Outdoor artistic/writing opportunities available for youngsters

Junior Duck Stamp Contest: “There is still time to enter the Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp (JDS) contest,” advises MassWildlife’s Wildlife Education Specialist Pam Landry. “Any student, from kindergarten through grade 12, regardless of whether they attend public or private school or are home-schooled, can submit original artwork in this fun and educational competition. Even if students do not enter the art competition, the related information can serve as a valuable resource in art or science classrooms.” The entry deadline is February 15, 2018.
The JDS program links the study of wetlands and waterfowl conservation with the creation of original artwork. Students in grades K-12 learn about the habitat requirements of various kinds of ducks and geese and then express their knowledge of the beauty, diversity, and interdependence of these species artistically, by creating a drawing or painting which can be submitted to the JDS art contest. The art is judged in four age group categories in a statewide competition; the entry judged Best of Show moves on to represent Massachusetts in the national JDS competition. Art teachers, science teachers, and parents who home-school can visit its website for an information packet and entry information.
For more information, contact Pam Landry at (508) 389-6310, or pam.landry@state.ma.us.

New England Outdoor Writers Association outdoor writing contest: NEOWA recently announced its 6th annual Youth Outdoor Writing Contest. The rules for the contest are as follows:

1. The contest is open to students in New England. Submissions from students in grades 6-8 will be entered in the Junior Division; grades 9-12 will be entered in the Senior Division.

2. The topic must be outdoor-oriented (fishing, hunting, boating, canoeing, hiking, camping, nature, ecology, etc.). Any prose or poetic form is acceptable.

3. First, second, third and two honorable mentions will be chosen in both the junior and senior divisions. Winners will receive certificates and cash prizes. First place $150, second $100, third $50, honorable mention $25.

4. The written work should not exceed 500 words. Entrants must submit by mail, three legible 8½ x 11 copies of his or her work with a title of the entry and the author’s name. The entrant must also include a cover sheet including name, age, address, telephone, e-mail and grade in school. One copy of the entry must also be sent by email.

5. The deadline for mailing contest entries is Feb. 15, 2018. Mail entries to Youth Writing Contest, c/o Randy Julius, 487 Central St., East Bridgewater, MA 02333.
Email: randyjulius19@gmail.com Phone 508-378-2290, 508-642-2997.

NEOWA will announce the contest winners during spring 2018.
Don’t feed the deer
A message from MassWildlife: Although well-intentioned, people who feed deer in the winter may not understand the negative unintended consequences of this seemingly benign activity.
A host of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa and fungi) and enzymes in the deer’s digestive system enables the breakdown of plant material into a form that allows for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. The composition of this digestive microflora actually changes during the year to help deer digest the different types of seasonally available foods. As warm weather foods, such as green, soft vegetation, die off in the fall, deer gradually shift to browse, woody plant material such as twigs and buds. Accordingly, the deer’s digestive microflora slowly adjusts to this dietary change over a period of weeks.
During the winter months, if abrupt changes in diet occur with introduced high carbohydrate foods like corn, apples, and deer pellets, it can disrupt the deer’s stomach chemistry, triggering bloat, diarrhea, damage to the rumen (the first of four stomach chambers), and even death. High levels of lactic acid produced as a by-product of the carbo hydrate-digesting bacteria overwhelm other microflora, reduce the rumen’s pH (rumen acidosis), and damage the rumen lining. This lactic acid can also be absorbed into the bloodstream and can rise to potentially fatal levels.
Even if a deer survives the initial issues, damage to the rumen lining can be permanent, potentially leading to future digestive problems. Feeding deer can also cause deer to congregate in larger numbers, increasing disease transmission risks, and causing deer to adjust travel patterns that increase vehicle collision risk.
A healthier, safer way to support deer through particularly rough winters is to improve existing natural habitat. Creating areas of young hardwood and shrub-dominated understory forests (e.g., recently cut), especially near coniferous covers of hemlocks, pines and firs, is very beneficial. In locales where deer numbers are much higher than what the natural habitat can support (evidenced by over-browsing), opening large blocks of land to regulated hunting can reduce deer densities, benefiting the remaining deer and the local ecosystem.
Private landowners, land trusts, and cities and towns can provide winter food and cover for deer and other wildlife by including selective forest cutting in their habitat management plans.
Basic Hunter Education Course

All first-time hunters who wish to purchase a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license must complete a Basic Hunter Education course. The Basic Hunter Education course is designed for first-time hunters and is standardized across North America. All government-issued Basic Hunter Education certificates, from any North American jurisdiction, are accepted as proof of successfully completing the course in order to purchase a hunting or sporting license.

Anyone who has held a hunting license prior to 2007 in this or any other state, or is a graduate of a Basic Hunter Education course in this or any other state, does not need any additional training and may immediately create a customer account and purchase a Massachusetts hunting or sporting license ([www.mass.gov/massfishhunt). Proof of a previous license or certificate is not required.

A Basic Hunter Education Course will be taught at the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club, 310 Curran Road, Cheshire, MA, on February 12, 16, 19, 23, 26 and March 2, 2018, from 6 PM to 9 PM for all 6 evenings. You must attend all class dates and times to successfully complete the course.
If you are interested in this course and wish to enroll, call (508) 389-7830.
Firearms safety courses
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club is having a License-to-Carry / UTAH firearms course on Saturday, January 28 from 12:00 to 4:00 PM. It is a Massachusetts State Police Compliant course. The cost is $70 for LTC, $125 for UTAH and $150 for both. Preregistration required. Contact Tom Nadolny at (413)822-6451 or tnadolny1@gmail.com or Dennis Leydet at (413)329-7081 or djleydet@gmail.com.
Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club News
In its most recent newsletter, the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club announced that it has recently purchased approximately one hundred acres of land adjacent to its existing property, along the northwestern boundary. This purchase brings the total acreage to just over two hundred acres, and helps protect the Club from potential encroachments. It thanked those involved in the extended negotiation and purchase, led by its immediate past president, Wayne Slosek. Special thanks also went to its attorney and Club member Jack E. Houghton, Jr., “whose diligence and persistence” saw it through some difficult issues. Thanks were also given to the Skorput family, who were the previous owners, for their patience and generosity throughout the process, most especially Peter, who acted as point man for the family.
The Club was able to pay the cost from its treasury, but as a result, is requesting the membership to step up when paying this year’s dues by including an additional donation to help replenish it. I’m sure it wouldn’t refuse donations from non-members as well.
Incidentally, after forty years of putting out the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club newsletter, Gary Johnston handed off the responsibility to Max Scherff, a new club member who has graciously volunteered to share his literary expertise with all members. “It has been my great pleasure to contact you over the years through this newsletter” wrote Johnston, “I have always felt that communicating with the membership about the ongoing activities at the club are vital to our continued success. I have great confidence in Max.”
Ice fishing derbies
The 40th Annual Raymond “Skip” Whalen Ice Fishing Derby will be held at Stockbridge Bowl boat ramp on Sunday, January 28 from 7 AM to 1 PM. Entry fees are as follows: Kids under 15 years old – $5 (and they all win something) , Club members and Town residents – $10, Nonmembers aged 15 and up – $15. Tickets may be purchased at Wheeler & Taylor and Berkshire Insurance Group in Stockbridge, at the Club on Saturday mornings 9 AM to noon, or on Derby Day at the Bowl only until 9 AM.

Also on January 28, the Onota Fishing Club is having an ice fishing derby on Onota Lake from 6 AM to 2 PM. There will be cash prizes for adults and kids and donuts, muffins, coffee, hot cocoa. There will be a pasta dinner afterwards. The adult entry fee is $15 and for kids under age of licenses, $5. Tickets for the dinner after the derby cost $12. Register at the Controy Pavilion.

Please note:

Any club or organization that wishes its ice fishing derbies (or any other events) mentioned in this column must get the information to me two weeks before the scheduled event. It has to be in this column the Sunday before the scheduled event and my deadline is the Wednesday before that. Thank you.

Questions/comments: Berkwoodsandwaters@roadrunner.com. Phone: (413) 637-1818



Berkshire County 2017 bear harvest set a record

According to figures released by MassWildlife, 119 black bears were harvested in the Berkshires last year beating the prior record of 106 which was set in 2016. The harvest numbers have been steadily rising over the years. For example, 57 were harvested in the Berkshires in 2013, 78 in 2014 and 75 in 2015. Berkshire County continues to have the most resident bears and consequently the highest harvest totals. The county with the next highest harvest was Franklin County with 64 bears harvested last year.
The statewide harvest came in at 268 bears in 2017 and that represents the second highest total, just below the 283 bears taken in 2016. A statewide breakdown by hunting season is as follows: September season (Sept. 5 – Sept. 23) was 151, the November season (Nov. 6 – Nov. 25 was 26 and the Shotgun season (Nov. 27 – Dec. 9) was 91.
New regulations proposed for Wildlife Management Areas

MassWildlife is proposing leash and waste disposal regulations for dogs on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). MassWildlife has a long tradition of welcoming dogs on WMAs and dogs are still welcome on them under this new proposal.
MassWildlife proposes to take this action due to repeated complaints from WMA users about negative and unsafe encounters with unleashed dogs and issues with dog waste. MassWildlife protects and manages these areas to sustain wildlife abundance and diversity and provide wildlife-related recreation, including hunting, fishing and wildlife-watching, while at the same time providing a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience for all visitors. Therefore:
1. The proposed regulations require leashing dogs and other domestic animals on WMAs. Dogs may be off-leash only when hunting or hunt-training with licensed hunters under existing regulations, or if they are participating in retriever or bird dog trial events that have been permitted by MassWildlife. Leashing dogs decreases conflicts with both people and other dogs, resulting in a safer and more positive experience for everyone.
2. The proposal also requires dog owners to pick up dog waste and dispose of it offsite. Removing dog waste reduces nuisance and protects the safety and health of dogs and other pets, people, and wildlife.
In a recent report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden noted that here in the Berkshires, the problem is not so severe. But in the WMAs in the eastern part of the state it is a real problem because large numbers of unleashed dogs are roaming in some of those WMAs. In many cases it is the dog sitters who are bringing them.
Hunters, whose license and Wildland Stamp fees helped purchase these lands, cannot fully enjoy the hunting experience because of the numbers or dogs, some of them aggressive, disrupting hunting activities.
A public hearing has been scheduled for February 6, 2018 at 7 PM at the MassWildlife Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, 01581. Information on the public hearing, public comment process and proposed regulatory language is posted on MassWildlife’s website at Mass.gov/masswildlife-public-hearings. Outdoor sportsmen, and any other users of Wildlife Management Areas, are encouraged to attend or weigh in, by mail or email, on this proposed regulation.
MassWildlife Habitat Grants announced
Eighteen municipalities, organizations, and private landowners across the state have been awarded a total of $506,856 in grants for wildlife habitat improvement projects. The MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program was developed to establish partnerships between MassWildlife and private and municipal landowners to enhance habitat and increase recreational opportunities on properties across the state. This year, funds provided through the grant program will benefit 20 wildlife habitat improvement projects, totaling 950 acres in 19 Massachusetts communities. The projects will complement the ongoing habitat management efforts currently underway on state owned lands.
The Habitat Management Grant Program is in its third year, and has now awarded over $1,215,000 in funding to 51 projects. The Program’s mission is to provide financial assistance to municipal and private landowners of conserved properties to improve and manage habitat for wildlife that has been deemed in greatest conservation need and for game species. Projects awarded with funds are also designed to expand outdoor recreational opportunities. The funds are provided through MassWildlife’s Habitat Management Grant Program. This year, the Baker-Polito Administration increased the funding of the program by $200,000 utilizing environmental bond funds.
“The Habitat Management Grant Program is a great example of the strong partnership between the state, municipalities, private landowners and organizations working together to conserve land and wildlife,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These grants are an important tool to help build upon the thousands of acres of important conservation land for wildlife and residents across the Commonwealth.”
“Massachusetts is home to an incredibly diverse array of protected natural resources and habitats that include saltwater marshes, mountain summits, and old growth forests,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “Habitat for common and rare plants and wildlife requires active and ongoing maintenance and management in order to thrive, and these grants will assist in those important efforts.”
“Habitat management is key to benefiting birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians which depend on some less common habitats,” said Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Ron Amidon. “I’m grateful that we have the opportunity to expand our habitat management footprint and improve recreational opportunities for sportsmen and women, birders, naturalists and other outdoor enthusiasts.”
“About 80 percent of Massachusetts’ lands where wildlife is found is owned privately,” said Jack Buckley, MassWildlife Director. “Therefore, as an environmental agency we should promote and apply science-based habitat management activities with committed municipal and private landowners, thereby protecting their investment in wildlife and habitat.”
Local or nearby awardees of this year’s Habitat Management Grant Program are:
• $36,500 to the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Great Barrington, to conduct invasive species control at Housatonic Flats and Thomas and Palmer Preserves.
• $16,675 to the Franklin Land Trust, Heath and Plainfield, to enhance native shrub habitat on Crowningshield Farm (Heath) and Guyette Farm (Plainfield).
• $36,630 to the Town of Lenox, to conduct hardy kiwi invasive species control within Kennedy Park.
• $15,632 to the Sheffield Land Trust, to work to control invasive species at Ashley Falls Woods.
• $20,503 to the Nature Conservancy, Sheffield, to create and improve old field and shrubland habitats at the Schenob Brook Preserve.
• $15,500 to the Cherry Hill Realty Trust, Stockbridge, to remove the invasive hardy kiwi plant.
• $20,905 to the Town of Stockbridge, to treat invasive species at Gould Meadows and Bullard Woods.
• $24,493 to Mass Audubon, Tolland, to create shrubland habitat at the Richardson Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
Winter Waterfowl Survey
Every 5 years, MassWildlife conducts a winter waterfowl survey of sites where people feed wild ducks and geese. While the feeding of wildlife is discouraged, there is no state law or regulation that prohibits feeding (though some municipalities do restrict or prohibit feeding). MassWildlife is asking the public’s assistance in reporting current waterfowl feeding locations for biologists to identify and count these birds.
The survey will be conducted statewide this month and includes sites in urban, suburban, and rural areas near fresh, brackish, and salt water. Feeding sites range from municipal parks where many visitors come to feed the ducks to ducks in backyards feeding on spilled bird seed or handouts thrown out someone’s back door.
MassWildlife biologists will visit historic feeding sites from January 8 to 26. Because these locations can change over 5 years, public input is needed. If you know of a spot where waterfowl are being fed, let them know by phone at 508-389-6321 or by e-mail at h.heusmann@state.ma.us. Include the town and specific location where you’ve seen waterfowl being fed this January. If you are able, also include the number of ducks and/or geese (preferably by species) that you see at a feeding site at one time.
Mallards are by far the most common duck at feeding sites but other ducks may be observed as well. American black ducks are common and wood ducks, pintails, gadwalls, American wigeon, and hooded mergansers are seen on occasion. Canada geese are common at many feeding sites.
MassWildlife’s survey started 45 years ago and documented the increase of mallards at feeding sites reaching peak numbers of over 20,000 mallards at 218 sites during the 1993 survey and declining thereafter. This decline can be attributed to more Canada geese utilizing the sites resulting in many areas being posted “No Feeding” because of the mess geese made. The last survey showed that the number of mallards was down to 9,700 at 139 sites along with nearly 1,600 geese (down from over 5,300 geese recorded during the 1998 survey).

Marlborough Flyfishing Show

The 2018 Fly Fishing Show will take place from January 19 through 21 at the Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlborough, MA. There will be over 50 talks and demonstrations each day. While there, you might shop for the newest tackle, book your next dream trip, watch tying and casting demos and learn from the experts. There will be more than $40,000 in door prizes.

All the new rods, reels, fly tying materials, books, DVDs and latest equipment will be on display to test and purchase. There is a casting pond for casting demos and it is available to test your new rod. Some of the celebrity authors this year include Joe Humphreys, Gary Borger, Bob Clouser, Ed Engle, Sheila Hassan, Jason Randall, Bob Romano and others, and they will be happy to autograph your books.

Show Hours are: Friday: 10AM – 6PM, Saturday: 9AM – 5:30PM and Sunday: 9AM – 4:30PM. Ticket costs: One day $15, Two-day pass $25, Three-day pass $35, Children under 5 free, under 12: $2, Scouts under 16 in uniform: free and Active Military with ID: $10. Click onto www.flyfishingshow.com/Marlborough_for more details.

This is a must-attend event for New England flyfishers and flytyers. The next closest show of this magnitude is in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

Ninety-one year old deer hunter scores again

Readers may recall an article I wrote about then 90-year old Lou Carmel of Hinsdale. The article, which ran on December 25, 2016, was entitled You are never too old to go deer hunting. In it I wrote about Lou’s amazing feat of traveling to the Saskatchewan Province in Canada by himself, hunting and bagging a large deer.
Well guess what, he went up there again in 2017. This time he was accompanied by his son-in-law Kevin Farrell of Dalton. They were there the first full week of November. They flew into the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan airport, spent the night in Saskatoon and the next day traveled about 4 hours to the deer camp in Neeb. That is located in the northwest part of Saskatchewan. Lou has hunted in that area for about 13 or 14 years. Some of the deer stands are 10 to 20 miles away from the camp, taking 1 ½ to 2 hours to get to get to them by 4 wheelers.
The first day of their hunt was cold. It had previously snowed but most of it was gone. Lou was posted in one hunting blind and Kevin in another over a mile away. The blinds had zippers and Lou had to crawl in and sit. He saw a couple of smaller deer and watched them for quite a long time, hoping a bigger deer would come along. Eventually, the two deer laid down and went to sleep, right in front of him. All of a sudden, they jumped up and ran. Lou surmised that something scared them. He then saw a buck about 100 yards away, aimed his gun and “Click”. He forgot to load his gun.
He hurridly put in a shell and “bang”, down went the buck. There was a little crevice there and the deer dropped out of sight. Lou thought he had hit it but couldn’t see it. He sat there for quite a while. He was feeling ill and had to take a trip outside the blind where the wind was blowing and snow flying. After taking care of business, he got back into the tent.
He saw a deer limping along near where he had previously shot and wondered if he had wounded that deer. He didn’t think so as he had drawn a bead on its shoulder. After he lost sight of the limping deer, Lou decided to re-load his gun just in case it came back. He tried to re-load it but couldn’t because he was shaking so much. He gave up on it, put the empty gun aside and bundled up the best that he could. Sometime later, he heard the blind zipper behind him and one of the guides asked how he was doing.
Lou told him that he shot at a deer. The guide said that he saw it down below Lou. They got into a 4-wheeler and found the deer. It was a 11 pointer and weighed about 220 lbs dressed. It was shot in the shoulder exactly where he had aimed. (Apparently the limping deer that Lou saw earlier was a different buck). Lou said that he perked up a little bit after that. The guide took a lot of pictures before taking Lou back to the camp where he had a nice hot shower. Not feeling that great, Lou stayed in the camp for the rest of the week.
There were a couple of fellas at the camp doing some filming for a TV show entitled “Born to Hunt”. The program, which is broadcast in English and French, probably featured Lou and his deer.
Lou said that if Kevin didn’t go up with him this year, he probably wouldn’t have gone alone. “Its wild country up there and I don’t know if I will ever go back on another trip”, he said, “but then again, I said that last year”.
Incidentally, Kevin also bagged an 11 pointer, but his was not as large as Lou’s. His weighed around 200 lbs dressed. They ate back straps from the deer for a couple of meals, kept the antlers and donated the rest of the meat to some needy families up there that lived nearby.
I wrote it in last year’s column and repeat it again…… Lou Carmel is an inspiration to us all.
A deer hunting family
Three generations of the McCarthy family of Williamstown, MA have special reason to celebrate a successful muzzleloader deer hunt that they participated in on Saturday, December 16. Their classic New England deer hunt is a perfect example of a family embracing, enjoying, and ultimately celebrating, each other’s company, memories, and love, through the hunt.
The McCarthys have lived in Williamstown for many generations and are active members of the community. What’s notable about this family is that deer hunting and other outdoor activities are not limited to the McCarthy men for many of the McCarthy women are active participants in these long-held family traditions and, they’ve had their share of success!

Robert (Bob) McCarthy Jr. has been the town’s tree warden and owned and operated Robert McCarthy Tree and Landscaping for many years. The entire family is involved in hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities, and many of them are active members and officers in the local East Mountain Sportsman’s Club. Bob is an EMSC delegate to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen and received its Silvio O. Conte Sportsman of the Year Award in 1987. Bob’s late wife, Juliann, enjoyed gardening, hunting and fishing.

On Saturday, the family patriarch, Bob, met his son Travas, on a parcel of land that has been in the family for many generations. Along with Travas was his wife Tammy, and their two children, TJ and Naomi. The purpose of this “family meeting” was to organize a deer drive. Conditions were perfect for the hunt; there was fresh snow on the ground and the wind was blowing out of the north. The plan was finalized with Bob, TJ and Naomi being posted as standers and Tammy and Travas being the drivers.

Bob, TJ and Naomi set up a few hundred yards apart from each other along the crest of a ridge and waited with the hopes that the drivers would move a deer into range.

As Naomi sat tucked up against a fallen tree, she watched the hillside below for any sign of deer moving her way. To her surprise, the sign didn’t come from in front, but from behind her. She heard the slightest noise and slowly turned to see two large bucks standing about 35 yards from her. Now, this wasn’t Naomi’s first successful hunt for she’s taken a few deer in the past, but, to have two rack bucks standing 35-yards away and staring you down, would rattle any hunter!

Naomi did her best to slowly turn and get her muzzleloader up for a shot. But big bucks don’t get big by waiting around, and they both bounded away. The young hunter wasn’t deterred for she let out a doe bleat and one of the bucks stopped at 50 yards. Naomi took aim and dropped the hammer on her muzzleloader. Surrounded by black powder smoke, she couldn’t see if the deer had dropped or run off. When the smoke cleared she slowly walked over to where the deer had been standing. At first, she couldn’t find any sign of a hit but, she started to track the big buck on her own and after walking a short distance, she saw the deer’s rack sticking up out of the snow. She had made a perfect shot!

Soon the whole family was gathered around the deer and celebrating Naomi’s success. High fives and hugs were generously exchanged, and a few tears were shed too. You see, Naomi’s grandmother, Juliann, the first female member of the East Mountain Sportsman’s Club and a great hunter in her own right, had passed away exactly one year ago. As the family stood around the buck, Naomi’s grandfather, Bob, gave her a big hug, wiped his eyes, and said to her, “Grandma would be very proud of you. Very proud indeed”.

Then on Saturday, December 30, with one day left in the Primitive Firearms season, the McCarthy’s assembled again to enjoy one more hunt together in 2017.

This time it was TJ McCarthy who took the honors by shooting a large coyote. To cap of the year, the three generations of the McCarthy family gathered once again to celebrate a successful hunt together.

Many thanks to George Hamilton III, of Pittsfield, who wrote this excellent McCarthy article.

Voluntary Public Access

There will be an information session on Wednesday evening, January 10, about a new program that aims to increase public access on privately-owned land for hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, and hiking by providing financial incentives to landowners. The information session will be held from 6-7:30 pm at the Visitor’s Center at Notchview on Route 9 in Windsor, MA.

This Voluntary Public Access (VPA) program is led by the Franklin Land Trust, in partnership with the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, Berkshire Natural Resources Council, and the MA Forest Alliance. Through funding provided by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, landowners may be able to receive compensation for allowing the public to hunt, fish, birdwatch, and hike on their property by participating in this program.

The program is open to landowners in 28 towns in the northwestern region of the state.
Visit the VPA website for information about the participating towns, eligibility, funding rates, how to apply, and upcoming workshops.

A most memorable fishing trip, Part 2

Last week, this column followed the remarkable trip of Rex Channell and his wife Trish Watson across Canada. Readers may recall that they traveled in their 25-foot Coachman Freelander (aka FISHlander) and camped and fished all across Canada. Let’s pick up the trip when they crossed back into the USA from British Columbia, Canada.

Passing into Idaho, they stopped to visit Matt Sawyer former Marketing Director of Butternut Ski Area in Great Barrington who now works at Lookout Pass Ski Area in Idaho. For the next several days they fished such famous rivers as the Coeur D’Alene, Little St Joe and Quartz Creek with Matt, also an avid fisherman, as their guide.
Then onto Montana where on August 8, they visited two different former Berkshire County ski friends in the Whitefish, Montana area – Emily Goodrich and Paul Descouteau. There was a very real wildfire threat in the Flathead area of Montana, especially in Seeley Lake where active firefighting was prominently visible. Instead they fished Livingston, MT – the Little Blackfoot River, Yellowstone River and Boulder River – which offered up cutthroat, rainbow and browns of various sizes. They splurged on a float trip on the Yellowstone River with Montana Trout Anglers and had a very successful trip catching healthy (1-2 lb) rainbows and browns.
They crossed into Wyoming on August 18 through the very crowded Yellowstone and Great Teton National Parks at the height of the tourist season. They stopped in to see former Berkshire-ites, Jonathan Gray in Jackson, WY and Celeste Young in Victor ID and visited the Jackson National Fish Hatchery (Snake River cutthroat). On recommendation of several local guides, they trekked the 15-mile dirt road up the Grey’s River out of Alpine, WY. There, they experienced the spectacular solar eclipse on the Grey’s River with only a herd of ranch cattle as company. Unfortunately, the fishing was pretty slow with only a couple of Snake River cutties netted in the three days.
So back in Alpine, they took another guided float trip, this time on the Salt River with Pioneer Anglers Fly Shop. It was an evening float that started at 3:00 pm and lasting until dark with continuous surface action using big hopper patterns and producing a lot of Snake River cutthroat several in the 2+ lb range. On their way through central and southeastern Wyoming, they visited the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale and the Saratoga National Fish Hatchery (primarily lake trout). They saw several enticing rivers (e.g. North Platte) and alpine lakes (e.g. Lake Marie in the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow National Forest) but left them to fish another trip as they were making their way to Colorado to meet up with relatives in a few days. At an over-night in Laramie, Wyoming, they camped in the Prairies Lake region and tried fishing from shore on the Gelatt and Twin Butte Lakes with no luck.
On August 25 and 26, they traveled to Boulder and Castle Pines, Colorado to visit friends and family sightseeing in the Garden of the Gods and the Red Rocks parks. In Salida, one of their favorite places in Colorado, they stayed near Chalk Creek for three days and fished Wright’s and Chalk Lakes catching lots of rainbow trout in the 10”-14” range on size 2 to 10 terrestrials. And they visited three Colorado State Fish Hatcheries – Mt Shavano (kokanee salmon, Snake River cutthroat, rainbow and cutbow), Chalk Creek (rainbow) and Roaring Judy (kokanee salmon, cutthroat, rainbow).
Rex and Trish spent the next 12 days in southern Colorado, visiting transplanted friends, taking in the sights and fishing some great areas. In the Gunnison area, they fished Cement Creek, Spring Creek and Taylor Reservoir for small browns and brookies. They toured the Ross Reel factory in Montrose. They fished the San Miguel River outside of Ridgeway catching rainbows on dries against straight red-rock cliffs. From Ouray, “the Switzerland of America”, they took the Million Dollar Highway which traverses three passes over 10,000 feet high in 57 miles ending up in Durango where they fished the Lemon Reservoir and Florida River.
They spent the next week in Utah visiting the national parks and monuments – Arches, Canyon Lands, Capital Reef, National Bridges, Glen Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion. In Moab, they went off-roading to fish the small alpine Oowah Lake. While marveling at the landscape, they took plenty of time to fish the southern Utah area around Loa hiring guide/owner Mike James of the Quiet Fly Fisher who gave them a diverse sampling of river, lake and reservoir. Both Rex and Trish were successful catching tiger trout in the 3 lb category with a size 16 imitation boatman fly. Some of the waters they sampled both with Mike and on their own include the Fremont River, Ferris Lake, Forsyth Reservoir, Bicknell Bottoms, Boulder Mountain Reservoir, Garcane Power Plant Reservoir, Boulder Creek, and Upper East Boulder Reservoir catching tiger, rainbow and brook trout. In Bicknell, they visited the J Perry Egan State Fish Hatchery (brook, rainbow and lake trout).
They spent 4 days in Arizona (9/18 – 9/21) to see the north rim of the Grand Canyon – so awe-inspiring – and to visit an aunt and uncle in Phoenix. However, it was still very warm (highs above 100°) so they decided to go back into the mountains of Colorado as soon as possible. Passing back into Colorado, they stopped at Mesa Verde National Park. On 9/23-9/24, they stayed at the Elk Trace B&B, a working ranch in Pagosa Springs, CO, to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary fishing (naturally) this time in the nearby Williams Creek and Reservoir.
They spent several days in Mogote, CO, to fish the Conejos River, a river they had fished a few years ago. They stayed at the dispersed wilderness site at Elk Creek since Colorado state campgrounds had been closed since mid-September. They took a day trip with Conejos River Anglers and landed a lot of 16”-20” browns using size 20 and smaller nymph patterns with a double dropper rig. On the way east, they fished the Arkansas River at several pull-offs along US 50 through Canyon City and into West Pueblo but had no luck. The last stop they made in Colorado was to the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum, incredible collection of aircraft from the last 120 years.
Now in the plains states, Rex and Trish were interested in laying down some miles. They quickly passed through Kansas and Missouri. They visited Boot Hill Museum and Front Street, Dodge City, KS as a fun diversion from driving. And they took a detour to Branson, MO, to visit Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede – good, clean entertainment. They visited relatives outside of St. Louis, MO and friends in Indianapolis, taking in the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Indianapolis Zoo.
On October 5 they finally made it into Michigan. Their first stop was to the Richard Clay Bodine State Fish Hatchery (brood stock for steelhead). In Spring Lake, they visited
Nick Petrinec who took them out on the Muskegon River in his Jet boat. They spent several days fishing, first the Pere Marquette River in Baldwin, catching big king salmon using egg patterns and grey mop flies, then the Manistee River at the Hodenpyl Dam in Mesick, Michigan netting several 10”-12” rainbows using Adams nymphs and stimulator dries and finally, the North and South Forks of the AuSable River in Grayling, where they were skunked. They made one more stop in Michigan to visit ski friends – Cheyanne Sawyer (the daughter of Matt from Idaho) – at Boyne Mountain Ski Area. They traversed the Upper Peninsula before crossing back into Canada at Sault Ste Marie, taking in Niagara Falls on the Canadian side.
They arrived home on October 20 after discovering that all campgrounds and RV parks were closed in the northeast leaving only Walmart Parking lots as places to camp.
They were gone some 164 days, of which 96 of them were spent fishing. They traveled through 8 Canadian provinces, 17 states, traveling 16,708 miles. They visited 7 fish hatcheries, and if you are wondering why, they have a special place in their heart for them. They were married in one.
What an amazing trip! They hope to have a video program of the trip early in 2018, with the locations and times to be determined at a later date.
But wait! You might think they would be tired of camping and fishing by then, but guess what. On October 23, they did some wilderness camping on the Deerfield River in Charlemont, MA and Trish caught the pictured 20- inch plus brown trout!
Ice Fishing
With this serious cold snap, some hard water anglers will be heading out onto the ice to do some ice fishing. There may be enough ice, especially in the higher elevations, but be careful in the lower elevations. You might want to stay away from any stream inlets or areas where there are currents which will have thinner ice. MassWildlife has some ice thickness guidelines, be sure to check them. Simply search “Stay Safe on Ice”, on its web page.
The last weather forecast that I saw mentioned temperatures in the 5 below zero area. Keep a sharp eye on the youngsters so that they don’t get frostbitten hands and feet. If you go, don’t forget to bring your 2018 fishing license.
Personally, I love to ice fish, but I’m going to wait another week, just to be on the safe side.

A most memorable fishing trip – Part 1


Readers may recall from last fall’s Canadian fishing articles of local fishermen, there were still two more anglers flyfishing up in Canada. Rex Channell and his wife Trish Watson. Rex is a local flyfishing guide who operates under the name of Allure Outfitters. I had promised to write about the trip when they returned. I had no idea at the time that they wouldn’t return until mid-October, after a 5 1/2 month trip. So, let’s take a break from this fall’s hunting articles and think fish for a while.

Rex and Trish packed up their 25-foot 2015 Coachman Freelander and began a fishing journey the likes of which most of us can only dream.

On May 9, 2017 they set out for West Falmouth to flyfish the Cape Cod Canal for schoolies (small striped bass). After 3 days, they headed for New Hampshire and Maine to visit friends, do some hiking, check out the beaches and lighthouses, etc. They stayed at the Desert Dunes of Maine Campground in Freeport, ME. (Yes, there are desert dunes up there), and they fished the Saco River near Fryeburg. While there was surface activity, they did not land anything.

They fished several stretches of the Crooked River in Bethel, ME while visiting friends but the river was high and non-productive. They went on to visit and fish with Brenda Sears (former Coordinator/Leader of Casting for Recovery in Massachusetts and licensed Maine guide) and her son Justin in Rangeley, ME, angling in such famed rivers as the Magallaway and Rangeley happily netting many nice brook trout and landlocked salmon in the latter on size 10 – 12 mayfly and stimulator patterns as well as larger streamers for the next 6 days.

Moving on to Greenville, ME in the Moosehead Lake region they fished the Roach River (no luck) and the Kennebec River with Rex catching a nice 3 lb brookie on a size 2 cone-head streamer. They spent several days camping and fishing on Perch Pond in the Deboullie Wilderness Area – only accessible by 25 miles of dirt roads deep in the North Maine Woods. While the fishing was not spectacular – some small brook trout – the wilderness itself was! The final Maine waters they fished were the Fish River and the Wallagrass Stream near Fort Kent again landing brookies and landlocked salmon on streamers. They said in general the rivers in Maine were difficult to fish this time of year (May) as the waters were high with late spring run-off but they were still able to land enough fish to make them happy and eager for more.

They drove from Ft. Kent and arrived at the Sugarloaf Provincial Parc in Atholville, New Brunswick on June 8. There they fished the St Lawrence River at Tide Head catching small salmon, climbed Sugarloaf Mountain and rode mountain bikes throughout the park. They traveled the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec Province and looked into fishing the Cascapedia River for Atlantic Salmon, but while the season was open, the salmon had not started up the rivers yet. They were told that the returning Atlantic Salmon count was down by two thirds in recent years in Quebec and New Brunswick. So, instead, they visited the Cascapedia River Museum and went on a hike in the Chic-Chocs (a mountain range in the central region of the Gaspé Peninsula).

While in Quebec Province, they fished the Pesciculture – Peche de la troute – a trout farm in St Felicite. For the next several days (June 14 through June 19) they camped, visited lighthouses, and museums and ferried across the St Lawrence River on their way to Labrador. On June 21 they arrived in Labrador City, Labrador. (population around 10,000). The people there were so incredibly friendly and helpful that they decided to stay 3 three days where they fished for brookies in Tanya Lake and Dumbell Lake both within the town boundaries.

There is only one road of 530 km (317 miles) between Labrador City and Happy Valley-Goose Bay and one population center – Churchill Falls. It is so remote that they signed out a satellite phone in Lab City to carry in case of emergency turning it in (without incident) when arriving in Happy Valley.

When they found a boat ramp/camp on the Ossokmanuan (Ossok) Reservoir along the way to Church Falls, they stopped to camp and fish resulting in catching the pictured large landlock salmon (called Ouaniniche) using 4x, sized 12 mayfly imitations (parachute gray flies). They hiked to Churchill Falls in Labrador (The falls are 245 feet high, located on the Churchill River) and toured the hydro-power plant of the same name, the third largest in the world and 1000+ feet underground. They took another opportunity to camp and fish at a pull-off on the Cache River where they caught more brook trout on dries before arriving at Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador was one of their primary destination points as they had scheduled a fly-in float plane fishing trip to Igloo Lake Lodge for the first week of July. (If that place sounds familiar, that is where local Attorney Michael Shepard and fellow anglers fished last summer. Remember that big brook trout that Mike was holding in a picture featured in this column on October 8, 2017?) Rex and Trish spent a week there catching huge brook trout and northern pike. Fifteen minutes into the trip, they were into 8 ½ lb brookies. Rex caught the pictured one just shy of 10 lbs later in the week. In the lake, they were using large sculpin patterns while trolling, while in the rivers they were catching the brookies on stimulators and smallish gray ghost flies.

They drove across Quebec taking a more northerly route along the Saguenay Fjord and avoiding the large eastern Canadian cities. They fished Lac Bujold, Lac du Milieu and the Chigoubiche River in Quebec along the way to Ontario. Only Lac Bujold offered up any fish – brook trout.

On July 16, they arrived at the Lost Lake Wilderness Campground in Gowganda, Ontario which provides fishing for large northern pike, walleye, smallmouth bass and brookies on 8 lakes including Lost Lake, Hill’s Lake and Aurora Lake. They stayed there 3 days and caught plenty of fish on both dry and wet flies. One of the larger pike was caught using home-made cork popper on a 3 wt rod. Although they rarely take the fish, they had a wonderful shore lunch of walleye and pike that they caught the day before.

While in Gowganda, they visited Hill’s Lake Fish Hatchery. Budd Lake near Wawa, Ontario was the last opportunity they took to fish heading into the vast plains. They camped at Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario, taking in the impressive waterfalls and before entering Winnipeg, they stayed at the Falcon Lake Provincial Park.

Westward they traveled and on July 22, they reached Morris, Manitoba where they attended the Manitoba Stampede and Rodeo. In Saskatchewan they camped at the Moose Jaw River Park on July 23 where they rode bikes instead of fishing as the water was low, slow and murky.

While they had planned on going to Banff and Jasper National Parks in Alberta, the wildfire threat in that region made them change their route. On July 24 they arrived in Crowsnest, Alberta and stayed at the Lundbreck Falls Provincial Park camping right on the river. There they fished the Crowsnest River for rainbows having great luck especially in the evenings where mayfly hatches were happening. (If that
name sounds familiar, that is where Paul Knauth, Allen Gray and I had tremendous rainbow trout fishing this past August, and was highlighted in this column on October 1).

On July 27, they arrived in Fernie, British Columbia and stayed at Snowy Peaks RV Park and for 5 days there. Again, fishing mostly in the evening, they caught a lot of healthy (2+ lb) west-slope cutthroat trout on the Elk River. This was all dry fly fishing with the go-to fly being a size 14 yellow sally. Fishing in this area of BC was more expensive since there is a fee of $20 per rod per day added to the cost of a fishing license for most of the big rivers, including the Elk, but the results were well worth it.

Their last stop in Canada was the Goat River outside of Kitchner, BC. They wilderness camped on the river 3 miles up a multi-use dirt road (logging and recreation) and fished the Goat River, catching 12” cutthroat and rainbow trout on yellow sallies and small stimulators.

On August 2, they crossed the US/Canadian border at Porthill, ID stopped in Spokane, Washington. Did they head for home? Heck no, the fishing trip was only half over. We’ll pick up the rest of the journey, hopefully in next week’s column.

Annual Berkshire Knapsacker New Year’s Day Hike and Gathering
The event will take place at the First Congregational Church Hall, 25 Park Place, Lee, MA. Two hikes are scheduled (or snowshoe as conditions warrant). The longer hike will be on the Appalachian Trail starting at the Route 20 parking area, led by Harold Moon. They will hike to the Goose Pond cabin and back, about four miles. They will leave the Church at 10:00 AM and return around 12:30 PM.
The shorter hike will be around Basin Pond in Lee, starting at the Becket Rd. parking lot, hiking through hemlock groves and over a stream to the site of the 1960 dam ruins and back, about 3 miles. They will leave the Church Hall at 10:15 AM and return around 12:30 PM.
A pot-luck lunch begins around 1:00 PM, (bring your own place setting, serving utensils, and an appetizer, dessert, salad, or entree to share) followed by a short business meeting.
At 2:00 PM, Dr. Richard Greene, an experienced and accomplished wildlife tracker, will present a program entitled “An Up-Close Look at Wildlife” He will discuss the value of wildlife cameras in conservation and science and will share his photos and videos capturing our local wildlife in their natural habitats. Dr. Greene’s presentation is free and open to the public.

Four generations of hunting tradition for the Curtins.

In 1967 Neil Curtin, of Tyringham, and his brothers bought 60 acres of land in Monterey at the top of the mountain on the Tyringham-Monterey line. They built a deer camp that September. The first day of shotgun season he shot a nice 8-point buck at the old birch tree up on the side hill where he had decided would be a good spot. That was the very first day of the then new Massachusetts bucks only law, unless you had an antlerless deer permit. That birch tree was where Neil’s son John Curtin got his first deer a few years later. Neil and John’s uncle Peter Curtin are gone now, as well as the old birch.

But this year John’s 16-year old grandson, Colby Curtin, went to the old birch and shot a 175 lb black bear. He was very excited and a little rattled by the experience. “My father would never have thought a black bear would be shot at that spot when he shot that deer 50 years ago”, John said. (There were few if any bears around there then, in spite of the fact that the mountain is called Beartown Mountain.)

Also, later in the same day Colby’s dad and John’s son, Michael Curtin, shot another bear. Then to top the day off John’s son Mark Curtin, shot a 6-point buck.

John said that he got to walk about 3 miles that day and (got) nothing. “What I did get was a great deal of satisfaction and a lot of good memories!” said John.

Black Bears

Black bears typically enter their winter dens at this time of year and exit between March and April. Bears commonly den in brush piles, in mountain laurel thickets, or under fallen trees or rocks. If food is available, bears that are not pregnant may remain active throughout the winter.

Incidentally, black bears mate in summer and don’t give birth until January, after being pregnant only for 2 months. This isn’t a riddle, it’s delayed implantation! After breeding, the fertilized egg develops into a tiny ball of cells that remains free-floating in the uterus. If the female is well-nourished, the cells will implant in the uterine wall in November, and she’ll give birth to 1–4 cubs after 2 months.

In his December report to the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen, DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden noted that over 60 bears were harvested statewide during this year’s shotgun deer hunting season. He suspects there will be even more when the final figures come in. Some 120 or so were harvested during the September bear hunting season and 23 were harvested in the November season.

The harvest figures for the archery hunting season have not been released yet, but it appears to have been a very good year, perhaps a potential record year. That’s according to Madden. It’s also too early for the preliminary figures of the shotgun deer hunting season, but the Western District deer checking stations reported a “solid” first week.
In the above referenced County League report, Madden presented graphics illustrating the age structure and antler beam diameters for Massachusetts deer. In the Western District (Wildlife Management Zones 1 – 4), statistics show that 46% of the harvested deer were 1 ½ years old or younger; 27% were aged 2 1/2 years and 27% were aged 3 to 5+ years. Those are the exact ages at which MassWildlife wants our herd to be.
Illustrations were also presented giving the Western District average yearling male antler beam diameter. Measured in millimeters, they hope the diameters would fall between 15 and 17 millimeters. Below 15 millimeters would indicate that the food supply is not sufficient to grow the body and antlers which would mean the herd is in trouble. Here in the Western District, the average figure was 18.2 inches which exceeded their highest hopes. That is an indication of an ample food supply and a really healthy deer herd.
That’s why MassWildlife requires hunters to bring deer to a biological check station during the first week of the shotgun season, so they can collect this important information.
Incidentally, did you hear about the massive, 31-point buck taken by bow hunter Patrick Craig of Ancramdale, NY? He took the deer on state land in Columbia County and would only reveal that it was in the Taconic Mountains near the New York/ Massachusetts border. It weighed 265 pounds after being field dressed, which would equate to about 330 lbs on the hoof. It had an atypical rack. He estimated the deer was about 8 years old. “I don’t know how it was eating.” He said, “It’s back teeth were ground down to the bottom.” “This was an old buck – a monster,” he concluded. “One backstrap weighed almost 12 pounds.”
To see pictures and read more about that deer, google Upstate NY Outdoors. The article is written by David Figura, outdoors writer for NYup.com/ The Post-Standard newspaper.
Becoming an Outdoors Woman Deer Hunt
Congratulations to the nineteen women statewide who participated in the recent BOW Deer Hunt. MassWildlife thanks all of its “fantastic” volunteer mentors. Two of the women had success and dropped nice bucks. One of those bucks had a beautiful 8-point rack, definitely suitable for mounting. You can see pictures of the lucky women and their bucks by logging onto the MassWildlife Facebook page and scroll back a week or so.
The deer hunting seminar and guided hunt is designed for women (18 and older) who are new to deer hunting. In the seminar, participants learn about deer behavior, what to wear, what gear to bring on a deer hunt, deer management, sighting in a firearm and other useful tips. Then comes the guided deer hunt. No previous hunting experience is required for the seminar and registration priority is given to new hunters.
Reminder to gamebird and archery deer hunters

If you completed a MassWildlife log while hunting game birds or during archery deer season, it’s time to send them in. Hunters who submit completed logs before December 20, 2017 will be entered in a drawing to win a blaze orange MassWildlife cap or a Massachusetts Wildlife 1-year magazine subscription. You can email scanned logs to mass.wildlife@state.ma.us or mail completed forms to MassWildlife, Attn: Game bird hunting log / Archery deer hunting log, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

Fishing and Boating Access Maps
Anglers, check out the new Fishing & Boating Access Maps and give the Office of Fishing and Boating Access your feedback. Go to the MassWildlife web page and search boating maps and access. One of the new features gives directions to access sites via Google Maps. http://arcg.is/2iVtliH. The OFBA provides boat and canoe access sites, shore fishing areas, and sport fishing piers at more than 275 locations on coastal waters, great ponds and rivers throughout Massachusetts.
Habitat Work
If you have been noticing some sawing and other activity lately on the Peru Wildlife Management Area off of Mongue Road, fear not. DFW Western District Staff is continuing habitat work in there this month. The area of work is a hilltop that was clear-cut in 2003. Their goal is to clear the area to reset the clock for establishing young forest conditions. Such work is very important in encouraging early successional growth which is good for wildlife and song birds.

DFW Director Jack Buckley to outdoor sporting community: Thank you!

That’s the message he gave in the 2018 Massachusetts Guide to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Laws. In it he acknowledged that, “What (DFW) does would not be possible without the strong support of you, the sporting community. Although we manage wildlife for the benefit and enjoyment of all citizens of the Commonwealth, you are the financial backbone of the agency through your purchase of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses. Your willingness to step up to support land acquisition and the Heritage Program demonstrated the broad view of the interconnectedness and importance of all wildlife.”
The 2018 Guides are now available and can be obtained at the usual locations as well as downloading on-line. The cover of this year’s Guide features a woodcock. This should make retired MA Fish & Wildlife Board Chairman George “Gige” Darey happy as he is an avid woodcock hunter and has devoted much time and treasure to enhance and preserve their habitat.
Sportsmen usually pick up a copy when they renew their licenses. However; it occurred to me that there are many people who don’t hunt, fish or trap and consequently don’t get to read the annual Guide. Perhaps they would like to know what the Director has to say. It is for them that I am reprinting the Director’s comments:
“This Guide, in addition to being a summary of fish and wildlife laws and regulations, is also a catalogue of outdoor recreational opportunities in the Commonwealth that reflect on the health of our fisheries and wildlife populations. We are the beneficiaries of decades of environmental laws directed at cleaning our rivers and streams and the air we breathe. In addition to the recreational benefits, these laws have generated thousands of jobs in the outdoor recreation industry. We should not take these benefits for granted, and should be vigilant and vocal to oppose those that want to undermine these protections.”
“In many ways, the “good old days” weren’t that good. MassWildlife has both created new or expanded projects and programs to benefit hunters, anglers, and others who enjoy the Commonwealth’s natural resources.”
“Lake and pond maps are one of our most popular products and serve as an excellent mechanism to lure anglers to unfamiliar waters or help them catch more fish at their favorite fishing hole. Some of our lake and pond maps were first hand-drawn in the early 1900s and remain unchanged; others were revised in the 1980s. Because of their popularity, we have recently invested a considerable and coordinated effort to bring the maps into the 21st century. Using new technological tools, the revised maps are designed to address the needs of anglers, boaters, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts who may not know where and how to access lakes and ponds.”
“The maps provide up-to-date information on boat ramp and fishing area locations and display the bathymetry, or bottom contours, of the pond. Anglers and boaters will appreciate the accurate and detailed mapping of contours and depths, drop-offs, shallows, and structure. Available on our website, anyone on the water with a mobile device can easily access the maps. Our plan is to revise as many maps as possible each year, focusing on the most popular and publicly accessible lakes and ponds. If your favorite lake or pond hasn’t been updated yet, stay tuned!”
“Annually, MassWildlife stocks more than 560,000 rainbow, brook, brown, and tiger trout providing an excellent recreational opportunity on lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers statewide.
However, few people know about the rich variety of wild trout waters with which the Commonwealth is blessed. MassWildlife has identified more than 1,200 streams supporting coldwater loving fish and other aquatic species. These important coldwater resources are located and mapped; giving our staff a better understanding of the quality of the fisheries that exist. The work started in the western part of the state and will move east over the next few years.”
“So far, our biologists working in these streams have been astounded at the high quality of some of these fisheries. The information we gather will be used to advocate for habitat protection and to better inform the angling public about the wealth of resources available to them. Providing access for public wildlife related recreation has always been an agency priority.”
“The case of the Piping Plover is an excellent example of MassWildlife’s continuing efforts to increase recreation opportunities while maintaining our public trust responsibilities to fish and wildlife. A state and federally threatened shorebird in Massachusetts, approximately 10,000 adult Piping Plovers exist worldwide. Biologists have determined that around 40% of the breeding Piping Plovers on the Atlantic Coast of North America nest on coastal beaches in Massachusetts. Due to sound management by municipalities, beach managers, and property owners, the Massachusetts Piping Plover population increased significantly during the past 30 years—a conservation success that has also led to increased challenges in managing recreational beach use by the public. After extensive consultation with recreational beach user-groups, conservation organizations, coastal anglers, municipal representatives, landowners, and others, MassWildlife obtained a permit from the USFWS that enables beach managers to participate in the Piping Plover Statewide Conservation Plan (HCP).”
“Designed to maintain a robust population of Piping Plovers the HCP allows for increased recreational access options. In 2017, seven beaches participated in the HCP, leading to tangible, recognizable increases in recreational access for anglers, sunbathers, over sand vehicle users, and others. The HCP exemplifies MassWildlife’s approach to endangered species regulation; streamlining the permitting process, maximizing flexibility for landowners, avoiding unnecessary conflict, and focusing on conservation outcomes. MassWildlife looks forward to continuing to work with more beach operators to implement the HCP. “
“MassWildlife protects over 210,000 acres for wildlife and wildlife-related recreation. While we will continue to add to this land base, protection through acquisition represents only one of many elements of fish and wildlife management. Active land management activities such as mowing, tree-cutting, invasive plant control and prescribed fire is essential if we are to continue to maintain and enhance wildlife populations. In fiscal year 2017, MassWildlife habitat biologists “treated” about 2,385 acres of wildlife habitat across the state. Toward that end, MassWildlife’s goal is to expand its habitat management activities on Wildlife Management Areas. The results of these activities also enhance wildlife-related recreation whether you are a grouse hunter, a naturalist or a birder. Visit some of our actively managed lands to experience the benefits of active habitat management.”
Licenses are on sale
The 2018 MA Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping Licenses are now on sale. They can be purchased on-line through MassFishHunt, at a license vendor location, or at a MassWildlife office. Remember, during December, it is possible to purchase either a 2017 or a 2018 license; therefore, license buyers should use care selecting the year when making a purchase. Incidentally, there has been no license fee increases this year.
New this year, the Massachusetts Wildlife magazine subscriptions can also be ordered through the MassFishHunt license purchasing system using a credit card. One year (4 issues) for $6. Two years (8 issues) for $10. It’s a great little magazine, well worth the money.
Primitive Firearms Deer Hunting Season
Tomorrow the Primitive Firearms season opens and runs through December 30. This is the last chance for hunters to bag a deer this year. A Primitive Firearms stamp is required and there are special regulations governing this season. Archers may hunt during this season but must purchase the Primitive Firearms stamp.
Hunters are hoping for some snow so that they can track the deer and have a better chance for success. Have a great time out there, be careful and keep your powder dry!

Beware of rabid coyotes


According to MassWildlife, a coyote attacked 2 people in North Attleboro on November 20, 2017 while police were responding to calls about a coyote acting oddly. The North Attleboro police killed the coyote and sent it to the Department of Public Health (DPH) for rabies testing. Subsequently, DPH test results confirmed the coyote was rabid. MassWildlife is reminding the public to report any unusual animal behavior to local authorities and to take specific actions which reduces contact with coyotes.

In a recent press release, they stated that attacks by coyotes on people are a rare and unusual event. The North Attleboro attacks are the eighth and ninth documented attacks on people by coyotes since the 1950’s. Of the seven prior attacks, two coyotes were confirmed as rabid and three others were suspected as rabid, but the animals could not be captured for testing. The last coyote attack on a person was in the town of Kingston in 2015.

Rabies is a very serious disease affecting the nervous system of mammals, including cats, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, and people. Rabies is caused by a virus and is almost always fatal. The virus found in saliva is usually spread from animal to animal or to people through bites. People who have been bitten or scratched by a potentially rabid animal should contact their health care provider. In most cases, immediate treatment for rabies exposure is necessary. If a pet has been attacked, owners should contact their veterinarian for advice.

MassWildlife urges the public to report any observations of wild or domestic mammals displaying symptoms of this fatal disease to local animal control officers. There are two kinds of symptoms, the “furious form” and the “dumb form”. Furious form symptoms include aggressive attacks on people or other animals, or random biting of objects. Dumb form symptoms are exhibited by animals acting sick, dazed, or paralyzed.

Rabies in coyotes is relatively uncommon. Since 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has tested 14 coyotes for rabies. Cumulative reports from the DPH summarizing rabies testing from 1992-2002 and annual reports from 2003 to 2016 are available on the DPH website and can be found at www.mass.gov/dph/rabies.

Coyotes live in rural, suburban, and urban areas throughout Massachusetts except for Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Coyotes thrive where people live because there is a lot of food available–including garbage, fruit trees, bird seed, and suet. Small pets as well as wildlife attracted to birdfeeders are also a potential meal for coyotes. Coyote attacks on pets are not unusual; loose pets are at risk of attack by coyotes or other wildlife. Cats and small dogs are viewed as a potential meal for coyotes, while larger dogs, especially when off-leash, may be viewed by coyotes as a threat.

Interestingly, the subject of a recent rash of fox and raccoon rabies incidents in the Northern Berkshires was discussed during the October Meeting of the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen. Sportsmen were advised to be aware and forewarned.

To prevent contact with coyotes, MassWildlife recommends the following actions:

Remove all types of food: Coyotes eat bird seed, suet, and the small wildlife attracted to feeders. They also raid garbage and compost piles. Secure garbage in plastic containers with tight fitting lids and keep them secure. Take out trash when the morning pick-up is scheduled, not the previous night. Remove bird feeders.

Stay outside with your pet: Pet owners should be present outside with their pets at all times and keep them under control, preferably on a leash. Unsupervised pets left outdoors are at risk of attack by coyotes or other animals. The presence of a human generally discourages coyotes.

For more tips on avoiding problems with coyotes, see MassWildlife’s Living With Coyotes Fact Sheet.

Coyote Derby
Dave’s Sporting Goods in Pittsfield is having its Coyote Derby again this year. It will run until the end of coyote hunting season which is March 8, 2018. Entrance fee is $10 and prizes will be awarded to the person who bags the most coyotes, the largest coyote and there will also be a random draw.
Don’t import deer from out of state
To keep Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from spreading to Massachusetts, it is illegal to import deer parts (from any deer species) from states or provinces where CWD has been detected. This includes OH, MD, NY, PA, VA, WV, and many other states. Live deer of any species may not be brought into Massachusetts for any purpose. It is legal to bring in deboned meat, clean skull caps, hides without the head, or a fixed taxidermy mount.
CWD is a contagious neurological disease that is 100% fatal to all cervids, including deer, elk, and moose. It attacks the brains of infected animals, causing them to exhibit abnormal behavior, become emaciated, and eventually die. Infected deer can spread the infectious agents through urine, feces, saliva, etc. for months before showing clinical symptoms. The infectious agents are in very high concentrations in the brain and spinal tissue, so an infected carcass left on the landscape can be a major problem. The infectious agents can remain in the soil for over 10 years and can be taken up into the leaves of plants that deer eat.
If you see a deer or moose in Massachusetts exhibiting any signs of this disease or any other disease, please contact MassWildlife at (508) 389-6300.
So far, no CWD infected deer have been found in Massachusetts. Let’s try to keep it that way.
The International Defensive Pistol Association will be holding a 2-Gun match on Sunday, December 10, weather permitting, at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association. It starts at 12:00 pm and ends at 4:30 pm. Shotgun and/or pistol, 3 stages, 30 #7 shot shell 150 pistol. Contact ssullee@icloud.com for more information. Also, all scheduled event information is listed at www.leesportsmen.com.
TU Holiday Party

The Taconic Chapter of Trout Unlimited is having its annual Holiday Party on Thursday, December 14 at the Crissey Farm @ Barrington Brewery, 420 Stockbridge Rd, Great Barrington. For the first time in chapter history, it’s Holiday party will be opened to the general public. It will be a buffet dinner which costs $30 pp. Social Hour with hors d’oeuvres at 5:30 PM. The event features a Door Prize and Donation Bucket Raffle. For more information call Bill Travis at (413)-447-9720 or email: traviswdt547@gmail.com. Reservations must be made by December 9.

Shotgun deer hunting season opens tomorrow

Shotgun Deer Hunting Season. That’s the hunting season that many hunters look forward to and for which they reserve their vacation days. The season runs through December 9. Deer can be taken by shotgun, archery or muzzleloader. Currently, MassWildlife estimates that there are more than 100,000 deer across the state

I know I’m repeating myself in this column but hunters please remember that if you harvest a deer during the first week of shotgun deer hunting season, you must bring it to a physical check station to allow biologists to collet important data needed for deer management. New this year, deer harvested during the second week may be reported online. Reporting is required within 48 hours of harvest.

Hunters must have 500 square inches of visible hunter orange on chest, back and head, regardless of the hunting implement used. Hunter orange cannot be concealed even when using a hunting blind.

No hunting on Sunday.

Incidentally, be advised that the deer and wood ticks are very bad this year. Be sure to take the usual preventative steps.

Here’s wishing you all a very enjoyable and safe shotgun deer hunting season.

The Archery Deer Hunting season ended yesterday. It’s too early for harvest totals, but we know of some pretty big bucks that were harvested during the season. For example, a 227 lbs, 10-point buck (certified weight) was taken in Becket by James Underhill of Pittsfield. Josh Herlihy took a buck weighing 210 lbs in Lee, a 213 lbs, 10-point buck was taken in Colrain, and a 258 lbs, 10- point buck was taken in Pembroke.

If you have a permit to hunt black bear and have not harvested one yet, you can also hunt them during shotgun deer hunting season. Be sure to check the regulations governing this season as well.

Lucky Lena

Even though she is only 13 years old, Lena Ungewitter has been shooting for years. She has been shooting since she was approximately 4 years old with her dad Erik. She shoots gun, bow and crossbow. This year she shot the pictured buck on the afternoon of the special Youth Hunt Day on September 30 in Southern Berkshire with a .50 caliber muzzleloader gun. This is her 2nd buck taken on Youth Hunt Day.

She took aim and shot at the big buck about 35-yards away. It kicked and ran off. Erik looked at her and she said “Dad, I smoked him. Did you hear him fall? He’s dead!” He said that she was shaking badly with the biggest smile on her face. She tracked the deer and found it about 40 yards from where she shot it and was shocked at the size of him. She had trouble picking up his head up. “He’s huge!” she said.

“What an unbelievable experience!” said Erik. Reading his narrative, it is difficult to see who was the most excited and proud, Lena or him.

The deer weighed 182 lb field dressed and had a perfect thick 8-point rack. (It is estimated that a 182 lbs field-dressed deer would weigh close to 230 lbs on the hoof.) They weighed the deer at a butcher shop’s scale.
They had about a 300 yard drag down a skidder trail to get the deer out. Thankfully, Erik keeps his jet sled in his truck at all times during hunting season for that reason. (A jet sled is a heavy- duty plastic sled used primarily for ice fishing, but it is also very useful in dragging a deer out of the woods.)
Lena opted to do a European Skull mount instead of a shoulder mount. Even though Erik gave her the green light on the mount, she prefers the European.

Reminder: Some Appalachian Trail Lands are Off-Limits to Hunting

The AMC Berkshire Chapter Appalachian Trail (A.T.) Committee, who are partners with DCR and the National Park Service for A.T. management in Massachusetts, recently issued the following press release: “Hunters are reminded that certain segments of the lands surrounding the A.T. are off limits to hunting. While about half of the A.T. is on Massachusetts State Forest lands (where normal hunting rules regarding safety zones around trails and buildings apply), the other half of the Trail is on lands owned and managed by the National Park Service, where, like other National Parks, hunting is prohibited.

These “A.T. Corridor Lands” are marked along their boundaries with yellow paint blazes on trees and “US Boundary” signs approximately every 500ft along the line. The Trail Corridor is roughly 1,000 feet wide, but may be wider in some locations (such as the Upper Goose Pond area) or narrower where the Trail crosses a road. Hunters may traverse these lands (and use the A.T.) to access other properties where hunting is permitted, but may not hunt from or take game from Trail lands.

Similarly, hunting stands and blinds are not permitted on Trail Lands at any time. Trail Corridor Lands are patrolled and stands and blinds found in the Corridor will be tagged with information notifying the owner that the stand is illegal and must be removed within 30 days. If the owner does not remove the stand or is found to be hunting on NPS lands, fines of up to $5000 may be levied by the National Park Service. A six-month jail sentence is also possible if convicted. Stands left more than 30 days will be considered abandoned property by the National Park Service, and will be removed and disposed of. Tags placed on stands will explain the regulation and include a phone number where owners can call the Park Service for more information. Hunters with questions may contact the Appalachian Trail National Park Acting Chief Ranger <carin_farley@nps.gov>. Locally, A.T. managers can be contacted at <at@amcberkshire.org>.

Hikers may wish to refrain from using trails during shotgun season, the busiest part of deer season (Mondays through Saturdays Nov 27th through Dec 9th). It is not possible when hiking on the AT to determine whether one is on state or NPS land–in some cases, land ownership can change several times in a few miles of trail. Hikers, bikers, and others using local trails should wear bright colors through the end of the year, as other deer hunting seasons are in effect both before and after the shotgun season”.

Firearms safety courses
The Lenox Sportsmen’s Club is having a License-to-Carry / UTAH firearms course on Saturday, December 2 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It is a Massachusetts State Police Compliant course. The cost is $70 for LTC, $125 for UTAH and $150 for both. Preregistration required. Contact Tom Nadolny at (413)822-6451 or tnadolny1@gmail.com or Dennis Leydet at (413)329-7081 or djleydet@gmail.com.
The Cheshire Rod & Gun Club is having a live fire NRA & Massachusetts State Police Certified Firearms Safety Course on Sunday December 3 from 9:00AM to about 4:30PM. You are asked to be there by 8:45 to sign in. This course is to qualify MA residents and non-resident for the MA License-To-Carry or FID Card. It will be a hands-on live firing, one- day course. A full lunch will be provided as well as a $10 gift certificate to Pete’s Gun Shop. The cost is $100 and covers all ammo, safety gear, class materials, certificates, a hardcover NRA textbook and food. Interested parties are asked to pre-register by calling or stopping in at Pete’s Gun Shop at 413-743-0780.

Incidentally, the Massachusetts LTC is now recognized for concealed carry in 29 states, including: Arizona, Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Check with Pete’s Gun Shop periodically for new additions.

Residents of Vermont can get the MA Non-Resident LTC by taking this course, and if National Reciprocity legislation passes they can then take advantage of it.

Enhancements made Richmond Pond boat ramp friendlier, safer
On Monday afternoon, November 6, a group of individuals met at the Richmond Pond boat ramp to celebrate the completion of its recent upgrades. With funds from the DFW Office of Fishing and Boating Access, the Natural Heritage Foundation and the Town of Richmond, some platforms were set up for wheelchair access and kayak ramp access. Richmond Selectman Al Hanson hosted the event.
He thanked the DFW Division of Public Access for making the boat ramp far more friendly and safer, noting that more people including handicaps will be able to use it. He thanked all those involved including the Richmond Highway Department for its efforts and involvement in having this become a reality.
MA Commissioner of Fish & Game Ron Amidon thanked the Baker/Polito Administration and EOEEA Secretary Matt Beaton for making sure “The monies got to the ground. It’s a heck of an upgrade with a nice platform which allows people to get on and off the water in a safe fashion.” He thanked the town of Richmond for everything they do to make sure land like this stays open.
State Senator Adam Hines, himself a kayaker, said that “You can see the natural beauty that we have here, that we cherish, that are so critical as to who we are and critical to our economic development. The more we can do to preserve that, the better off we are. The town of Richmond has been on the front lines to make sure we prioritized this project.”
“These lakes and ponds are so important to all of us here in Western Massachusetts, not only for people in the Berkshires and people who live on the ponds but for environmental tourism.” said MA Representative William (Smitty) Pignatelli. “That’s a serious opportunity for all of us who live out here in Western Massachusetts. Having access is critically important, that’s why this investment here today speaks highly. These are wise investments and the towns are wise to think about them as valuable assets. This is a great investment not only for the Berkshires but also for the town of Richmond”.
A representative from the Berkshire County League of Sportsmen commented how wonderful the project was, not only the ramp but also the handicap access.
Carl Foote from the Richmond Pond Association, the Association representing all of the landowners around the lake, spoke. “We are keenly interested in investing in this lake and keeping it healthy and keeping it a great place for recreation. What’s gone on this past year is a great enhancement.” He thanked Jerry Coppola for installing the benches as well as Holly Stover for all that she has done over the years.
Jack Shepard, Director of the MA Office of Fishing and Boating Access, the engineering agency for the Department of Fish & Game, thanked Secretary Beaton for providing the funds, as well as folks from the Richmond Highway Department and Terry Smith from his office. Terry is the senior environmental and civil engineer who designed this project, got the permits, etc.
There were others in attendance too, including DFW Western District Supervisor Andrew Madden and retired Fish & Wildlife Board Chairman George (Gige) Darey.
The ceremony had barely started when strong winds and rain whipped around. It was necessary for Highway Department personnel and others to hold the overhead tarps lest they went flying into the lake. But, the rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the ceremony nor the tasty cider donuts that someone was kind enough to bring.
The improvements include three ramps which reach the water’s edge, in addition to the pre-existing boat ramp. One ramp will have a 40-foot portable dock attached to it especially constructed to make it easier for the paddlers to get in and out of their kayaks/canoes. Not sure if shore anglers can use it, but the kayak/canoe fishermen will definitely benefit. There are two other ramps which allow handicapped anglers to reach water’s edge to fish.
The Richmond Pond Association purchased and the Richmond Highway Department installed two new benches which face East toward Lenox Mountain. The view is outstanding. Plaques have been installed on them by the Richmond Pond Association in memory of the late Jim Mooney and Lois Kelly, recognizing their lifetime work on behalf of the pond.
Lois’s major contribution to the pond was her proactive efforts, which were successful, to downsize the proposed condominium development on Richmond Pond that ultimately became South Pond Farm Condominiums. It was original proposed for about 72 condos, but ended up being limited to 42, with prohibitions on docks and moored boats, limits of tree cutting, etc. Among many other feats, Jim was remembered for his 40-year career with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Pittsfield. The Camp Russell Swimming Pool and newly built Cabin (Mooney Hall) had previously been named in his honor.
A page from the June 2008 Richmond Record was distributed to all attendees. The article, entitled “Town Beach – from idea to final reality”, was written by Holly Stover. In it she described how her father, Arthur Howard, after returning home from WWII was alarmed to see the beginnings of extensive development along the south short of Richmond Pond. Although a native of Pittsfield, Arthur had close ties with Richmond having camped summers on Richmond Pond all his life. He and other Richmond residents were concerned that they were being cut off from having a safe and adequately sized area for recreation on the lake.
In 1945 public access was created by eminent domain takings from the Pittsfield Boy’s Club to create shore front access between Richmond Shores and Camp Russell. In the early 1950’s an agreement was made with the Boys Club to use a 50-foot wide shorefront lot between cottage lots on the south shore. The arrangement worked in a limited way for 20 years.
The northwest shore offered the most likely place to have a town beach. The late Darwin Morse purchased land for $5,000 and held it until the town was ready to accept it. They did so in 1957 and reaffirmed it in 1959 after considering another project. There was a lot of negotiating with the Boys Club, the Boston & Albany Railroad, Camp Allegro (owners of the dam), MA Division of Waterways, Public Access Board, Department of Natural Resources, and others to get adequate access to the property. An awful lot of work was performed by local residents, including Walter Iwanowicz, a local farmer who used his farm equipment to limit costs, Arthur and Fran Bartlett who negotiated with the Public Access Board and, of course, Arthur Howard.
By the early 1970’s the Richmond Town Beach and state boat ramp were in full use, which set the stage for last week’s event.
It is an interesting story and space does not allow me to list all of the events which transpired over the years to get to this point. Perhaps you can get a copy of Holly Stover’s above-mentioned Richmond Record article. It is a fascinating read which illustrates what united residents of a small town can accomplish for the common good of all.
Many thanks to Ken Kelly and Holly Stover for much of the data used in this column.
Questions/comments: Berkwoodsandwaters@roadrunner.com. Phone: (413) 637-1818