently allowing the ice to fully melt, water levels are slowly rising (approximately 15 inches from the spillway), and staff continue to monitor the issue. Water levels are expected to be at spring/summer heights later this week or early next week.”

I am no biologist, but I don’t think “winter drawdowns” cut it. Unless something changed in the regulations recently, drawdowns had to be completed by November 15 in order to allow the critters (amphibians, mammals, etc.) to relocate in order to survive the freezing temperatures.

The issue of severe and late lake drawdowns and refills has been a constant point of contention to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen (BCLS), the umbrella organization for a dozen or so local sportsmen’s clubs and some 3,000 or more local sportsmen and women. Rarely has a monthly meeting taken place in the last couple of years when this subject, as well as the use of herbicides, did not come up. Some of the concerns are: too severe drawdowns, drawdowns conducted too late to allow the critters to make new winter homes, excessive or overuse or unnecessary uses of herbicides, and others.

Their concerns were piqued when it was learned that there was a drastic drawdown last winter on Onota Lake which left thousands of freshwater clams, mussels and a rare aquatic plant exposed on a sandbar to freeze. Even a muskrat had been left stranded in the low water and had to be trapped out by DFW. (Keep in mind that drawdowns are supposed to be completed before winter).

I have since learned from the DEP that Jim McGrath, Pittsfield’s Harbormaster, is the operator for Onota Lake and that MassDEP has and is providing guidance and recommendations to the Conservation Commission regarding permits.

Complicated, hey?

Nevertheless, someone should have been held accountable for the demise of the thousands of those bivalves. The freshwater mussels were identified by DFW aquatic biologists as common mussels, but they were estimated to be from 50 to 80 years old. A Comb Water Milfoil (as opposed to the invasive Eurasian Milfoil), was also exposed to freezing during that drawdown. It is listed in Massachusetts as “Endangered.”

The County League’s concerns have been frequently conveyed to the Western District DFW Supervisor Andrew Madden, but his hands are tied in these matters because the Conservation Commissions call the shots. (Although I am not sure if the Concom called the shot on the above referenced Onota Lake drawdown last fall). Isn’t it ironic that the very agency that has the best trained aquatic biologists and expertise to address these concerns, basically has no say? Yes, DFW advice and recommendations are sought by lake associations, conservation commissions and others but at the end of the day the recommendations are largely unheeded it is they who make the decisions and who, in the County League’s opinion, are the least qualified to make them. The County League hopes to change all that.

It is important that fishermen, conservationists and those who represent the critters also have a say in the management of these Massachusetts “Great Ponds”. It is up to them to become informed, attend the various meetings and work with the Conservation Commissions, lake associations, DEP, DCR, DFW and others to come up with sound lake management plans that all can live with, even the critters.

Incidentally, Dan Miraglia, of Pittsfield, has been the watch dog keeping the BCLS updated on lake matters. As a sign of appreciation, the League chose Dan to receive its Silvio O. Conte Sportsmen’s Appreciation Award this year.

Incidentally, the leadership of the BCLS asked me to announce that they still have tickets available for the Silvio Conte Memorial Banquet on April 21. At that banquet, Dan, along with George Wislocki, Karen Kruszyna, Tom Tyning and another guy will be recognized. While there, maybe we can ask Tom what the effects the constant drawdowns have on the turtle, crayfish and other amphibian populations.

Trout Stocking

The following water bodies were scheduled to be stocked with trout last week, subject to change: Green River – Alford, Egremont and Great Barrington; West Branch Westfield River – Becket, Chester, Middlefield and Huntington; East Branch Westfield River- Chesterfield, Cummington, Savoy, Huntington Russell and Windsor; Deerfield River – Buckland, Charlemont and Florida; Farmington River – Otis and Sandisfield; Konkapot River – Monterey, New Marlborough and Sheffield, Norwich Pond in Huntington, Windsor Lake in North Adams, Mansfield Pond in Great Barrington and Lake Buel in Monterey.

Coyote Contest

Eight coyotes were entered into Dave’s Sporting Goods Coyote Contest this year, and the winner was Carl Dolle of Clarksburg. He bagged the most with a total of 5 and he also bagged the largest coyote which weighed 41 lbs. Joe Trybus, of Lanesborough, MA won the random draw. Congratulations to both.

As you undoubtedly noticed the checked-in numbers were low this year. According to store owner, Dave (DJ) Benham, Jr., it was probably due to the poor weather conditions. It seemed like every time it snowed, it crusted over, keeping the hunters out of the woods. The hunters did not want the crust harming their dog’s paws.

Fishing Derby
The Berkshire Hatchery Foundation in Hartsville-New Marlborough is having this year’s first free children’s fishing derby next Saturday, April 14, from 9 to 10:30 AM at its lower pond. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Intro to Action Shooting 101 Class

Do you want to start shooting International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), or Steel Challenge this season but really don’t know where to start? On April 15 there will be an Action Shooter 101 class at Lee Sportsmen Association (LSA) from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The cost is $5 per person.

The training will begin with a mandatory 45-minute safety and procedures training session in the clubhouse. They will then move to the range for training on action shooting match firearm handling. Later you will be shooting a short, simulated match under the direct supervision of a safety officer. The instructor is LSA’s Paddy Sullivan a Master level shooter in IDPA, Steel Challenge and USPSA

You do not have to be a member of LSA to attend this class. This is a class for new shooters and you are absolutely welcome. But this is not a class for someone not familiar with the firearm you will use. You should have practiced and be very comfortable with loading, unloading, shooting and clearing jams prior to taking this class. You are encouraged to find some introduction to IDPA and Steel Challenge videos on YouTube prior to taking this class in order to be much better prepared and more comfortable.

On April 22, they will be having a 2-gun event. (2 Gun is similar to IDPA only you use a pistol and shotgun.)
There are certain rules with which you must abide. For information on them and to see the 2018 IDPA and Steel schedule, contact Shawn Sullivan at ssullee@icloud.com.

Beagle Club hunt
Looking for something to do next Saturday or Sunday? Maybe you want to hear some good music, sung only by beagles. Perhaps that type of music brings you back to the old days when lots of folks had beagles tied to dog houses in their back yards.
Well, I know just the place to once again hear that music, and that is the Berkshire Beagle Club on Sleepy Hollow Road in Richmond, MA. Next Saturday and Sunday, the club is having its spring field trials where some of the best beagles in the northeast compete at following the scents of snowshoe hares and/or cottontail bunnies. All of the dogs are AKC registered and many already possess championship ribbons won at other field trials.
When they strike a scent, they sure sing, some practically yodeling. For beagle lovers, it is truly music to their ears.
The club welcomes folks to come and just listen to the dogs and observe the judges. Every now and then, you will hear someone shout “Tally Ho!” to let the judges know that they spotted a bunny or dog on its scent.
There will be plenty of food to purchase there.